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Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. The cards laid spread across the table, the industrious Human known as Blake sliding his fingers along the cards. The shouting from outside pulling at the side of his mind and eventually pulling him away from the cards as his hands quickly wipe them into a small bag that was hanging beside the table. The dwarven barkeep looked at Blake, raising up his hand and waved him goodbye as he spoke with a dwarven accent and barely understandable, "Blake!! Go to the stables!". The door swinging open as Blake ran outside. The great city of Saykenwind was no more but a hell for it's people, smoke moved up from the walls that once protected the city. A large goatman stood near an alleyway, blood moved along the street as it dripped from the great battleaxe it had in it's hands. As both human and goatman exchanged look they knew what was about to come. The demon roaring in fury as it's hooves leaving cracks within the tiles of the long street. Blake turning around and his feet moving across the ground as he sprinted trying to stay ahead of the goatman. A child ran out of a burning house as her tears fell down to the dusty ground, her cries clear within his ears. He could only widen his eyes as he looked around at the sound of hooves moving away from him. The cries coming to an end as Blake stared at the goatman cleaving the girl to the great battle axe, his stomach turning within as his warm meal from the tavern made it's way back onto the streets. His hands reaching up to wipe his mouth as the hooves came closer and the soft sound of the battleaxe making it's way through the air and into the brick wall beside Blake as he had fallen to the ground to avoid this sudden attack. It's haired leg impacting with the weak metal chest-plate, his entire body curling up around the leg as once more the leg impacts with his chest plate. Dwarven war cries came closer as the barkeep and a dwarven employee rushed forward wielding their dwarven made axes. The goatman opened it's mouth and charged towards both dwarves with it's horns ready to pierce their dwarven bodies.
  3. Both dwarven fighters had found their glory within death as their bodies rested against the ruins of a building, huge gaps running along the barkeeps chest where the battleaxe had struck with violent power. The dwarven employee stared in shock at his own body as it lay few feet from the head. The goatman looking around for the victim it had found earlier. Blake breathing hard as his metal chest plate fell to the ground within the stables. One of the horses remained tied to one of the poles, Blake looking towards the stable doors as a nord and solarian elf fought side by side against a demon that easily could have resembled a lycan without fur. The solarian elf struck the demon in it's flank, it's howl ear deafening, thuds resonating on the roof as two more demons fall through and onto their claws. His feet pressed himself off the ground, fingers wrapping around the rope connecting the horse to one of the poles. A scream echoing from the solarian elf as two of the lycan-like demons jump on-top of him, starting to tear his body to shreds with the large claws. The horse staggering as Blake's fingers pull on the rope as it loosens, pulling on the rope with most of his strength. He manages to turn the horse to the right. His boots slamming into the side of the horse, sending it forward with a rapid velocity. The back entrance to the city unharmed as the hooves of the horse kick up small particles of the tile street. A lycan-like demon roaring in anger as it chases Blake and the horse. The grassy plains of Saykenwind appearing in front of him as he threw a small dagger behind him. The demon howling in agony as the blade embeds into the eye socket. All around the plains people run for the great forest of Reios.
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