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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Maddox, 1
  2. Athena, goddess of wisdom and warfare, Achilles, an almost invulnerable man, and the Sirens, the deadliest musicians alive. These beings demanded attention in Greek mythology, and through that attention, an entire frontier of information was conjured. Family trees formed, dangers were symbolized, and a culture was developed. The Greeks made a print on this world, and stories of their heroes and gods were passed down the generations as Homers Odyssey became famous. It is these stories that will be continued to be passed down as legends of Greek mythology live on. Athena’s family and powers, Achilles deeds and feats at Troy, and the Sirens home and dangerous abilities all proved to be unique attributes in the Odyssey, and it is through these attributes that Odysseus’s journey was made so great.
  3. Athena was an extremely important figure in Greek mythology. She was the patron of a major Greek city-state, and the inspiration of the massive temple the Parthenon. As the goddess of wisdom, warfare, arts, and crafts, she was important in both major events and in household life. (Felson, 11/1/10) This ensured that she had wide array of worshippers, and also a major player in many of the Greeks myths and stories. Athena was a goddess of warfare, and not to be mistaken for a goddess of violence. She embodied more of the strategic side of the war, the commander overseeing the forces, rather than the violent warrior. She was still fearsome in battle though, and carried her shield, Aegis, which had the face of Medusa imprinted on it, and a spear.
  4. Athena has a complicated family, like many of the Greek deities, but it is almost universally agreed upon that Zeus (Lord of the Sky) is Athena father. Athena’s mother varies, but is most often known as Métis. Zeus actually swallowed Métis when she was
  5. Maddox, 2
  6. pregnant and Athena was born fully grown and in battle armor, leaping from Zeus’s cracked skull. (Downing, Christine, 11/1/10)
  7. Achilles was a major figure of Greek mythology. His mother was the sea nymph, or Nereid, Thetis, and his father was the mortal king of the myrmidons Peleus.
  8. He was the invincible man, having been dipped in the river Styx as baby by his mother, and the “the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War.” (Achilles, 11/2/10) This greatness came with a price though. A prophecy said that Achilles would either live a long life without glory if he didn’t go to Troy or a glorious short one if he did.
  9. Achilles in fact tried to keep well away from Troy. Thetis attempted to hide him among the women of Lycomedes, but Odysseus uncovered his ploy, and Achilles was recruited for the war against Troy. While at Troy, Achilles “did indeed earn great glory in battle” against the Trojans, and demoralized and weakened the Trojans resolve. However Achilles was a proud warrior….
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