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a guest
Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. -- Handcuff
  2. Citizen.CreateThread(function()
  3. while true do
  4. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5. local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
  7. if isHandcuffed then
  8. DisableControlAction(0, 1, true) -- Disable pan
  9. DisableControlAction(0, 2, true) -- Disable tilt
  10. DisableControlAction(0, 24, true) -- Attack
  11. DisableControlAction(0, 257, true) -- Attack 2
  12. DisableControlAction(0, 25, true) -- Aim
  13. DisableControlAction(0, 263, true) -- Melee Attack 1
  15. DisableControlAction(0, 45, true) -- Reload
  16. DisableControlAction(0, 22, true) -- Jump
  17. DisableControlAction(0, 44, true) -- Cover
  18. DisableControlAction(0, 37, true) -- Select Weapon
  19. DisableControlAction(0, 23, true) -- Also 'enter'?
  21. DisableControlAction(0, 288, true) -- Disable phone
  22. DisableControlAction(0, 289, true) -- Inventory
  23. DisableControlAction(0, 318, true) -- Menu F5
  24. DisableControlAction(0, 170, true) -- Animations
  25. DisableControlAction(0, 167, true) -- Job
  27. DisableControlAction(0, 0, true) -- Disable changing view
  28. DisableControlAction(0, 26, true) -- Disable looking behind
  29. DisableControlAction(0, 73, true) -- Disable clearing animation
  30. DisableControlAction(2, 199, true) -- Disable pause screen
  32. DisableControlAction(0, 59, true) -- Disable steering in vehicle
  33. DisableControlAction(0, 57, true) -- Siffler
  34. DisableControlAction(0, 71, true) -- Disable driving forward in vehicle
  35. DisableControlAction(0, 72, true) -- Disable reversing in vehicle
  37. DisableControlAction(2, 36, true) -- Disable going stealth
  39. DisableControlAction(0, 47, true) -- Disable weapon
  40. DisableControlAction(0, 264, true) -- Disable melee
  41. DisableControlAction(0, 257, true) -- Disable melee
  42. DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) -- Disable melee
  43. DisableControlAction(0, 141, true) -- Disable melee
  44. DisableControlAction(0, 142, true) -- Disable melee
  45. DisableControlAction(0, 143, true) -- Disable melee
  46. DisableControlAction(0, 75, true) -- Disable exit vehicle
  47. DisableControlAction(27, 75, true) -- Disable exit vehicle
  49. if IsEntityPlayingAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 3) ~= 1 then
  50. ESX.Streaming.RequestAnimDict('mp_arresting', function()
  51. TaskPlayAnim(playerPed, 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0.0, false, false, false)
  52. end)
  53. end
  54. else
  55. Citizen.Wait(500)
  56. end
  57. end
  58. end)
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