Guest User


a guest
Oct 12th, 2016
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text 20.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. defaults: &defaults
  2. # If uncommented, most images like static map previews and twitter card image urls will use this CDN urls
  3. #cdn_url:
  4. # http: ""
  5. # https: ""
  6. http_client_logs: true
  7. ogr2ogr:
  8. binary: 'which ogr2ogr2.1'
  9. csv_guessing: true
  10. debug_assets: true
  11. mandatory_keys: [layer_opts, sql_api, varnish_management, redis, session_domain]
  12. // session_domain: '.localhost.lan'
  13. session_domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  14. # If activated, urls will use usernames in format //SESSION_DOMAIN/user/USERNAME and ignore subdomains if present
  15. subdomainless_urls: true
  16. http_port: 3000 # nil|integer. HTTP port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (80)
  17. https_port: # nil|integer. HTTPS port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (443)
  18. secret_token: '71c2b25921b84a1cb21c71503ab8fb23'
  19. account_host: 'localhost.lan:3000'
  20. account_path: '/account'
  21. vizjson_cache_domains: ['.localhost.lan']
  22. data_library:
  23. username: 'common-data'
  24. path: '/data-library'
  25. disable_file: '~/disable'
  26. watcher:
  27. ttl: 60
  28. tiler:
  29. filter: 'mapnik'
  30. internal:
  31. protocol: 'http'
  32. domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  33. port: '8181'
  34. host: ''
  35. verifycert: false
  36. private:
  37. protocol: 'http'
  38. domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  39. port: '8181'
  40. verifycert: false
  41. public:
  42. protocol: 'http'
  43. domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  44. port: '8181'
  45. verifycert: false
  46. sql_api:
  47. private:
  48. protocol: 'http'
  49. domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  50. endpoint: '/api/v1/sql'
  51. port: 8080
  52. public:
  53. protocol: 'http'
  54. domain: 'IP_OF_SERVER'
  55. endpoint: '/api/v2/sql'
  56. port: 8080
  57. api_requests_service_url: ''
  58. developers_host: 'http://developers.localhost.lan:3000'
  59. google_analytics:
  60. primary: ''
  61. embeds: ''
  62. domain: ''
  63. rollbar_api_key: ''
  64. tumblr:
  65. api_key: ''
  66. trackjs:
  67. enabled: false
  68. customer: ''
  69. app_keys:
  70. editor: ''
  71. embeds: ''
  72. facebook:
  73. app_id: ''
  74. admins: ''
  75. hubspot: ''
  76. segment:
  77. api_key:
  78. metrics:
  79. hubspot:
  80. events_host: ''
  81. token: 'yourtoken'
  82. form_ids:
  83. newsletter: ''
  84. event_ids:
  85. import_failed: ''
  86. geocoding_failed: ''
  87. import_success: ''
  88. geocoding_success: ''
  89. published_visualization: ''
  90. visited_dashboard: ''
  91. connect_dataset: ''
  92. create_map: ''
  93. export_table: ''
  94. export_map: ''
  95. export_public_map: ''
  96. select_wms: ''
  97. color_basemap: ''
  98. pattern_basemap: ''
  99. geocoding: ''
  100. visual_merge: ''
  101. common_data: ''
  102. cartocss_manually: ''
  103. wizard: ''
  104. filter: ''
  105. query: ''
  106. mailing_track:
  107. like_map: ''
  108. trending_map: ''
  109. common_data:
  110. protocol: 'https'
  111. username: 'common-data'
  112. # base_url: ''
  113. format: 'shp'
  114. generate_every: 86400
  115. explore_api:
  116. username: ''
  117. reports:
  118. mail_to: ''
  119. mailer:
  120. from: ' <>'
  121. address: ''
  122. port: ''
  123. user_name: ''
  124. password: ''
  125. authentication: ''
  126. enable_starttls_auto: ''
  127. varnish_management:
  128. critical: false
  129. host: ''
  130. port: 6082
  131. purge_command: 'purge'
  132. retries: 5
  133. timeout: 5
  134. # 'warning' or 'error'
  135. trigger_verbose: true
  136. invalidation_service:
  137. enabled: false
  138. host: ''
  139. port: 3142
  140. retries: 5 # number of retries before considering failure
  141. critical: false # either the failure is considered an error or a warning
  142. timeout: 5 # socket timeout
  143. trigger_verbose: true
  144. redis:
  145. host: ''
  146. port: 6379
  147. connect_timeout: 2
  148. read_timeout: 3
  149. write_timeout: 5
  150. databases:
  151. tables_metadata: 0
  152. api_credentials: 3
  153. users_metadata: 5
  154. redis_migrator_logs: 6
  155. org_metadata_api:
  156. host: 'localhost.lan'
  157. port: '3000'
  158. username: "extension"
  159. password: "elephant"
  160. timeout: 10
  161. superadmin:
  162. username: "superadmin"
  163. password: "monkey"
  164. geocoder:
  165. #force_batch: true
  166. #disable_cache: true
  167. app_id: ''
  168. token: ''
  169. mailto: ''
  170. base_url: ''
  171. non_batch_base_url: ''
  172. internal:
  173. username: ''
  174. api_key: ''
  175. cache:
  176. base_url: ''
  177. api_key: ''
  178. table_name: ''
  179. user_migrator:
  180. user_exports_folder: '/tmp/user_exports'
  181. user_imports_folder: '/tmp/user_imports'
  182. s3:
  183. access_key_id: ''
  184. secret_access_key: ''
  185. bucket_name: ''
  186. url_ttl: 7200
  187. async_long_uploads: false
  188. uploads_path: 'public/uploads'
  189. exporter:
  190. exporter_temporal_folder: '/tmp/exporter'
  191. s3:
  192. access_key_id: ''
  193. secret_access_key: ''
  194. bucket_name: ''
  195. url_ttl: 7200
  196. async_long_uploads: false
  197. uploads_path: 'public/uploads' # including 'uploads' assumes public path. Absolute path example: /tmp/exports/downloads
  198. importer:
  199. blacklisted_ip_addr: []
  200. content_guessing: # Depends on geocoding
  201. enabled: false # Disabled if false or not present
  202. threshold: 0.9 # 90% or more matches
  203. minimum_entropy: 0.9 # Normalized entropy, between 0.0 and 1.0. See
  204. sample_size: 400 # +-5% error. See
  205. s3:
  206. access_key_id:
  207. secret_access_key:
  208. bucket_name:
  209. url_ttl:
  210. async_long_uploads: false
  211. proxy_uri:
  212. use_ssl: True
  214. unp_temporal_folder: '/tmp/imports/'
  215. # It must end in `/uploads` and be accessible via HTTP, if relative will default to Rails.Root/#{uploads_path}
  216. uploads_path: 'public/uploads'
  217. error_track:
  218. url: ''
  219. percent_users: 10
  220. # graphite endpoint used to post frontend stats
  221. graphite_public:
  222. host: ""
  223. port:
  224. layer_opts:
  225. public_opts: ["type", "active", "query", "opacity", "auto_bound",
  226. "interactivity", "debug", "visible", "tiler_domain",
  227. "tiler_port", "tiler_protocol", "sql_domain", "sql_port",
  228. "sql_protocol", "extra_params", "table_name",
  229. "user_name", "style_version", "tile_style", "query_wrapper"]
  230. default_tile_styles:
  231. point: "{\n marker-fill: #FF6600;\n marker-opacity: 0.9;\n marker-width: 12;\n marker-line-color: white;\n marker-line-width: 3;\n marker-line-opacity: 0.9;\n marker-placement: point;\n marker-type: ellipse;\n marker-allow-overlap: true;\n}"
  232. geometry: "{\n // points\n [mapnik-geometry-type=point] {\n    marker-fill: #FF6600;\n    marker-opacity: 1;\n    marker-width: 12;\n    marker-line-color: white;\n    marker-line-width: 3;\n    marker-line-opacity: 0.9;\n    marker-placement: point;\n    marker-type: ellipse;marker-allow-overlap: true;\n  }\n\n //lines\n [mapnik-geometry-type=linestring] {\n    line-color: #FF6600; \n    line-width: 2; \n    line-opacity: 0.7;\n  }\n\n //polygons\n [mapnik-geometry-type=polygon] {\n    polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n    polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n    line-opacity:1;\n    line-color: #FFFFFF;\n   }\n }"
  233. polygon: "{\n polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n line-opacity:1;\n line-color: #FFFFFF;\n}"
  234. multipolygon: "{\n polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n line-opacity:1;\n line-color: #FFFFFF;\n}"
  235. multilinestring: "{\n line-color:#FF6600;\n line-width:1;\n line-opacity: 0.7;\n}"
  236. data:
  237. kind: "carto"
  238. options:
  239. # attribution: 'CARTO attribution'
  240. query: ""
  241. opacity: 0.99
  242. auto_bound: false
  243. interactivity: "cartodb_id"
  244. debug: false
  245. visible: true
  246. tiler_domain: "localhost.lan"
  247. tiler_port: "80"
  248. tiler_protocol: "http"
  249. sql_domain: "localhost.lan"
  250. sql_port: "80"
  251. sql_protocol: "http"
  252. extra_params: { cache_policy: 'persist' }
  253. tile_style_history: []
  254. style_version: "2.1.1"
  255. infowindow:
  256. template_name: "table/views/infowindow_light"
  257. background:
  258. kind: "background"
  259. options: { color: '#ffffff' }
  260. cartodb_com_hosted: true
  261. cartodb_central_domain_name: ''
  262. aws:
  263. s3:
  264. access_key_id: "test"
  265. secret_access_key: "test"
  266. assets:
  267. s3_bucket_name: "tests"
  268. max_file_size: 5242880 # 5.megabytes
  269. app_assets:
  270. asset_host: "//"
  271. avatars:
  272. gravatar_enabled: true
  273. base_url: ''
  274. kinds: ['stars', 'mountains']
  275. colors: ['red', 'blue']
  276. dropbox_api_key: ""
  277. gdrive:
  278. api_key: ""
  279. app_id: ""
  280. # This enables a support chat within editor
  281. # Use your Olark api id to enable it. If you remove this entry or don't define an app key, it won't be activated.
  282. olark:
  283. app_id: ''
  284. enforce_non_empty_layer_css: true
  285. users_dumps:
  286. service:
  287. port: 00000
  288. http_header_authentication:
  289. header: # name of the trusted, safe header that your server adds to the request
  290. field: # 'email' / 'username' / 'id' / 'auto' (autodetection)
  291. autocreation: # true / false (true requires field to be email)
  292. oauth:
  293. # If the client_id/app_key is not set won't appear at the UI. @see application_helper.rb -> frontend_config
  294. # Must be the same as CartoDB::Datasources::xxxx DATASOURCE_NAME constants
  295. gdrive:
  296. application_name: ''
  297. client_id: ''
  298. client_secret: ''
  299. callback_url: ''
  300. # google_plus:
  301. # client_id: ''
  302. # cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin'
  303. # cookie_policy: ''
  304. github:
  305. client_id: ''
  306. client_secret: ''
  307. dropbox:
  308. app_key: ''
  309. app_secret: ''
  310. callback_url: ''
  311. box:
  312. application_name: ''
  313. client_id: ''
  314. client_secret: ''
  315. box_host: ""
  316. instagram:
  317. app_key: ''
  318. app_secret: ''
  319. callback_url: ''
  320. # Mailchimp datasource. Setup at then fill here.
  321. # If fields are present but empty, option won't appear at editor import window
  322. mailchimp:
  323. app_key: ''
  324. app_secret: ''
  325. callback_url: ''
  326. datasource_search:
  327. # Must be the same as CartoDB::Datasources::xxxx DATASOURCE_NAME constants
  328. twitter_search:
  329. standard:
  330. auth_required: false
  331. username: ''
  332. password: ''
  333. search_url: 'http://fake.url.nil'
  334. ratelimit_active: true
  335. ratelimit_concurrency: 8
  336. ratelimit_ttl: 4
  337. ratelimit_wait_secs: 0.5
  338. customized_user_list: []
  339. customized_orgs_list: []
  340. entity_to_config_map: [] # { user_or_org_name: 'custom_config_name'}
  341. customized:
  342. custom1:
  343. auth_required: false
  344. username: ''
  345. password: ''
  346. search_url: 'http://fake.url.nil'
  347. ratelimit_active: false
  348. ratelimit_concurrency: 3
  349. ratelimit_ttl: 4
  350. ratelimit_wait_secs: 0.1
  351. basemaps:
  352. CARTO:
  353. positron_rainbow_labels:
  354. default: true
  355. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  356. subdomains: 'abcd'
  357. minZoom: '0'
  358. maxZoom: '18'
  359. name: 'Positron'
  360. className: 'positron_rainbow_labels'
  361. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  362. labels:
  363. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  364. dark_matter_rainbow_labels:
  365. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  366. subdomains: 'abcd'
  367. minZoom: '0'
  368. maxZoom: '18'
  369. name: 'Dark matter'
  370. className: 'dark_matter_rainbow_labels'
  371. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  372. labels:
  373. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  374. positron_rainbow:
  375. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  376. subdomains: 'abcd'
  377. minZoom: '0'
  378. maxZoom: '18'
  379. name: 'Positron (labels below)'
  380. className: 'positron_rainbow'
  381. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  382. dark_matter_rainbow:
  383. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  384. subdomains: 'abcd'
  385. minZoom: '0'
  386. maxZoom: '18'
  387. name: 'Dark matter (labels below)'
  388. className: 'dark_matter_rainbow'
  389. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  390. positron_lite_rainbow:
  391. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  392. subdomains: 'abcd'
  393. minZoom: '0'
  394. maxZoom: '18'
  395. name: 'Positron (lite)'
  396. className: 'positron_lite_rainbow'
  397. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  398. dark_matter_lite_rainbow:
  399. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  400. subdomains: 'abcd'
  401. minZoom: '0'
  402. maxZoom: '18'
  403. name: 'Dark matter (lite)'
  404. className: 'dark_matter_lite_rainbow'
  405. attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors © <a href="">CARTO</a>'
  406. eco_cartodb:
  407. url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  408. subdomains: 'abcd'
  409. minZoom: '0'
  410. maxZoom: '10'
  411. name: 'CARTO World Eco'
  412. className: 'eco_cartodb'
  413. attribution: ''
  414. flat_blue:
  415. url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  416. subdomains: 'abcd'
  417. minZoom: '0'
  418. maxZoom: '10'
  419. name: 'CARTO World Flat Blue'
  420. className: 'flat_blue'
  421. attribution: ''
  422. midnight_cartodb:
  423. url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  424. subdomains: 'abcd'
  425. minZoom: '0'
  426. maxZoom: '10'
  427. name: 'CARTO World Midnight Commander'
  428. className: 'midnight_cartodb'
  429. attribution: ''
  430. antique_cartodb:
  431. url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  432. subdomains: 'abcd'
  433. minZoom: 0
  434. maxZoom: 10
  435. name: 'CARTO World Antique'
  436. className: 'antique_cartodb'
  437. attribution: ''
  438. Stamen:
  439. toner_stamen_labels:
  440. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  441. subdomains: 'abcd'
  442. minZoom: '0'
  443. maxZoom: '18'
  444. name: 'Toner'
  445. className: 'toner_stamen_labels'
  446. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  447. labels:
  448. url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  449. toner_stamen:
  450. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  451. subdomains: 'abcd'
  452. minZoom: '0'
  453. maxZoom: '18'
  454. name: 'Toner (labels below)'
  455. className: 'toner_stamen'
  456. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  457. toner_background_stamen:
  458. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  459. subdomains: 'abcd'
  460. minZoom: '0'
  461. maxZoom: '18'
  462. name: 'Toner Background'
  463. className: 'toner_background_stamen'
  464. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  465. toner_lite_stamen:
  466. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  467. subdomains: 'abcd'
  468. minZoom: '0'
  469. maxZoom: '18'
  470. name: 'Toner Lite'
  471. className: 'toner_lite_stamen'
  472. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  473. toner_lines_stamen:
  474. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  475. subdomains: 'abcd'
  476. minZoom: '0'
  477. maxZoom: '18'
  478. name: 'Toner Lines'
  479. className: 'toner_lines_stamen'
  480. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  481. toner_hybrid_stamen:
  482. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  483. subdomains: 'abcd'
  484. minZoom: '0'
  485. maxZoom: '18'
  486. name: 'Toner Hybrid'
  487. className: 'toner_hybrid_stamen'
  488. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  489. watercolor_stamen:
  490. url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  491. subdomains: 'abcd'
  492. minZoom: '0'
  493. maxZoom: '18'
  494. name: 'Watercolor'
  495. className: 'watercolor_stamen'
  496. attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.'
  497. overviews:
  498. min_rows: 2000000
  499. statement_timeout: 1800000
  500. tolerance_px: 1.0
  501. connectors:
  502. odbc:
  503. enabled: false
  504. max_rows: nil
  505. mysql:
  506. enabled: true
  507. max_rows: 500000
  508. postgresql:
  509. enabled: true
  510. max_rows: 500000
  511. hive:
  512. enabled: false
  513. max_rows: 500000
  514. sqlserver:
  515. enabled: false
  516. max_rows: 500000
  518. development:
  519. <<: *defaults
  520. http_port: 3000
  521. varnish_management:
  522. critical: false
  523. host: ''
  524. port: 6082
  525. purge_command: 'purge'
  526. url_purge_command: 'url.purge'
  527. retries: 5
  528. timeout: 5
  529. enforce_non_empty_layer_css: false
  531. test:
  532. <<: *defaults
  533. http_port: 53716
  534. redis:
  535. host: ''
  536. port: 6335
  537. enforce_non_empty_layer_css: false
  538. api_requests_es_service:
  539. url: "http://api-calls-service.localhost.lan/search"
  540. body: ""
  542. staging:
  543. <<: *defaults
  545. production:
  546. <<: *defaults
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