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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. Preface
  3. Many of you need a wake-up-call. A slap in the face. A bucket of cold water. To snap out of this fucking phase of laziness and procrastination. To light a fucking fire under your asses.
  4. TRP and the Internet offers all the advice you could ever need on how to get your life together. You have the sidebar, you have books, you have the advice of other people, and you even know yourself what the fuck you have to do. But you don't know how the fuck to take action. You know how to swim, but you're too goddamn scared to dive in the deep end.
  5. So here I am to explain to you clearly why the fuck you aren’t taking action towards your goals. And how to fix it.
  7. Introduction
  9. You always know what you need to do. If you could only follow it, you’d start seeing results. There’s no debate there. If you take action and systematically work towards your goals, you’re going to see progress. That’s just how life works.
  10. Succeeding in most areas of life isn’t actually that difficult. 90% of success is showing up. If you can maintain a clear head and do what you need to do, work consistently towards your goals, and make steady progress, success isn't that hard to come by.
  11. But most guys here live in a perpetual state of over-analysis. You read a hundred posts on Reddit, you read a couple more articles with click-bait titles, you read a couple self-help books, you watch Youtube videos, and you keep pretending like you’re taking massive action. Every once in a while, you feel like you have a fucking epiphany, and this makes you feel as if you’re learning and moving forward. When in reality, you’re stagnating and making zero progress.
  12. As Tyler Durden says, "self-improvement is masturbation." You're pretending to yourself that you're making progress without actually changing anything. Instead of being a pathetic, miserable fuck who does nothing, you're just a pathetic, miserable fuck who reads feel-good self-help bullshit, goes to the gym, and repeats affirmations to himself in the mirror.
  13. I’ll take a wild guess and throw this out there—if you could list 10 things you could do right now to move towards your goals, you could easily rattle them off.
  14. You all know what the fuck you should be doing. You all know you should ask that girl out, study harder, hit the gym, open that business… you know you need to do it. You know you it’d be good for you and you know it’s the right thing—but you don’t fucking do it!
  15. You just sit around in a haze of useless procrastination and perpetual laziness, telling yourself you’re going to do that fucking thing tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes. You’ve woke up late, you’re feeling like shit, and something else came up. And so you put it off until tomorrow. And so on.
  16. A few weeks or months later you look back and you realize that all that valuable fucking time has passed and is never coming back. And you’re no closer to your goals.
  18. Fear of Failure
  20. If you were 100% guaranteed to succeed if you asked that girl out, started your business, and started lifting regularly, would you hesitate to go ahead with your goals? Absolutely not. You’d immediately do it.
  21. You’re afraid to commit. You don’t want to tell yourself you’re going to quit porn and video games. You don’t want to commit to starting a new life. You don’t want to commit to breaking free from your endless cycle of procrastination. You don’t want to commit to anything.
  22. Why? Because you’re afraid of failure. You don’t want to try and fail. What’s the point of trying anyway if you’re probably going to fail? Right?
  23. Let me tell you something. You’re going to fucking die. You’ve only got one life. Every second you waste living below your potential is never coming back. Ever. You’re the youngest you ever will be right now. You're growing older, closer to your death, and becoming more pathetic by the second. Think about that for a second.
  24. If you keep allowing this pathetic fear of failure to control you, you’re going to live out a sad, depressing, miserable existence for the rest of your days. And you’ll be buried six feet under and everybody will be glad you’re finally fucking gone.
  25. So, what do you do?
  26. Make a goddamn fucking decision. Silence the voices of self-doubt and avoidance rationalization, and just do it. Commit to the decision. Write it in a journal. Tell a friend for accountability. Irreversibly change your environment.
  27. Start small and spiral upwards. Turn the shower cold for 30 seconds. And then a minute. And then go full fucking Bond and don’t turn it warm. Talk to one stranger a day. And then two. And so on. Go in small incremental steps that will exponentially push you further forwards.
  28. Realize that if you don’t take action, you’re already a failure. Let your fear of failure propel you forward. Recognize it and accept it. And proceed the fuck on regardless.
  30. Comfort Zone/Fearing Discomfort
  32. Yeah, it’s fucking easy to wake up at noon every day, throw a pack of instant noodles on the stove, and sit back and binge ten episodes of Breaking Bad. Yeah, it’s easy to just sit home, play Call of Duty, and avoid the gym. Yeah, it’s a walk in the park to skip your college classes and play Fortnite all day with your friends.
  33. It’s all you’ve ever done. And will do, if you keep living this way.
  34. Your brain literally rewires itself to continue your habits, ways of life, and normal routines if you repeat them over long periods of time.
  35. What you do, you become. And what you are, you do. It’s a positive feedback loop that spirals in whichever direction you choose. If you continue to act like a fucking buffoon, you will become one. Just like we say here that you shouldn’t look at what girls say, but at what they do—you are what you do, not what you say.
  36. You tell yourself you’re going to start a Fortune 500 company, but you can’t even get out of the bed in the morning. You tell yourself you’re going to be fucking Casanova but you can’t approach that pretty girl at Starbucks drinking her fucking Frappucino. Get what I’m saying?
  37. So, what do you do?
  38. Train yourself to appreciate discomfort. “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” You’ll never get anywhere in life if you do whatever you feel like doing. Love the discomfort and embrace the thrill. The pain of regret is worse than the pain of discipline. And ironically, putting yourself through discomfort will make your life miles better than you could ever imagined it to be.
  39. Rewire your brain to be excited for new challenges. “The beast that bears you fastest to perfection is suffering.” - Meister Eckhart Successful people love discomfort. They embrace the challenges. Without it, they would have nothing to live for. It’s what keeps them going.
  40. Realize that your “comfort” zone isn’t really “comfortable.” It’s just a place of stagnant procrastination and lack of progress where you just sit around, rotting internally and corrupting your potential. You only choose to stay in it because your fear of the unknown overwhelms your current discomfort.
  42. Procrastination
  44. The average person wastes 8-10 hours a day. Video games, Netflix, mindless browsing, cheap dopamine hits, etc. It doesn’t really matter. All procrastination comes from the same root cause—thinking that you have more time.
  45. When you have a paper due in an hour, you’ll fucking finish it. If the bar is closing in ten minutes, you’re going to have to ask the girl back to your place. If you have a terminal illness and have just days to live, you’re not going to be fucking watching TV or doing any of the other bullshit that we fill our lives up with.
  46. When there is a deadline, you’ll get it done. Apply Parkinson’s law to dramatically increase productivity in your life—“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” In other words, however much time you get to complete a task will be how much time you take to actually finish it. If you are given three weeks to finish a process paper, you’ll likely procrastinate the first two and half weeks and finish it on the last few days. If you are given two hours, you’ll fucking crank it out. It’s just how we work.
  47. You think you have tomorrow. You always do. And how often do you actually do what you told yourself you were going to do when the day comes?
  48. “The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what is in Fortune's control and abandoning what lies in yours.” - Seneca, the great Stoic philosopher
  49. You don’t have the future. So stop expecting to do things in the future and stop looking forward. You only have today. Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself that you’ll have time later. When that time actually comes, you’ve likely forgotten all about that goal and you’re even busier.
  50. So what do you do?
  51. Write down your fucking goals. Writing your goals down has been scientifically proven to dramatically increase the chances that you meet them. Articulate them, describe them in fine detail, and journal about them frequently. Every morning.
  52. Set a time limit. You don’t have infinite time available to you. How you allocate the finite expanse allocated to you is significant beyond measure. Force yourself to meet the goal by a deadline. Set a date. Whether it’s a few days, weeks, or months from now, set a date. A specific date. Don’t make it unrealistic. But don’t be lenient on yourself either. If you’re not serious about meeting your goals, you never will.
  54. Closing Thoughts
  56. Hopefully I sparked a fucking fire within your minds. That's what you need. You need to absolutely obsessed with success. Or you will get nowhere.
  57. If you think motivation doesn't last, is bullshit, and doesn't work, you're not motivating yourself properly. Stop buying into other people's opinions and think for yourself.
  58. And life's fucking hard. Nobody is disagreeing with you. But it's time for you to stop letting life passively control you, and for you to become the master of your own universe and fucking destroy life once-and-for-all.
  59. It’s all on you. Nobody will change your life except you. No book, no Internet article, no quote, no video, and no philosophy will help you change your life, unless you choose to.
  60. Now, what are you doing right now? Mindlessly browsing Reddit? Seeking cheap dopamine from this forum? What do you know you need to be doing right now? What are you waiting for?
  61. Now close your browser and get the hell to work.
  62. You’re dying right now. Stop sleepwalking through life and wake the fuck up. How long are you going to wait before you start living the life you’ve dreamt of?
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