
SPC Shark Skin

Mar 21st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Within a few days of activation of your products, we noticed some deviant developments. The skin regeneration qualities of your products were a wonderful touch. However, after a few days, the subjects that were using these devices found that the skin growing over their prosthetics were becoming selachian in quality, most notably they were covered with denticles, the tiny teeth-like scales that are distinctly unique to sharks. In one case, an individual that had eight prosthetics (both arms, both legs, both ears and both eyes) developed the shark skin so badly it spread over the entire rest of his body. The visible transformation was traumatic and it was determined that he and the other transformed personnel were determined to be traitors to the cause, turned selachian spies.
  3. ***
  5. By using the alternate activation word, the skin will regenerate as shark skin, which will provide more protection and less fluid resistance. Note that once you have chosen this option, the skin on your Gyrfalcon will be more efficient, but less aesthetically pleasing, which is why it has been offered as an alternative rather than the default.
  7. ***
  9. SPC-2806
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