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Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. Pastebin monday - the usual
  3. My depression has been out of control again. My med doctor said "Well since you have this diagnosis instead of giving you more antidepressant I'm giving you more mood stabilizer". I've told this guy "I dont have bipolar. This is not the diagnosis for me. I have severe depression and extreme anxiety. I have OCD. I have PTSD. I dont have bipolar"
  5. "Well your last doctor gave you a host of bipolar drugs. that means you're bipolar."
  7. So I'm basically feeling very mistreated with my medicine. I upped the mood stabilizers but I dont feel any better.
  9. .... granted I haven't been able to afford new meds in a while so that might be part of it.
  11. In other medical news I've had like headaches every single day the past few weeks. Like it's not like migraines, but it's a headache. Ive also felt "wrong" but i cant put it more into words. Lightheaded, lethargic, dizzy, vague headache pains, feeling like I'm going to faint when i stand up, you know. I'd make a visit to see my doctor about it, but I cant afford that either. Ha.
  13. Good news, Aerith is like 80% done. Finished the bow last night. The dress and jacket are good, I'm wearing her boots today to break em in. Its jsuy a matter of the fucking wig and the bracelets, but I'm doing all my wig work tonight.
  15. Still battling the trans thing. I didnt mention it to my therapist because I was having an emotional breakdown about green peppers.
  17. ... I gotta end on a sour note. Over the weekend, my uncle Lowell passed. He had been fighting cancer, and we thought he won. .... he didnt. Service is the 30th.
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