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  10. @Book{fish:drugs,
  11. mainsubtitle = {Drugs and Society},
  12. year = {2006},
  13. editor = {Jefferson M. Fish},
  14. maintitle= {U.S.~public policy},
  15. publisher= {Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc},
  16. location = {Lanham, Maryland},
  17. isbn = {0-7425-4245-9},
  18. sortname = {Jefferson M. Fish},
  19. sorttitle= {U.S. public policy Drugs and Society},
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  27. crossref = {fish:drugs},
  28. author = {Richard M. Evans and Stanley Neustadter},
  29. chapter= {6},
  30. title = {Legalization: An Introduction},
  31. pages = {129-148},
  32. sorttitle = {06 Legalization: An Introduction},
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  36. crossref = {fish:drugs},
  37. author = {Mary M. Cleveland},
  38. chapter= {9a},
  39. title = {Use, 'Abuse', Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
  40. pages = {197-200},
  41. sorttitle = {09 Use, Abuse, Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
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  45. crossref = {fish:drugs},
  46. author = {Robert S. Gable},
  47. chapter= {7},
  48. title = {Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},
  49. pages = {149-161},
  50. sorttitle = {07 Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},
  51. }
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  53. author = {René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo},
  54. maintitle = {Asterix und Obelix},
  55. year = {1959--2018},
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  57. location= {Paris},
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  111. volume = {6},
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  114. editor= {{Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.~V.}},
  115. sortname = {{Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen}},
  116. year = {2017},
  117. url = {},
  118. urldate = {2018-04-30},
  119. maintitle = {Suchtmedizinische Reihe},
  120. options = {dataonly},
  121. }
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  124. title = {Tabakabhängigkeit},
  125. sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 01},
  126. volume= {1},
  127. isbn = {978-3-937587-00-4},
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  130. crossref = {DHS:base},
  131. title = {Alkoholabhängigkeit},
  132. sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 02},
  133. volume= {2},
  134. isbn = {978-3-937587-01-1},
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  138. title = {Drogenabhängigkeit},
  139. sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 04},
  140. volume= {4},
  141. isbn = {978-3-937587-03-5},
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  246. %Clevelandsupercite{fish:drugs:cleveland:use} writes some hard stuff.
  247. Asterix loves fish.supercite{fish:drugs:evans:intro,fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use}
  249. Obelix loves drugs.supercite{DHS:nik,DHS:alk,DHS:drogen}
  251. Idefix loves Asterix, rotten fish and drugs.supercite{DHS:nik,DHS:alk,DHS:drogen,A:V1,A:V3,A:V4,A:V5,fish:drugs:evans:intro,fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use}
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  255. Years ago Idefix loved Asterix, no drugs and good fish.supercite{DHS:nik,DHS:alk,DHS:drogen,A:V1,A:V3,A:V4,A:V5,fish:drugs:evans:intro,fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use} These times have been betterdots
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