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Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. Questions 
  3. From what tree do acorns come? Oak (false answers: pine, fir, maple)

  4. Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of which country? Ireland (false answers: scotland, britain, japan)

  5. How many colours are in a rainbow? 7 (false answers: 5, 12, 9)

  6. What does Fred Flintstone wear around his neck? A tie (false answers: nothing, pearl necklace, dinosaur tooth)

  7. What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? Hedwig (false answers: ludwig, froto, heimdahl)

  8. What food do Giant Pandas normally eat? Bamboo (false answers: japanese maple, wild carrots, small animals)

  9. What is the name of the boy that visits the chocolate factory owned by Willy Wonka? Charlie Bucket (false answers: James Bloom, Bob, Chester Freed)

  10. How many days are there in a fortnight? 14 (false answers: 31, 7, 21)

  11. What was the name of the monk in the Robin Hood legend? Friar Tuck (false answers: Father Joseph, Monk Albert, Sir Wendel)

  12. The Beatles music band featured how many members?4 (false answers: 3, 5, 6)

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