

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. [12:48 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: its started getting quite loud recently though
  2. [12:48 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: no matter how much I clean the fans
  3. [12:48 PM] Literally God: Clean the heatsink
  4. [12:48 PM] Literally God: you dong
  5. [12:48 PM] Tonacogo: Yeah
  6. [12:48 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: idk how to do that
  7. [12:49 PM] Tonacogo: Check if you need to reapply thermal paste
  8. [12:49 PM] Tonacogo: shit like that
  9. [12:49 PM] Literally God: The same way you clean the fans?
  10. [12:49 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I just spray around with one of those air bottles inside
  11. [12:49 PM] Literally God: Ye make sure you get that CPU heatsink good
  12. [12:50 PM] Literally God: also Nate we already established he's not comfortable fucking with it, so thermal paste is out of the question
  13. [12:50 PM] Literally God: Also PETER
  14. [12:50 PM] Bababooey: ?
  15. [12:50 PM] Literally God: SEND ME YOUR OLD COOLER
  16. [12:50 PM] Bababooey: no
  17. [12:50 PM] Literally God: wat
  18. [12:50 PM] Literally God: why
  19. [12:50 PM] Tonacogo: Yo fuck working IT btw
  20. [12:50 PM] Shado': @Erik_The_Reposter figure out which fan is loud and check your temperatures
  21. [12:50 PM] Bababooey: im not posting that shit
  22. [12:50 PM] Literally God: I'll pay
  23. [12:50 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I only got one fan lol
  24. [12:51 PM] Bababooey: come get it
  25. [12:51 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: no desktop
  26. [12:51 PM] Literally God: o fuck you boi
  27. [12:51 PM] Tonacogo: How do you only have 1 fan
  28. [12:51 PM] Bababooey: eheh
  29. [12:51 PM] Literally God: Prebuilt PC?
  30. [12:51 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ye
  31. [12:51 PM] Shado': you have 1 in your PSU, 1 for your GPU if you ahve a dedicated GPU, and 1 for your CPU + case fans(edited)
  32. [12:51 PM] Literally God: He does have a dedi
  33. [12:51 PM] Shado': so at least 3.
  34. I only got one fan lol(edited)
  35. [12:52 PM] Literally God: Ye but case fans are what we're really talking about
  36. [12:52 PM] Literally God: I guess
  37. [12:52 PM] Shado': we can't know
  38. [12:52 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: well its only one fan that is visible when I open the case
  39. [12:52 PM] Literally God: Wait, how is your CPU cooled?(edited)
  40. [12:52 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: a pretty big one
  41. [12:52 PM] Shado': photo?
  42. [12:52 PM] Literally God: ^
  43. [12:53 PM] Literally God: @Bing User have you sucked enough cock to be an admin yet
  44. [12:53 PM] Tonacogo: Is that how its done
  45. [12:53 PM] Literally God: Ye boi
  46. [12:53 PM] Literally God: How do you think I got here
  47. [12:53 PM] Bababooey: clarke its 'lick ass'
  48. [12:53 PM] Tonacogo: Sucking dick is more demeaning though
  49. [12:53 PM] Tonacogo: Like
  50. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: its
  51. [12:54 PM] Tonacogo: Dont lie saying you aint ever eat ass
  52. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: lick
  53. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: ass
  54. [12:54 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: oh wait
  55. [12:54 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: its 2
  56. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: who the fuck would eat ass actually
  57. [12:54 PM] Literally God: Erik photo pl0x
  58. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: tahts disgusting
  59. [12:54 PM] Tonacogo: Yo if she showers and you dedicated in a relationship
  60. [12:54 PM] Shado': erik: at least 3
  61. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: no
  62. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: fuck off
  63. [12:54 PM] Tonacogo: ?
  64. [12:54 PM] Bababooey: poop comes form there
  65. [12:54 PM] Literally God: no peter
  66. [12:54 PM] Literally God: girls don't poop
  67. [12:55 PM] Bababooey: kek
  68. [12:55 PM] Tonacogo: Yeah and nasty ass blood and pussy juice comes out the vagina but I bet you eat that shit out too
  69. [12:55 PM] Bababooey: i dont eat period blood the fuckis wrong with you
  70. [12:55 PM] Tonacogo: Yeah but you is just by having your mouth there
  71. [12:55 PM] Literally God: Some guy once did at a school party thing
  72. [12:55 PM] Shado': #special
  73. [12:55 PM] Bababooey: ew
  74. [12:55 PM] Literally God: came back from some field with blood round his mouth
  75. [12:56 PM] Bababooey: e w
  76. [12:56 PM] Literally God: it was pretty fucked not gonna lie
  77. [12:56 PM] Erik_The_Reposter:
  78. [12:56 PM] Bababooey: nice pic
  79. [12:56 PM] Literally God: Erik the parkinsons
  80. [12:57 PM] Tonacogo: Erik how old is the phone jesus christ
  81. [12:57 PM] Bababooey: hess just shaking it like a mother fucker
  82. [12:57 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: i was liek crawling under my desk
  83. [12:57 PM] Literally God: heatsink looks like it needs cleaning tbh
  84. [12:57 PM] Erik_The_Reposter:
  85. [12:57 PM] Literally God: okay doesn't look as bad there
  86. [12:59 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: my phone isnt that old
  87. [12:59 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: its a samsung galaxy s4 mini
  88. [1:00 PM] Shado': @Erik_The_Reposter
  89. 1. make sure the metal block at the red circle is dust free
  90. 2. same for blue part. + blue should have a fan!
  91. 3. yellow: clean that. there's a fan in there as well(edited)
  93. [1:00 PM] Literally God: Erik just has parkinsons the phone is fine
  94. [1:00 PM] Literally God: blue circle has a fan underneath
  95. [1:01 PM] Bababooey: Parcel man at the door
  96. [1:02 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ok I dragged it out from under my desk
  97. [1:02 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: much easier to take photots
  98. [1:02 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: now
  99. [1:02 PM] Erik_The_Reposter:
  100. [1:03 PM] Literally God: I would move the rear fan to the front
  101. [1:03 PM] Literally God: The PSU is an exhaust already
  102. [1:03 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: oh that yellow circle thing was a fan
  103. [1:03 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: lots of dust in that
  104. [1:04 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ohh
  105. [1:04 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: quieter already
  106. [1:04 PM] Shado': get that blue part as well. that's probably the loudest thing in your pc(edited)
  107. [1:05 PM] Literally God:
  108. [1:05 PM] Shado': (he has to take care of the direction though, if he moves that fan. + you don't know if it'll help in his "case")(edited)
  109. [1:05 PM] Literally God: Keep it facing the way it is
  110. [1:05 PM] Literally God: simple
  111. [1:06 PM] Literally God: It will
  112. [1:06 PM] Literally God: fuck you Shado' and your puns
  113. [1:06 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: im not comfortable moving parts
  114. [1:06 PM] Literally God: Erik please
  115. [1:06 PM] Literally God: it's literally 4 screws nothing could go wrong
  116. [1:06 PM] Shado': dont move. clean blue part. asap
  117. [1:06 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: blue doesnt look like it got a fan though
  118. [1:06 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: cant see one
  119. [1:07 PM] Literally God: Look underneath
  120. [1:07 PM] Literally God: like I said originally
  121. [1:08 PM] Shado': it looks like you can't really see underneath, so just blow air underneath.
  122. If it was someone else I'd suggest taking the card out to clean it, but...
  123. [1:08 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: it does look like it got a circle thingy underneath
  124. [1:08 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: not sure if its a fan though
  125. [1:08 PM] Literally God: erik
  126. [1:08 PM] Literally God: please
  127. [1:08 PM] Literally God: logic
  128. [1:08 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ill just blow some air there
  129. [1:08 PM] Literally God: Also Erik
  130. [1:09 PM] Literally God: right
  131. [1:09 PM] Literally God: you're on carpet right?
  132. [1:09 PM] Literally God: And the PC is on
  133. [1:09 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: think so
  134. [1:09 PM] Literally God: don't touch anything
  135. [1:09 PM] Literally God: other than the case
  136. [1:09 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: the pc I put on a wodden plate
  137. [1:09 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: on top of the carpet
  138. [1:09 PM] Literally God: but are YOU
  139. [1:09 PM] Literally God: on carpet
  140. [1:09 PM] Shado': if it's plugged in and he touches the case he's fine
  141. [1:10 PM] Literally God: Ye Shado I just said that
  142. [1:10 PM] Literally God: [1:09 PM] Literally God: don't touch anything
  143. [1:09 PM] Literally God: other than the case
  144. [1:10 PM] Tonacogo: erik you conduct electricity even if you are just standing on the carpet
  145. [1:10 PM] Literally God: are you mentally challenged
  146. [1:10 PM] Tonacogo: Dont touch any electronics
  147. [1:10 PM] Tonacogo: Or you will short your shit out
  148. [1:10 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: im not dumb
  149. [1:10 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: im not gonna touch the electronics
  150. [1:10 PM] Literally God: But you're moving the PC around while it's on
  151. [1:10 PM] Literally God: that's dumb alone
  152. [1:10 PM] Literally God: HDDs are fragile while turned on
  153. [1:10 PM] Shado':
  155. [1:10 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I just opened the case
  156. [1:10 PM] Literally God: ^
  157. [1:10 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: and looked in
  158. [1:11 PM] Literally God: No
  159. [1:11 PM] Literally God: You just said
  160. [1:11 PM] Literally God: you moved the pc
  161. [1:11 PM] Literally God: right
  162. [1:12 PM] Shado': HDDs are fragile while turned on
  163. but it's a great opportunity to get an ssd if it dies
  164. [1:12 PM] Literally God: [1:02 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ok I dragged it out from under my desk
  165. [1:12 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: yeah
  166. [1:12 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I dragged the wooden board/plate
  167. [1:12 PM] Literally God: Yes
  168. [1:12 PM] Literally God: so you moved the PC
  169. [1:12 PM] Literally God: erik
  170. [1:12 PM] Literally God: please
  171. [1:12 PM] Literally God: please dear god
  172. [1:13 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: i didnt touch the pc
  173. [1:13 PM] Shado': .....
  174. [1:13 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I touched the wodden board
  175. [1:13 PM] Erik_The_Reposter:
  176. [1:13 PM] Literally God: Ye but
  177. [1:13 PM] Shado':
  178. [1:13 PM] Literally God: moving the PC
  179. [1:13 PM] Literally God: right
  180. [1:13 PM] Literally God: as I said
  181. [1:13 PM] Literally God: while it's on
  182. [1:13 PM] Literally God: is bad
  183. [1:13 PM] Shado': moving the wooden board is equal to moving the pc is equal to moving the harddisk
  184. [1:14 PM] Shado': = fucking bad while it's turned on and spinning(edited)
  185. [1:15 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: the pc sits still at the same spot of the board though
  186. [1:15 PM] Shado': lol
  187. [1:15 PM] Literally God: Erik are you retarded
  188. [1:15 PM] Shado': look. erik. if you're sitting in a car. do the forces while driving affect you in any way?
  189. [1:15 PM] Literally God: so like
  190. [1:15 PM] Shado': car = wooden board. you = harddisk
  191. [1:16 PM] Tonacogo: I dont think thats how fundamental motion works
  192. Literally God pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Today at 1:16 PM
  193. Literally God pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Today at 1:16 PM
  194. [1:16 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: its not like I was lifting the case around and stuff
  195. [1:16 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: and I only dragged the board out a little bit
  196. [1:16 PM] Shado': you're not lifting the car while driving. it can still fucking kill you(edited)
  197. [1:16 PM] Literally God:
  198. [1:13 PM] Literally God: moving the PC
  199. [1:13 PM] Literally God: right
  200. [1:13 PM] Literally God: as I said
  201. [1:13 PM] Literally God: while it's on
  202. [1:13 PM] Literally God: is bad
  203. [1:17 PM] Tonacogo: There was still momentum being applied to the hard drive
  204. [1:17 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  205. [1:17 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: yeah yeah
  206. [1:17 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: I wont do it again
  207. [1:17 PM] Literally God: ty
  208. [1:17 PM] Shado': @Erik_The_Reposter go to a library. pick any physics (school)book. and read it like 10x(edited)
  209. [1:18 PM] Tonacogo: Shit I could tutor it to him
  210. [1:18 PM] Literally God: or mechanics, within maths
  211. [1:18 PM] Literally God: @Bababooey postage is likely ~6 quid
  212. [1:19 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: itsn ot like I make a habit of moving it when its on
  213. [1:19 PM] Literally God: Irrelevant
  214. [1:20 PM] Literally God: Erik if you stab someone and say "They'll be fine, it's not like I make a habit of stabbing them"
  215. [1:20 PM] Literally God: That's what you just said
  216. [1:20 PM] Literally God: literally
  217. [1:20 PM] Bababooey: I got the thing
  218. [1:20 PM] Tonacogo: Youve got 4.5 hours to fix that
  219. [1:20 PM] Bababooey: That's plenty
  220. [1:20 PM] Literally God: Take like 30 mins tops
  221. [1:21 PM] Bababooey: In the time being
  223. [1:21 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: All im saying is that I thought it would be safer than lifting it around and shit
  224. [1:21 PM] Literally God: It is
  225. [1:21 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: and wouldnt impact it that much
  226. [1:21 PM] Literally God: We never said otherwise
  227. [1:21 PM] Tonacogo: It makes no difference
  228. [1:21 PM] Literally God: BUT
  229. [1:21 PM] Literally God: it's still extremely bad
  230. [1:22 PM] Literally God: Like you could say "I thought it would be safer than throwing it off a building"
  231. [1:22 PM] Literally God: and you'd be right
  232. [1:22 PM] Literally God: but that's fucking irrelevant
  233. [1:22 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: good that I havent done it more than two or three times then
  234. [1:22 PM] Literally God: No, how many times you've done it is irrelevant
  235. [1:22 PM] Shado': good thing you didn't stab him more than once
  236. [1:22 PM] Literally God: ^
  237. [1:22 PM] Literally God: This is why
  238. [1:23 PM] Bababooey: Wat did erik do
  239. [1:23 PM] Tonacogo: Read up
  240. [1:23 PM] Literally God: Read up the past like 20 minutes
  241. [1:23 PM] Erik_The_Reposter: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  242. [1:23 PM] Literally God: it's worth it
  243. [1:23 PM] Literally God: Trust us
  244. [1:23 PM] Bababooey: I'm doing ravioli
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