Guest User


a guest
Oct 25th, 2017
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  1. Started GET "/chat_check?user=1561794357&last_message=51&except_chat=" for at Thu Jun 23 15:19:25 +0600 2011
  2. Processing by MessagesController#check_messages as JSON
  3. Parameters: {"last_message"=>"51", "user"=>"1561794357", "except_chat"=>""}
  4. User Load (0.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."fb_user_id" = '1561794357' LIMIT 1
  5. SQL (0.3ms) BEGIN
  6. SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO "delayed_jobs" ("attempts", "handler", "failed_at", "locked_by", "last_error", "priority", "updated_at", "created_at", "run_at", "locked_at") VALUES (0, '--- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMethod
  7. object: !ruby/ActiveRecord:User
  8. attributes:
  9. session_expires_at:
  10. authorize_signature: 207114539328990|96fd4c3d9db2955c037a85ab.1-1561794357|KHEQUsWSze1qidBIfEzRW1htSVE
  11. company: ""
  12. referral_id:
  13. app_api_key:
  14. created_at: 2011-05-08 08:53:24.399349
  15. sms_starting_at: "01:00:00"
  16. valid_country: f
  17. session_key: 96fd4c3d9db2955c037a85ab.1-1561794357
  18. linked_account_ids:
  19. redeemed_rewards:
  20. authorized_at:
  21. fb_user_id: "1561794357"
  22. updated_at: 2011-06-23 09:18:48.571806
  23. twitter_name:
  24. fake_fb_uid: "1"
  25. fb_updated_at:
  26. fb_friend_ids:
  27. fb_location: Perm, Russia
  28. fb_location_update_at: 2011-05-08 08:53:27.178155
  29. fb_lng: "56.2352792"
  30. subscription_plan: advanced
  31. admin: t
  32. yahoo_id: ""
  33. notification_channels: |
  34. ---
  35. - ""
  36. - email
  38. id: "1"
  39. update_fb_wall: f
  40. referral_token: 9c81317f097b7de4ac21e406a88a61b93c45c2b7
  41. fake_friend_ids:
  42. has_billing_info: t
  43. twitter_token:
  44. last_poll_time: 2011-06-23 09:18:48.569702
  45. accepted_terms_of_use: t
  46. last_name: ""
  47. phone: ""
  48. sms_ending_at: "15:00:00"
  49. referral_updated_at:
  50. fb_first_name: Fodoj
  51. vrbo_password: qweqwe
  52. twitter_secret:
  53. middle_initial:
  54. use_fb_profile: t
  55. fb_lat: "57.9971695"
  56. fb_friends_update_at:
  57. time_zone:
  58. update_twitter: f
  59. email:
  60. vrbo_login:
  61. first_name: ""
  62. fb_last_name: Yodov
  63. method_name: :get_fb_friend_ids!
  64. args: []
  66. ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '2011-06-23 09:19:25.726146', '2011-06-23 09:19:25.726146', '2011-06-23 09:19:25.725982', NULL) RETURNING "id"
  67. SQL (0.9ms) COMMIT
  68. BookingMessage Load (0.9ms) SELECT "booking_messages".* FROM "booking_messages" WHERE ("booking_messages".recipient_id = 1) AND (id > '51')
  69. SQL (0.3ms) BEGIN
  70. AREL (0.7ms) UPDATE "users" SET "fb_friend_ids" = NULL, "notification_channels" = '---
  71. - ""
  72. - email
  73. ', "last_poll_time" = '2011-06-23 09:19:25.737547', "updated_at" = '2011-06-23 09:19:25.739510', "fake_friend_ids" = NULL WHERE "users"."id" = 1
  74. SQL (17.2ms) COMMIT
  75. Completed 200 OK in 192ms (Views: 3.4ms | ActiveRecord: 3.7ms | Sphinx: 0.0ms)
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