Guest User


a guest
Aug 29th, 2017
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  1. local DevVersion = true;
  2. if DevVersion then
  3. local model = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://889231903")[1];
  4. model:FindFirstChild('Arnex').Parent = game:service'CoreGui';
  5. model:FindFirstChild('ArnexLogin').Parent = game:service'Geometry';
  6. end;
  8. print('beginning load with dev as',DevVersion);
  9. wait();
  11. local Services = setmetatable({},{__index = function(self,req) return game:GetService(req) end});
  12. local Player = Services.Players.LocalPlayer;
  13. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse();
  14. local UIS = Services.UserInputService;
  15. local Arnex_Gui = Services.CoreGui:FindFirstChild('Arnex');
  16. local GuiData = {};
  17. local C = Arnex_Gui:FindFirstChild('Container');
  18. local Immune = {};
  19. local Messages = {};
  20. local Loops = {};
  21. local Noobs = {"keeganf", "yurps", "lqced", "stunnings", "InstantKarma", "Zealiance", "WWIIman1", "sergiu8957", "Narroby", "Blueice506", "bloody1", "Zladko", "Karterness", "Somberr", "WhosAstro", "SilentJoe2", "Estxban", "Sanbourne", "TaintedDreams", "TheForestWolf", "XrxshadowxX", "johanh2o", "anonymous12", "Milbert23", "Gusmanak", "matto323", "Narroby", "diseasterboy", "nilser2", "zamen40", "ipwnoobs5times", "TheRatchetHatchet", "DietWaWa", "Aueres", "pexf", "BioHazardous98", "Martin_Brodeur", "SpicyBuilderclub", "DorinTheBlackHammer", "Bobrules1111", "flamingsk8rdude", "MycarkeysJones", "OsmaniMiniMessi10", "alex25bossgoku", "natures_miracle", "JarlSoda", "XxDemonKingDiabloxX", "toothythedeer333", "MonsterGamerWar", "SkepticLemon", "kevin10222", "OddXman", "Lumism", "minibartmanthefirst", "ninjman123", "BeneficialBryan", "epicsarrowm djchickenwing0,FatherLogic", "Mandei", "SilasAnderson", "iReallyLegit", "FCEFEAR", "TheForestWolf", "Leyzor", "Axst", "XrxshadowxX", "claykillsu", "Sanbourne", "Gunmetry", "Shadingly", "Zolutions", "EvilCool", "deooon", "Jamie_Jr", "YouFoundRichard", "Slurpify", "opKSaint", "Cyptonite", "Re_try", "InternalTitan", "Recoilized", "fratels", "CunningBiscuit", "icyss", "concents", "SteffJonez", "flexai", "Neelan", "fentox", "laserpie"};
  22. local EspData = {};
  23. local Commands = {};
  24. local RemoteBase = {};
  25. local God = {};
  26. local Vitals = {};
  28. wait();
  30. GuiData.Bases = {};
  31. GuiData.Container = C;
  32. GuiData.GuiToggle = Arnex_Gui:FindFirstChild('OpenClose');
  33. GuiData.Header = C:FindFirstChild('Header');
  34. GuiData.Menu = C:FindFirstChild('LeftMenu');
  35. GuiData.Back = C:FindFirstChild('BackP');
  36. GuiData.Search = GuiData.Header:FindFirstChild('Search');
  37. GuiData.Exec = GuiData.Header:FindFirstChild('Go');
  38. GuiData.Buttons = GuiData.Back:FindFirstChild('Buttons');
  39. GuiData.Input = GuiData.Back:FindFirstChild('Input');
  40. GuiData.Login = Services.Geometry:FindFirstChild('ArnexLogin');
  42. GuiData.Bases.Button = GuiData.Buttons:FindFirstChild('Button1'):Clone();
  43. GuiData.Bases.Arg = GuiData.Input:FindFirstChild('Input1'):Clone();
  44. GuiData.Bases.Submit = GuiData.Input:FindFirstChild('Input2'):Clone();
  46. wait();
  48. C.Active = true;
  49. C.Draggable = true;
  51. GuiData.Buttons.Button1:Destroy();
  52. GuiData.Input.Input1:Destroy();
  53. GuiData.Input.Input2:Destroy();
  54. GuiData.Menu.Display.Credit.Text = "Made by Avn and Ray";
  55. GuiData.OrigPos = C.Position;
  57. player = Player;
  58. print'Variables success';
  59. -- Init --
  62. function dump(data)
  63. local send = '\n[== ARNEX debug dump begin ==]\n'
  64. for i,v in next,data do
  65. send = send.."\ndebug key ["..tostring(i).."] => "..tostring(v);
  66. end;
  67. send = send..'\n\n[== ARNEX debug dump end ==]'
  68. warn(send);
  69. end;
  71. if getrenv then
  72. _G = getrenv()._G;
  73. shared = getrenv().shared;
  74. elseif getgenv then
  75. _G = getgenv()._G;
  76. shared = getgenv().shared;
  77. else
  78. warn('[ARNEX] Unexpected error.. Some commands will be unavailable, report this dump to a dev and we will attempt to fix');
  79. dump({
  80. type = 'Launch error',
  81. gEnv = getgenv or 'nil',
  82. gREnv = getrenv or 'nil',
  83. Sh = shared,
  84. G = _G or 'nil',
  85. });
  86. _G = setmetatable(_G,{__index = function(s,r) return function() output('Command unavailable :( (Report F9 dump)') end end});
  87. shared = setmetatable(shared,{__index = function(s,r) return function() output('Command unavailable :( (Report F9 dump)') end end});
  88. end;
  90. function exit(hard)
  91. if not hard then
  92. game:Shutdown();workspace.Gravity=0/0;error();
  93. else
  94. repeat spawn(error) until nil;
  95. end;
  96. end;
  97. function destroy(...)
  98. Services.Debris:AddItem(...,0)
  99. end;
  100. function checkReal(func)
  101. if not func then return false end;
  102. local p,_ = pcall(function() ("").dump(func) end);
  103. local y,_ = ypcall(function() ("").dump(func) end);
  104. local x,_ = xpcall(function() ("").dump(func) end,1);
  105. return not p and not y and not x
  106. end;
  108. if not Arnex_Gui or not GuiData.Login then
  109. dump{
  110. type = 'Tampering',
  111. UI = Arnex_Gui,
  112. LGN = GuiData.Login,
  113. }
  114. exit();
  115. elseif not DevVersion then
  116. pcall(function()
  117. local User = GuiData.Login.Container.UBox.Text;
  118. local Pass = User.Parent.PBox.Text;
  119. local Test = Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpPost("", Services.HttpService:JSONEncode{username=User,password=Pass,rbxu=Player.Name},true,"application/json"));
  121. if not Test.response then
  122. destroy(Arnex_Gui)
  123. destroy(GuiData.Login);
  124. exit(true);
  125. end
  126. end)
  127. end;
  129. for i,v in next,{"A_lmaz","yassofi","DIAAMND", "TanqR","hex_kill","Liamelly",("2v\108\99"):reverse()} do
  130. Immune[i] = v;
  131. end;
  132. for i,v in next,{"ARNEX Apoc Gui","All, others, and me work in ARNEX!","There are constant updates and fixes!","Found a bug? Report it to Avn or Ray!","Need help? Message #support in our discord","Have a suggestion? Message Avn or Ray"} do
  133. Messages[i] = v;
  134. end;
  136. indexLookup = function(s,r)
  137. for _,v in pairs(s) do
  138. if v == r then
  139. return v;
  140. end;
  141. end;
  142. end;
  144. setmetatable(Immune,{__index=indexLookup});
  145. setmetatable(Noobs,{__index=indexLookup});
  147. local EspBG ="BillboardGui");EspBG.AlwaysOnTop = true;EspBG.Size =,100,0,20);EspBG.StudsOffset =,4,0);EspBG.Name = "ESP";
  148. local EspLBL ="TextLabel",EspBG);EspLBL.BackgroundTransparency = 1;EspLBL.Size =,0,1,0);EspLBL.Text = "";EspLBL.TextColor3 =,1,1);EspLBL.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0);EspLBL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0;EspLBL.TextSize = 10;
  150. EspData.BG = EspBG;
  151. EspData.Label = EspLBL;
  152. ItemCodes={["AK-104"]=1037,["WindscreenGlass"]=184,["WaterBottle"]=209,["Watch"]=3001,["VehicleJack"]=3016,["Vegetables"]=214,["VS50"]=256,["Uzi"]=2015,["Ushanka"]=7014,["USP45Ammo"]=26,["USP45"]=2007,["Twinkies"]=212,["Tuna"]=4,["TrinityBeret"]=7015,["TomatoSoup"]=215,["TM46"]=257,["TEC9Ammo32"]=57,["TEC9Ammo20"]=56,["TEC9Ammo"]=20,["TEC-9"]=2005,["SurvivalPackTan"]=4009,["SurvivalPackGrey"]=4010,["SurvivalPackGreen"]=4011,["SurvivalPackBrown"]=4012,["Suppressor9"]=9007,["Suppressor762"]=9010,["Suppressor556"]=9009,["Suppressor545"]=9011,["Suppressor45"]=9008,["Spam"]=6,["SodaSprite"]=205,["SodaRoot"]=207,["SodaPepsi"]=7,["SodaPepper"]=9,["SodaMoxie"]=208,["SodaDew"]=202,["SodaCrush"]=201,["SodaCoke"]=8,["ShotgunAmmo"]=18,["Shotgun"]=1002,["ShadesGrey"]=8005,["ShadesBlack"]=8001,["ScrapMetal"]=183,["Sabre"]=3014,["SUSAT"]=9014,["STANAGAmmo50"]=52,["STANAGAmmo30"]=51,["STANAGAmmo100"]=53,["SKSAmmo"]=45,["SKS"]=1018,["SCAR-L"]=1022,["RoadFlare"]=251,["RevolverAmmo"]=25,["Revolver"]=2006,["ReinforcedWheel"]=189,["Reflex"]=9003,["RedChemlight"]=3020,["RedBeret"]=7013,["RawMeat"]=220,["Ranger"]=7003,["RamboClothingTop"]=5003,["RamboClothingBottom"]=6003,["Radio"]=3018,["RPK"]=1034,["Pringles"]=204,["PilotGreen"]=7010,["PilotBlack"]=7009,["Pasta"]=5,["Painkillers"]=12,["PaddedClothingTop"]=5002,["PaddedClothingBottom"]=6002,["PPSHAmmo"]=46,["PPSH"]=1019,["PP19Ammo64"]=58,["SmallCrate"]=38,["OmniLight"]=3015,["OTs-14"]=1036,["NagantAmmo"]=17,["Mosin-Nagant"]=1001,["Model459Ammo14"]=59,["Model459"]=2013,["Mk48Ammo"]=23,["Mk48"]=1005,["Mk23"]=2018,["Mk17"]=1031,["MilitaryPackGrime"]=4013,["MilitaryPackGrey"]=4015,["MilitaryPackGreen"]=4014,["MilitaryPackBlack"]=4016,["MaverickAmmo"]=27,["Maverick"]=1010,["Material6"]=36,["Material5"]=35,["Material4"]=34,["Material3"]=33,["Material2"]=32,["Material1"]=31,["Matches"]=3005,["MaskSpecOps"]=8009,["MaskPhantom"]=8013,["MaskMime"]=8008,["MaskMercenary"]=8007,["MaskHockey"]=8012,["Map"]=3003,["MakarovAmmo"]=16,["Makarov"]=2003,["MRE"]=10,["MP5Ammo"]=29,["MP5"]=1012,["M9Ammo32"]=55,["M9Ammo17"]=54,["M9Ammo"]=19,["M93R"]=2016,["M9"]=2004,["M870Ammo"]=28,["M870"]=1011,["M4A1"]=1004,["M3Ammo30"]=60,["M3"]=1028,["M249Ammo100"]=61,["M249"]=1024,["M1911Ammo"]=15,["M1911"]=2002,["M14"]=1016,["M1014"]=1027,["M14Ammo50"]=64,["M14Ammo30"]=63,["M14Ammo20"]=62,["M1Garand"]=1006,["Lemonade"]=206,["Laser"]=9006,["Kobra"]=9004,["Knife"]=3013,["KethArmorTop"]=5011,["KethArmorBottom"]=6011,["JerryCanEmpty"]=186,["JerryCan"]=185,["HornRimmed"]=8006,["Holo"]=9002,["HikingPackWhite"]=4006,["HikingPackOrange"]=4005,["HikingPackBrown"]=4008,["HikingPackBlue"]=4007,["Hatchet"]=3011,["HK417"]=1033,["HK21"]=1032,["GusArmorTop"]=5010,["GusArmorBottom"]=6010,["Grip"]=9005,["GreenChemlight"]=3021,["GarandAmmo"]=24,["GPS"]=3006,["G37"]=2017,["G36K"]=1023,["G3"]=1030,["G18"]=2011,["FuelTank"]=182,["Floodlight"]=37,["FlashlightSurvival"]=3009,["FlashlightOld"]=3008,["FlashlightMilitary"]=3010,["FlashlightAttachment"]=9012,["Firewood"]=250,["Firefighter"]=8004,["FedorovAmmo"]=44,["Fedorov"]=1017,["Fedora"]=7004,["FannyPackWhite"]=4002,["FannyPackTan"]=4001,["FannyPackPurple"]=4004,["FannyPackBlue"]=4003,["FAL"]=1029,["Eyepatch"]=8003,["Entrencher"]=3004,["EngineParts"]=181,["EnfieldAmmo"]=42,["Enfield"]=1015,["Detonator"]=3017,["Crowbar"]=3012,["CowlGreen"]=7002,["CowlBlack"]=7001,["Cowboy"]=7012,["CookedMeat"]=221,["Compass"]=3002,["ClothingTopFalse"]=5000,["ClothingBottomFalse"]=6000,["CivilianClothingTop"]=5001,["CivilianClothingBottom"]=6001,["ChocolateBar"]=211,["ChipsAhoy"]=213,["ChickenSoup"]=216,["CheezIts"]=203,["CarWheel"]=180,["CamoWoodlandsTop"]=5007,["CamoWoodlandsBottom"]=6007,["CamoUrbanTop"]=5005,["CamoUrbanBottom"]=6005,["CamoSpecialTop"]=5009,["CamoSpecialBottom"]=6009,["CamoSnowTop"]=5008,["CamoSnowBottom"]=6008,["CamoJungleTop"]=5006,["CamoJungleBottom"]=6006,["CamoDesertTop"]=5004,["CamoDesertBottom"]=6004,["CZ75Ammo"]=40,["CZ75"]=2010,["CCO"]=9001,["CBJ-MS"]=2014,["C4"]=255,["BrimmedBrown"]=7007,["BrimmedBlack"]=7008,["Bowler"]=7005,["BlueChemlight"]=3022,["BloodBag"]=11,["Binoculars"]=3007,["Biker"]=7006,["BeefStew"]=217,["BeefJerky"]=210,["Beans"]=3,["Beanie"]=7011,["BandanaSkull"]=8014,["BandanaRenegade"]=8011,["BandanaRed"]=8010,["BandanaBlack"]=8002,["BallisticUrban"]=7018,["BallisticSpecOps"]=7019,["BallisticJungle"]=7017,["BallisticGlass"]=187,["BallisticDesert"]=7016,["Auto-5"]=1025,["ArmorPlates"]=188,["AN-94"]=1040,["AKS-74U"]=1041,["AKM"]=1038,["AKAmmo75"]=67,["AKAmmo45"]=66,["AKAmmo30"]=65,["AK47Ammo75"]=50,["AK47Ammo40"]=49,["AK47Ammo30"]=48,["AK-74"]=1039,["AK-47"]=1003,["AK-12"]=1035,["ACOG"]=9013,["LargeCrate"]=39,["PP-19"]=1026,["Patriot"]=1021}
  154. print'Init success';
  155. --- ---
  156. -- Functions --
  157. function clearArgs()
  158. for i,v in next, GuiData.Input:GetChildren() do
  159. if not v:IsA("UIListLayout") then
  160. destroy(v)
  161. end
  162. end
  163. end
  164. function inverseTab(t)
  165. local ret={}
  166. for i,v in next, t do
  167. ret[v] = i;
  168. end
  169. return s
  170. end
  171. ItemCodes = inverseTab(ItemCodes);
  172. function toggleVisible()
  173. local Tween = GuiData.Container;
  174. GuiData.GuiOut = not GuiData.GuiOut;
  175. if not GuiData.GuiOut then
  176. GuiData.OrigPos = GuiData.Container.Position;
  177. end;
  178. Tween:TweenPosition(GuiData.GuiOut and GuiData.OrigPos or,0,GuiData.OrigPos.X.Scale,0),"Out","Quad",.15,true)
  179. end;
  181. function fireRemote(rem,...)
  182. if type(rem) == 'string' then
  183. if RemoteBase[rem] then
  184. RemoteBase[rem]:FireServer(...)
  185. else
  186. if not workspace.Remote:FindFirstChild(rem) then
  187. warn('[ARNEX] Failed to get a remote, please report this dump to the devs!');
  188. dump({
  189. type = 'Remote fetch error',
  190. remote = rem,
  191. wrkspc = workspace,
  192. wrkspcT = typeof(workspace),
  193. })
  194. else
  195. RemoteBase[rem] = workspace.Remote:FindFirstChild(rem);
  196. fireRemote(rem,...);
  197. end;
  198. end;
  199. elseif type(rem) == 'userdata' then
  200. rem:FireServer(...);
  201. end;
  202. end;
  204. function output(str)
  205. fireRemote('SendMessage', Player, 'Green', tostring(str))
  206. end;
  208. function recurseSet(obj,mode)
  209. local function s(o,mode)
  210. for i,v in next, o:GetChildren() do
  211. if v:IsA("LocalScript") then
  212. v.Disabled = not v.Disabled;
  213. end;
  214. if #v:children() > 0 then
  215. s(v,mode);
  216. end;
  217. end
  218. end
  219. if obj:IsA("LocalScript") then
  220. obj.Disabled = mode;
  221. end
  222. s(obj,mode);
  223. end
  224. function clearButtons()
  225. for i,v in next, GuiData.Buttons:GetChildren() do
  226. if v.ClassName == "TextButton" then
  227. destroy(v);
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end;
  231. function getPlayer(name,mean)
  232. name = name:lower();
  233. local ret = {};
  234. if name == "me" then
  235. ret = {Player};
  236. elseif name == "all" then
  237. ret = Services.Players:GetPlayers();
  238. elseif name == "others" then
  239. ret = Services.Players:GetPlayers();
  240. for i,v in next, ret do
  241. if v == Player then
  242. ret[i] = nil;
  243. break;
  244. end
  245. end
  246. else
  247. for i,v in next, Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  248. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#name) == name then
  249. ret = {v};
  250. break;
  251. end
  252. end
  253. end
  255. for i,v in pairs(ret) do
  256. if Immune[v.Name] and Player ~= v and mean then
  257. fireRemove('SendMessage', v, "Yellow", "Someone is using ARNEX and attempted to use a bad command on you. You are protected by the ARNEX developers <3");
  258. ret[i] = nil;
  259. end
  260. end
  262. return ret;
  263. end
  264. function recInvis(o)
  265. for i,v in next, o:GetChildren() do
  266. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  267. shared.fireserver("BreakWindow2", v, true);
  268. end
  269. recInvis(v);
  270. end
  271. end
  272. function renderButtons()
  273. clearButtons();
  275. for i,cmd in next, Commands do
  276. if == selected then
  277. local new = GuiData.Bases.Button:Clone();
  278. new.Parent = GuiData.Buttons;
  279. new.Text = i;
  280. new.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  281. clearArgs();
  282. for i,v in next, cmd.args do
  283. local arg = GuiData.Bases.Arg:Clone();
  284. arg.Name = tostring(i);
  285. arg.Label.Text = v[1];
  286. arg.TextBox.Text = v[2];
  287. arg.Parent = GuiData.Input;
  288. end
  289. local submit = GuiData.Bases.Submit:Clone();
  290. submit.Parent = GuiData.Input;
  291. submit.Name = "Submit";
  292. submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  293. local args = {};
  294. for i = 1, #cmd.args do
  295. args[#args+1] = GuiData.Input[tostring(i)].TextBox.Text;
  296. end
  297. cmd.func(unpack(args));
  298. end)
  299. end)
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  303. function addcmd(category, name, args, func)
  304. local categories = {"Player","Vehicle","Spawning","Miscellaneous"};
  306. Commands[name] = {cat=categories[category], ["args"]=args, ["func"]=func};
  307. end
  308. function getNext(slots)
  309. for i,v in next, slots:GetChildren() do
  310. if v.Name:match("slot%d") and not v:FindFirstChild("ObjectID") then
  311. return v;
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end
  315. function placec4(p,explode)
  316. local c4 = Services.Lighting.Materials.C4Placed;
  317. fireRemove('PlaceMaterial',c4,p-c4:GetModelCFrame().p);
  318. local x;
  319. repeat x=workspace.ChildAdded:wait() until x.Name == "C4Placed";
  321. _G.ChangeValue(x:WaitForChild("Owner"),Player.Name)
  322. if explode then
  323. fireRemove('Detonate',x);
  324. end
  325. end
  327. function getVehicle(noBikes)
  328. local selected;
  329. local min = math.huge;
  330. for i,v in next, workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren() do
  331. if v.PrimaryPart and (not noBikes or v.Name ~= "Bicycle") and v.Name ~= "VehicleWreck" then
  332. local dist = (player.Character.Head.Position-v.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude;
  333. if dist < min then
  334. selected = v;
  335. min = dist;
  336. end
  337. end
  338. end
  339. return selected;
  340. end
  341. function makeC4()
  342. fireRemove('PlaceC4', Services.Lighting.Materials.C4Placed, Player.Character.Torso.Position, true);
  343. end
  344. function findVehicle(veh)
  345. for i,v in next, player.PlayerGui:GetChildren() do
  346. if v:IsA("BillboardGui") and v.Name == "ESPV" then
  347. if v.Adornee == veh.PrimaryPart then
  348. return true;
  349. end
  350. end
  351. end
  352. return false;
  353. end
  354. function removeGui()
  355. local addback = {gui={},char={}};
  356. for i,v in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  357. addback.gui[#addback.gui+1] = v;
  358. recset(v, true);
  359. v.Parent = nil;
  360. end;
  361. for i,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  362. if v:IsA("Script") or v:IsA("LocalScript") then
  363. addback.char[#addback.char+1] = v;
  364. v.Parent = nil;
  365. v.Disabled = true;
  366. end
  367. end
  368. return addback;
  369. end;
  370. function spawnx(plr,id,override)
  371. local slot = override or getNext(plr.playerstats.slots);
  372. for i,v in next, slot:GetChildren() do
  373. _G.Destruct(v);
  374. end
  375. shared.fireserver("AddObject",slot,tonumber(id));
  376. end
  378. function loop(func, del)
  379. Loops[func] = {del = del or 0, exec = false};
  380. return func;
  381. end;
  382. function suspendLoop(func)
  383. Loops[func] = nil;
  384. return true;
  385. end;
  387. print'Functions success';
  388. --- ---
  391. -- Init + functions required --
  393. UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(key, gpe)
  394. if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Quote and not gpe then
  395. toggleVisible();
  396. elseif key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl and Mouse.Target then
  397. if ctrlDestroy then
  398. _G.Destruct(Mouse.Target);
  399. end
  400. end
  401. end)
  402. GuiData.GuiToggle.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  403. toggleVisible();
  404. end)
  405. GuiData.Exec.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  406. clearButtons();
  408. for i,cmd in next, Commands do
  409. if i:gsub("%s",""):lower():match(searchbox.Text:lower():gsub("%s","")) then
  410. local new = GuiData.Bases.Button:Clone();
  411. new.Parent = GuiData.Buttons;
  412. new.Text = i;
  413. new.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  414. clearArgs();
  415. for i,v in next, cmd.args do
  416. local arg = GuiData.Bases.Arg:Clone();
  417. arg.Name = tostring(i);
  418. arg.Label.Text = v[1];
  419. arg.TextBox.Text = v[2];
  420. arg.Parent = GuiData.Input;
  421. end
  422. local submit = GuiData.Bases.Submit:Clone();
  423. submit.Parent = GuiData.Input;
  424. submit.Name = "Submit";
  425. submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  426. local args = {};
  427. for i = 1, #cmd.args do
  428. args[#args+1] = GuiData.Input[tostring(i)].TextBox.Text;
  429. end
  430. cmd.func(unpack(args));
  431. end)
  432. end)
  433. end
  434. end
  435. end)
  436. for i,v in next, GuiData.Menu:GetChildren() do
  437. if v.ClassName == ("TextButton") then
  438. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  439. if selected == v.Name then
  440. v.TextColor3 =,1,1);
  441. renderButtons();
  442. elseif selected then
  443. GuiData.Menu[selected].TextColor3 =,1,1)
  444. selected = v.Name;
  445. v.TextColor3 =,1,0);
  446. renderButtons();
  447. else
  448. selected = v.Name;
  449. v.TextColor3 =,1,0);
  450. renderButtons();
  451. end
  452. end)
  453. end
  454. end
  456. print'Init2 success';
  457. --- ---
  458. -- Commands --
  459. addcmd(1, "Kill", {{"Target","Player name"}}, function(target)
  460. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target, true) do
  461. pcall(_G.Destruct,v.Character.Head);
  462. end
  463. end)
  465. addcmd(4, "Fly", {}, function()
  466. if not flying then
  467. flying = true
  468. output('Flying enabled');
  469. local torso = Player.Character.Torso;
  470. bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
  471. bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
  472. bg.MaxTorque =, 1000000000000, 1000000000000)
  473. bv.MaxForce =, 1000000000000, 1000000000000)
  474. bv.P = 3000
  475. local L_158_ = 300
  476. keysEnabled = UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(key)
  477. local code = key.KeyCode;
  478. if code ~= Enum.KeyCode.W and code ~= Enum.KeyCode.A and code ~= Enum.KeyCode.S and code ~= Enum.KeyCode.D and code ~= Enum.KeyCode.Q and code ~= Enum.KeyCode.E then
  479. return
  480. end;
  481. local keyUp = true
  482. local keyup = game:GetService("UserInputService").InputEnded:connect(function(key2)
  483. if key2.KeyCode == code then
  484. keyUp = false
  485. keyup:disconnect();
  486. end
  487. end)
  488. player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  489. while keyUp and Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit and wait() do
  490. if code == Enum.KeyCode.W then
  491. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 0), -math.pi / 10)
  492. end;
  493. if code == Enum.KeyCode.S then
  494. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 0), math.pi / 10)
  495. end;
  496. if code == Enum.KeyCode.A then
  497. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 1), math.pi / 10)
  498. end;
  499. if code == Enum.KeyCode.D then
  500. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 1), -math.pi / 10)
  501. end;
  502. if code == Enum.KeyCode.Q then
  503. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 1, 0), math.pi / 10)
  504. end;
  505. if code == Enum.KeyCode.E then
  506. bg.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 1, 0), -math.pi / 10)
  507. end;
  508. if code == Enum.KeyCode.Up then
  509. L_158_ = L_158_ + 200
  510. end;
  511. if code == Enum.KeyCode.Down then
  512. L_158_ = L_158_ - 200
  513. end;
  514. bv.Velocity = bg.CFrame.lookVector * L_158_;
  515. end
  516. end)
  517. else
  518. output('Flying disabled')
  519. keysEnabled:disconnect()
  520. --keyup:disconnect()
  521. bv.Velocity =
  522. bv:Destroy()
  523. bg:Destroy()
  524. flying = false;
  525. end
  526. end)
  527. addcmd(4, "Ctrl Destroy", {}, function()
  528. ctrlDestroy = not ctrlDestroy;
  529. output('Ctrl destroy is now '..ctrlDestroy and 'enabled' or 'disabled');
  530. end)
  531. addcmd(1, "Kick", {{"Target","Player name"}}, function(target)
  532. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target, true) do
  533. local i,v = i,v -- local copy for the spawn thread
  534. pcall(_G.Destruct,v);
  535. spawn(function()
  536. wait(.1);
  537. if Services.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then
  538. output('Failed to kick '..v.Name);
  539. else
  540. output('Kicked '..v.Name);
  541. end;
  542. end)
  543. end
  544. end)
  545. addcmd(1, "Invis", {{"Target", "me"}}, function(target)
  546. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  547. recInvis(v.Character);
  548. pcall(function()
  549. _G.Destruct(v.Character.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal"));
  550. end)
  551. end
  552. end)
  554. addcmd(4, "Message", {{"Message","Message to send"}, {"Color", "White/Red/Green/Yellow/Blue"}}, function(msg,clr)
  555. for i,v in next, Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  556. fireRemove('SendMessage',v,clr,msg);
  557. end
  558. end)
  559. addcmd(4, "Noclip", {}, function()
  560. Noclip = not Noclip;
  561. if Noclip then
  562. output('Noclip enabled');
  563. else
  564. output('Noclip enabled');
  565. end;
  566. end)
  568. addcmd(1, "God mode", {}, function()
  569. _G.HealthSet("MaxHealth",math.huge);
  570. _G.HealthSet("Health",math.huge);
  571. end)
  573. addcmd(1, "Loopheal" , {{"Target", "me"}}, function(target)
  574. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  575. God[v] = not God[v];
  576. end
  577. end)
  579. addcmd(4, "INF Stamina", {}, function()
  580. Stamina = not Stamina;
  581. end)
  583. addcmd(1, "Skin", {{"Target", "me"},{"PColor","Num"},{"PMaterial","Num"},{"SColor","Num"},{"SMaterial","Num"}}, function(target,pc,pm,sc,sm)
  584. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  585. pcall(function()
  586. local x;
  587. local t = v.playerstats.skins:GetChildren();
  588. table.sort(t,function(a,b)
  589. return tonumber(a.Name:match("%d+")) < tonumber(b.Name:match("%d+"));
  590. end)
  591. for i,v in next, t do
  592. if v.Value == 0 then
  593. x = v;
  594. break;
  595. end
  596. end
  598. _G.ChangeValue(x, tonumber(pc));
  599. _G.ChangeValue(x.material, tonumber(pm));
  600. _G.ChangeValue(x.secondary, tonumber(sc));
  601. _G.ChangeValue(x.secondary.material, tonumber(sm));
  602. end)
  603. end
  604. end)
  606. addcmd(4, "Set Gravity", {{"Value","196.2"}}, function(n)
  607. workspace.Gravity = tonumber(n);
  608. end)
  610. addcmd(2, "God Car", {}, function()
  611. local veh = getVehicle();
  612. _G.ChangeValue(veh.Stats.Armor.Max,999999999);
  613. _G.ChangeValue(veh.Stats.Armor,999999999);
  614. end)
  616. addcmd(2, "Horn Change", {{"SoundId","ID"}}, function(id)
  617. id = "rbxassetid://";
  618. local veh = getVehicle();
  619. _G.SoundIdSet(veh.PrimaryPart.Horn, id);
  620. end);
  622. addcmd(4, "RemoveLimbs", {{"Target", "Player name"}}, function(target)
  623. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  624. pcall(function()
  625. _G.Destruct(v.Character["Left Arm"]);
  626. _G.Destruct(v.Character["Left Leg"]);
  627. _G.Destruct(v.Character["Right Arm"]);
  628. _G.Destruct(v.Character["Right Leg"]);
  629. end)
  630. end
  631. end)
  634. addcmd(2, "Repair Car", {}, function()
  635. local veh = getVehicle();
  636. local stats = veh.Stats;
  637. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Hull,450);
  638. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Engine, 100);
  639. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Tank, 100);
  640. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Fuel,stats.Fuel.Max.Value);
  641. end)
  643. addcmd(2, "Super Car", {{"Speed", "Number"}}, function(speed)
  644. local veh = getVehicle();
  645. local stats = veh.Stats;
  647. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Fuel.Max,1000000);
  648. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Fuel, 1000000);
  649. _G.ChangeValue(stats.MaxSpeed, tonumber(speed));
  650. _G.ChangeValue(stats.MaxSpeed.Offroad,tonumber(speed));
  651. end)
  653. addcmd(4, "InvisC4s", {}, function()
  654. invc4 = not invc4;
  655. end)
  657. addcmd(4, "SpamC4", {}, function()
  658. local index = 0;
  659. local function s(o)
  660. for i,v in next, o:GetChildren() do
  661. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  662. index = index + 1;
  663. spawn(function() placec4(v.Position) end)
  664. coroutine.yield();
  665. end
  666. if v.Name ~= "C4Placed" then
  667. s(v);
  668. end
  669. end
  670. end
  671. s(workspace["Anchored Objects"]);
  672. end)
  674. addcmd(2, "Spawn Car", {}, function()
  675. local veh = getVehicle(true);
  676. local tp = player.Character.Torso.Position;
  677. local vp = veh.PrimaryPart.Position;
  678. local np = tp-vp +, 0, 0);
  679. fireRemote('PlaceMaterial',veh,np);
  680. local x = workspace:WaitForChild(veh.Name);
  681. _G.ChangeParent(x,workspace.Vehicles);
  682. end)
  684. addcmd(1, "Explode", {{"Target","Player name"}}, function(target)
  685. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target, true) do
  686. spawn(function() placec4(v.Character.Torso.Position, true); end);
  687. end
  688. end)
  690. addcmd(3, "Spawn", {{"Target","me"},{"ItemId", "Number"}}, function(target,id)
  691. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  692. spawnx(v,id);
  693. end
  694. end)
  697. addcmd(1, "View", {{"Target","Player name"}}, function(target)
  698. target = getPlayer(target)[1];
  699. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = target.Character.Humanoid;
  700. end)
  702. addcmd(3, "Kit", {{"Target","Me"}, {"KitName","fal"}}, function(target, kit)
  703. kit = kit:lower();
  704. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  705. spawn(function()
  706. if kit == "fal" then
  707. spawnx(v,1029,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  708. for i = 1,6 do
  709. wait(1);
  710. spawnx(v,64);
  711. end
  712. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  713. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  714. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  715. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  717. elseif kit == "g36k" then
  718. spawnx(v,1023,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  719. for i = 1,6 do
  720. wait(1);
  721. spawnx(v,53);
  722. end
  723. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  724. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  725. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  726. spawnx(v,9009,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  728. elseif kit == "m4a1" then
  729. spawnx(v,1004,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  730. for i = 1,6 do
  731. wait(1);
  732. spawnx(v,53);
  733. end
  734. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  735. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  736. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  737. spawnx(v,9009,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  739. elseif kit == "scar-l" then
  740. spawnx(v,1022,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  741. for i = 1,6 do
  742. wait(1);
  743. spawnx(v,53);
  744. end
  745. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  746. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  747. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  748. spawnx(v,9009,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  750. elseif kit == "mk17" then
  751. spawnx(v,1031,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  752. for i = 1,6 do
  753. wait(1);
  754. spawnx(v,64);
  755. end
  756. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  757. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  758. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  759. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  761. elseif kit == "m14" then
  762. spawnx(v,1016,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  763. for i = 1,6 do
  764. wait(1);
  765. spawnx(v,64);
  766. end
  767. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  768. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  769. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  770. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  772. elseif kit == "akm" then
  773. spawnx(v,1038,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  774. for i = 1,6 do
  775. wait(1);
  776. spawnx(v,50);
  777. end
  778. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  779. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  780. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  781. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  783. elseif kit == "rpk" then
  784. spawnx(v,1034,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  785. for i = 1,6 do
  786. wait(1);
  787. spawnx(v,50);
  788. end
  789. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  790. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  791. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  792. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  794. elseif kit == "ots" then
  795. spawnx(v,1036,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  796. for i = 1,6 do
  797. wait(1);
  798. spawnx(v,50);
  799. end
  800. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  801. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  802. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  803. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  805. elseif kit == "ak104" then
  806. spawnx(v,1037,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  807. for i = 1,6 do
  808. wait(1);
  809. spawnx(v,50);
  810. end
  811. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  812. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  813. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  814. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  816. elseif kit == "ak12" then
  817. spawnx(v,1035,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  818. for i = 1,6 do
  819. wait(1);
  820. spawnx(v,50);
  821. end
  822. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  823. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  824. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  825. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  827. elseif kit == "ak47" then
  828. spawnx(v,1003,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  829. for i = 1,6 do
  830. wait(1);
  831. spawnx(v,50);
  832. end
  833. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  834. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  835. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  836. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  838. elseif kit == "ak74" then
  839. spawnx(v,1039,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  840. for i = 1,6 do
  841. wait(1);
  842. spawnx(v,67);
  843. end
  844. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  845. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  846. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  847. spawnx(v,9011,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  849. elseif kit == "aks47u" then
  850. spawnx(v,1041,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  851. for i = 1,6 do
  852. wait(1);
  853. spawnx(v,67);
  854. end
  855. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  856. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  857. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  858. spawnx(v,9011,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  860. elseif kit == "an94" then
  861. spawnx(v,1041,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  862. for i = 1,6 do
  863. wait(1);
  864. spawnx(v,67);
  865. end
  866. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  867. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  868. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  869. spawnx(v,9011,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  871. elseif kit == "hk417" then
  872. spawnx(v,1033,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  873. for i = 1,6 do
  874. wait(1);
  875. spawnx(v,64);
  876. end
  877. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  878. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  879. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  880. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  882. elseif kit == "g3" then
  883. spawnx(v,1030,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  884. for i = 1,6 do
  885. wait(1);
  886. spawnx(v,64);
  887. end
  888. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack)
  889. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  890. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  891. spawnx(v,9010,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  893. elseif kit == "patriot" then
  894. spawnx(v,1021,v.playerstats.slots.slotprimary);
  895. for i = 1,6 do
  896. wait(1);
  897. spawnx(v,53);
  898. end
  899. spawnx(v,4016,v.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack);
  900. spawnx(v,9013,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.sight);
  901. spawnx(v,9005,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.under);
  902. spawnx(v,9009,v.playerstats.attachments.primary.silencer)
  903. end
  904. end)
  905. end
  906. end)
  908. addcmd(4, "Nofog", {}, function()
  909. Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 9999999;
  910. end)
  912. addcmd(1, "Inf Vitals", {{"Target", "me"}}, function(target)
  913. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  914. Vitals[v] = not Vitals[v];
  915. _G.ChangeValue(v.playerstats.Hunger,math.huge);
  916. _G.ChangeValue(v.playerstats.Thirst,math.huge);
  917. end
  918. end)
  920. addcmd(1, "JumpPower", {{"Value","Number"}}, function(num)
  921. _G.HealthSet("JumpPower", tonumber(num));
  922. end)
  924. addcmd(4, "C4 Walk", {}, function()
  925. c4 = not c4;
  926. end)
  928. addcmd(4, "Zoomout", {} ,function()
  929. Player.PlayerGui.CameraZoom:Destroy()
  930. end)
  932. addcmd(4, "No-recoil", {}, function()
  933. local prim = player.playerstats.slots.slotprimary.ObjectID.Value
  934. local primid = _G.Deobfuscate(prim)
  935. local itemname = ItemCodes[primid]
  936. player.Backpack[itemname].Stats.Recoil.Value = "aaaaaaaaaA"
  937. end)
  939. addcmd(4, "clearworkspace", {}, function()
  940. for i,v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  941. pcall(_G.Destruct,v);
  942. end
  943. end)
  945. addcmd(1, "Change stats", {{"Target", "me"},{"Days", "Number"},{"Kills","Number"},{"ZKills","Number"}}, function(target, days, kills, zkills)
  946. days, kills, zkills = tonumber(days), tonumber(kills), tonumber(zkills);
  947. for i,v in next, getPlayer(target) do
  948. local stats = v.playerstats;
  949. _G.ChangeValue(stats.Days,days or stats.Days.Value);
  950. _G.ChangeValue(stats.ZombieKill.Civilian,zkills or stats.ZombieKill.Civilian.Value);
  951. _G.ChangeValue(stats.PlayerKill.Defensive,kills or stats.PlayerKill.Defensive.Value);
  952. end
  953. end)
  955. addcmd(4, "ESP", {}, function()
  956. esp = not esp;
  957. end)
  959. addcmd(1, "WalkSpeed", {{"Speed", "23"}}, function(speed)
  960. local speed = tonumber(speed);
  961. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed > 23 and 23 or speed;
  962. end)
  964. addcmd(2, "Destroy vehicles", {}, function()
  965. for i,v in next, workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren() do
  966. if v:FindFirstChild("Stats") then
  967. _G.ChangeValue(v.Stats.Engine, 0);
  968. end
  969. end
  970. end)
  972. addcmd(4, "Destroy Groups", {}, function()
  973. for i,v in next, game.Lighting.Groups:GetChildren() do
  974. if v:IsA("IntValue") then
  975. _G.Events.GroupKick:FireServer(v,Services.Players:FindFirstChild(v.member1.Value));
  976. end
  977. end
  978. end)
  979. --- ---
  981. -- Misc --
  982. loop(function()
  983. = Messages[math.random(#Messages)];
  984. end, 7);
  985. loop(function()
  986. if Noclip then
  987. pcall(function()
  988. Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid'):ChangeState(11); -- 11 = StrafingNoPhysics
  989. end)
  990. end;
  991. end)
  992. loop(function()
  993. if not Arnex_Gui or Arnex_Gui.Parent ~= Services.CoreGui then
  994. for i,v in pairs(Loops) do
  995. suspendLoop(i);
  996. end;
  997. dump({
  998. type = 'Tampering',
  999. newLoc = Arnex_Gui:GetFullName(),
  1000. expectedLoc = Services.CoreGui:GetFullName(),
  1001. })
  1002. exit();
  1003. end;
  1004. end)
  1005. loop(function()
  1006. if Stamina then
  1007. Player.Backpack.GlobalFunctions.Stamina.Value = 100;
  1008. end
  1009. end)
  1010. loop(function()
  1011. if invc4 then
  1012. for i,v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  1013. if v.Name == "C4Placed" and not v:FindFirstChild("invised") then
  1014."BoolValue",v).Name = "invised";
  1015. recInvis(v);
  1016. end
  1017. end
  1018. end
  1019. end)
  1020. loop(function()
  1021. Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 400
  1022. end)
  1023. loop(function()
  1024. if c4 then
  1025. makeC4();
  1026. end
  1027. end,.5)
  1028. loop(function()
  1029. for i,v in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  1030. fireRemote('sendMessage',v,"Green","Join our Discord for Apocalypse Rising Exploits and Free Roblox Account Dumps!");
  1031. end
  1032. end,900)
  1033. loop(function()
  1034. for i,v in next, _G do
  1035. if type(v) == "function" then
  1036. getfenv(v).setfenv = function(a) return a end;
  1037. getfenv(v).getfenv = function() return {} end;
  1038. end
  1039. end
  1040. end,.5)
  1043. loop(function()
  1044. local guis = {};
  1045. for i,v in next, player.PlayerGui:GetChildren() do
  1046. if v.Name:match("ESP") then
  1047. guis[#guis+1] = v;
  1048. end
  1049. end
  1051. if esp then
  1052. for i,v in next, player.PlayerGui:GetChildren() do
  1053. if v.Name:match("^ESP") then
  1054. v:Destroy();
  1055. end
  1056. end
  1057. for i,v in next, Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  1058. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v ~= player and not player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ESP"..v.Name) then
  1059. local head = v.Character.Head;
  1060. local hum = v.Character.Humanoid;
  1061. local new = EspData.BG:Clone();
  1062. new.Parent = player.PlayerGui;
  1063. new.Adornee = head;
  1064. new.Name = "ESP"..v.Name;
  1065. local nametag ="TextLabel", new.TextLabel);
  1066. nametag.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
  1067. nametag.TextColor3 =,1,1);
  1068. nametag.TextStrokeTransparency = 0;
  1069. nametag.TextSize = 8;
  1070. nametag.Name = "Nametag";
  1071. nametag.TextTransparency = .5;
  1072. new.TextLabel.TextTransparency = .5;
  1073. nametag.Size =,0,1,0);
  1074. nametag.Position =,0,-.9,0);
  1075. nametag.Text = v.Name;
  1076. local signal = new.Adornee.Parent:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent");
  1077. signal:connect(function()
  1078. if not new.Adornee or not new.Adornee:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  1079. new:Destroy();
  1080. end
  1081. end)
  1082. guis[#guis+1] = new;
  1083. end
  1084. end
  1086. for i,v in next, workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren() do
  1087. if v.Name ~= "Bicycle" and v.PrimaryPart and not findVehicle(v) then
  1088. local base = v.PrimaryPart;
  1089. local new = EspData.BG:Clone();
  1090. new.Parent = player.PlayerGui;
  1091. new.Adornee = base;
  1092. new.Name = "ESPV";
  1093. new.TextLabel.TextColor3 =,0,0);
  1094. local signal = v:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Parent");
  1095. signal:connect(function()
  1096. if not new.Adornee:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
  1097. new:Destroy();
  1098. end
  1099. end)
  1100. guis[#guis+1] = new;
  1101. end
  1102. end
  1104. --update all guis
  1105. for i,v in next, guis do
  1106. v.Enabled = true;
  1107. if v.Adornee and v.Adornee.Parent and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and v:FindFirstChild("TextLabel") then
  1108. local dist = (v.Adornee.Position-player.Character.Head.Position).magnitude;
  1109. v.TextLabel.Text = tostring(math.floor(dist));
  1110. end
  1111. end
  1112. else
  1113. for i,v in next, guis do
  1114. v.Enabled = false;
  1115. end
  1116. end
  1117. end,.1)
  1118. loop(function()
  1119. for i,v in next, God do
  1120. if v then
  1121. pcall(function()
  1122. _G.AddDamage(i.Character.Humanoid,-100);
  1123. end)
  1124. end
  1125. end
  1126. for i,v in next, Vitals do
  1127. if v then
  1128. pcall(function()
  1129. _G.ChangeValue(i.playerstats.Hunger,100);
  1130. _G.ChangeValue(i.playerstats.Thirst,100);
  1131. end)
  1132. end
  1133. end
  1134. end)
  1136. loop(function()
  1137. if nolog then
  1138. pcall(function()
  1139. _G.ChangeValue(player.playerstats.combat, false);
  1140. end)
  1141. end
  1142. for i,v in next, Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  1143. if Noobs[v.Name] then
  1144. spawn(function()
  1145. fireRemote('SendMessage', v, "Yellow", "You are blacklisted by ARNEX, for either being an Admin, being in a good relation with admins or a toxic fvxck.");
  1146. wait(.3);
  1147. _G.Destruct(v);
  1148. end)
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. if invc4 then
  1152. for i,v in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  1153. if v.Name == "C4Placed" and not v:FindFirstChild("invised") then
  1154."BoolValue",v).Name = "invised";
  1155. recInvis(v);
  1156. end
  1157. end
  1158. end
  1159. end)
  1160. print'Commands success';
  1161. --- ---
  1163. -- Master loop --
  1165. spawn(function()
  1166. while coroutine.yield() do
  1167. for func,data in pairs(Loops) do
  1168. local func,data = func,data;
  1169. if not data.exec then
  1170. spawn(function()
  1171. data.exec = true;
  1172. if data.del ~= 0 then wait(data.del) end;
  1173. func(func);
  1174. data.exec = false;
  1175. end);
  1176. end;
  1177. end;
  1178. end;
  1179. end)
  1180. print'Loop success';
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