Guest User

Tradfri Strings

a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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text 244.78 KB | None | 0 0
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  454. pG
  455. ESF8
  456. DPF/
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  458. Error: 0x
  459. -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  460. Public key error
  461. Signature failed
  462. &'()
  463. ;:"#
  464. OTP read failed
  465. Secure boot disabled
  466. pubkey
  467. x509
  468. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  469. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  470. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  471. Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
  472. DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,
  473. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  474. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  475. -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
  476. -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
  477. bignum
  478. 0!0
  479. Allocation failed
  480. unnamed
  481. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
  482. TRADFRI_07
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  736. F)F
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  738. ci"+
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  761. F)F2F;F
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  763. F)F
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  770. ` Fci"+
  771. ci"+
  772. ci"+
  773. h F'
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  775. ci F"+
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  780. ci"+
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  3431. kxD!
  3432. p&qeq
  3433. !F2F+F
  3434. kQJRHYh
  3435. F_#
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  3437. F1F
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  3439. # F
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  3444. U`>"
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  3447. F9F
  3448. U`@"
  3449. 3FAF2F F
  3450. F>!B"
  3451. F9F
  3452. U`P"
  3453. 3FAF2F F
  3454. FB!d"
  3455. F9F
  3456. U`Z"
  3457. 3FAF2F F
  3458. Fd!
  3459. b Fp!
  3460. F9F
  3461. " FAF
  3462. F FO
  3463. FYF
  3464. ,2 F
  3465. . FA
  3466. # FAF
  3467. F9F
  3468. " FO
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  3470. " FAF
  3471. ,2Zx
  3472. 2Zpm
  3473. MH2FMI
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  3475. & F
  3476. @BQBA
  3477. k^J^HYh
  3478. ) F
  3479. # F
  3480. FC!
  3481. B FB!
  3482. % FO
  3483. FPI
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  3485. :q F
  3486. %q F
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  3488. F&Iq"
  3489. # FO
  3490. " FO
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  3492. "+F F
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  3495. F FO
  3496. F FO
  3497. F F@
  3498. B F@
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  3501. " FO
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  3504. |1 F
  3505. "! F[
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  3510. Fu!
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  3513. FBI "
  3514. Fy!@
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  3998. HI*F F
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  4000. FDI
  4001. ;J<I
  4002. :J;I F
  4003. 7I7I
  4004. `B6I FR
  4005. "3I F
  4006. F+I
  4007. F)I
  4008. F&I
  4009. F%I
  4010. %I F
  4011. t6 F
  4012. t6 F
  4013. 83"F
  4014. 0F!Fe
  4015. \+hC
  4016. )F:F
  4017. )F3FHF
  4018. HF9F
  4019. !(F2FCF
  4020. / (F
  4021. $0H`l
  4022. #<P_x
  4023. #1<FPX_fms
  4024. #1<FP\ix
  4025. #1<FP`q
  4026. @ABCI((88888
  4027. /=a{
  4028. "%(+
  4029. "$
  4030. "$
  4031. +++44d
  4032. ///44d
  4033. -03569<?BDFHKNPSVZ,.02468:<?BEGJLORV),.02479<?ADFHJMPT
  4034. (r643451)
  4035. UNIMPL: ra=%p
  4036. Unrecognised return value from hndrte_pktfetch_dispatch
  4037. TRAP %x(%x): pc %x, lr %x, sp %x, cpsr %x, spsr %x
  4038. dfsr %x, dfar %x
  4039. ifsr %x, ifar %x
  4040. r0 %x, r1 %x, r2 %x, r3 %x, r4 %x, r5 %x, r6 %x
  4041. r7 %x, r8 %x, r9 %x, r10 %x, r11 %x, r12 %x
  4042. sp+0 %08x %08x %08x %08x
  4043. sp+10 %08x %08x %08x %08x
  4044. sp+%x %08x
  4045. Deadman timer expired
  4046. TRAP 0(dead): pc %x, lr %x, sp %x, cpsr %x
  4047. && This is ARMCR4 core, setirqoob, coreidx: %d, flag: %d
  4048. hndarm_armr addr: 0x%x, cr4_idx: %d
  4049. m2md_sendnext
  4050. m2md_txsubmit
  4051. m2md_txrecompose
  4052. m2md_validate
  4053. m2md_reset
  4054. m2md_tx
  4055. m2md_dpc
  4056. txq len: %d: max(%d)
  4057. dropped frames %d
  4058. bus errors: rxfifoflow: %d
  4059. bus flowcontrol: rxlim: %d, rxh_lim: %d
  4060. dongle flowcontrol: fc: %d, explicit: %d, fail: %d
  4061. [DBG]secnt:%d > txavail:%d
  4062. %s: tx dma failed
  4063. [DBG]stop txq, pktqlen: %d, DATAHIWAT: %d
  4064. %s: rxh len (%d) does not match framelen (%d)
  4065. %s: invalid check 0x%04x for len 0x%04x
  4066. %s: discard, only %d bytes of %d-byte SW tag
  4067. %s: discard, only %d bytes of %d-byte pad
  4068. %s: unknown channel Id: %d
  4069. SD partial hdrs pkt pool allocated: %d %d
  4070. %s: m2md_match failed
  4071. %s: sd_attach failed
  4072. coreid: 0x%x, corerev: %d
  4073. sih: 0x%x, TXREG: 0x%x, RXREG: 0x%x, NTXD: %d, NRXD: %d, RXBUSZ: %d, RXBUFS: %d
  4074. %s: dma_attach failed
  4075. %s: dngl_attach failed
  4076. %s: alloc sr context failed.
  4077. %s: init srtimer failed
  4078. busstats
  4079. [m2m_bus_iovar], cmd: %s, set: %d
  4080. maxtxpktglom
  4081. txlazydelay
  4082. txglomalign
  4083. txglom
  4084. txswqlen
  4085. txdrop
  4086. ackfastfwd
  4087. acksizethsd
  4088. rxacks
  4089. rxfilltrig
  4090. credall
  4091. credfail
  4092. rxcb
  4093. rxglom
  4094. %s: unknown bus state %d
  4095. %s: txq full drop, %d
  4096. %s: device disabled
  4097. PKTGET failed
  4098. %s: PKTGET %d failed!!
  4099. %s: tx submit failed!!
  4100. %s: txq_tmp full
  4101. %s: txq full
  4102. %s: rx dma descriptor error
  4103. %s: tx dma descriptor error
  4104. %s: rx dma data error
  4105. %s: tx dma data error
  4106. %s: rx dma descriptor protocol error
  4107. %s: tx dma descriptor protocol error
  4108. *** rx fifo overflow (%d) w/o rx desc underflow (%d)
  4109. I_XU
  4110. %s: Reset
  4111. WLAN: DMA ERROR: intstatus: 0x%x
  4112. APPS: DMA ERROR: intstatus: 0x%x
  4113. ch_tx_ints: 0x%x, ch_rx_ints: 0x%x
  4114. m2md_dma
  4115. m2md_sendheader
  4116. m2md_sendup
  4117. m2md_processing_fsm
  4118. m2md_probe: too many units
  4119. m2md_probe: malloc failed
  4120. m2md_probe: m2md_attach failed
  4121. m2md_probe: hndrte_add_isr failed
  4122. m2md_probe: hndrte_register_swint_isr failed
  4123. proto_ctrldispatch
  4124. %s: bad return buffer!
  4125. %s: out of txbufs
  4126. %s: bad packet length %d
  4127. %s: bad message length %d; pktlen %d
  4128. bus:
  4129. %s: PKTGET pkt size %d + headroom %d failed
  4130. %s: unsupported bdc protocol version (%d)
  4131. proto_pkt_header_push
  4132. proto_pkt_header_pull
  4133. cdc_indicate
  4134. dngl_finddev
  4135. dngl_binddev
  4136. dngl_unbinddev
  4137. %s: vslave %d not found
  4138. %s: vslave %p not found, dropped pkt
  4139. %s: too many units
  4140. %s: MALLOC failed
  4141. %s: vslave MALLOC failed
  4142. %s: dropped pkt
  4143. %s: %s: pktfetch request rejected
  4144. %s: dropped pkt 0x%p; len %d for %s
  4145. %s: bus and/or dev is NULL
  4146. %s: too many virtual devices: %d, ifidx:%d
  4147. %s: rtedev %p slave %p bus %p dev %p inconsistent
  4148. %s: proto_attach failed
  4149. %s: No primary device
  4150. %s: dev %p is not bound
  4151. dngl_sendup
  4152. dngl_setifindex
  4153. dngl_sendpkt
  4154. %s: Watchdog reset bit set, clearing
  4155. %s: %s%s device binddev failed
  4156. %s: %s%s device open failed
  4157. ai_flag
  4158. CIA not followed by CIB
  4159. Not enough MP entries for component 0x%x
  4160. addrh = 0x%x sizeh = 0x%x size1 =0x%x
  4161. First Slave ASD forcore 0x%04x malformed (0x%08x)
  4162. SP %d has no address descriptors
  4163. Missing descriptor for MW %d
  4164. Master wrapper %d is not 4KB
  4165. Missing descriptor for SW %d
  4166. Slave wrapper %d is not 4KB
  4167. Reached end of erom without finding END
  4168. %s: Attempting to read PMU DMP registers
  4169. ERROR: %s: memory leak - nobj(%d) num_alloc(%d)
  4170. ERROR: %s: memory leak - npools(%d)
  4171. %s: BUSY stuck: st=0x%x, count=%d
  4172. %s: Could not read OTP bit %d
  4173. %s: unknown OTP geometry
  4174. %s: h/w region not programmed
  4175. %s: buffer too small, should be at least %u
  4176. %s: s/w region not programmed
  4177. %s: buffer too small should be at least %u
  4178. %s: chipid region not programmed
  4179. %s: fuse region not programmed
  4180. %s: h/w & s/w region not programmed
  4181. %s: reading region %d is not supported
  4182. %s: chipc rev %d not supported
  4183. chip=0x%x does not support Unified OTP.
  4184. %s: OTP is powered down
  4185. %s: No OTP
  4186. %s: Unknown wrap type: %d
  4187. %s: mapping otpbase at 0x%08x to 0x%p
  4188. otp_init: unsupported OTP type
  4189. otp_init failed.
  4190. pa%d=0x%%x
  4191. pd%d=0x%%x
  4192. pdh%d=0x%%x
  4193. pdl%d=0x%%x
  4194. gcr%d=0x%%x
  4195. %02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X
  4196. Undefined error %d
  4197. BRCM4
  4198. _TES4
  4199. T_SS4
  4200. BRCM4
  4201. _TES4
  4202. T_SS4
  4203. BRCM4
  4204. _TES4
  4205. T_SS4
  4206. BRCMd
  4207. _TESd
  4208. T_SSd
  4209. 7&7&d
  4210. 7&7&`
  4211. s8s8d
  4212. r:{#d
  4213. y*{#d
  4214. z%z%d
  4215. u4u4d
  4216. N N`
  4217. %s: dma_txfast: Out-of-DMA descriptors (txin %d txout %d nsegs %d)
  4218. %s: dma_txfast: out of txds !!!
  4219. dma64_txfast
  4220. si_pmu_enb_slow_clk
  4221. si_pmu_res_uptime
  4222. %s: xtalfreq is not supported, %d
  4223. %s: BAD dependency (0x%x) return max delay 200us
  4224. mdiv2 calc returned 0! [%d]
  4225. Out of memory for malloc for NVRAM sort
  4226. nvram_init: called again without calling nvram_exit()
  4227. si_pciereg
  4228. si_pcieserdesreg
  4229. si_doattach: unknown board type
  4230. %s: Not a PCIE device
  4231. SECI clock is still not available
  4232. %s: incoming bus is PCI but it's a lie, switching to SI devid:0x%x
  4233. si_doattach: bus type %d does not match configured bus type %d
  4234. si_doattach: si_core_clk_prep failed %d
  4235. si_doattach: could not find any cores
  4236. si_doattach: si_buscore_setup failed
  4237. si_doattach: srom_var_init failed: bad srom
  4238. si_kattach: si_doattach failed
  4239. si_attach: malloc failed! malloced %d bytes
  4240. wl%d: %s wlc_module_register() failed
  4241. wl%d: wl_eventq timer failed
  4242. wl_pfn_override_set
  4243. wl_pfn_override_get
  4244. wl%d: PFN is already active, can't service IOV_PFN_SET
  4245. wl%d: Incorrect version expected %d, found %d
  4246. wl%d: %s: Bad input length %d < %d
  4247. wl%d: PFN wlc_event_alloc failed
  4248. wl%d: PFN: MALLOC failed, size = %d
  4249. wl%d: send event fails
  4250. wl%d: ssid list allocation failed. %d bytes
  4251. wl%d: ALLGONE fail
  4252. wl%d: PFN_SCAN_ALLGONE event fail
  4253. wl%d: PFN is already active, can't service IOV_PFN_CLEAR
  4254. wl%d: scan found network event fail
  4255. wl%d: scan lost network event fail
  4256. wl%d: PFN is already active, can't service IOV_PFN_ADD
  4257. wl%d: PFN element count %d exceeded limit of %d
  4258. wl%d: PFN MALLOC failed, size = %d
  4259. wl%d: PFN is already active, can't service IOV_PFN_ADD_BSSID
  4260. wl%d: BSSID count %d exceeded limit of %d
  4261. wl%d: malloc failed, size = %d
  4262. PFN MAC (%d): getrc %d setrc %d cmp %d
  4263. wl_pfn_iov
  4264. wl%d: Failed to allocate resoure for timer
  4265. wl%d: Error registering pfn iovar
  4266. wl%d: Failed to allocate ovtimer
  4267. PFO Override Timer: bad state (no action)
  4268. wl%d: %s: bad repeat %d or exp %d
  4269. wl%d: ALLGONE event fail
  4270. wl%d: Incomplete parameter setting
  4271. current_bestn not empty!
  4272. wl%d: PFN is already active, can't service IOV_PFN_MEM
  4273. wl%d: pbssidinfo MALLOC failed
  4274. too long ssid %d
  4275. wl%d: too many bdcast nodes
  4276. wl%d: fail to allocate new bdcast node
  4277. pfn_set
  4278. pfn_cfg
  4279. pfn_add
  4280. pfn_add_bssid
  4281. pfnclear
  4282. pfnbest
  4283. pfn_suspend
  4284. pfnlbest
  4285. pfnmem
  4286. pfnrttn
  4287. pfnbest_bssid
  4288. pfn_override
  4289. pfn_macaddr
  4290. wl_sendup
  4291. wl%d: %s %s version %s FWID 01-%x
  4292. Jun 17 2016
  4293. 16:40:14
  4294. MALLOC() failed in %s() for wlfc_info
  4295. MALLOC() failed in %s() for wlfc_mac_desc_handle_map_t
  4296. wlfctimer
  4297. wl%d: wl_init_timer for wlfc timer failed
  4298. wl%d: MALLOC failed
  4299. wl%d: wlc_attach failed with error %d
  4300. wl%d
  4301. wl%d: hndrte_add_isr failed
  4302. wl%d: wlfc_initialize failed
  4303. wl%d: wl_pfn_attach failed
  4304. wl%d: wl_arp_attach failed
  4305. wl%d: wl_keep_alive_attach failed
  4306. wl%d: wl_eventq_attach failed
  4307. wl%d: wlc_pkt_filter_attach failed
  4308. wl%d: wlc_module_register() failed
  4309. wl%d: hndrte_register_devpwrstchg_callback failed
  4310. PKTGET pkt size %d failed
  4311. %s: xmit failed; free pkt 0x%p
  4312. wl_sendup failed to send pending_datalen
  4313. %s() Dropping %d bytes data
  4314. wlfc_push_signal_data
  4315. wlc_recv_mgmt_ctl
  4316. wlc_ht_update_scbstate
  4317. wlc_ioctl_patchmod
  4318. wlc_dotxstatus
  4319. wlc_txflowcontrol_signal
  4320. wlc_dofrag
  4321. wlc_prep_sdu
  4322. wlc_watchdog
  4323. wlc_recvdata_ordered
  4324. wlc_txfifo
  4325. wlc_hdr_proc
  4326. wlc_txq_enq
  4327. wlc_reset
  4328. wlc_recvdata
  4329. wlc_recvfilter
  4330. wl%d: qi(%p) stopped changed from 0x%x to 0x%x, exit %s
  4331. wl%d:%s(): current bcn_tsf 0x%x:0x%x reset to 0x%x, diff 0x%x
  4332. wl%d: %s: Invalid antennas available in srom, using 2dB
  4333. wl%d: %s: Invalid antennas available in srom (0x%x), using 3.
  4334. wl%d: wdtimer failed
  4335. wl%d: radio_timer failed
  4336. wl%d: iscan_timeout failed
  4337. wl%d: radio_shutoff_dly_timer failed
  4338. wl%d: wl_init_timer for wake_event_timer failed
  4339. wl%d: %s: failed to allocate peek list
  4340. wl%d: %s: failed to allocate phdr
  4341. wl%d: %s: failed to initialize phdr poolidx
  4342. phdr attach err:%d
  4343. wl%d: %s wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn() failed
  4344. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(af) failed
  4345. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(pspoll) failed
  4346. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(tkip) failed
  4347. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(rate) failed
  4348. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(pmchg) failed
  4349. wl%d: %s: code %d
  4350. wl%d: unable to find iovar "%s"
  4351. wl%d: %s unaligned get ptr for %s
  4352. bsscfg:
  4353. wl%d: wlc_bsscfg_init failed (%d)
  4354. wl%d: wlc_iovar_op(): %s wlc_iovar_check() failed, err = %d
  4355. wl%d: %s: %s BCME %d (%s)
  4356. %s: unknown vendor id %04x
  4357. %s: unknown device id %04x
  4358. wl%d: ac %d: txop exceeded allocated TS time
  4359. wl%d: %s, PKTGET headroom %d failed
  4360. %s: null P or tx_info.
  4361. edcf_txop changed, update AMSDU
  4362. wl%d: %s txop invalid for rate %d
  4363. wl%d: ac %d: txop exceeded allocated TStime
  4364. wl%d: %s txop exceeded phylen %d/%d dur %d/%d
  4365. wl%d.%d: %s: could not register MIC failure packet callback
  4366. wl%d: %s: out of memory %d bytes
  4367. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_attach failed
  4368. %s: %s failed
  4369. wlc_hrt_attach
  4370. wlc_pcb_attach
  4371. wlc_bsscfg_attach
  4372. wlc_scb_attach
  4373. wlc_iem_attach
  4374. wlc_ier_attach
  4375. wl%d: %s: wlc_register_iem_fns failed
  4376. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_create_registry failed, cs wrapper ie
  4377. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_create_registry failed, fbt over the ds
  4378. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_create_registry failed, fbt ric request
  4379. wlc_prot_attach
  4380. wlc_prot_g_attach
  4381. wlc_prot_n_attach
  4382. wlc_ap_attach
  4383. wlc_antsel_attach
  4384. wlc_amsdu_attach
  4385. wlc_ampdu_tx_attach
  4386. wlc_ampdu_rx_attach
  4387. wlc_scb_ratesel_attach
  4388. wl%d: %s: wlc_eventq_attachfailed
  4389. wlc_cac_attach
  4390. wlc_mcnx_attach
  4391. wlc_tbtt_attach
  4392. wlc_p2p_attach
  4393. wlc_auth_attach
  4394. wlc_rrm_attach
  4395. wlc_wnm_attach
  4396. wlc_ht_attach
  4397. wlc_vht_attach
  4398. wl%d: %s: wlc_stf_attach failed
  4399. wl%d: %s: wlc_lq_attach failed
  4400. wlc_mchan_attach
  4401. wlc_11h_attach
  4402. wlc_csa_attach
  4403. wlc_quiet_attach
  4404. wlc_dfs_attach
  4405. wlc_tpc_attach
  4406. wlc_l2_filter_attach
  4407. wlc_11d_attach
  4408. wlc_cntry_attach
  4409. wlc_cca_attach
  4410. wlc_itfr_attach
  4411. wlc_wapi_attach
  4412. wlc_11u_attach
  4413. wlc_bssload_attach
  4414. wlc_txc_attach
  4415. wlc_scb_lpc_attach
  4416. wlc_mfp_attach
  4417. wlc_macfltr_attach
  4418. wlc_sup_attach
  4419. wlc_akm_attach
  4420. wlc_hs20_attach
  4421. wlc_fbt_attach
  4422. wlc_pmkid_attach
  4423. wlc_btc_attach
  4424. wlc_monitor_attach
  4425. wlc_txbf_attach
  4426. wlc_pwrstats_attach
  4427. wl%d: %s, incorrect psmode
  4428. Invalid OBSS Scan parameters (out-of-range): %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
  4429. No AC available; tossing pkt
  4430. wl%d.%d: non-802.1X frame to unauthorized station %s
  4431. wl%d.%d: non-WAI frame len %d to unauthorized station %s
  4432. wl%d.%d: %s: allocfrag failed
  4433. shm 0x%x = 0x%x.
  4434. wl%d: %s: Bad channel %d
  4435. wl%d: %s: chspec %d band is locked!
  4436. wl%d : %s Failed to create bss_chan_context
  4437. wl%d.%d: wlc_up: rfdisable -> wlc_bsscfg_disable()
  4438. wl%d: %s: txq overflow
  4439. wl%d: module %s is still registered
  4440. wl%d : Channel Switch : Failed to create bss_chan_context
  4441. txerr valid (%d) reason %04x tst %02x pctls %04x %04x %04x
  4442. plcp %04x %04x || %04x %04x %04x || %04x %04x || rxestats2 %04x
  4443. Beacon received on invalid channel
  4444. ncons is 0 in %s
  4445. raw txstatus %04X %04X | %04X %04X | %08X %08X || %08X %08X | %08X | %08X
  4446. %s: bail: txs status FID->q %u invalid
  4447. %s: null ptr2
  4448. %s: bail: p == NULL
  4449. wl%d: %s: tx phy error (0x%x)
  4450. wl%d.%d: failed to send PM null frame, fake a PM0->PM1 transition, excursion_active %d
  4451. %s: fatal, toss frames !!!
  4452. wl%d: %s: !!!BIG-hammer!!!
  4453. %s: wlc_arq_pre_parse_frame failed
  4454. wl%d: wlc_attach: backplane attach failed
  4455. wl%d: %s: si_attach failed
  4456. wl%d: %s: Overriding device id: 0x%x instead of 0x%x
  4457. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_malloc failed
  4458. wl%d: %s: failed to init memory pool manager
  4459. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc scan struct
  4460. wl%d: %s: wlc_bmac_attach failed
  4461. wl%d: %s: wlc_bmac_state_get failed
  4462. wsec_keys couldn't be allocated
  4463. wl%d: %s: tx_duty_cycle_ofdm (40 %d, 80 %d) must be larger than tx_duty_cycle_pwr %d.
  4464. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_stf_ant_init failed
  4465. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_module FAILED!!!!!!
  4466. wl%d: %s: wlc_init_timer failed
  4467. wl%d: %s: wlc_channel_mgr_attach failed
  4468. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc tx queue
  4469. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc excursion queue
  4470. wl%d: %s: init primary bsscfg failed
  4471. wl%d: %s: wlc_internalscb_alloc failed
  4472. wl%d: wlc_early_bcn_detect_t alloc failed
  4473. wl%d: wlc_excess_pm_wake_info_t alloc failed
  4474. wl%d: wlc_conn_stats_t alloc failed
  4475. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_cb_init failed
  4476. wl%d: %s: wlc_dump_info_attach failed
  4477. wl%d: %s: failed with err %d
  4478. wl%d: %s UP handler error
  4479. wl%d: %s: bad frame control 0x%.4x
  4480. wl%d: %s: scb is null, dont resend deauth
  4481. wl%d: wlc_recv_mgmt_ctl: unhandled frametype (fk 0x%x)
  4482. wl%d: %s: unhandled frametype (0x%x)
  4483. wl%d: %s: STA DISASSOC from non-AP SCB %s
  4484. wl%d: %s: STA DEAUTH from non-AP SCB %s
  4485. wl%d: %s: PM state pkt failed
  4486. wl%d: %s watchdog handler error
  4487. wl%d: %s: invalid multicast frame
  4488. wl%d: %s: discarding partial MSDU %03x with prio %d received from %s
  4489. wl%d: %s(): Allocate %d rxbuf for frag pkt failed!
  4490. wl%d: %s: discarding MPDU %04x with prio %d; previous MPDUs missed or partially-received MSDU timed-out
  4491. wl%d: %s: discarding partial MSDU %03x with prio:%d received from %s
  4492. wl%d: %s: discarding MPDU %04x with prio %d; resulting MSDU too big
  4493. %s: sw deagg is not supported
  4494. %s: packet len too short (%d) < LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN
  4495. %s: packet len too short (%d) < ETHER_HDR_LEN
  4496. wl%d: non-802.1X frame from unauthorized station %s
  4497. wl%d: non-WAI frame from unauthorized station %s
  4498. FromDS
  4499. ToDS
  4500. IBSS
  4501. wl%d: %s: runt frame
  4502. wl%d: %s: runt frame from %s
  4503. %s: amsdu is not enabled, toss
  4504. wl%d: %s: TDLS packet on the disconnected link.
  4505. wl%d: %s: out of scbs for IBSS data
  4506. wl%d: wlc_recvdata: bad DS from %s
  4507. wl%d: %s: bad DS from %s (%s %s%s %s %s)
  4508. wl%d: %s: rcvd runt of len %d
  4509. (rxh->RxStatus1 & RXS_FCSERR) == RXS_FCSERR
  4510. wl%d: %s: dropping a frame with invalid src mac address %s
  4511. rand
  4512. swdiv_timeout
  4513. wlc_recv_scan_parse
  4514. wlc_iovar_op
  4515. wlc_BSSinit
  4516. wlc_get_txh_info
  4517. wlc_sendassocreq
  4518. wlc_sendpkt
  4519. wlc_set_chanspec
  4520. wlc_recv
  4521. wlc_sendprobe
  4522. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register() failed
  4523. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn() failed
  4524. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_cubby_reserve() failed
  4525. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr cap in assocreq
  4526. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, sup chan in assocreq
  4527. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, iw ie
  4528. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ad in bcn
  4529. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rc in bcn
  4530. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rsn in bcn
  4531. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, wpa in bcn
  4532. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rsn in assocreq
  4533. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, wpa in assocreq
  4534. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, rsn in assocreq
  4535. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wpa in assocreq
  4536. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, rsn in scan
  4537. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wpa in scan
  4538. wl: %s: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  4539. ncons is %d in ampdu
  4540. wl%d: %s: scb is null
  4541. %s: bad ini error
  4542. wl%d: %s: tx underflow?!
  4543. %s: p is NULL. tot_mpdu: %d, ncons: %d
  4544. wlc_ampdu_recv_addba_resp
  4545. wl%d: %s: Failed. status %d wsize %d policy %d
  4546. wl%d: The Default AMPDU_TX_BA_WSIZE is greater than MAX value
  4547. wl%d: wlc_scb_cubby_reserve() failed
  4548. wl%d: %s: out of mem, malloced %d bytes for mac_dbg_t
  4549. wl%d: ampdu_tx wlc_module_register() failed
  4550. wl%d: wlc_ampdu_watchdog: no memory
  4551. wl%d: %s: cleaning up ini tid %d due to no progress for %d secs tx_in_transit %d
  4552. wl%d: %s: cleaning up tid %d from poff
  4553. wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete
  4554. wlc_ampdu_recv_addba_resp
  4555. wlc_send_addba_req
  4556. wlc_send_bar
  4557. wl%d: ampdu wlc_module_register() failed
  4558. wl%d: %s: sending null data frame on tid %d
  4559. wl%d.%d: %s: seq 0x%x tid %d
  4560. wlc_ampdu_recvdata
  4561. wl%d: %s: unexp frag seq 0x%x, exp seq 0x%x
  4562. wl%d: The Default AMPDU_RX_BA_WSIZE is greater than MAX value
  4563. wl%d: ampdu_rx wl_init_timer() failed
  4564. wl%d: ampdu_rx wlc_module_register() failed
  4565. wlc_amsdu_agg_open
  4566. wl%d:%s: wlc_pcb_fn_set err=%d
  4567. wl%d: %s: wlc_scb_cubby_reserve failed
  4568. NTXD %d is too small to fit max amsdu txframe
  4569. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register failed
  4570. wl%d: %s: Error initing the amsdu tx
  4571. NRXD %d is too small to fit max amsdu rxframe
  4572. wl%d: wlc_antsel_attach: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  4573. antswitch
  4574. aa2g
  4575. aa5g
  4576. wlc_antsel_attach: 2o3 board cfg invalid
  4577. wl%d: antsel wlc_module_register() failed
  4578. wlc_ap_process_assocreq
  4579. wlc_ap_process_assocreq_done
  4580. wl%d: cannot create BSS on channel %u
  4581. %s: MALLOC wlc_ap_info_pvt_t failed
  4582. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_cubby_reserve failed
  4583. %s: wlc_apps_attach failed
  4584. %s: wl_init_timer for radio powersave timer failed
  4585. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, sup rates in assocresp
  4586. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ext rates in assocresp
  4587. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ssid in assocreq
  4588. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, sup rates in assocreq
  4589. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ext rates in assocreq
  4590. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wps in assocreq
  4591. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap in scan
  4592. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap in bcn
  4593. wl%d.%d %s could not find scb
  4594. wl%d.%d %s denied association due to Win7
  4595. wl%d: could not parse the rateset from (Re)Assoc Request packet from %s
  4596. wl%d: %s: association request for non existent bsscfg
  4597. wl%d: %s does not support required rate %d
  4598. wl%d: %s does not support required mcs idx %d
  4599. wl%d: %s: deny transition mode assoc req from %s... transition mode not enabled on AP
  4600. wl%d: %s is requesting privacy but encryption is not enabled on the AP. SES OW %d WPS IE %d
  4601. wl%d: WPA auth attempt with 802.11 shared key auth from %s, deauthenticating...
  4602. wl%d: %s does not support short preambles
  4603. wl%d: %s does not support ShortSlot
  4604. wl%d: %s denied association due to max association limit
  4605. wl%d.%d %s denied association due to max BSS association limit
  4606. apps
  4607. wl%d: %s: wlc_scb_cubby_reserve() failed
  4608. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set() failed
  4609. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, tim in bcn
  4610. wl%d: %s: unable to register callback %p
  4611. wlc_assoc_scan_complete
  4612. wlc_assoc_change_state
  4613. wlc_assoc_timeout
  4614. wl%d: %s: MALLOC failure
  4615. wl%d: wlc_bss_list_expand failed
  4616. wl%d: %s: no valid bsscfg matches cfg %p, exit
  4617. wl%d.%d: %s: out of bounds assoc state %d
  4618. wl%d: JOIN: Creating a new bss_chan_context failed
  4619. wl%d: IBSS started on chanspec 0x%x.
  4620. wl%d.%d: unsolicited association response from %s
  4621. wl%d: %s: Couldn't start the roam with error %d
  4622. wlc_roamscan_start
  4623. wlc_join_BSS
  4624. wlc_cook_join_targets
  4625. wlc_assocresp_client
  4626. a_wpa
  4627. wl%d: bcm_mpm_create_heap_pool failed
  4628. a_wpai
  4629. wl%d: auth wlc_module_register() failed
  4630. unsupported core rev %d
  4631. wl%d: wlc_attach: alloc_dma_resources failed
  4632. wl%d: wlc_attach: dma_attach failed
  4633. BPMQ error. Out of memory !!
  4634. wlc_bmac_attach: no mem for wlc_btc_params, malloced %d bytes
  4635. wlc_bmac_attach: no mem for wlc_btc_params_fw, malloced %d bytes
  4636. wlc_btc_param_attach: no mem for btc_param_vars, malloc: %db
  4637. %s: sr not supported
  4638. %s: sr download failed
  4639. %s: no mem for wlc_hw, malloced %d bytes
  4640. wl%d: %s: SHM = 0x%x, expected 0x%x
  4641. wl%d: %s: maccontrol = 0x%x, expected 0x%x or 0x%x
  4642. %s(): undefined BMAC IOVAR: %d
  4643. Overriding vendor id = 0x%x
  4644. Overriding device id = 0x%x
  4645. wl%d: %s: Unsupported vendor/device (0x%x/0x%x)
  4646. wl%d: %s: validate_chip_access failed
  4647. wl%d: %s: Unsupported Broadcom board type (0x%x) or revision level (0x%x)
  4648. wlc_bmac_attach, deviceid 0x%x nbands %d
  4649. wl%d: %s: wlc_phy_shim_attach failed
  4650. wl%d: %s: wlc_phy_attach failed
  4651. wl%d: %s: unsupported phy type/rev (%d/%d)
  4652. wl%d: %s: chiprev %d corerev %d cccap 0x%x maccap 0x%x band %sG, phy_type %d phy_rev %d
  4653. wl%d: %s: macaddr not found
  4654. wl%d: %s: bad macaddr %s
  4655. wl%d: bmc init not done yet :-(
  4656. wl%d: PSM MSDU init not done yet :-(
  4657. wlc_bmac_iovars_dispatch
  4658. bsscfg
  4659. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (updn)
  4660. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (swbcn)
  4661. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (mute)
  4662. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (pretbtt)
  4663. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (asst)
  4664. wl%d: Unknown wlcif %p type %d
  4665. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_alloc_ext() failed
  4666. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_init() failed
  4667. bssload
  4668. wl: %s: wlc_module_register() failed
  4669. wl: %s: add parse_fn failed, err %d
  4670. bssload_report
  4671. bssload_report_event
  4672. wl%d: wlc_cac_attach: wl_init_timer for addts-timer failed
  4673. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, tspec in assocreq
  4674. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, ts rs in assocreq
  4675. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, tspec in assocresp
  4676. wl%d: %s wlc_ier_vs_add_build_fn failed, tspec in reassocreq
  4677. wlc_cac_process_addts_req
  4678. cca_stats
  4679. wl%d: %s: out of memory, malloced %d bytes
  4680. Inc Data: %s
  4681. Inc Compiler: %s
  4682. Inc %s
  4683. Inc Customization: %s
  4684. 22 rr *:
  4685. !"#01234567&>
  4686. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, cntry in bcn
  4687. cntry
  4688. wlc_csa_process_channel_switch
  4689. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_updown_register() failed
  4690. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, csa in bcn
  4691. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ext csa in bcn
  4692. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, psta in assocreq
  4693. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, csw in bcn
  4694. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, wbw in csw ie
  4695. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, csa in bcn
  4696. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ext csa in bcn
  4697. csa -> %d
  4698. %s: switch_chanel_ex failed
  4699. wl%d: %s: Received invalid channel: %d
  4700. wlc_csa_proc_cs: Recved CSA while sender!: channel %d, count %d
  4701. wlc_send_action_switch_channel
  4702. phy_percal
  4703. wl%d: wlc_dfs_timer_init failed
  4704. wl%d: %s: wlc_dfs_timer_init failed
  4705. dfs_preism
  4706. dfs_postism
  4707. dfs_status
  4708. dfs_ism_monitor
  4709. dfs_channel_forced
  4710. wlc_dfs_cacstate_handler
  4711. wl%d: event wlc_module_register() failed
  4712. wl%d: wlc_eventq_attach: timer failed
  4713. Could not allocate event pool (want %d, got %d)
  4714. Could not prealloc event struct/data
  4715. Event superpool failed
  4716. Event superev/d failed
  4717. wl%d: %s: wlc_bss_assoc_state_register() failed
  4718. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_up_down_register() failed
  4719. wl%d: %s: wlc_sup_up_down_register() failed
  4720. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, md ie
  4721. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ft ie
  4722. wl%d: %s wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, rsn ie in ftreq
  4723. wl%d: %s wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, mdie in ftreq
  4724. wl%d: %s wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, ftie in ftreq
  4725. wl%d: %s wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, rde ie in reassocreq
  4726. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, md in scan
  4727. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, rsn ie */
  4728. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, md ie
  4729. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ft ie
  4730. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, rde ie in reassocresp
  4731. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_parse_fn failed, rsn ie in ftresp
  4732. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_parse_fn failed, md ie in ftresp
  4733. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_parse_fn failed, ft ie in ftresp
  4734. %s: failed to allocate memory for hw timer
  4735. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn_mft failed, err %d, hs20 ie
  4736. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, brcm in scan
  4737. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ht cap ie
  4738. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ht op ie
  4739. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, obss ie
  4740. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, brcm ie
  4741. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap ie
  4742. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap ie in scan
  4743. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht op ie in scan
  4744. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_vsadd_parse_fn failed, brcm ie in scan
  4745. wl%d: %s: too many entries
  4746. wl%d: %s: tag %u not found
  4747. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, fst %d err %d
  4748. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, fst %d err %d
  4749. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext cap ie
  4750. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, vndr ie
  4751. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, brcm ie
  4752. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, wme ie
  4753. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ext cap ie in assocreq
  4754. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, brcm ie in assocreq
  4755. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, wme ie in assocreq
  4756. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ssid ie
  4757. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, sup rates ie
  4758. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext rates ie
  4759. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ds parms ie
  4760. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ibss parms ie
  4761. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, tim ie in bcn
  4762. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ssid in prbreq
  4763. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, sup rates in prbreq
  4764. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext rates in prbreq
  4765. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ds parms in prbreq
  4766. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, chlng in auth
  4767. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, chlng in auth
  4768. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ssid in scan
  4769. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, sup rates in scan
  4770. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ibss parms in scan
  4771. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, wme in scan
  4772. wl%d: %s: too many registries
  4773. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed
  4774. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed
  4775. wlc_dpc
  4776. wl%d: %s HAMMERING fatal txs err
  4777. wl%d: PHYTX error
  4778. wl%d: PSM microcode watchdog fired at %d (seconds). Resetting.
  4779. wl%d: %s HAMMERING: MI_GP0 set
  4780. wlc_key_insert
  4781. wl%d.%d: %s: unsupported key size %d
  4782. wl%d.%d: %s: illegal key index %d
  4783. wl%d.%d: !UCAST KEY MGMT ERR!
  4784. wl%d.%d: %s: non-CCKM CKIP not supported
  4785. wl%d: wlc_l2_filter_attach: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  4786. wl%d: %s:wlc_scb_cubby_reserve failed
  4787. l2_filter
  4788. wl%d: L2 filter wlc_module_register() failed
  4789. wlc_mchan_timer
  4790. wlc_mchan_timer_special
  4791. wlc_mchan_noa_setup_multiswitch
  4792. %s: wlc_p2p_noa_set returned err = %d
  4793. %s failed to allocate mem for chan context
  4794. %s: failed to allocate memory for mchan free schedule list
  4795. wl%d: %s: iovar %s get/set requires mchan enabled
  4796. wl%d: %s: iovar %s set invalid value
  4797. %s: bss_idx %d out of range!
  4798. %s: bsscfg is NULL!
  4799. %s: chan_ctxt is NULL!
  4800. wl%d.%d %s: in abs period, skip pmstate set!!!
  4801. wl%d.%d: %s, cfg in AS_WAIT_RCV_BCN state, no chan switch
  4802. %s: failed to allocate memory for mchan schedule element
  4803. mchan
  4804. wl%d: wlc_hrt_alloc_timeout for mchan_to failed
  4805. wl%d: wlc_hrt_alloc_timeout for mchan_special_to failed
  4806. wl%d: wlc_hrt_alloc_timeout for mchan_abs_to failed
  4807. wl%d: wlc_mchan_sched_init failed
  4808. wl%d: wlc_hrt_alloc_timeout for mchan_pre_interface_close failed
  4809. wl%d: wlc_mcnx_intr_register failed (mchan)
  4810. %s: bss idx %d not associated.
  4811. mchan_stago_disab
  4812. mchan_pretbtt
  4813. mchan_proc_time
  4814. mchan_chan_switch_time
  4815. mchan_blocking_enab
  4816. mchan_blocking_thresh
  4817. mchan_delay_for_pm
  4818. mchan_bypass_pm
  4819. mchan_bypass_dtim
  4820. mchan_test
  4821. mchan_sched_mode
  4822. mchan_min_dur
  4823. mchan_swtime
  4824. mchan_algo
  4825. mchan_bw
  4826. mchan_bcnpos
  4827. mchan_bcnovlpopt
  4828. wlc_mchan_as_sta_waiting_for_bcn
  4829. wlc_mchan_timer_abs
  4830. wlc_mchan_prepare_pm_mode
  4831. wlc_mchan_doiovar
  4832. wlc_mchan_sched_add
  4833. wlc_mchan_noa_setup
  4834. wlc_mchan_sta_pretbtt_proc
  4835. wlc_mchan_context_alloc
  4836. wl%d: %s: assoc bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  4837. wl%d: %s: bss bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  4838. wl%d: %s: tsf bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  4839. wl%d: %s: intr bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  4840. wl%d: %s: wlc_mcnx_enab() failed
  4841. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, to in assocresp
  4842. wl%d: wlc_module_register(mfp) failed
  4843. wl%d: %s: ctxt MALLOC failed; total mallocs %d bytes
  4844. %s: pmk is not valid
  4845. wlc_calc_pmkid_for_okc
  4846. wlc_p2p_mchan_ap_tbtt_setup
  4847. wlc_p2p_process_prbreq_ext
  4848. wl%d.%d: no P2P IEs plumbed
  4849. DIRECT-
  4850. wl%d: %s: wlc_p2p_assoc_upd_register() failed
  4851. wl%d: %s: wlc_p2p_bss_upd_register() failed
  4852. wl%d: %s: wlc_p2p_tsf_upd_register() failed
  4853. wl%d: %s: wlc_p2p_intr_register() failed
  4854. wl%d: %s: wlc_bss_pretbtt_query_register() failed
  4855. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, ft 0x%04x
  4856. wl%d: %s: wlc_p2p_enab() failed
  4857. wl%d: %s cannot setup tbtt for STA bsscfg!
  4858. CKBwlc_phy_set_pdet_on_reset_acphy
  4859. Unsupported, swap should be 0 or 1
  4860. Unsupported, supported types are
  4862. wl%d: %s: channel %d not found in channel table
  4863. wl%d: %s: Invalid bq_gain %d
  4864. wl%d: %s: IQ measurement timed out
  4865. *** ERROR: R Cal value out of range. 4bit Rcal = %d.
  4866. %s RCal unsucessful. RCal valid bit is %d.
  4867. Unsupported dac_rate %d
  4868. epsdelta2g%d
  4869. eu_edthresh2g
  4870. eu_edthresh5g
  4871. %s: Switch control map(%s) is NOT found
  4872. wl%d: %s: FIXME bt_coex
  4873. wl%d: %s: Unknown cmd %d
  4874. %s: No primary channel settings for bw=%d
  4875. %s: Too much or too little power? (gain_index=%d)
  4876. wl%d: %s: Unrecognized smoothing mode: %d
  4877. wl%d: %s: Unrecognized ctrl_type: %d
  4878. MAC was not suspended before calling wlc_phy_txpwr_papd_cal_run_acphy!
  4879. wl%d: %s: Invalid chan_freq_range %d
  4880. %s: No primary channel settings for CTL_SB=%d
  4881. wl%d: %s call with null ctx
  4882. wlc_phy_cal_txiqlo_acphy failed
  4883. %s: Invalid calibration phase %d
  4884. wl%d: %s: Chanspec 0x%x not found in calibration cache
  4885. high
  4886. ^A@8A
  4887. m]LAs
  4889. @@@L[l
  4890. wlc_phy_force_rfseq_acphy
  4891. wlc_phy_gen_load_samples_acphy_papd
  4892. wlc_phy_gen_load_samples_acphy
  4893. wlc_phy_radio20691_rcal
  4894. wlc_phy_cals_acphy
  4895. @wlc_phy_radio20691_lpf_tx_set
  4896. wlc_phy_rx_iq_est_acphy
  4897. wlc_phy_smth
  4898. CaHaH
  4899. 0$S.aH
  4900. &x3V@
  4901. ) -A0A0
  4902. A0aH>D
  4903. Z+ Z
  4904. l:h.
  4905. dfUQ
  4906. (a-MM=p4
  4907. q}OkS[
  4908. ,?R?
  4909. >m>y?
  4910. wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_enable_acphy
  4911. wlc_phy_cal_cache_restore_acphy
  4912. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_femctrl
  4913. %g,,4
  4914. U4VdU
  4915. (4444
  4917. @@@@[l
  4918. wlc_phy_cal_cache_acphy
  4920. wlc_phy_chan2freq_20691
  4921. _C7.& 9
  4923. @@@@@L[l
  4924. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_chan_change_acphy
  4925. wlc_phy_loadsampletable_acphy
  4926. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_bw_change_acphy
  4927. wlc_phy_rx_iq_est_acphy_percore
  4928. wlc_phy_rxcal_txrx_gainctrl_acphy_tiny
  4929. 2dBA
  4930. wlc_phy_switch_radio
  4931. %s: Chip's radioid=0x%x, BCMRADIOID=0x%x
  4932. %s: Chip's radiorev=%d, BCMRADIOREV=%d
  4933. LP MODE %d is not supported
  4934. Wrong phy type %d
  4935. Wrong chain number %d
  4936. bandrange %d is out of scope
  4937. DFS LP buffer =
  4938. %d,
  4939. %d; now CLEARED
  4940. %s: radar params not initialized
  4941. WARNING: LP buffer size is too long
  4942. . Detected pulse index too high: %d
  4943. wl%d: %s non NULL phy_head
  4944. wl%d: %s: maccontrol 0x%x has EN_MAC set
  4945. wl%d: %s: PHY_TYPE= %d is Unsupported
  4946. wl%d: %s: chip is dead !!!
  4947. wl%d: %s: MAC running! mc=0x%x
  4948. wl%d: %s: No phy_init found for phy_type %d, rev %d
  4949. %s: out of memory %d
  4950. %s: sampling_in_progress
  4951. Value %d is not supported
  4952. Not supported with SWDIV, Use antdiv
  4953. Command not supported for this phy
  4954. Value out of range
  4955. wl%d: %s: No phy available for 5G
  4956. %s: wlapi_init_timer for phycal_timer failed
  4957. wlc_phy_rx_iq_est
  4958. wlc_phy_create_chanctx
  4959. wlc_phy_ant_rxdiv_set
  4960. wlc_phy_init
  4961. wlc_phy_radar_detect_run_nphy
  4962. wlc_phy_is_txbfcal
  4963. a0u@
  4964. > N@
  4965. wlc_phy_txpower_recalc_target
  4966. wlc_phy_ioctl
  4967. %s: wlc_phy_iovar_attach failed!
  4968. radarargs
  4969. radarargs40
  4970. radarthrs
  4971. clear_radar_status
  4972. phy_dfs_lp_buffer
  4973. cal_period
  4974. noise_meas_timer
  4975. phy_muted
  4976. pavars
  4977. paparambwver
  4978. sromrev
  4979. phy_glitchthrsh
  4980. phy_noise_up
  4981. phy_noise_dwn
  4982. phy_percal_delay
  4983. phy_force_crsmin
  4984. phy_rxiqest
  4985. lp_mode
  4986. lp_vco_2g
  4987. radio_pd
  4988. phynoise_srom
  4989. num_stream
  4990. band_range
  4991. subband5gver
  4992. ant_diversity_sw_core0
  4993. ant_diversity_sw_core1
  4994. phy_tempsense
  4995. phy_oclscdenable
  4996. lnldo2
  4997. phy_crs_war
  4998. subband_idx
  4999. pavars2
  5000. phy_dssf
  5001. phy_ed_thresh
  5002. phy_txswctrlmap
  5003. phy_sromtempsense
  5004. rxg_rssi
  5005. rssi_cal_rev
  5006. rud_agc_enable
  5007. gain_cal_temp
  5008. temp_comp_trloss
  5009. phy_ocl_force_core0
  5010. phy_btc_siso_max_response_power
  5011. phy_btc_curr_pwroffset
  5012. olpc_anchor2g
  5013. olpc_anchor5g
  5014. olpc_thresh
  5015. disable_olpc
  5016. txcal_status
  5017. wl%d: wlc_phy_shim_attach: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  5018. pkt_filter
  5019. wl%d: pmkid wlc_module_register() failed
  5020. wl%d: %s:wlc_module_register failed
  5021. prot_g
  5022. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, erp in bcn
  5023. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, erp in bcn
  5024. prot_n
  5025. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht op in bcn
  5026. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, quiet in bcn
  5027. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, quiet in bcn
  5028. wlc_rrm_recv_nrrep
  5029. wlc_rrm_send_nbr_report
  5030. wl%d: %s: Received Neighbor Report frame with incorrect length %d
  5031. wl%d: %s: unmatched token (%d, %d) on Neighbor Report frame
  5032. wl%d: %s: malfomed Neighbor Report element with length %d
  5033. rrm_timer init failed
  5034. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, cap ie
  5035. wl%d: %s: wl_init_timer for scan timer failed
  5036. wl%d: %s: wlc_create_scandb failed
  5037. wl%d: %s: failure allocating power stats
  5038. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register err=%d
  5039. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn err=%d
  5040. wl%d: %s: ssid_list not set to prealloc
  5041. wl%d: %s: invalid SSID len %d, capping
  5042. wl%d: %s: wlc_scan bad param channel_num %d greater than max %d
  5043. wl%d: %s: wlc_scan bad param channel_list was NULL with channel_num = %d
  5044. wlc_scan
  5045. wlc_scantimer
  5046. wl%d: %s: scb bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  5047. %s: failed
  5048. WAPI: detected reply
  5049. GOT:
  5050. EXP:
  5051. A-MSDU deagg only supports hardware AES, toss
  5052. use TKIP key but extended IV flag not set on frame
  5053. use WEP key but extended IV flag is set on frame
  5054. use CCMP but extended IV flag not set on frame
  5055. CCMP MIC error
  5056. CCMP decryption failed!
  5057. wl%d.%d: %s ICV error using key index %d, dropping %scast frame %u ividx %d from %s
  5058. TKIP MIC failure frame %u blen %u ividx %d, RxStatus20x%04x, da %s, sa %s
  5059. TKIP MIC failure frame %u blen %u ividx %d, got 0x%08x,0x%08x, expected 0x%08x,0x%08x, da %s, sa %s
  5060. wlc_wsec_recvdata_decrypt
  5061. wl%d: duty cycle value off limit
  5062. wl%d: stf wlc_stf_iovar_attach failed
  5063. dutycycle_cck
  5064. dutycycle_ofdm
  5065. swdiv_cell_policy
  5066. swdiv_reset_stats
  5067. swdiv_rx_policy
  5068. swdiv_stats
  5069. swdiv_tx_policy
  5070. swdiv_tx_weight
  5071. wl%d: %s: wlc_bss_assoc_state_unregister() failed
  5072. idsup
  5073. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list sup_up_down_notif_hdl
  5074. wl%d: wlc_sup_init: wl_init_timer for wpa psk timer failed
  5075. wlc_sup_init
  5076. wlc_wpa_sup_eapol
  5077. wl%d: %s: wl_init_timer for swdiv timer failed
  5078. wl%d: wlc_mcnx_intr_register failed (tbtt)
  5079. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr const in bcn
  5080. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, tpc rpt in bcn
  5081. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn() failed, tpc rpt in bcn
  5082. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, pwr const in bcn
  5083. txpwr_target_max
  5084. wl%d: txbf wlc_module_register() failed
  5085. wl%d: %s: cubby register for txc failed
  5086. 20/40/80
  5087. 20/40/80 plus 160
  5088. 20/40/80 plus 160, 80+80
  5089. <invalid>
  5090. VHT dump:
  5091. VHT Cap 0x%08x
  5092. Flags: %s
  5093. Max MPDU=%d
  5094. Max MPDU invalid value
  5095. chan width: %s
  5096. Rx STBC: %d spatial streams
  5097. Rx STBC: %d <invalid value>
  5098. max bmfrmr antenas=%d
  5099. sounding dims=%d
  5100. max ampdu len exp: %d (2^%d) (%d bytes)
  5101. link adapt=
  5102. no feedback
  5103. unsolicited
  5104. both
  5105. wlc->vhti->vht_cap.rx_mcs_map = 0x%x
  5106. wlc->vhti->vht_cap.tx_mcs_map = 0x%x
  5107. VHT mcsmap
  5108. vhti
  5109. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, vht cap ie
  5110. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, vht op ie
  5111. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr env ie
  5112. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, op mode ie
  5113. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn() failed, brcm ie
  5114. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, pwr env ie in csw
  5115. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, cap ie in assocreq
  5116. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, op ie in assocreq
  5117. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn() failed, brcm ie in assocreq
  5118. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, mode ie
  5119. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, cap ie in scan
  5120. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, op ie in scan
  5121. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn() failed, brcm ie in scan
  5122. vhtcap
  5123. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, wapi ie
  5124. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, wapi ie in assocreq
  5125. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, wapi ie in scan
  5126. wapi
  5127. wl%d: %s: out of mem for wnm_bsstrans_sta_info_t, malloced %d bytes
  5128. wl%d: %s: btm_timer init failed
  5129. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, maxidle ie in assocresp
  5130. m2mdev
  5131. P FU`
  5132. % F9F
  5133. !H" F
  5134. DEBG
  5135. )FD` F
  5136. KATS,
  5137. F8`h
  5138. PF!h
  5139. !>F8h
  5140. %`0h
  5141. JF0h!F
  5142. K*`0h
  5143. `ci"+
  5144. e`%`
  5145. ae`#
  5146. M(`(
  5147. L `8
  5148. .KD"s
  5149. -K F&i
  5150. #&a#`*K
  5151. M L(`
  5152. M,h,
  5153. `!F.h
  5154. JSap
  5155. L#h3
  5156. +h#` h
  5157. 0C`8
  5158. pGP
  5159. Fe$C
  5160. Fe$#
  5161. !@F:F
  5162. @F9F
  5163. ! F*F
  5164. F)F
  5165. (F3I
  5166. 2J3K
  5167. #hSE
  5168. & F1F
  5169. h(F"h
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  5172. 8` F
  5173. gKgJai")
  5174. +h")
  5175. 1h*h
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  5177. `ci"+
  5178. M(`x
  5179. F-h
  5180. zuEC
  5181. IF"F
  5182. $YF(F
  5183. HYF:F
  5184. "(FAF
  5185. "(FAF
  5186. (FQF
  5187. 9F2F
  5188. F/h
  5189. CKka
  5190. !bi'*
  5191. F F@
  5192. F F@
  5193. ra F
  5194. F(F8
  5195. F``hH
  5196. ci^I
  5197. GLI"F
  5198. II"F
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  5200. 2K1F
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  5202. !I"F!H
  5203. r KQ
  5204. 1]`?
  5205. $ F
  5206. hcb$b
  5207. F'aA
  5208. 3+` F
  5209. F O;x
  5210. pHqI
  5211. BLEJ
  5212. *J+K
  5213. +i(F[h
  5214. FpG-
  5215. ` F)F
  5216. XH)F
  5217. @F!F
  5218. !$" F
  5219. FYF
  5220. a2FSF
  5221. hca+
  5222. `$'F
  5223. F:F@
  5224. 4` Fp
  5225. pGo
  5226. (F!F
  5227. h[i0+
  5228. %F@F9F
  5229. ci"+
  5230. FjF F
  5231. ci"+
  5232. F9F
  5233. ci"+
  5234. FjF F
  5235. iF:F(F
  5236. F1F*F
  5237. ci"+
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  5239. iFBF(F
  5240. PHQI
  5241. #3`o
  5242. #3`>
  5243. 9H*F7I
  5244. 3H/I
  5245. *H(I
  5246. "I*F%H
  5247. {i"+
  5248. FjF8F
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  5253. 8I8K9H
  5254. +h F
  5255. F)F
  5256. j F)F
  5257. IH5FII
  5258. ci"+
  5259. F9F FjF
  5260. ci0+
  5261. .I.H
  5262. (FAF
  5263. (FAF
  5264. "H I
  5265. ci0+#
  5266. d(FiF
  5267. EF F1F
  5268. T"1F
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  5273. Ch9FBF^iKF
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  5276. (F1F
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  5280. 9F"F
  5281. x IC
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  5286. xbx7
  5287. jcxO
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  5289. jcxO
  5290. !dJ3
  5291. !aJ/
  5292. xCIC
  5293. xbx7
  5294. !7J/
  5295. bx+I
  5296. "cx7
  5297. cxID7
  5298. 0!F7
  5299. sI7
  5300. %FiI
  5301. kxAD7
  5302. aI"z
  5303. yAD7
  5304. EIBF
  5305. ;IBF
  5306. 2IBF
  5307. xbx7
  5308. bxlI
  5309. bxdI
  5310. bxbI
  5311. bxDI
  5312. bxBI
  5313. bx?I
  5314. D;I7
  5315. b7I7
  5316. "fI7
  5317. "CF>I
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  5319. "l#'I
  5320. " Ih#
  5321. "l#~I
  5322. "l#wI
  5323. "l#oI
  5324. "h#hI
  5325. "aIh#
  5326. "YIh#
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  5328. "CF6I
  5329. "CF-I
  5330. "l#$I
  5331. cxIF7
  5332. cxIF7
  5333. cxIF7
  5334. cxIF7
  5335. cxIF7
  5336. Ibx7
  5337. "sD7
  5338. z"{7
  5339. b{:I
  5340. "sD7
  5341. "sD7
  5342. Dcxl"sD7
  5343. Dcyl"sD7
  5344. Dczm"sD7
  5345. Dc{m"sD7
  5346. Dc|h"sD7
  5347. Dc}h"sD7
  5348. .c~l"sD7
  5349. ~m"sD7
  5350. `Ih"
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  5352. h"l#TI
  5353. h"l#OI
  5354. h"m#HI
  5355. h"m#DI
  5356. {l"sD7
  5357. m#"I
  5358. l"m#
  5359. l"h#
  5360. l"h#
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  5362. Il"
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  5364. "#y7
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  5366. #+IO
  5367. dh#O
  5368. "h#7
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  5370. dh#O
  5371. "h#7
  5372. "m#7
  5373. F[IO
  5374. dh#O
  5375. "h#7
  5376. "h#7
  5377. m#BI
  5378. .cx("sD7
  5379. x("sD7
  5380. .cyP"sD7
  5381. +IP"
  5382. xcx%!
  5383. xbx7
  5384. xbx7
  5385. xbx7
  5386. xbx7
  5387. xbx7
  5388. .#yN
  5389. BFZI
  5390. bxUI
  5391. bxSI
  5392. pc("
  5393. bx+I
  5394. ki#+
  5395. a"F(F
  5396. Gr#F
  5397. (FQF
  5398. 2FCF
  5399. (F1F
  5400. p<#gp
  5401. PFAF:F
  5402. 6Ca#
  5403. 3``#
  5404. {i0Fc`
  5405. #9F{a
  5406. p'p8F
  5407. ZhW@_`
  5408. @rhS@s`
  5409. ZhP@X`
  5410. ]@e`p
  5411. @
  5412. ci F"+
  5413. ` Fci"+
  5414. ci F"+
  5415. ci F"+
  5416. ci F"+
  5417. ci"+
  5418. ci F"+
  5419. ci"+
  5420. ci"+
  5421. ` Fci"+
  5422. ci"+
  5423. ` Fci"+
  5424. ci"+
  5425. ` Fci"+
  5426. 9JzC
  5427. ci F"+
  5428. ` Fci"+
  5429. F9F
  5430. -K9F
  5431. 2F+F
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  5434. F9F+F
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  5436. 3J3F
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  5438. F)F
  5439. ci F"+
  5440. ci"+
  5441. F)FJF
  5442. ci F"+
  5443. ` Fci"+
  5444. uJ+F
  5445. Hci F"+
  5446. ` Fci"+
  5447. F1FQJ
  5448. !OJ+F
  5449. ci F"+
  5450. ` Fci"+
  5451. %RF;F1F F
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  5453. ci"+
  5454. ci F"+
  5455. ci"+
  5456. ci F"+
  5457. ci F"+
  5458. `1FRF F
  5459. FYF
  5460. 1F+F
  5461. F1F*F
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  5471. '3F F)FBF
  5472. ci"+@
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  5478. =F9x
  5479. 2p)FFF
  5480. 27pfF
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  5484. 063P
  5485. F1F
  5486. 62T
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  5491. F1F
  5492. 62T
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  5494. pG8
  5495. `pG-
  5496. " F@
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  5498. 6 Fcb
  5499. $0#bO
  5500. $!F("#F
  5501. !;F(FO
  5502. (F!F("O
  5503. 62T
  5504. F1F2F
  5505. F1F
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  5512. \H)F
  5513. F)F:FKF
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  5517. *F+F
  5518. )F2F
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  5520. (F1I
  5521. (F.I
  5522. .N3x
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  5526. 3hph
  5527. #F0h
  5528. 3h,F
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  5551. F0i)
  5552. 6!:F
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  5555. #F0h
  5556. FQF
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  5560. X7 F
  5561. h!J!H
  5562. h$_I
  5563. h$0F
  5564. SK0FSI
  5565. "hOH
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  5567. AKBI0F'j
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  5576. B0!h
  5577. C0!h
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  5580. L0"h
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  5586. )0SE
  5587. F)F$"
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  5589. "$ B
  5590. S`3j
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  5592. #h*H(J
  5593. #h$H J
  5594. .j[j
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  5602. ^H)FTJ
  5603. VH)FKJ
  5604. OH)FCJ
  5605. 1FKJ FKK
  5606. !"F F
  5607. 3H1I@J
  5608. ,H+I:J
  5609. &H$I5J
  5610. h!F
  5611. {H|I
  5612. tHuI|J
  5613. nHnIwJ
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  5618. SHTI`J
  5619. ]H)FNJ
  5620. XH)FHJ
  5621. BHBIRJ
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  5623. 5H5IGJ
  5624. .H.IAJ
  5625. 'H'I;J
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  5634. IHJIPJ
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  5636. <H=IFJ
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  5638. 4H4I?J
  5639. -H.I9J
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  5641. H!I.J
  5642. |2&F
  5643. 0#h[j
  5644. h2YY
  5645. h"I"F
  5646. Fah
  5647. 6$5#h
  5648. Fah
  5649. PFIF
  5650. !F"F
  5651. AF{J}H
  5652. ` Cj
  5653. #h`h
  5654. F1F
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  5656. WHAFPJ
  5657. SK(F
  5658. #FQIRJ
  5659. CHAF5J
  5660. 0#b i(
  5661. AF(J5H
  5662. 1F F
  5663. h4Zdd"
  5664. z d"
  5665. h4Zd
  5666. v1F i'
  5667. #0#b
  5668. O0#j
  5669. !j F
  5670. #h[j
  5671. FAF
  5672. FIF
  5673. HAFzJ
  5674. D`#h
  5675. !2F F
  5676. b#j
  5677. %`3FF
  5678. P1("
  5679. #h[j
  5680. YHAF
  5681. RHAF
  5682. LHAF
  5683. m FC
  5684. 4HAF4J
  5685. /HAF-J
  5686. #h+I
  5687. HF1F
  5688. h!F(h
  5689. #h`h
  5690. /J1F
  5691. +F)I)J
  5692. #h(H
  5693. (K)F
  5694. # h&J
  5695. #h$H
  5696. 0i1h
  5697. #h[j
  5698. #`#h[j
  5699. h!F(h
  5700. #h`h
  5701. /J1F
  5702. F+J+K
  5703. #h)H+
  5704. #h%H
  5705. #h!H
  5706. #h`h
  5707. 7J1F
  5708. F3J3K
  5709. #h1HG
  5710. #h)H-
  5711. #h$H
  5712. #h H
  5713. #h`h
  5714. MJ1F
  5715. #hGHy
  5716. #hBHj
  5717. #h>H\
  5718. #h:HN
  5719. !0"8K
  5720. #h6HB
  5721. #h2H6
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  6470. dngl_attach
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  6473. delete_pool
  6474. bcm_notif_attach
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  6477. ipxotp_otpsize_set_40nm
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  6481. si_doattach
  6482. wl_arp_attach
  6483. wl_eventq_attach
  6484. wl_keep_alive_attach
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  6486. wlc_attach_cb_init
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  6488. wlc_attach_antgain_init
  6489. wlc_phdr_attach
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  6493. wlc_11d_attach
  6494. wlc_11h_attach
  6495. wlc_11u_attach
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  6498. wlc_ampdu_tx_attach
  6499. wlc_ampdu_rx_attach
  6500. wlc_amsdu_tx_attach
  6501. wlc_amsdu_attach
  6502. wlc_ap_attach
  6503. wlc_apps_attach
  6504. wlc_auth_attach
  6505. wlc_bmac_validate_chip_access
  6506. wlc_bmac_attach
  6507. wlc_bsscfg_attach
  6508. wlc_bsscfg_primary_init
  6509. wlc_bssload_attach
  6510. wlc_btc_attach
  6511. wlc_cac_attach
  6512. wlc_cca_attach
  6513. wlc_channel_mgr_attach
  6514. wlc_cntry_attach
  6515. wlc_csa_attach
  6516. wlc_dfs_attach
  6517. wlc_fbt_attach
  6518. wlc_hrt_attach
  6519. wlc_hs20_attach
  6520. wlc_ht_attach
  6521. wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn
  6522. wlc_iem_add_build_fn
  6523. wlc_iem_attach
  6524. wlc_iem_add_parse_fn
  6525. wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn
  6526. wlc_assoc_register_iem_fns
  6527. wlc_prq_register_iem_fns
  6528. wlc_register_iem_fns
  6529. wlc_scan_register_iem_fns
  6530. wlc_bcn_register_iem_fns
  6531. wlc_auth_register_iem_fns
  6532. wlc_ier_add_build_fn
  6533. wlc_ier_create_registry
  6534. wlc_ier_attach
  6535. wlc_ier_vs_add_build_fn
  6536. wlc_ier_add_parse_fn
  6537. wlc_itfr_attach
  6538. wlc_l2_filter_attach
  6539. wlc_lq_attach
  6540. wlc_macfltr_attach
  6541. wlc_mchan_sched_init
  6542. wlc_mchan_attach
  6543. wlc_mcnx_attach
  6544. wlc_mfp_attach
  6545. wlc_monitor_attach
  6546. wlc_p2p_attach
  6547. wlc_pcb_attach
  6548. wlc_phy_nvram_femctrl_read
  6549. wlc_phy_attach_acphy
  6550. wlc_phy_set_txgain_tbls
  6551. wlc_phy_shared_attach
  6552. wlc_phy_shared_detach
  6553. wlc_phy_radio_attach
  6554. phy_getvar_fabid_internal
  6555. phy_getintvararray_default_internal
  6556. wlc_phy_attach
  6557. wlc_phy_cmn_attach
  6558. wlc_phy_iovar_attach
  6559. wlc_pkt_filter_attach
  6560. wlc_pmkid_attach
  6561. wlc_lpc_attach
  6562. wlc_prot_attach
  6563. wlc_prot_g_attach
  6564. wlc_prot_n_attach
  6565. wlc_pwrstats_attach
  6566. wlc_quiet_attach
  6567. wlc_ratesel_attach
  6568. wlc_rrm_attach
  6569. wlc_scan_attach
  6570. wlc_scan_detach
  6571. wlc_scb_attach
  6572. wlc_scb_lpc_attach
  6573. wlc_scb_ratesel_attach
  6574. wlc_sup_attach
  6575. wlc_sup_detach
  6576. wlc_swdiv_get_vars
  6577. wlc_tbtt_attach
  6578. wlc_tpc_attach
  6579. wlc_txbf_attach
  6580. wlc_txc_attach
  6581. wlc_vht_attach
  6582. wlc_wapi_attach
  6583. wlc_wnm_attach
  6584. %s: Unable to alloc rqstpool: Out of mem?
  6585. TCAM: %d used: %d exceed:%d
  6586. deadman_to
  6587. ramstbydis
  6588. M2MDEV
  6589. %s: Broadcom M2MD CDC driver
  6590. m2mdcdc%d
  6591. RTE (%s-%s%s%s) %s on BCM%s r%d @ %d.%d/%d.%d/%d.%dMHz
  6592. SDIO
  6593. notif_c
  6594. notif_s
  6595. ofdm2gpo=0x%x
  6596. pa%dgw%da%d=0x%x
  6597. gainctrlsph=%d
  6598. pa1maxpwr=%d
  6599. measpower%d=0x%x
  6600. rxgains%dg%ctrelnabypa%d=%d
  6601. pa2ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6602. rssismc5g=%d
  6603. usbflags=0x%x
  6604. pa2gccka%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6605. pdetrange2g=0x%x
  6606. subvendid=0x%x
  6607. ag%d=0x%x
  6608. oem=%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  6609. ofdmpo=0x%x
  6610. tempoffset=%d
  6611. measpower=0x%x
  6612. rssismf2g=%d
  6613. paparambwver=%d
  6614. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x%x
  6615. itt2ga0=0x%x
  6616. bxa2g=%d
  6617. rssismc2g=%d
  6618. pa5gbw40a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6619. mcsbw205glpo=0x%x
  6620. mcsbw20ul5glpo=0x%x
  6621. mcsbw405glpo=0x%x
  6622. usbutmi_ctl=0x%x
  6623. extpagain2g=0x%x
  6624. antswctl2g=0x%x
  6625. productname=%s
  6626. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_%d_5g=%d
  6627. rxgainerr2ga%d=0x%x
  6628. maxp2ga%d=0x%x
  6629. bwduppo=0x%x
  6630. noiselvl5ga%d=%d,%d,%d,%d
  6631. bw40po=0x%x
  6632. pa5gbw80a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6633. usb30u1u2=0x%x
  6634. pdetrange5g=0x%x
  6635. macaddr=%s
  6636. temps_hysteresis=%d
  6637. mcs%dgpo%d=0x%x
  6638. boardflags2=0x%x
  6639. boardflags3=0x%x
  6640. ledbh%d=0x%x
  6641. rxgains%dg%ctrisoa%d=%d
  6642. aa2g=0x%x
  6643. prodid=0x%x
  6644. tempthresh=%d
  6645. chiprev=%d
  6646. legofdmbw205glpo=0x%x
  6647. legofdmbw20ul5glpo=0x%x
  6648. legofdmbw205gmpo=0x%x
  6649. legofdmbw20ul5gmpo=0x%x
  6650. legofdmbw205ghpo=0x%x
  6651. legofdmbw20ul5ghpo=0x%x
  6652. usbfs=%d
  6653. sb40and80%cr5g%cpo=0x%x
  6654. cc=%d
  6655. dot11agdup%crpo=0x%x
  6656. aga%d=0x%x
  6657. triso5g=0x%x
  6658. tempsense_slope=%d
  6659. maxp5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6660. pa1itssit=%d
  6661. pa0b0=%d
  6662. pa0b1=%d
  6663. pa0b2=%d
  6664. pa5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6665. mcsbw805g%cpo=0x%x
  6666. subband5gver=%d
  6667. rssisav5g=%d
  6668. mcsbw202gpo=0x%x
  6669. mcsbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  6670. mcsbw402gpo=0x%x
  6671. regrev=0x%x
  6672. cctl=0x%x
  6673. noiselvl2ga%d=%d
  6674. cckpo=0x%x
  6675. tri5g=%d
  6676. cckdigfilttype=%d
  6677. vendid=0x%x
  6678. femctrl=%d
  6679. usb30regs%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6680. pdoffset2g%dma%d=0x%x
  6681. usbepnum=0x%x
  6682. pa1himaxpwr=%d
  6683. rxchain=0x%x
  6684. boardflags=0x%x
  6685. pa1b0=%d
  6686. pa1b1=%d
  6687. pa1b2=%d
  6688. txchain=0x%x
  6689. rxgains%dg%celnagaina%d=%d
  6690. pa0maxpwr=%d
  6691. bxa5g=%d
  6692. agbg%d=0x%x
  6693. usbssphy_sleep0=0x%x
  6694. usbssphy_sleep1=0x%x
  6695. usbssphy_sleep2=0x%x
  6696. usbssphy_sleep3=0x%x
  6697. leddc=0x%04x
  6698. mcs32po=0x%x
  6699. rssisav2g=%d
  6700. opo=%d
  6701. itt2ga1=0x%x
  6702. rxpo5g=%d
  6703. extpagain5g=0x%x
  6704. ofdm5ghpo=0x%x
  6705. tworangetssi%dg=%d
  6706. sb20in40%crpo=0x%x
  6707. manfid=0x%x
  6708. elna2g=0x%x
  6709. pa1hib0=%d
  6710. pa1hib1=%d
  6711. pa1hib2=%d
  6712. pa0b0_lo=%d
  6713. pa0b1_lo=%d
  6714. pa0b2_lo=%d
  6715. sb20in80and160%cr5g%cpo=0x%x
  6716. cddpo=0x%x
  6717. boardtype=0x%x
  6718. antswitch=0x%x
  6719. boardnum=%d
  6720. rdlid=0x%x
  6721. xtalfreq=%d
  6722. maxp5gha0=0x%x
  6723. rxgains%dgelnagaina%d=%d
  6724. usbssmdio%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6725. subdevid=0x%x
  6726. pa1lob0=%d
  6727. pa1lob1=%d
  6728. pa1lob2=%d
  6729. stbcpo=0x%x
  6730. rxgainerr5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6731. pa1lomaxpwr=%d
  6732. pdoffset%dma%d=0x%x
  6733. tempcorrx=%d
  6734. ofdm5gpo=0x%x
  6735. usbnoss=0x%x
  6736. aa5g=0x%x
  6737. customvar%d=0x%x
  6738. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_%d_5g=%d
  6739. uuid=%s
  6740. tri2g=%d
  6741. tempsense_option=%d
  6742. papdcap%dg=%d
  6743. legofdmbw202gpo=0x%x
  6744. legofdmbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  6745. pdgain%dg=%d
  6746. maxp5ga0=0x%x
  6747. maxp5ga1=0x%x
  6748. mcs%dg%cpo%d=0x%x
  6749. temps_period=%d
  6750. phycal_tempdelta=%d
  6751. pa%dg%cw%da%d=0x%x
  6752. ccode=0x0
  6753. regwindowsz=%d
  6754. ofdmlrbw202gpo=0x%x
  6755. wowl_gpiopol=%d
  6756. antswctl5g=0x%x
  6757. cck2gpo=0x%x
  6758. cckbw202gpo=0x%x
  6759. cckbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  6760. itt5ga0=0x%x
  6761. itt5ga1=0x%x
  6762. mcslr5g%cpo=0x%x
  6763. pdoffset2g%dmvalid=0x%x
  6764. rxgains%dgtrelnabypa%d=%d
  6765. boardrev=0x%x
  6766. rawtempsense=0x%x
  6767. usbssphy_utmi_ctl0=0x%x
  6768. usbssphy_utmi_ctl1=0x%x
  6769. usbssphy_utmi_ctl2=0x%x
  6770. ofdm5glpo=0x%x
  6771. ccode=%c%c
  6772. pa0itssit=%d
  6773. tssipos5g=0x%x
  6774. rxpo2g=%d
  6775. tssiposslope%dg=%d
  6776. tri5gh=%d
  6777. manf=%s
  6778. tri5gl=%d
  6779. mcsbw205ghpo=0x%x
  6780. mcsbw20ul5ghpo=0x%x
  6781. mcsbw405ghpo=0x%x
  6782. sromrev=%d
  6783. legofdm40duppo=0x%x
  6784. maxp5gha1=0x%x
  6785. devid=0x%x
  6786. rxgains%dgtrisoa%d=%d
  6787. maxp5gla0=0x%x
  6788. maxp5gla1=0x%x
  6789. epagain%dg=%d
  6790. wpsgpio=%d
  6791. wowl_gpio=%d
  6792. rssismf5g=%d
  6793. triso2g=0x%x
  6794. tssipos2g=0x%x
  6795. wpsled=%d
  6796. elna5g=0x%x
  6797. pa5gbw4080a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  6798. mcsbw205gmpo=0x%x
  6799. mcsbw20ul5gmpo=0x%x
  6800. mcsbw405gmpo=0x%x
  6801. mcsbw1605g%cpo=0x%x
  6802. Invalid/Unsupported xtal value %d
  6803. pll%d
  6804. rmin
  6805. r%dd
  6806. r%dt
  6807. xtalfreq
  6808. rmax
  6809. reg%d
  6810. chipc%d
  6811. boardtype
  6812. vio_rf_war_dis
  6813. bauddiv
  6814. swdenable
  6815. prodid
  6816. boardflags
  6817. xtalfreq
  6818. devid
  6819. boardrev
  6820. muxenab
  6821. wl0id
  6822. wl%d: Broadcom BCM%d 802.11 Wireless Controller %s
  6823. C%C
  6824. C!C$C
  6826. TC_C?COC/C4C5C6C7C8C9C
  6828. CXCYCZC
  6829. CUCVCcC
  6830. CdCeCfCtCgC
  6831. tx_ofdm_temp_0
  6832. tx_ofdm_temp_2
  6833. tx_cck_dutycy_2
  6834. sar5g
  6835. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_40_5g
  6836. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm
  6837. tx_cck_dutycy_0
  6838. tx_cck_dutycy_1
  6839. temp_based_dutycy_en
  6840. devid
  6841. sar2g
  6842. agbg0
  6843. agbg1
  6844. agbg2
  6845. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_40_5g
  6846. aga0
  6847. aga1
  6848. aga2
  6849. tx_cck_temp_1
  6850. tx_cck_temp_2
  6851. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_80_5g
  6852. aa5g
  6853. tx_ofdm_temp_1
  6854. tx_cck_temp_0
  6855. tx_duty_cycle_cck
  6856. tx_ofdm_dutycy_0
  6857. aa2g
  6858. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_80_5g
  6859. 11n_disable
  6860. NVRAMRev
  6861. tx_ofdm_dutycy_1
  6862. tx_ofdm_dutycy_2
  6863. antswctl2g
  6864. antswctl5g
  6865. boardflags4
  6866. wl%d
  6867. aa2g
  6868. btc_mode
  6869. macaddr
  6870. vendid
  6871. btc_params%d
  6872. btc_flags
  6873. boardrev
  6874. boardflags2
  6875. devid
  6876. sromrev
  6877. boardflags
  6878. regrev
  6879. ccode
  6880. eventq
  6881. hs20
  6882. interference
  6883. papdmode
  6884. swdiv_gpio
  6885. rxgains5gmtrisoa%d
  6886. rssi_corr_pchan2g_%s_c%d
  6887. rxgains5ghtrelnabypa%d
  6888. dot11b_opts
  6889. edpdcalset
  6890. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g
  6891. pacalopt
  6892. pacalshift5ga1
  6893. rxgains5ghelnagaina%d
  6894. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gh
  6895. rxgains2gtrisoa%d
  6896. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gl
  6897. extpagain5g
  6898. rxgains2gelnagaina%d
  6899. rud_agc_enable
  6900. trloss_adj_time_dur
  6901. pdgain2g
  6902. ldo3p3_2g
  6903. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g_sub
  6904. disable_olpc
  6905. tiny_maxrxgain
  6906. rssi_corr_pchan5g_%s_c%d
  6907. pacalshift2g
  6908. paparambwver
  6909. pacalpwr2g
  6910. AvVmid_c%d
  6911. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gh_elnaoff
  6912. txswctrlmap_2g_mask
  6913. pacalpwr5g
  6914. olpc_thresh
  6915. rssi_delta_5g%s_c%d
  6916. olpc_thresh5g
  6917. olpc_tempslope2g
  6918. rssicorrnorm5g_c%d
  6919. fdss_level_2g
  6920. papdbbmult5g
  6921. swctrlmap_2g
  6922. rssicorrnorm_c%d
  6923. initxidx5g
  6924. patoneidx5g
  6925. txgaintbl5g
  6926. pacalindex2g
  6927. txiqcalidx2g
  6928. lowpowerrange2g
  6929. pacalshift5ga0
  6930. olpc_idx_in_use
  6931. offtgpwr
  6932. swdiv_swctrl_ant0
  6933. swdiv_swctrl_ant1
  6934. swdiv_swctrl_mask
  6935. epacal2g
  6936. rpcal5gb3
  6937. tworangetssi2g
  6938. rssi_delta_2g%s
  6939. rxgainerr5ga0
  6940. pdgain5g
  6941. parfps2g
  6942. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gmu_elnaoff
  6943. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g_sub_elnaoff
  6944. phy4350_ss_opt
  6945. cckdigfilttype
  6946. ldo3p3_5g
  6947. txnospurmod5g
  6948. LTEJ_WAR_en
  6949. thresh_noise_cal
  6950. tworangetssi5g
  6951. itrsw
  6952. dacratemode2g
  6953. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gml_elnaoff
  6954. rxgains5gtrisoa%d
  6955. rssi_cal_rev
  6956. olpc_anchor2g
  6957. noiselvl5ga%d
  6958. epacal2g_mask
  6959. rawtempsense
  6960. gain_cal_temp
  6961. txidxcap2g
  6962. ed_thresh5g
  6963. epagain2g
  6964. afewar40
  6965. parfps5g
  6966. olpc_tempslope5g
  6967. trloss_adj_temp_thresh
  6968. rxgains5gmelnagaina%d
  6969. pacal2g
  6970. fdss_level_5g
  6971. fdss_interp_en
  6972. paprdis
  6973. pagc5g
  6974. pacalshift5g
  6975. swctrlmap_5g
  6976. ed_thresh2g
  6977. rxgaincal_rssical
  6978. rssi_delta_2g_c%d
  6979. papdwar
  6980. extpagain2g
  6981. swctrlmapext_5g
  6982. pacalindex5g
  6983. txiqcalidx5g
  6984. swctrlmapext_2g
  6985. lowpowerrange5g
  6986. rxgains2gtrelnabypa%d
  6987. pacalmode
  6988. pagc2g
  6989. txnospurmod2g
  6990. antdiv_rfswctrlpin_a0
  6991. antdiv_rfswctrlpin_a1
  6992. rxgainerr2ga0
  6993. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gml
  6994. txnoBW80ClkSwitch
  6995. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gmu
  6996. epacal5g
  6997. bphyscale
  6998. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gl_elnaoff
  6999. txswctrlmap_5g
  7000. boardflags3
  7001. swdiv_swctrl_en
  7002. swdiv_en
  7003. olpc_thresh2g
  7004. subband5gver
  7005. rxgains5gtrelnabypa%d
  7006. papdbbmult2g
  7007. noiselvl2ga%d
  7008. rxgains5ghtrisoa%d
  7009. rpcal5gb0
  7010. rx5ggainwar
  7011. rpcal5gb2
  7012. asymmetricjammermod
  7013. initxidx2g
  7014. patoneidx2g
  7015. rssi_delta_5g%s
  7016. rxgains5gelnagaina%d
  7017. rssi_cal_freq_grp_2g
  7018. rssi_qdB_en
  7019. rxgains5gmtrelnabypa%d
  7020. dacratemode5g
  7021. rpcal5gb1
  7022. olpc_anchor5g
  7023. ofdmfilttype
  7024. papdpwrctrl
  7025. txidxcap5g
  7026. vcodivmode
  7027. epagain5g
  7028. cal_period
  7029. rpcal2g
  7030. txswctrlmap_2g
  7031. femctrl
  7032. pacal5g
  7033. temp_comp_tr_loss
  7034. sb20in40lrpo
  7035. .fab.
  7036. tempthresh
  7037. pdoffsetcckma0
  7038. tssifloor2g
  7039. mcslr5glpo
  7040. pa5ga0
  7041. pa5ga1
  7042. dot11agduphrpo
  7043. pdoffset40ma0
  7044. phycal_tempdelta
  7045. maxp5ga0
  7046. cckbw20ul2gpo
  7047. mcsbw805ghpo
  7048. rssicorrperrg5g
  7049. 2g_cga
  7050. mcsbw405gmpo
  7051. sb40and80hr5ghpo
  7052. pdoffset2g40ma0
  7053. tssilimucod
  7054. cckbw202gpo
  7055. pa2ga0
  7056. pa2ga1
  7057. mcsbw205glpo
  7058. mcsbw805glpo
  7059. mcsbw402gpo
  7060. cckPwrIdxCorr
  7061. sb20in40hrpo
  7062. tssifloor5g
  7063. maxp2ga0
  7064. mcsbw202gpo
  7065. pa5gbw80a0
  7066. cckpwroffset0
  7067. tempoffset
  7068. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo
  7069. sb20in80and160hr5ghpo
  7070. sb40and80hr5glpo
  7071. interference
  7072. txpwrbckof
  7073. mcsbw405glpo
  7074. pa2gccka0
  7075. sb20in80and160lr5ghpo
  7076. pdoffset80ma0
  7077. sb40and80lr5ghpo
  7078. temps_hysteresis
  7079. sb20in80and160hr5gmpo
  7080. dot11agduplrpo
  7081. rssicorratten
  7082. pdoffset2g40mvalid
  7083. sb20in80and160lr5gmpo
  7084. ofdmlrbw202gpo
  7085. sb40and80lr5gmpo
  7086. rssicorrnorm
  7087. rssicorrperrg2g
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  11796. system monitor
  11797. Event flags
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  11800. Stack end: %p
  11801. Current thread: Unknown
  11802. Next thread: %s
  11803. Possible callstack:
  11804. echo; for x in
  11805. %08x
  11806. ** Execption **
  11807. PREFETCH ABORT @ 0x%08x
  11808. r00:0x%08x r01:0x%08x r02:0x%08x r03:0x%08x
  11809. r04:0x%08x r05:0x%08x r06:0x%08x r07:0x%08x
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  11813. cpsr:0x%08x ifar:0x%08x
  11814. Crashinfo stored in flash...
  11815. ** Failed to store to flash **
  11817. MEMORY READ
  11818. ** Execption **
  11819. DATA ABORT [%s] @ 0x%08x
  11820. cpsr:0x%08x (d/i)far:0x%08x
  11821. ** Execption **
  11823. cpsr:0x%08x
  11824. avb_timestamp_addr
  11825. System Timer Thread
  11826. gw:%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x
  11827. %d.%d.%04d
  11828. _coap._udp.local
  11829. COAPrx
  11830. COAPob
  11831. Observer token:
  11832. COAPserver
  11833. Client_identity
  11834. 9036
  11835. {"9033":"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x","9065":"%ld%04ld"}
  11836. /15011/9063
  11837. /15011/9033
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  11844. vuvsb
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  11847. 3311
  11848. 15009
  11849. 3312
  11850. 3300
  11851. 5712
  11852. 5850
  11853. 5851
  11854. 5709
  11855. 5710
  11856. 5707
  11857. 5708
  11858. 5711
  11859. 5706
  11860. 5713
  11861. 9002
  11862. 9020
  11863. 9003
  11864. 9054
  11865. 5750
  11866. 9019
  11867. efd275
  11868. f1e0b5
  11869. f5faf6
  11870. dcf0f8
  11871. eaf6fb
  11872. f2eccf
  11873. ebb63e
  11874. e78834
  11875. e57345
  11876. da5d41
  11877. dc4b31
  11878. e491af
  11879. e8bedd
  11880. d9337c
  11881. c984bb
  11882. 8f2686
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  11886. d6e44b
  11887. bav`
  11888. osgr
  11889. \OH!
  11890. 3sRx
  11891. scan_complete_monitor_thread
  11892. NCP async message queue
  11893. NCP async
  11894. LEDS message queue
  11895. LED thread
  11896. 9038
  11897. arena
  11898. hblks
  11899. hblkhd
  11900. usmblks
  11901. fsmblks
  11902. uordblks
  11903. fordblks
  11904. keepcost
  11905. /15005
  11906. /15004
  11907. /15004/add
  11908. /15004/remove
  11909. /15001/reset
  11910. /status
  11911. /heap
  11912. Network message queue
  11913. GW-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X
  11914. Network
  11915. 0@P`p
  11916. Button message queue
  11917. Button callback thread
  11918. /15004/%lu
  11919. 9039
  11920. 15002
  11921. 9018
  11922. fw_binary_url
  11923. fw_type
  11924. fw_major_version
  11925. fw_minor_version
  11926. fw_hotfix_version
  11927. fw_special_version
  11928. fw_build_version
  11929. fw_filesize
  11930. fw_manufacturer_id
  11931. fw_image_type
  11932. fw_file_version_MSB
  11933. fw_file_version_LSB
  11934. fw_weblink_relnote
  11935. fw_update_prio
  11936. OTA message queue
  11937. OTA main thread
  11938. 9056
  11939. 9066
  11940. 9052
  11943. @BRCM
  11944. abcdEFGH0123abcd9014
  11945. 9015
  11946. 9017
  11947. /15006
  11948. %s=%s
  11950. 9070
  11951. 15013
  11952. /15005/%lu/%lu
  11953. 9058
  11954. /15005/%lu
  11955. 9057
  11956. 9068
  11957. EVERYDAY
  11958. RELAX
  11959. FOCUS
  11960. GET /%s HTTP/1.0
  11961. User-Agent: HertzClient/1.0 (GW (1).(0).(8))
  11962. Host: %s
  11963. Range: bytes=%s-%s
  11964. Connection: %s
  11965. keep-alive
  11966. If-Modified-Since: %s
  11967. GET /%s HTTP/1.0
  11968. User-Agent: HertzClient/1.0 (GW (1).(0).(8))
  11969. Host: %s
  11970. %sConnection: %s
  11971. close
  11972. HTTP/
  11973. Content-Length: %lu
  11974. Last-Modified: %64[^
  11975. Date: %64[^
  11976. ://%255[^/]/%511[^
  11977. 9023
  11978. 9059
  11979. 9060
  11980. 9062
  11981. 9061
  11982. 9029
  11983. 9055
  11984. 9069
  11985. 9071
  11986. 9024
  11987. 9025
  11988. 9026
  11989. 9032
  11990. 9027
  11991. 9028
  11992. 9067
  11993. 9064
  11994. /15011/9034
  11995. /15011/9030
  11996. /15011/9031
  11997. %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT
  11998. Mon Jan 16 12:23:58 2017
  11999. Gateway HW BRCM43907: chip:%04x rev:%d pkgopt:%d cores:%d type: %d RAW:0x%08x
  12000. Gateway Software version v%d.%d.%04d #%s
  12001. Gateway Eternet MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  12002. Gateway WiFi MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  12003. Gateway name: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  12004. Production Number: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  12005. Production Number: N/A
  12006. MSTK: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c
  12007. MSTK: N/A
  12008. Zigbee NCP: ver 0x%02x type 0x%02x prot 0x%02x ver. [%d.%d.%d
  12009. %s build %d]
  12010. Zigbee MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  12011. ENABLED
  12012. DISABLED
  12013. Secure Bit: %s
  12014. Secure Boot: %s
  12015. RSA 2kbit pubkey SHA256:
  12016. RSA 2kbit pubkey SHA256: N/A
  12017. RSA 4kbit pubkey SHA256:
  12018. RSA 4kbit pubkey SHA256: N/A
  12020. ERROR: Cannot read MFI device ID register
  12021. MFI device ID: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  12022. ERROR: Cannot read MFI registers
  12023. MFI DEV_VER: 0x%02x FW: 0x%02x PROTOCOL 0x%02x%02x
  12024. HomeKit pairing code: %d%d%d-%d%d-%d%d%d
  12025. HomeKit pairing code: N/A
  12026. Pre-Release
  12027. Alpha 1
  12028. Alpha 2
  12029. Alpha 3
  12030. Beta 1
  12031. Beta 2
  12032. Beta 3
  12033. 9042
  12034. 9050
  12035. 9043
  12036. Smart Tasks
  12037. 9045
  12038. /15010/%lu
  12039. /15010
  12040. %s/%lu
  12041. 9040
  12042. 9041
  12043. 9044
  12044. 9046
  12045. 9047
  12046. 9048
  12047. 9049
  12048. DHCP Discover
  12049. 9501
  12050. 9502
  12051. 9503
  12052. 9504
  12053. 9505
  12054. 9506
  12055. 9507
  12056. 9508
  12057. 9509
  12058. 9510
  12059. 9511
  12060. 9512
  12061. 9513
  12062. 9500
  12063. 0000000000
  12064. rand
  12065. 2.01 Created
  12066. 2.02 Deleted
  12067. 2.03 Valid
  12068. 2.04 Changed
  12069. 2.05 Content
  12070. Bad Request
  12071. Unauthorized
  12072. Bad Option
  12073. Forbidden
  12074. Not Found
  12075. Method Not Allowed
  12076. Request Entity Incomplete
  12077. Request Entity Too Large
  12078. Unsupported Media Type
  12079. Internal Server Error
  12080. Not Implemented
  12081. Bad Gateway
  12082. Service Unavailable
  12083. Gateway Timeout
  12084. Proxying Not Supported
  12085. ;obs
  12086. href
  12087. coap
  12088. \u%04X\u%04X
  12089. null
  12090. true
  12091. false
  12093. %s near '%s'
  12094. %s near end of file
  12095. unable to decode byte 0x%x
  12096. premature end of input
  12097. unexpected newline
  12098. control character 0x%x
  12099. invalid escape
  12100. invalid Unicode escape '%.6s'
  12101. invalid Unicode '\u%04X\u%04X'
  12102. invalid Unicode '\u%04X'
  12103. too big negative integer
  12104. too big integer
  12105. real number overflow
  12106. \u0000 is not allowed without JSON_ALLOW_NUL
  12107. string or '}' expected
  12108. NUL byte in object key not supported
  12109. duplicate object key
  12110. ':' expected
  12111. ']' expected
  12112. invalid token
  12113. unexpected token
  12114. '[' or '{' expected
  12115. end of file expected
  12116. <string>
  12117. wrong arguments
  12118. <buffer>
  12119. <stdin>
  12120. <stream>
  12121. unable to open %s: %s
  12122. <callback>
  12123. %.*g
  12124. groupId 0x%2x sceneId 0x%x
  12125. RX: EndpointInformation
  12126. , 0x%2x, 0x%x, 0x%2x, 0x%2x, 0x%x
  12127. RX: GetEndpointListResponse 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x,
  12128. [0x%2x 0x%x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%x]
  12129. Updating device with new node id 0x%04x (0x%04x)
  12130. RX: RemoveSceneResponse 0x%x, 0x%2x, 0x%x
  12131. RX: RemoveAllScenesResponse 0x%x, 0x%2x
  12132. Failed opening serial port.
  12133. Error initializing ring buffer.
  12134. Ezsp Config: set %p to 0x%2x:
  12135. Ezsp Policy: set %p to "%p":
  12136. Ezsp Value : set %p to
  12137. 0x%4x:
  12138. {val of len %x}:
  12139. ERROR: ezspErrorHandler 0x%x
  12140. send %x %2x
  12141. done: %x.
  12142. ERROR: stack type 0x%x is not expected!
  12143. ERROR: NCP EZSP protocol version of 0x%x does not match Host version 0x%x
  12144. ezsp ver 0x%x stack type 0x%x
  12145. stack ver [0x%2x]
  12146. ERROR: ezspForceReset 0x%x
  12147. source route table size
  12148. security level
  12149. address table size
  12150. TC addr cache
  12151. stack profile
  12152. MAC indirect TX timeout
  12153. max hops
  12154. tx power mode
  12155. supported networks
  12156. binding modify
  12157. allow for valid endpoints & clusters only
  12158. message content in msgSent
  12159. return
  12160. maximum incoming transfer size
  12161. maximum outgoing transfer size
  12162. NCP supports maxing out packet buffers
  12163. Ezsp Config: set packet buffers to %d
  12164. Error in creating endpoint %d: 0x%x
  12165. Ezsp Endpoint %d added, profile 0x%2x, in clusters: %d, out clusters %d
  12166. Reset info: %d (%p)
  12167. emberAfMain(): calling emAfInitializeNetworkIndexStack()
  12168. emberAfMain(): calling emberAfEndpointConfigure()
  12169. emberAfMain(): calling emAfResetAndInitNCP()
  12170. emberAfMain(): ERROR: Failed to boot the NCP stack!
  12171. Error retrieving EZSP endpoint flags.
  12172. - EZSP Endpoint flags: 0x%2X
  12173. BL >
  12174. checkForBootloaderMenu(): Failed to send char!
  12175. checkForBootloaderMenu(): Could not get the 'BL>' menu prompt, timeout!
  12176. Got %d bytes without seeing the bootloader menu prompt.
  12177. Error: Could not setup serial port: %s
  12178. Failed to set bootloader in download mode.
  12179. Failed to get Xmodem start message from bootloader.
  12180. Failed to get bootloader menu prompt.
  12181. emAfBootloadWaitChar(): no more data! Have waited %lu ms
  12182. Error: %p cannot add device that already exists:
  12183. Device-DB
  12184. Device database: Error MAC is invalid
  12185. Device database: adding NEW device with nodeId 0x%04x
  12186. Device database: Error, database is full!?
  12187. Device database: Updating node id
  12188. Device database: changed state from %d to %d
  12189. Device database: device already in the database trigger new scan
  12190. Device database: Scan was triggered %d ms ago, no new scan will trigger
  12191. Device database: Could not find device matching nodeId %d
  12192. Error: %p cannot add endpoints. No such device in database:
  12193. Error: %p endpoint %d does not exist for device.
  12194. %p too many clusters (%d) for endpoint. Limiting to %d
  12195. NodeId: %x EUI64: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x failcount: %d
  12196. Error: %p could not find device in database with EUI64:
  12197. Device-Query-Service
  12198. Error: %p service discovery returned no results.
  12199. Error: %p failed to set endpoints in device database for:
  12200. Error: %p failed to set clusters for device.
  12201. Error: %p failed to add device to database:
  12202. Failed to create open notification for new device announce
  12203. %p added device to database:
  12204. , capabilities: 0x%X
  12205. Error: %p the current EUI64 does not correspond to any known device:
  12206. %p Retrying failed discoveries.
  12207. %p All known devices discovered.
  12208. %p service discovery currently busy, will retry again after %d ms
  12209. %p failed to initiate node ID discovery, error 0x%x.
  12210. Error: %p failed to initiate Active EP request (0x%X)
  12211. %p All endpoints discovered for 0x%2X
  12212. Crypto state: %p
  12213. No operation
  12214. Operation in progress
  12215. payload (len %2x) [
  12216. %p: %p
  12217. Success
  12218. %p: %p: 0x%x
  12219. pJoin for %d sec: 0x%x
  12220. Limiting duration of permit join from forever (255) to 254
  12221. RX: ZDO, command 0x%2x, status: 0x%X
  12222. RX: %p Desc Resp
  12223. Simple
  12224. Match
  12225. , Matches: %d
  12226. RX: End dev bind response, status=%x
  12227. Device Announce: 0x%2x
  12228. RX: IEEE Address Response
  12229. RX: Active EP Response, Count: %d
  12230. Node
  12231. , Matches: 0x%2x
  12232. Processing message: len=%d profile=%2x cluster=%2x
  12233. Cluster
  12234. Global
  12235. %ptx %x,
  12236. ERROR:
  12237. Profile: %p (0x%2X), Cluster: 0x%2X, %d bytes,
  12238. ZCL %p Cmd ID: %d
  12239. %p%pUP 0x%2X
  12240. EMBER_
  12241. NETWORK_
  12242. Trust Center EUI has changed.
  12243. %p%pDOWN
  12244. %pJOIN%p
  12245. _FAILED
  12246. EVENT: stackStatus 0x%x
  12247. The app framework is handling the stack status.
  12248. %ping on ch %d, panId 0x%2X
  12249. Form
  12250. Join
  12251. stack ver. [%d.%d.%d
  12252. %p build %d]
  12253. 20170116
  12254. 1.0.8
  12255. IKEA of Sweden
  12256. TRADFRI gateway
  12257. E1526
  12258. ERR: Buffer too short for ZCL header
  12259. ERR: Unknown format '%c'
  12260. ERR: Buffer too short for %d bytes for format '%c'
  12261. ERR: Missing data for %d bytes for format '%c'
  12262. GetInt, %x bytes short
  12263. GetString: %p
  12264. buffer too short
  12265. len byte wrong
  12266. GetLongString: %p
  12267. len bytes wrong
  12268. GetDate, %x bytes short
  12269. [%d] %p : %p
  12270. Core
  12271. Debug
  12272. Application
  12273. Security
  12274. Attributes
  12275. Reporting
  12276. Service discovery
  12277. Registration
  12278. ZDO (ZigBee Device Object)
  12279. Basic
  12280. Identify
  12281. Groups
  12282. Scenes
  12283. On/off
  12284. Level Control
  12285. Over the Air Bootloading
  12286. Color Control
  12287. ZLL Commissioning
  12288. (%c)%X%X%X%X%X%X%X%X
  12289. %X %X
  12290. (>)
  12291. %pWaiting %d sec for discovery to complete
  12292. Svc Disc:
  12293. %pcomplete.
  12294. %pDiscovery already in progress
  12295. %pIllegal broadcast address, remapping to valid one.
  12296. %pFailed to send match discovery: 0x%x
  12297. %pStarting discovery for cluster 0x%2x
  12298. %pFailed to send active endpoint request: 0x%x
  12299. %pFailed to send simple descriptor request: 0x%x
  12300. %pFailed to send IEEE address request: 0x%x
  12301. %pFailed to send NWK address request: 0x%x
  12302. NOT
  12303. Error: %p bad simple descriptor length.
  12304. %pMessage too short
  12305. %pMessage too short for num. endpoints
  12306. %pMatch%p found from 0x%2x.
  12307. Error: %p invalid length (%d != %d) for Active Endpoint response
  12308. %pgot active EP response
  12309. Drop cluster 0x%2x command 0x%x
  12310. due to invalid endpoint:
  12311. for endpoint 0x%x due to wrong %p:
  12312. group
  12313. (Unknown clus. [0x%2x])
  12314. %pRX pkt too short: %d < %d
  12315. w/ link key
  12316. ZCL Util: no response at user request
  12317. T%4x:TX (%p) %ccast 0x%x%p
  12318. resp
  12319. TX buffer: [
  12320. T%4x:
  12321. RX len %d, nodeId 0x%x, ep %x, clus 0x%2x
  12322. mfgId %2x
  12323. FC %x seq %x cmd %x payload[
  12324. Drop clus %2x due to no aps security
  12325. SOFTWARE
  12326. FATAL: halCommonSetSystemTime() not supported!
  12327. Concentrator advertisements stopped.
  12328. ValidSourceRouteFound %u
  12329. send MTORR
  12330. MTORR fatal error -- force reset NCP
  12331. send MTORR failed -- 0x%x
  12332. Clearing source route table.
  12333. ezsp counters failed %u
  12334. ezsp Reset Threshold error %u
  12335. ezsp Set Threshold error %u
  12336. ERR: reading identify time %x
  12337. ERR: writing identify time %x
  12338. RX identify:IDENTIFY 0x%2x
  12339. RX identify:QUERY
  12340. %pBad APS frame control 0x%X
  12341. ERR: Inter-PAN
  12342. %pBad Delivery Mode 0x%X
  12343. %pAPS decryption failed (0x%X).
  12344. RX inter-PAN message (
  12345. broad
  12346. cast):
  12347. src pan id: 0x%2x
  12348. src long id:
  12349. src short id: 0x%2x
  12350. profile id: 0x%2x
  12351. cluster id: 0x%2x
  12352. group id: 0x%2x
  12353. %pmessage too short (%d < %d)!
  12354. %pUnsupported ZCL frame type.
  12355. %pmessage too short!
  12356. %pprofile 0x%2x, cluster 0x%2x, command 0x%x not permitted
  12357. Error: Inter-pan message too big (%d + %d > %d)
  12358. T%4x:Inter-PAN TX (%d) [
  12359. ], 0x%x
  12360. enabling
  12361. disabling
  12362. ERR: failed %s inter-PAN MAC filter (0x%x)
  12363. %p%p failed 0x%x
  12364. Error:
  12365. Sizing MAC filter table
  12366. NEW ImageBlockReq mfgId:%2x imageTypeId:%2x, file:%4x, maxDataSize:%d, offset:0x%4x
  12367. RX UpgradeEndReq status:%x
  12368. ClusterError: failed parsing cmd 0x%x
  12369. ClusterError: emberAfSendDefaultResponse() failed with error 0x%x
  12370. ClusterError: emberAfSendResponse() failed with error 0x%x
  12371. Device information request
  12372. Identify request
  12373. could not restore channel:
  12374. ZLL policy
  12375. %p%p%p
  12376. Touch linking failed:
  12377. joining failed
  12378. Generating random key
  12379. Initializing security
  12380. %pTouch linking in progress
  12381. %p%p%p0x%x
  12382. could not start scan:
  12383. ZLL policy with no touchlink for NFN
  12384. aborted by application
  12385. Error: Failed to leave network, status: 0x%X
  12386. RX: DeviceInformationRequest 0x%4x, 0x%x
  12387. Device information response
  12388. RX: DeviceInformationResponse 0x%4x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x,
  12389. 0x%x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x
  12390. (ignored)
  12391. RX: IdentifyRequest 0x%4x, 0x%2x
  12392. ignoring identify request as touchlinking policy is disabled for NFN
  12393. RX: ResetToFactoryNewRequest 0x%4x
  12394. could not change channel:
  12395. could not send device information request:
  12396. could not send identify request:
  12397. no networks were found
  12398. could not send start/join:
  12399. Reset to factory new request
  12400. could not send reset:
  12401. Error: %p: 0x%x
  12402. could not scan for joinable network
  12403. could not scan for unused network
  12404. could not join network
  12405. could not find unused network
  12406. could not find joinable network
  12407. could not form network
  12408. could not continue scan for joinable network
  12409. Use ZLL preconfigured key
  12410. responseReceived(): ezspErrorHandler(): 0x%x
  12411. sendCommand(): ezspErrorHandler(): 0x%x
  12412. ezspSetGpioRadioPowerMask(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12413. ezspSetCtune(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12414. ezspNop(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12415. ezspDelayTest(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12416. ezspSetManufacturerCode(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12417. ezspSetPowerDescriptor(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12418. ezspSetBindingRemoteNodeId(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12419. ezspSetAddressTableRemoteNodeId(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12420. ezspSetExtendedTimeout(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12421. ezspClearTransientLinkKeys(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12422. ezspZllSetDataToken(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12423. ezspZllSetNonZllNetwork(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12424. ezspGpProxyTableProcessGpPairing(): sendCommand() failed with status 0x%x
  12425. Usage: %s
  12426. Error: No such device '%s'
  12427. Error: '%s' is not a character device.
  12428. unknown reset
  12429. external reset
  12430. power on reset
  12431. watchdog reset
  12432. assert reset
  12433. bootloader reset
  12434. software reset
  12435. %m/%d/%Y
  12436. %H:%M:%S
  12437. %s %s: %d.%03d
  12438. EZSP: %s %s (%02X)
  12439. EZSP:
  12440. serialResponseReceived(): EZSP_NOT_CONNECTED
  12441. serialResponseReceived(): ashReceiveExec(): 0x%x
  12442. no response
  12443. serialResponseReceived(): EZSP_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE
  12444. serialResponseReceived(): ID=0x%x Seq=0x%x Buffer=%u
  12445. got response
  12446. serialResponseReceived(): ezspFreeBuffer(): %u
  12447. dropping
  12448. serialResponseReceived(): ezspFreeBuffer(): drop %u
  12449. serialResponseReceived(): ezspErrorHandler(): EZSP_ERROR_QUEUE_FULL
  12450. serialSendCommand(): EZSP_NOT_CONNECTED
  12451. serialSendCommand(): ashSend(): 0x%x
  12452. serialSendCommand(): ID=0x%x Seq=0x%x
  12453. send command
  12454. Ar=%d At=%d Ft=%d Fr=%d Frt=%d Ql=%d To=%d Tp=%d Bf=%d
  12455. DATA(%d,%d)
  12456. data(%d,%d)
  12457. ack(%d
  12458. )-
  12459. )+
  12460. NAK(%d
  12461. RST
  12462. RSTACK
  12463. ERROR
  12464. ???? 0x%02X
  12465. Invalid option %s.
  12466. Invalid baud rate %s.
  12467. Invalid flow control choice %s.
  12468. Invalid input buffer choice %s.
  12469. Ncp option, if present, must be first.
  12470. Invalid ncp config choice %s.
  12471. Invalid output buffer choice %s.
  12472. %39s
  12473. Invalid port %s.
  12474. Serial port name %s too long.
  12475. /dev/
  12476. /dev/ttyS%hhu
  12477. Invalid reset method %s.
  12478. Invalid number of stop bits %s.
  12479. Invalid trace flag value %s.
  12480. Error: Backchannel support not compiled into this application.
  12481. Invalid virtual ISA port number '%d'.
  12482. Invalid randomization choice %s.
  12483. Rec'd frame:
  12484. ASH disconnected: %s
  12485. NCP status: %s
  12486. %02X
  12487. ashFreeNonNullRxBuffer(): ezspFreeBuffer(): %u
  12488. ashScrubReTxQueue(): ezspFreeBuffer(): %u
  12489. === ASH started ===
  12490. ======== ASH stopped ========
  12491. ashReadFrame(): ezspAllocBuffer(): %u
  12492. cancelled
  12493. CRC error
  12494. comm error
  12495. too long
  12496. illegal control
  12497. illegal length
  12498. ASH connected
  12499. bad ackNum
  12500. no buffer available
  12501. add to queue
  12502. ashReceiveFrame(): ID=0x%x Seq=0x%x Buffer=%u
  12503. out of sequence
  12504. Rec'd frame:
  12505. Timer expired waiting for ACK
  12506. ashReceive(): ezspFreeBuffer(): %u
  12507. ashSend(): ezspAllocBuffer(): %u
  12508. binding table size
  12509. key table size
  12510. max end device children
  12511. rf4ce pairing table size
  12512. rf4ce pending outgoing packet table size
  12513. end device poll timeout
  12514. end device poll timeout shift
  12515. zll group addresses
  12516. zll rssi threshold
  12517. transient key timeout
  12518. set state to: 0x%2x
  12519. security init node: 0x%x
  12520. set extended security to: 0x%2x
  12521. PaZigBeeAlliance09
  12522. Trust Center Policy
  12523. Allow
  12524. Deny
  12525. TC Key Request
  12526. App. Key Request
  12527. security init TC: 0x%x
  12528. Trust Center Join Handler: status = %p, decision = %p (%x), shortid 0x%2x
  12529. Allow Joins
  12530. Allow preconfigured key joins
  12531. Allow rejoins only
  12532. Disallow all joins and rejoins
  12533. Allow Joins, rejoins have link key
  12534. Allow Joins, ignore preconfigured key rejoins
  12535. device left
  12536. high secured rejoin
  12537. high UNsecured join
  12538. RESERVED
  12539. high UNsecured rejoin
  12540. use preconfigured key
  12541. send key in the clear
  12542. deny join
  12543. no action
  12544. %pep %x clus %2x attr %2x not supported
  12545. WRITE ERR:
  12546. %pinvalid data type
  12547. %pattr not writable
  12548. WRITE: no write, just a test
  12549. READ: attribute size too large for caller
  12550. REPORT: clus 0x%2x, attr 0x%2x: 0x%x
  12551. clnt
  12552. srvr
  12553. RAM
  12554. token
  12555. extern
  12556. ENDPOINT %x
  12557. clus / side / attr / mfg /type(len)/ rw / storage / data (raw)
  12558. %2x / %p / %2x /
  12559. / %x (%x) / %p / %p /
  12560. Unsupported
  12561. OTA READ: ep:%x cid:%2x attid:%2x msk:%x mfcode:%2x
  12562. READ: clus %2x, attr %2x failed %x
  12563. READ: clus %2x, attr %2x, dataLen: %x, OK
  12564. %pd, dropping ep 0x%x clus 0x%2x cmd 0x%x
  12565. disable
  12566. emAfProcessClusterSpecificCommand: emberAfSendDefaultResponse() failed with error 0x%x
  12567. Generated
  12568. Received
  12569. Discover Commands response (complete: %c), %p IDs:
  12570. 0x%X
  12571. _EXT
  12572. disabled
  12573. %pd, dropping global cmd:%x
  12574. READ_ATTR
  12575. WRITE: clus %2x attr %2x
  12576. FAIL %x
  12577. WRITE: too short
  12578. %p%p: clus %2x
  12579. DISC_ATTR
  12580. time sync ok, time: %4x
  12581. Called ezspFreeBuffer with NULL buffer
  12582. Tried to remove head from an empty queue
  12583. Tried to access head in an empty queue
  12584. Asked for 0th element in queue
  12585. Less than N entries in queue
  12586. Buffer not in queue
  12587. Called ezspAddQueueTail with NULL buffer
  12588. RX: ResetToFactoryDefaultsCallback
  12589. RX: GetGroupIdentifiersRequest 0x%x
  12590. RX: GetEndpointListRequest 0x%x
  12591. worker queue
  12592. worker thread
  12593. bsscfg:event_msgs
  12594. bus:txglom
  12595. apsta
  12596. country
  12597. pfn_add
  12598. escan
  12599. cur_etheraddr
  12600. pm2_sleep_ret
  12601. bcn_li_bcn
  12602. bcn_li_dtim
  12603. assoc_listen
  12604. mcast_list
  12605. roam_off
  12606. bsscfg:wifiaction
  12607. wme_ac_sta
  12608. allmulti
  12609. bsscfg:vndr_ie
  12610. counters
  12611. nrate
  12612. a_rate
  12613. bg_rate
  12614. nmode
  12615. pkt_filter_mode
  12616. pkt_filter_add
  12617. pkt_filter_delete
  12618. pkt_filter_enable
  12619. pkt_filter_stats
  12620. pkt_filter_clear_stats
  12621. pkt_filter_list
  12622. mkeep_alive
  12623. maxassoc
  12624. intol40
  12625. mimo_bw_cap
  12626. scan_assoc_time
  12627. scan_unassoc_time
  12628. scan_passive_time
  12629. scan_home_time
  12630. scan_nprobes
  12631. qtxpower
  12632. dutycycle_ofdm
  12633. dutycycle_cck
  12634. rrm_bcn_req
  12635. rrm_chload_req
  12636. rrm_noise_req
  12637. rrm_frame_req
  12638. rrm_stat_req
  12639. rrm_nbr_list
  12640. rrm_nbr_del_nbr
  12641. rrm_nbr_add_nbr
  12642. rrm_lm_req
  12643. rrm_nbr_req
  12644. fbtoverds
  12645. fbt_cap
  12646. bsscfg:sup_wpa_tmo
  12647. bsscfg:sup_wpa
  12648. bsscfg:sup_wpa2_eapver
  12649. reset_cnts
  12650. phyrate_log
  12651. phyrate_log_size
  12652. phyrate_dump
  12653. pfn_set
  12654. pfnclear
  12655. otpraw
  12656. sromrev=11
  12657. vendid=0x14e4
  12658. devid=0x43d0
  12659. macaddr=02:0A:F7:bd:68:70
  12660. nocrc=1
  12661. boardtype=0x07bb
  12662. boardrev=0x1213
  12663. xtalfreq=37400
  12664. boardflags=0xa00
  12665. boardflags2=0x40002000
  12666. boardflags3=0x08102100
  12667. rxgains2gelnagaina0=0
  12668. rxgains2gtrisoa0=0
  12669. rxgains2gtrelnabypa0=0
  12670. rxgains5gelnagaina0=0
  12671. rxgains5gtrisoa0=0
  12672. rxgains5gtrelnabypa0=0
  12673. pdgain5g=5
  12674. pdgain2g=5
  12675. rxchain=1
  12676. rxchain=1
  12677. txchain=1
  12678. aa2g=3
  12679. aa5g=3
  12680. swdiv_en=1
  12681. swdiv_gpio=0
  12682. swdiv_swctrl_en=2
  12683. swdiv_swctrl_ant0=0
  12684. swdiv_swctrl_ant1=1
  12685. tssipos5g=1
  12686. tssipos2g=1
  12687. femctrl=0
  12688. pa2ga0=-179,6221,-710
  12689. pa2ga1=-155,3767,-523
  12690. pa5ga0=-152,5971,-669,-160,5892,-673,-146,5928,-668,-149,5846,-663
  12691. pa5ga1=-159,3808,-517,-166,3655,-500,-117,3856,-533,-136,3709,-516
  12692. pdoffset2g40ma0=0xc
  12693. pdoffsetcckma0=0xf
  12694. pdoffset40ma0=0xabcb
  12695. pdoffset80ma0=0x99b9
  12696. pdoffset5gsubbanda0=0x88a8
  12697. extpagain5g=2
  12698. extpagain2g=2
  12699. maxp2ga0=0x4f
  12700. maxp5ga0=0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46
  12701. cckbw202gpo=0000
  12702. cckbw20ul2gpo=0000
  12703. mcsbw202gpo=0xaa666666
  12704. mcsbw402gpo=0xaa666666
  12705. mcsbw205glpo=0xaa444444
  12706. mcsbw405glpo=0xaa444444
  12707. mcsbw805glpo=0xca444444
  12708. mcsbw205gmpo=0xaa444444
  12709. mcsbw405gmpo=0xaa444444
  12710. mcsbw805gmpo=0xca444444
  12711. mcsbw205ghpo=0xaa444444
  12712. mcsbw405ghpo=0xaa444444
  12713. mcsbw805ghpo=0xca444444
  12714. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x4444
  12715. ofdmlrbw202gpo=0x4444
  12716. swctrlmap_2g=0x00002111,0x00002212,0x00002212,0x000000,0x0ff
  12717. swctrlmap_5g=0x00002414,0x00002818,0x00002818,0x000000,0x0ff
  12718. swctrlmapext_5g=0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x000000,0x000
  12719. swctrlmapext_2g=0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x000000,0x000
  12720. itrsw=1
  12721. rssi_delta_5gh=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  12722. rssi_delta_5gmu=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  12723. rssi_delta_5gml=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  12724. rssi_delta_5gl=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  12725. rssi_delta_2gb0=-8,0,0,0,-12,0,0,0
  12726. rssi_delta_2gb1=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  12727. rssi_delta_2gb2=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  12728. rssi_delta_2gb3=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  12729. rssi_delta_2gb4=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  12730. rssi_cal_freq_grp_2g=0x0,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00
  12731. rssi_cal_rev=1
  12732. rxgaincal_rssical=1
  12733. rssi_qdB_en=1
  12734. fdss_level_2g=2,-1
  12735. fdss_level_5g=2,-1
  12736. tworangetssi2g=1
  12737. tworangetssi5g=1
  12738. phycal_tempdelta=20
  12739. cal_period=0
  12740. bsscfg:ssid
  12741. bsscfg:wsec
  12742. bsscfg:wpa_auth
  12743. 2g_mrate
  12744. 43909B0.bin
  12745. ampdu_ba_wsize
  12746. ampdu_mpdu
  12747. ampdu_rx_factor
  12748. c|w{
  12749. 9JLX
  12750. ~=d]
  12751. P~AeS
  12752. -Xt!
  12753. X>k'
  12754. Q3`bS
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  12934. D7q/;M
  12935. +Yo,
  12936. &\8!
  12937. * qW
  12938. LwH'
  12939. L*~e
  12940. pubkey
  12941. x509
  12942. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  12943. -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  12944. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  12945. -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  12946. Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
  12947. DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,
  12948. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  12949. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  12950. -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
  12951. -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
  12952. ^1kW3
  12953. OQ%c
  12954. application_tx
  12955. application_rx
  12956. NetX IP
  12957. AutoIP 0
  12958. WICEDsock
  12959. Wiced Config
  12960. M2MDEV
  12962. DHCPserver
  12963. Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller
  12964. tx_broadcast_pkts %d tx_multicast_pkts %d tx_jabber_pkts %d tx_oversize_pkts %d
  12965. tx_fragment_pkts %d tx_underruns %d
  12966. tx_total_cols %d tx_single_cols %d tx_multiple_cols %d tx_excessive_cols %d
  12967. tx_late_cols %d tx_defered %d tx_carrier_lost %d tx_pause_pkts %d
  12968. rx_broadcast_pkts %d rx_multicast_pkts %d rx_jabber_pkts %d rx_oversize_pkts %d
  12969. rx_fragment_pkts %d rx_missed_pkts %d rx_crc_align_errs %d rx_undersize %d
  12970. rx_crc_errs %d rx_align_errs %d rx_symbol_errs %d
  12971. rx_pause_pkts %d rx_nonpause_pkts %d
  12972. etc%d
  12973. et%d_no_txint
  12974. gedday
  12975. mdns_responder
  12976. _services._dns-sd._udp.local
  12977. CLNT
  12978. SRVR
  12979. client finished
  12980. server finished
  12981. master secret
  12982. key expansion
  12983. 0!0
  12984. AES-256-CCM
  12985. AES-192-CCM
  12986. AES-128-CCM
  12987. AES-256-GCM
  12988. AES-192-GCM
  12989. AES-128-GCM
  12990. AES-256-ECB
  12991. AES-192-ECB
  12992. AES-128-ECB
  12993. Internal IP Loopback
  12994. Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Express Logic Inc. * NetX Duo Cortex-M3/GNU Version G5.7.5.2 SN: 23451-108-0515 *
  12995. NetX AutoIP Collision Event
  12996. NetX AutoIP
  12997. NetX DHCP Client
  12998. ND Cache Protection
  12999. &m1&o
  13000. \AVKw~i
  13001. ;a`s
  13002. .JCq+
  13003. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
  13004. &txavail
  13005. &rxavail
  13006. (((((
  13007. AAAAAA
  13008. BBBBBB
  13009. %s%.*d
  13010. %s%0.*d
  13011. %.2d
  13012. %.2d/%.2d/%.2d
  13013. Y-%m-%d
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  13020. 0000000000000000INF
  13021. 0123456789ABCDEF
  13022. 0123456789abcdef
  13023. (null)
  13025. e%ld
  13026. LC_TIME
  13027. January
  13028. February
  13029. March
  13030. April
  13031. June
  13032. July
  13033. August
  13034. September
  13035. October
  13036. November
  13037. December
  13038. Sunday
  13039. Monday
  13040. Tuesday
  13041. Wednesday
  13042. Thursday
  13043. Friday
  13044. Saturday
  13045. %H:%M:%S
  13046. %m/%d/%y
  13047. %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y
  13048. %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y
  13049. %I:%M:%S %p
  13050. 0000000000000000 Infinity
  13051. ABCDEF
  13052. abcdef
  13053. 0123456789
  13054. POSIX
  13055. vH7B
  13056. W4vC
  13057. O8M2
  13058. 0000000000000000
  13059. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  13060. TRADFRI_GATEWAY=(1).(0).(8)
  13061. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  13063. l98xcQ247RCe/j/of0CHujCRp6wZNYOJMSIVFe8xwhMXhm3pJ07H6sEKi0G5xfE0
  13064. gsIptD2aQWo+ZVvHT1DdXUS2XStuweOUUDbLSCEpPIZ0T5dMU/sq+nhCcOPLZ/Kj
  13065. PCk2TCPtuWsAlOAVkHEJdbUrSoANbvb6teZIT+mr09yuJyKsQSbDU4HgXl6csqAt
  13066. bBbxzZ/e/zq3GGn4vJxQ0hOcVwjvEYXCAafMDFmRce/i9Kc6zju+aUoS8z03n57F
  13067. ZyRBKa4oY3wTENgxPEBycZhugyDlwYOv5oiqxRf6chDKbCzT521jkhP8SRXfCH/g
  13068. BxaJQlGXpGpOMwiXQFmoU4tH4id43dpNItWp0ra0J4wDxiwxm60QPsS7Zvgpm32g
  13069. lRoN14Bpaqjki4xpM054MBZHWSG4JH27iGfDU2nA33OgA6FYmLv30rn4vzV5cvJ0
  13070. Cz048+NanQRaFIfXSjcYLtXJZTJpU6dSNzI5EBGpkp1pruLIcrRCTXaYg/yGqKgB
  13071. 4SFe7Wg+x7+zIr2Y6r8NMmnX2VRSPgFD7IyPw5xxYpLZd9Ozd7ELQ4rUQkHqigne
  13072. tZltzf5f7FMEBUo/Qjoo0efTnz7BMcFLEMLZ0c/fPcNpcj5R4mWDTjX+hmXTHskp
  13073. 1y+jpv9XO7KfPkKD33GDIjsCAwEAAQ==
  13074. -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  13075. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  13077. 1liUoYUQH68nFc1zLwaQ+LA7J8bQgZP9VNkTiV1wfU3K9l0jTgzi1lffjEeB7OVt
  13078. X7E3dMh0NrAa12YfGCP1M7ziaxw/L+jBIUkHKpSgI/1KwArBmAz/LXAKESE1mC/I
  13079. hiuJ0Pd418PlxF4wJJogFhczYsvlcRJ6VNriQa3Ycf0TehMgJf7tpWi7ixaOk2Aa
  13080. A9jwFfPPcBX+RG6+ecGrO805aJ7KSGs06qxVygDCstAff1PaUP03OlX6Y7ZsKGXi
  13081. 39XDc8rGx8nNDcUU2fEfijwT1YxPVaC+F/H9dZPDfJgYsPx8ien67Dqw4+MIFR91
  13082. 8vRaD3EfHq2gdEJyQRX9sqCaBGXe4mhu2bhrUQCWyijc4oXO3Po7g1BXE6Oc95tm
  13083. jlZYYfGdfXADpZJQ7V16wNlLP/5abkTsahvVbXyUl67VakxBmhzO3ApqjQ4AiTPU
  13084. 8S0KCM32U7+nDsaKPMocE7FijjEQhrvVGEANH8gwqBCOlEgtbLBOmVkwMvRhyIIq
  13085. L11UOlTTx4nEu1OucD3MxQmG9v45wpBUGhK0L+HHrLpOvG+ZRuCi73Mw9kFLbEaB
  13086. gW5tvykL7iNhNfWuc0CMMO/IdLVudyDri1HiQdp3f1BIF/sCcLHnax8Z+4qTxXPp
  13087. LZsuj6t0G1EHavLHL7GacQkCAwEAAQ==
  13088. -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  13089. bav`
  13090. /dev/ttyS0
  13091. ASCII
  13092. .shstrtab
  13093. .dma
  13094. .text
  13095. .rodata
  13096. .vectors_copyfrom
  13097. .ARM.exidx
  13098. .data
  13099. .bss
  13100. .stack_start
  13101. .stack_isr
  13102. T"O<6
  13103. B[1'
  13104. FUzi[
  13105. Y)!!
  13106. qWKSx
  13107. m,uF*
  13108. d.\;P
  13109. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  13111. 1liUoYUQH68nFc1zLwaQ+LA7J8bQgZP9VNkTiV1wfU3K9l0jTgzi1lffjEeB7OVt
  13112. X7E3dMh0NrAa12YfGCP1M7ziaxw/L+jBIUkHKpSgI/1KwArBmAz/LXAKESE1mC/I
  13113. hiuJ0Pd418PlxF4wJJogFhczYsvlcRJ6VNriQa3Ycf0TehMgJf7tpWi7ixaOk2Aa
  13114. A9jwFfPPcBX+RG6+ecGrO805aJ7KSGs06qxVygDCstAff1PaUP03OlX6Y7ZsKGXi
  13115. 39XDc8rGx8nNDcUU2fEfijwT1YxPVaC+F/H9dZPDfJgYsPx8ien67Dqw4+MIFR91
  13116. 8vRaD3EfHq2gdEJyQRX9sqCaBGXe4mhu2bhrUQCWyijc4oXO3Po7g1BXE6Oc95tm
  13117. jlZYYfGdfXADpZJQ7V16wNlLP/5abkTsahvVbXyUl67VakxBmhzO3ApqjQ4AiTPU
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  14739. RF[F0F9F
  14740. RF[F
  14741. F0F9F
  14742. 2F;F0F9F
  14743. FPFYF2F;F
  14744. PFYF2F;F
  14745. 1F:F F
  14746. F F1F
  14747. p9F F
  14748. 1F F
  14749. 3*p$
  14750. 2F;F
  14751. ad F
  14752. 0F9F
  14753. PFYF2F;F
  14754. 2F;F
  14755. F@FIF
  14756. F@FIF
  14757. FPFYFBFKF
  14758. !BFKF
  14759. FPFYF
  14760. RF[F
  14761. #PFYF
  14762. F@FIF
  14763. F0F9F
  14764. RF[F
  14765. BFKF
  14766. PFYF
  14767. 2F;F
  14768. 2F@FIF
  14769. /F.F
  14770. F9F@F
  14771. 0 F
  14772. p9F F
  14773. YF F
  14774. '>Fj
  14775. IF@F
  14776. F@FIF
  14777. gD@F
  14778. F0F9F
  14779. BFKF
  14780. BFKF
  14781. 1FZF F
  14782. IF8F
  14783. RFIF
  14784. VE1FO
  14785. F0F9F
  14786. '>F<
  14787. qh F
  14788. F)F
  14789. FOFVF
  14790. %)F Fed
  14791. hpGD
  14792. ?[h#
  14793. lJhS
  14794. Ka2a0F
  14795. !`&F
  14796. !"8F
  14797. IF8F
  14798. `5a6
  14799. FTa3aGE
  14800. FTa3aGE
  14801. L0rh
  14802. "`NF
  14803. L sh
  14804. "`NFm
  14805. AFXF
  14806. !"XF
  14807. pG
  14808. FpG8
  14809. GFVF
  14810. +4F5h
  14811. 8F1F*F
  14812. )F*F8F
  14813. !`&F
  14814. !"8F
  14815. QF8F
  14816. *hZ`
  14817. `ia*a
  14818. d+`X
  14819. 3SEA
  14820. L@{h
  14821. # :`D
  14822. KpG-
  14823. 6i=F
  14824. C=D%
  14825. FpG[B
  14826. FpGO
  14827. *Gp]
  14828. +FVFUF
  14829. *9F
  14830. 9F19
  14831. kxX+
  14832. /x0/
  14833. ]F /
  14834. 0/(F
  14835. *F[F
  14836. 8FAF
  14837. 8FAF
  14838. FYF
  14839. F1F
  14840. FQF
  14841. Fih
  14842. F1F F
  14843. F F1F
  14844. BF F
  14845. YF F
  14846. YF*F F
  14847. 1F:F F
  14848. FZF F
  14849. PF1F
  14850. AI?%/?
  14851. Cx(+
  14852. @FIF
  14853. AF8F
  14854. FAF8F
  14855. FYF
  14856. F1F
  14857. FQF
  14858. @FIFm
  14859. @FIFk
  14860. :FCF
  14861. "##`9
  14862. @FIF
  14863. BFKF
  14864. @FIF
  14865. F@FIF
  14866. {`FO
  14867. EZF<
  14868. 2F!i
  14869. AFRF
  14870. (F!i
  14871. bhck
  14872. #h(FZ
  14873. #i"h+
  14874. c(Fbh&cgc
  14875. B_a`#`
  14876. 0pGch
  14877. F ki
  14878. c` c
  14879. RF(F
  14880. 00UDRD
  14881. "F(F
  14882. 2F@F)F
  14883. %cgc
  14884. @F:FU
  14885. 3#`0F
  14886. (F"F
  14887. (F"F
  14888. F'FF
  14889. 'F"xP*
  14890. zx+*
  14891. D>FsD
  14892. fFFE
  14893. 0*<F@
  14894. "$!$o
  14895. PFih
  14896. #vE(
  14897. 4h3F
  14898. FbFvF
  14899. 4h1F
  14900. )FBF
  14901. #:`3`
  14902. FpGO
  14903. &'()
  14904. ;:"#
  14905. malloc_mutex
  14906. app thread
  14907. system monitor
  14908. Event flags
  14909. Platform BCM943907POLYBUS initialised
  14910. WARNING: Watchdog reset occured previously. Please see platform_watchdog.c for debugging instructions.
  14911. avb_timestamp_addr
  14912. System Timer Thread
  14913. eth_network_link_is_down_cb
  14914. eth_network_link_is_up_cb
  14915. application_start
  14916. poly_start_uart_bridge
  14917. configuration_routine
  14918. button_test_routine
  14919. node_test_routine
  14920. apps/mfg_test/mfg_test_init.c
  14921. [INFO] Ethernet is DOWN
  14922. [INFO] Ethernet is UP
  14923. Button test status [
  14924. BUTTON
  14925. PRESSED
  14926. RELEASED
  14927. poly_bridge
  14928. [ERROR] Failed to create thread
  14929. [INFO] [WL_TOOL] BEGIN
  14930. [INFO] [WL_TOOL] Type # to switch to wl_tool
  14931. [INFO] Opening UART bridge between EFR32 and Murata chip
  14932. [INFO] Ready, type '@' to exit!
  14933. Waiting for nodetest commands:
  14934. [INFO] Exiting node test!
  14935. [INFO] [NODE] DONE
  14936. [INFO] [VERSION] %s %s %s
  14937. polybus-mfg-tool-1.0.0-1-g50f4f4c
  14938. Jan 16 2017
  14939. 12:38:57
  14940. [ERROR] Failed to open UART2
  14941. [INFO] magic found
  14942. [INFO] normal boot
  14943. [INFO] invalid value, set to 0xFF
  14944. [INFO] wlan init
  14945. [ERROR] OTP Init error
  14946. [INFO] [BOOT]
  14949. [INFO] [MODE] PRESS '#' key TO ENTER WL_TOOL
  14950. [INFO] [LED TEST] BEGIN
  14954. [INFO] [CONFIG] Waiting for commands
  14955. [INFO] TEST FAILED!
  14956. [INFO] Restarting...
  14957. [INFO] [LED] PASS
  14958. [INFO] [BUTTON] BEGIN
  14961. [INFO] [BUTTON] PASS
  14963. [ERROR] Failed to register ethernet link callbacks
  14964. [INFO] Bringing up network interface!
  14965. Ikea Gateway mfg_test
  14966. [INFO] Failed to set hostname %d!
  14967. [INFO] Bringing up network interface failed %d!
  14968. IPv4 network gateway IP: %u.%u.%u.%u
  14969. [INFO] Pinged [%d] %dms!
  14970. [INFO] Ping FAIL!
  14974. [INFO] MFI i2c initialized (%d)
  14975. switch_to_wl_tool
  14976. ethernet_test_routine
  14977. boot_and_led_test_routine
  14978. initialize_mfi_chip
  14979. node
  14980. wmac
  14981. zmac
  14982. wltl
  14983. reboot
  14984. name
  14985. apps/mfg_test/commands.c
  14986. [INFO] [EMAC]:%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
  14987. [INFO] [WMAC]:%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
  14988. [INFO] [CONFIG] -----HELP----
  14989. [INFO] [CONFIG] %s : %s
  14990. [INFO] [CONFIG] NODE
  14991. [INFO] [CONFIG] Reboot
  14992. [INFO] [CONFIG] wl_tool
  14993. [INFO] [CONFIG] MSTK
  14994. rand
  14995. [INFO] [MSTK]:ERROR, Cannot get random
  14996. [INFO] [MSTK]:ERROR, Cannot get random, TRY AGAIN
  14997. [INFO] [MSTK]:Error while reading OTP %d
  14998. [INFO] [MSTK]:Storing new key
  14999. [INFO] [MSTK]:%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c
  15000. [INFO] [PAIRING CODE]:%d%d%d-%d%d-%d%d%d
  15001. [INFO] [MSTK]:Error while writing OTP %d
  15002. [INFO] [MSTK]:Key already exists
  15004. [INFO] Changed bootloader jump location to factory reset APP
  15005. [INFO] [CONFIG] NAME
  15006. [INFO] [CONFIG] [NAME]:%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x
  15007. [INFO] [CONFIG] MFIV
  15008. [INFO] Cannot read ID register
  15009. [INFO] MFI device ID: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  15010. [INFO] Cannot read registers
  15011. [INFO] MFI DEV VER: 0x%02x FW: 0x%02x PROTOCOL 0x%02x 0x%02x
  15012. tokRead e545
  15013. [INFO] [ZMAC]:%s
  15014. HELP
  15015. Show help
  15016. WLTL
  15017. Switch to wl_tool
  15018. NODE
  15019. Switch to node
  15020. EXIT
  15021. Exit configuration, back to tests
  15022. REBT
  15023. Reboot GW
  15024. MSTK
  15025. Generate/Get MST Key
  15026. NAME
  15027. Get unique gateway name
  15028. WMAC
  15029. Get Ethernet/WiFi MAC
  15030. ZMAC
  15031. Get ZigBee EUI64
  15032. MFIV
  15033. Show MFI details
  15034. FRRS
  15035. Perform factory reset
  15036. mfiv
  15037. help
  15038. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQPRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
  15039. frrs
  15040. mstk
  15041. gw_otp_init
  15042. apps/mfg_test/../gateway/gw_otp.c
  15043. [INFO] Failed to initialize OTP, error: %d
  15044. [INFO] Failed to read offset %d, error: %d
  15045. [ERROR] Failed to read (%d) from OTP at offset %d
  15046. [ERROR] OTP read failed %d
  15047. [ERROR] OTP read secure bit failed %d
  15048. [ERROR] No public key hash found
  15049. [ERROR] No master token found
  15050. Resuming WICED v3.7.0
  15051. Error %d while starting WICED!
  15052. WWD SoC.43909 interface initialised
  15053. WLAN MAC Address : %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  15054. WLAN Firmware : %s
  15055. Starting WICED v3.7.0
  15056. Joining : %s
  15057. Successfully joined : %s
  15058. %s: Network is ADHOC
  15059. Failed to join : %s
  15060. wiced_join_ap_specific
  15061. WEP with open authentication failed, trying WEP with shared authentication...
  15062. Trying shared wep
  15063. open
  15064. wep_shared
  15065. wpa2_tkip
  15066. wpa2_aes
  15067. wpa2
  15068. wpa_aes
  15069. wpa_tkip
  15070. Bad auth type: '%s'
  15071. eth%d
  15072. Cannot run %s via wl; please use %s command.
  15073. Cannot run iperf via wl; please use iperf command.
  15074. Cannot run "wl join"; please use join command.
  15075. Cannot run " wwd_ip_state"; please use status command.
  15076. IP Addr : %u.%u.%u.%u
  15077. Gateway : %u.%u.%u.%u
  15078. Netmask : %u.%u.%u.%u
  15079. IP not up (interface: STA)
  15080. wlu_create_wifi_network
  15081. downloading_init_func
  15082. wlu_server
  15083. Reading CDC %d data bytes failed
  15084. setbuf:%s, len:%d
  15085. wl_server: Return results failed
  15086. Port name is required from the command line
  15087. Port name is %s
  15088. failed to open com port.
  15089. Waiting for client to transmit command
  15090. %d %d %d %d
  15091. REC : cmd %d msg len %d msg flag %d msg status %d
  15092. malloc of %d bytes failed
  15093. RESP : os type %d
  15094. Return results failed
  15095. init
  15096. REC : init command
  15097. download
  15098. REC : download command
  15099. download started
  15100. download completed
  15101. membytes
  15102. REC : membytes command
  15103. Length does not match
  15104. wwd_join
  15105. iperf_start
  15106. audio_loopback
  15107. SEND : cmd %d msg len %d
  15108. error code: %d
  15109. exit
  15110. wwd_ip_state
  15111. RESP : cmd %d msg len %d
  15112. remote_CDC_tx: data_len (%d) > buf_len (%d)
  15113. CDC_Tx: Data: Write failed
  15114. remote_CDC_rx_hdr: Header Read failed
  15115. Unknown Transport Type
  15116. remote_CDC_rx: remote data len (%d) > msg len (%d)
  15117. remote_CDC_rx_hdr: Data Receivefailed
  15118. worker queue
  15119. worker thread
  15120. Started ThreadX v5.6
  15121. Failed to create WICED_HARDWARE_IO_WORKER_THREAD
  15122. Failed to create WICED_NETWORKING_WORKER_THREAD
  15123. bsscfg:event_msgs
  15124. Could not initialize platform interface
  15125. Could not initialize platform bus interface
  15126. Could not initialize bus
  15127. Could not initialize WWD thread
  15128. Could not initialize
  15129. bus:txglom
  15130. Could not turn off TX glomming
  15131. apsta
  15132. Could not set AMPDU parameters
  15133. country
  15134. Could not set Country code
  15135. Error setting MPC 0
  15136. Error setting gmode
  15137. Could not set Event mask
  15138. pfn_add
  15139. escan
  15140. cur_etheraddr
  15141. CSA event => chan %d
  15142. pm2_sleep_ret
  15143. bcn_li_bcn
  15144. bcn_li_dtim
  15145. assoc_listen
  15146. mcast_list
  15147. roam_off
  15148. bsscfg:wifiaction
  15149. wme_ac_sta
  15150. allmulti
  15151. bsscfg:vndr_ie
  15152. counters
  15153. nrate
  15154. a_rate
  15155. bg_rate
  15156. nmode
  15157. pkt_filter_mode
  15158. pkt_filter_add
  15159. pkt_filter_delete
  15160. pkt_filter_enable
  15161. pkt_filter_stats
  15162. pkt_filter_clear_stats
  15163. pkt_filter_list
  15164. mkeep_alive
  15165. maxassoc
  15166. Failed to get max number of associated clients
  15167. Unable to allocate memory for associated clients list
  15168. Failed to get client list
  15169. Deauthenticating STA MAC: %.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X
  15170. Failed to deauth client
  15171. intol40
  15172. mimo_bw_cap
  15173. scan_assoc_time
  15174. scan_unassoc_time
  15175. scan_passive_time
  15176. scan_home_time
  15177. scan_nprobes
  15178. qtxpower
  15179. dutycycle_ofdm
  15180. dutycycle_cck
  15181. rrm_bcn_req
  15182. rrm_chload_req
  15183. rrm_noise_req
  15184. rrm_frame_req
  15185. rrm_stat_req
  15186. rrm_nbr_list
  15187. rrm_nbr_del_nbr
  15188. rrm_nbr_add_nbr
  15189. rrm_lm_req
  15190. rrm_nbr_req
  15191. fbtoverds
  15192. fbt_cap
  15193. Adhoc
  15194. Infra
  15195. WEP
  15196. Open
  15197. WPA TKIP PSK
  15198. WPA AES PSK
  15199. WPA Mixed PSK
  15200. WPA2 AES PSK
  15201. WPA2 TKIP PSK
  15202. WPA2 Mixed PSK
  15203. WPA TKIP Enterprise
  15204. WPA AES Enterprise
  15205. WPA Mixed Enterprise
  15206. WPA2 TKIP Enterprise
  15207. WPA2 AES Enterprise
  15208. Unknown
  15209. WPA2 Mixed Enterprise
  15210. %5s
  15211. %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  15212. %d
  15213. %.1f
  15214. %3d
  15215. %-15s
  15216. %.32s
  15217. bsscfg:sup_wpa_tmo
  15218. bsscfg:sup_wpa
  15219. bsscfg:sup_wpa2_eapver
  15220. %s: failure: SSID too long
  15221. %s: failed to set ba win
  15222. reset_cnts
  15223. phyrate_log
  15224. phyrate_log_size
  15225. phyrate_dump
  15226. pfn_set
  15227. pfnclear
  15228. otpraw
  15229. IOVAR buffer allocation failed
  15230. otpraw IOVAR unknown error
  15231. Fail on bit %d in byte %x
  15232. wwd_wifi_join
  15233. sromrev=11
  15234. vendid=0x14e4
  15235. devid=0x43d0
  15236. macaddr=02:0A:F7:13:1c:56
  15237. nocrc=1
  15238. boardtype=0x07bb
  15239. boardrev=0x1213
  15240. xtalfreq=37400
  15241. boardflags=0xa00
  15242. boardflags2=0x40002000
  15243. boardflags3=0x08102100
  15244. rxgains2gelnagaina0=0
  15245. rxgains2gtrisoa0=0
  15246. rxgains2gtrelnabypa0=0
  15247. rxgains5gelnagaina0=0
  15248. rxgains5gtrisoa0=0
  15249. rxgains5gtrelnabypa0=0
  15250. pdgain5g=5
  15251. pdgain2g=5
  15252. rxchain=1
  15253. rxchain=1
  15254. txchain=1
  15255. aa2g=3
  15256. aa5g=3
  15257. swdiv_en=1
  15258. swdiv_gpio=0
  15259. swdiv_swctrl_en=2
  15260. swdiv_swctrl_ant0=0
  15261. swdiv_swctrl_ant1=1
  15262. tssipos5g=1
  15263. tssipos2g=1
  15264. femctrl=0
  15265. pa2ga0=-179,6221,-710
  15266. pa2ga1=-155,3767,-523
  15267. pa5ga0=-152,5971,-669,-160,5892,-673,-146,5928,-668,-149,5846,-663
  15268. pa5ga1=-159,3808,-517,-166,3655,-500,-117,3856,-533,-136,3709,-516
  15269. pdoffset2g40ma0=0xc
  15270. pdoffsetcckma0=0xf
  15271. pdoffset40ma0=0xabcb
  15272. pdoffset80ma0=0x99b9
  15273. pdoffset5gsubbanda0=0x88a8
  15274. extpagain5g=2
  15275. extpagain2g=2
  15276. maxp2ga0=0x4f
  15277. maxp5ga0=0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46
  15278. cckbw202gpo=0000
  15279. cckbw20ul2gpo=0000
  15280. mcsbw202gpo=0xaa666666
  15281. mcsbw402gpo=0xaa666666
  15282. mcsbw205glpo=0xaa444444
  15283. mcsbw405glpo=0xaa444444
  15284. mcsbw805glpo=0xca444444
  15285. mcsbw205gmpo=0xaa444444
  15286. mcsbw405gmpo=0xaa444444
  15287. mcsbw805gmpo=0xca444444
  15288. mcsbw205ghpo=0xaa444444
  15289. mcsbw405ghpo=0xaa444444
  15290. mcsbw805ghpo=0xca444444
  15291. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x4444
  15292. ofdmlrbw202gpo=0x4444
  15293. swctrlmap_2g=0x00002111,0x00002212,0x00002212,0x000000,0x0ff
  15294. swctrlmap_5g=0x00002414,0x00002818,0x00002818,0x000000,0x0ff
  15295. swctrlmapext_5g=0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x000000,0x000
  15296. swctrlmapext_2g=0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x000000,0x000
  15297. itrsw=1
  15298. rssi_delta_5gh=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  15299. rssi_delta_5gmu=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  15300. rssi_delta_5gml=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  15301. rssi_delta_5gl=2,2,2,2,-6,-6,-6,-6,2,2,2,2
  15302. rssi_delta_2gb0=-8,0,0,0,-12,0,0,0
  15303. rssi_delta_2gb1=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  15304. rssi_delta_2gb2=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  15305. rssi_delta_2gb3=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  15306. rssi_delta_2gb4=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  15307. rssi_cal_freq_grp_2g=0x0,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00
  15308. rssi_cal_rev=1
  15309. rxgaincal_rssical=1
  15310. rssi_qdB_en=1
  15311. fdss_level_2g=2,-1
  15312. fdss_level_5g=2,-1
  15313. tworangetssi2g=1
  15314. tworangetssi5g=1
  15315. phycal_tempdelta=20
  15316. cal_period=0
  15317. bsscfg:ssid
  15318. bsscfg:wsec
  15319. bsscfg:wpa_auth
  15320. 2g_mrate
  15321. 43909B0.bin
  15322. Could not initialize SDPCM codec
  15323. Could not initialize WWD thread semaphore
  15324. Could not start WWD thread
  15325. ampdu_ba_wsize
  15326. ampdu_mpdu
  15327. ampdu_rx_factor
  15328. %s: %d%% complete
  15329. [%.10lu] %24s@%-9s:%4i:
  15330. %s
  15331. %04x
  15332. %02x
  15333. Attempt to move to a location before start - not supported without buffer chaining
  15334. Attempt to move to a location after end of buffer - not supported without buffer chaining
  15335. Could not release packet - leaking buffer
  15336. Initialising NetX_Duo v5.7_sp2
  15337. Creating Packet pools
  15338. Couldn't create TX packet pool
  15339. Couldn't create RX packet pool
  15340. Could not initialize buffer interface
  15341. Failed to create mutex
  15342. application_tx
  15343. application_rx
  15344. NetX IP
  15345. Failed to create IP
  15346. Failed to enable ARP
  15347. Failed to enable TCP
  15348. Failed to enable UDP
  15349. Failed to enable ICMP
  15350. Failed to enable IGMP
  15351. Failed to enable IPV6 MLD
  15352. Failed to enable IP fragmentation
  15353. Obtaining IPv4 address via DHCP
  15354. DHCP CLIENT hostname %s
  15355. Failed to Create DHCP thread
  15356. Failed to initiate DHCP transaction
  15357. Failed to initialise DHCP server
  15358. IPv4 network ready IP: %u.%u.%u.%u
  15359. Unable to register for IPv4 address change callback
  15360. Unable to obtain IP address via DHCP. Perform AUTO_IP
  15361. AutoIP 0
  15362. Could not get DNS IP from DHCP! Using default (Google DNS)
  15363. Setting IPv6 link-local address
  15364. IPv6 network ready IP: %.4X:%.4X:%.4X:%.4X:%.4X:%.4X:%.4X:%.4X
  15365. IPv6 network is not ready
  15366. Failed to notify driver
  15367. Failed to initialise DHCP client
  15368. IPv4 AUTO_IP network ready IP: %u.%u.%u.%u
  15369. Failed to stop DHCP client
  15370. Could not delete IP instance
  15371. Stopping DHCP failed!
  15372. Clearing ARP cache failed!
  15373. Dynamically changing the ARP entry failed!
  15374. Out of callback storage space
  15375. Unable to find callback to deregister
  15376. NTP SERVER (%s)
  15377. Error accepting connection
  15378. Error starting TLS connection
  15379. WICEDsock
  15380. Wiced Config
  15381. Error: wwd_wifi_start_ap failed
  15382. Error - invalid hex character function: %s line: %u
  15383. M2MDEV
  15385. DHCPserver
  15386. ScEthernet MAC Address : %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  15387. Broadcom BCM47XX 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Controller
  15388. tx_broadcast_pkts %d tx_multicast_pkts %d tx_jabber_pkts %d tx_oversize_pkts %d
  15389. tx_fragment_pkts %d tx_underruns %d
  15390. tx_total_cols %d tx_single_cols %d tx_multiple_cols %d tx_excessive_cols %d
  15391. tx_late_cols %d tx_defered %d tx_carrier_lost %d tx_pause_pkts %d
  15392. rx_broadcast_pkts %d rx_multicast_pkts %d rx_jabber_pkts %d rx_oversize_pkts %d
  15393. rx_fragment_pkts %d rx_missed_pkts %d rx_crc_align_errs %d rx_undersize %d
  15394. rx_crc_errs %d rx_align_errs %d rx_symbol_errs %d
  15395. rx_pause_pkts %d rx_nonpause_pkts %d
  15396. etc%d
  15397. et%d_no_txint
  15398. Internal IP Loopback
  15399. Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Express Logic Inc. * NetX Duo Cortex-M3/GNU Version G5.7.5.2 SN: 23451-108-0515 *
  15400. NetX AutoIP Collision Event
  15401. NetX AutoIP
  15402. NetX DHCP Client
  15403. ND Cache Protection
  15404. DBPPt
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  15407. FIF.K
  15408. @F)I
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  18701. # wcw8
  18702. ;h+`
  18703. pGO
  18704. 80pGC
  18705. RBZ2
  18706. KhcCK`
  18707. &0#m
  18708. $00F
  18709. #n%o
  18710. pp F3ps
  18711. cn9xzx
  18712. Geoxy
  18713. F1F
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  18720. Z53`a
  18721. rS)F
  18722. F F2F
  18723. F F2F
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  18736. F)F
  18737. @"Sxs
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  18740. 1FBF
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  18742. aFBF
  18743. F9F
  18744. (F!F,
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  18751. )FJF
  18752. 0 FIF
  18753. F)F
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  18755. PEBE
  18756. n,eE
  18757. y,eE
  18758. [n3`
  18759. 10FA
  18760. F1F
  18761. 80:FA
  18762. F F2F
  18763. F F2F
  18764. @2[x
  18765. FAF
  18766. F F3F
  18767. F1F
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  18770. F2F;F
  18771. 33`C
  18772. F2F;F
  18773. F2F;F
  18774. F2F;F
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  18779. 30FA
  18780. 60FA
  18781. z83`
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  18789. 00FA
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  18791. Tcz0FA
  18792. P@ipG
  18793. pGCh
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  18795. F1FZ
  18796. h F)F
  18797. f0+i
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  18800. F1F
  18801. F1F
  18802. @F)FkF
  18803. 0F)F^
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  18805. bhQhRi
  18806. F9F+F
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  18808. "UCnC
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  18810. 0Zl"
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  18818. 3Fah
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  18824. xD@PyD@
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  18830. ;F0F!F
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  18832. 0F!F
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  18838. 0F!Fe
  18839. 0F)F
  18840. h2\Y
  18841. Z@3
  18842. 8F!FBFKF
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  18844. 7(F1F"FU
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  18872. 9FBF
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  18875. `pG8
  18876. VK{^
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  18884. C(F8
  18885. rpGo
  18886. !;FY
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  18894. @(iB
  18895. "(i9F
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  18897. 4!pG8
  18898. $!Jf
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  18900. OFeF
  18901. )F9F
  18902. 3F;F
  18903. ppG-
  18904. 9F{po
  18905. ]*
  18906. @G{BC
  18907. @AJBB
  18908. Zs#hC
  18909. "hFAF
  18910. *******
  18911. #r+h
  18912. F1FZFSF
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  18914. "hF
  18915. t6X"p
  18916. II F
  18917. HI*F F
  18918. GId#)@
  18919. FDI
  18920. ;J<I
  18921. :J;I F
  18922. 7I7I
  18923. `B6I FR
  18924. "3I F
  18925. F+I
  18926. F)I
  18927. F&I
  18928. F%I
  18929. %I F
  18930. t6 F
  18931. t6 F
  18932. 83"F
  18933. 0F!Fg
  18934. \+hC
  18935. ota_trigger
  18936. ota_loadtest
  18937. ota_teststatus
  18938. ota_teststop
  18939. ota_rssi
  18940. bcmerrorstr
  18941. $0H`l
  18942. #1<FPX_fms
  18943. #1<FP\ix
  18944. #1<FP`q
  18945. #<P_x
  18946. @ABCI((88888
  18947. /=a{
  18948. "%(+
  18949. "$
  18950. "$
  18951. +++44d
  18952. ///44d
  18953. -03569<?BDFHKNPSVZ,.02468:<?BEGJLORV),.02479<?ADFHJMPT
  18954. (r643451 WLTEST)
  18955. UNIMPL: ra=%p
  18956. Unrecognised return value from hndrte_pktfetch_dispatch
  18957. TRAP %x(%x): pc %x, lr %x, sp %x, cpsr %x, spsr %x
  18958. dfsr %x, dfar %x
  18959. ifsr %x, ifar %x
  18960. r0 %x, r1 %x, r2 %x, r3 %x, r4 %x, r5 %x, r6 %x
  18961. r7 %x, r8 %x, r9 %x, r10 %x, r11 %x, r12 %x
  18962. sp+0 %08x %08x %08x %08x
  18963. sp+10 %08x %08x %08x %08x
  18964. sp+%x %08x
  18965. Deadman timer expired
  18966. TRAP 0(dead): pc %x, lr %x, sp %x, cpsr %x
  18967. && This is ARMCR4 core, setirqoob, coreidx: %d, flag: %d
  18968. hndarm_armr addr: 0x%x, cr4_idx: %d
  18969. m2md_sendnext
  18970. m2md_txsubmit
  18971. m2md_reset
  18972. m2md_validate
  18973. m2md_dma
  18974. txq len: %d: max(%d)
  18975. dropped frames %d
  18976. bus errors: rxfifoflow: %d
  18977. bus flowcontrol: rxlim: %d, rxh_lim: %d
  18978. dongle flowcontrol: fc: %d, explicit: %d, fail: %d
  18979. [DBG]secnt:%d > txavail:%d
  18980. %s: tx dma failed
  18981. [DBG]stop txq, pktqlen: %d, DATAHIWAT: %d
  18982. %s: rxh len (%d) does not match framelen (%d)
  18983. %s: invalid check 0x%04x for len 0x%04x
  18984. %s: discard, only %d bytes of %d-byte SW tag
  18985. %s: discard, only %d bytes of %d-byte pad
  18986. %s: unknown channel Id: %d
  18987. SD partial hdrs pkt pool allocated: %d %d
  18988. %s: m2md_match failed
  18989. %s: sd_attach failed
  18990. coreid: 0x%x, corerev: %d
  18991. sih: 0x%x, TXREG: 0x%x, RXREG: 0x%x, NTXD: %d, NRXD: %d, RXBUSZ: %d, RXBUFS: %d
  18992. %s: dma_attach failed
  18993. %s: dngl_attach failed
  18994. %s: alloc sr context failed.
  18995. %s: init srtimer failed
  18996. busstats
  18997. [m2m_bus_iovar], cmd: %s, set: %d
  18998. maxtxpktglom
  18999. txlazydelay
  19000. txglomalign
  19001. txglom
  19002. txswqlen
  19003. txdrop
  19004. ackfastfwd
  19005. acksizethsd
  19006. rxacks
  19007. rxfilltrig
  19008. credall
  19009. credfail
  19010. rxcb
  19011. rxglom
  19012. %s: unknown bus state %d
  19013. %s: txq full drop, %d
  19014. %s: device disabled
  19015. PKTGET failed
  19016. %s: PKTGET %d failed!!
  19017. %s: tx submit failed!!
  19018. %s: txq_tmp full
  19019. %s: txq full
  19020. %s: rx dma descriptor error
  19021. %s: tx dma descriptor error
  19022. %s: rx dma data error
  19023. %s: tx dma data error
  19024. %s: rx dma descriptor protocol error
  19025. %s: tx dma descriptor protocol error
  19026. *** rx fifo overflow (%d) w/o rx desc underflow (%d)
  19027. I_XU
  19028. %s: Reset
  19029. WLAN: DMA ERROR: intstatus: 0x%x
  19030. APPS: DMA ERROR: intstatus: 0x%x
  19031. ch_tx_ints: 0x%x, ch_rx_ints: 0x%x
  19032. m2md_tx
  19033. m2md_sendheader
  19034. m2md_dpc
  19035. m2md_txrecompose
  19036. m2md_processing_fsm
  19037. m2md_sendup
  19038. m2md_probe: too many units
  19039. m2md_probe: malloc failed
  19040. m2md_probe: m2md_attach failed
  19041. m2md_probe: hndrte_add_isr failed
  19042. m2md_probe: hndrte_register_swint_isr failed
  19043. proto_pkt_header_push
  19044. %s: bad return buffer!
  19045. %s: out of txbufs
  19046. %s: bad packet length %d
  19047. %s: bad message length %d; pktlen %d
  19048. bus:
  19049. %s: PKTGET pkt size %d + headroom %d failed
  19050. %s: unsupported bdc protocol version (%d)
  19051. proto_pkt_header_pull
  19052. proto_ctrldispatch
  19053. cdc_indicate
  19054. dngl_binddev
  19055. dngl_setifindex
  19056. dngl_unbinddev
  19057. %s: vslave %d not found
  19058. %s: vslave %p not found, dropped pkt
  19059. %s: too many units
  19060. %s: MALLOC failed
  19061. %s: vslave MALLOC failed
  19062. %s: dropped pkt
  19063. %s: %s: pktfetch request rejected
  19064. %s: dropped pkt 0x%p; len %d for %s
  19065. %s: bus and/or dev is NULL
  19066. %s: too many virtual devices: %d, ifidx:%d
  19067. %s: rtedev %p slave %p bus %p dev %p inconsistent
  19068. %s: proto_attach failed
  19069. %s: No primary device
  19070. %s: dev %p is not bound
  19071. dngl_sendup
  19072. dngl_finddev
  19073. dngl_sendpkt
  19074. %s: Watchdog reset bit set, clearing
  19075. %s: %s%s device binddev failed
  19076. %s: %s%s device open failed
  19077. ai_flag
  19078. CIA not followed by CIB
  19079. Not enough MP entries for component 0x%x
  19080. addrh = 0x%x sizeh = 0x%x size1 =0x%x
  19081. First Slave ASD forcore 0x%04x malformed (0x%08x)
  19082. SP %d has no address descriptors
  19083. Missing descriptor for MW %d
  19084. Master wrapper %d is not 4KB
  19085. Missing descriptor for SW %d
  19086. Slave wrapper %d is not 4KB
  19087. Reached end of erom without finding END
  19088. %s: Attempting to read PMU DMP registers
  19089. ERROR: %s: memory leak - nobj(%d) num_alloc(%d)
  19090. ERROR: %s: memory leak - npools(%d)
  19091. ipxotp_read_region
  19092. ipxotp_write_region
  19093. ipxotp_otpsize_set_65nm
  19094. ipxotp_write_bit_common
  19095. _ipxotp_init
  19096. ipxotp_write_lock_bit
  19097. ipxotp_writable
  19098. ipxotp_read_bit_common
  19099. ipxotp_otpsize_set_40nm
  19100. %s: BUSY stuck: st=0x%x, count=%d
  19101. %s: OTP Program mode is still locked, OTP is unwritable
  19102. %s: Could not read OTP bit %d
  19103. ERROR: New write failed max attempts fuse:%d @ off:%d
  19104. Bit failed post screen v0:%d v1:%d r0:%d r1:%d off:%d
  19105. %s: Auto rde index %d
  19106. %s: rde %d already in use, status 0x%08x
  19107. %s: OTP Program mode is still unlocked, OTP is writable
  19108. %s: write bit failed:%d
  19109. %s: repair bit failed:%d
  19110. %s: repair bit ok:%d
  19111. %s: unknown OTP geometry
  19112. %s: chipc rev %d not supported
  19113. chip=0x%x does not support Unified OTP.
  19114. %s: write bit failed: %d
  19115. %s: repair bit failed: %d
  19116. %s: repair bit ok: %d
  19117. fail to lock ROW1
  19118. fail to lock ROW2
  19119. fail to lock RD
  19120. fail to lock GU
  19121. %s: h/w region not programmed
  19122. %s: buffer too small, should be at least %u
  19123. %s: s/w region not programmed
  19124. %s: buffer too small should be at least %u
  19125. %s: chipid region not programmed
  19126. %s: fuse region not programmed
  19127. %s: h/w & s/w region not programmed
  19128. %s: reading region %d is not supported
  19129. 0x%04x:
  19130. 0x%04x
  19131. %s: OTP is powered down
  19132. %s: No OTP
  19133. %s: Unknown wrap type: %d
  19134. %s: mapping otpbase at 0x%08x to 0x%p
  19135. FAILED, ipxotp_fix_word16 returns %d
  19136. %s: word %d incompatible (0x%04x->0x%04x)
  19137. %s: wlen %u exceeds OTP h/w region limit %u
  19138. %s: wlen %u exceeds OTP s/w region limit %u
  19139. %s: chipid region has been programmed
  19140. %s: wlen %u exceeds OTP ci region limit %u
  19141. %s: subregion programmed bits not zero
  19142. %s: fuse region has been programmed
  19143. %s: writing region %d is not supported
  19144. %s: %s region: word %d incompatible (0x%04x->0x%04x)
  19145. %s: otpwb16 failed: %d 0x%x
  19146. %s: FAILED bit %d reads %d
  19147. %s: FAILED bit %d reads %d, fixing
  19148. %s: cannot fix, ipxotp_write_rde returns %d
  19149. otp_init: unsupported OTP type
  19150. otp_init failed.
  19151. OTP, ccrev 0x%04x
  19152. wsize %d rows %d cols %d
  19153. hwbase %d hwlim %d swbase %d swlim %d fusebits %d
  19154. otpgu_base %d status %d
  19155. ipxotp_otpwb16
  19156. ipxotp_write_rde_nopc
  19157. ipxotp_write_word
  19158. ipxotp_unwritable
  19159. ipxotp_write_bits
  19160. ipxotp_init
  19161. pa%d=0x%%x
  19162. pd%d=0x%%x
  19163. pdh%d=0x%%x
  19164. pdl%d=0x%%x
  19165. gcr%d=0x%%x
  19166. %02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X
  19167. %s: wrong signature SROM4_SIGN %x SROM8_SIGN %x SROM10_SIGN %x
  19168. %s: invalid buf16[0] = 0x%x
  19169. %s: old[SROM4_SIGN] 0x%x, old[SROM8_SIGN] 0x%x
  19170. %s: buf[SROM11_SIGN] 0x%x
  19171. %s: buf[SROM4_SIGN] 0x%x, buf[SROM8_SIGN] 0x%x
  19172. %s: Not SROM4 or SROM8.
  19173. %s: Invalid input file signature
  19174. srom_write
  19175. srom_otp_write_region_crc
  19176. Undefined error %d
  19177. BRCM4
  19178. _TES4
  19179. T_SS4
  19180. BRCM4
  19181. _TES4
  19182. T_SS4
  19183. BRCM4
  19184. _TES4
  19185. T_SS4
  19186. BRCMd
  19187. _TESd
  19188. T_SSd
  19189. 7&7&d
  19190. 7&7&`
  19191. s8s8d
  19192. r:{#d
  19193. y*{#d
  19194. z%z%d
  19195. u4u4d
  19196. N N`
  19197. %s: dma_txfast: Out-of-DMA descriptors (txin %d txout %d nsegs %d)
  19198. %s: dma_txfast: out of txds !!!
  19199. dma64_txfast
  19200. si_pll_minresmask_reset
  19201. si_pmu_res_uptime
  19202. %s: xtalfreq is not supported, %d
  19203. %s: BAD dependency (0x%x) return max delay 200us
  19204. %s: PLL reset not supported
  19205. mdiv2 calc returned 0! [%d]
  19206. si_pmu_enb_slow_clk
  19207. Out of memory for malloc for NVRAM sort
  19208. nvram_init: called again without calling nvram_exit()
  19209. si_doattach: unknown board type
  19210. sb/%u/
  19211. %s: Not a PCIE device
  19212. SECI clock is still not available
  19213. %s: incoming bus is PCI but it's a lie, switching to SI devid:0x%x
  19214. si_doattach: bus type %d does not match configured bus type %d
  19215. si_doattach: si_core_clk_prep failed %d
  19216. si_doattach: could not find any cores
  19217. si_doattach: si_buscore_setup failed
  19218. si_doattach: srom_var_init failed: bad srom
  19219. si_kattach: si_doattach failed
  19220. si_attach: malloc failed! malloced %d bytes
  19221. Invalid Uart interface Index.
  19222. Baud rate can not be zero.
  19223. Baud rate is higher than permitted
  19224. si_pcieserdesreg
  19225. si_pciereg
  19226. wl%d: wl_eventq timer failed
  19227. wl%d: %s wlc_module_register() failed
  19228. PKTGET pkt size %d failed
  19229. wl%d: MALLOC failed
  19230. wl%d: wlc_attach failed with error %d
  19231. wl%d
  19232. wl%d: hndrte_add_isr failed
  19233. wl%d: wl_keep_alive_attach failed
  19234. wl%d: wl_eventq_attach failed
  19235. wl%d: wlc_pkt_filter_attach failed
  19236. wl%d: wlc_module_register() failed
  19237. wl%d: hndrte_register_devpwrstchg_callback failed
  19238. wl%d: %s %s version %s FWID 01-%x
  19239. Jun 17 2016
  19240. 16:41:54
  19241. %s: xmit failed; free pkt 0x%p
  19242. wl_sendup
  19243. wl%d: qi(%p) stopped changed from 0x%x to 0x%x, exit %s
  19244. wl%d: wlc_frame_get_mgmt_test: pktget error for len %d
  19245. wl%d:%s(): current bcn_tsf 0x%x:0x%x reset to 0x%x, diff 0x%x
  19246. wl%d: %s: Invalid antennas available in srom, using 2dB
  19247. wl%d: %s: Invalid antennas available in srom (0x%x), using 3.
  19248. wl%d: wdtimer failed
  19249. wl%d: radio_timer failed
  19250. wl%d: iscan_timeout failed
  19251. wl%d: radio_shutoff_dly_timer failed
  19252. wl%d: wl_init_timer for wake_event_timer failed
  19253. wl%d: %s wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn() failed
  19254. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(af) failed
  19255. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(pspoll) failed
  19256. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(tkip) failed
  19257. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(rate) failed
  19258. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set(pmchg) failed
  19259. wl%d: %s: code %d
  19260. wl%d: unable to find iovar "%s"
  19261. wl%d: %s unaligned get ptr for %s
  19262. bsscfg:
  19263. wl%d: wlc_bsscfg_init failed (%d)
  19264. wl%d: wlc_iovar_op(): %s wlc_iovar_check() failed, err = %d
  19265. wl%d: %s: %s BCME %d (%s)
  19266. otprawr
  19267. fail to read OTP
  19268. %s: 0x%x
  19269. Package ID:%x
  19270. %s: unknown vendor id %04x
  19271. %s: unknown device id %04x
  19272. wl%d: %s, PKTGET headroom %d failed
  19273. %s: null P or tx_info.
  19274. edcf_txop changed, update AMSDU
  19275. wl%d: %s txop invalid for rate %d
  19276. wl%d: %s txop exceeded phylen %d/%d dur %d/%d
  19277. wl%d.%d: %s: could not register MIC failure packet callback
  19278. wl%d: %s: out of memory %d bytes
  19279. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_attach failed
  19280. %s: %s failed
  19281. wlc_hrt_attach
  19282. wlc_pcb_attach
  19283. wlc_bsscfg_attach
  19284. wlc_scb_attach
  19285. wlc_iem_attach
  19286. wlc_ier_attach
  19287. wl%d: %s: wlc_register_iem_fns failed
  19288. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_create_registry failed, cs wrapper ie
  19289. wlc_prot_attach
  19290. wlc_prot_g_attach
  19291. wlc_prot_n_attach
  19292. wlc_ap_attach
  19293. wlc_antsel_attach
  19294. wlc_amsdu_attach
  19295. wlc_ampdu_tx_attach
  19296. wlc_ampdu_rx_attach
  19297. wlc_scb_ratesel_attach
  19298. wl%d: %s: wlc_eventq_attachfailed
  19299. wl%d: %s: wlc_seq_cmds_attach failed
  19300. wlc_ht_attach
  19301. wlc_vht_attach
  19302. wl%d: %s: wlc_stf_attach failed
  19303. wl%d: %s: wlc_lq_attach failed
  19304. wlc_11h_attach
  19305. wlc_csa_attach
  19306. wlc_quiet_attach
  19307. wlc_tpc_attach
  19308. wlc_11d_attach
  19309. wlc_cntry_attach
  19310. wlc_cca_attach
  19311. wlc_itfr_attach
  19312. wlc_wapi_attach
  19313. wlc_11u_attach
  19314. wlc_bssload_attach
  19315. wlc_txc_attach
  19316. wl%d: wlc_attach: wlc_ota_test_attach failed
  19317. wlc_scb_lpc_attach
  19318. wlc_macfltr_attach
  19319. wlc_akm_attach
  19320. wlc_hs20_attach
  19321. wlc_pmkid_attach
  19322. wlc_btc_attach
  19323. wlc_monitor_attach
  19324. wlc_pwrstats_attach
  19325. wlc_stats_attach
  19326. wl%d: %s, incorrect psmode
  19327. Invalid OBSS Scan parameters (out-of-range): %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
  19328. No AC available; tossing pkt
  19329. wl%d.%d: non-802.1X frame to unauthorized station %s
  19330. wl%d.%d: non-WAI frame len %d to unauthorized station %s
  19331. wl%d.%d: %s: allocfrag failed
  19332. nvotpw
  19333. shm 0x%x = 0x%x.
  19334. nvram_get
  19335. curpower
  19336. wl%d: %s: Bad channel %d
  19337. wl%d: %s: chspec %d band is locked!
  19338. wl%d.%d: wlc_up: rfdisable -> wlc_bsscfg_disable()
  19339. wl%d: %s: txq overflow
  19340. wl%d: module %s is still registered
  19341. %s: PLoss %d/%d (%d%%)
  19342. Delay stats in usec (avg/min/max): %d %d %d
  19343. Txcnt Hist :
  19344. %d
  19345. Delay vs Txcnt:
  19346. -1
  19347. Delay Hist
  19348. txerr valid (%d) reason %04x tst %02x pctls %04x %04x %04x
  19349. plcp %04x %04x || %04x %04x %04x || %04x %04x || rxestats2 %04x
  19350. Beacon received on invalid channel
  19351. ncons is 0 in %s
  19352. raw txstatus %04X %04X | %04X %04X | %08X %08X || %08X %08X | %08X | %08X
  19353. %s: bail: txs status FID->q %u invalid
  19354. %s: null ptr2
  19355. %s: bail: p == NULL
  19356. wl%d: %s: tx phy error (0x%x)
  19357. wl%d.%d: failed to send PM null frame, fake a PM0->PM1 transition, excursion_active %d
  19358. %s: fatal, toss frames !!!
  19359. wl%d: %s: !!!BIG-hammer!!!
  19360. %s: wlc_arq_pre_parse_frame failed
  19361. wl%d: wlc_attach: backplane attach failed
  19362. wl%d: %s: si_attach failed
  19363. wl%d: %s: Overriding device id: 0x%x instead of 0x%x
  19364. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_malloc failed
  19365. wl%d: %s: failed to init memory pool manager
  19366. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc scan struct
  19367. wl%d: %s: wlc_bmac_attach failed
  19368. wl%d: %s: wlc_bmac_state_get failed
  19369. wsec_keys couldn't be allocated
  19370. wl%d: %s: tx_duty_cycle_ofdm (40 %d, 80 %d) must be larger than tx_duty_cycle_pwr %d.
  19371. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_stf_ant_init failed
  19372. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_module FAILED!!!!!!
  19373. wl%d: %s: wlc_init_timer failed
  19374. wl%d: %s: wlc_channel_mgr_attach failed
  19375. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc tx queue
  19376. wl%d: %s: failed to malloc excursion queue
  19377. wl%d: %s: init primary bsscfg failed
  19378. wl%d: %s: wlc_internalscb_alloc failed
  19379. wl%d: wlc_early_bcn_detect_t alloc failed
  19380. wl%d: wlc_excess_pm_wake_info_t alloc failed
  19381. wl%d: wlc_conn_stats_t alloc failed
  19382. wl%d: %s: wlc_attach_cb_init failed
  19383. wl%d: %s: wlc_dump_info_attach failed
  19384. wl%d: %s: failed with err %d
  19385. wl%d: %s UP handler error
  19386. wl%d: %s: bad frame control 0x%.4x
  19387. wl%d: %s: scb is null, dont resend deauth
  19388. wl%d: wlc_recv_mgmt_ctl: unhandled frametype (fk 0x%x)
  19389. wl%d: %s: unhandled frametype (0x%x)
  19390. wl%d: %s: STA DISASSOC from non-AP SCB %s
  19391. wl%d: %s: STA DEAUTH from non-AP SCB %s
  19392. wl%d: %s: PM state pkt failed
  19393. wl%d: %s watchdog handler error
  19394. wl%d: %s: invalid multicast frame
  19395. wl%d: %s: discarding partial MSDU %03x with prio %d received from %s
  19396. wl%d: %s(): Allocate %d rxbuf for frag pkt failed!
  19397. wl%d: %s: discarding MPDU %04x with prio %d; previous MPDUs missed or partially-received MSDU timed-out
  19398. wl%d: %s: discarding partial MSDU %03x with prio:%d received from %s
  19399. wl%d: %s: discarding MPDU %04x with prio %d; resulting MSDU too big
  19400. %s: sw deagg is not supported
  19401. %s: packet len too short (%d) < LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN
  19402. %s: packet len too short (%d) < ETHER_HDR_LEN
  19403. wl%d: non-802.1X frame from unauthorized station %s
  19404. wl%d: non-WAI frame from unauthorized station %s
  19405. FromDS
  19406. ToDS
  19407. IBSS
  19408. wl%d: %s: runt frame
  19409. wl%d: %s: runt frame from %s
  19410. %s: amsdu is not enabled, toss
  19411. wl%d: %s: TDLS packet on the disconnected link.
  19412. wl%d: %s: out of scbs for IBSS data
  19413. wl%d: wlc_recvdata: bad DS from %s
  19414. wl%d: %s: bad DS from %s (%s %s%s %s %s)
  19415. wl%d: %s: rcvd runt of len %d
  19416. (rxh->RxStatus1 & RXS_FCSERR) == RXS_FCSERR
  19417. wl%d: %s: dropping a frame with invalid src mac address %s
  19418. antgain
  19419. ccgpioctrl
  19420. ccgpioouten
  19421. ccgpioout
  19422. cisvar
  19423. cis_source
  19424. devpath
  19425. nvram_source
  19426. otpdump
  19427. otplock
  19428. otpstat
  19429. otpraw
  19430. pllreset
  19431. plltest_config
  19432. plltest_delay
  19433. plltest_offdelay
  19434. plltest
  19435. boardflags2
  19436. boardflags
  19437. cisdump
  19438. ciswrite
  19439. dlystats_clear
  19440. dlystats
  19441. eirp
  19442. longpkt
  19443. manfinfo
  19444. mimo_txbw
  19445. pkteng_maxlen
  19446. pkteng
  19447. rand
  19448. sr_enable
  19449. swdiv_timeout
  19450. uartparams
  19451. OTP_LOT_NUM
  19452. WAFER_NUM
  19453. WAFER_X
  19454. WAFER_Y
  19455. PROG_REL_DATE
  19456. PROG_REV_CRTL_0
  19457. MEM_REP_0
  19458. PROBED_BIN1
  19459. LOCK_BIT_0
  19460. FT1_PROG_REL
  19461. FT2_PROG_REL
  19463. PROG_REV_CTRL_1
  19464. MEM_REP_1
  19465. ANALOG_TRIM
  19466. SCREEN_BIT
  19467. QA_SAMP_TEST
  19468. FT_BIN1
  19469. LOCK_BIT_1
  19470. wlc_set_chanspec
  19471. wlc_recvdata_ordered
  19472. wlc_sendassocreq
  19473. wlc_recvdata
  19474. wlc_hdr_proc
  19475. wlc_txflowcontrol_signal
  19476. wlc_recvfilter
  19477. wlc_dofrag
  19478. wlc_reset
  19479. wlc_dotxstatus
  19480. @wlc_get_txh_info
  19481. wlc_sendprobe
  19482. wlc_txq_enq
  19483. wlc_prep_sdu
  19484. wlc_ioctl_patchmod
  19485. wlc_sendpkt
  19486. wlc_watchdog
  19487. wlc_recv_mgmt_ctl
  19488. wlc_ht_update_scbstate
  19489. wlc_iovar_op
  19490. wlc_recv_scan_parse
  19491. wlc_BSSinit
  19492. wlc_recv
  19493. wlc_txfifo
  19494. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register() failed
  19495. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn() failed
  19496. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_cubby_reserve() failed
  19497. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr cap in assocreq
  19498. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, sup chan in assocreq
  19499. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, iw ie
  19500. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ad in bcn
  19501. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rc in bcn
  19502. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rsn in bcn
  19503. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, wpa in bcn
  19504. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, rsn in assocreq
  19505. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, wpa in assocreq
  19506. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, rsn in assocreq
  19507. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wpa in assocreq
  19508. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, rsn in scan
  19509. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wpa in scan
  19510. wl: %s: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  19511. wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete
  19512. ncons is %d in ampdu
  19513. wl%d: %s: scb is null
  19514. %s: bad ini error
  19515. wl%d: %s: tx underflow?!
  19516. %s: p is NULL. tot_mpdu: %d, ncons: %d
  19517. wlc_ampdu_recv_addba_resp
  19518. wl%d: %s: Failed. status %d wsize %d policy %d
  19519. wl%d: The Default AMPDU_TX_BA_WSIZE is greater than MAX value
  19520. wl%d: wlc_scb_cubby_reserve() failed
  19521. wl%d: %s: out of mem, malloced %d bytes for mac_dbg_t
  19522. wl%d: ampdu_tx wlc_module_register() failed
  19523. HOST_ENAB %d UCODE_ENAB %d 4331_HW_ENAB %d AQM_ENAB %d
  19524. AMPDU Tx counters:
  19525. txampdu %d txmpdu %d txmpduperampdu %d noba %d (%d%%)
  19526. retry_ampdu %d retry_mpdu %d (%d%%) txfifofull %d
  19527. fbr_ampdu %d fbr_mpdu %d
  19528. txregmpdu %d txreg_noack %d txfifofull %d txdrop %d txstuck %d orphan %d
  19529. txrel_wm %d txrel_size %d sduretry %d sdurejected %d
  19530. aggfifo_w %d epochdeltas %d mpduperepoch %d
  19531. epoch_change reason: plcp %d rate %d fbr %d reg %d link %d seq no %d
  19532. txr0hole %d txrnhole %d txrlag %d rxunexp %d
  19533. txaddbareq %d rxaddbaresp %d txlost %d txbar %d rxba %d txdelba %d
  19534. txmpdu_sgi %d txmpdu_stbc %d
  19535. ini %d ini_off %d ini_on %d ini_poff %d ini_pon %d nbuf %d
  19536. tcp_ack_ratio %d/%d total %d/%d dequeued %d multi_dequeued %d
  19537. Supr Reason: pmq(%d) flush(%d) frag(%d) badch(%d) exptime(%d) uf(%d)
  19538. pps(%d)
  19539. TX MCS :
  19540. %d(%d%%)
  19541. :
  19542. MCS PER :
  19543. TX VHT :
  19544. VHT PER :
  19545. PER :
  19546. %d/%d (%d%%)
  19547. :
  19548. --------------------------
  19549. tot_mpdus %d tot_ampdus %d mpduperampdu %d
  19550. agg stop reason: len %d (%d%%) ampdu_mpdu %d (%d%%) bawin %d (%d%%) epoch %d (%d%%) fempty %d (%d%%)
  19551. Frameburst histogram:
  19552. avg %d
  19553. MPDUdens:
  19554. %3d (%d%%)
  19555. TX MCS SGI:
  19556. :
  19557. TX VHT SGI:
  19558. MCS to AMPDU tables:
  19559. FIFO %d: Preload settings: size %d dmarate %d kbps
  19561. :
  19562. %s: max_pdu %d release %d
  19563. wl%d: wlc_ampdu_watchdog: no memory
  19564. wl%d: %s: cleaning up ini tid %d due to no progress for %d secs tx_in_transit %d
  19565. wl%d: %s: cleaning up tid %d from poff
  19566. wlc_ampdu_recv_addba_resp
  19567. wlc_send_addba_req
  19568. wl%d: ampdu wlc_module_register() failed
  19569. wl%d: %s: sending null data frame on tid %d
  19570. wl%d.%d: %s: seq 0x%x tid %d
  19571. ampdu_clear_dump
  19572. wlc_send_bar
  19573. wl%d: %s: unexp frag seq 0x%x, exp seq 0x%x
  19574. wl%d: The Default AMPDU_RX_BA_WSIZE is greater than MAX value
  19575. wl%d: ampdu_rx wl_init_timer() failed
  19576. wl%d: ampdu_rx wlc_module_register() failed
  19577. AMPDU Rx counters:
  19578. rxdelba %d rxunexp %d
  19579. rxampdu_sgi %d rxampdu_stbc %d
  19580. rxampdu %d rxmpdu %d rxmpduperampdu %d rxht %d rxlegacy %d
  19581. rxholes %d rxqed %d rxdup %d rxnobapol %d rxstuck %d rxoow %d rxoos %d
  19582. rxaddbareq %d rxbar %d txba %d
  19583. txaddbaresp %d
  19584. RX MCS :
  19585. RX VHT :
  19586. RX MCS SGI:
  19587. RX VHT SGI:
  19588. %s:
  19589. wlc_ampdu_recvdata
  19590. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register failed
  19591. wl%d: %s: Error initing the amsdu tx
  19592. NRXD %d is too small to fit max amsdu rxframe
  19593. wl%d: wlc_antsel_attach: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  19594. antswitch
  19595. aa2g
  19596. aa5g
  19597. wlc_antsel_attach: 2o3 board cfg invalid
  19598. wl%d: antsel wlc_module_register() failed
  19599. wlc_ap_process_assocreq
  19600. wl%d: cannot create BSS on channel %u
  19601. %s: MALLOC wlc_ap_info_pvt_t failed
  19602. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_cubby_reserve failed
  19603. %s: wlc_apps_attach failed
  19604. %s: wl_init_timer for radio powersave timer failed
  19605. %s: wlc_pcb_fn_set err=%d
  19606. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, sup rates in assocresp
  19607. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ext rates in assocresp
  19608. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ssid in assocreq
  19609. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, sup rates in assocreq
  19610. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ext rates in assocreq
  19611. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, wps in assocreq
  19612. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap in scan
  19613. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap in bcn
  19614. wl%d.%d %s could not find scb
  19615. wl%d.%d %s denied association due to Win7
  19616. wl%d: could not parse the rateset from (Re)Assoc Request packet from %s
  19617. wl%d: %s: association request for non existent bsscfg
  19618. wl%d: %s does not support required rate %d
  19619. wl%d: %s does not support required mcs idx %d
  19620. wl%d: %s: deny transition mode assoc req from %s... transition mode not enabled on AP
  19621. wl%d: %s is requesting privacy but encryption is not enabled on the AP. SES OW %d WPS IE %d
  19622. wl%d: WPA auth attempt with 802.11 shared key auth from %s, deauthenticating...
  19623. wl%d: %s does not support short preambles
  19624. wl%d: %s does not support ShortSlot
  19625. wl%d: %s denied association due to max association limit
  19626. wl%d.%d %s denied association due to max BSS association limit
  19627. wlc_ap_process_assocreq_done
  19628. apps
  19629. wl%d: %s: wlc_scb_cubby_reserve() failed
  19630. wl%d: %s wlc_pcb_fn_set() failed
  19631. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, tim in bcn
  19632. wl%d: %s: unable to register callback %p
  19633. wlc_assoc_scan_complete
  19634. wlc_assoc_change_state
  19635. wl%d: %s: MALLOC failure
  19636. wl%d: wlc_bss_list_expand failed
  19637. wl%d: %s: no valid bsscfg matches cfg %p, exit
  19638. wl%d.%d: %s: out of bounds assoc state %d
  19639. wl%d.%d: unsolicited association response from %s
  19640. wl%d: IBSS started on chanspec 0x%x.
  19641. wl%d: %s: Couldn't start the roam with error %d
  19642. wlc_roamscan_start
  19643. wlc_join_BSS
  19644. wlc_cook_join_targets
  19645. wlc_assocresp_client
  19646. wlc_assoc_timeout
  19647. wlc_bmac_iovars_dispatch
  19648. unsupported core rev %d
  19649. wl%d: wlc_attach: alloc_dma_resources failed
  19650. wl%d: wlc_attach: dma_attach failed
  19651. BPMQ error. Out of memory !!
  19652. wlc_bmac_attach: no mem for wlc_btc_params_fw, malloced %d bytes
  19653. wlc_btc_param_attach: no mem for btc_param_vars, malloc: %db
  19654. %s: sr not supported
  19655. %s: sr download failed
  19656. %s: no mem for wlc_hw, malloced %d bytes
  19657. wlc_bmac_txfifo: fatal, toss frames !!!
  19658. wl%d: %s: SHM = 0x%x, expected 0x%x
  19659. wl%d: %s: maccontrol = 0x%x, expected 0x%x or 0x%x
  19660. PLLTEST: count = %d, on_delay = %d, off_delay = %d
  19661. total %d, last %d, fail1 %d, fail2 %d
  19662. Start %u, End %u, Avg Time: %u
  19663. devpath%d
  19664. %s(): undefined BMAC IOVAR: %d
  19665. delay out of range, freeing the packet
  19666. Overriding vendor id = 0x%x
  19667. Overriding device id = 0x%x
  19668. wl%d: %s: Unsupported vendor/device (0x%x/0x%x)
  19669. wl%d: %s: validate_chip_access failed
  19670. wl%d: %s: Unsupported Broadcom board type (0x%x) or revision level (0x%x)
  19671. wlc_bmac_attach, deviceid 0x%x nbands %d
  19672. wl%d: %s: wlc_phy_shim_attach failed
  19673. wl%d: %s: wlc_phy_attach failed
  19674. wl%d: %s: unsupported phy type/rev (%d/%d)
  19675. wl%d: %s: chiprev %d corerev %d cccap 0x%x maccap 0x%x band %sG, phy_type %d phy_rev %d
  19676. wl%d: %s: macaddr not found
  19677. wl%d: %s: bad macaddr %s
  19678. wl%d: bmc init not done yet :-(
  19679. wl%d: PSM MSDU init not done yet :-(
  19680. bsscfg
  19681. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (updn)
  19682. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (swbcn)
  19683. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (mute)
  19684. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (pretbtt)
  19685. wl%d: %s: bcm_notif_create_list failed (asst)
  19686. wl%d: Unknown wlcif %p type %d
  19687. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_alloc_ext() failed
  19688. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_init() failed
  19689. bssload
  19690. wl: %s: wlc_module_register() failed
  19691. wl: %s: add parse_fn failed, err %d
  19692. bssload_report
  19693. bssload_report_event
  19694. cca_stats
  19695. wl%d: %s: out of memory, malloced %d bytes
  19696. Inc Data: %s
  19697. Inc Compiler: %s
  19698. Inc %s
  19699. Inc Customization: %s
  19700. 22 rr *:
  19701. !"#01234567&>
  19702. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, cntry in bcn
  19703. cntry
  19704. wl%d: %s: wlc_bsscfg_updown_register() failed
  19705. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, csa in bcn
  19706. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ext csa in bcn
  19707. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, psta in assocreq
  19708. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, csw in bcn
  19709. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, wbw in csw ie
  19710. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, csa in bcn
  19711. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ext csa in bcn
  19712. csa -> %d
  19713. %s: switch_chanel_ex failed
  19714. wl%d: %s: Received invalid channel: %d
  19715. wlc_csa_proc_cs: Recved CSA while sender!: channel %d, count %d
  19716. wlc_send_action_switch_channel
  19717. wlc_csa_process_channel_switch
  19718. phycal
  19719. phyaci
  19720. phych4rpcal
  19721. Registered dumps:
  19722. dump_info
  19723. doing default dump
  19724. %s:-----
  19725. pcieinfo
  19726. nvram
  19727. nvram_dump
  19728. wl%d: bcm_mpm_create_heap_pool failed
  19729. wl%d: event wlc_module_register() failed
  19730. wl%d: wlc_eventq_attach: timer failed
  19731. Could not allocate event pool (want %d, got %d)
  19732. Could not prealloc event struct/data
  19733. Event superpool failed
  19734. Event superev/d failed
  19735. %s: failed to allocate memory for hw timer
  19736. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn_mft failed, err %d, hs20 ie
  19737. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, brcm in scan
  19738. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ht cap ie
  19739. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, ht op ie
  19740. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, obss ie
  19741. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, brcm ie
  19742. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap ie
  19743. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht cap ie in scan
  19744. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht op ie in scan
  19745. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_vsadd_parse_fn failed, brcm ie in scan
  19746. wl%d: %s: too many entries
  19747. wl%d: %s: tag %u not found
  19748. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, fst %d err %d
  19749. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, fst %d err %d
  19750. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext cap ie
  19751. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, vndr ie
  19752. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, brcm ie
  19753. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn failed, err %d, wme ie
  19754. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ext cap ie in assocreq
  19755. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, brcm ie in assocreq
  19756. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, wme ie in assocreq
  19757. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ssid ie
  19758. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, sup rates ie
  19759. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext rates ie
  19760. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ds parms ie
  19761. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ibss parms ie
  19762. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, tim ie in bcn
  19763. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ssid in prbreq
  19764. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, sup rates in prbreq
  19765. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ext rates in prbreq
  19766. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, ds parms in prbreq
  19767. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, err %d, chlng in auth
  19768. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, chlng in auth
  19769. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ssid in scan
  19770. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, sup rates in scan
  19771. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, ibss parms in scan
  19772. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn failed, err %d, wme in scan
  19773. wl%d: %s: too many registries
  19774. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed
  19775. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed
  19776. wlc_dpc
  19777. wl%d: %s HAMMERING fatal txs err
  19778. wl%d: PHYTX error
  19779. wl%d: PSM microcode watchdog fired at %d (seconds). Resetting.
  19780. wl%d: %s HAMMERING: MI_GP0 set
  19781. wl%d.%d: %s: unsupported key size %d
  19782. wl%d.%d: %s: illegal key index %d
  19783. wl%d.%d: %s: non-CCKM CKIP not supported
  19784. wlc_key_insert
  19785. History and average of latest %d RSSI values:
  19786. Ant%d: [
  19787. %3d
  19788. avg [%4d]
  19789. wl%d: %s: ctxt MALLOC failed; total mallocs %d bytes
  19790. monitor
  19791. %s: pmk is not valid
  19792. wlc_calc_pmkid_for_okc
  19793. pkteng_stats
  19794. Test skipped due to reason %d
  19795. phy_txpwrctrl
  19796. phy_txpwrindex
  19797. phy_forcecal
  19798. phy_activecal
  19799. Force cal failure
  19800. phy_watchdog
  19801. phy_txpwr_ovrinitbaseidx
  19802. phy_scraminit
  19803. glacial_timer
  19804. fast_timer
  19805. slow_timer
  19806. phy_percal
  19807. Init seq failed.
  19808. wl%d: wl_init_timer for test_timer failed
  19809. wl%d: wl_init_timer for tx_test_timer failed
  19810. wl%d: wl_init_timer for sync_timer failed
  19811. ota_test
  19812. ota_trigger
  19813. ota_loadtest
  19814. ota_teststatus
  19815. ota_teststop
  19816. ota_rssi
  19817. CaHaH
  19818. 0$S.aH
  19819. &x3V@
  19820. ) -A0A0
  19821. wlc_phy_smth
  19822. (4444
  19824. @@@@[l
  19825. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_bw_change_acphy
  19826. wlc_phy_loadsampletable_acphy
  19827. wlc_phy_cal_cache_acphy
  19828. wlc_phy_sample_collect_acphy
  19829. wlc_phy_chan2freq_20691
  19830. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_femctrl
  19831. ~wlc_phy_radio20691_lpf_tx_set
  19832. wlc_phy_rxcal_txrx_gainctrl_acphy_tiny
  19833. Unsupported, swap should be 0 or 1
  19834. Unsupported, supported types are
  19836. wl%d: %s: channel %d not found in channel table
  19837. wl%d: %s: IQ measurement timed out
  19838. wl%d: %s: Invalid bq_gain %d
  19839. *** ERROR: R Cal value out of range. 4bit Rcal = %d.
  19840. %s RCal unsucessful. RCal valid bit is %d.
  19841. Unsupported dac_rate %d
  19842. epsdelta2g%d
  19843. eu_edthresh2g
  19844. eu_edthresh5g
  19845. %s: Switch control map(%s) is NOT found
  19846. wl%d: %s: FIXME bt_coex
  19847. PAPD Epsilon Table Real Image CORE %d
  19848. {%d %d}
  19849. wl%d: %s: Unknown cmd %d
  19850. %s: No primary channel settings for bw=%d
  19851. %s: Deafness already set
  19852. %s: Deafness already cleared
  19853. %s: Too much or too little power? (gain_index=%d)
  19854. wl%d: %s: Unrecognized smoothing mode: %d
  19855. wl%d: %s: Unrecognized ctrl_type: %d
  19856. MAC was not suspended before calling wlc_phy_txpwr_papd_cal_run_acphy!
  19857. wl%d: %s: Invalid chan_freq_range %d
  19858. wl%d: %s: Unsupported spurmode %d.
  19859. Tx-IQ/LOFT-Cal:
  19860. core-%d: a/b: (%4d,%4d), d: (%3d,%3d)
  19861. Rx-IQ-Cal:
  19862. core-%d: a/b = (%4d,%4d), S = %2d (%1d)
  19863. core-%d: a/b = (%4d,%4d), S = OFF (%1d)
  19864. crs_min_pwr cal:
  19865. ACI desense is on: crs_min_pwr cal DID NOT run
  19866. crsmin_cal ran %d times for channel %d:
  19867. Noise power used for setting crs_min thresholds :
  19868. Core-%d : %d,
  19869. AC-CRS = %d,
  19870. MF-CRS = %d,
  19871. Offset %d = %d,
  19872. papdcalidx%d %d
  19873. %s: No primary channel settings for CTL_SB=%d
  19874. wl%d: %s: Number of cores != 3
  19875. FFT is not supported on phy rev 0, 2, 4, and 5
  19876. wl%d: %s: Bad Duration Option
  19877. %s: sample capture pointer got stuck - retriggering - attempt %i
  19878. wl%d: %s timer expired without trigger fired.
  19879. wl%d: %s Error: Timeout
  19880. wl%d: %s call with null ctx
  19881. wlc_phy_cal_txiqlo_acphy failed
  19882. %s: Invalid calibration phase %d
  19883. wl%d: %s: Chanspec 0x%x not found in calibration cache
  19884. Fatal error. Aborting, PSM not done with previous noise cal.
  19885. high
  19886. wlc_phy_rx_iq_est_acphy
  19887. wlc_phy_cals_acphy
  19888. m]LAs
  19890. @@@L[l
  19891. wlc_phy_gen_load_samples_acphy_papd
  19892. wlc_phy_force_rfseq_acphy
  19893. wlc_phy_cal_cache_restore_acphy
  19894. wlc_phy_set_pdet_on_reset_acphy
  19895. wlc_phy_deaf_acphy
  19896. wlc_phy_force_spurmode_acphy
  19897. A0aH>D
  19898. Z+ Z
  19899. l:h.
  19900. dfUQ
  19901. (a-MM=p4
  19902. q}OkS[
  19903. ,?R?
  19904. >m>y?
  19905. >wlc_phy_rx_iq_est_acphy_percore
  19906. @wlc_phy_gen_load_samples_acphy
  19907. %g,,4
  19908. U4VdU
  19909. wlc_phy_radio20691_rcal
  19910. wlc_phy_sample_data_acphy
  19912. ^A@8A
  19913. _C7.& 9
  19915. @@@@@L[l
  19916. wlc_phy_txpwrctrl_enable_acphy
  19917. wlc_phy_set_regtbl_on_chan_change_acphy
  19918. wlc_phy_txpower_recalc_target
  19919. wl%d: %s: This function needs to be called after 'wl out'
  19920. wl%d: %s: Band needs to be locked to 2G (b)
  19921. Testpattern needs to be between [0 (BPHY_EVM), 1 (BPHY_RFCS)]
  19922. support yet to be added
  19923. %s: Chip's radioid=0x%x, BCMRADIOID=0x%x
  19924. %s: Chip's radiorev=%d, BCMRADIOREV=%d
  19925. Unsupported RSSI_GAIN_DELTA_2G type!
  19926. plen (%d) < sizeof(wl_samplecollect_args_t) (%d)
  19927. Incompatible version; use %d expected version %d
  19928. Bad length, length requested > buf len (%d > %d)
  19929. LP MODE %d is not supported
  19930. Smth %d is not supported
  19931. RADIO PD is not supported for this chip
  19932. wl%d: %s non NULL phy_head
  19933. wl%d: %s: maccontrol 0x%x has EN_MAC set
  19934. Wrong phy type %d
  19935. Wrong chain number %d
  19936. bandrange %d is out of scope
  19937. Unsupported PHY type!
  19938. wl%d: %s: PHY_TYPE= %d is Unsupported
  19939. wl%d: %s: chip is dead !!!
  19940. wl%d: %s: MAC running! mc=0x%x
  19941. wl%d: %s: No phy_init found for phy_type %d, rev %d
  19942. %s: out of memory %d
  19943. WLC_LONGTRAIN: unsupported phy type
  19944. %s: sampling_in_progress
  19945. Value %d is not supported
  19946. Not supported with SWDIV, Use antdiv
  19947. Command not supported for this phy
  19948. Value out of range
  19949. wl%d: %s: No phy available for 5G
  19950. %s: wlapi_init_timer for phycal_timer failed
  19951. wlc_phy_iovar_bphy_testpattern
  19952. wlc_phy_is_txbfcal
  19953. wlc_phy_init
  19954. wlc_phy_ioctl
  19955. wlc_phy_create_chanctx
  19956. wlc_phy_switch_radio
  19957. wlc_phy_rx_iq_est
  19958. wlc_phy_ant_rxdiv_set
  19959. %s: wlc_phy_iovar_attach failed!
  19960. cal_period
  19961. noise_meas_timer
  19962. pkteng_gainindex
  19963. phy_rx_gainindex
  19964. hirssi_period
  19965. hirssi_en
  19966. hirssi_byp_rssi
  19967. hirssi_res_rssi
  19968. hirssi_byp_w1cnt
  19969. hirssi_res_w1cnt
  19970. hirssi_status
  19971. txinstpwr
  19972. sample_collect_gainadj
  19973. mac_triggered_sample_collect
  19974. mac_triggered_sample_data
  19975. sample_collect_gainidx
  19976. iq_metric_data
  19977. iq_metric
  19978. iq_metric_pass
  19979. phy_muted
  19980. pavars
  19981. paparambwver
  19982. sromrev
  19983. fem2g
  19984. fem5g
  19985. maxpower
  19986. phy_cal_disable
  19987. phymsglevel
  19988. phy_cga_5g
  19989. phy_cga_2g
  19990. phy_tssi
  19991. phy_idletssi
  19992. phy_fixed_noise
  19993. phynoise_polling
  19994. carrier_suppress
  19995. unmod_rssi
  19996. aci_exit_check_period
  19997. phy_auxpga
  19998. patrim
  19999. patrimlp
  20000. povars
  20001. rpcalvars
  20002. phytable
  20003. phy_dynamic_ml
  20004. aci_nams
  20005. phy_rf_swctrl_toggle
  20006. phy_forcecal_obt
  20007. phy_forcecal_noise
  20008. phy_skippapd
  20009. phy_papd_en_war
  20010. phy_vcocal
  20011. phy_glitchthrsh
  20012. phy_noise_up
  20013. phy_noise_dwn
  20014. tssical_start_idx
  20015. tssical_start
  20016. tssical_power
  20017. tssical_params
  20018. phy_resetcca
  20019. tssical_txdelay
  20020. phy_deaf
  20021. phy_txiqcc
  20022. phy_txlocc
  20023. phy_tx_tone
  20024. phy_tx_tone_hz
  20025. phy_tx_tone_stop
  20026. phy_bbmult
  20027. phy_txrx_chain
  20028. phy_bphy_evm
  20029. phy_bphy_rfcs
  20030. phy_enrxcore
  20031. phy_est_tonepwr
  20032. phy_gpiosel
  20033. phy_5g_pwrgain
  20034. phy_rfseq
  20035. phy_test_tssi
  20036. phy_test_tssi_offs
  20037. phy_test_idletssi
  20038. phy_pacalidx0
  20039. phy_pacalidx1
  20040. phy_iqlocalidx
  20041. phy_pacalidx
  20042. phy_setrptbl
  20043. phy_forceimpbf
  20044. phy_forcesteer
  20045. phy_pacalstatus
  20046. phy_percal_delay
  20047. phy_force_crsmin
  20048. phy_force_spurmode
  20049. xtal_ldo
  20050. phy_rxiqest
  20051. lp_mode
  20052. lp_vco_2g
  20053. smth_enable
  20054. radio_pd
  20055. phynoise_srom
  20056. num_stream
  20057. band_range
  20058. subband5gver
  20059. ant_diversity_sw_core0
  20060. ant_diversity_sw_core1
  20061. tssivisi_thresh
  20062. phy_tempsense
  20063. phy_tempoffset
  20064. phy_tempthresh
  20065. phy_tempsense_override
  20066. phy_temp_hysteresis
  20067. phy_vbatsense
  20068. lcnphy_rxiqgain
  20069. lcnphy_rxiqgspower
  20070. lcnphy_rxiqpower
  20071. lcnphy_rxiqstatus
  20072. lcnphy_rxiqsteps
  20073. lcnphy_tssimaxpwr
  20074. lcnphy_tssiminpwr
  20075. rssi_cal_freq_grp_2g
  20076. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2g
  20077. phy_rxgainerr_2g
  20078. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gb0
  20079. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gb1
  20080. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gb2
  20081. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gb3
  20082. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gb4
  20083. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2gh
  20084. phy_rssi_gain_delta_2ghh
  20085. phy_rssi_gain_delta_5gl
  20086. phy_rssi_gain_delta_5gml
  20087. phy_rssi_gain_delta_5gmu
  20088. phy_rssi_gain_delta_5gh
  20089. phy_rssi_gain_cal_temp
  20090. phy_rxgainerr_5gl
  20091. phy_rxgainerr_5gm
  20092. phy_rxgainerr_5gh
  20093. phy_rxgainerr_5gu
  20094. phycal_tempdelta
  20095. phy_oclscdenable
  20096. lnldo2
  20097. phy_crs_war
  20098. subband_idx
  20099. pavars2
  20100. phy_dssf
  20101. phy_ed_thresh
  20102. phy_txswctrlmap
  20103. phy_sromtempsense
  20104. rxg_rssi
  20105. rssi_cal_rev
  20106. rud_agc_enable
  20107. int_ovr2
  20108. temp_comp_trloss
  20109. phy_enable_epa_dpd_2g
  20110. phy_enable_epa_dpd_5g
  20111. phy_epacal2gmask
  20112. phy_ocl_force_core0
  20113. phy_btc_siso_max_response_power
  20114. phy_btc_curr_pwroffset
  20115. phy_swctrlmap
  20116. olpc_anchor2g
  20117. olpc_anchor5g
  20118. olpc_thresh
  20119. disable_olpc
  20120. dis_tputwar
  20121. txcal_status
  20122. wl%d: wlc_phy_shim_attach: out of mem, malloced %d bytes
  20123. pkt_filter
  20124. wl%d: pmkid wlc_module_register() failed
  20125. wl%d: %s:wlc_module_register failed
  20126. prot_g
  20127. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, erp in bcn
  20128. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, erp in bcn
  20129. prot_n
  20130. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, ht op in bcn
  20131. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, quiet in bcn
  20132. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, quiet in bcn
  20133. wlc_scantimer
  20134. wl%d: %s: wl_init_timer for scan timer failed
  20135. wl%d: %s: failure allocating power stats
  20136. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_register err=%d
  20137. wl%d: %s: wlc_module_add_ioctl_fn err=%d
  20138. wl%d: %s: ssid_list not set to prealloc
  20139. wl%d: %s: invalid SSID len %d, capping
  20140. wl%d: %s: wlc_scan bad param channel_num %d greater than max %d
  20141. wl%d: %s: wlc_scan bad param channel_list was NULL with channel_num = %d
  20142. wlc_scan
  20143. wl%d: %s: scb bcm_notif_create_list() failed
  20144. %s: failed
  20145. wl%d: %s:wlc_scb_cubby_reserve failed
  20146. wlc_wsec_recvdata_decrypt
  20147. WAPI: detected reply
  20148. GOT:
  20149. EXP:
  20150. A-MSDU deagg only supports hardware AES, toss
  20151. use TKIP key but extended IV flag not set on frame
  20152. use WEP key but extended IV flag is set on frame
  20153. use CCMP but extended IV flag not set on frame
  20154. CCMP MIC error
  20155. CCMP decryption failed!
  20156. wl%d.%d: %s ICV error using key index %d, dropping %scast frame %u ividx %d from %s
  20157. TKIP MIC failure frame %u blen %u ividx %d, RxStatus20x%04x, da %s, sa %s
  20158. TKIP MIC failure frame %u blen %u ividx %d, got 0x%08x,0x%08x, expected 0x%08x,0x%08x, da %s, sa %s
  20159. wlc_seq_cmds_process
  20160. seq_cmds
  20161. seq_delay
  20162. seq_error_index
  20163. seq_list
  20164. seq_start
  20165. seq_stop
  20166. remote
  20167. extlog
  20168. bcnlenhist
  20169. wl%d: duty cycle value off limit
  20170. wl%d: stf wlc_stf_iovar_attach failed
  20171. dutycycle_cck
  20172. dutycycle_ofdm
  20173. swdiv_cell_policy
  20174. swdiv_reset_stats
  20175. swdiv_rx_policy
  20176. swdiv_stats
  20177. swdiv_tx_policy
  20178. swdiv_tx_weight
  20179. wl%d: %s: wl_init_timer for swdiv timer failed
  20180. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr const in bcn
  20181. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, tpc rpt in bcn
  20182. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_build_fn() failed, tpc rpt in bcn
  20183. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, pwr const in bcn
  20184. wlc_tpc_get_current: wlc_get_locale failed
  20185. wlc_tpc_get_current: clm_limits failed
  20186. wlc_tpc_get_current: 20in80 clm_limits failed
  20187. tpc_rpt_override
  20188. txpwr_target_max
  20189. wl%d: %s: cubby register for txc failed
  20190. 20/40/80
  20191. 20/40/80 plus 160
  20192. 20/40/80 plus 160, 80+80
  20193. <invalid>
  20194. VHT dump:
  20195. VHT Cap 0x%08x
  20196. Flags: %s
  20197. Max MPDU=%d
  20198. Max MPDU invalid value
  20199. chan width: %s
  20200. Rx STBC: %d spatial streams
  20201. Rx STBC: %d <invalid value>
  20202. max bmfrmr antenas=%d
  20203. sounding dims=%d
  20204. max ampdu len exp: %d (2^%d) (%d bytes)
  20205. link adapt=
  20206. no feedback
  20207. unsolicited
  20208. both
  20209. wlc->vhti->vht_cap.rx_mcs_map = 0x%x
  20210. wlc->vhti->vht_cap.tx_mcs_map = 0x%x
  20211. VHT mcsmap
  20212. vhti
  20213. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, vht cap ie
  20214. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, vht op ie
  20215. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, pwr env ie
  20216. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, op mode ie
  20217. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn() failed, brcm ie
  20218. wl%d: %s: wlc_ier_add_build_fn failed, pwr env ie in csw
  20219. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, cap ie in assocreq
  20220. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, op ie in assocreq
  20221. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn() failed, brcm ie in assocreq
  20222. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, mode ie
  20223. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, cap ie in scan
  20224. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, op ie in scan
  20225. wl%d: %s wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn() failed, brcm ie in scan
  20226. vhtcap
  20227. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_build_fn failed, wapi ie
  20228. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, wapi ie in assocreq
  20229. wl%d: %s: wlc_iem_add_parse_fn failed, wapi ie in scan
  20230. wapi
  20231. m2mdev
  20232. P FU`
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  20296. II"F
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  20305. F'aA
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  20314. XH)F
  20315. @F!F
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  20319. hca+
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  20324. (F!F
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  20328. 9F"F
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  20343. bx+I
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  20345. cxID7
  20346. 0!F7
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  20348. %FiI
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  20350. aI"z
  20351. yAD7
  20352. EIBF
  20353. ;IBF
  20354. 2IBF
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  20359. bxDI
  20360. bxBI
  20361. bx?I
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  20377. "CF-I
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  20429. +IP"
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  20594. C !h
  20595. D`!h
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  20623. $H#I4J
  20624. h!F
  20625. zHyI~J
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  21292. I"F@h
  21293. hndrte_pktfetch_module_init
  21294. m2md_attach
  21295. dngl_attach
  21296. c_init
  21297. delete_pool
  21298. bcm_mpm_deinit
  21299. bcm_notif_attach
  21300. si_doattach
  21301. wl_eventq_attach
  21302. wl_keep_alive_attach
  21303. wlc_attach
  21304. wlc_attach_antgain_init
  21305. wlc_chipmatch
  21306. wlc_attach_module
  21307. wlc_attach_stf_ant_init
  21308. wlc_attach_cb_init
  21309. wlc_11d_attach
  21310. wlc_11h_attach
  21311. wlc_11u_attach
  21312. wlc_akm_attach
  21313. wlc_attach_malloc_high
  21314. wlc_ampdu_tx_attach
  21315. wlc_ampdu_rx_attach
  21316. wlc_amsdu_attach
  21317. wlc_ap_attach
  21318. wlc_apps_attach
  21319. wlc_bmac_validate_chip_access
  21320. wlc_bmac_attach
  21321. wlc_bsscfg_primary_init
  21322. wlc_bsscfg_attach
  21323. wlc_bssload_attach
  21324. wlc_btc_attach
  21325. wlc_cca_attach
  21326. wlc_channel_mgr_attach
  21327. wlc_cntry_attach
  21328. wlc_csa_attach
  21329. wlc_dump_info_attach
  21330. wlc_hrt_attach
  21331. wlc_hs20_attach
  21332. wlc_ht_attach
  21333. wlc_iem_vs_add_build_fn
  21334. wlc_iem_vs_add_parse_fn
  21335. wlc_iem_add_build_fn
  21336. wlc_iem_attach
  21337. wlc_iem_add_parse_fn
  21338. wlc_prq_register_iem_fns
  21339. wlc_assoc_register_iem_fns
  21340. wlc_register_iem_fns
  21341. wlc_scan_register_iem_fns
  21342. wlc_auth_register_iem_fns
  21343. wlc_bcn_register_iem_fns
  21344. wlc_ier_add_parse_fn
  21345. wlc_ier_attach
  21346. wlc_ier_add_build_fn
  21347. wlc_ier_create_registry
  21348. wlc_itfr_attach
  21349. wlc_lq_attach
  21350. wlc_macfltr_attach
  21351. wlc_monitor_attach
  21352. wlc_ota_test_attach
  21353. wlc_pcb_attach
  21354. wlc_phy_nvram_femctrl_read
  21355. wlc_phy_attach_acphy
  21356. wlc_phy_set_txgain_tbls
  21357. wlc_phy_radio_attach
  21358. phy_getintvararray_default_internal
  21359. phy_getvar_fabid_internal
  21360. wlc_phy_attach
  21361. wlc_phy_cmn_attach
  21362. wlc_phy_shared_attach
  21363. wlc_phy_shared_detach
  21364. wlc_phy_iovar_attach
  21365. wlc_pkt_filter_attach
  21366. wlc_pmkid_attach
  21367. wlc_lpc_attach
  21368. wlc_prot_attach
  21369. wlc_prot_g_attach
  21370. wlc_prot_n_attach
  21371. wlc_pwrstats_attach
  21372. wlc_quiet_attach
  21373. wlc_ratesel_attach
  21374. wlc_scan_attach
  21375. wlc_scan_detach
  21376. wlc_scb_attach
  21377. wlc_scb_lpc_attach
  21378. wlc_scb_ratesel_attach
  21379. wlc_seq_cmds_attach
  21380. wlc_stats_attach
  21381. wlc_swdiv_get_vars
  21382. wlc_tpc_attach
  21383. wlc_txc_attach
  21384. wlc_vht_attach
  21385. wlc_wapi_attach
  21386. %s: Unable to alloc rqstpool: Out of mem?
  21387. TCAM: %d used: %d exceed:%d
  21388. ramstbydis
  21389. M2MDEV
  21390. %s: Broadcom M2MD CDC driver
  21391. m2mdcdc%d
  21392. RTE (%s-%s%s%s) %s on BCM%s r%d @ %d.%d/%d.%d/%d.%dMHz
  21393. SDIO
  21394. notif_c
  21395. notif_s
  21396. ofdm2gpo=0x%x
  21397. pa%dgw%da%d=0x%x
  21398. gainctrlsph=%d
  21399. pa1maxpwr=%d
  21400. measpower%d=0x%x
  21401. rxgains%dg%ctrelnabypa%d=%d
  21402. pa2ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21403. rssismc5g=%d
  21404. usbflags=0x%x
  21405. pa2gccka%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21406. pdetrange2g=0x%x
  21407. subvendid=0x%x
  21408. ag%d=0x%x
  21409. oem=%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  21410. ofdmpo=0x%x
  21411. tempoffset=%d
  21412. measpower=0x%x
  21413. rssismf2g=%d
  21414. paparambwver=%d
  21415. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x%x
  21416. itt2ga0=0x%x
  21417. bxa2g=%d
  21418. rssismc2g=%d
  21419. pa5gbw40a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21420. mcsbw205glpo=0x%x
  21421. mcsbw20ul5glpo=0x%x
  21422. mcsbw405glpo=0x%x
  21423. usbutmi_ctl=0x%x
  21424. extpagain2g=0x%x
  21425. antswctl2g=0x%x
  21426. productname=%s
  21427. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_%d_5g=%d
  21428. rxgainerr2ga%d=0x%x
  21429. maxp2ga%d=0x%x
  21430. bwduppo=0x%x
  21431. noiselvl5ga%d=%d,%d,%d,%d
  21432. bw40po=0x%x
  21433. pa5gbw80a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21434. usb30u1u2=0x%x
  21435. pdetrange5g=0x%x
  21436. macaddr=%s
  21437. temps_hysteresis=%d
  21438. mcs%dgpo%d=0x%x
  21439. boardflags2=0x%x
  21440. boardflags3=0x%x
  21441. ledbh%d=0x%x
  21442. rxgains%dg%ctrisoa%d=%d
  21443. aa2g=0x%x
  21444. prodid=0x%x
  21445. tempthresh=%d
  21446. chiprev=%d
  21447. legofdmbw205glpo=0x%x
  21448. legofdmbw20ul5glpo=0x%x
  21449. legofdmbw205gmpo=0x%x
  21450. legofdmbw20ul5gmpo=0x%x
  21451. legofdmbw205ghpo=0x%x
  21452. legofdmbw20ul5ghpo=0x%x
  21453. usbfs=%d
  21454. temps_period=%d
  21455. sb40and80%cr5g%cpo=0x%x
  21456. cc=%d
  21457. dot11agdup%crpo=0x%x
  21458. aga%d=0x%x
  21459. triso5g=0x%x
  21460. tempsense_slope=%d
  21461. maxp5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21462. pa1itssit=%d
  21463. pa0b0=%d
  21464. pa0b1=%d
  21465. pa0b2=%d
  21466. pa5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21467. mcsbw805g%cpo=0x%x
  21468. subband5gver=%d
  21469. rssisav5g=%d
  21470. mcsbw202gpo=0x%x
  21471. mcsbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  21472. mcsbw402gpo=0x%x
  21473. regrev=0x%x
  21474. cctl=0x%x
  21475. noiselvl2ga%d=%d
  21476. cckpo=0x%x
  21477. tri5g=%d
  21478. cckdigfilttype=%d
  21479. vendid=0x%x
  21480. femctrl=%d
  21481. usb30regs%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21482. pdoffset2g%dma%d=0x%x
  21483. usbepnum=0x%x
  21484. pa1himaxpwr=%d
  21485. rxchain=0x%x
  21486. boardflags=0x%x
  21487. pa1b0=%d
  21488. pa1b1=%d
  21489. pa1b2=%d
  21490. txchain=0x%x
  21491. rxgains%dg%celnagaina%d=%d
  21492. pa0maxpwr=%d
  21493. bxa5g=%d
  21494. agbg%d=0x%x
  21495. usbssphy_sleep0=0x%x
  21496. usbssphy_sleep1=0x%x
  21497. usbssphy_sleep2=0x%x
  21498. usbssphy_sleep3=0x%x
  21499. leddc=0x%04x
  21500. mcs32po=0x%x
  21501. rssisav2g=%d
  21502. opo=%d
  21503. itt2ga1=0x%x
  21504. rxpo5g=%d
  21505. extpagain5g=0x%x
  21506. ofdm5ghpo=0x%x
  21507. tworangetssi%dg=%d
  21508. sb20in40%crpo=0x%x
  21509. manfid=0x%x
  21510. elna2g=0x%x
  21511. pa1hib0=%d
  21512. pa1hib1=%d
  21513. pa1hib2=%d
  21514. pa0b0_lo=%d
  21515. pa0b1_lo=%d
  21516. pa0b2_lo=%d
  21517. sb20in80and160%cr5g%cpo=0x%x
  21518. cddpo=0x%x
  21519. boardtype=0x%x
  21520. antswitch=0x%x
  21521. boardnum=%d
  21522. rdlid=0x%x
  21523. xtalfreq=%d
  21524. maxp5gha0=0x%x
  21525. rxgains%dgelnagaina%d=%d
  21526. usbssmdio%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21527. subdevid=0x%x
  21528. pa1lob0=%d
  21529. pa1lob1=%d
  21530. pa1lob2=%d
  21531. stbcpo=0x%x
  21532. rxgainerr5ga%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21533. pa1lomaxpwr=%d
  21534. pdoffset%dma%d=0x%x
  21535. tempcorrx=%d
  21536. ofdm5gpo=0x%x
  21537. usbnoss=0x%x
  21538. aa5g=0x%x
  21539. customvar%d=0x%x
  21540. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_%d_5g=%d
  21541. uuid=%s
  21542. tri2g=%d
  21543. tempsense_option=%d
  21544. papdcap%dg=%d
  21545. legofdmbw202gpo=0x%x
  21546. legofdmbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  21547. pdgain%dg=%d
  21548. maxp5ga0=0x%x
  21549. maxp5ga1=0x%x
  21550. mcs%dg%cpo%d=0x%x
  21551. phycal_tempdelta=%d
  21552. pa%dg%cw%da%d=0x%x
  21553. ccode=0x0
  21554. regwindowsz=%d
  21555. ofdmlrbw202gpo=0x%x
  21556. wowl_gpiopol=%d
  21557. antswctl5g=0x%x
  21558. cck2gpo=0x%x
  21559. cckbw202gpo=0x%x
  21560. cckbw20ul2gpo=0x%x
  21561. itt5ga0=0x%x
  21562. itt5ga1=0x%x
  21563. mcslr5g%cpo=0x%x
  21564. pdoffset2g%dmvalid=0x%x
  21565. rxgains%dgtrelnabypa%d=%d
  21566. boardrev=0x%x
  21567. rawtempsense=0x%x
  21568. usbssphy_utmi_ctl0=0x%x
  21569. usbssphy_utmi_ctl1=0x%x
  21570. usbssphy_utmi_ctl2=0x%x
  21571. ofdm5glpo=0x%x
  21572. ccode=%c%c
  21573. pa0itssit=%d
  21574. tssipos5g=0x%x
  21575. rxpo2g=%d
  21576. tssiposslope%dg=%d
  21577. tri5gh=%d
  21578. manf=%s
  21579. tri5gl=%d
  21580. mcsbw205ghpo=0x%x
  21581. mcsbw20ul5ghpo=0x%x
  21582. mcsbw405ghpo=0x%x
  21583. sromrev=%d
  21584. legofdm40duppo=0x%x
  21585. maxp5gha1=0x%x
  21586. devid=0x%x
  21587. rxgains%dgtrisoa%d=%d
  21588. maxp5gla0=0x%x
  21589. maxp5gla1=0x%x
  21590. epagain%dg=%d
  21591. wpsgpio=%d
  21592. wowl_gpio=%d
  21593. rssismf5g=%d
  21594. triso2g=0x%x
  21595. tssipos2g=0x%x
  21596. wpsled=%d
  21597. elna5g=0x%x
  21598. pa5gbw4080a%d=0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x
  21599. mcsbw205gmpo=0x%x
  21600. mcsbw20ul5gmpo=0x%x
  21601. mcsbw405gmpo=0x%x
  21602. mcsbw1605g%cpo=0x%x
  21603. Invalid/Unsupported xtal value %d
  21604. pll%d
  21605. rmin
  21606. r%dd
  21607. r%dt
  21608. xtalfreq
  21609. rmax
  21610. reg%d
  21611. chipc%d
  21612. boardtype
  21613. prodid
  21614. vio_rf_war_dis
  21615. swdenable
  21616. bauddiv
  21617. boardflags
  21618. xtalfreq
  21619. devid
  21620. boardrev
  21621. muxenab
  21622. wl0id
  21623. wl%d: Broadcom BCM%d 802.11 Wireless Controller %s
  21624. C%C
  21625. C!C$C
  21627. TC_C?COC/C4C5C6C7C8C9C
  21629. CXCYCZC
  21630. CUCVCcC
  21631. CdCeCfCtCgC
  21632. tx_ofdm_temp_1
  21633. tx_ofdm_temp_2
  21634. tx_cck_temp_2
  21635. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm
  21636. NVRAMRev
  21637. sar5g
  21638. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_40_5g
  21639. tx_cck_dutycy_0
  21640. tx_cck_dutycy_1
  21641. tx_cck_dutycy_2
  21642. temp_based_dutycy_en
  21643. tx_ofdm_dutycy_2
  21644. tx_ofdm_temp_0
  21645. devid
  21646. sar2g
  21647. agbg0
  21648. agbg1
  21649. agbg2
  21650. aga0
  21651. aga1
  21652. aga2
  21653. tx_duty_cycle_ofdm_80_5g
  21654. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_40_5g
  21655. aa5g
  21656. tx_cck_temp_0
  21657. tx_cck_temp_1
  21658. tx_duty_cycle_thresh_80_5g
  21659. 11n_disable
  21660. tx_duty_cycle_cck
  21661. tx_ofdm_dutycy_0
  21662. tx_ofdm_dutycy_1
  21663. aa2g
  21664. boardflags2
  21665. antswctl5g
  21666. boardflags4
  21667. wl%d
  21668. btc_mode
  21669. boardflags
  21670. macaddr
  21671. boardrev
  21672. aa2g
  21673. vendid
  21674. antswctl2g
  21675. btc_params%d
  21676. btc_flags
  21677. devid
  21678. sromrev
  21679. regrev
  21680. ccode
  21681. eventq
  21682. hs20
  21683. interference
  21684. pdgain2g
  21685. swdiv_gpio
  21686. rxgains5gmtrisoa%d
  21687. txnospurmod2g
  21688. rxgains5ghtrelnabypa%d
  21689. dot11b_opts
  21690. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g
  21691. pacalopt
  21692. pacalshift5ga1
  21693. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gh
  21694. rxgains2gtrisoa%d
  21695. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gl
  21696. extpagain5g
  21697. rxgains2gelnagaina%d
  21698. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g_sub_elnaoff
  21699. rud_agc_enable
  21700. trloss_adj_time_dur
  21701. ldo3p3_2g
  21702. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff2g_sub
  21703. swctrlmapext_2g
  21704. disable_olpc
  21705. boardflags3
  21706. tiny_maxrxgain
  21707. rssi_corr_pchan5g_%s_c%d
  21708. pacalshift2g
  21709. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gh_elnaoff
  21710. parfps2g
  21711. txswctrlmap_5g
  21712. rssi_delta_5g%s_c%d
  21713. olpc_thresh5g
  21714. olpc_tempslope2g
  21715. fdss_level_2g
  21716. papdbbmult5g
  21717. swctrlmap_2g
  21718. rssicorrnorm_c%d
  21719. initxidx5g
  21720. patoneidx5g
  21721. txgaintbl5g
  21722. rpcal2g
  21723. rxgains5gmtrelnabypa%d
  21724. txidxcap2g
  21725. pacalindex2g
  21726. txiqcalidx2g
  21727. femctrl
  21728. lowpowerrange2g
  21729. rx5ggainwar
  21730. pacalshift5ga0
  21731. rpcal5gb1
  21732. rpcal5gb2
  21733. olpc_idx_in_use
  21734. rssi_delta_2g%s
  21735. offtgpwr
  21736. rxgainerr5ga0
  21737. swdiv_swctrl_ant0
  21738. swdiv_swctrl_ant1
  21739. swdiv_swctrl_mask
  21740. epacal2g
  21741. rpcal5gb3
  21742. tworangetssi2g
  21743. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gmu_elnaoff
  21744. txswctrlmap_2g_mask
  21745. phy4350_ss_opt
  21746. cckdigfilttype
  21747. ldo3p3_5g
  21748. txnospurmod5g
  21749. LTEJ_WAR_en
  21750. thresh_noise_cal
  21751. perratedpd5g
  21752. itrsw
  21753. noiselvl5ga%d
  21754. dacratemode2g
  21755. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gml_elnaoff
  21756. rssi_cal_rev
  21757. rxgains5gtrisoa%d
  21758. epacal2g_mask
  21759. rawtempsense
  21760. gain_cal_temp
  21761. ed_thresh5g
  21762. epagain2g
  21763. afewar40
  21764. parfps5g
  21765. rssicorrnorm5g_c%d
  21766. olpc_tempslope5g
  21767. trloss_adj_temp_thresh
  21768. rxgains5gmelnagaina%d
  21769. pacal2g
  21770. fdss_level_5g
  21771. rssi_corr_pchan2g_%s_c%d
  21772. paprdis
  21773. pagc5g
  21774. pacalshift5g
  21775. swctrlmap_5g
  21776. ed_thresh2g
  21777. rxgaincal_rssical
  21778. rssi_delta_2g_c%d
  21779. papdwar
  21780. extpagain2g
  21781. swctrlmapext_5g
  21782. pacalindex5g
  21783. txiqcalidx5g
  21784. edpdcalset
  21785. lowpowerrange5g
  21786. rxgains2gtrelnabypa%d
  21787. AvVmid_c%d
  21788. pacalmode
  21789. pagc2g
  21790. olpc_thresh
  21791. antdiv_rfswctrlpin_a0
  21792. antdiv_rfswctrlpin_a1
  21793. rxgainerr2ga0
  21794. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gml
  21795. papdmode
  21796. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gmu
  21797. epacal5g
  21798. bphyscale
  21799. rstr_rxgaintempcoeff5gl_elnaoff
  21800. tworangetssi5g
  21801. pacalpwr2g
  21802. swdiv_swctrl_en
  21803. olpc_thresh2g
  21804. subband5gver
  21805. rxgains5ghelnagaina%d
  21806. rxgains5gtrelnabypa%d
  21807. perratedpd2g
  21808. papdbbmult2g
  21809. noiselvl2ga%d
  21810. rxgains5ghtrisoa%d
  21811. rpcal5gb0
  21812. paparambwver
  21813. asymmetricjammermod
  21814. initxidx2g
  21815. patoneidx2g
  21816. rssi_delta_5g%s
  21817. rxgains5gelnagaina%d
  21818. rssi_cal_freq_grp_2g
  21819. rssi_qdB_en
  21820. txnoBW80ClkSwitch
  21821. fdss_interp_en
  21822. pdgain5g
  21823. dis_tputwar
  21824. dacratemode5g
  21825. olpc_anchor5g
  21826. ofdmfilttype
  21827. swdiv_en
  21828. papdpwrctrl
  21829. cal_period
  21830. txidxcap5g
  21831. vcodivmode
  21832. epagain5g
  21833. pacalpwr5g
  21834. olpc_anchor2g
  21835. txswctrlmap_2g
  21836. pacal5g
  21837. temp_comp_tr_loss
  21838. sb20in40lrpo
  21839. .fab.
  21840. tempthresh
  21841. pdoffsetcckma0
  21842. tssifloor2g
  21843. mcslr5glpo
  21844. pa5ga0
  21845. pa5ga1
  21846. dot11agduphrpo
  21847. pdoffset40ma0
  21848. phycal_tempdelta
  21849. cckbw20ul2gpo
  21850. mcsbw805ghpo
  21851. rssicorrperrg5g
  21852. 2g_cga
  21853. mcsbw405gmpo
  21854. sb40and80hr5ghpo
  21855. pdoffset2g40ma0
  21856. tssilimucod
  21857. cckbw202gpo
  21858. pa2ga0
  21859. pa2ga1
  21860. mcsbw205glpo
  21861. mcsbw805glpo
  21862. mcsbw402gpo
  21863. cckPwrIdxCorr
  21864. sb20in40hrpo
  21865. maxp2ga0
  21866. mcsbw202gpo
  21867. pa5gbw80a0
  21868. cckpwroffset0
  21869. dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo
  21870. sb20in80and160hr5ghpo
  21871. sb40and80hr5glpo
  21872. interference
  21873. txpwrbckof
  21874. mcsbw405glpo
  21875. sb20in80and160lr5ghpo
  21876. pdoffset80ma0
  21877. maxp5ga0
  21878. sb40and80lr5ghpo
  21879. temps_hysteresis
  21880. sb20in80and160hr5gmpo
  21881. dot11agduplrpo
  21882. rssicorratten
  21883. pdoffset2g40mvalid
  21884. sb20in80and160lr5gmpo
  21885. ofdmlrbw202gpo
  21886. sb40and80lr5gmpo
  21887. tempoffset
  21888. rssicorrnorm
  21889. rssicorrperrg2g
  21890. mcsbw205ghpo
  21891. %s.fab.%d
  21892. mcsbw405ghpo
  21893. mcslr5ghpo
  21894. sb20in80and160hr5glpo
  21895. phycal
  21896. pa2gbw40a0
  21897. mcsbw205gmpo
  21898. sb20in80and160lr5glpo
  21899. tssifloor5g
  21900. mcslr5gmpo
  21901. rssicorratten5g
  21902. sb40and80lr5glpo
  21903. 5g_cga
  21904. pa5gbw40a0
  21905. pa2gccka0
  21906. mcsbw805gmpo
  21907. sb40and80hr5gmpo
  21908. rssicorrnorm5g
  21909. ratesel
  21910. temps_period
  21911. txchain
  21912. rxchain
  21913. swdiv_snrthresh
  21914. swdiv_tx_weight
  21915. swdiv_snrlim
  21916. swdiv_swctrl_mask
  21917. swdiv_timeout
  21918. swdiv_swctrl_ant0
  21919. swdiv_swctrl_ant1
  21920. swdiv_weight
  21921. swdiv_settle
  21922. swdiv_en
  21923. swdiv_rx_policy
  21924. snrdrop_delta
  21925. swdiv_swctrl_en
  21926. swdiv_thresh
  21927. swdiv_tx_policy
  21928. swdiv_log2avg
  21929. snrdrop_prd
  21930. swdiv_gpio
  21931. snrdrop_lmt
  21932. swdiv_cell_policy
  21933. swdiv_ccksnrcorr
  21934. 2016-06-17 16:38:01
  21935. CLM DATA
  21936. 9.7.6
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  21997. 43909b0-roml/m2m-ag-mfgtest-seqcmds-sr-swdiv-dlystat-wlota Version: CRC: 4d65223d Date: Fri 2016-06-17 16:43:00 PDT Ucode Ver: 9370.1011 FWID: 01-608d5ad9
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  22043. hiuJ0Pd418PlxF4wJJogFhczYsvlcRJ6VNriQa3Ycf0TehMgJf7tpWi7ixaOk2Aa
  22044. A9jwFfPPcBX+RG6+ecGrO805aJ7KSGs06qxVygDCstAff1PaUP03OlX6Y7ZsKGXi
  22045. 39XDc8rGx8nNDcUU2fEfijwT1YxPVaC+F/H9dZPDfJgYsPx8ien67Dqw4+MIFR91
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  22049. L11UOlTTx4nEu1OucD3MxQmG9v45wpBUGhK0L+HHrLpOvG+ZRuCi73Mw9kFLbEaB
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  22052. -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  22054. BRCM
  22055. abcdabcdabcdabcd
  22060. GW-B072BF27914F
  22061. "3DUfWICED AV Sink
  22062. gateway-123456789
  22063. 123456789012345
  22068. gateway-polybus
  22069. gateway-CoAP-server
  22070. BRCM
  22071. abcdabcdabcdabcd
  22072. YOUR_AP_SSID
  22078. GW-B072BF27914F
  22079. "3DUfWICED AV Sink
  22080. gateway-123456789
  22081. 123456789012345
  22086. gateway-polybus
  22087. gateway-CoAP-server
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