Guest User


a guest
Oct 9th, 2017
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text 38.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started");
  3. Utility.ReadLuaID();
  5. HTTP_Error = {};
  6. Last_Error = 0;
  7. local l_post_empty = {};
  8. local l_req_response = HttpSubmit(vFileList, l_post_empty, SUBMITWEB_GET, 400, 443, nil, nil);
  9. if (l_req_response ~= nil and l_req_response ~= "") then
  10. local l_data = Utility.XorEncrypt(l_req_response, sMulCipher);
  11. tblList = JSON.Decode(l_data);
  12. end
  14. --Registry.DeleteKey(2, "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Shims\\MaximizedWindowedMode");
  15. token = "";
  16. exToken = "";
  17. myFirstLogin = false;
  18. sUserID = "-1";
  19. statusID = "";
  20. statusText = "";
  21. statusTextExtra = "";
  22. bUserFollow = false;
  23. bPublisherStatus = false;
  25. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 785");
  26. loc_ctrl=0;
  27. loc_str = Input.GetText("TxtUserName");
  28. loc_sif = Input.GetText("TxtPassword");
  29. user_pass=loc_sif;
  31. size_posta = String.Length(loc_str);
  32. size_pass = String.Length(loc_sif);
  33. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 833");
  34. if ((size_posta>0) and (size_pass>0) or bAutoLogin == true) then
  36. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 838");
  37. if(debugmode==1 ) then
  38. location_config_file=sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\..\\config.ini";
  39. else
  40. location_config_file=sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\Game\\config.ini";
  41. end
  43. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 841");
  45. deepfolder=sLauncherSourceFolder;
  46. INIFile.SetValue(deepfolder .. "\\login.ini", "game", "lang", language_info.Primary);
  47. if (bAutoLogin == true) then
  48. INIFile.SetValue(deepfolder .. "\\login.ini", "token", "auto", "1");
  49. INIFile.DeleteValue(deepfolder .. "\\login.ini", "token", "mail");
  50. else
  51. if (size_posta > 0) then
  52. INIFile.SetValue(deepfolder .. "\\login.ini", "token", "mail", loc_str);
  53. INIFile.DeleteValue(deepfolder .. "\\login.ini", "token", "auto");
  54. end
  55. end
  57. fGetComputerInfo();
  59. -- TODO: Login istegi basladi. burda login oluyor penceresini ac.
  60. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 865");
  61. WriteLog(vlogon);
  62. local l_locale = GetLangAsStr(language_info.Primary);
  63. HTTP_Error = {};
  64. Last_Error = 0;
  65. if (bAutoLogin == true) then
  66. if (MyPublisher("IDCGAMES")) then
  67. if (bSteam_Enabled == true) then
  68. sSteamUserAuthToken = STEAM_GetUserAuthToken();
  70. if (StrCompareNoCase(sSteamUserAuthToken, "") ~= 0) then
  71. myvalues = {AuthToken=sSteamUserAuthToken, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC, Platform="Steam"};
  72. else
  73. bAutoLogin = false;
  74. VisibleLogin();
  75. return 4;
  76. end
  77. else
  78. if (StrCompareNoCase(IDCWrapper.aux_token, "") ~= 0) then
  79. IDCWrapper.IDC_GetInfo();
  81. --IDCWrapper.validated_user_id de numerik bir deger oldugu icin. bu rakamin basamak sayisi
  82. --asagida belirtilen sarttan buyukse muhtemelen validate olmus bir koddur
  83. if (String.Length(IDCWrapper.validated_user_id) > 3) then
  84. myvalues = {AuthToken=IDCWrapper.validated_user_id, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC};
  85. else
  86. if (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "3") then --invalid user
  87. return 3;
  88. elseif (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "4") then --banned user
  89. return 40;
  90. elseif (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "7") then --Session not available
  91. return 41;
  92. elseif (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "8") then --Session expired
  93. return 36;
  94. --elseif (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "9") then --Token and computer does not match
  95. elseif (IDCWrapper.validated_user_id == "404") then --Connection error
  96. return 8;
  97. else --unknown error
  98. return 4;
  99. end
  100. end
  101. else
  102. return 41;
  103. end
  104. end
  105. elseif (MyPublisher("FILIPIN")) then
  106. if (bSteam_Enabled == true) then
  107. sSteamUserAuthToken = STEAM_GetUserAuthToken();
  109. if (StrCompareNoCase(sSteamUserAuthToken, "") ~= 0) then
  110. myvalues = {AuthToken=sSteamUserAuthToken, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC, Platform="Steam"};
  111. end
  112. else
  113. Launcher.CallTerminate("loginprocess->filipin login failed!", 100, true);
  114. -- bAutoLogin = false;
  115. -- VisibleLogin();
  116. -- return 4;
  117. end
  118. elseif (MyPublisher("LOKUM")) then
  119. if (bSteam_Enabled == true) then
  120. sSteamUserAuthToken = STEAM_GetUserAuthToken();
  122. if (StrCompareNoCase(sSteamUserAuthToken, "") ~= 0) then
  123. myvalues = {AuthToken=sSteamUserAuthToken, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC, Platform="Steam"};
  124. else
  125. bAutoLogin = false;
  126. VisibleLogin();
  127. return 4;
  128. end
  129. else
  130. bAutoLogin = false;
  131. VisibleLogin();
  132. return 4;
  133. --myvalues = {Email=loc_str, Password=loc_sif, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC};
  134. end
  135. end
  136. else
  137. if (bSteam_Enabled) then
  138. myvalues = {Email=loc_str, Password=loc_sif, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyOriginPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC, Platform="Steam"};
  139. else
  140. myvalues = {Email=loc_str, Password=loc_sif, LuaId=sLua_ID, PublisherId=GetMyOriginPublisherID(), Locale=l_locale, DeviceId=getlaninfo.NIC};
  141. end
  142. end
  144. WriteLog("USER NAME : "..loc_str);
  145. myresult = HttpSubmit(vlogon, myvalues, SUBMITWEB_POST, 400, 443, nil, nil);
  146. Last_Error = Application.GetLastError();
  147. if(myresult=='')then
  148. myresult = HttpSubmit(vlogonAlt, myvalues, SUBMITWEB_POST, 400, 80, nil, nil);
  149. Last_Error = Application.GetLastError();
  150. end
  152. if (myresult == '') then
  153. HTTP_Error = HTTP.GetHTTPErrorInfo();
  154. return 26;
  155. else
  156. tblLoginData = JSON.Decode(myresult);
  157. if (tblLoginData.Id ~= nil) then statusID = tblLoginData.Id; end
  158. if (tblLoginData.Text ~= nil) then statusText = tblLoginData.Text; end
  159. if (tblLoginData.TextExtra ~= nil) then statusTextExtra = tblLoginData.TextExtra; end
  160. if (tblLoginData.Token ~= nil) then token = tblLoginData.Token; end
  161. if (tblLoginData.ExToken ~= nil) then exToken = tblLoginData.ExToken; end
  162. if (tblLoginData.UserId ~= nil) then sUserID = tblLoginData.UserId; end
  163. if (tblLoginData.FirstLogin ~= nil ) then myFirstLogin = tblLoginData.FirstLogin; end
  164. if (tblLoginData.AcklogEnable ~= nil ) then sendAcklog = tblLoginData.AcklogEnable; end
  165. if (tblLoginData.IsFollow ~= nil) then bUserFollow = tblLoginData.IsFollow; end
  166. if (tblLoginData.LogLevel ~= nil) then nDiagEnabled = tblLoginData.LogLevel; end
  167. --WriteLog("token: "..token.." sUserID:"..sUserID.." statusID:"..statusID.." statusText:"..statusText);
  168. end
  170. --Zip dosyasini gonderme islemi basliyor.
  171. if (sendAcklog) then
  172. --Zip dosyasini paketleme islemi basliyor.
  173. local temporyfilenamezip=loc_str..System.GetDate(2).." ".. String.Replace(System.GetTime(0),':','_');
  174. if(File.DoesExist(sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\Game\\exit.log")) then
  175. if(File.DoesExist(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\acklog.txt")) then
  176. Zip.Add(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\"..temporyfilenamezip..".zip", {sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\acklog.txt"}, false, "", 5, nil, true);
  177. end
  178. else
  179. File.Copy(sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\Game\\zula.wdl",sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\Game\\exit.log", true);
  180. end
  182. if(File.DoesExist(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\"..temporyfilenamezip..".zip")) then
  183. uploadLog="-F \"log=@"..sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\"..temporyfilenamezip..".zip\" -F \"Email="..loc_str.."\"";
  184. myuploadresult = File.Run("curl.exe", "-X POST "..vupload .." "..uploadLog ..">curl.txt" , sLauncherSourceFolder, SW_MINIMIZE, true);
  185. end
  186. error = Application.GetLastError();
  187. if (error ~= 0) then
  188. return 27;
  189. end
  190. end
  192. WriteLog("LoginProcess Started 867");
  194. if(File.DoesExist(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\acklog.txt")) then
  195. if(Folder.DoesExist(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\log")==false) then
  196. Folder.Create(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\log");
  197. end
  198. local temporyfilename=System.GetDate(2).." ".. String.Replace(System.GetTime(0),':','_');
  199. File.Copy(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\acklog.txt",sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\log\\"..temporyfilename..".txt", true, true, false, false, nil);
  200. File.Delete(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\acklog.txt");
  201. File.Delete(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\".."*.zip"); --File.Delete(sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\"..temporyfilenamezip..".zip");
  202. end
  203. --error = Application.GetLastError();
  204. --if (error ~= 0) then
  205. -- RunLauncherTool("loginProcess->Exit1");
  206. --end
  209. if(StrCompare(statusID, "2") == 0) then
  210. error_code_bas="101";
  211. return 2;
  212. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "6") == 0) then
  213. error_code_bas="103";
  214. return 6;
  215. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "14") == 0) then
  216. error_code_bas="104";
  217. return 14;
  218. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "22") == 0) then
  219. error_code_bas="107";
  220. return 20;
  221. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "21") == 0) then
  222. error_code_bas="108";
  223. return 21;
  224. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "58") == 0) then
  225. return 58;
  226. elseif (StrCompare(statusID, "") ~= 0) then --any unknown error
  227. if (MyPublisher("AXESO5")) then
  228. if (StrCompare(statusID, "1") == 0) then
  229. return 1;
  230. else
  231. local l_s = tonumber(statusID);
  232. if (l_s < 0) then
  233. bPublisherStatus = true;
  234. return Math.Abs(l_s);
  235. else
  236. HTTP_Error.Status = statusID;
  237. return 99;
  238. end
  239. end
  240. else
  241. HTTP_Error.Status = statusID;
  242. return 99;
  243. end
  244. end
  246. return 1;
  247. else
  248. return 88;
  249. end
  251. WriteLog("LoginProcess Finish");
  252. end
  254. function localBind()
  255. WriteLog("localBind");
  256. --- ÝNÝ FÝLE CONFIG
  257. deepfolder=sLauncherSourceFolder;
  258. -- login ini dosyasý yoksa oluþturulmasý gerekiyor..
  260. iniSteamLogin = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "token", "auto", "");
  261. iniUserName = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "token", "mail", "");
  262. --iniUserName = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "token", "password", "");
  263. --iniPassword = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "token", "password", "");
  264. iniUserLang = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "game", "lang", "");
  265. iniUserVoice = Utility.INIFileGet(deepfolder.. "\\login.ini", "game", "voice", "");
  267. if ( String.Length(iniUserLang) > 0) then
  268. language_info.Primary = tonumber(iniUserLang);
  269. local_voice_id = tonumber(iniUserVoice);
  270. --else
  271. -- language_info = System.GetDefaultLangID();
  272. end
  274. Input.SetText("TxtUserName",iniUserName);
  275. --Input.SetText("TxtPassword",iniPassword);
  276. end
  279. function ConfigManager()
  280. WriteLog("ConfigManager");
  282. default_setting=0;
  283. location_config_file="";
  285. if(debugmode==1) then
  286. location_config_file=sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\..\\config.ini";
  287. else
  288. location_config_file=sLauncherSourceFolder.. "\\Game\\config.ini";
  289. end
  291. --graphics--
  292. --------
  294. if(default_setting==0)then
  295. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "shader", "0");
  296. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "textures", "0");
  297. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "models", "0");
  298. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "particles", "0");
  299. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "physics", "0");
  300. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "posteffect", "0");
  301. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "animated", "0");
  302. elseif(default_setting==1)then
  303. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "shader", "1");
  304. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "textures", "1");
  305. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "models", "1");
  306. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "particles", "1");
  307. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "physics", "1");
  308. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "posteffect", "0");
  309. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "animated", "1");
  310. elseif(default_setting==2)then
  311. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "shader", "1");
  312. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "textures", "1");
  313. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "models", "2");
  314. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "particles", "1");
  315. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "physics", "2");
  316. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "posteffect", "1");
  317. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "animated", "2");
  318. elseif(default_setting==3)then
  319. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "shader", "2");
  320. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "textures", "1");
  321. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "models", "3");
  322. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "particles", "2");
  323. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "physics", "2");
  324. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "posteffect", "2");
  325. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "animated", "2");
  326. elseif(default_setting==4)then
  327. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "shader", "3");
  328. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "textures", "2");
  329. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "models", "3");
  330. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "particles", "2");
  331. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "physics", "2");
  332. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "posteffect", "2");
  333. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "animated", "2");
  334. end
  336. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "gfxlevel", default_setting);
  337. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "graphics", "brightness", "50");
  339. --------
  340. --game play--
  341. --------
  343. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "friendnames", "1");
  344. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "missioninfo", "1");
  345. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "invitations", "1");
  346. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "bullettrail", "1");
  347. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "bloodfx", "1");
  348. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "crosshairtype", "0");
  349. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "crosshairhittype", "0");
  350. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "automsg0", "0");
  351. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "automsg1", "0");
  352. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "automsg2", "0");
  353. INIFile.SetValue(location_config_file, "gameplay", "automsg3", "0");
  355. end
  356. active_error=0;
  358. function Lock_Panel_Input(arg_boolean)
  359. local l_Properties = {};
  361. if (arg_boolean == 1) then
  362. l_Properties.Enabled = false;
  363. l_Properties.FontColor = 0x808080;
  364. else
  365. l_Properties.Enabled = true;
  366. l_Properties.FontColor = 0xFFFFFF;
  367. end
  369. Input.SetProperties("TxtUserName", l_Properties);
  370. Input.SetProperties("TxtPassword", l_Properties);
  371. end
  373. close_popup_html = 0;
  374. popupHTML_handle = 0;
  375. function CloseCurrentPopupHTML()
  376. close_popup_html = 0;
  377. DialogEx.Close(popupHTML_handle);
  378. end
  380. --bu fonksiyona launcherin web executable olarak derlenmesinden sonra ihtiyac duyuldu.
  381. --zula_launcher.exe datayi tempte olusturdugu unique bir klasore atip. kendini orada calistiriyor.
  382. function DeleteOldLauncherFoldersFromTemp()
  383. if (bWebExecutable == true) then
  384. for i=0,200 do
  385. local l_dirToDelete = _TempFolder.."\\ir_ext_temp_"..i;
  386. if (StrCompareNoCase(_SourceFolder, l_dirToDelete) ~= 0) then
  387. Folder.DeleteTree(l_dirToDelete);
  388. end
  389. end
  390. end
  391. end
  392. DeleteOldLauncherFoldersFromTemp();
  394. curr_login_url = "";
  395. function LoginTry()
  396. WriteLog("LoginTry");
  397. -- if (developermode == 1 or debugmode == 1) then
  398. -- UpdateServerURL();
  399. -- end
  400. loginprocess = 1;
  401. Lock_Panel_Input(1);
  402. local process = LoginProcess();
  403. WriteLog("Process result : "..process);
  404. if (process == 1 and bPublisherStatus == false) then
  405. if (developermode == 1 and bAutoLogin == false) then
  406. Launcher.StartClicked(nil);
  407. else
  408. DeleteOldLauncherFoldersFromTemp();
  409. VisibleStart();
  411. Button.SetEnabled("btn_start", false);
  412. --web sayfalarini goster
  413. if (tblLoginData ~= nil) then
  414. if (tblLoginData.PopupUrls ~= nil) then
  415. for i, per_loginData in pairs(tblLoginData.PopupUrls) do
  416. local tblPageInfo = tblLoginData.PopupUrls[i];
  417. curr_login_url = tblPageInfo.Url;
  418. nPopup_dialog_w = tblPageInfo.Width;
  419. nPopup_dialog_h = tblPageInfo.Height;
  420. popupHTML_handle = DialogEx.Show("dlg_popupHTML", true, nil, nil);
  421. end
  422. else
  423. WriteLog("tblPopupURLs is nil");
  424. end
  425. end
  427. Button.SetEnabled("btn_start", true);
  428. end
  429. else
  430. if (bPublisherStatus == true) then
  431. active_error = process;
  432. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  433. else
  434. if(process==88) then
  435. active_error=2;
  436. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  437. elseif(process==2) then
  438. active_error=3;
  439. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  440. elseif(process==6)then
  441. active_error=14;
  442. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  443. elseif(process==8)then
  444. active_error=8;
  445. error_code_bas="";
  446. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  447. elseif(process==12 or process==4)then
  448. active_error=4;
  449. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  450. elseif(process==14)then
  451. active_error=5;
  452. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  453. elseif(process==16)then
  454. active_error=16;
  455. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  456. elseif(process==20)then
  457. active_error=20;
  458. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  459. elseif(process==21)then
  460. active_error=21;
  461. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  462. elseif(process==26)then
  463. active_error=26;
  464. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  465. elseif(process==27)then
  466. active_error=27;
  467. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  468. elseif(process==28)then
  469. active_error=28;
  470. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  471. elseif(process==58)then
  472. active_error=38;
  473. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  474. elseif(process==40)then
  475. active_error=40;
  476. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  477. elseif(process==41)then
  478. active_error=41;
  479. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  480. elseif(process==99)then
  481. active_error=99;
  482. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  483. end
  484. end
  486. if (bAutoLogin == true) then
  487. Application.Minimize();
  488. Launcher.CallTerminate("LoginTry->Exit3", 500);
  489. end
  490. end
  491. Lock_Panel_Input(0);
  492. loginprocess=0;
  493. end
  495. function TranslateObject(object, script, text, rtl, isPage)
  496. WriteLog("TranslateObject - "..text);
  497. --Dialog.Message("object",object);
  498. --Dialog.Message("object",text);
  500. local type = -1;
  501. if (isPage) then
  502. type = Page.GetObjectType(object);
  503. else
  504. type = DialogEx.GetObjectType(object);
  505. end
  507. if (type == OBJECT_BUTTON) then
  508. props = Button.GetProperties(object);
  509. if (props ~= nil) then
  510. props.FontScript = script;
  511. Button.SetProperties(object, props);
  512. Button.SetText(object, text);
  513. end
  514. return;
  515. end
  517. if (type == OBJECT_INPUT) then
  518. props = Input.GetProperties(object);
  519. if (props ~= nil) then
  520. props.FontScript = script;
  521. props.ReadOrder = rtl;
  522. Input.SetProperties(object, props);
  523. Input.SetText(object, text);
  524. end
  525. return;
  526. end
  528. if (type == OBJECT_LABEL) then
  529. props = Label.GetProperties(object);
  530. if (props ~= nil) then
  531. props.FontScript = script;
  532. Label.SetProperties(object, props);
  533. local _lblWidth_before = props.Width;
  535. Label.SetText(object, text);
  536. props = Label.GetProperties(object);
  537. local _lblWidth_after = props.Width;
  538. if (props.Alignment == ALIGN_CENTER) then
  539. props.X = props.X + (_lblWidth_before - _lblWidth_after) * 0.5;
  540. -- else
  541. -- props.X = props.X + (_lblWidth_before - _lblWidth_after);
  542. end
  543. Label.SetProperties(object, props);
  545. propsError = Label.GetProperties(object);
  546. propsErrorFont = script;
  547. end
  549. return;
  550. end
  552. if (type == OBJECT_PARAGRAPH) then
  553. props = Paragraph.GetProperties(object);
  554. if (props ~= nil) then
  555. props.FontScript = script;
  556. Paragraph.SetProperties(object, props);
  557. Paragraph.SetText(object, text);
  558. end
  559. return;
  560. end
  562. if (type == OBJECT_RADIOBUTTON) then
  563. props = RadioButton.GetProperties(object);
  564. if (props ~= nil) then
  565. props.FontScript = script;
  566. props.ReadOrder = rtl;
  567. RadioButton.SetProperties(object, props);
  568. error = Application.GetLastError();
  569. if (error ~= 0) then
  570. Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
  571. end
  572. RadioButton.SetText(object, text);
  573. end
  574. return;
  575. end
  577. if (type == OBJECT_CHECKBOX) then
  578. props = CheckBox.GetProperties(object);
  579. if (props ~= nil) then
  580. props.FontScript = script;
  581. props.ReadOrder = rtl;
  582. CheckBox.SetProperties(object, props);
  583. CheckBox.SetText(object, text);
  584. end
  585. return;
  586. end
  588. if (type == OBJECT_XBUTTON) then
  589. props = xButton.GetProperties(object);
  590. if (props ~= nil) then
  591. props.FontScript = script;
  592. xButton.SetProperties(object, props);
  593. xButton.SetText(object, text);
  594. end
  595. return;
  596. end
  597. end
  599. function TranslatePage(page, langId)
  600. WriteLog("TranslatePage - "..langId);
  601. WriteLog(language_info.Primary);
  602. local l_file_path = "AutoPlay\\Docs\\lang-"..GetMyOriginPublisherID().."-"..langId..".xml";
  604. if not File.DoesExist(_SourceFolder.."\\"..l_file_path) then
  605. Dialog.Message("Language file not found", "Sorry, the requested language file\n\n" .. l_file_path .. "\n\ncould not be found.\nPlease try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
  606. else
  607. XML.Load(_SourceFolder.."\\"..l_file_path);
  609. local error = Application.GetLastError();
  610. if (error ~= 0) then
  611. -- depending on the current regional settings, it may be impossible to read the XML
  612. Dialog.Message("Error reading language file", "Sorry, the requested language file\n\n" .. l_file_path .. "\n\ncannot be parsed. It may be incompatible with your current operating\nsystem or be malformed. Please try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONSTOP);
  613. else
  614. Launcher.right_to_left = XML.GetValue("lang/rtl");
  615. Launcher.font_script = XML.GetValue("lang/script");
  616. local SelectedLocale = XML.GetValue("lang/primary");
  618. if (error ~= 0) then
  619. Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
  620. else
  621. for index, object in pairs(Page.EnumerateObjects()) do
  622. local path = "lang/Page1/" .. object;
  623. local text = XML.GetValue(path);
  624. if (String.Length(text) > 0) then
  625. TranslateObject(object, Launcher.font_script, text, Launcher.right_to_left, true);
  626. elseif (Page.GetObjectType(object) == OBJECT_LABEL) then
  627. props = Label.GetProperties(object);
  628. if (props ~= nil) then
  629. props.FontScript = Launcher.font_script;
  630. Label.SetProperties(object, props);
  631. end
  632. end
  633. end
  635. local dialogMessage = XML.Count("lang/Dialog","*");
  636. loc_msg =1;
  637. while (loc_msg <= dialogMessage) do
  638. error_id = XML.GetAttribute("lang/Dialog/info:"..loc_msg, "id");
  639. error_text = XML.GetAttribute("lang/Dialog/info:"..loc_msg, "Text");
  641. Table.Insert(error_list, error_id, error_text);
  642. loc_msg =loc_msg +1;
  643. end
  645. local publisherMessage = XML.Count("lang/"..launcher_publisher_name,"*");
  646. loc_msg =1;
  647. while (loc_msg <= publisherMessage) do
  648. error_id = XML.GetAttribute("lang/"..launcher_publisher_name.."/info:"..loc_msg, "id");
  649. error_text = XML.GetAttribute("lang/"..launcher_publisher_name.."/info:"..loc_msg, "Text");
  651. Table.Insert(publisher_error_list, error_id, error_text);
  652. loc_msg =loc_msg +1;
  653. end
  654. end
  655. end
  656. end
  658. end
  660. --Popup hata mesajlarinda kullaniliyor
  661. function TranslateDialog( page, langId)
  662. WriteLog("TranslateDialog - "..langId);
  663. WriteLog(language_info.Primary);
  664. local l_file_path = "AutoPlay\\Docs\\lang-"..GetMyOriginPublisherID().."-"..langId..".xml";
  666. if not File.DoesExist(_SourceFolder.."\\"..l_file_path) then
  667. Dialog.Message("Language file not found", "Sorry, the requested language file\n\n" .. l_file_path .. "\n\ncould not be found.\nPlease try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
  668. else
  669. XML.Load(_SourceFolder.."\\"..l_file_path);
  670. local error = Application.GetLastError();
  671. if (error ~= 0) then
  672. -- depending on the current regional settings, it may be impossible to read the XML
  673. Dialog.Message("Error reading language file", "Sorry, the requested language file\n\n" .. l_file_path .. "\n\ncannot be parsed. It may be incompatible with your current operating\nsystem or be malformed. Please try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONSTOP);
  674. else
  675. Launcher.right_to_left = XML.GetValue("lang/rtl");
  676. Launcher.font_script = XML.GetValue("lang/script");
  677. local SelectedLocale = XML.GetValue("lang/primary");
  679. if (error ~= 0) then
  680. Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
  681. else
  682. for index, object in pairs(DialogEx.EnumerateObjects()) do
  683. local path = "lang/Page2/" .. object;
  684. local text = XML.GetValue(path);
  685. if (String.Length(text) > 0) then
  686. TranslateObject(object, Launcher.font_script, text, Launcher.right_to_left, false);
  687. elseif (Page.GetObjectType(object) == OBJECT_LABEL) then
  688. props = Label.GetProperties(object);
  689. if (props ~= nil) then
  690. props.FontScript = Launcher.font_script;
  691. Label.SetProperties(object, props);
  692. end
  693. end
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end
  697. end
  698. end
  700. function LuaIdIsMacChanged()
  702. local l_lua_id_str = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\BITS", "WLID", false);
  704. if (StrCompareNoCase(l_lua_id_str, "") ~= 0) then
  705. local l_tblInfo = System.GetLANInfo();
  706. if (StrCompareNoCase(l_tblInfo.NIC, "Unknown") ~= 0) then
  707. local l_a = string.sub(l_tblInfo.NIC, -4);
  708. local l_b = string.sub(l_lua_id_str, -4);
  710. if (StrCompare(l_a, l_b) ~= 0) then
  711. return true;
  712. end
  713. end
  715. return false;
  716. end
  718. return true;
  719. end
  721. function LuaIdIsWinVerChanged()
  723. local l_lua_id_str = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\BITS", "WLID", false);
  725. if (StrCompareNoCase(l_lua_id_str, "") ~= 0) then
  726. local l_trimmed_str = String.Left(l_lua_id_str, 25);
  727. l_trimmed_str = String.Right(l_trimmed_str, 6);
  729. local l_tblInfo = System.GetOSVersionInfo();
  730. local l_version_str = l_tblInfo.MajorVersion..l_tblInfo.MinorVersion..l_tblInfo.BuildNumber;
  732. if (StrCompare(l_version_str, l_trimmed_str) ~= 0) then
  733. return true;
  734. end
  736. return false;
  737. end
  739. return true;
  740. end
  743. function Launcher.MoveScreenshotsToNewFolder()
  744. WriteLog("----------- SS KLASORUNU KONTROL EDIYORUM -----------");
  746. local l_sSourcePath = sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\Ekran_Goruntuleri";
  747. local l_sDestinationPath = sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\Screenshots";
  749. if (not File.DoesExist(l_sDestinationPath)) then
  750. Folder.Create(l_sDestinationPath);
  751. end
  753. --eski klasor hala daha varmi kontrol edip varsa isleme basla
  754. if (File.DoesExist(l_sSourcePath)) then
  755. --Tasinabilecek tum dosyalari tasi
  756. File.Move(l_sSourcePath.."\\*.*", l_sDestinationPath, false, false, false, false, nil);
  757. --Folder.Delete() klasor icinde dosya kalmis ise klasoru silmez
  758. Folder.Delete(l_sSourcePath);
  759. end
  760. end
  762. function Launcher.DeleteLogsOlderThan( days )
  763. WriteLog("----------- LOGLARI KONTROL EDIYORUM -----------");
  765. local function OnFoundPerLog( path )
  766. local l_tblPathInfo = String.SplitPath(path);
  767. local l_tblFileAttr = File.GetAttributes(path);
  768. if (l_tblFileAttr ~= nil) then
  769. local l_sCurrentDate = System.GetDate(DATE_FMT_EUROPE);
  770. local l_tblCDate = Utility.GetDateStringToTable("dd:mm:yyyy", l_sCurrentDate, "/"); -- tarihi "DD/MM/YYYY" seklinde verir
  771. local l_tblDate = Utility.GetDateStringToTable("mm:dd:yyyy", l_tblFileAttr.WriteDate, " "); -- tarihi "Wednedsay, June 18, 2003" seklinde verir
  772. --tarih datasi valid kontrol
  773. if ((l_tblDate ~= nil or Table.Count(l_tblDate) > 0) and
  774. (l_tblCDate ~= nil or Table.Count(l_tblCDate) > 0)) then
  775. -- File.GetAttributes(path).WriteDate ay kismini string olarak veriyor.
  776. l_tblDate["mm"] = Utility.MonthToNum(l_tblDate["mm"]);
  777. if (Utility.DateDiffAsDays(l_tblCDate, l_tblDate) > days) then
  778. -- WriteLog("--- silinecek : "..l_tblPathInfo.Filename..l_tblPathInfo.Extension);
  779. File.Delete(path);
  780. end
  781. end
  782. end
  783. -- File.Find()'in iterasyona devam etmesini soyle
  784. return true;
  785. end
  787. local l_sSourcePath = sLauncherSourceFolder.."\\log";
  788. File.Find (l_sSourcePath, "*.txt", false, false, nil, OnFoundPerLog);
  789. end
  791. function Launcher.CallTerminate( log, sleep, logout )
  792. if (logout == nil or logout == true) then Launcher.CallLogout(); end
  793. if (sleep ~= nil and sleep > 0) then Application.Sleep(sleep); end
  794. if (log ~= nil) then WriteLog(log); end
  795. Application.Exit(0);
  796. end
  798. function Launcher.CallLogout()
  799. if (String.Length(token) > 0) then
  800. local l_tLogoffValues = {Token = token, Locale = GetLangAsStr(language_info.Primary), Status = 18};
  801. local l_req_result = HttpSubmit(vbaseurl.."/zula/login/LogOff", l_tLogoffValues, SUBMITWEB_POST, 400, 443, nil, nil);
  802. if (l_req_result == "") then
  803. --try again
  804. l_req_result = HttpSubmit(vbaseurl.."/zula/login/LogOff", l_tLogoffValues, SUBMITWEB_POST, 400, 443, nil, nil);
  805. end
  806. end
  807. end
  809. tblWSuspect = {};
  810. tblWSuspect.Level = 0;
  811. tblWSuspect.Width = 0;
  812. tblWSuspect.Height = 0;
  813. tblWSuspect.Handle = 0;
  814. tblWSuspect.Name = "";
  816. function WSuspectControl()
  817. local _nLevel = tblWSuspect.Level;
  818. local _nWidth = 0;
  819. local _nHeight = 0;
  820. local _whandlelist = Window.EnumerateProcesses();
  821. for j, file_path in pairs(_whandlelist) do
  822. local _file = String.SplitPath(file_path);
  823. local _app_size = Window.GetSize(j);
  824. WriteLog("--- W_Sspct ".._file.Filename.._file.Extension.." | ".._app_size.Width.."x".._app_size.Height);
  825. -- -- DWORD
  826. -- if (_app_size.Width == 807 and _app_size.Height == 660) then
  827. -- WriteLog("W_Sspct ".._file.Filename.._file.Extension.." | ".._app_size.Width.."x".._app_size.Height);
  828. -- _nLevel = _nLevel +1;
  829. -- _nWidth = _app_size.Width;
  830. -- _nHeight = _app_size.Height;
  831. -- end
  833. if (tblWSuspect.Handle ~= 0 and tblWSuspect.Handle == j and (StrCompareNoCase(_file.Filename, "") ~= 0 and StrCompareNoCase(_file.Extension, "") ~= 0)) then
  834. if ((tblWSuspect.Width ~= 0 and tblWSuspect.Height ~= 0) and (_app_size.Width == tblWSuspect.Width and _app_size.Height == tblWSuspect.Height)) then
  835. tblWSuspect.Name = _file.Filename.._file.Extension;
  836. _nLevel = _nLevel +1;
  837. end
  838. end
  840. -- GHB
  841. if (_app_size.Width == 818 and _app_size.Height == 540) then
  842. WriteLog("W_Sspct ".._file.Filename.._file.Extension.." | ".._app_size.Width.."x".._app_size.Height);
  843. _nLevel = _nLevel +1;
  844. tblWSuspect.Width = _app_size.Width;
  845. tblWSuspect.Height = _app_size.Height;
  846. end
  848. if (StrCompareNoCase(_file.Filename, "") == 0 or StrCompareNoCase(_file.Extension, "") == 0) then
  849. tblWSuspect.Handle = j;
  850. tblWSuspect.Width = _app_size.Width;
  851. tblWSuspect.Height = _app_size.Height;
  852. _nLevel = _nLevel +1;
  853. end
  854. end
  856. if (_nLevel > tblWSuspect.Level) then
  857. tblWSuspect.Level = _nLevel;
  858. end
  859. end
  861. bOnStartSuspect = false;
  862. function Launcher.OnPreload()
  864. WSuspectControl();
  866. -- local _tlbprocPre = System.EnumerateProcesses();
  867. -- local _tlbprocPreCount = Table.Count(_tlbprocPre);
  868. -- ElevateProc(0);
  869. -- local _tlbprocLate = System.EnumerateProcesses();
  870. -- local _tlbprocLateCount = Table.Count(_tlbprocLate);
  871. -- --eger debug mode elevation aktif edilmesine ragmen sistemden gelen
  872. -- --process listesi degismemis veya artmamis ise hileden suphelen.
  873. -- WriteLog("S SIZE KONTROL : ".._tlbprocLateCount.." - ".._tlbprocPreCount);
  874. -- if ((_tlbprocLateCount - _tlbprocPreCount) <= 0 ) then
  875. -- bOnStartSuspect = true;
  876. -- end
  878. if (MyPublisher("IDCGAMES") == true) then
  879. if (StrCompareNoCase(IDCWrapper.aux_token, "") == 0 and bSteam_Enabled == false) then
  880. Dialog.Message("Steam Error", "Please start the game through Steam or IDCGames launcher.", MB_OK);
  881. Launcher.CallTerminate( "L_OnPreload -> Exit1", 10, true);
  882. end
  883. end
  884. end
  886. function Launcher.CallLoginProcedure()
  888. -- if (bAutoLogin) then
  889. -- --Backende kullanicinin dilini loginde soyledigimizden; loginden sonra dil secimini kapatiyoruz.
  890. -- --Bu durumda IDC launcherinin acildiktan sonra dil secimini saglikli bir sekilde gerceklestirmek icin.
  891. -- --logini starta bastiktan sonra gerceklestiriyoruz.
  892. -- if (MyPublisher("IDCGAMES") or MyPublisher("LOKUM") or MyPublisher("FILIPIN")) then
  893. -- if (loginprocess == 0) then
  894. -- LoginTry();
  895. -- end
  896. -- end
  897. -- else
  898. if (loginprocess == 0) then
  899. LoginTry();
  900. end
  901. -- end
  903. end
  905. function Launcher.LoginWithAnotherAccountClicked(btn_object_name)
  906. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, false);
  908. Launcher.CallLogout();
  909. bAutoLogin = false;
  910. VisibleLogin();
  912. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, true);
  913. end
  915. function Launcher.LoginBackClicked(btn_object_name)
  916. bAutoLogin = true;
  917. VisibleLoginTypes();
  918. end
  920. function Launcher.PublisherLoginClicked(btn_object_name)
  921. Button.SetEnabled("btn_steam_login", false);
  922. Button.SetEnabled("btn_zula_login", false);
  924. bAutoLogin = false;
  925. VisibleLogin();
  927. Button.SetEnabled("btn_steam_login", true);
  928. Button.SetEnabled("btn_zula_login", true);
  929. end
  931. function Launcher.SteamLoginClicked(btn_object_name)
  932. Button.SetEnabled("btn_steam_login", false);
  933. Button.SetEnabled("btn_zula_login", false);
  935. Launcher.CallLoginProcedure();
  937. Button.SetEnabled("btn_steam_login", true);
  938. Button.SetEnabled("btn_zula_login", true);
  939. end
  941. function Launcher.LoginClicked(btn_object_name)
  942. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, false);
  944. Launcher.CallLoginProcedure();
  946. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, true);
  947. end
  949. function Launcher.StartClicked(btn_object_name)
  951. local l_detectionLevel = 0;
  952. function _SetDetectionLevel( newLevel )
  953. if (newLevel ~= 0 and (l_detectionLevel == 0 or l_detectionLevel > newLevel)) then
  954. l_detectionLevel = newLevel;
  955. end
  956. end
  958. if (btn_object_name ~= nil) then
  959. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, false);
  960. end
  962. if (vlogonStart ~= nil) then
  963. local l_DsizeControl = false;
  964. local l_tblProcessList = {};
  965. local l_tblMPList = {};
  966. local sProcessList_json = "";
  967. if (developermode ~= 1) then
  968. WSuspectControl();
  969. sForbiddenExeInfo = "";
  971. -- local l_r1 = ProcEC();
  972. -- local l_r2 = ProcPC();
  973. -- local l_r0 = ""..ElevateProc(0);
  974. -- WriteLog("D SIZE KONTROL IF : "..l_r1.." "..l_r2.." "..l_r0);
  975. -- if (StrCompareNoCase(l_r0, "1") ~= 0 or StrCompareNoCase(l_r1, "1") ~= 0 or StrCompareNoCase(l_r2, "1") ~= 0) then
  976. -- l_DsizeControl = true;
  977. -- -- else
  978. -- -- if (bOnStartSuspect) then
  979. -- -- l_detectionLevel = 1;
  980. -- -- AddForbiddenExeInfo("S".." Size: 0");
  981. -- -- end
  982. -- end
  984. local l_fishing = H_RegFishing();
  985. if ( l_fishing == 2) then
  986. _SetDetectionLevel(1);
  987. AddForbiddenExeInfo("R".." Size: 0");
  988. else
  989. if( l_fishing == 1 ) then
  990. WriteLog("FISHING ------- OK");
  991. _SetDetectionLevel(1);
  992. AddForbiddenExeInfo("F".." Size: 0");
  993. else
  994. WriteLog("FISHING ------- FAILED");
  995. local l_new_detection = LookUpProc(l_tblMPList);
  996. _SetDetectionLevel(l_new_detection);
  997. end
  999. local l_forbidden_result = FindForbiddenExe();
  1000. _SetDetectionLevel(l_forbidden_result);
  1001. end
  1003. WriteLog("bUserFollow check------- ");
  1004. if (bUserFollow) then
  1005. Utility.GetProcessList(l_tblProcessList);
  1006. sProcessList_json = JSON.Encode(l_tblProcessList);
  1007. end
  1009. WriteLog("missing check------- "..tblWSuspect.Level);
  1010. -- if l_DsizeControl then
  1011. -- _SetDetectionLevel(3);
  1012. -- AddForbiddenExeInfo("D".." Size: 0");
  1013. -- end
  1014. -- if bOnStartSuspect then
  1015. -- _SetDetectionLevel(3);
  1016. -- AddForbiddenExeInfo("S".." Size: 0");
  1017. -- end
  1018. if tblWSuspect.Level > 0 then
  1019. _SetDetectionLevel(1);
  1020. local _tmp_info = ""..tblWSuspect.Level;
  1021. if StrCompareNoCase(tblWSuspect.Name, "") ~= 0 then
  1022. _tmp_info = _tmp_info.." ["..tblWSuspect.Name.."]";
  1023. end
  1024. AddForbiddenExeInfo("W".." Size: ".._tmp_info);
  1025. end
  1027. local l_bWriteEveryElement = Utility.TableHasAnyUncommonStr(l_tblMPList, tlbMPWL, false, true);
  1028. if (l_bWriteEveryElement and (l_DsizeControl or bOnStartSuspect or tblWSuspect.Level > 0)) then
  1029. local l_tmp = "";
  1030. if (Table.Count(l_tblMPList) > 0) then
  1031. l_tmp = " {";
  1032. for i=1, Table.Count(l_tblMPList) do
  1033. --whitelist control
  1034. l_tmp = l_tmp..l_tblMPList[i];
  1035. if (i < Table.Count(l_tblMPList)) then
  1036. l_tmp = l_tmp..", ";
  1037. end
  1038. end
  1039. l_tmp = l_tmp.."}"
  1040. end
  1041. sForbiddenExeInfo = sForbiddenExeInfo..l_tmp;
  1042. end
  1043. end
  1045. WriteLog("------ DETECTION REPORT ------- ");
  1046. WriteLog("Detection Level: "..l_detectionLevel);
  1047. WriteLog("SuspectLastApplicationName: "..sForbiddenExeInfo);
  1048. WriteLog("AntiCheatFiles: "..sProcessList_json);
  1050. myvalues_logonstart = {Token=token, PublisherId=GetMyPublisherID(), UserId=sUserID, Suspect=l_detectionLevel, AntiCheatFiles=sProcessList_json, SuspectLastApplicationName=sForbiddenExeInfo};
  1052. HTTP_Error = {};
  1053. Last_Error = 0;
  1054. result_logonstart = HttpSubmit(vlogonStart, myvalues_logonstart, SUBMITWEB_POST, 400, 443, nil, nil);
  1055. Last_Error = Application.GetLastError();
  1056. end
  1058. if (Last_Error ~= 0) then
  1059. HTTP_Error = HTTP.GetHTTPErrorInfo();
  1060. if (HTTP_Error.Status == 401) then
  1061. active_error=36;
  1062. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  1063. VisibleLogin();
  1064. else
  1065. active_error=26;
  1066. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  1067. end
  1068. else
  1069. local l_run_result = Run_Game();
  1070. if (l_run_result ~= 1) then --fonksiyon hata dondurmusse
  1071. active_error = l_run_result;
  1072. DialogEx.Show("dlg_error", true, nil, nil);
  1073. else
  1074. Application.Minimize();
  1075. Application.Sleep(500);
  1076. -- Application.Sleep(1500);
  1077. -- FindAndReportTerminatedExe();
  1079. Launcher.CallTerminate("StartClicked->Exit1", 500, false);
  1080. end
  1081. end
  1083. if (btn_object_name ~= nil) then
  1084. Button.SetEnabled(btn_object_name, true);
  1085. end
  1086. end
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