

Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. #Normal
  2. #13
  3. Money:
  4. name: "&a&lMoney &2&l| &f$2,000 Voucher"
  5. command: "voucher give Money 1 %name% 2000"
  6. price: 50
  7. material: "PAPER"
  8. amount: 1
  9. lore:
  10. - " "
  11. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  12. - " "
  13. - "&e[!] &7Earn a &e$2,000 Voucher&7!"
  14. durability: 0
  15. special: false
  16. slot: 14
  17. Money1:
  18. name: "&a&lMoney &2&l| &f$4,000 Voucher"
  19. command: "voucher give Money 1 %name% 4000"
  20. price: 65
  21. material: "PAPER"
  22. amount: 1
  23. lore:
  24. - " "
  25. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  26. - " "
  27. - "&e[!] &7Earn a &e$4,000 Voucher&7!"
  28. durability: 0
  29. special: false
  30. slot: 15
  31. Money2:
  32. name: "&a&lMoney &2&l| &f$9,500 Voucher"
  33. command: "voucher give Money 1 %name% 9500"
  34. price: 75
  35. material: "PAPER"
  36. amount: 1
  37. lore:
  38. - " "
  39. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  40. - " "
  41. - "&e[!] &7Earn a &e$9,500 Voucher&7!"
  42. durability: 0
  43. special: false
  44. slot: 16
  45. Diamond:
  46. name: "&e&lBlocks &6&l| &f64x Diamond Blocks"
  47. command: "give %name% diamondblock 64"
  48. price: 75
  49. material: "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
  50. amount: 64
  51. lore:
  52. - " "
  53. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  54. - " "
  55. - "&e[!] &7Use &eDiamond Blocks &7to "
  56. - "&7increase island value!"
  57. durability: 0
  58. special: false
  59. slot: 23
  60. Emerald:
  61. name: "&e&lBlocks &6&l| &f64x Emerald Blocks"
  62. command: "give %name% Emeraldblock 64"
  63. price: 115
  64. material: "EMERALD_BLOCK"
  65. amount: 64
  66. lore:
  67. - " "
  68. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  69. - " "
  70. - "&e[!] &7Use &eEmerald Blocks &7to "
  71. - "&7increase island value!"
  72. durability: 0
  73. special: false
  74. slot: 24
  75. Key:
  76. name: "&b&lBlocks &3&l| &f1x Dazzling Key"
  77. command: "cc give p Dazzling 1 %name%"
  78. price: 175
  79. material: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  80. amount: 1
  81. lore:
  82. - " "
  83. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  84. - " "
  85. - "&e[!] &7Redeem this key at &e&o/Warp Crates"
  86. durability: 0
  87. special: false
  88. slot: 25
  90. #Special
  91. #11
  92. Mobspawner:
  93. name: "&4&lSPECIAL ITEM &c&l| &fZombie Spawner"
  94. command: 'spawnergive %name% Zombie 1'
  95. price: 250
  96. material: "MOB_SPAWNER"
  97. amount: 1
  98. lore:
  99. - " "
  100. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  101. durability: 0
  102. special: true
  103. slot: 13
  104. Mobspawner1:
  105. name: "&4&lSPECIAL ITEM &c&l| &fCow Spawner"
  106. command: 'spawnergive %name% Zombie 1'
  107. price: 300
  108. material: "MOB_SPAWNER"
  109. amount: 1
  110. lore:
  111. - " "
  112. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  113. durability: 0
  114. special: true
  115. slot: 13
  116. Mobspawner2:
  117. name: "&4&lSPECIAL ITEM &c&l| &fPig Spawner"
  118. command: 'spawnergive %name% Zombie 1'
  119. price: 350
  120. material: "MOB_SPAWNER"
  121. amount: 1
  122. lore:
  123. - " "
  124. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  125. durability: 0
  126. special: true
  127. slot: 13
  128. Mobspawner3:
  129. name: "&4&lSPECIAL ITEM &c&l| &fIron Golem Spawner"
  130. command: 'spawnergive %name% Iron_Golem 1'
  131. price: 500
  132. material: "MOB_SPAWNER"
  133. amount: 1
  134. lore:
  135. - " "
  136. - "&3&l* &b&lPRICE: &7%price%"
  137. durability: 0
  138. special: true
  139. slot: 13
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