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a guest
Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. documentclass[border=10pt,tikz]{standalone}
  2. usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}
  3. begin{document}
  4. begin{tikzpicture}
  5. draw [fill=gray, fill opacity=.25]
  6. (180:5mm) coordinate (a)
  7. -- ++(0,-12.5mm) coordinate (b)
  8. arc (180:360:5mm and 1.75mm) coordinate (d)
  9. -- (a -| d) coordinate (c) arc (0:180:5mm and 1.75mm);
  10. draw [fill=gray, fill opacity=.25]
  11. (0,0) coordinate (t) circle (5mm and 1.75mm);
  12. draw [densely dashed] (d) arc (0:180:5mm and 1.75mm);
  13. draw []
  14. (180:7.5mm) coordinate (A)
  15. -- ++(0,-12.5mm) coordinate (B) node [midway, right, inner sep=1pt] {$v$}
  16. arc (180:360:7.5mm and 2.625mm) coordinate (D)
  17. -- (A -| D) coordinate (C) arc (0:180:7.5mm and 2.625mm);
  18. draw []
  19. (0,0) coordinate (T) circle (7.5mm and 2.625mm);
  20. draw [densely dashed] (D) arc (0:180:7.5mm and 2.625mm);
  21. draw [densely dashed ]
  22. ([yshift=-12.5mm]T) coordinate (B)
  23. edge [-Latex] node [pos=1, right] {$y$} +(-30:7.5mm)
  24. edge [-Latex] node [pos=1, left] {$x$} +(-150:7.5mm)
  25. -- (T) node [midway, right, anchor=west, fill=white, inner sep=.5pt] {$w$} node [anchor=center, circle, draw, solid, inner sep=.5pt, fill=white] {} edge [solid, -Latex] node [right, pos=1] {$z$} ++(0,5mm) ;
  26. end{tikzpicture}
  27. end{document}
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