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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Initialize engine version: 5.4.3f1 (01f4c123905a)
  2. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  3. Direct3D:
  4. Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
  5. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (ID=0x1401)
  6. Vendor: NVIDIA
  7. VRAM: 4062 MB
  8. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  9. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
  10. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  11. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
  12. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  13. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless)
  14. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  15. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
  16. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  17. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless)
  18. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain
  19. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless)
  20. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  21. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless)
  22. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  23. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Analytics.dll (this message is harmless)
  24. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Analytics.dll into Unity Child Domain
  25. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\App42_Unity3D_SDK_3.2.dll (this message is harmless)
  26. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\App42_Unity3D_SDK_3.2.dll into Unity Child Domain
  27. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.ClipperLib.dll (this message is harmless)
  28. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.ClipperLib.dll into Unity Child Domain
  29. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll (this message is harmless)
  30. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll into Unity Child Domain
  31. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.Poly2Tri.dll (this message is harmless)
  32. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Pathfinding.Poly2Tri.dll into Unity Child Domain
  33. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\bolt.dll (this message is harmless)
  34. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\bolt.dll into Unity Child Domain
  35. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\bolt.user.dll (this message is harmless)
  36. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\bolt.user.dll into Unity Child Domain
  37. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\udpkit.common.dll (this message is harmless)
  38. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\udpkit.common.dll into Unity Child Domain
  39. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\udpkit.dll (this message is harmless)
  40. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\udpkit.dll into Unity Child Domain
  41. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DemiLib.dll (this message is harmless)
  42. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DemiLib.dll into Unity Child Domain
  43. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll (this message is harmless)
  44. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll into Unity Child Domain
  45. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll (this message is harmless)
  46. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll into Unity Child Domain
  47. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll (this message is harmless)
  48. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll into Unity Child Domain
  49. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll (this message is harmless)
  50. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll into Unity Child Domain
  51. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTweenPro.dll (this message is harmless)
  52. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DOTweenPro.dll into Unity Child Domain
  53. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\System.Threading.dll (this message is harmless)
  54. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\System.Threading.dll into Unity Child Domain
  55. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DynamicWaterNativeWrapper.dll (this message is harmless)
  56. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\DynamicWaterNativeWrapper.dll into Unity Child Domain
  57. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Mono.Simd.dll (this message is harmless)
  58. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Mono.Simd.dll into Unity Child Domain
  59. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Newtonsoft.Json.dll (this message is harmless)
  60. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Newtonsoft.Json.dll into Unity Child Domain
  61. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProBuilderCore-Unity5.dll (this message is harmless)
  62. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProBuilderCore-Unity5.dll into Unity Child Domain
  63. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProBuilderMeshOps-Unity5.dll (this message is harmless)
  64. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProBuilderMeshOps-Unity5.dll into Unity Child Domain
  65. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\KDTree.dll (this message is harmless)
  66. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\KDTree.dll into Unity Child Domain
  67. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProCore.dll (this message is harmless)
  68. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\ProCore.dll into Unity Child Domain
  69. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Rewired_Core.dll (this message is harmless)
  70. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Rewired_Core.dll into Unity Child Domain
  71. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll (this message is harmless)
  72. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll into Unity Child Domain
  73. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\SonyNP.dll (this message is harmless)
  74. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\SonyNP.dll into Unity Child Domain
  75. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\MKGlowSystem.dll (this message is harmless)
  76. Loading J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\MKGlowSystem.dll into Unity Child Domain
  77. - Completed reload, in 0.108 seconds
  78. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\System.Core.dll (this message is harmless)
  79. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\System.dll (this message is harmless)
  80. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DOTweenComponent
  81. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  82. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  84. (Filename: Line: 375)
  86. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DW_PoolGUI
  87. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  88. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  90. (Filename: Line: 375)
  92. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DW_ObstructionGUI
  93. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  94. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  96. (Filename: Line: 375)
  98. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on PlayerController
  99. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  100. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  102. (Filename: Line: 375)
  104. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DW_BoatGUI
  105. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  106. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  108. (Filename: Line: 375)
  110. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DW_MainMenuGUI
  111. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  112. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  114. (Filename: Line: 375)
  116. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on DW_BuoyancyGUI
  117. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  118. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  120. (Filename: Line: 375)
  122. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on SpeculativeRigidbody
  123. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  124. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  126. (Filename: Line: 375)
  128. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\UnityScript.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
  129. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Boo.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
  130. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on OVRScreenFade
  131. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  132. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  134. (Filename: Line: 375)
  136. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on vp_Timer
  137. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  138. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  140. (Filename: Line: 375)
  142. <RI> Initializing input.
  144. <RI> Input initialized.
  146. desktop: 1920x1200 59Hz; virtual: 3200x1200 at 0,0
  147. <RI> Initialized touch support.
  149. WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Glow Downsample' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
  150. UnloadTime: 1.586112 ms
  151. Settings Res: 640 x 360 @ 0Hz
  153. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  155. Current Res Before: 640 x 360 @ 59Hz
  157. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  159. Current Res After: 640 x 360 @ 59Hz
  161. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  163. Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  164. Thread -> id: 3868 -> priority: 1
  165. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '5x5 Cave Door') is missing!
  167. (Filename: Line: 1656)
  169. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '5x5 Cave Door') is missing!
  171. (Filename: Line: 1656)
  173. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Pool Testing') is missing!
  175. (Filename: Line: 1656)
  177. Unloading 19 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  178. UnloadTime: 2.966080 ms
  179. Non platform assembly: data-000000003ADFB090 (this message is harmless)
  180. Fallback handler could not load library J:/STEAM-GAMES/steamapps/common/STRAFE/STRAFE_Data/Mono/data-000000003ADFB090.dll
  181. Non platform assembly: data-000000003ADFECB0 (this message is harmless)
  182. Fallback handler could not load library J:/STEAM-GAMES/steamapps/common/STRAFE/STRAFE_Data/Mono/data-000000003ADFECB0.dll
  183. Non platform assembly: data-0000000015F5C040 (this message is harmless)
  184. Fallback handler could not load library J:/STEAM-GAMES/steamapps/common/STRAFE/STRAFE_Data/Mono/data-0000000015F5C040.dll
  185. Rewired: Searching for compatible XInput library...
  186. Rewired: Found Xinput1_3.dll.
  187. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless)
  189. Unloading 28 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 46280.
  190. Total: 36.504932 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.938875 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.954806 ms MarkObjects: 29.489851 ms DeleteObjects: 0.120813 ms)
  192. Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)
  194. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 46280.
  195. Total: 36.007015 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.750324 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.455491 ms MarkObjects: 30.717337 ms DeleteObjects: 0.082399 ms)
  197. StrafeMan (UnityEngine.CharacterController)
  199. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  201. 1829015236 Current seed
  203. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  205. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  207. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  209. Platform assembly: J:\STEAM-GAMES\steamapps\common\STRAFE\STRAFE_Data\Managed\Mono.Security.dll (this message is harmless)
  210. ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  211. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
  212. at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  213. at Tilde.Console.FindCommands () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  214. at Tilde.Console..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  215. at Tilde.Console..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  216. Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Tilde.Console
  217. at Tilde.DrawerConsole.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  218. UnityEngine.Object:Internal_CloneSingle(Object)
  219. UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(GameObject)
  220. MenuManager:Start()
  222. (Filename: Line: -1)
  224. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'JumpPoint (4)') is missing!
  226. (Filename: Line: 1656)
  228. Collecting Meshes
  229. Generating Tile #0 of 30
  230. Generating Tile #1 of 30
  231. Generating Tile #2 of 30
  232. Generating Tile #3 of 30
  233. Generating Tile #4 of 30
  234. Generating Tile #5 of 30
  235. Generating Tile #6 of 30
  236. Generating Tile #7 of 30
  237. Generating Tile #8 of 30
  238. Generating Tile #9 of 30
  239. Generating Tile #10 of 30
  240. Generating Tile #11 of 30
  241. Generating Tile #12 of 30
  242. Generating Tile #13 of 30
  243. Generating Tile #14 of 30
  244. Generating Tile #15 of 30
  245. Generating Tile #16 of 30
  246. Generating Tile #17 of 30
  247. Generating Tile #18 of 30
  248. Generating Tile #19 of 30
  249. Generating Tile #20 of 30
  250. Generating Tile #21 of 30
  251. Generating Tile #22 of 30
  252. Generating Tile #23 of 30
  253. Generating Tile #24 of 30
  254. Generating Tile #25 of 30
  255. Generating Tile #26 of 30
  256. Generating Tile #27 of 30
  257. Generating Tile #28 of 30
  258. Generating Tile #29 of 30
  259. Assigning Graph Indices
  260. Connecing Tile #0 of 30
  261. Connecing Tile #1 of 30
  262. Connecing Tile #2 of 30
  263. Connecing Tile #3 of 30
  264. Connecing Tile #4 of 30
  265. Connecing Tile #5 of 30
  266. Connecing Tile #6 of 30
  267. Connecing Tile #7 of 30
  268. Connecing Tile #8 of 30
  269. Connecing Tile #9 of 30
  270. Connecing Tile #10 of 30
  271. Connecing Tile #11 of 30
  272. Connecing Tile #12 of 30
  273. Connecing Tile #13 of 30
  274. Connecing Tile #14 of 30
  275. Connecing Tile #15 of 30
  276. Connecing Tile #16 of 30
  277. Connecing Tile #17 of 30
  278. Connecing Tile #18 of 30
  279. Connecing Tile #19 of 30
  280. Connecing Tile #20 of 30
  281. Connecing Tile #21 of 30
  282. Connecing Tile #22 of 30
  283. Connecing Tile #23 of 30
  284. Connecing Tile #24 of 30
  285. Connecing Tile #25 of 30
  286. Connecing Tile #26 of 30
  287. Connecing Tile #27 of 30
  288. Connecing Tile #28 of 30
  289. Connecing Tile #29 of 30
  290. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  292. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  294. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  296. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  298. Can not play a disabled audio source
  300. (Filename: Line: 432)
  302. Settings Res: 1920 x 1080 @ 0Hz
  304. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  306. Current Res Before: 1920 x 1080 @ 59Hz
  308. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  310. Current Res After: 1920 x 1080 @ 59Hz
  312. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  314. Can not play a disabled audio source
  316. (Filename: Line: 432)
  318. Volume 1
  320. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  322. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  323. at Tilde.DrawerConsole.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  325. (Filename: Line: -1)
  327. Unloading 27 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)
  329. Unloading 9907 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 75437.
  330. Total: 85.343948 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.333146 ms CreateObjectMapping: 8.884168 ms MarkObjects: 53.739285 ms DeleteObjects: 18.386768 ms)
  332. TilePlugNode (StateRequiredDoorWay) does not want to attach to TilePlugNode (DoorWay1)
  334. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  336. TilePlugNode (StateRequiredDoorWay) does not want to attach to TilePlugNode (DoorWay1)
  338. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  340. plugDoorNode (StateRequiredDoorWay) does not want to attach to plugDoorNode (DoorWay1)
  342. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  344. plugDoorNode (StateRequiredDoorWay) does not want to attach to plugDoorNode (DoorWay1)
  346. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  348. Something is not set up properly. You should always record leveluse ids before you try to record the level was used
  350. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  352. Something is not set up properly. You should always record leveluse ids before you try to record the level was used
  354. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  356. Something is not set up properly. You should always record leveluse ids before you try to record the level was used
  358. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  360. Something is not set up properly. You should always record leveluse ids before you try to record the level was used
  362. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  364. Something is not set up properly. You should always record leveluse ids before you try to record the level was used
  366. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  368. Collecting Meshes
  369. Generating Tile #0 of 56
  370. Generating Tile #1 of 56
  371. Generating Tile #2 of 56
  372. Generating Tile #3 of 56
  373. Generating Tile #4 of 56
  374. Generating Tile #5 of 56
  375. Generating Tile #6 of 56
  376. Generating Tile #7 of 56
  377. Generating Tile #8 of 56
  378. Generating Tile #9 of 56
  379. Generating Tile #10 of 56
  380. Generating Tile #11 of 56
  381. Generating Tile #12 of 56
  382. Generating Tile #13 of 56
  383. Generating Tile #14 of 56
  384. Generating Tile #15 of 56
  385. Generating Tile #16 of 56
  386. Generating Tile #17 of 56
  387. Generating Tile #18 of 56
  388. Generating Tile #19 of 56
  389. Generating Tile #20 of 56
  390. Generating Tile #21 of 56
  391. Generating Tile #22 of 56
  392. Generating Tile #23 of 56
  393. Generating Tile #24 of 56
  394. Generating Tile #25 of 56
  395. Generating Tile #26 of 56
  396. Generating Tile #27 of 56
  397. Generating Tile #28 of 56
  398. Generating Tile #29 of 56
  399. Generating Tile #30 of 56
  400. Generating Tile #31 of 56
  401. Generating Tile #32 of 56
  402. Generating Tile #33 of 56
  403. Generating Tile #34 of 56
  404. Generating Tile #35 of 56
  405. Generating Tile #36 of 56
  406. Generating Tile #37 of 56
  407. Generating Tile #38 of 56
  408. Generating Tile #39 of 56
  409. Generating Tile #40 of 56
  410. Generating Tile #41 of 56
  411. Generating Tile #42 of 56
  412. Generating Tile #43 of 56
  413. Generating Tile #44 of 56
  414. Generating Tile #45 of 56
  415. Generating Tile #46 of 56
  416. Generating Tile #47 of 56
  417. Generating Tile #48 of 56
  418. Generating Tile #49 of 56
  419. Generating Tile #50 of 56
  420. Generating Tile #51 of 56
  421. Generating Tile #52 of 56
  422. Generating Tile #53 of 56
  423. Generating Tile #54 of 56
  424. Generating Tile #55 of 56
  425. Assigning Graph Indices
  426. Connecing Tile #0 of 56
  427. Connecing Tile #1 of 56
  428. Connecing Tile #2 of 56
  429. Connecing Tile #3 of 56
  430. Connecing Tile #4 of 56
  431. Connecing Tile #5 of 56
  432. Connecing Tile #6 of 56
  433. Connecing Tile #7 of 56
  434. Connecing Tile #8 of 56
  435. Connecing Tile #9 of 56
  436. Connecing Tile #10 of 56
  437. Connecing Tile #11 of 56
  438. Connecing Tile #12 of 56
  439. Connecing Tile #13 of 56
  440. Connecing Tile #14 of 56
  441. Connecing Tile #15 of 56
  442. Connecing Tile #16 of 56
  443. Connecing Tile #17 of 56
  444. Connecing Tile #18 of 56
  445. Connecing Tile #19 of 56
  446. Connecing Tile #20 of 56
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  448. Connecing Tile #22 of 56
  449. Connecing Tile #23 of 56
  450. Connecing Tile #24 of 56
  451. Connecing Tile #25 of 56
  452. Connecing Tile #26 of 56
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  455. Connecing Tile #29 of 56
  456. Connecing Tile #30 of 56
  457. Connecing Tile #31 of 56
  458. Connecing Tile #32 of 56
  459. Connecing Tile #33 of 56
  460. Connecing Tile #34 of 56
  461. Connecing Tile #35 of 56
  462. Connecing Tile #36 of 56
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  464. Connecing Tile #38 of 56
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  469. Connecing Tile #43 of 56
  470. Connecing Tile #44 of 56
  471. Connecing Tile #45 of 56
  472. Connecing Tile #46 of 56
  473. Connecing Tile #47 of 56
  474. Connecing Tile #48 of 56
  475. Connecing Tile #49 of 56
  476. Connecing Tile #50 of 56
  477. Connecing Tile #51 of 56
  478. Connecing Tile #52 of 56
  479. Connecing Tile #53 of 56
  480. Connecing Tile #54 of 56
  481. Connecing Tile #55 of 56
  482. Finished distributing scrap AND credits
  484. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  486. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  488. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  490. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  492. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  494. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  496. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  498. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
  500. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
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