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a guest
Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. Config = {}
  3. Config.Animations = {
  5. {
  6. name = 'festives',
  7. label = 'Imprezowe',
  8. items = {
  9. {label = "Papieros", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"}},
  10. {label = "Dj", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@dj", anim = "dj"}},
  11. {label = "Picie piwa", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING"}},
  12. {label = "Rock'n'roll", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_upperrock", anim = "mp_player_int_rock"}},
  13. {label = "Joint", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT"}},
  14. {label = "Pijany", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_bum_standing@drunk@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"}},
  15. {label = "Wymiotowanie z auta", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@taxi@tie", anim = "vomit_outside"}},
  16. {label = "Granie na gitarze", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_musician@guitar@male@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"}},
  17. {label = "Grzanie rąk", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_stand_fire@male@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"}},
  18. {label = "Wymiotuj z samochodu", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@taxi@tie", anim = "vomit_outside"}},
  19. }
  20. },
  22. {
  23. name = 'greetings',
  24. label = 'Przywitania',
  25. items = {
  26. {label = "Salut", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_uppersalute", anim = "mp_player_int_salute"}},
  27. {label = "Witaj", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@m@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_hello"}},
  28. {label = "Podaj reke", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_common", anim = "givetake1_a"}},
  29. {label = "Piona", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_ped_interaction", anim = "handshake_guy_a"}},
  30. {label = "Zbita piona", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_ped_interaction", anim = "hugs_guy_a"}},
  31. {label = "Stack", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@gang_sign_a@bodhi@rds@base", anim = "idle_a"}},
  32. {label = "Stack 2", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@gang_sign_b@low@ds@base", anim = "idle_a"}},
  33. {label = "Stack 3", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@v_sign@bodhi@rps@base", anim = "idle_a"}},
  34. {label = "Stack 4", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_uppergang_sign_a", anim = "mp_player_int_gang_sign_a"}},
  35. {label = "Stack 5", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_uppergang_sign_b", anim = "mp_player_int_gang_sign_b"}},
  36. {label = "Stack 6", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_upperv_sign", anim = "mp_player_int_v_sign"}},
  37. {label = "Stack 7: Dla pasażera", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intincarv_signstd@rps@", anim = "idle_a"}},
  38. }
  39. },
  41. {
  42. name = 'work',
  43. label = 'Prace',
  44. items = {
  45. {label = "Notes", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_TIME_OF_DEATH"}},
  46. {label = "Podejrzany: Poddaj sie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "random@arrests@busted", anim = "idle_c"}},
  47. {label = "Łowienie ryb", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_stand_fishing"}},
  48. {label = "Policjant: stanie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_COP_IDLES"}},
  49. {label = "Policjant: ręce na biodrach", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_police_investigate@base", anim = "base"}},
  50. {label = "Policjant: kieruj ruchem", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_car_park_attendant@male@base", anim = "base"}},
  51. {label = "Policjant: zbadanie terenu", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_police_investigate@idle_b", anim = "idle_f"}},
  52. {label = "Policjant: Lornetka", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_BINOCULARS"}},
  53. {label = "Wykopki", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_gardener_plant"}},
  54. {label = "Mechanik: sprawdź/napraw silnik", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@repair", anim = "fixing_a_ped"}},
  55. {label = "Mechanik: wejdź pod samochód", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_vehicle_mechanic@male@base", anim = "base"}},
  56. {label = "Barman: Zaserwuj shota", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@drinking", anim = "shots_barman_b"}},
  57. {label = "Medyk: CPR", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@cpr@char_a@cpr_str", anim = "cpr_pumpchest"}},
  58. {label = "Klękaj", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "CODE_HUMAN_MEDIC_KNEEL"}},
  59. {label = "Taxi: rozmawiaj z klientem", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@taxi@driver", anim = "leanover_idle"}},
  60. {label = "Taxi : wystaw rachunek", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@taxi@cyi", anim = "std_hand_off_ps_passenger"}},
  61. {label = "Załaduj towar", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_am_hold_up", anim = "purchase_beerbox_shopkeeper"}},
  62. {label = "Barman", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@drinking", anim = "shots_barman_b"}},
  63. {label = "Fotograf", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PAPARAZZI"}},
  64. {label = "Młotek", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_HAMMERING"}},
  65. {label = "Żebrak", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_FREEWAY"}},
  66. {label = "Pozuj", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_HUMAN_STATUE"}},
  67. {label = "Naprawianie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"}},
  68. {label = "Latarka", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_SECURITY_SHINE_TORCH"}},
  69. {label = "Myj scierka", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_maid_clean"}},
  70. {label = "Miotła", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_JANITOR"}},
  71. {label = "Ochroniarz: Ręce założone", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND"}},
  72. {label = "Ochroniarz: Rozglądanie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_PATROL"}},
  73. {label = "Dmuchawa", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_GARDENER_LEAF_BLOWER"}},
  74. {label = "Wiertło", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL"}},
  75. {label = "Wytrych", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING"}},
  76. {label = "Faktury: Podkładka", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"}},
  77. }
  78. },
  80. {
  81. name = 'humors',
  82. label = 'Humor',
  83. items = {
  84. {label = "Kciuk", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intincarthumbs_uplow@ds@", anim = "idle_a"}},
  85. {label = "Wymach kciukiem", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@thumbs_up", anim = "thumbs_up"}},
  86. {label = "Klaskaj", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_CHEERING"}},
  87. {label = "OK", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_action", anim = "thanks_male_06"}},
  88. {label = "Ty", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@m@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_point"}},
  89. {label = "Zawolaj", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@m@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_come_here_soft"}},
  90. {label = "O co chodzi??", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@m@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_bring_it_on"}},
  91. {label = "Mam to", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@am_hold_up@male", anim = "shoplift_high"}},
  92. {label = "Facepalm", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@face_palm", anim = "face_palm"}},
  93. {label = "Spokojnie ", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@m@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_easy_now"}},
  94. {label = "Zdziwienie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@assassinate@multi@", anim = "react_big_variations_a"}},
  95. {label = "Poddaj się", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_cower_stand@male@react_cowering", anim = "base_right"}},
  96. {label = "Przygotuj się do walki", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@deathmatch_intros@unarmed", anim = "intro_male_unarmed_e"}},
  97. {label = "Przytul", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_ped_interaction", anim = "kisses_guy_a"}},
  98. {label = "Środkowy palec", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_upperfinger", anim = "mp_player_int_finger_01_enter"}},
  99. {label = "Strzel sobie w głowe", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_suicide", anim = "pistol"}},
  100. {label = "Buziak", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intselfieblow_kiss", anim = "exit"}},
  101. {label = "Wkurzenie sie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@freakout", anim = "freakout"}},
  102. {label = "Bye", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_bye_hard"}},
  103. {label = "Damn", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_damn"}},
  104. {label = "Ja?", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "getsure_its_mine"}},
  105. {label = "Upadek na kolana (Panika)", type = "anim", data = {lib = "missfam4leadinoutmcs2", anim = "tracy_loop"}},
  106. {label = "Kiwanie głową: Nie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_head_no"}},
  107. {label = "Kiwanie głową: Tak", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_pleased"}},
  108. {label = "No way", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_no_way"}},
  109. {label = "Shrug", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_shrug_hard"}},
  110. {label = "Co?", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_what_hard"}},
  111. {label = "Dlaczego?", type = "anim", data = {lib = "gestures@f@standing@casual", anim = "gesture_why"}},
  112. {label = "Pasażer: Założone ręce", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@incar@male@patrol@base", anim = "base"}},
  113. {label = "Malpa", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@move_lester", anim = "run"}},
  114. {label = "Atak Serca", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@zombie@monologue_1@monologue_1h", anim = "iamundead_7"}},
  115. {label = "Spowiadanie sie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@jane@base", anim = "base"}},
  116. {label = "Malowanie serca", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@jane@monologue_7@monologue_7d", anim = "thechildrenofthe_3"}},
  117. {label = "Slowo Boze", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@jerome@monologue_3@monologue_3b", anim = "whatisparadise_1"}},
  118. {label = "Mistarny Plan", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@jessie@franklin_1@franklin_1q", anim = "its_all_good_my_dads_really_happy_with_me_15"}},
  119. }
  120. },
  122. {
  123. name = 'sports',
  124. label = 'Sport',
  125. items = {
  126. {label = "Napinaj mięśnie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_muscle_flex@arms_at_side@base", anim = "base"}},
  127. {label = "Pompuj", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PUSH_UPS"}},
  128. {label = "Rob Brzuszki", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_sit_ups@male@base", anim = "base"}},
  129. {label = "Yoga", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@world_human_yoga@male@base", anim = "base_a"}},
  130. {label = "Podciąganie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_MUSCLE_CHIN_UPS"}},
  131. {label = "Tenis", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_TENNIS_PLAYER"}},
  132. {label = "Rozruch", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_JOG_STANDING"}},
  133. {label = "Biceps", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_MUSCLE_FREE_WEIGHTS"}},
  134. {label = "Wyciskanie sztangi", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_MUSCLE_BENCH_PRESS"}},
  135. }
  136. },
  138. {
  139. name = 'misc',
  140. label = 'Inne',
  141. items = {
  142. {label = "Napój", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_DRINKING"}},
  143. {label = "Usiadz na krzesle", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@heists@prison_heistunfinished_biztarget_idle", anim = "target_idle"}},
  144. {label = "Opieranie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_leaning"}},
  145. {label = "Polóż się", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_SUNBATHE_BACK"}},
  146. {label = "Polóż się na brzuchu", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_SUNBATHE"}},
  147. {label = "Podparte leżenie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_STUPOR"}},
  148. {label = "Umyj", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_maid_clean"}},
  149. {label = "Pozuj: samolot", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh", anim = "low_car_bj_to_prop_female"}},
  150. {label = "Rób selfie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "world_human_tourist_mobile"}},
  151. {label = "Otwieraj sejf", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@safe_cracking", anim = "idle_base"}},
  152. {label = "Mapa", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_TOURIST_MAP"}},
  153. {label = "Przeglądanie telefonu", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_MOBILE_UPRIGHT"}},
  154. {label = "Trzymanie za plecak", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_HIKER_STANDING"}},
  155. {label = "Stanie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_IMPATIENT"}},
  156. {label = "Menel", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PICNIC"}},
  157. {label = "Opieranie rękoma", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_SHOPPING_CART"}},
  158. {label = "Spanie", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_BUM_SLUMPED"}},
  159. {label = "Kawa", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_AA_COFFEE"}},
  160. {label = "Nagrywanie telefonem", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_MOBILE_FILM_SHOCKING"}},
  161. {label = "Siedzenie z jedzeniem", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_FOOD"}},
  162. {label = "Siedzenie z piwem", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_DRINK_BEER"}},
  163. {label = "Siedzenie z kawą", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_DRINK"}},
  164. {label = "Wypatrywanie przez okno", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_WINDOW_SHOP_BROWSE"}},
  165. {label = "Pasażer: Palenie w aucie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@incar@male@smoking_low@idle_a", anim = "idle_a"}},
  166. }
  167. },
  169. {
  170. name = 'porn',
  171. label = 'Wulgarne',
  172. items = {
  173. {label = "Głebokie gardlo", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@towing", anim = "m_blow_job_loop"}},
  174. {label = "Rób loda", type = "anim", data = {lib = "oddjobs@towing", anim = "f_blow_job_loop"}},
  175. {label = "Zimny lokiec", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh", anim = "low_car_sex_loop_player"}},
  176. {label = "Siadaj na penisa", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@prostitutes@sexlow_veh", anim = "low_car_sex_loop_female"}},
  177. {label = "Drapanie sie po jajach", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_uppergrab_crotch", anim = "mp_player_int_grab_crotch"}},
  178. {label = "Uwodź", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@idles@stripper", anim = "stripper_idle_02"}},
  179. {label = "Prostytutka", type = "scenario", data = {anim = "WORLD_HUMAN_PROSTITUTE_HIGH_CLASS"}},
  180. {label = "Machaj cyckami", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@backroom@", anim = "stripper_b_backroom_idle_b"}},
  181. {label = "Strptiz", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@lap_dance@ld_girl_a_song_a_p1", anim = "ld_girl_a_song_a_p1_f"}},
  182. {label = "Strptiz 2", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@private_dance@part2", anim = "priv_dance_p2"}},
  183. {label = "Taniec erotyczny", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@private_dance@part3", anim = "priv_dance_p3"}},
  184. {label = "Walenie konia", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mp_player_int_upperwank", anim = "mp_player_int_wank_01"}},
  185. {label = "Ruchanie", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@air_shagging", anim = "air_shagging"}},
  186. }
  187. },
  189. {
  190. name = 'Dance',
  191. label = 'Tanczenie',
  192. items = {
  193. {label = "Taniec kurczaka", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@chicken_taunt", anim = "chicken_taunt"}},
  194. {label = "Taniec łosia", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@thumb_on_ears", anim = "thumb_on_ears"}},
  195. {label = "Taniec na rurze", type = "anim", data = {lib = "mini@strip_club@pole_dance@pole_dance3", anim = "pd_dance_03"}},
  196. {label = "Taniec przy barze 1", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@club_ambientpeds@", anim = "li-mi_amb_club_06_base_male^1"}},
  197. {label = "Taniec przy barze 2", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@club_ambientpeds@", anim = "li-mi_amb_club_13_v1_male^6"}},
  198. {label = "Taniec 1", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@club_ambientpeds@med-hi_intensity", anim = "mi-hi_amb_club_10_v1_male^6"}},
  199. {label = "Taniec 2", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@dance@bodhi@ds@base", anim = "idle_a_fp"}},
  200. {label = "Taniec 3", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@dance@bodhi@rds@base", anim = "idle_b"}},
  201. {label = "Taniec 4", type = "anim", data = {lib = "amb@code_human_in_car_mp_actions@dance@std@ds@base", anim = "idle_a"}},
  202. {label = "Taniec 5", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v2_male^6"}},
  203. {label = "Taniec 6", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@low_intesnsity", anim = "li_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^6"}},
  204. {label = "Taniec 7", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj_transitions@from_hi_intensity", anim = "trans_dance_facedj_hi_to_li_09_v1_male^6"}},
  205. {label = "Taniec 8", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj_transitions@from_low_intensity", anim = "trans_dance_facedj_li_to_hi_07_v1_male^6"}},
  206. {label = "Taniec 9", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_groups@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_crowd_13_v2_male^6"}},
  207. {label = "Taniec 10", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_groups_transitions@from_hi_intensity", anim = "trans_dance_crowd_hi_to_li__07_v1_male^6"}},
  208. {label = "Taniec 11", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_single_props@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_prop_13_v1_male^6"}},
  209. {label = "Taniec 12", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_single_props_transitions@from_med_intensity", anim = "trans_crowd_prop_mi_to_li_11_v1_male^6"}},
  210. {label = "Taniec 13", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_a@", anim = "med_center_up"}},
  211. {label = "Taniec 14", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_a@", anim = "med_right_up"}},
  212. {label = "Taniec 15", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_groups@low_intensity", anim = "li_dance_crowd_17_v1_male^6"}},
  213. {label = "Taniec 16", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj_transitions@from_med_intensity", anim = "trans_dance_facedj_mi_to_li_09_v1_male^6"}},
  214. {label = "Taniec Rak xD", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@zombie@monologue_4@monologue_4l", anim = "iamtheundead_11"}},
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  217. {label = "Taniec 19", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@mountain_dancer@monologue_1@monologue_1a", anim = "mtn_dnc_if_you_want_to_get_to_heaven"}},
  218. {label = "Taniec 20", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@mountain_dancer@monologue_4@monologue_4a", anim = "mnt_dnc_verse"}},
  219. {label = "Taniec 21", type = "anim", data = {lib = "special_ped@mountain_dancer@monologue_3@monologue_3a", anim = "mnt_dnc_buttwag"}},
  220. {label = "Taniec 22", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@black_madonna_entourage@", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v2_male^5"}},
  221. {label = "Taniec 23", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_single_props@", anim = "hi_dance_prop_09_v1_male^6"}},
  222. {label = "Taniec 24", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@dixon_entourage@", anim = "mi_dance_facedj_15_v1_male^4"}},
  223. {label = "Taniec 25", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@podium_dancers@", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_17_v2_male^5"}},
  224. {label = "Taniec 26", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@tale_of_us_entourage@", anim = "mi_dance_prop_13_v2_male^4"}},
  225. {label = "Taniec 27", type = "anim", data = {lib = "misschinese2_crystalmazemcs1_cs", anim = "dance_loop_tao"}},
  226. {label = "Taniec 28", type = "anim", data = {lib = "misschinese2_crystalmazemcs1_ig", anim = "dance_loop_tao"}},
  227. {label = "Taniec 29", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@uncle_disco", anim = "uncle_disco"}},
  228. {label = "Taniec 30", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationfemale@raise_the_roof", anim = "raise_the_roof"}},
  229. {label = "Taniec 31", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@cats_cradle", anim = "cats_cradle"}},
  230. {label = "Taniec 32", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@mp_player_intupperbanging_tunes", anim = "idle_a"}},
  231. {label = "Taniec 33", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_a@", anim = "high_center"}},
  232. {label = "Taniec 34", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@female@var_b@", anim = "high_center"}},
  233. {label = "Taniec 35", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@mini@dance@dance_solo@male@var_b@", anim = "high_center"}},
  234. {label = "Taniec 36", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj_transitions@", anim = "trans_dance_facedj_hi_to_mi_11_v1_female^6"}},
  235. {label = "Taniec 37", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj_transitions@from_hi_intensity", anim = "trans_dance_facedj_hi_to_li_07_v1_female^6"}},
  236. {label = "Taniec 38", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_female^6"}},
  237. {label = "Taniec 39", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_groups@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_crowd_09_v1_female^6"}},
  238. {label = "Taniec 40", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@lazlow@hi_podium@", anim = "danceidle_hi_06_base_laz"}},
  239. {label = "Taniec 41", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_13_v1_female^6"}},
  240. {label = "Taniec 42", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_13_v1_female^5"}},
  241. {label = "Taniec 43", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_13_v1_female^4"}},
  242. {label = "Taniec 44", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_13_v1_female^3"}},
  243. {label = "Taniec 45", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_13_v1_female^2"}},
  244. {label = "Taniec 46", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^1"}},
  245. {label = "Taniec 47", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^2"}},
  246. {label = "Taniec 48", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^3"}},
  247. {label = "Taniec 49", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^4"}},
  248. {label = "Taniec 50", type = "anim", data = {lib = "anim@amb@nightclub@dancers@crowddance_facedj@hi_intensity", anim = "hi_dance_facedj_09_v1_male^5"}},
  249. }
  250. },
  252. {
  253. name = 'attitudem',
  254. label = 'Style chodzenia',
  255. items = {
  256. {label = "Pewniak M", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@confident", anim = "move_m@confident"}},
  257. {label = "Pewniak K", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_f@heels@c", anim = "move_f@heels@c"}},
  258. {label = "Smutas M", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@depressed@a", anim = "move_m@depressed@a"}},
  259. {label = "Smutas K", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_f@depressed@a", anim = "move_f@depressed@a"}},
  260. {label = "Biznesman", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@business@a", anim = "move_m@business@a"}},
  261. {label = "Odważny", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@brave@a", anim = "move_m@brave@a"}},
  262. {label = "Luzak", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@casual@a", anim = "move_m@casual@a"}},
  263. {label = "Gruby", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@fat@a", anim = "move_m@fat@a"}},
  264. {label = "Hipster", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@hipster@a", anim = "move_m@hipster@a"}},
  265. {label = "Poszkodowany", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@injured", anim = "move_m@injured"}},
  266. {label = "W pośpiechu", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@hurry@a", anim = "move_m@hurry@a"}},
  267. {label = "Bezdomny", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@hobo@a", anim = "move_m@hobo@a"}},
  268. {label = "Smutny", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@sad@a", anim = "move_m@sad@a"}},
  269. {label = "Siłacz", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@muscle@a", anim = "move_m@muscle@a"}},
  270. {label = "Zszokowany", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@shocked@a", anim = "move_m@shocked@a"}},
  271. {label = "Podejrzany", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@shadyped@a", anim = "move_m@shadyped@a"}},
  272. {label = "Nabuzowany", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@buzzed", anim = "move_m@buzzed"}},
  273. {label = "W pośpiechu 2", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@hurry_butch@a", anim = "move_m@hurry_butch@a"}},
  274. {label = "Pieniądze", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@money", anim = "move_m@money"}},
  275. {label = "Szybki", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_m@quick", anim = "move_m@quick"}},
  276. {label = "Zjadacz", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_f@maneater", anim = "move_f@maneater"}},
  277. {label = "Impertynencki", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_f@sassy", anim = "move_f@sassy"}},
  278. {label = "Arogancki", type = "attitude", data = {lib = "move_f@arrogant@a", anim = "move_f@arrogant@a"}},
  279. }
  280. }
  281. }
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