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Jan 20th, 2019
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  1. Elder Boothe, you should know better. The times I get on facebook, i see some of the missionaries from our mission posting absurd and offensive things on my news feed. Things that I normally brush off. Apologies that I offended you but please know that you offended me and I don't have your phone number to talk with you about it. It's hard for me to not say anything to our missionaries especially because I only saw them baptizing and bringing others to Christ. I'm embarrassed that our Mission President and his wife get the same exact news feeds from the Korea Daejeon returned missionaries as I do (even with all of your details I think they would have still been embarrassed).
  3. Picture if you were in front of the entire Korea Daejeon mission and you said the same comment as you did on facebook in front of everybody. If nobody else said anything I would have said the same thing I did to you on facebook in front of everybody.
  5. People are different virtually and it is very unfortunate.
  7. I'm nowhere near perfection but I have seen those who have "experimented with potions" and are returned missionaries (you may have heard of the term "jack mormon"). Those individuals are the ones who caused 8 years of pain in my family and in my own life. My sister dated multiple guys under this classification. She has had two babies out of wedlock with 2 different returned missionaries, one of which she gave up for adoption, she was into every drug on the planet, she got married and 2 months later her returned missionary husband overdosed on heroin and died, she was in and out of jail for everything, and has been a part of every addiction that has almost caused her own death...all because of a returned missionary who "experimented with potions" and never learned how to stop. I hope you can see it from my point of view. Guys like that really have hurt my family and youre right, in my mind I'm set in my ways due to the fact that I have seen what playing with fire does.
  9. Everybody that is my "friend" on my facebook knows that I'm extremely open and if they do anything that offends me (whether they are LDS or not), I may have a say to what they think. Please don't keep me as a Facebook friend or any other friend if you can't respect my personal beliefs.
  11. I don't mean to be offensive but please watch what you say that could be offensive to those who care about you the most.
  13. Best,
  14. Greg
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