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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. [color=#646464][color=#50006e]CLW[/color] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board TM FIGHTS CLOWNS.[/color]
  2. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] swims high above the buildings on the floor of the lake. She's grinning maniacally... and she has facepaint on. --[/color]
  3. [color=#646464][color=#660099]CURRENT turtleMistress [CTM][/color] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.[/color]
  4. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] swims over to her, determined to stop what's going on. He's fairly tired, but he's not going to let it stop him. --[/color]
  5. [color=#660099]CTM: LEVITA![/color]
  6. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] laughs, evilly. --[/color]
  7. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ hahahahaha ~[/color]
  8. [color=#660099]CTM: You've lost your mind.[/color]
  9. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ losst my motherfucking mind? ~[/color]
  10. [color=#660099]CTM: Yes.[/color]
  11. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ jusst sseen ~[/color]
  12. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ the light ~[/color]
  13. [color=#660099]CTM: You've let lose a monster.[/color]
  14. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ the king ~[/color]
  15. [color=#660099]CTM: A monster I'm going to stop.[/color]
  16. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ iss free ~[/color]
  17. [color=#660099]CTM: And I won't hesitate to take you down with him.[/color]
  18. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ then do it, motherfucker ~[/color]
  19. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ KILL ME ~[/color]
  20. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] raises his wand. --[/color]
  21. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ KILL YOUR GODDAMN KEYBOARDIssT ~[/color]
  22. [color=#660099]CTM: No.[/color]
  23. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ good ~[/color]
  24. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] lances forward, aiming her spear at TM's shoulder. --[/color]
  25. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ ((RETCON.)) ~[/color]
  26. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] fires off a sleep spell, the same one he used on the guards when he fought DR. Hopefully it works. --[/color]
  27. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] deflects it with her spear. --[/color]
  28. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins. --[/color]
  29. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ good ~[/color]
  30. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] lances forward --[/color]
  31. [color=#660099]CTM: The.. the fuck?[/color]
  32. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] dodges left. --[/color]
  33. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ motherfucking miracless, andrej ~[/color]
  34. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ HONK ~[/color]
  35. [color=#660099]CTM: I thought... I thought only mages could deflect spells...[/color]
  36. [color=#660099]CTM: ...[/color]
  37. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] jabs at TM's stomach with the butt of her spear. --[/color]
  38. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] is knocked back a bit, but he fires off another few quick spells at her. Nothing lethal, thankfully. --[/color]
  39. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] dodges, easily. The water is her element. She tries to lance at Andrej again. --[/color]
  40. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] is caught in the arm, and he yelps in pain. He grimaces, and purple blood slowly flows out of the wound. Thankfully, it wasn't his wand arm, and he fires off a spell while she's at close range. --[/color]
  41. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] is knocked back and dazed a little, but definitely not particularly hurt --[/color]
  42. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] moves forward, attempting to wrench the spear away from LW, while aiming a kick to her stomach. --[/color]
  43. [color=#646464][color=#3a0058]CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [CDT][/color] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.[/color]
  44. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] arrives in the building...Late, as always. He got lost. It took him a while. --[/color]
  45. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] takes the kick to the stomach, but as such, lances at Tesla again. She's not going for his chest... she's just going for his limbs... --[/color]
  46. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] again catches it on the arm, as it brushes past. Not seriously, though, just a scratch. He drops his wand, and attempts to pull the spear away with both hands. --[/color]
  47. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] has a deathgrip on it, though is jerked forward, a little out of control --[/color]
  48. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ mother ~[/color]
  49. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ fucking ~[/color]
  50. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ mutant ~[/color]
  51. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ DIE ~[/color]
  52. [color=#660099]CTM: No.[/color]
  53. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] kicks TM in the face --[/color]
  54. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] is knocked back, and his hands are pulled up the spear, cutting them on the tip. He grabs it again though, and pulls as hard as he can, not willing to let a little pain stop him. --[/color]
  55. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins --[/color]
  56. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] deploys another spear from her sylladex. This one, though... it has a little smiley face on it. With a clown nose. --[/color]
  57. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] captchalogues the first spear, and takes out his his brute wrench. Thankfully, HD made it waterproof. Good weaponsmith, best dead person. --[/color]
  58. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins, and drives the spear forwards with almost unstoppable force... --[/color]
  59. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] dives down and forwards, deftly avoiding the spear. --[/color]
  60. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] takes out his shitty backup wand, the previous one being the SS. He's got a lot of weapons, since he tends to lose them in a fight. He performs the bubble spell again. --[/color]
  61. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins. --[/color]
  62. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ heh ~[/color]
  63. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ got me right where you want ~[/color]
  64. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ now what? ~[/color]
  65. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] swims down, retrieveing the SS from where he let it fall. It's floating downwards, but he picks it up and swims back up to LW. --[/color]
  66. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ what are you going to do? ~[/color]
  67. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ lock me up like the king? ~[/color]
  68. [color=#660099]CTM: ...No.[/color]
  69. [color=#660099]CTM: I'm too humane for that.[/color]
  70. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins. --[/color]
  71. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ then kill me, andrej ~[/color]
  72. [color=#660099]CTM: I'm going to get you help.[/color]
  73. [color=#660099]CTM: Therapy.[/color]
  74. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ therapy ~[/color]
  75. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ i don't need therapy ~[/color]
  76. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ i've sseen ~[/color]
  77. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ the motherfuckin ~[/color]
  78. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ miracless ~[/color]
  79. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] takes the other wand, and siphons the water out of the bubble with it. It seems to be sucked into the second wand, although there are no holes in the bubble. The water just... goes right through. --[/color]
  80. [color=#660099]CTM: You've been deluded, tricked.[/color]
  81. [color=#660099]CTM: There are no miracles, not that kind.[/color]
  82. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] laughs --[/color]
  83. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ hah ~[/color]
  84. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ gonna keep me caged up? ~[/color]
  85. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ or going to hurt me? ~[/color]
  86. [color=#660099]CTM: Sometimes, helping...[/color]
  87. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ your choice andrej ~[/color]
  88. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ make ~[/color]
  89. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ it ~[/color]
  90. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ count ~[/color]
  91. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] suddenly electrifies the air in the bubble, just enough to knock LW out, not kill her. She'll be out for a long while though. --[/color]
  92. [color=#660099]CTM: sometimes, it needs a little hurting to kick it off.[/color]
  93. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] screams in agony before passing out. --[/color]
  94. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] lets go off the bubble, and grabs LW, swiming with her towards the surface. Shortly, he's lying on the beach, LW next to her, himself exhausted. He pesters IS on his glasses. --[/color]
  95. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] thinks he's about to pass out, then... apparently not. Might as well pester kitty then. --[/color]
  96. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] finds out she's offline. ah well. --[/color]
  97. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] faints. --[/color]
  98. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CTM[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  99. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins, pushing herself up --[/color]
  100. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins, pushing herself up, grinning at the fainted TM. --[/color]
  101. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ honk ~[/color]
  102. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] deploys four shitty spears from her sylladex, dragging TM's arms and legs out out --[/color]
  103. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins insanely, holding up two spears and preparing to drive them into the unconscious TM's hands... --[/color]
  104. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CURRENT ironicSincerity [CIS][/color] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.[/color]
  105. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#000000][CIS][/color] pops down from his hoverboard, which he got from Tesla at some point, spinning down with his sword and catching the spears with them --[/color]
  106. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ honk ~[/color]
  107. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] grins. --[/color]
  108. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: this is the police[/color]
  109. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: and you're under arrest[/color]
  110. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...that didn't sound as cool as I hoped[/color]
  111. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: whatever[/color]
  112. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] barrels into IS, charging him head-on. --[/color]
  113. [color=#646464][color=#660099]CURRENT turtleMistress [CTM][/color] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.[/color]
  114. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] weakly opens an eye, the sound waking him up. --[/color]
  115. [color=#660099]CTM: ...well, shit...[/color]
  116. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] doesn't move, though. Too tired. --[/color]
  117. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] does the flashstep thing behind her, giving her a good kick worth --[/color]
  118. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] barrels forward. --[/color]
  119. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ heh ~[/color]
  120. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ you ~[/color]
  121. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ youve already ~[/color]
  122. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ losst ~[/color]
  123. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] coughs --[/color]
  124. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] does the flashstep thing again, keeping up with her but only from behind. Alright, take out the legs first... --[/color]
  125. [color=#660099]CTM: try not to cripple her... still hoping therapy will work, here.[/color]
  126. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] collapses forward, into the sand --[/color]
  127. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ even ~[/color]
  128. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ if i die ~[/color]
  129. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ the king ~[/color]
  130. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: there[/color]
  131. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ iss ~[/color]
  132. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ free ~[/color]
  133. [color=#50006e]CLW: ~ honk ~[/color]
  134. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: is that not crippled enough[/color]
  135. [color=#660099]CTM: the king is screwed.[/color]
  136. [color=#660099]CTM: the moment... i get my hands on him.[/color]
  137. [color=#660099]CTM: ...and yes.[/color]
  138. [color=#660099]CTM: yes... it is.[/color]
  139. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: okay[/color]
  140. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] coughs --[/color]
  141. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] walks up to LW, on guard, and gives her a solid whack to the head trying to knock her out. Not with his sword, obviously. Then e backs up a little and stays on guard with his sword until the other KoT arrive. --[/color]
  142. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] isn't moving, but is still laughing --[/color]
  143. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] manages to stay concious, though his hands and arms are still bleeding, and he's exhausted after the day he's had. --[/color]
  144. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  145. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: close enough[/color]
  146. [color=#660099]CTM: ...we're gonna need a new keyboardist...[/color]
  147. [color=#660099]CTM: know any...?[/color]
  148. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: uuuuuuuh[/color]
  149. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: not any I'd recommend[/color]
  150. [color=#660099]CTM: ...well then.[/color]
  151. [color=#660099]CTM: guess we better put in an add....[/color]
  152. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: yeah[/color]
  153. [color=#660099]CTM: ...this was a really shitty day.[/color]
  154. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: well nobody died at least[/color]
  155. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] arrives...Quietly. He watches them from a distance at the moment. His jaw is slightly dropped. --[/color]
  156. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: to my knowledge[/color]
  157. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] still is hanging near LW, sword drawn, defensive stance --[/color]
  158. [color=#660099]CTM: kitty almost broke up with me, my bandmate went insane, and i got the crap beaten out of me.[/color]
  159. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: the last one is clearly the most heinous[/color]
  160. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] is sitting on the ground, one knee up to support himself. --[/color]
  161. [color=#660099]CTM: no, the first.[/color]
  162. [color=#660099]CTM: i swear, i will never imagine threesomes again.[/color]
  163. [color=#660099]CTM: ...or admit to it, anyway.[/color]
  164. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: okay then[/color]
  165. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] ...approaches. Taking his steps slowly, still in shock at actually seeing this, or the aftermath thereof. --[/color]
  166. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: should probably not exert yourself too hard[/color]
  167. [color=#660099]CTM: heh, i'll... i'll be fine.[/color]
  168. [color=#660099]CTM: i'd be a shitty hero if i couldn't take a little pain.[/color]
  169. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: still[/color]
  170. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] laughs, splutters, and falls silent --[/color]
  171. [color=#660099]CTM: ...[/color]
  172. [color=#660099]CTM: well then.[/color]
  173. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  174. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: well she's not dead[/color]
  175. [color=#660099]CTM: kip can be thanked for that.[/color]
  176. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I think[/color]
  177. [color=#660099]CTM: i wouldn't call myself a hero sides for her, and that's what shut her up, i think.[/color]
  178. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] speaks. Quietly. --[/color]
  179. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...heyy[/color]
  180. [color=#3a0058]CDT: guyys. i...guess[/color]
  181. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] looks over, frowning. --[/color]
  182. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] whips around quickly, sword still defensive --[/color]
  183. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  184. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: oh[/color]
  185. [color=#660099]CTM: hey, DT.[/color]
  186. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: it's just you[/color]
  187. [color=#660099]CTM: ...sorry.[/color]
  188. [color=#660099]CTM: she...[/color]
  189. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks pretty stunned. --[/color]
  190. [color=#660099]CTM: she freed EE.[/color]
  191. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] coughs up a little blood. Looks like she's bleeding internally --[/color]
  192. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...i know[/color]
  193. [color=#660099]CTM: i had to... deal with her.[/color]
  194. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i know[/color]
  195. [color=#660099]CTM: i tried not to hurt her too badly.[/color]
  196. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...i know[/color]
  197. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] sighs despondently. --[/color]
  198. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I'm just here doing what I do[/color]
  199. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i should have followed her sooner[/color]
  200. [color=#3a0058]CDT: this is myy fault[/color]
  201. [color=#660099]CTM: heh.[/color]
  202. [color=#660099]CTM: heheheheh.[/color]
  203. [color=#660099]CTM: if anything, it's my fault.[/color]
  204. [color=#660099]CTM: i let her go.[/color]
  205. [color=#660099]CTM: ... a lot of things are my fault.[/color]
  206. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] passes out. --[/color]
  207. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] sighs. --[/color]
  208. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  209. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: so can you tell me what exactly happened[/color]
  210. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: maybe file a report[/color]
  211. [color=#3a0058]CDT: well...[/color]
  212. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] is infact mixing what happened with the threesome thing, in his sleep talking. It's probably hilarious and confusing. --[/color]
  213. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] thinks, not entirely sure what he should say. --[/color]
  214. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...i assume yyou know about our whole gender/bloodswapping misadventure[/color]
  215. [color=#3a0058]CDT: since[/color]
  216. [color=#3a0058]CDT: im here[/color]
  217. [color=#3a0058]CDT: with boobs[/color]
  218. [color=#3a0058]CDT: and tesla is a girl troll[/color]
  219. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I don't really know much but[/color]
  220. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: hell[/color]
  221. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I'll believe anything[/color]
  222. [color=#660099]CTM: ...and then she took her shirt off... and... beat the crap out of her...[/color]
  223. [color=#3a0058]CDT: okayy well[/color]
  224. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT turtleMistress [color=#660099][CTM][/color] goes silent. --[/color]
  225. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...OKAYY[/color]
  226. [color=#3a0058]CDT: WELL[/color]
  227. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CTM[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  228. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: let's just[/color]
  229. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: let's just ignore TM's fantasies[/color]
  230. [color=#3a0058]CDT: myy mate...i mean...levita had a argument with...a certain bloodswapped person and...i guess she became angryy at or too and just sort of...snapped and went to let out ee[/color]
  231. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i didnt see much to be honest[/color]
  232. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: well then[/color]
  233. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  234. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks down at LW, definitely filled with pity. --[/color]
  235. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks back at IS --[/color]
  236. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CSR[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  237. [color=#3a0058]CDT: yyou should probablyy be arresting me. this is all probablyy myy fault somehow[/color]
  238. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  239. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: if you insist[/color]
  240. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] actually does hold his arms out to be arrested. --[/color]
  241. [color=#3a0058]CDT: go ahead[/color]
  242. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  243. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: um[/color]
  244. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I don't actually have anything on me right now[/color]
  245. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: this kind of came out of nowhere and I had to go fast[/color]
  246. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  247. [color=#3a0058]CDT: oh[/color]
  248. [color=#3a0058]CDT: okayy[/color]
  249. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: don't worry I'll knock you out if you try to escape[/color]
  250. [color=#3a0058]CDT: thank yyou[/color]
  251. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i appreciate it[/color]
  252. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: the other KoT should have the cuffs[/color]
  253. [color=#3a0058]CDT: of course[/color]
  254. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  255. [color=#3a0058]CDT: so uh[/color]
  256. [color=#3a0058]CDT: how have yyou been[/color]
  257. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: uh[/color]
  258. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: good[/color]
  259. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I guess[/color]
  260. [color=#3a0058]CDT: uh[/color]
  261. [color=#3a0058]CDT: thats good then[/color]
  262. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: aside from today you?[/color]
  263. [color=#3a0058]CDT: it was prettyy good up until now[/color]
  264. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  265. [color=#3a0058]CDT: well[/color]
  266. [color=#3a0058]CDT: aside from the genderswap[/color]
  267. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: come on[/color]
  268. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: it can't be that bad[/color]
  269. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  270. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  271. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: what[/color]
  272. [color=#3a0058]CDT: eh[/color]
  273. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CEA[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  274. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i still miss being a guyy[/color]
  275. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  276. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: shrug[/color]
  277. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks at LW for a moment, and winces in emotional pain --[/color]
  278. [color=#3a0058]CDT: heh[/color]
  279. [color=#3a0058]CDT: yyou tell a girl to stand up for herself and she unleashes the high blood.[/color]
  280. [color=#3a0058]CDT: go fucking figure[/color]
  281. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: welp[/color]
  282. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i did tell her once that i would laser her if she let him out[/color]
  283. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i dont reallyy feel like it now[/color]
  284. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: if you want you can just laser kind of near her[/color]
  285. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: you know a little to the side or something[/color]
  286. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i would but that might wake her up or something[/color]
  287. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I can always knock her out[/color]
  288. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: again[/color]
  289. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT leviathanWrangler [color=#50006e][CLW][/color] coughs up a little more blood --[/color]
  290. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  291. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  292. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: just waitin' for those knight[/color]
  293. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] just kind of...Just kind of sits down rather pathetically. --[/color]
  294. [color=#3a0058]CDT: yyep[/color]
  295. [color=#3a0058]CDT: speedyy[/color]
  296. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CURRENT kilgoreTrout [CKT][/color] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.[/color]
  297. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT kilgoreTrout [color=#000000][CKT][/color] gets there --[/color]
  298. [color=#00437f]CKT: Whoop[/color]
  299. [color=#00437f]CKT: Here[/color]
  300. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: hey[/color]
  301. [color=#00437f]CKT: Hey[/color]
  302. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...heyy[/color]
  303. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: are you all[/color]
  304. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] stares at the ground like someone just shocked his girlfriend. Wait, that did actually happen. Now he's more depressed. --[/color]
  305. [color=#00437f]CKT: Probably[/color]
  306. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] looks vaguely annoyed --[/color]
  307. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: did you bring some cuffs[/color]
  308. [color=#00437f]CKT: Sure, which do you want[/color]
  309. [color=#00437f]CKT: Furry, or normal?[/color]
  310. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...'[/color]
  311. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  312. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: furry, sure[/color]
  313. [color=#3a0058]CDT: mayybe it will cheer me up[/color]
  314. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT kilgoreTrout [color=#00437f][CKT][/color] hands IS a pair of furry handcuffs --[/color]
  315. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] handcuffs DT with them --[/color]
  316. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks down at them. --[/color]
  317. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] sighs despondently. --[/color]
  318. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i dont actuallyy feel anyy better[/color]
  319. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: aw[/color]
  320. [color=#3a0058]CDT: comfyy though[/color]
  321. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: come on[/color]
  322. [color=#00437f]CKT: You want me to tell a joke?[/color]
  323. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: they're fuzzy and nice[/color]
  324. [color=#3a0058]CDT: thats fine no jokes are necessaryy[/color]
  325. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i think im just gonna brood about myy insane subjuggulator girlfriend[/color]
  326. [color=#00437f]CKT: Are you sure?[/color]
  327. [color=#3a0058]CDT: if thats all right with yyou[/color]
  328. [color=#3a0058]CDT: yyeah im sure[/color]
  329. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] pats DT's head sympathetically --[/color]
  330. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  331. [color=#00437f]CKT: I think you need a joke[/color]
  332. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  333. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I don't think he's going to stop until he tells a joke[/color]
  334. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...fine[/color]
  335. [color=#00437f]CKT: A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. ''But why?'' they asked, as they moved off. ''because,'' he said ''I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.'' [/color]
  336. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: ...[/color]
  337. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  338. [color=#3a0058]CDT: please[/color]
  339. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] is visibly in pain --[/color]
  340. [color=#3a0058]CDT: kill me[/color]
  341. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: later[/color]
  342. [color=#00437f]CKT: I don't get no respect, no respect at all[/color]
  343. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] frowns. --[/color]
  344. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: it's taking all of my power not to just commit seppuku right now[/color]
  345. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] just kind of flops back on the ground and stares at the sky. --[/color]
  346. [color=#00437f]CKT: So, we taking them to prison then?[/color]
  347. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: yeah[/color]
  348. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: except this one[/color]
  349. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] points to Tesla --[/color]
  350. [color=#00437f]CKT: Who's that?[/color]
  351. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: that's tesla[/color]
  352. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: but he's a girl now[/color]
  353. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: and a seadweller[/color]
  354. [color=#00437f]CKT: ...Right[/color]
  355. [color=#3a0058]CDT: glub[/color]
  356. [color=#00437f]CKT: Glub?[/color]
  357. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: you can keep the sad one here under less watch[/color]
  358. [color=#00437f]CKT: Glub glub glub?[/color]
  359. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: the knocked out one should be under max security though[/color]
  360. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  361. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] sobs quietly in an incredibly pathetic manner. --[/color]
  362. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: I think the sobbing one is really in her own prison right now[/color]
  363. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] takes off own shades and puts them back on --[/color]
  364. [color=#00437f]CKT: I could tell another joke[/color]
  365. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: no[/color]
  366. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: don't[/color]
  367. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: please[/color]
  368. [color=#00437f]CKT: Alright, just prison then[/color]
  369. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT kilgoreTrout [color=#00437f][CKT][/color] grabs the unconcious LW --[/color]
  370. [color=#00437f]CKT: You got her?[/color]
  371. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: yeah[/color]
  372. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: get up DT it's time to go[/color]
  373. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: LW will probably need medical attention though[/color]
  374. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] gets up, really blatantly not wanting to. --[/color]
  375. [color=#3a0058]CDT: glub[/color]
  376. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: tesla could use some too[/color]
  377. [color=#00437f]CKT: Should we just leave him there?[/color]
  378. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: who[/color]
  379. [color=#00437f]CKT: Lil' Tesla[/color]
  380. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: oh[/color]
  381. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: uh[/color]
  382. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: we should probably send him to a hospital or get someone to pick him up or something[/color]
  383. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: or I guess I could[/color]
  384. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] picks up Tezzy --[/color]
  385. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: let's go then[/color]
  386. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] looks back and forth between Tesla and Levita's unconscious bodies. HIS EQUIVALENT OF A HEART. IT BURNS. --[/color]
  387. [color=#3a0058]CDT: glub[/color]
  388. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: come on[/color]
  389. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: follow us[/color]
  390. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT ironicSincerity [color=#ffaa00][CIS][/color] starts to leave with KT --[/color]
  391. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT deepseaTyphoon [color=#3a0058][CDT][/color] follows behind dutifully. --[/color]
  392. [color=#00437f]CKT: The handcuffs look good on you if it's an concolation[/color]
  393. [color=#3a0058]CDT: thank yyou[/color]
  394. [color=#00437f]CKT: I like the whole Eridan scientist look you got going on too[/color]
  395. [color=#00437f]CKT: It looks good[/color]
  396. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...right[/color]
  397. [color=#00437f]CKT: Ever thought about wearing a fedora?[/color]
  398. [color=#3a0058]CDT: never reallyy crossed myy mind[/color]
  399. [color=#00437f]CKT: It'd look good on you[/color]
  400. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...okayy[/color]
  401. [color=#00437f]CKT: Yupp[/color]
  402. [color=#00437f]CKT: This just got a little weird didn't it?[/color]
  403. [color=#3a0058]CDT: a little[/color]
  404. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CGG[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  405. [color=#00437f]CKT: Have we met?[/color]
  406. [color=#ffaa00]CIS: i'm not sayin' anything[/color]
  407. [color=#3a0058]CDT: yyeah[/color]
  408. [color=#00437f]CKT: I'm Billy Pilgrim[/color]
  409. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...[/color]
  410. [color=#3a0058]CDT: righr[/color]
  411. [color=#3a0058]CDT: *right[/color]
  412. [color=#3a0058]CDT: whatever[/color]
  413. [color=#00437f]CKT: Wait, what day is it?[/color]
  414. [color=#3a0058]CDT: uh[/color]
  415. [color=#3a0058]CDT: i dunno[/color]
  416. [color=#3a0058]CDT: wasnt payying attention reallyy[/color]
  417. [color=#00437f]CKT: Is it Friday already?[/color]
  418. [color=#00437f]CKT: In that case I'm Lionel Boyd Johnson[/color]
  419. [color=#646464]-- CURRENT kilgoreTrout [color=#00437f][CKT][/color] looks very seriously at DT for a moment --[/color]
  420. [color=#00437f]CKT: Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy[/color]
  421. [color=#3a0058]CDT: ...okaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy then[/color]
  422. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CDT[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  423. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CKT[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  424. [color=#646464][color=#000000]CIS[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
  425. [color=#646464][color=#000000]COR[/color] ceased responding to memo.[/color]
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