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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. reaper5: mcflick demoted a bunch of cols and cpts and framed it on me today.
  2. reaper5: and EVERYONE I mean EVERYONE messaged me and hated me
  3. reaper5: even jack
  4. reaper5: and bob
  5. reaper5: and one of my other good frineds.
  6. Justin: you demoted them because they were inactive?
  7. reaper5: I demoted 7 inactive colonels and repromoed 3 back
  8. reaper5: I took out bob because I was just in the happy mood from being an advisor and I started to realise he didn't really earn it..
  9. Justin: who is an advisor now
  10. reaper5: I am unless you demoed me
  11. Justin: alright
  12. Justin: from now on
  13. Justin: don't demote colonels for being active
  14. Justin: just out of spite
  15. Justin: investigate first
  16. Justin: got it?
  17. reaper5: Alright
  18. reaper5: Can you do something about mcflick.
  19. reaper5: we got pics of only meow mc and I on as shit hit the fan..
  20. reaper5: but no pics of meow and I in a chatroom talking while it happened.
  21. Justin: alright
  22. Justin: stop fucking whining about mcflick
  23. Justin: and stop trying to get him demoted like a child
  24. Justin: he is your goddamned boss, got it?
  25. Justin: sometimes you don't like your boss
  26. Justin: but you have to suck it up
  27. reaper5: oh
  28. reaper5: cause meowmixxed hates him too if you didnt know that.
  29. Justin: i'm quite aware
  30. Justin: stop being goddamned children
  31. reaper5: He's the one who framed me -.-
  32. Justin: YOU demoted SEVEN colonels
  33. Justin: and then you blame mcflick?
  34. reaper5: 4
  35. reaper5: no
  36. reaper5: heres what happened
  37. reaper5: wait
  38. reaper5: 7 colonels
  39. reaper5: i have the list
  40. reaper5: 3 came back
  41. Justin: just because you repromoted them doesn't mean you didn't demote them
  42. Justin: get your shit together
  43. Justin: if you think you are cut out to be an advisor
  44. reaper5: ...
  45. reaper5: I was going to explain it but ok.
  46. reaper5: I will.
  47. Justin: I don't need explainations
  48. Justin: you demoted around 1/4th of our colonels
  49. Justin: that's a stupid fucking thing to do
  50. Justin: no matter the circumstances
  51. Justin: not even mcflick does that shit
  52. Justin: i'm giving you a chance, don't fuck up again
  53. reaper5: 32 cols 7 demoted 3 back thats 28 back mcflick delted 10 this morning
  54. reaper5: ..
  55. reaper5: okay.
  56. Justin: didn't I tell you I don't need explainations?
  57. Justin: I don't think you understand
  58. Justin: I am mcflick
  59. reaper5: No you're not.
  60. Justin: yes, I am
  61. Justin: it's been my alt for awhile
  62. Justin: I use it so I can fuck around in VS
  63. Justin: without giving the clan a bad name
  64. reaper5: Funny
  65. reaper5: What am I building?
  66. Justin: A fort vulcan mini?
  67. Justin: from my recollection
  68. reaper5: Hmm
  69. reaper5: get on jga1 and message me
  70. Justin: a map too
  71. reaper5: I don't believe you -.-
  72. Justin: you mean mcflicK?
  73. reaper5: no
  74. reaper5: get on jga1
  75. reaper5: and message me
  76. Justin: sure
  77. Justin: there
  78. Justin: I sent it
  79. Justin: believe me now?
  80. reaper5: Yeah
  81. reaper5: Still doesn't explain why you have to corrupt your own clan on mcflick
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