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a guest
Apr 7th, 2019
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text 371.32 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 06:43:12,304 INFO Config:4450 - Loaded 30 Filter Words.
  2. 06:43:12,307 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Database ]
  3. 06:43:12,359 INFO MLog:80 - MLog clients using log4j logging.
  4. 06:43:12,426 INFO C3P0Registry:204 - Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
  5. 06:43:12,702 INFO AbstractPoolBackedDataSource:462 - Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> f0t596a11w85lv718e4i83|2a32de6c, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> f0t596a11w85lv718e4i83|2a32de6c, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2aron, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 9999, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
  6. 06:43:12,726 INFO Loader:213 - L2DatabaseFactory: loaded.
  7. 06:43:12,761 INFO HtmCache:82 - Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache
  8. 06:43:12,788 INFO CrestCache:150 - Cache[Crest]: 0.003MB on 14 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
  9. 06:43:12,804 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:89 - Initializing Script Engine Manager
  10. 06:43:12,874 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5
  11. 06:43:12,899 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
  12. 06:43:16,115 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
  13. 06:43:16,458 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_191 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
  14. 06:43:16,516 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ World ]
  15. 06:43:16,517 INFO L2World:963 - L2World: Setting up World Regions
  16. 06:43:16,560 INFO L2World:991 - L2World: (87x128) World Region Grid set up.
  17. 06:43:16,566 INFO Announcements:192 - Announcements: Loaded 7 Announcements.
  18. 06:43:16,573 INFO AutoAnnouncementHandler:84 - GameServer: Loaded 7 Auto Announcements.
  19. 06:43:16,575 INFO DonateGiverTaskManager:38 - DonateGiver: started.
  20. 06:43:16,585 INFO IdFactory:136 - Updated characters online status.
  21. 06:43:16,923 INFO BitSetIDFactory:79 - IDFactory: 411648 id's available.
  22. 06:43:16,934 INFO StaticObjects:60 - StaticObject: Loaded 30 StaticObject Templates.
  23. 06:43:16,959 INFO TeleportLocationTable:94 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 863 Teleport Location Templates
  24. 06:43:16,963 INFO TeleportLocationTable:134 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded {} Custom Teleport Location Templates. 178
  25. 06:43:16,987 INFO ExperienceData:95 - ExperienceData: Loaded 87 levels
  26. 06:43:16,987 INFO ExperienceData:96 - ExperienceData: Max Player Level is: 80
  27. 06:43:16,988 INFO ExperienceData:97 - ExperienceData: Max Pet Level is: 80
  28. 06:43:16,989 INFO DuelManager:56 - Initializing DuelManager
  29. 06:43:17,000 INFO AutoSaveManager:56 - Initializing AutoSaveManager
  30. 06:43:17,002 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
  31. 06:43:19,370 INFO SkillsEngine:121 - SkillsEngine: Loaded 30571 Skill templates from XML files.
  32. 06:43:19,372 INFO SkillTreeTable:76 - SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
  33. 06:43:19,372 INFO Loader:271 - Skills: All skills loaded.
  34. 06:43:19,373 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Items ]
  35. 06:43:19,667 INFO ItemTable:300 - ItemTable: Loaded 1202 Armors.
  36. 06:43:19,671 INFO ItemTable:306 - ItemTable: Loaded 6884 Items.
  37. 06:43:19,977 INFO ItemTable:312 - ItemTable: Loaded 1456 Weapons.
  38. 06:43:19,981 INFO ItemTable:649 - Highest item id used: 99996
  39. 06:43:19,988 INFO ArmorSetsTable:87 - Loaded: 57 armor sets.
  40. 06:43:19,989 INFO CustomArmorSetsTable:72 - ArmorSetsTable: Loaded custom armor sets.
  41. 06:43:20,007 INFO ExtractableItemsData:148 - Extractable items data: Loaded 334 extractable items!
  42. 06:43:20,013 INFO SummonItemsData:133 - Summon items data: Loaded 12 summon items.
  43. 06:43:20,059 INFO SkillTreeTable:168 - FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
  44. 06:43:20,060 INFO Util:141 - =======================================================================-[ Npc ]
  45. 06:43:20,061 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:57 - Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
  46. 06:43:20,063 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:124 - WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.
  47. 06:43:20,272 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6602 Npc Templates.
  48. 06:43:20,274 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6627 Npc Templates.
  49. 06:43:20,305 INFO NpcTable:302 - CustomDropList : Added 0 custom droplist
  50. 06:43:20,363 INFO NpcTable:441 - NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
  51. 06:43:20,364 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Characters ]
  52. 06:43:20,385 INFO CrownManager:47 - CrownManager: initialized
  53. 06:43:20,500 INFO ClanTable:154 - Restored 12 clans from the database.
  54. 06:43:20,506 INFO CharTemplateTable:274 - CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
  55. 06:43:20,512 INFO LevelUpData:106 - LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.
  56. 06:43:20,515 INFO HennaTable:115 - HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
  57. 06:43:20,601 INFO HennaTreeTable:138 - HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
  58. 06:43:20,603 INFO HennaTable:170 - Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 templates
  59. 06:43:20,603 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Geodata ]
  60. 06:43:20,606 INFO GeoData:588 - Geo Engine: - Loading Geodata...
  61. 06:43:20,608 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_20.l2j -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  62. 06:43:20,612 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  63. 06:43:20,612 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_21.l2j -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  64. 06:43:20,616 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  65. 06:43:20,616 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_22.l2j -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  66. 06:43:20,620 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  67. 06:43:20,620 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_23.l2j -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  68. 06:43:20,623 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  69. 06:43:20,623 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_24.l2j -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  70. 06:43:20,651 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  71. 06:43:20,651 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_25.l2j -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  72. 06:43:20,655 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  73. 06:43:20,656 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_26.l2j -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  74. 06:43:20,658 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  75. 06:43:20,658 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_10.l2j -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  76. 06:43:20,779 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 16945334 Loaded: 16945334
  77. 06:43:20,780 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_11.l2j -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  78. 06:43:20,797 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1601630 Loaded: 1601630
  79. 06:43:20,798 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_12.l2j -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  80. 06:43:20,815 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1353526 Loaded: 1353526
  81. 06:43:20,816 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_13.l2j -> region offset: 525X: 16 Y: 13
  82. 06:43:20,819 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  83. 06:43:20,819 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_14.l2j -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  84. 06:43:20,822 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  85. 06:43:20,822 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_15.l2j -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  86. 06:43:20,825 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  87. 06:43:20,825 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_16.l2j -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  88. 06:43:20,829 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  89. 06:43:20,829 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_17.l2j -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  90. 06:43:20,851 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  91. 06:43:20,851 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_18.l2j -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  92. 06:43:20,855 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  93. 06:43:20,855 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_19.l2j -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  94. 06:43:20,862 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 261120 Loaded: 261120
  95. 06:43:20,862 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_20.l2j -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  96. 06:43:20,868 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 351336 Loaded: 351336
  97. 06:43:20,869 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_21.l2j -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  98. 06:43:20,879 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 755262 Loaded: 755262
  99. 06:43:20,891 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_22.l2j -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  100. 06:43:20,895 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196860 Loaded: 196860
  101. 06:43:20,895 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_23.l2j -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  102. 06:43:20,899 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 244614 Loaded: 244614
  103. 06:43:20,900 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_24.l2j -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  104. 06:43:20,911 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1458578 Loaded: 1458578
  105. 06:43:20,914 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_25.l2j -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  106. 06:43:20,929 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2174086 Loaded: 2174086
  107. 06:43:20,930 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_26.l2j -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  108. 06:43:20,951 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  109. 06:43:20,951 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_10.l2j -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  110. 06:43:20,964 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1599974 Loaded: 1599974
  111. 06:43:20,964 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_11.l2j -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  112. 06:43:20,977 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1633812 Loaded: 1633812
  113. 06:43:20,978 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_12.l2j -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  114. 06:43:20,981 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  115. 06:43:20,981 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_13.l2j -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  116. 06:43:20,984 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  117. 06:43:20,985 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_14.l2j -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  118. 06:43:20,987 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  119. 06:43:20,988 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_15.l2j -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  120. 06:43:20,990 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  121. 06:43:20,990 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_16.l2j -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  122. 06:43:20,994 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  123. 06:43:20,994 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_17.l2j -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  124. 06:43:20,997 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  125. 06:43:20,997 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_18.l2j -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  126. 06:43:21,002 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  127. 06:43:21,002 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_19.l2j -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  128. 06:43:21,006 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 197112 Loaded: 197112
  129. 06:43:21,007 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_20.l2j -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  130. 06:43:21,026 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3314810 Loaded: 3314810
  131. 06:43:21,026 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_21.l2j -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  132. 06:43:21,047 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4579004 Loaded: 4579004
  133. 06:43:21,048 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_22.l2j -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  134. 06:43:21,069 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4361168 Loaded: 4361168
  135. 06:43:21,069 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_23.l2j -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  136. 06:43:21,076 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 907572 Loaded: 907572
  137. 06:43:21,077 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_24.l2j -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  138. 06:43:21,081 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 280650 Loaded: 280650
  139. 06:43:21,081 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_25.l2j -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  140. 06:43:21,098 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2338812 Loaded: 2338812
  141. 06:43:21,098 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_26.l2j -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  142. 06:43:21,102 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  143. 06:43:21,102 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_10.l2j -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  144. 06:43:21,113 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1561170 Loaded: 1561170
  145. 06:43:21,113 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_11.l2j -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  146. 06:43:21,117 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  147. 06:43:21,117 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_12.l2j -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  148. 06:43:21,120 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  149. 06:43:21,120 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_13.l2j -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  150. 06:43:21,125 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  151. 06:43:21,126 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_14.l2j -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  152. 06:43:21,144 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4328592 Loaded: 4328592
  153. 06:43:21,144 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_15.l2j -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  154. 06:43:21,149 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  155. 06:43:21,149 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_16.l2j -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  156. 06:43:21,152 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  157. 06:43:21,152 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_17.l2j -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  158. 06:43:21,155 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228864 Loaded: 228864
  159. 06:43:21,155 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_18.l2j -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  160. 06:43:21,158 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 198372 Loaded: 198372
  161. 06:43:21,158 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_19.l2j -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  162. 06:43:21,176 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3112866 Loaded: 3112866
  163. 06:43:21,177 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_20.l2j -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  164. 06:43:21,200 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4368058 Loaded: 4368058
  165. 06:43:21,200 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_21.l2j -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  166. 06:43:21,224 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4282506 Loaded: 4282506
  167. 06:43:21,224 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_22.l2j -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  168. 06:43:21,248 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5695118 Loaded: 5695118
  169. 06:43:21,248 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_23.l2j -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  170. 06:43:21,273 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 5279650 Loaded: 5279650
  171. 06:43:21,273 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_24.l2j -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  172. 06:43:21,297 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3543774 Loaded: 3543774
  173. 06:43:21,298 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_25.l2j -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  174. 06:43:21,301 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228612 Loaded: 228612
  175. 06:43:21,301 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_26.l2j -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  176. 06:43:21,304 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  177. 06:43:21,305 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_10.l2j -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  178. 06:43:21,317 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1559514 Loaded: 1559514
  179. 06:43:21,317 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_11.l2j -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  180. 06:43:21,320 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  181. 06:43:21,320 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_12.l2j -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  182. 06:43:21,324 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  183. 06:43:21,324 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_13.l2j -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  184. 06:43:21,342 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3423392 Loaded: 3423392
  185. 06:43:21,342 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_14.l2j -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  186. 06:43:21,362 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 4718600 Loaded: 4718600
  187. 06:43:21,362 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_15.l2j -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  188. 06:43:21,382 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3949604 Loaded: 3949604
  189. 06:43:21,383 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_16.l2j -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  190. 06:43:21,404 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3466828 Loaded: 3466828
  191. 06:43:21,404 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_17.l2j -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  192. 06:43:21,414 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 1269380 Loaded: 1269380
  193. 06:43:21,414 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_18.l2j -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  194. 06:43:21,435 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4882918 Loaded: 4882918
  195. 06:43:21,435 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_19.l2j -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  196. 06:43:21,452 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 2578644 Loaded: 2578644
  197. 06:43:21,452 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_20.l2j -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  198. 06:43:21,472 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3724650 Loaded: 3724650
  199. 06:43:21,473 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_21.l2j -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  200. 06:43:21,493 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3352386 Loaded: 3352386
  201. 06:43:21,493 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_22.l2j -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  202. 06:43:21,515 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4676140 Loaded: 4676140
  203. 06:43:21,515 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_23.l2j -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  204. 06:43:21,539 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5129654 Loaded: 5129654
  205. 06:43:21,539 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_24.l2j -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  206. 06:43:21,558 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2870100 Loaded: 2870100
  207. 06:43:21,558 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_25.l2j -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  208. 06:43:21,561 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  209. 06:43:21,561 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_26.l2j -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  210. 06:43:21,564 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  211. 06:43:21,565 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_10.l2j -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  212. 06:43:21,572 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 895996 Loaded: 895996
  213. 06:43:21,572 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_11.l2j -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  214. 06:43:21,576 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  215. 06:43:21,576 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_12.l2j -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  216. 06:43:21,579 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  217. 06:43:21,580 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_13.l2j -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  218. 06:43:21,606 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4267314 Loaded: 4267314
  219. 06:43:21,606 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_14.l2j -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  220. 06:43:21,636 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7880804 Loaded: 7880804
  221. 06:43:21,636 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_15.l2j -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  222. 06:43:21,654 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3935754 Loaded: 3935754
  223. 06:43:21,655 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_16.l2j -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  224. 06:43:21,674 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3553506 Loaded: 3553506
  225. 06:43:21,675 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_17.l2j -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  226. 06:43:21,699 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5709916 Loaded: 5709916
  227. 06:43:21,699 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_18.l2j -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  228. 06:43:21,721 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3620360 Loaded: 3620360
  229. 06:43:21,722 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_19.l2j -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  230. 06:43:21,741 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2651036 Loaded: 2651036
  231. 06:43:21,742 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_20.l2j -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  232. 06:43:21,767 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5135826 Loaded: 5135826
  233. 06:43:21,767 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_21.l2j -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  234. 06:43:21,811 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 9887908 Loaded: 9887908
  235. 06:43:21,811 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_22.l2j -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  236. 06:43:21,833 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4832510 Loaded: 4832510
  237. 06:43:21,834 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_23.l2j -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  238. 06:43:21,860 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3431390 Loaded: 3431390
  239. 06:43:21,860 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_24.l2j -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  240. 06:43:21,862 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  241. 06:43:21,863 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_25.l2j -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  242. 06:43:21,866 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  243. 06:43:21,867 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_26.l2j -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  244. 06:43:21,870 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  245. 06:43:21,870 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_10.l2j -> region offset: 682X: 21 Y: 10
  246. 06:43:21,873 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  247. 06:43:21,873 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_11.l2j -> region offset: 683X: 21 Y: 11
  248. 06:43:21,876 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  249. 06:43:21,876 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_12.l2j -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  250. 06:43:21,880 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  251. 06:43:21,880 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_13.l2j -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  252. 06:43:21,884 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 284682 Loaded: 284682
  253. 06:43:21,884 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_14.l2j -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  254. 06:43:21,972 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7660720 Loaded: 7660720
  255. 06:43:21,972 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_15.l2j -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  256. 06:43:22,018 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6861616 Loaded: 6861616
  257. 06:43:22,019 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_16.l2j -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  258. 06:43:22,131 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 10 Size: 7195714 Loaded: 7195714
  259. 06:43:22,131 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_17.l2j -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  260. 06:43:22,160 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 1781764 Loaded: 1781764
  261. 06:43:22,161 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_18.l2j -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  262. 06:43:22,255 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6043604 Loaded: 6043604
  263. 06:43:22,255 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_19.l2j -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  264. 06:43:22,301 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 2863506 Loaded: 2863506
  265. 06:43:22,301 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_20.l2j -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  266. 06:43:22,361 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3780676 Loaded: 3780676
  267. 06:43:22,361 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_21.l2j -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  268. 06:43:22,471 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 7233862 Loaded: 7233862
  269. 06:43:22,471 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_22.l2j -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  270. 06:43:22,564 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5973246 Loaded: 5973246
  271. 06:43:22,564 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_23.l2j -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  272. 06:43:22,651 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5335506 Loaded: 5335506
  273. 06:43:22,652 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_24.l2j -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  274. 06:43:22,754 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6358098 Loaded: 6358098
  275. 06:43:22,754 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_25.l2j -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  276. 06:43:22,767 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 751114 Loaded: 751114
  277. 06:43:22,768 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_13.l2j -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  278. 06:43:22,864 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6519334 Loaded: 6519334
  279. 06:43:22,865 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_14.l2j -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  280. 06:43:22,992 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7990830 Loaded: 7990830
  281. 06:43:22,992 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_15.l2j -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  282. 06:43:23,115 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7774266 Loaded: 7774266
  283. 06:43:23,116 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_16.l2j -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  284. 06:43:23,238 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7809436 Loaded: 7809436
  285. 06:43:23,239 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_17.l2j -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  286. 06:43:23,315 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4647190 Loaded: 4647190
  287. 06:43:23,315 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_18.l2j -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  288. 06:43:23,384 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 4226282 Loaded: 4226282
  289. 06:43:23,384 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_19.l2j -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  290. 06:43:23,451 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4035796 Loaded: 4035796
  291. 06:43:23,451 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_20.l2j -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  292. 06:43:23,510 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3394924 Loaded: 3394924
  293. 06:43:23,511 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_21.l2j -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  294. 06:43:23,584 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4599770 Loaded: 4599770
  295. 06:43:23,584 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_22.l2j -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  296. 06:43:23,682 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5563560 Loaded: 5563560
  297. 06:43:23,682 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_23.l2j -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  298. 06:43:23,754 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4409314 Loaded: 4409314
  299. 06:43:23,754 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_24.l2j -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  300. 06:43:23,819 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3962974 Loaded: 3962974
  301. 06:43:23,820 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_25.l2j -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  302. 06:43:23,911 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 5374500 Loaded: 5374500
  303. 06:43:23,912 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_26.l2j -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  304. 06:43:23,915 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  305. 06:43:23,916 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_10.l2j -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  306. 06:43:23,921 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 276870 Loaded: 276870
  307. 06:43:23,921 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_11.l2j -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  308. 06:43:23,975 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3265184 Loaded: 3265184
  309. 06:43:23,975 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_12.l2j -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  310. 06:43:24,090 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7139550 Loaded: 7139550
  311. 06:43:24,090 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_13.l2j -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  312. 06:43:24,191 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6485174 Loaded: 6485174
  313. 06:43:24,192 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_14.l2j -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  314. 06:43:24,309 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7548792 Loaded: 7548792
  315. 06:43:24,309 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_15.l2j -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  316. 06:43:24,487 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 10894422 Loaded: 10894422
  317. 06:43:24,488 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_16.l2j -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  318. 06:43:24,591 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6424884 Loaded: 6424884
  319. 06:43:24,591 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_17.l2j -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  320. 06:43:24,713 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6472620 Loaded: 6472620
  321. 06:43:24,713 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_18.l2j -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  322. 06:43:24,842 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 21 Size: 8017312 Loaded: 8017312
  323. 06:43:24,842 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_19.l2j -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  324. 06:43:24,957 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7039468 Loaded: 7039468
  325. 06:43:24,958 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_20.l2j -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  326. 06:43:25,071 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7313320 Loaded: 7313320
  327. 06:43:25,072 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_21.l2j -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  328. 06:43:25,168 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5915114 Loaded: 5915114
  329. 06:43:25,168 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_22.l2j -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  330. 06:43:25,236 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4418070 Loaded: 4418070
  331. 06:43:25,236 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_23.l2j -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  332. 06:43:25,318 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4910322 Loaded: 4910322
  333. 06:43:25,318 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_24.l2j -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  334. 06:43:25,395 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4671462 Loaded: 4671462
  335. 06:43:25,395 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_25.l2j -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  336. 06:43:25,447 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3264202 Loaded: 3264202
  337. 06:43:25,447 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_26.l2j -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  338. 06:43:25,451 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  339. 06:43:25,452 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_10.l2j -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  340. 06:43:25,458 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 262506 Loaded: 262506
  341. 06:43:25,458 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_11.l2j -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  342. 06:43:25,510 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3305300 Loaded: 3305300
  343. 06:43:25,511 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_12.l2j -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  344. 06:43:25,690 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 11356176 Loaded: 11356176
  345. 06:43:25,690 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_13.l2j -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  346. 06:43:25,750 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 3702306 Loaded: 3702306
  347. 06:43:25,751 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_14.l2j -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  348. 06:43:25,849 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6156546 Loaded: 6156546
  349. 06:43:25,849 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_15.l2j -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  350. 06:43:25,938 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5781964 Loaded: 5781964
  351. 06:43:25,938 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_16.l2j -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  352. 06:43:26,038 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5839078 Loaded: 5839078
  353. 06:43:26,039 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_17.l2j -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  354. 06:43:26,133 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5651342 Loaded: 5651342
  355. 06:43:26,133 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_18.l2j -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  356. 06:43:26,199 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4063182 Loaded: 4063182
  357. 06:43:26,200 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_19.l2j -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  358. 06:43:26,252 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3335538 Loaded: 3335538
  359. 06:43:26,253 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_20.l2j -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  360. 06:43:26,385 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7885768 Loaded: 7885768
  361. 06:43:26,385 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_21.l2j -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  362. 06:43:26,454 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4126332 Loaded: 4126332
  363. 06:43:26,455 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_22.l2j -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  364. 06:43:26,499 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 2541216 Loaded: 2541216
  365. 06:43:26,499 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_23.l2j -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  366. 06:43:26,512 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 720254 Loaded: 720254
  367. 06:43:26,512 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_24.l2j -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  368. 06:43:26,519 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 340626 Loaded: 340626
  369. 06:43:26,519 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_25.l2j -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  370. 06:43:26,528 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 586578 Loaded: 586578
  371. 06:43:26,528 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_26.l2j -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  372. 06:43:26,532 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  373. 06:43:26,532 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_10.l2j -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  374. 06:43:26,537 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 257088 Loaded: 257088
  375. 06:43:26,537 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_11.l2j -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  376. 06:43:26,599 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 3659954 Loaded: 3659954
  377. 06:43:26,599 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_12.l2j -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  378. 06:43:26,821 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 8 Size: 13722452 Loaded: 13722452
  379. 06:43:26,821 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_14.l2j -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  380. 06:43:27,034 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 13850476 Loaded: 13850476
  381. 06:43:27,034 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_15.l2j -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  382. 06:43:27,223 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 12010470 Loaded: 12010470
  383. 06:43:27,223 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_16.l2j -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  384. 06:43:27,320 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6498272 Loaded: 6498272
  385. 06:43:27,321 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_17.l2j -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  386. 06:43:27,461 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 8580214 Loaded: 8580214
  387. 06:43:27,461 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_18.l2j -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  388. 06:43:27,531 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4088106 Loaded: 4088106
  389. 06:43:27,531 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_19.l2j -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  390. 06:43:27,699 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 9445748 Loaded: 9445748
  391. 06:43:27,699 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_20.l2j -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  392. 06:43:27,737 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 2397506 Loaded: 2397506
  393. 06:43:27,737 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_21.l2j -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  394. 06:43:27,762 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1351742 Loaded: 1351742
  395. 06:43:27,763 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_11.l2j -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  396. 06:43:27,780 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 977682 Loaded: 977682
  397. 06:43:27,780 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_12.l2j -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  398. 06:43:27,804 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 1388820 Loaded: 1388820
  399. 06:43:27,804 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_14.l2j -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  400. 06:43:27,850 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2747550 Loaded: 2747550
  401. 06:43:27,851 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_15.l2j -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  402. 06:43:27,854 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  403. 06:43:27,855 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_16.l2j -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  404. 06:43:27,858 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  405. 06:43:27,861 INFO GeoPathFinding:276 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading Path Nodes...
  406. 06:43:27,862 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  407. 06:43:27,876 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  408. 06:43:27,890 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  409. 06:43:27,902 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  410. 06:43:27,914 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  411. 06:43:27,927 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  412. 06:43:27,940 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  413. 06:43:27,952 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  414. 06:43:27,985 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  415. 06:43:27,997 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  416. 06:43:28,009 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  417. 06:43:28,052 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  418. 06:43:28,065 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  419. 06:43:28,075 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  420. 06:43:28,094 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  421. 06:43:28,110 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  422. 06:43:28,151 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  423. 06:43:28,162 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  424. 06:43:28,175 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  425. 06:43:28,187 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  426. 06:43:28,199 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  427. 06:43:28,210 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  428. 06:43:28,223 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  429. 06:43:28,235 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  430. 06:43:28,247 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  431. 06:43:28,261 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  432. 06:43:28,273 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  433. 06:43:28,284 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  434. 06:43:28,297 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  435. 06:43:28,310 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  436. 06:43:28,322 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  437. 06:43:28,333 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  438. 06:43:28,346 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  439. 06:43:28,358 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  440. 06:43:28,370 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  441. 06:43:28,382 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  442. 06:43:28,393 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  443. 06:43:28,405 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  444. 06:43:28,418 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  445. 06:43:28,431 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  446. 06:43:28,444 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  447. 06:43:28,456 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  448. 06:43:28,468 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  449. 06:43:28,481 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  450. 06:43:28,494 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  451. 06:43:28,507 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  452. 06:43:28,520 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  453. 06:43:28,530 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  454. 06:43:28,543 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  455. 06:43:28,556 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  456. 06:43:28,568 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  457. 06:43:28,579 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  458. 06:43:28,592 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  459. 06:43:28,605 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  460. 06:43:28,617 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  461. 06:43:28,630 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  462. 06:43:28,642 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  463. 06:43:28,654 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  464. 06:43:28,666 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  465. 06:43:28,678 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  466. 06:43:28,690 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  467. 06:43:28,703 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  468. 06:43:28,715 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  469. 06:43:28,728 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  470. 06:43:28,741 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  471. 06:43:28,753 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  472. 06:43:28,765 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  473. 06:43:28,777 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  474. 06:43:28,789 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  475. 06:43:28,802 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  476. 06:43:28,814 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  477. 06:43:28,826 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  478. 06:43:28,838 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  479. 06:43:28,850 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  480. 06:43:28,862 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  481. 06:43:28,876 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  482. 06:43:28,888 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  483. 06:43:28,900 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  484. 06:43:28,913 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  485. 06:43:28,928 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  486. 06:43:28,939 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  487. 06:43:28,950 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  488. 06:43:28,964 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  489. 06:43:28,977 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  490. 06:43:28,988 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  491. 06:43:29,001 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  492. 06:43:29,018 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  493. 06:43:29,031 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  494. 06:43:29,042 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  495. 06:43:29,055 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  496. 06:43:29,067 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  497. 06:43:29,079 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  498. 06:43:29,091 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  499. 06:43:29,102 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  500. 06:43:29,114 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  501. 06:43:29,126 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  502. 06:43:29,137 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  503. 06:43:29,150 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  504. 06:43:29,163 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  505. 06:43:29,176 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  506. 06:43:29,188 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  507. 06:43:29,200 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  508. 06:43:29,213 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  509. 06:43:29,226 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  510. 06:43:29,240 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  511. 06:43:29,253 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  512. 06:43:29,267 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  513. 06:43:29,279 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  514. 06:43:29,293 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  515. 06:43:29,306 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  516. 06:43:29,319 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  517. 06:43:29,330 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  518. 06:43:29,342 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  519. 06:43:29,355 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  520. 06:43:29,366 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  521. 06:43:29,379 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  522. 06:43:29,391 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  523. 06:43:29,403 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  524. 06:43:29,418 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  525. 06:43:29,430 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  526. 06:43:29,442 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  527. 06:43:29,453 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  528. 06:43:29,465 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  529. 06:43:29,477 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  530. 06:43:29,491 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  531. 06:43:29,507 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  532. 06:43:29,519 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  533. 06:43:29,530 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  534. 06:43:29,547 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  535. 06:43:29,559 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  536. 06:43:29,570 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  537. 06:43:29,583 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  538. 06:43:29,595 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  539. 06:43:29,609 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  540. 06:43:29,621 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  541. 06:43:29,633 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  542. 06:43:29,645 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  543. 06:43:29,657 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  544. 06:43:29,670 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  545. 06:43:29,685 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  546. 06:43:29,696 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  547. 06:43:29,710 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  548. 06:43:29,723 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  549. 06:43:29,736 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  550. 06:43:29,748 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  551. 06:43:29,761 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  552. 06:43:29,774 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  553. 06:43:29,786 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  554. 06:43:29,800 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  555. 06:43:29,812 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  556. 06:43:29,823 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  557. 06:43:29,836 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  558. 06:43:29,848 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  559. 06:43:29,859 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  560. 06:43:29,870 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  561. 06:43:29,883 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  562. 06:43:29,901 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  563. 06:43:29,918 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  564. 06:43:29,935 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  565. 06:43:29,946 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  566. 06:43:29,960 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  567. 06:43:29,973 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  568. 06:43:29,988 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  569. 06:43:30,001 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  570. 06:43:30,013 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  571. 06:43:30,026 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  572. 06:43:30,036 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  573. 06:43:30,048 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  574. 06:43:30,060 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  575. 06:43:30,072 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
  576. 06:43:30,290 INFO TradeController:355 - TradeController: Loaded 507 Buylists.
  577. 06:43:30,290 INFO TradeController:356 - TradeController: Loaded 132 Limited Buylists.
  578. 06:43:30,298 INFO TradeController:574 - TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
  579. 06:43:30,911 INFO Loader:331 - Multisell: loaded.
  580. 06:43:30,911 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Clan Halls ]
  581. 06:43:30,912 INFO ClanHallManager:72 - Initializing ClanHallManager
  582. 06:43:30,999 INFO ClanHallManager:122 - Loaded: 0 clan halls
  583. 06:43:30,999 INFO ClanHallManager:123 - Loaded: 44 free clan halls
  584. 06:43:31,001 INFO FortressOfResistance:151 - Fortress of Resistanse: siege will start the 4/12/19 9:00 PM
  585. 06:43:31,003 INFO DevastatedCastle:161 - Devastated Castle: siege will start the 4/8/19 6:00 PM
  586. 06:43:31,006 INFO BanditStrongholdSiege:78 - SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
  587. 06:43:31,008 INFO AuctionManager:130 - Initializing AuctionManager
  588. 06:43:31,009 INFO AuctionManager:159 - Loaded: 0 auction(s)
  589. 06:43:31,010 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Zone ]
  590. 06:43:31,054 INFO ZoneData:108 - Loading zones...
  591. 06:43:31,089 INFO ArenaManager:39 - Initializing ArenaManager
  592. 06:43:31,194 INFO TownManager:42 - Initializing TownManager
  593. 06:43:31,450 INFO OlympiadStadiaManager:40 - Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager
  594. 06:43:31,793 INFO CastleManager:117 - Initializing CastleManager
  595. 06:43:31,815 INFO CastleManager:133 - Loaded: 9 castles
  596. 06:43:31,996 INFO GrandBossManager:83 - Initializing GrandBossManager
  597. 06:43:31,997 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  598. 06:43:32,111 INFO FishingZoneManager:39 - Initializing FishingZoneManager
  599. 06:43:32,798 INFO FortManager:56 - Initializing FortManager
  600. 06:43:32,893 INFO FortManager:114 - Loaded: 21 fortress
  601. 06:43:33,762 WARN ZoneData:362 - ZoneData: Missing cuboid vertex in sql data for zone: 19000
  602. 06:43:33,802 INFO GrandBossManager:182 - GrandBossManager: Initialized 9 Grand Boss Zones
  603. 06:43:33,803 INFO ZoneData:610 - Done: loaded 611 zones.
  604. 06:43:33,803 INFO Util:141 - =================================================================-[ Spawnlist ]
  605. 06:43:34,152 INFO CustomNpcInstanceManager:201 - CustomNpcInstanceManager: loaded 2 NPC to PC polymorphs.
  606. 06:43:34,411 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Dion: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  607. 06:43:34,412 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Dion: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  608. 06:43:34,558 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Oren: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  609. 06:43:34,559 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Oren: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  610. 06:43:35,280 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Gludio: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  611. 06:43:35,281 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Gludio: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  612. 06:43:35,284 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Giran: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  613. 06:43:35,293 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Giran: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  614. 06:43:35,296 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Innadril: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  615. 06:43:35,296 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Innadril: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  616. 06:43:35,298 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Aden: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  617. 06:43:35,298 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Aden: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  618. 06:43:35,459 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Goddard: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  619. 06:43:35,462 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Goddard: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  620. 06:43:35,471 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:74 - DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised
  621. 06:43:35,491 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Rune: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  622. 06:43:35,493 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Rune: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  623. 06:43:35,493 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  624. 06:43:35,494 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Schuttgart: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  625. 06:43:35,808 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 66666
  626. 06:43:35,854 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 53
  627. 06:43:35,902 INFO SpawnTable:182 - SpawnTable: Loaded 36434 Npc Spawn Locations.
  628. 06:43:35,902 INFO SpawnTable:183 - SpawnTable: Spawning completed, total number of NPCs in the world: 36434
  629. 06:43:36,196 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:130 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 169 Instances
  630. 06:43:36,196 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:131 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
  631. 06:43:36,211 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 0 night creatures
  632. 06:43:36,263 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
  633. 06:43:36,263 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ Dimensional Rift ]
  634. 06:43:36,266 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:172 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
  635. 06:43:36,277 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:280 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
  636. 06:43:36,277 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Misc ]
  637. 06:43:36,289 INFO RecipeTable:88 - RecipeController: Loaded 871 Recipes.
  638. 06:43:36,291 INFO AugmentationData:99 - Initializing AugmentationData.
  639. 06:43:36,312 INFO AugmentationData:120 - AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
  640. 06:43:36,314 INFO MercTicketManager:67 - Initializing MercTicketManager
  641. 06:43:36,316 INFO MercTicketManager:738 - Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets
  642. 06:43:36,350 INFO PetitionManager:87 - Initializing PetitionManager
  643. 06:43:36,369 INFO ItemsAutoDestroy:58 - Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
  644. 06:43:36,370 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Manor ]
  645. 06:43:36,373 INFO L2Manor:385 - ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
  646. 06:43:36,374 INFO CastleManorManager:79 - Initializing CastleManorManager
  647. 06:43:36,375 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Giran: Data loaded
  648. 06:43:36,377 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Innadril: Data loaded
  649. 06:43:36,377 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Goddard: Data loaded
  650. 06:43:36,379 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Schuttgart: Data loaded
  651. 06:43:36,380 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Castles ]
  652. 06:43:36,382 INFO SiegeManager:214 - Initializing SiegeManager
  653. 06:43:36,385 INFO FortSiegeManager:190 - Initializing FortSiegeManager
  654. 06:43:36,386 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Doors ]
  655. 06:43:36,387 INFO DoorTable:96 - Searching clan halls doors:
  656. 06:43:36,463 INFO DoorTable:121 - DoorTable: Loaded 1001 Door Templates.
  657. 06:43:36,464 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Four Sepulchers ]
  658. 06:43:36,466 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  659. 06:43:36,579 INFO GrandBossManager:345 - FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
  660. 06:43:36,579 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ]
  661. 06:43:36,590 INFO SevenSigns:287 - SevenSigns: Currently in the Seal Validation period!
  662. 06:43:36,590 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
  663. 06:43:36,591 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
  664. 06:43:36,591 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
  665. 06:43:36,591 INFO SevenSigns:293 - SevenSigns: The competition ended with a tie last week.
  666. 06:43:36,592 INFO SevenSigns:325 - SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 11 hours and 16 mins.
  667. 06:43:36,667 INFO SevenSignsFestival:3262 - SevenSignsFestival: Initialization bypassed due to Seal Validation in effect.
  668. 06:43:36,672 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Olympiad System ]
  669. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:328 - Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
  670. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:330 - Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
  671. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:340 - Olympiad System: 6076 minutes until period ends
  672. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:346 - Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 2476 minutes
  673. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:350 - Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
  674. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:758 - Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 11 hours and 17 mins.
  675. 06:43:36,672 INFO Olympiad:760 - Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Apr 07 18:00:36 EEST 2019
  676. 06:43:36,672 INFO Hero:216 - Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
  677. 06:43:36,672 INFO Hero:217 - Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
  678. 06:43:36,672 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Access Levels ]
  679. 06:43:36,681 INFO AccessLevels:105 - AccessLevels: Access level with name {} is using reserved master access level {}. Ignoring it.. Master Access 1
  680. 06:43:36,681 INFO AccessLevels:182 - AccessLevels: Master Access Level is 1
  681. 06:43:36,681 INFO AccessLevels:183 - AccessLevels: User Access Level is 0
  682. 06:43:36,693 INFO AdminCommandAccessRights:82 - Admin Access Rights: Loaded 490 Access Rigths from database.
  683. 06:43:36,694 INFO GmListTable:92 - GmListTable: initalized.
  684. 06:43:36,694 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ AntiBot ]
  685. 06:43:36,699 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Balancer ]
  686. 06:43:36,705 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Handlers ]
  687. 06:43:36,777 INFO GameServer:157 - ItemHandler: Loaded 2048 handlers.
  688. 06:43:36,791 INFO GameServer:129 - SkillHandler: Loaded 78 handlers.
  689. 06:43:36,869 INFO AdminCommandHandler:202 - AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 489 handlers.
  690. 06:43:36,875 INFO GameServer:86 - UserCommandHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.
  691. 06:43:36,879 INFO GameServer:132 - VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 23 handlers.
  692. 06:43:36,879 INFO Loader:438 - AutoChatHandler : Loaded 32 handlers in total.
  693. 06:43:36,880 INFO Loader:439 - AutoSpawnHandler : Loaded 129 handlers in total.
  694. 06:43:36,881 INFO Util:141 - ========================================================================-[ AI ]
  695. 06:43:36,882 INFO Loader:484 - AI: disable load.
  696. 06:43:36,882 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Scripts ]
  697. 06:43:37,160 INFO QuestManager:51 - Initializing QuestManager
  698. 06:43:39,803 INFO Loader:495 - Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
  699. 06:43:39,805 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:77 - [FeanorScriptEngine] Loading Packages ...
  700. 06:43:39,806 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:93 - [FeanorScriptEngine] No Packages Loaded ...
  701. 06:43:39,857 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Quests ]
  702. 06:43:39,857 INFO QuestManager:95 - Loaded: 47 quests
  703. 06:43:39,858 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Game Server ]
  704. 06:43:39,858 INFO Loader:535 - IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878994118
  705. 06:43:39,861 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Custom Mods ]
  706. 06:43:39,862 INFO PcPoint:32 - PcBang point event started.
  707. 06:43:39,863 INFO PowerPak:67 - Buffer is Enabled.
  708. 06:43:39,866 INFO BuffTable:116 - Loaded 112 buff templates
  709. 06:43:39,870 INFO BufferSkillsTable:109 - BufferSkillsTable: Loaded 87 skills and 8 types.
  710. 06:43:39,872 INFO PowerPak:142 - Raid Info is Enabled.
  711. 06:43:39,873 INFO PowerPak:149 - Char Repair is Enabled.
  712. 06:43:39,873 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:43 - Vote Reward System Initiated.
  713. 06:43:42,020 INFO OfflineTradeTable:181 - Loading offline traders...
  714. 06:43:44,281 INFO OfflineTradeTable:286 - Loaded: 9 offline trader(s)
  715. 06:43:44,282 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Protection ]
  716. 06:43:44,282 INFO Loader:586 - Check bad name on enter actived.
  717. 06:43:44,283 INFO Loader:592 - Bypass Validation actived.
  718. 06:43:44,283 INFO Loader:595 - L2Walker protection actived.
  719. 06:43:44,283 INFO Loader:601 - Full packets flood protector actived.
  720. 06:43:44,283 INFO Loader:604 - Client flood protection actived.
  721. 06:43:44,283 INFO Util:141 - ==============================================================-[ Hero Checker ]
  722. 06:43:44,284 INFO HeroChecker:18 - Hero Checker initialized.
  723. 06:43:44,284 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ ZippyMapsManager ]
  724. 06:43:44,285 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Info ]
  725. 06:43:44,285 INFO Loader:620 - Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 amd64
  726. 06:43:44,286 INFO Loader:621 - Available CPUs: 2
  727. 06:43:44,286 INFO Loader:622 - Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 555
  728. 06:43:44,286 INFO Loader:623 - GameServer Started, free memory 2391 Mb of 2944 Mb
  729. 06:43:44,286 INFO Loader:624 - Used memory: 552 MB
  730. 06:43:44,286 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Java specific ]
  731. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:627 - JRE name: Oracle Corporation
  732. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:628 - JRE specification version: 1.8
  733. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:629 - JRE version: 1.8.0_191
  734. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:630 - --- Detecting Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  735. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:631 - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_191
  736. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:632 - JVM Avaible Memory(RAM): 2944 MB
  737. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:633 - JVM specification version: 1.8
  738. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:634 - JVM specification vendor: Oracle Corporation
  739. 06:43:44,287 INFO Loader:635 - JVM specification name: Java Virtual Machine Specification
  740. 06:43:44,288 INFO Loader:636 - JVM implementation version: 25.191-b12
  741. 06:43:44,288 INFO Loader:637 - JVM implementation vendor: Oracle Corporation
  742. 06:43:44,288 INFO Loader:638 - JVM implementation name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  743. 06:43:44,290 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Status ]
  744. 06:43:45,299 INFO Loader:642 - Server Loaded in 33 seconds
  745. 06:43:45,300 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Telnet ]
  746. 06:43:45,300 INFO Loader:654 - Telnet server is disabled.
  747. 06:43:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Login ]
  748. 06:43:45,402 INFO LoginServerThread:155 - Connecting to login on
  749. 06:43:45,480 INFO LoginServerThread:282 - Registered on login as Server 6 : Gustin
  750. 06:44:12,321 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  751. 06:44:40,838 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  752. 06:44:40,900 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  753. 06:44:40,900 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  754. 06:44:40,900 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  755. 06:44:40,900 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  756. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  757. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  758. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  759. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  760. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  761. 06:44:40,901 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  762. 06:44:40,902 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  763. 06:44:40,902 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  764. 06:44:41,722 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  765. 06:48:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  766. 06:48:17,018 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  767. 06:48:18,887 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 28 players data saved.
  768. 06:50:27,402 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 57
  769. 06:51:26,609 ERROR L2GameClientPacket:84 - Client: [Character: Loskavleiros - Account: loskavleiros - IP:] - Failed reading: [C] 38 Say2 ; ru/akumu/smartguard/core/network/packets/OpenURL
  770. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ru/akumu/smartguard/core/network/packets/OpenURL
  771. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Donate.useVoicedCommand(
  772. at
  773. at
  774. at
  775. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  776. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  777. at Source)
  778. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
  779. at Source)
  780. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
  781. at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
  782. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
  783. ... 7 more
  784. 06:51:31,448 ERROR L2GameClientPacket:84 - Client: [Character: Loskavleiros - Account: loskavleiros - IP:] - Failed reading: [C] 38 Say2 ; ru/akumu/smartguard/core/network/packets/OpenURL
  785. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ru/akumu/smartguard/core/network/packets/OpenURL
  786. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Donate.useVoicedCommand(
  787. at
  788. at
  789. at
  790. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  791. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  792. at Source)
  793. 06:52:48,117 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  794. 06:53:05,551 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account parasxos1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  795. 06:53:05,633 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account parasxos1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  796. 06:53:05,777 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account parasxos1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  797. 06:53:37,242 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  798. 06:53:58,341 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  799. 06:55:00,508 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  800. 06:56:09,062 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: NotFarming and NotFarmingVER2. SAME IP.
  801. 06:56:42,683 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 39
  802. 06:56:43,034 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  803. 07:02:58,114 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 57
  804. 07:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  805. 07:03:17,024 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  806. 07:03:19,378 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 38 players data saved.
  807. 07:07:07,061 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  808. 07:07:11,572 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  809. 07:07:11,819 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  810. 07:07:11,819 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  811. 07:09:13,399 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 39
  812. 07:09:13,683 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  813. 07:09:33,967 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  814. 07:09:34,275 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  815. 07:09:34,275 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  816. 07:09:34,275 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  817. 07:09:34,275 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  818. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  819. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  820. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  821. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  822. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  823. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  824. 07:09:34,276 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  825. 07:09:34,277 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  826. 07:09:37,927 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patomord is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  827. 07:09:51,237 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  828. 07:09:51,544 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  829. 07:09:51,544 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  830. 07:09:51,544 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  831. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  832. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  833. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  834. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  835. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  836. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  837. 07:09:51,545 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  838. 07:09:51,546 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  839. 07:09:51,546 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  840. 07:09:54,151 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account desolation is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  841. 07:13:36,403 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  842. 07:13:45,301 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  843. 07:13:45,301 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 7:13.
  844. 07:13:45,301 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 33
  845. 07:13:45,301 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 9
  846. 07:13:45,301 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  847. 07:13:45,302 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2378 MB
  848. 07:13:45,302 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 415 MB
  849. 07:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  850. 07:15:28,763 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 57
  851. 07:18:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  852. 07:18:17,019 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  853. 07:18:19,640 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 43 players data saved.
  854. 07:21:44,069 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 39
  855. 07:21:44,403 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  856. 07:27:59,475 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 57
  857. 07:33:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  858. 07:33:17,019 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  859. 07:33:19,512 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 44 players data saved.
  860. 07:34:14,748 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 39
  861. 07:34:15,132 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  862. 07:40:30,195 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 57
  863. 07:43:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  864. 07:46:45,463 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 39
  865. 07:46:45,731 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 61
  866. 07:48:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  867. 07:48:17,019 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  868. 07:48:19,690 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 48 players data saved.
  869. 07:51:58,746 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: NotFarming and NotFarmingVER2. SAME IP.
  870. 07:53:00,793 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 58
  871. 07:59:16,072 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 40
  872. 07:59:16,408 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 62
  873. 08:01:23,326 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: MeLlIsita and nahueL. SAME IP.
  874. 08:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  875. 08:03:17,021 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  876. 08:03:19,879 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 47 players data saved.
  877. 08:05:31,487 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 58
  878. 08:07:25,402 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: MeLlIsita and nahueL. SAME IP.
  879. 08:07:36,276 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: XHidroX and MeLlIsita. SAME IP.
  880. 08:08:01,766 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: Ameli and DefNotFarming. SAME IP.
  881. 08:08:24,987 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: MeLlIsita and XHidroX. SAME IP.
  882. 08:11:22,467 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: MeLlIsita and XHidroX. SAME IP.
  883. 08:11:46,753 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 40
  884. 08:11:47,137 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 62
  885. 08:13:36,407 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  886. 08:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  887. 08:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 8:13.
  888. 08:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 37
  889. 08:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 11
  890. 08:13:45,303 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  891. 08:13:45,303 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2285 MB
  892. 08:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 656 MB
  893. 08:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  894. 08:18:02,226 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 58
  895. 08:18:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  896. 08:18:17,021 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  897. 08:18:20,032 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 52 players data saved.
  898. 08:19:14,990 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  899. 08:19:14,990 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  900. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  901. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  902. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  903. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  904. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  905. 08:19:14,991 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  906. 08:19:14,992 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  907. 08:19:15,238 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  908. 08:19:15,238 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  909. 08:19:15,238 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  910. 08:19:15,239 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  911. 08:19:15,239 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  912. 08:19:19,854 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  913. 08:19:20,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  914. 08:19:20,448 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  915. 08:24:17,510 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 40
  916. 08:24:17,867 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 63
  917. 08:30:32,961 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 58
  918. 08:33:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  919. 08:33:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  920. 08:33:20,295 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 56 players data saved.
  921. 08:36:48,247 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 40
  922. 08:36:48,587 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 63
  923. 08:43:03,667 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 58
  924. 08:43:36,404 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  925. 08:48:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  926. 08:48:17,021 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  927. 08:48:20,194 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 56 players data saved.
  928. 08:49:18,985 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 40
  929. 08:49:19,305 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 63
  930. 08:53:49,547 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  931. 08:55:34,383 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 59
  932. 09:01:49,680 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 41
  933. 09:01:50,042 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 64
  934. 09:03:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  935. 09:03:17,021 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  936. 09:03:20,246 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 56 players data saved.
  937. 09:08:05,114 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 59
  938. 09:13:36,400 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  939. 09:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  940. 09:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 9:13.
  941. 09:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 43
  942. 09:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 11
  943. 09:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  944. 09:13:45,303 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2174 MB
  945. 09:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 820 MB
  946. 09:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  947. 09:14:20,393 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 41
  948. 09:14:20,755 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 64
  949. 09:18:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  950. 09:18:17,021 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  951. 09:18:20,151 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 53 players data saved.
  952. 09:20:35,833 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 59
  953. 09:23:42,054 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account еучтщдщпtexnol.
  954. 09:23:58,522 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account еучтщдщпtexnol.
  955. 09:24:12,164 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account еучтщдщпtexnol.
  956. 09:26:51,091 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 41
  957. 09:26:51,446 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 64
  958. 09:30:46,636 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  959. 09:31:27,224 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  960. 09:32:31,465 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: LastHope and wefef. SAME IP.
  961. 09:33:06,509 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 59
  962. 09:33:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  963. 09:33:17,020 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  964. 09:33:20,335 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 56 players data saved.
  965. 09:33:34,468 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: LastHope and wefef. SAME IP.
  966. 09:34:50,491 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: LastHope and wefef. SAME IP.
  967. 09:35:38,913 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: LastHope and wefef. SAME IP.
  968. 09:39:21,749 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 42
  969. 09:39:22,079 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 64
  970. 09:43:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  971. 09:45:37,160 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 60
  972. 09:48:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  973. 09:48:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  974. 09:48:21,402 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 64 players data saved.
  975. 09:51:52,422 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 42
  976. 09:51:52,768 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 65
  977. 09:53:12,506 INFO L2Character:8074 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT: HADESgr and KRHTHKOSgr. SAME IP.
  978. 09:53:16,972 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 232 day creatures
  979. 09:53:16,985 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 601 night creatures
  980. 09:58:07,850 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 60
  981. 10:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  982. 10:03:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  983. 10:03:20,695 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 64 players data saved.
  984. 10:04:23,139 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 42
  985. 10:04:23,504 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 65
  986. 10:07:48,810 WARN RequestBypassToServer:532 - Bad RequestBypassToServer:
  987. java.lang.NullPointerException
  988. at
  989. at
  990. at
  991. at
  992. at
  993. at
  994. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  995. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  996. at Source)
  997. 10:07:53,344 WARN RequestBypassToServer:532 - Bad RequestBypassToServer:
  998. java.lang.NullPointerException
  999. at
  1000. at
  1001. at
  1002. at
  1003. at
  1004. at
  1005. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1006. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1007. at Source)
  1008. 10:07:57,468 WARN RequestBypassToServer:532 - Bad RequestBypassToServer:
  1009. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1010. at
  1011. at
  1012. at
  1013. at
  1014. at
  1015. at
  1016. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1017. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1018. at Source)
  1019. 10:08:00,647 WARN RequestBypassToServer:532 - Bad RequestBypassToServer:
  1020. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1021. at
  1022. at
  1023. at
  1024. at
  1025. at
  1026. at
  1027. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1028. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1029. at Source)
  1030. 10:10:38,605 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 60
  1031. 10:13:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1032. 10:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1033. 10:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 10:13.
  1034. 10:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 53
  1035. 10:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 11
  1036. 10:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1037. 10:13:45,303 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2404 MB
  1038. 10:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 631 MB
  1039. 10:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1040. 10:16:50,305 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1041. 10:16:50,366 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1042. 10:16:50,366 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1043. 10:16:50,367 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1044. 10:16:50,367 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1045. 10:16:50,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1046. 10:16:50,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1047. 10:16:50,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1048. 10:16:50,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1049. 10:16:50,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1050. 10:16:50,369 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1051. 10:16:50,369 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1052. 10:16:50,369 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nemanja3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1053. 10:16:53,880 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 42
  1054. 10:16:54,217 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 65
  1055. 10:18:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1056. 10:18:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1057. 10:18:21,216 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 69 players data saved.
  1058. 10:22:40,821 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1059. 10:22:40,883 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1060. 10:22:40,883 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1061. 10:22:40,883 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1062. 10:22:40,883 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1063. 10:22:40,884 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1064. 10:22:40,884 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1065. 10:22:40,884 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1066. 10:22:40,884 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1067. 10:22:40,884 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1068. 10:22:40,885 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1069. 10:22:40,885 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1070. 10:22:40,885 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan2 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1071. 10:23:09,290 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 60
  1072. 10:28:54,002 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1073. 10:28:54,084 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1074. 10:28:54,084 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1075. 10:28:54,084 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1076. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1077. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1078. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1079. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1080. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1081. 10:28:54,085 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1082. 10:28:54,086 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1083. 10:28:54,086 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1084. 10:28:54,086 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1085. 10:28:54,271 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account elourina is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1086. 10:29:24,587 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 42
  1087. 10:29:24,927 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 66
  1088. 10:33:17,002 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1089. 10:33:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1090. 10:33:20,950 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 71 players data saved.
  1091. 10:35:39,988 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 61
  1092. 10:41:55,292 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 43
  1093. 10:41:55,563 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 66
  1094. 10:43:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1095. 10:47:09,646 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1096. 10:47:09,769 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1097. 10:47:09,769 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1098. 10:47:09,769 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1099. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1100. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1101. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1102. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1103. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1104. 10:47:09,770 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1105. 10:47:09,771 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1106. 10:47:09,771 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1107. 10:47:09,771 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sale97 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1108. 10:48:10,643 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 62
  1109. 10:48:17,002 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1110. 10:48:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1111. 10:48:21,190 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 74 players data saved.
  1112. 10:53:16,981 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 601 night creatures
  1113. 10:53:16,986 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
  1114. 10:53:16,986 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:276 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleting Hellman raidboss
  1115. 10:54:25,928 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 44
  1116. 10:54:26,287 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 67
  1117. 10:54:35,451 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ποδιοσpodios21.
  1118. 11:00:41,376 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 62
  1119. 11:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1120. 11:03:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1121. 11:03:21,876 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 80 players data saved.
  1122. 11:06:56,670 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 44
  1123. 11:06:57,021 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 67
  1124. 11:13:12,102 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 62
  1125. 11:13:36,407 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1126. 11:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1127. 11:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 11:13.
  1128. 11:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 72
  1129. 11:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 11
  1130. 11:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1131. 11:13:45,302 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 1791 MB
  1132. 11:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 1259 MB
  1133. 11:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1134. 11:18:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1135. 11:18:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1136. 11:18:21,861 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 84 players data saved.
  1137. 11:19:27,371 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 44
  1138. 11:19:27,736 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 67
  1139. 11:25:42,808 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 63
  1140. 11:31:58,071 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 44
  1141. 11:31:58,422 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 68
  1142. 11:33:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1143. 11:33:17,022 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1144. 11:33:21,087 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 76 players data saved.
  1145. 11:38:13,501 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 63
  1146. 11:43:36,403 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1147. 11:44:28,774 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 45
  1148. 11:44:29,096 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 68
  1149. 11:46:19,968 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account голujk1.
  1150. 11:46:35,829 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account голujk1.
  1151. 11:47:08,534 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account голujk1.
  1152. 11:48:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1153. 11:48:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1154. 11:48:21,647 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 76 players data saved.
  1155. 11:50:44,179 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 63
  1156. 11:56:11,960 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1157. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1158. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1159. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1160. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1161. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1162. 11:56:11,961 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1163. 11:56:11,962 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1164. 11:56:11,962 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1165. 11:56:11,962 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1166. 11:56:11,962 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1167. 11:56:13,912 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1168. 11:56:13,912 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1169. 11:56:13,913 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account antonio is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1170. 11:56:59,452 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 45
  1171. 11:56:59,792 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 68
  1172. 12:00:38,142 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φοfoxaras333.
  1173. 12:00:58,960 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φοfoxaras333.
  1174. 12:02:57,282 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φοfoxaras333.
  1175. 12:03:14,852 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 64
  1176. 12:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1177. 12:03:17,025 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1178. 12:03:22,140 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 80 players data saved.
  1179. 12:09:30,144 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 47
  1180. 12:09:30,500 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 71
  1181. 12:13:36,401 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1182. 12:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1183. 12:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 12:13.
  1184. 12:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 72
  1185. 12:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 9
  1186. 12:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1187. 12:13:45,302 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2211 MB
  1188. 12:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 842 MB
  1189. 12:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1190. 12:15:45,654 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 64
  1191. 12:17:30,274 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account сасыывфывсlfyc.
  1192. 12:17:50,898 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account сасыывфывсlfyc.
  1193. 12:18:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1194. 12:18:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1195. 12:18:22,258 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 83 players data saved.
  1196. 12:21:12,355 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account сасыывфывсlfyc.
  1197. 12:22:01,027 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 47
  1198. 12:22:01,357 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 72
  1199. 12:28:16,429 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 66
  1200. 12:33:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1201. 12:33:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1202. 12:33:22,491 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 90 players data saved.
  1203. 12:34:31,698 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 47
  1204. 12:34:32,025 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 73
  1205. 12:40:47,106 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 66
  1206. 12:42:10,264 INFO L2Character:8026 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT, MistiQui and Amfetaminas. CLAN or ALLY.
  1207. 12:43:36,406 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1208. 12:43:43,149 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1209. 12:43:43,231 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1210. 12:43:43,231 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1211. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1212. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1213. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1214. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1215. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1216. 12:43:43,232 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1217. 12:43:43,233 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1218. 12:43:43,233 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1219. 12:43:43,233 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1220. 12:43:43,233 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1221. 12:43:43,295 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1222. 12:46:36,728 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1223. 12:47:02,410 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 48
  1224. 12:47:02,748 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 75
  1225. 12:47:12,740 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1226. 12:48:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1227. 12:48:17,024 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1228. 12:48:22,314 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 90 players data saved.
  1229. 12:53:17,822 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 67
  1230. 12:59:33,186 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 48
  1231. 12:59:33,554 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 75
  1232. 13:03:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1233. 13:03:17,023 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1234. 13:03:22,706 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 96 players data saved.
  1235. 13:05:48,643 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 68
  1236. 13:05:58,121 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1237. 13:05:58,204 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1238. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1239. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1240. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1241. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1242. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1243. 13:05:58,205 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1244. 13:05:58,206 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1245. 13:05:58,206 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1246. 13:05:58,206 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1247. 13:05:58,206 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1248. 13:05:58,206 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1249. 13:06:01,120 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1250. 13:06:10,016 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account krhthkosgr is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1251. 13:06:10,118 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account krhthkosgr is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1252. 13:06:10,118 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account krhthkosgr is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1253. 13:10:40,594 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1254. 13:10:40,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1255. 13:10:40,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1256. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1257. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1258. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1259. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1260. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1261. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1262. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1263. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1264. 13:10:40,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1265. 13:10:40,694 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1266. 13:10:42,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account zverys is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1267. 13:11:34,784 WARN AddTradeItem:58 - Character: l2j requested item:268611157 add without active tradelist:1
  1268. 13:12:05,123 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 48
  1269. 13:12:05,463 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 76
  1270. 13:13:36,401 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1271. 13:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1272. 13:13:45,302 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 13:13.
  1273. 13:13:45,302 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 81
  1274. 13:13:45,302 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 9
  1275. 13:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1276. 13:13:45,302 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2537 MB
  1277. 13:13:45,303 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 518 MB
  1278. 13:13:45,303 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1279. 13:18:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1280. 13:18:17,024 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1281. 13:18:21,714 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 69
  1282. 13:18:22,323 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 93 players data saved.
  1283. 13:20:45,451 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1284. 13:20:57,270 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1285. 13:21:39,911 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1286. 13:22:33,392 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account sbpwnz¨.
  1287. 13:24:05,069 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 20 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1288. 13:24:06,590 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 20 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1289. 13:24:37,805 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 48
  1290. 13:24:38,916 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 78
  1291. 13:27:16,171 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: XxXExclusiveXxX(268478163) mirkyyy [Character: XxXExclusiveXxX - Account: mirkyyy - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1292. 13:30:55,139 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 72
  1293. 13:31:59,228 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 20 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1294. 13:33:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1295. 13:33:17,066 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1296. 13:33:20,568 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 43 players data saved.
  1297. 13:35:52,890 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1298. 13:37:11,555 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 50
  1299. 13:37:11,979 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 79
  1300. 13:38:02,332 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1301. 13:43:27,041 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 73
  1302. 13:43:36,398 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1303. 13:44:42,909 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account δdimitrisamp.
  1304. 13:48:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1305. 13:48:17,025 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1306. 13:48:20,895 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 62 players data saved.
  1307. 13:49:42,303 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 51
  1308. 13:49:42,598 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 80
  1309. 13:52:17,390 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1310. 13:52:17,391 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1311. 13:52:17,391 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1312. 13:52:17,391 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1313. 13:52:17,392 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1314. 13:52:17,392 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1315. 13:52:17,393 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1316. 13:52:17,393 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1317. 13:52:17,394 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1318. 13:53:16,976 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 232 day creatures
  1319. 13:53:16,989 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 601 night creatures
  1320. 13:53:16,990 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:280 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning Hellman raidboss
  1321. 13:53:36,911 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1322. 13:53:36,911 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1323. 13:53:36,912 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1324. 13:53:36,912 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1325. 13:53:36,913 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1326. 13:53:36,914 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1327. 13:53:36,914 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1328. 13:53:36,915 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1329. 13:53:36,915 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SuperGirL(268476767) sakaliaros [Character: SuperGirL - Account: sakaliaros - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1330. 13:53:59,910 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1331. 13:53:59,910 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1332. 13:54:02,569 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1333. 13:54:02,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1334. 13:54:02,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1335. 13:54:02,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1336. 13:54:02,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1337. 13:54:02,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1338. 13:54:46,970 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: SevEmi(268479207) sokucu21 [Character: SevEmi - Account: sokucu21 - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1339. 13:55:52,671 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account δθνdimitrisamp.
  1340. 13:55:57,698 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 74
  1341. 13:57:32,312 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1342. 14:02:13,079 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 52
  1343. 14:02:13,517 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 81
  1344. 14:03:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1345. 14:03:17,068 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1346. 14:03:18,968 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 28 players data saved.
  1347. 14:08:28,683 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 74
  1348. 14:12:18,570 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1349. 14:12:19,191 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1350. 14:12:19,191 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1351. 14:12:19,192 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1352. 14:12:19,192 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1353. 14:12:19,193 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account marcel is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1354. 14:13:36,399 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1355. 14:13:45,301 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1356. 14:13:45,301 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 14:13.
  1357. 14:13:45,301 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 14
  1358. 14:13:45,301 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 7
  1359. 14:13:45,302 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1360. 14:13:45,302 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 1751 MB
  1361. 14:13:45,302 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 1300 MB
  1362. 14:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1363. 14:14:44,268 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 52
  1364. 14:14:45,297 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 81
  1365. 14:18:17,002 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1366. 14:18:17,073 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1367. 14:18:18,251 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 18 players data saved.
  1368. 14:21:00,415 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 74
  1369. 14:23:33,811 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1370. 14:23:33,811 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1371. 14:23:33,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1372. 14:23:33,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1373. 14:23:33,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1374. 14:23:33,812 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1375. 14:23:33,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1376. 14:23:33,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1377. 14:23:33,813 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1378. 14:23:33,814 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1379. 14:23:33,814 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1380. 14:23:35,670 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1381. 14:23:35,670 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1382. 14:23:35,671 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1383. 14:23:59,611 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1384. 14:23:59,611 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1385. 14:23:59,612 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1386. 14:23:59,612 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1387. 14:23:59,612 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1388. 14:23:59,613 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1389. 14:23:59,613 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1390. 14:23:59,613 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1391. 14:23:59,614 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1392. 14:23:59,614 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1393. 14:23:59,614 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1394. 14:23:59,614 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1395. 14:24:01,591 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1396. 14:24:01,591 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1397. 14:27:15,694 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 52
  1398. 14:27:16,073 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 82
  1399. 14:33:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1400. 14:33:17,025 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1401. 14:33:19,552 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 40 players data saved.
  1402. 14:33:31,157 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 74
  1403. 14:38:29,748 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1404. 14:39:46,431 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 53
  1405. 14:39:46,768 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 83
  1406. 14:41:10,159 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  1407. 14:43:36,403 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1408. 14:44:21,569 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1409. 14:44:21,713 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1410. 14:44:21,713 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1411. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1412. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1413. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1414. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1415. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1416. 14:44:21,714 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1417. 14:44:21,715 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1418. 14:44:21,715 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1419. 14:44:22,611 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1420. 14:44:22,612 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1421. 14:44:22,612 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account sbpwnz is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1422. 14:46:02,939 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 75
  1423. 14:47:42,602 WARN AddTradeItem:58 - Character: NeurofunK requested item:268480522 add without active tradelist:1
  1424. 14:48:17,002 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1425. 14:48:17,026 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1426. 14:48:21,629 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 65 players data saved.
  1427. 14:52:18,198 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 53
  1428. 14:52:18,503 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 84
  1429. 14:53:16,983 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 601 night creatures
  1430. 14:53:16,985 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
  1431. 14:53:16,985 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:276 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleting Hellman raidboss
  1432. 14:55:26,850 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьыфвавыаывкпаы.
  1433. 14:55:41,765 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьыфвавыаывкпаы.
  1434. 14:56:15,316 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьыфвавыаывкпаы.
  1435. 14:57:16,318 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьыфвавыаывкпаы.
  1436. 14:58:34,726 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 76
  1437. 15:03:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1438. 15:03:17,024 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1439. 15:03:22,102 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 73 players data saved.
  1440. 15:04:51,057 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 53
  1441. 15:04:51,403 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 84
  1442. 15:05:28,853 ERROR L2Character:3383 - fixme:hit task unhandled exception
  1443. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1444. at javolution.util.FastList$Node.access$200(
  1445. at javolution.util.FastList.valueOf(
  1446. at javolution.util.FastCollection.remove(
  1447. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character.removeEffect(
  1448. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character.stopStunning(
  1449. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectStun.onExit(
  1450. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Effect.scheduleEffect(
  1451. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Effect.exit(
  1452. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Effect.exit(
  1453. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character.stopEffects(
  1454. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character.stopStunning(
  1455. at
  1456. at
  1457. at
  1458. at
  1459. at
  1460. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(
  1461. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character$
  1462. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager$
  1463. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
  1464. at Source)
  1465. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(Unknown Source)
  1466. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1467. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1468. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1469. at Source)
  1470. 15:06:16,954 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ыфsanya367664.
  1471. 15:11:07,726 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 76
  1472. 15:13:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1473. 15:13:45,301 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1474. 15:13:45,301 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 15:13.
  1475. 15:13:45,301 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 68
  1476. 15:13:45,301 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 6
  1477. 15:13:45,301 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  1478. 15:13:45,301 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2457 MB
  1479. 15:13:45,302 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 577 MB
  1480. 15:13:45,302 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  1481. 15:14:46,017 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1482. 15:14:46,201 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1483. 15:14:46,201 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1484. 15:14:46,201 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1485. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1486. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1487. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1488. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1489. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1490. 15:14:46,202 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1491. 15:14:46,203 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1492. 15:14:46,203 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1493. 15:14:46,203 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1494. 15:14:46,449 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1495. 15:15:54,040 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1496. 15:15:54,041 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1497. 15:15:54,041 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1498. 15:15:54,041 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1499. 15:15:54,041 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1500. 15:15:54,042 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1501. 15:15:54,042 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1502. 15:15:54,042 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1503. 15:15:54,042 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1504. 15:15:54,042 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1505. 15:15:54,043 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1506. 15:15:55,849 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1507. 15:15:55,849 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1508. 15:15:55,849 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1509. 15:17:24,053 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 53
  1510. 15:17:24,374 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 86
  1511. 15:18:17,004 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1512. 15:18:17,067 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1513. 15:18:22,964 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 75 players data saved.
  1514. 15:20:51,570 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1515. 15:20:51,815 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1516. 15:20:51,850 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1517. 15:20:51,850 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1518. 15:20:51,850 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1519. 15:20:51,851 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1520. 15:20:51,851 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1521. 15:20:51,852 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1522. 15:20:51,853 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1523. 15:20:51,853 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1524. 15:20:51,853 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1525. 15:20:51,854 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1526. 15:20:51,854 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account 789 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1527. 15:23:03,463 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1528. 15:23:03,525 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1529. 15:23:03,525 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1530. 15:23:03,526 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1531. 15:23:03,526 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1532. 15:23:03,526 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1533. 15:23:03,526 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1534. 15:23:03,526 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1535. 15:23:03,527 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1536. 15:23:03,527 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1537. 15:23:03,527 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1538. 15:23:03,527 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1539. 15:23:03,527 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account nikisan1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1540. 15:23:40,531 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 78
  1541. 15:27:26,973 WARN L2GameClient:886 - Error while cleanup client.
  1542. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1543. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.Event.getTeam(
  1544. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.VIPTvT.selectNewVipOfTeam(
  1545. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.VIPTvT.onLogout(
  1546. at
  1547. at$
  1548. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager$
  1549. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
  1550. at Source)
  1551. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(Unknown Source)
  1552. at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1553. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1554. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1555. at Source)
  1556. 15:27:28,403 WARN L2GameClient:1040 - error while disconnecting client
  1557. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1558. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.Event.getTeam(
  1559. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.VIPTvT.selectNewVipOfTeam(
  1560. at com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.event.VIPTvT.onLogout(
  1561. at
  1562. at$
  1563. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  1564. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  1565. at Source)
  1566. 15:28:07,193 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account фыа12341324.
  1567. 15:28:31,492 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 20 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1568. 15:28:47,470 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account errikos3 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1569. 15:28:47,471 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account errikos3 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1570. 15:28:47,471 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account errikos3 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1571. 15:28:47,472 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account errikos3 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1572. 15:29:56,960 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 54
  1573. 15:29:57,461 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 87
  1574. 15:31:07,512 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ыфsancho367664.
  1575. 15:33:17,002 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1576. 15:33:17,077 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1577. 15:33:19,114 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 24 players data saved.
  1578. 15:36:14,772 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 78
  1579. 15:38:06,110 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1580. 15:38:06,110 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1581. 15:38:06,111 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1582. 15:38:06,111 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1583. 15:38:06,111 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1584. 15:38:06,112 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1585. 15:38:06,112 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1586. 15:38:06,112 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1587. 15:38:06,113 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1588. 15:38:06,113 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1589. 15:38:07,670 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1590. 15:38:07,670 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1591. 15:38:07,671 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1592. 15:38:07,671 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1593. 15:38:36,692 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: Ricardo(268648012) vadarakiss [Character: Ricardo - Account: vadarakiss - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1594. 15:38:36,693 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: Ricardo(268648012) vadarakiss [Character: Ricardo - Account: vadarakiss - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1595. 15:39:23,652 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1596. 15:39:23,652 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1597. 15:39:23,652 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1598. 15:39:23,653 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1599. 15:39:23,654 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1600. 15:39:23,654 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1601. 15:39:23,655 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1602. 15:39:23,655 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1603. 15:39:23,656 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: MayBeForYou(268623877) oldaxaxa [Character: MayBeForYou - Account: oldaxaxa - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1604. 15:41:27,069 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 20 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1605. 15:42:31,159 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 54
  1606. 15:42:31,651 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 87
  1607. 15:42:42,050 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1608. 15:42:42,050 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1609. 15:42:42,051 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1610. 15:42:44,011 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1611. 15:42:44,270 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1612. 15:42:44,270 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1613. 15:42:44,270 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1614. 15:42:44,271 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1615. 15:42:44,271 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1616. 15:42:44,271 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1617. 15:42:44,271 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1618. 15:42:44,272 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 47 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1619. 15:43:36,402 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  1620. 15:45:21,112 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account лkopo6ok123.
  1621. 15:45:39,070 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: Ricardo(268648012) vadarakiss [Character: Ricardo - Account: vadarakiss - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1622. 15:45:39,071 WARN FloodProtectorAction:336 - UnknownPacketsFloodProtector: Ricardo(268648012) vadarakiss [Character: Ricardo - Account: vadarakiss - IP:] kicked for flooding
  1623. 15:45:46,991 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account лkopo6ok123.
  1624. 15:46:43,512 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ыукшщофserioja.
  1625. 15:47:16,070 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ыукшщофserioja.
  1626. 15:48:17,003 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  1627. 15:48:17,070 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  1628. 15:48:17,995 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 17 players data saved.
  1629. 15:48:47,811 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 78
  1630. 15:49:05,870 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1631. 15:49:06,691 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1632. 15:49:06,691 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1633. 15:49:06,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1634. 15:49:06,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1635. 15:49:06,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1636. 15:49:06,692 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1637. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1638. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1639. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1640. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1641. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1642. 15:49:06,693 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1643. 15:49:10,090 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account ntelfina432 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1644. 15:58:40,312 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьфmansky1294.
  1645. 15:59:06,271 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ьфmansky1294.
  1646. 15:59:30,180 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 15:59. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  1647. 16:01:22,692 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 16:01. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  1648. 16:01:36,950 WARN Shutdown:308 - GM: [Pigasos](268476378) issued shutdown command. SIGTERM in 60 seconds!
  1649. 16:01:58,950 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1650. 16:01:59,171 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1651. 16:01:59,171 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1652. 16:01:59,171 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1653. 16:01:59,172 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1654. 16:01:59,172 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1655. 16:01:59,172 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1656. 16:01:59,172 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1657. 16:01:59,173 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1658. 16:01:59,173 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1659. 16:01:59,173 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1660. 16:01:59,173 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1661. 16:01:59,174 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1662. 16:01:59,410 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  1663. 16:02:36,981 WARN Shutdown:288 - GM shutdown countdown is over. shutting down NOW!
  1664. 16:02:36,982 INFO Shutdown:591 - GM shutdown received. Shutting down NOW!
  1665. 16:02:36,989 INFO OfflineTradeTable:164 - Offline traders stored.
  1666. 16:02:37,990 INFO Shutdown:772 - Disconnecting all players from the Server...
  1667. 16:02:42,991 INFO Shutdown:744 - Saving all players data...
  1668. 16:02:53,654 INFO Shutdown:677 - SevenSigns: All info saved!!
  1669. 16:02:54,001 INFO Shutdown:681 - RaidBossSpawnManager: All raidboss info saved!!
  1670. 16:02:54,055 INFO Shutdown:685 - GrandBossManager: All Grand Boss info saved!!
  1671. 16:02:54,056 INFO Shutdown:689 - TradeController: All count Item Saved
  1672. 16:02:54,060 INFO Shutdown:700 - Olympiad System: Data saved!!
  1673. 16:02:54,097 INFO Shutdown:715 - Balancer data has been saved.
  1674. 16:03:04,110 INFO ThreadPoolManager:415 - All ThreadPools are now stopped.
  1675. 16:03:04,113 INFO SqlUtils:288 - Optimization gameserver tables...
  1676. 16:03:06,168 INFO SqlUtils:305 - Optimization gameserver tables completed.
  1677. 16:03:06,169 INFO SqlUtils:317 - Optimization loginserver tables...
  1678. 16:03:06,188 INFO SqlUtils:335 - Optimization loginserver tables completed.
  1679. 16:03:06,189 INFO Shutdown:523 - Committing all data, last chance...
  1680. 16:03:16,193 INFO Shutdown:536 - All database data committed.
  1681. 16:03:18,765 INFO Shutdown:541 - Memory cleanup, recycled unused objects.
  1682. 16:03:18,768 INFO Shutdown:543 - [STATUS] Server shutdown successfully.
  1683. 16:37:48,589 INFO Config:4450 - Loaded 30 Filter Words.
  1684. 16:37:48,591 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Database ]
  1685. 16:37:48,603 INFO MLog:80 - MLog clients using log4j logging.
  1686. 16:37:48,701 INFO C3P0Registry:204 - Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
  1687. 16:37:49,023 INFO AbstractPoolBackedDataSource:462 - Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> f0t596a11wte9ty1rzcn5e|2a32de6c, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> f0t596a11wte9ty1rzcn5e|2a32de6c, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2aron, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 9999, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
  1688. 16:37:49,036 INFO Loader:213 - L2DatabaseFactory: loaded.
  1689. 16:37:49,071 INFO HtmCache:82 - Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache
  1690. 16:37:49,089 INFO CrestCache:150 - Cache[Crest]: 0.004MB on 16 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
  1691. 16:37:49,108 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:89 - Initializing Script Engine Manager
  1692. 16:37:49,180 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5
  1693. 16:37:49,198 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
  1694. 16:37:49,702 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
  1695. 16:37:50,196 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_191 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
  1696. 16:37:50,293 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ World ]
  1697. 16:37:50,296 INFO L2World:963 - L2World: Setting up World Regions
  1698. 16:37:50,368 INFO L2World:991 - L2World: (87x128) World Region Grid set up.
  1699. 16:37:50,375 INFO Announcements:192 - Announcements: Loaded 7 Announcements.
  1700. 16:37:50,384 INFO AutoAnnouncementHandler:84 - GameServer: Loaded 7 Auto Announcements.
  1701. 16:37:50,387 INFO DonateGiverTaskManager:38 - DonateGiver: started.
  1702. 16:37:50,399 INFO IdFactory:136 - Updated characters online status.
  1703. 16:37:50,804 INFO BitSetIDFactory:79 - IDFactory: 411648 id's available.
  1704. 16:37:50,819 INFO StaticObjects:60 - StaticObject: Loaded 30 StaticObject Templates.
  1705. 16:37:50,827 INFO TeleportLocationTable:94 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 863 Teleport Location Templates
  1706. 16:37:50,828 INFO TeleportLocationTable:134 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded {} Custom Teleport Location Templates. 178
  1707. 16:37:50,877 INFO ExperienceData:95 - ExperienceData: Loaded 87 levels
  1708. 16:37:50,877 INFO ExperienceData:96 - ExperienceData: Max Player Level is: 80
  1709. 16:37:50,877 INFO ExperienceData:97 - ExperienceData: Max Pet Level is: 80
  1710. 16:37:50,878 INFO DuelManager:56 - Initializing DuelManager
  1711. 16:37:50,886 INFO AutoSaveManager:56 - Initializing AutoSaveManager
  1712. 16:37:50,887 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
  1713. 16:37:53,092 INFO SkillsEngine:121 - SkillsEngine: Loaded 30571 Skill templates from XML files.
  1714. 16:37:53,095 INFO SkillTreeTable:76 - SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
  1715. 16:37:53,096 INFO Loader:271 - Skills: All skills loaded.
  1716. 16:37:53,096 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Items ]
  1717. 16:37:53,328 INFO ItemTable:300 - ItemTable: Loaded 1202 Armors.
  1718. 16:37:53,370 INFO ItemTable:306 - ItemTable: Loaded 6884 Items.
  1719. 16:37:53,610 INFO ItemTable:312 - ItemTable: Loaded 1456 Weapons.
  1720. 16:37:53,611 INFO ItemTable:649 - Highest item id used: 99996
  1721. 16:37:53,619 INFO ArmorSetsTable:87 - Loaded: 57 armor sets.
  1722. 16:37:53,621 INFO CustomArmorSetsTable:72 - ArmorSetsTable: Loaded custom armor sets.
  1723. 16:37:53,679 INFO ExtractableItemsData:148 - Extractable items data: Loaded 334 extractable items!
  1724. 16:37:53,682 INFO SummonItemsData:133 - Summon items data: Loaded 12 summon items.
  1725. 16:37:53,685 INFO SkillTreeTable:168 - FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
  1726. 16:37:53,685 INFO Util:141 - =======================================================================-[ Npc ]
  1727. 16:37:53,686 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:57 - Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
  1728. 16:37:53,687 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:124 - WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.
  1729. 16:37:53,981 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6602 Npc Templates.
  1730. 16:37:53,983 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6627 Npc Templates.
  1731. 16:37:54,009 INFO NpcTable:302 - CustomDropList : Added 0 custom droplist
  1732. 16:37:54,070 INFO NpcTable:441 - NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
  1733. 16:37:54,071 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Characters ]
  1734. 16:37:54,088 INFO CrownManager:47 - CrownManager: initialized
  1735. 16:37:54,190 INFO ClanTable:154 - Restored 15 clans from the database.
  1736. 16:37:54,207 INFO CharTemplateTable:274 - CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
  1737. 16:37:54,209 INFO LevelUpData:106 - LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.
  1738. 16:37:54,212 INFO HennaTable:115 - HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
  1739. 16:37:54,274 INFO HennaTreeTable:138 - HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
  1740. 16:37:54,279 INFO HennaTable:170 - Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 templates
  1741. 16:37:54,279 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Geodata ]
  1742. 16:37:54,282 INFO GeoData:588 - Geo Engine: - Loading Geodata...
  1743. 16:37:54,283 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_20.l2j -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  1744. 16:37:54,285 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1745. 16:37:54,286 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_21.l2j -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  1746. 16:37:54,287 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1747. 16:37:54,287 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_22.l2j -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  1748. 16:37:54,288 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1749. 16:37:54,289 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_23.l2j -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  1750. 16:37:54,289 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1751. 16:37:54,290 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_24.l2j -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  1752. 16:37:54,290 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1753. 16:37:54,290 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_25.l2j -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  1754. 16:37:54,291 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1755. 16:37:54,291 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_26.l2j -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  1756. 16:37:54,292 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1757. 16:37:54,292 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_10.l2j -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  1758. 16:37:54,318 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 16945334 Loaded: 16945334
  1759. 16:37:54,318 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_11.l2j -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  1760. 16:37:54,320 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1601630 Loaded: 1601630
  1761. 16:37:54,320 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_12.l2j -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  1762. 16:37:54,323 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1353526 Loaded: 1353526
  1763. 16:37:54,323 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_13.l2j -> region offset: 525X: 16 Y: 13
  1764. 16:37:54,323 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1765. 16:37:54,323 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_14.l2j -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  1766. 16:37:54,324 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1767. 16:37:54,324 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_15.l2j -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  1768. 16:37:54,328 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1769. 16:37:54,329 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_16.l2j -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  1770. 16:37:54,329 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1771. 16:37:54,329 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_17.l2j -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  1772. 16:37:54,330 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1773. 16:37:54,330 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_18.l2j -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  1774. 16:37:54,331 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1775. 16:37:54,331 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_19.l2j -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  1776. 16:37:54,370 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 261120 Loaded: 261120
  1777. 16:37:54,371 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_20.l2j -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  1778. 16:37:54,372 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 351336 Loaded: 351336
  1779. 16:37:54,372 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_21.l2j -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  1780. 16:37:54,374 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 755262 Loaded: 755262
  1781. 16:37:54,374 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_22.l2j -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  1782. 16:37:54,382 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196860 Loaded: 196860
  1783. 16:37:54,382 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_23.l2j -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  1784. 16:37:54,384 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 244614 Loaded: 244614
  1785. 16:37:54,384 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_24.l2j -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  1786. 16:37:54,386 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1458578 Loaded: 1458578
  1787. 16:37:54,386 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_25.l2j -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  1788. 16:37:54,388 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2174086 Loaded: 2174086
  1789. 16:37:54,389 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_26.l2j -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  1790. 16:37:54,390 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1791. 16:37:54,390 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_10.l2j -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  1792. 16:37:54,393 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1599974 Loaded: 1599974
  1793. 16:37:54,393 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_11.l2j -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  1794. 16:37:54,399 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1633812 Loaded: 1633812
  1795. 16:37:54,400 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_12.l2j -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  1796. 16:37:54,400 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1797. 16:37:54,401 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_13.l2j -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  1798. 16:37:54,401 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1799. 16:37:54,401 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_14.l2j -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  1800. 16:37:54,402 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1801. 16:37:54,402 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_15.l2j -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  1802. 16:37:54,402 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1803. 16:37:54,402 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_16.l2j -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  1804. 16:37:54,403 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1805. 16:37:54,403 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_17.l2j -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  1806. 16:37:54,403 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1807. 16:37:54,403 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_18.l2j -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  1808. 16:37:54,404 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  1809. 16:37:54,404 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_19.l2j -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  1810. 16:37:54,405 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 197112 Loaded: 197112
  1811. 16:37:54,407 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_20.l2j -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  1812. 16:37:54,409 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3314810 Loaded: 3314810
  1813. 16:37:54,409 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_21.l2j -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  1814. 16:37:54,411 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4579004 Loaded: 4579004
  1815. 16:37:54,412 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_22.l2j -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  1816. 16:37:54,414 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4361168 Loaded: 4361168
  1817. 16:37:54,414 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_23.l2j -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  1818. 16:37:54,415 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 907572 Loaded: 907572
  1819. 16:37:54,415 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_24.l2j -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  1820. 16:37:54,416 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 280650 Loaded: 280650
  1821. 16:37:54,416 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_25.l2j -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  1822. 16:37:54,418 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2338812 Loaded: 2338812
  1823. 16:37:54,418 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_26.l2j -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  1824. 16:37:54,418 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1825. 16:37:54,418 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_10.l2j -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  1826. 16:37:54,420 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1561170 Loaded: 1561170
  1827. 16:37:54,420 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_11.l2j -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  1828. 16:37:54,420 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1829. 16:37:54,421 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_12.l2j -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  1830. 16:37:54,421 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1831. 16:37:54,421 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_13.l2j -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  1832. 16:37:54,422 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  1833. 16:37:54,422 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_14.l2j -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  1834. 16:37:54,424 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4328592 Loaded: 4328592
  1835. 16:37:54,424 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_15.l2j -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  1836. 16:37:54,425 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  1837. 16:37:54,425 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_16.l2j -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  1838. 16:37:54,426 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1839. 16:37:54,426 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_17.l2j -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  1840. 16:37:54,426 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228864 Loaded: 228864
  1841. 16:37:54,427 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_18.l2j -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  1842. 16:37:54,427 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 198372 Loaded: 198372
  1843. 16:37:54,428 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_19.l2j -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  1844. 16:37:54,429 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3112866 Loaded: 3112866
  1845. 16:37:54,429 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_20.l2j -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  1846. 16:37:54,432 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4368058 Loaded: 4368058
  1847. 16:37:54,432 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_21.l2j -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  1848. 16:37:54,432 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4282506 Loaded: 4282506
  1849. 16:37:54,468 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_22.l2j -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  1850. 16:37:54,472 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5695118 Loaded: 5695118
  1851. 16:37:54,473 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_23.l2j -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  1852. 16:37:54,477 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 5279650 Loaded: 5279650
  1853. 16:37:54,478 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_24.l2j -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  1854. 16:37:54,481 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3543774 Loaded: 3543774
  1855. 16:37:54,482 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_25.l2j -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  1856. 16:37:54,483 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228612 Loaded: 228612
  1857. 16:37:54,483 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_26.l2j -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  1858. 16:37:54,484 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1859. 16:37:54,484 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_10.l2j -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  1860. 16:37:54,485 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1559514 Loaded: 1559514
  1861. 16:37:54,485 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_11.l2j -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  1862. 16:37:54,486 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1863. 16:37:54,486 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_12.l2j -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  1864. 16:37:54,486 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1865. 16:37:54,487 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_13.l2j -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  1866. 16:37:54,487 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3423392 Loaded: 3423392
  1867. 16:37:54,487 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_14.l2j -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  1868. 16:37:54,488 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 4718600 Loaded: 4718600
  1869. 16:37:54,489 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_15.l2j -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  1870. 16:37:54,492 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3949604 Loaded: 3949604
  1871. 16:37:54,492 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_16.l2j -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  1872. 16:37:54,495 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3466828 Loaded: 3466828
  1873. 16:37:54,495 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_17.l2j -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  1874. 16:37:54,496 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 1269380 Loaded: 1269380
  1875. 16:37:54,497 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_18.l2j -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  1876. 16:37:54,499 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4882918 Loaded: 4882918
  1877. 16:37:54,500 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_19.l2j -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  1878. 16:37:54,501 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 2578644 Loaded: 2578644
  1879. 16:37:54,501 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_20.l2j -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  1880. 16:37:54,503 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3724650 Loaded: 3724650
  1881. 16:37:54,503 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_21.l2j -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  1882. 16:37:54,505 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3352386 Loaded: 3352386
  1883. 16:37:54,505 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_22.l2j -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  1884. 16:37:54,507 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4676140 Loaded: 4676140
  1885. 16:37:54,507 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_23.l2j -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  1886. 16:37:54,510 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5129654 Loaded: 5129654
  1887. 16:37:54,510 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_24.l2j -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  1888. 16:37:54,512 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2870100 Loaded: 2870100
  1889. 16:37:54,512 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_25.l2j -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  1890. 16:37:54,512 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1891. 16:37:54,513 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_26.l2j -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  1892. 16:37:54,513 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1893. 16:37:54,513 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_10.l2j -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  1894. 16:37:54,515 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 895996 Loaded: 895996
  1895. 16:37:54,515 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_11.l2j -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  1896. 16:37:54,515 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1897. 16:37:54,516 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_12.l2j -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  1898. 16:37:54,516 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1899. 16:37:54,516 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_13.l2j -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  1900. 16:37:54,518 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4267314 Loaded: 4267314
  1901. 16:37:54,518 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_14.l2j -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  1902. 16:37:54,521 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7880804 Loaded: 7880804
  1903. 16:37:54,521 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_15.l2j -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  1904. 16:37:54,523 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3935754 Loaded: 3935754
  1905. 16:37:54,523 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_16.l2j -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  1906. 16:37:54,524 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3553506 Loaded: 3553506
  1907. 16:37:54,524 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_17.l2j -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  1908. 16:37:54,526 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5709916 Loaded: 5709916
  1909. 16:37:54,527 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_18.l2j -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  1910. 16:37:54,528 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3620360 Loaded: 3620360
  1911. 16:37:54,528 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_19.l2j -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  1912. 16:37:54,529 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2651036 Loaded: 2651036
  1913. 16:37:54,529 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_20.l2j -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  1914. 16:37:54,568 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5135826 Loaded: 5135826
  1915. 16:37:54,569 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_21.l2j -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  1916. 16:37:54,575 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 9887908 Loaded: 9887908
  1917. 16:37:54,575 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_22.l2j -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  1918. 16:37:54,577 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4832510 Loaded: 4832510
  1919. 16:37:54,577 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_23.l2j -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  1920. 16:37:54,579 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3431390 Loaded: 3431390
  1921. 16:37:54,579 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_24.l2j -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  1922. 16:37:54,580 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1923. 16:37:54,580 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_25.l2j -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  1924. 16:37:54,580 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  1925. 16:37:54,581 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_26.l2j -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  1926. 16:37:54,581 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1927. 16:37:54,581 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_10.l2j -> region offset: 682X: 21 Y: 10
  1928. 16:37:54,582 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1929. 16:37:54,582 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_11.l2j -> region offset: 683X: 21 Y: 11
  1930. 16:37:54,582 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1931. 16:37:54,582 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_12.l2j -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  1932. 16:37:54,582 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1933. 16:37:54,583 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_13.l2j -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  1934. 16:37:54,583 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 284682 Loaded: 284682
  1935. 16:37:54,584 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_14.l2j -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  1936. 16:37:54,586 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7660720 Loaded: 7660720
  1937. 16:37:54,586 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_15.l2j -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  1938. 16:37:54,588 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6861616 Loaded: 6861616
  1939. 16:37:54,588 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_16.l2j -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  1940. 16:37:54,591 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 10 Size: 7195714 Loaded: 7195714
  1941. 16:37:54,591 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_17.l2j -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  1942. 16:37:54,592 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 1781764 Loaded: 1781764
  1943. 16:37:54,592 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_18.l2j -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  1944. 16:37:54,595 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6043604 Loaded: 6043604
  1945. 16:37:54,596 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_19.l2j -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  1946. 16:37:54,598 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 2863506 Loaded: 2863506
  1947. 16:37:54,598 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_20.l2j -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  1948. 16:37:54,600 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3780676 Loaded: 3780676
  1949. 16:37:54,600 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_21.l2j -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  1950. 16:37:54,603 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 7233862 Loaded: 7233862
  1951. 16:37:54,603 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_22.l2j -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  1952. 16:37:54,605 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5973246 Loaded: 5973246
  1953. 16:37:54,606 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_23.l2j -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  1954. 16:37:54,608 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5335506 Loaded: 5335506
  1955. 16:37:54,609 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_24.l2j -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  1956. 16:37:54,612 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6358098 Loaded: 6358098
  1957. 16:37:54,612 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_25.l2j -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  1958. 16:37:54,612 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 751114 Loaded: 751114
  1959. 16:37:54,612 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_13.l2j -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  1960. 16:37:54,614 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6519334 Loaded: 6519334
  1961. 16:37:54,615 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_14.l2j -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  1962. 16:37:54,619 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7990830 Loaded: 7990830
  1963. 16:37:54,619 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_15.l2j -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  1964. 16:37:54,623 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7774266 Loaded: 7774266
  1965. 16:37:54,623 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_16.l2j -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  1966. 16:37:54,627 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7809436 Loaded: 7809436
  1967. 16:37:54,627 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_17.l2j -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  1968. 16:37:54,629 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4647190 Loaded: 4647190
  1969. 16:37:54,629 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_18.l2j -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  1970. 16:37:54,631 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 4226282 Loaded: 4226282
  1971. 16:37:54,631 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_19.l2j -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  1972. 16:37:54,632 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4035796 Loaded: 4035796
  1973. 16:37:54,632 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_20.l2j -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  1974. 16:37:54,634 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3394924 Loaded: 3394924
  1975. 16:37:54,634 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_21.l2j -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  1976. 16:37:54,669 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4599770 Loaded: 4599770
  1977. 16:37:54,670 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_22.l2j -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  1978. 16:37:54,674 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5563560 Loaded: 5563560
  1979. 16:37:54,675 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_23.l2j -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  1980. 16:37:54,677 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4409314 Loaded: 4409314
  1981. 16:37:54,677 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_24.l2j -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  1982. 16:37:54,679 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3962974 Loaded: 3962974
  1983. 16:37:54,679 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_25.l2j -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  1984. 16:37:54,682 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 5374500 Loaded: 5374500
  1985. 16:37:54,682 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_26.l2j -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  1986. 16:37:54,683 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  1987. 16:37:54,683 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_10.l2j -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  1988. 16:37:54,683 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 276870 Loaded: 276870
  1989. 16:37:54,683 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_11.l2j -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  1990. 16:37:54,685 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3265184 Loaded: 3265184
  1991. 16:37:54,685 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_12.l2j -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  1992. 16:37:54,687 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7139550 Loaded: 7139550
  1993. 16:37:54,687 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_13.l2j -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  1994. 16:37:54,690 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6485174 Loaded: 6485174
  1995. 16:37:54,690 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_14.l2j -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  1996. 16:37:54,693 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7548792 Loaded: 7548792
  1997. 16:37:54,693 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_15.l2j -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  1998. 16:37:54,696 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 10894422 Loaded: 10894422
  1999. 16:37:54,696 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_16.l2j -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  2000. 16:37:54,699 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6424884 Loaded: 6424884
  2001. 16:37:54,699 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_17.l2j -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  2002. 16:37:54,701 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6472620 Loaded: 6472620
  2003. 16:37:54,701 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_18.l2j -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  2004. 16:37:54,704 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 21 Size: 8017312 Loaded: 8017312
  2005. 16:37:54,704 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_19.l2j -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  2006. 16:37:54,707 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7039468 Loaded: 7039468
  2007. 16:37:54,707 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_20.l2j -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  2008. 16:37:54,710 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7313320 Loaded: 7313320
  2009. 16:37:54,710 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_21.l2j -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  2010. 16:37:54,714 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5915114 Loaded: 5915114
  2011. 16:37:54,714 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_22.l2j -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  2012. 16:37:54,716 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4418070 Loaded: 4418070
  2013. 16:37:54,716 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_23.l2j -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  2014. 16:37:54,718 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4910322 Loaded: 4910322
  2015. 16:37:54,718 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_24.l2j -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  2016. 16:37:54,720 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4671462 Loaded: 4671462
  2017. 16:37:54,720 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_25.l2j -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  2018. 16:37:54,722 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3264202 Loaded: 3264202
  2019. 16:37:54,722 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_26.l2j -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  2020. 16:37:54,722 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2021. 16:37:54,722 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_10.l2j -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  2022. 16:37:54,723 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 262506 Loaded: 262506
  2023. 16:37:54,723 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_11.l2j -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  2024. 16:37:54,724 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3305300 Loaded: 3305300
  2025. 16:37:54,724 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_12.l2j -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  2026. 16:37:54,729 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 11356176 Loaded: 11356176
  2027. 16:37:54,729 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_13.l2j -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  2028. 16:37:54,730 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 3702306 Loaded: 3702306
  2029. 16:37:54,730 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_14.l2j -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  2030. 16:37:54,732 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6156546 Loaded: 6156546
  2031. 16:37:54,732 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_15.l2j -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  2032. 16:37:54,734 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5781964 Loaded: 5781964
  2033. 16:37:54,735 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_16.l2j -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  2034. 16:37:54,770 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5839078 Loaded: 5839078
  2035. 16:37:54,770 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_17.l2j -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  2036. 16:37:54,772 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5651342 Loaded: 5651342
  2037. 16:37:54,772 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_18.l2j -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  2038. 16:37:54,775 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4063182 Loaded: 4063182
  2039. 16:37:54,775 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_19.l2j -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  2040. 16:37:54,776 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3335538 Loaded: 3335538
  2041. 16:37:54,777 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_20.l2j -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  2042. 16:37:54,780 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7885768 Loaded: 7885768
  2043. 16:37:54,780 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_21.l2j -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  2044. 16:37:54,782 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4126332 Loaded: 4126332
  2045. 16:37:54,783 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_22.l2j -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  2046. 16:37:54,783 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 2541216 Loaded: 2541216
  2047. 16:37:54,784 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_23.l2j -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  2048. 16:37:54,784 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 720254 Loaded: 720254
  2049. 16:37:54,785 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_24.l2j -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  2050. 16:37:54,785 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 340626 Loaded: 340626
  2051. 16:37:54,785 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_25.l2j -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  2052. 16:37:54,786 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 586578 Loaded: 586578
  2053. 16:37:54,786 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_26.l2j -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  2054. 16:37:54,786 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2055. 16:37:54,786 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_10.l2j -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  2056. 16:37:54,787 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 257088 Loaded: 257088
  2057. 16:37:54,787 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_11.l2j -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  2058. 16:37:54,788 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 3659954 Loaded: 3659954
  2059. 16:37:54,788 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_12.l2j -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  2060. 16:37:54,794 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 8 Size: 13722452 Loaded: 13722452
  2061. 16:37:54,794 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_14.l2j -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  2062. 16:37:54,800 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 13850476 Loaded: 13850476
  2063. 16:37:54,800 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_15.l2j -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  2064. 16:37:54,805 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 12010470 Loaded: 12010470
  2065. 16:37:54,805 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_16.l2j -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  2066. 16:37:54,807 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6498272 Loaded: 6498272
  2067. 16:37:54,808 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_17.l2j -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  2068. 16:37:54,811 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 8580214 Loaded: 8580214
  2069. 16:37:54,811 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_18.l2j -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  2070. 16:37:54,814 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4088106 Loaded: 4088106
  2071. 16:37:54,814 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_19.l2j -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  2072. 16:37:54,819 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 9445748 Loaded: 9445748
  2073. 16:37:54,819 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_20.l2j -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  2074. 16:37:54,821 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 2397506 Loaded: 2397506
  2075. 16:37:54,821 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_21.l2j -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  2076. 16:37:54,821 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1351742 Loaded: 1351742
  2077. 16:37:54,821 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_11.l2j -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  2078. 16:37:54,822 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 977682 Loaded: 977682
  2079. 16:37:54,822 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_12.l2j -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  2080. 16:37:54,823 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 1388820 Loaded: 1388820
  2081. 16:37:54,824 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_14.l2j -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  2082. 16:37:54,825 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2747550 Loaded: 2747550
  2083. 16:37:54,825 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_15.l2j -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  2084. 16:37:54,825 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2085. 16:37:54,826 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_16.l2j -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  2086. 16:37:54,826 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2087. 16:37:54,829 INFO GeoPathFinding:276 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading Path Nodes...
  2088. 16:37:54,829 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  2089. 16:37:54,832 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  2090. 16:37:54,834 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  2091. 16:37:54,835 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  2092. 16:37:54,836 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  2093. 16:37:54,837 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  2094. 16:37:54,837 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  2095. 16:37:54,838 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  2096. 16:37:54,839 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  2097. 16:37:54,841 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  2098. 16:37:54,844 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  2099. 16:37:54,846 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  2100. 16:37:54,849 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  2101. 16:37:54,870 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  2102. 16:37:54,873 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  2103. 16:37:54,875 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  2104. 16:37:54,878 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  2105. 16:37:54,880 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  2106. 16:37:54,882 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  2107. 16:37:54,885 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  2108. 16:37:54,888 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  2109. 16:37:54,891 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  2110. 16:37:54,894 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  2111. 16:37:54,896 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  2112. 16:37:54,898 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  2113. 16:37:54,901 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  2114. 16:37:54,903 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  2115. 16:37:54,906 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  2116. 16:37:54,908 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  2117. 16:37:54,911 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  2118. 16:37:54,913 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  2119. 16:37:54,916 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  2120. 16:37:54,918 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  2121. 16:37:54,920 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  2122. 16:37:54,923 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  2123. 16:37:54,925 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  2124. 16:37:54,927 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  2125. 16:37:54,930 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  2126. 16:37:54,968 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  2127. 16:37:54,971 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  2128. 16:37:54,974 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  2129. 16:37:54,977 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  2130. 16:37:54,980 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  2131. 16:37:54,983 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  2132. 16:37:54,986 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  2133. 16:37:54,987 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  2134. 16:37:54,990 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  2135. 16:37:54,992 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  2136. 16:37:54,995 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  2137. 16:37:54,998 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  2138. 16:37:55,000 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  2139. 16:37:55,003 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  2140. 16:37:55,005 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  2141. 16:37:55,008 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  2142. 16:37:55,012 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  2143. 16:37:55,015 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  2144. 16:37:55,017 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  2145. 16:37:55,020 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  2146. 16:37:55,022 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  2147. 16:37:55,025 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  2148. 16:37:55,028 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  2149. 16:37:55,031 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  2150. 16:37:55,068 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  2151. 16:37:55,072 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  2152. 16:37:55,074 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  2153. 16:37:55,076 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  2154. 16:37:55,079 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  2155. 16:37:55,082 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  2156. 16:37:55,085 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  2157. 16:37:55,087 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  2158. 16:37:55,090 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  2159. 16:37:55,092 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  2160. 16:37:55,094 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  2161. 16:37:55,097 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  2162. 16:37:55,100 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  2163. 16:37:55,102 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  2164. 16:37:55,105 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  2165. 16:37:55,108 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  2166. 16:37:55,110 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  2167. 16:37:55,112 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  2168. 16:37:55,115 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  2169. 16:37:55,119 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  2170. 16:37:55,123 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  2171. 16:37:55,125 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  2172. 16:37:55,172 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  2173. 16:37:55,175 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  2174. 16:37:55,178 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  2175. 16:37:55,181 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  2176. 16:37:55,182 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  2177. 16:37:55,182 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  2178. 16:37:55,183 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  2179. 16:37:55,183 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  2180. 16:37:55,184 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  2181. 16:37:55,185 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  2182. 16:37:55,186 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  2183. 16:37:55,186 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  2184. 16:37:55,187 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  2185. 16:37:55,188 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  2186. 16:37:55,188 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  2187. 16:37:55,189 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  2188. 16:37:55,191 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  2189. 16:37:55,191 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  2190. 16:37:55,192 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  2191. 16:37:55,193 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  2192. 16:37:55,194 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  2193. 16:37:55,194 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  2194. 16:37:55,194 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  2195. 16:37:55,195 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  2196. 16:37:55,195 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  2197. 16:37:55,196 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  2198. 16:37:55,197 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  2199. 16:37:55,198 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  2200. 16:37:55,198 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  2201. 16:37:55,199 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  2202. 16:37:55,199 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  2203. 16:37:55,200 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  2204. 16:37:55,200 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  2205. 16:37:55,201 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  2206. 16:37:55,202 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  2207. 16:37:55,202 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  2208. 16:37:55,203 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  2209. 16:37:55,203 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  2210. 16:37:55,204 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  2211. 16:37:55,205 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  2212. 16:37:55,205 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  2213. 16:37:55,206 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  2214. 16:37:55,207 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  2215. 16:37:55,208 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  2216. 16:37:55,208 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  2217. 16:37:55,209 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  2218. 16:37:55,210 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  2219. 16:37:55,210 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  2220. 16:37:55,211 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  2221. 16:37:55,212 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  2222. 16:37:55,212 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  2223. 16:37:55,213 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  2224. 16:37:55,213 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  2225. 16:37:55,214 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  2226. 16:37:55,214 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  2227. 16:37:55,215 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  2228. 16:37:55,216 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  2229. 16:37:55,216 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  2230. 16:37:55,217 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  2231. 16:37:55,218 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  2232. 16:37:55,218 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  2233. 16:37:55,219 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  2234. 16:37:55,220 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  2235. 16:37:55,220 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  2236. 16:37:55,221 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  2237. 16:37:55,222 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  2238. 16:37:55,222 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  2239. 16:37:55,223 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  2240. 16:37:55,224 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  2241. 16:37:55,226 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  2242. 16:37:55,227 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  2243. 16:37:55,227 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  2244. 16:37:55,228 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  2245. 16:37:55,229 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  2246. 16:37:55,229 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  2247. 16:37:55,230 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  2248. 16:37:55,230 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  2249. 16:37:55,231 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  2250. 16:37:55,232 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  2251. 16:37:55,232 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  2252. 16:37:55,233 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  2253. 16:37:55,233 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  2254. 16:37:55,234 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  2255. 16:37:55,235 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  2256. 16:37:55,235 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  2257. 16:37:55,268 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
  2258. 16:37:55,518 INFO TradeController:355 - TradeController: Loaded 507 Buylists.
  2259. 16:37:55,519 INFO TradeController:356 - TradeController: Loaded 132 Limited Buylists.
  2260. 16:37:55,521 INFO TradeController:574 - TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
  2261. 16:37:55,993 INFO Loader:331 - Multisell: loaded.
  2262. 16:37:55,994 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Clan Halls ]
  2263. 16:37:55,997 INFO ClanHallManager:72 - Initializing ClanHallManager
  2264. 16:37:56,092 INFO ClanHallManager:122 - Loaded: 0 clan halls
  2265. 16:37:56,093 INFO ClanHallManager:123 - Loaded: 44 free clan halls
  2266. 16:37:56,095 INFO FortressOfResistance:151 - Fortress of Resistanse: siege will start the 4/12/19 9:00 PM
  2267. 16:37:56,097 INFO DevastatedCastle:161 - Devastated Castle: siege will start the 4/8/19 6:00 PM
  2268. 16:37:56,100 INFO BanditStrongholdSiege:78 - SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
  2269. 16:37:56,102 INFO AuctionManager:130 - Initializing AuctionManager
  2270. 16:37:56,104 INFO AuctionManager:159 - Loaded: 0 auction(s)
  2271. 16:37:56,104 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Zone ]
  2272. 16:37:56,113 INFO ZoneData:108 - Loading zones...
  2273. 16:37:56,184 INFO ArenaManager:39 - Initializing ArenaManager
  2274. 16:37:56,224 INFO TownManager:42 - Initializing TownManager
  2275. 16:37:56,513 INFO OlympiadStadiaManager:40 - Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager
  2276. 16:37:56,907 INFO CastleManager:117 - Initializing CastleManager
  2277. 16:37:56,969 INFO CastleManager:133 - Loaded: 9 castles
  2278. 16:37:57,084 INFO GrandBossManager:83 - Initializing GrandBossManager
  2279. 16:37:57,085 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  2280. 16:37:57,200 INFO FishingZoneManager:39 - Initializing FishingZoneManager
  2281. 16:37:57,801 INFO FortManager:56 - Initializing FortManager
  2282. 16:37:57,892 INFO FortManager:114 - Loaded: 21 fortress
  2283. 16:37:58,770 WARN ZoneData:362 - ZoneData: Missing cuboid vertex in sql data for zone: 19000
  2284. 16:37:58,817 INFO GrandBossManager:182 - GrandBossManager: Initialized 9 Grand Boss Zones
  2285. 16:37:58,817 INFO ZoneData:610 - Done: loaded 611 zones.
  2286. 16:37:58,817 INFO Util:141 - =================================================================-[ Spawnlist ]
  2287. 16:37:58,919 INFO CustomNpcInstanceManager:201 - CustomNpcInstanceManager: loaded 2 NPC to PC polymorphs.
  2288. 16:37:59,599 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Dion: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2289. 16:37:59,602 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Dion: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2290. 16:37:59,718 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Oren: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2291. 16:37:59,718 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Oren: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2292. 16:38:00,671 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Gludio: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2293. 16:38:00,675 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Gludio: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2294. 16:38:00,677 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Giran: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2295. 16:38:00,679 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Giran: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2296. 16:38:00,680 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Innadril: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2297. 16:38:00,680 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Innadril: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2298. 16:38:00,681 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Aden: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2299. 16:38:00,684 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Aden: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2300. 16:38:00,795 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Goddard: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2301. 16:38:00,796 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Goddard: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2302. 16:38:00,810 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:74 - DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised
  2303. 16:38:00,868 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Rune: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2304. 16:38:00,871 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Rune: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2305. 16:38:00,871 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2306. 16:38:00,872 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Schuttgart: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  2307. 16:38:01,281 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 66666
  2308. 16:38:01,290 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 53
  2309. 16:38:01,344 INFO SpawnTable:182 - SpawnTable: Loaded 36434 Npc Spawn Locations.
  2310. 16:38:01,344 INFO SpawnTable:183 - SpawnTable: Spawning completed, total number of NPCs in the world: 36434
  2311. 16:38:01,424 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:130 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 169 Instances
  2312. 16:38:01,424 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:131 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
  2313. 16:38:01,471 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 0 night creatures
  2314. 16:38:01,477 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
  2315. 16:38:01,477 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ Dimensional Rift ]
  2316. 16:38:01,480 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:172 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
  2317. 16:38:01,487 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:280 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
  2318. 16:38:01,488 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Misc ]
  2319. 16:38:01,495 INFO RecipeTable:88 - RecipeController: Loaded 871 Recipes.
  2320. 16:38:01,497 INFO AugmentationData:99 - Initializing AugmentationData.
  2321. 16:38:01,513 INFO AugmentationData:120 - AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
  2322. 16:38:01,514 INFO MercTicketManager:67 - Initializing MercTicketManager
  2323. 16:38:01,530 INFO MercTicketManager:738 - Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets
  2324. 16:38:01,568 INFO PetitionManager:87 - Initializing PetitionManager
  2325. 16:38:01,592 INFO ItemsAutoDestroy:58 - Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
  2326. 16:38:01,592 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Manor ]
  2327. 16:38:01,595 INFO L2Manor:385 - ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
  2328. 16:38:01,596 INFO CastleManorManager:79 - Initializing CastleManorManager
  2329. 16:38:01,602 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Giran: Data loaded
  2330. 16:38:01,603 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Innadril: Data loaded
  2331. 16:38:01,604 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Goddard: Data loaded
  2332. 16:38:01,605 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Schuttgart: Data loaded
  2333. 16:38:01,606 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Castles ]
  2334. 16:38:01,608 INFO SiegeManager:214 - Initializing SiegeManager
  2335. 16:38:01,611 INFO FortSiegeManager:190 - Initializing FortSiegeManager
  2336. 16:38:01,612 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Doors ]
  2337. 16:38:01,612 INFO DoorTable:96 - Searching clan halls doors:
  2338. 16:38:01,690 INFO DoorTable:121 - DoorTable: Loaded 1001 Door Templates.
  2339. 16:38:01,690 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Four Sepulchers ]
  2340. 16:38:01,694 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  2341. 16:38:01,745 INFO GrandBossManager:345 - FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
  2342. 16:38:01,745 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ]
  2343. 16:38:01,778 INFO SevenSigns:287 - SevenSigns: Currently in the Seal Validation period!
  2344. 16:38:01,778 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
  2345. 16:38:01,778 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
  2346. 16:38:01,779 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
  2347. 16:38:01,779 INFO SevenSigns:293 - SevenSigns: The competition ended with a tie last week.
  2348. 16:38:01,780 INFO SevenSigns:325 - SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 1 hours and 21 mins.
  2349. 16:38:01,818 INFO SevenSignsFestival:3262 - SevenSignsFestival: Initialization bypassed due to Seal Validation in effect.
  2350. 16:38:01,818 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Olympiad System ]
  2351. 16:38:01,822 INFO Olympiad:328 - Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
  2352. 16:38:01,822 INFO Olympiad:330 - Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
  2353. 16:38:01,822 INFO Olympiad:340 - Olympiad System: 5481 minutes until period ends
  2354. 16:38:01,823 INFO Olympiad:346 - Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 1881 minutes
  2355. 16:38:01,823 INFO Olympiad:350 - Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
  2356. 16:38:01,823 INFO Olympiad:758 - Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 1 hours and 22 mins.
  2357. 16:38:01,824 INFO Olympiad:760 - Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Apr 07 18:00:01 EEST 2019
  2358. 16:38:01,828 INFO Hero:216 - Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
  2359. 16:38:01,828 INFO Hero:217 - Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
  2360. 16:38:01,828 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Access Levels ]
  2361. 16:38:01,830 INFO AccessLevels:105 - AccessLevels: Access level with name {} is using reserved master access level {}. Ignoring it.. Master Access 1
  2362. 16:38:01,831 INFO AccessLevels:182 - AccessLevels: Master Access Level is 1
  2363. 16:38:01,831 INFO AccessLevels:183 - AccessLevels: User Access Level is 0
  2364. 16:38:01,832 INFO AdminCommandAccessRights:82 - Admin Access Rights: Loaded 490 Access Rigths from database.
  2365. 16:38:01,868 INFO GmListTable:92 - GmListTable: initalized.
  2366. 16:38:01,869 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ AntiBot ]
  2367. 16:38:01,872 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Balancer ]
  2368. 16:38:01,877 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Handlers ]
  2369. 16:38:01,900 INFO GameServer:157 - ItemHandler: Loaded 2048 handlers.
  2370. 16:38:01,916 INFO GameServer:129 - SkillHandler: Loaded 78 handlers.
  2371. 16:38:02,010 INFO AdminCommandHandler:202 - AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 489 handlers.
  2372. 16:38:02,018 INFO GameServer:86 - UserCommandHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.
  2373. 16:38:02,022 INFO GameServer:132 - VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 23 handlers.
  2374. 16:38:02,023 INFO Loader:438 - AutoChatHandler : Loaded 32 handlers in total.
  2375. 16:38:02,023 INFO Loader:439 - AutoSpawnHandler : Loaded 129 handlers in total.
  2376. 16:38:02,028 INFO Util:141 - ========================================================================-[ AI ]
  2377. 16:38:02,028 INFO Loader:484 - AI: disable load.
  2378. 16:38:02,029 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Scripts ]
  2379. 16:38:02,204 INFO QuestManager:51 - Initializing QuestManager
  2380. 16:38:05,114 INFO Loader:495 - Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
  2381. 16:38:05,117 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:77 - [FeanorScriptEngine] Loading Packages ...
  2382. 16:38:05,118 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:93 - [FeanorScriptEngine] No Packages Loaded ...
  2383. 16:38:05,132 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Quests ]
  2384. 16:38:05,132 INFO QuestManager:95 - Loaded: 47 quests
  2385. 16:38:05,168 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Game Server ]
  2386. 16:38:05,168 INFO Loader:535 - IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878989866
  2387. 16:38:05,170 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Custom Mods ]
  2388. 16:38:05,170 INFO PcPoint:32 - PcBang point event started.
  2389. 16:38:05,173 INFO PowerPak:67 - Buffer is Enabled.
  2390. 16:38:05,177 INFO BuffTable:116 - Loaded 112 buff templates
  2391. 16:38:05,182 INFO BufferSkillsTable:109 - BufferSkillsTable: Loaded 87 skills and 8 types.
  2392. 16:38:05,184 INFO PowerPak:142 - Raid Info is Enabled.
  2393. 16:38:05,185 INFO PowerPak:149 - Char Repair is Enabled.
  2394. 16:38:05,186 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:43 - Vote Reward System Initiated.
  2395. 16:38:12,236 INFO OfflineTradeTable:181 - Loading offline traders...
  2396. 16:38:13,597 INFO OfflineTradeTable:286 - Loaded: 5 offline trader(s)
  2397. 16:38:13,597 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Protection ]
  2398. 16:38:13,597 INFO Loader:586 - Check bad name on enter actived.
  2399. 16:38:13,597 INFO Loader:592 - Bypass Validation actived.
  2400. 16:38:13,598 INFO Loader:595 - L2Walker protection actived.
  2401. 16:38:13,598 INFO Loader:601 - Full packets flood protector actived.
  2402. 16:38:13,598 INFO Loader:604 - Client flood protection actived.
  2403. 16:38:13,598 INFO Util:141 - ==============================================================-[ Hero Checker ]
  2404. 16:38:13,599 INFO HeroChecker:18 - Hero Checker initialized.
  2405. 16:38:13,600 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ ZippyMapsManager ]
  2406. 16:38:13,600 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Info ]
  2407. 16:38:13,600 INFO Loader:620 - Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 amd64
  2408. 16:38:13,601 INFO Loader:621 - Available CPUs: 2
  2409. 16:38:13,601 INFO Loader:622 - Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 555
  2410. 16:38:13,601 INFO Loader:623 - GameServer Started, free memory 2382 Mb of 2944 Mb
  2411. 16:38:13,601 INFO Loader:624 - Used memory: 561 MB
  2412. 16:38:13,601 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Java specific ]
  2413. 16:38:13,601 INFO Loader:627 - JRE name: Oracle Corporation
  2414. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:628 - JRE specification version: 1.8
  2415. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:629 - JRE version: 1.8.0_191
  2416. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:630 - --- Detecting Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  2417. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:631 - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_191
  2418. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:632 - JVM Avaible Memory(RAM): 2944 MB
  2419. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:633 - JVM specification version: 1.8
  2420. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:634 - JVM specification vendor: Oracle Corporation
  2421. 16:38:13,602 INFO Loader:635 - JVM specification name: Java Virtual Machine Specification
  2422. 16:38:13,603 INFO Loader:636 - JVM implementation version: 25.191-b12
  2423. 16:38:13,603 INFO Loader:637 - JVM implementation vendor: Oracle Corporation
  2424. 16:38:13,603 INFO Loader:638 - JVM implementation name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  2425. 16:38:13,605 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Status ]
  2426. 16:38:14,592 INFO Loader:642 - Server Loaded in 26 seconds
  2427. 16:38:14,593 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Telnet ]
  2428. 16:38:14,593 INFO Loader:654 - Telnet server is disabled.
  2429. 16:38:14,596 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Login ]
  2430. 16:38:14,598 INFO LoginServerThread:155 - Connecting to login on
  2431. 16:38:14,718 INFO LoginServerThread:282 - Registered on login as Server 6 : Gustin
  2432. 16:38:42,570 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 88
  2433. 16:41:03,131 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2434. 16:41:03,132 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2435. 16:41:03,132 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2436. 16:41:03,132 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2437. 16:41:03,132 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2438. 16:41:03,133 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2439. 16:41:03,133 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2440. 16:41:03,133 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2441. 16:41:03,133 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2442. 16:41:03,134 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2443. 16:41:03,298 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2444. 16:41:03,298 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2445. 16:41:03,298 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2446. 16:41:03,299 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno100 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2447. 16:42:50,888 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  2448. 16:42:50,929 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  2449. 16:42:52,698 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 18 players data saved.
  2450. 16:44:59,377 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 80
  2451. 16:45:59,192 WARN L2GameClient:1171 - Client [IP:] - Disconnected, too many packets in non-authed state.
  2452. 16:51:14,719 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 54
  2453. 16:51:15,214 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 89
  2454. 16:53:36,691 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 16:53. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  2455. 16:56:50,868 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account exodiak is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2456. 16:57:07,209 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2457. 16:57:07,888 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2458. 16:57:07,888 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2459. 16:57:07,889 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2460. 16:57:07,889 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2461. 16:57:07,889 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2462. 16:57:07,890 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2463. 16:57:07,890 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2464. 16:57:07,890 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2465. 16:57:07,890 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2466. 16:57:07,891 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2467. 16:57:07,891 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2468. 16:57:09,367 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2469. 16:57:09,368 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account breno is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2470. 16:57:31,579 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 81
  2471. 16:57:50,889 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  2472. 16:57:50,926 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  2473. 16:57:51,904 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 13 players data saved.
  2474. 16:59:31,792 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φακοσγρfakosgr.
  2475. 16:59:42,189 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φακοσγρfakosgr.
  2476. 17:00:18,932 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 17:00. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  2477. 17:01:25,970 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account élamboka888.
  2478. 17:01:58,288 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φακοσγρfakosgr.
  2479. 17:03:18,870 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φακοσγρfakosgr.
  2480. 17:03:52,000 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 90
  2481. 17:04:37,891 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account ηερβδδherbalif.
  2482. 17:05:38,310 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account φακοσγρfakosgr.
  2483. 17:08:01,631 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  2484. 17:08:14,594 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  2485. 17:08:14,595 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 17:08.
  2486. 17:08:14,595 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 6
  2487. 17:08:14,595 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 3
  2488. 17:08:14,595 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 13
  2489. 17:08:14,596 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 1891 MB
  2490. 17:08:14,596 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 1052 MB
  2491. 17:08:14,596 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  2492. 17:08:40,931 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 17:08. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  2493. 17:10:08,373 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 81
  2494. 17:10:17,888 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account patronas1 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  2495. 17:12:11,969 WARN Shutdown:308 - GM: [Pigasos](268476378) issued shutdown command. SIGTERM in 11 seconds!
  2496. 17:12:22,978 WARN Shutdown:288 - GM shutdown countdown is over. shutting down NOW!
  2497. 17:12:22,979 INFO Shutdown:591 - GM shutdown received. Shutting down NOW!
  2498. 17:12:22,985 INFO OfflineTradeTable:164 - Offline traders stored.
  2499. 17:12:23,986 INFO Shutdown:772 - Disconnecting all players from the Server...
  2500. 17:12:28,987 INFO Shutdown:744 - Saving all players data...
  2501. 17:12:39,822 INFO Shutdown:677 - SevenSigns: All info saved!!
  2502. 17:12:40,188 INFO Shutdown:681 - RaidBossSpawnManager: All raidboss info saved!!
  2503. 17:12:40,211 INFO Shutdown:685 - GrandBossManager: All Grand Boss info saved!!
  2504. 17:12:40,214 INFO Shutdown:689 - TradeController: All count Item Saved
  2505. 17:12:40,215 INFO Shutdown:700 - Olympiad System: Data saved!!
  2506. 17:12:40,283 INFO Shutdown:715 - Balancer data has been saved.
  2507. 17:12:50,292 INFO ThreadPoolManager:415 - All ThreadPools are now stopped.
  2508. 17:12:50,297 INFO SqlUtils:288 - Optimization gameserver tables...
  2509. 17:12:52,335 INFO SqlUtils:305 - Optimization gameserver tables completed.
  2510. 17:12:52,367 INFO SqlUtils:317 - Optimization loginserver tables...
  2511. 17:12:52,393 INFO SqlUtils:335 - Optimization loginserver tables completed.
  2512. 17:12:52,393 INFO Shutdown:523 - Committing all data, last chance...
  2513. 17:13:02,398 INFO Shutdown:536 - All database data committed.
  2514. 17:13:04,707 INFO Shutdown:541 - Memory cleanup, recycled unused objects.
  2515. 17:13:04,707 INFO Shutdown:543 - [STATUS] Server shutdown successfully.
  2516. 18:48:53,302 INFO Config:4450 - Loaded 30 Filter Words.
  2517. 18:48:53,304 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Database ]
  2518. 18:48:53,351 INFO MLog:80 - MLog clients using log4j logging.
  2519. 18:48:53,418 INFO C3P0Registry:204 - Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
  2520. 18:48:53,725 INFO AbstractPoolBackedDataSource:462 - Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> f0t596a11wy2ub81haasnh|2a32de6c, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> f0t596a11wy2ub81haasnh|2a32de6c, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2aron, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 9999, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
  2521. 18:48:53,732 INFO Loader:213 - L2DatabaseFactory: loaded.
  2522. 18:48:53,753 INFO HtmCache:82 - Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache
  2523. 18:48:53,786 INFO CrestCache:150 - Cache[Crest]: 0.004MB on 16 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
  2524. 18:48:53,804 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:89 - Initializing Script Engine Manager
  2525. 18:48:53,878 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5
  2526. 18:48:53,916 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
  2527. 18:48:54,550 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
  2528. 18:48:54,950 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_191 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
  2529. 18:48:55,009 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ World ]
  2530. 18:48:55,013 INFO L2World:963 - L2World: Setting up World Regions
  2531. 18:48:55,054 INFO L2World:991 - L2World: (87x128) World Region Grid set up.
  2532. 18:48:55,069 INFO Announcements:192 - Announcements: Loaded 7 Announcements.
  2533. 18:48:55,094 INFO AutoAnnouncementHandler:84 - GameServer: Loaded 7 Auto Announcements.
  2534. 18:48:55,099 INFO DonateGiverTaskManager:38 - DonateGiver: started.
  2535. 18:48:55,158 INFO IdFactory:136 - Updated characters online status.
  2536. 18:48:55,597 INFO BitSetIDFactory:79 - IDFactory: 411648 id's available.
  2537. 18:48:55,606 INFO StaticObjects:60 - StaticObject: Loaded 30 StaticObject Templates.
  2538. 18:48:55,616 INFO TeleportLocationTable:94 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 863 Teleport Location Templates
  2539. 18:48:55,649 INFO TeleportLocationTable:134 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded {} Custom Teleport Location Templates. 178
  2540. 18:48:55,661 INFO ExperienceData:95 - ExperienceData: Loaded 87 levels
  2541. 18:48:55,662 INFO ExperienceData:96 - ExperienceData: Max Player Level is: 80
  2542. 18:48:55,662 INFO ExperienceData:97 - ExperienceData: Max Pet Level is: 80
  2543. 18:48:55,663 INFO DuelManager:56 - Initializing DuelManager
  2544. 18:48:55,668 INFO AutoSaveManager:56 - Initializing AutoSaveManager
  2545. 18:48:55,670 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
  2546. 18:48:57,749 INFO SkillsEngine:121 - SkillsEngine: Loaded 30571 Skill templates from XML files.
  2547. 18:48:57,751 INFO SkillTreeTable:76 - SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
  2548. 18:48:57,752 INFO Loader:271 - Skills: All skills loaded.
  2549. 18:48:57,753 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Items ]
  2550. 18:48:58,011 INFO ItemTable:300 - ItemTable: Loaded 1202 Armors.
  2551. 18:48:58,047 INFO ItemTable:306 - ItemTable: Loaded 6884 Items.
  2552. 18:48:58,307 INFO ItemTable:312 - ItemTable: Loaded 1456 Weapons.
  2553. 18:48:58,308 INFO ItemTable:649 - Highest item id used: 99996
  2554. 18:48:58,348 INFO ArmorSetsTable:87 - Loaded: 57 armor sets.
  2555. 18:48:58,350 INFO CustomArmorSetsTable:72 - ArmorSetsTable: Loaded custom armor sets.
  2556. 18:48:58,374 INFO ExtractableItemsData:148 - Extractable items data: Loaded 334 extractable items!
  2557. 18:48:58,377 INFO SummonItemsData:133 - Summon items data: Loaded 12 summon items.
  2558. 18:48:58,381 INFO SkillTreeTable:168 - FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
  2559. 18:48:58,381 INFO Util:141 - =======================================================================-[ Npc ]
  2560. 18:48:58,383 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:57 - Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
  2561. 18:48:58,384 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:124 - WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.
  2562. 18:48:58,591 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6602 Npc Templates.
  2563. 18:48:58,606 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6627 Npc Templates.
  2564. 18:48:58,677 INFO NpcTable:302 - CustomDropList : Added 0 custom droplist
  2565. 18:48:58,698 INFO NpcTable:441 - NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
  2566. 18:48:58,699 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Characters ]
  2567. 18:48:58,751 INFO CrownManager:47 - CrownManager: initialized
  2568. 18:48:58,811 INFO ClanTable:154 - Restored 15 clans from the database.
  2569. 18:48:58,815 INFO CharTemplateTable:274 - CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
  2570. 18:48:58,855 INFO LevelUpData:106 - LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.
  2571. 18:48:58,858 INFO HennaTable:115 - HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
  2572. 18:48:58,891 INFO HennaTreeTable:138 - HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
  2573. 18:48:58,896 INFO HennaTable:170 - Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 templates
  2574. 18:48:58,898 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Geodata ]
  2575. 18:48:58,902 INFO GeoData:588 - Geo Engine: - Loading Geodata...
  2576. 18:48:58,904 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_20.l2j -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  2577. 18:48:58,911 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2578. 18:48:58,911 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_21.l2j -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  2579. 18:48:58,914 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2580. 18:48:58,914 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_22.l2j -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  2581. 18:48:58,949 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2582. 18:48:58,949 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_23.l2j -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  2583. 18:48:58,953 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2584. 18:48:58,953 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_24.l2j -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  2585. 18:48:58,955 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2586. 18:48:58,956 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_25.l2j -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  2587. 18:48:58,959 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2588. 18:48:58,959 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/15_26.l2j -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  2589. 18:48:58,962 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2590. 18:48:58,962 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_10.l2j -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  2591. 18:48:59,023 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 16945334 Loaded: 16945334
  2592. 18:48:59,023 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_11.l2j -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  2593. 18:48:59,042 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1601630 Loaded: 1601630
  2594. 18:48:59,042 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_12.l2j -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  2595. 18:48:59,062 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1353526 Loaded: 1353526
  2596. 18:48:59,062 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_13.l2j -> region offset: 525X: 16 Y: 13
  2597. 18:48:59,065 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2598. 18:48:59,066 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_14.l2j -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  2599. 18:48:59,069 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2600. 18:48:59,069 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_15.l2j -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  2601. 18:48:59,072 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2602. 18:48:59,073 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_16.l2j -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  2603. 18:48:59,076 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2604. 18:48:59,076 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_17.l2j -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  2605. 18:48:59,079 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2606. 18:48:59,079 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_18.l2j -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  2607. 18:48:59,083 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2608. 18:48:59,083 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_19.l2j -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  2609. 18:48:59,087 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 261120 Loaded: 261120
  2610. 18:48:59,087 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_20.l2j -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  2611. 18:48:59,092 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 351336 Loaded: 351336
  2612. 18:48:59,092 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_21.l2j -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  2613. 18:48:59,098 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 755262 Loaded: 755262
  2614. 18:48:59,098 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_22.l2j -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  2615. 18:48:59,102 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196860 Loaded: 196860
  2616. 18:48:59,102 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_23.l2j -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  2617. 18:48:59,106 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 244614 Loaded: 244614
  2618. 18:48:59,107 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_24.l2j -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  2619. 18:48:59,119 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 1458578 Loaded: 1458578
  2620. 18:48:59,119 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_25.l2j -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  2621. 18:48:59,134 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2174086 Loaded: 2174086
  2622. 18:48:59,134 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/16_26.l2j -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  2623. 18:48:59,138 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2624. 18:48:59,138 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_10.l2j -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  2625. 18:48:59,149 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1599974 Loaded: 1599974
  2626. 18:48:59,150 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_11.l2j -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  2627. 18:48:59,162 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 1633812 Loaded: 1633812
  2628. 18:48:59,163 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_12.l2j -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  2629. 18:48:59,166 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2630. 18:48:59,166 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_13.l2j -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  2631. 18:48:59,171 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2632. 18:48:59,171 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_14.l2j -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  2633. 18:48:59,174 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2634. 18:48:59,175 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_15.l2j -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  2635. 18:48:59,178 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2636. 18:48:59,178 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_16.l2j -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  2637. 18:48:59,181 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2638. 18:48:59,181 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_17.l2j -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  2639. 18:48:59,185 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2640. 18:48:59,185 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_18.l2j -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  2641. 18:48:59,190 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  2642. 18:48:59,190 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_19.l2j -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  2643. 18:48:59,193 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 197112 Loaded: 197112
  2644. 18:48:59,194 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_20.l2j -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  2645. 18:48:59,212 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3314810 Loaded: 3314810
  2646. 18:48:59,213 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_21.l2j -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  2647. 18:48:59,233 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4579004 Loaded: 4579004
  2648. 18:48:59,233 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_22.l2j -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  2649. 18:48:59,255 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4361168 Loaded: 4361168
  2650. 18:48:59,255 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_23.l2j -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  2651. 18:48:59,263 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 907572 Loaded: 907572
  2652. 18:48:59,263 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_24.l2j -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  2653. 18:48:59,266 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 280650 Loaded: 280650
  2654. 18:48:59,267 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_25.l2j -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  2655. 18:48:59,283 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2338812 Loaded: 2338812
  2656. 18:48:59,284 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/17_26.l2j -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  2657. 18:48:59,288 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2658. 18:48:59,288 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_10.l2j -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  2659. 18:48:59,300 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1561170 Loaded: 1561170
  2660. 18:48:59,300 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_11.l2j -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  2661. 18:48:59,303 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2662. 18:48:59,304 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_12.l2j -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  2663. 18:48:59,307 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2664. 18:48:59,307 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_13.l2j -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  2665. 18:48:59,312 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 325128 Loaded: 325128
  2666. 18:48:59,312 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_14.l2j -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  2667. 18:48:59,332 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4328592 Loaded: 4328592
  2668. 18:48:59,333 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_15.l2j -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  2669. 18:48:59,337 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  2670. 18:48:59,337 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_16.l2j -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  2671. 18:48:59,340 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2672. 18:48:59,341 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_17.l2j -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  2673. 18:48:59,344 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228864 Loaded: 228864
  2674. 18:48:59,344 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_18.l2j -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  2675. 18:48:59,347 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 198372 Loaded: 198372
  2676. 18:48:59,347 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_19.l2j -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  2677. 18:48:59,364 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3112866 Loaded: 3112866
  2678. 18:48:59,364 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_20.l2j -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  2679. 18:48:59,388 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4368058 Loaded: 4368058
  2680. 18:48:59,389 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_21.l2j -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  2681. 18:48:59,411 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4282506 Loaded: 4282506
  2682. 18:48:59,412 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_22.l2j -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  2683. 18:48:59,437 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5695118 Loaded: 5695118
  2684. 18:48:59,437 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_23.l2j -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  2685. 18:48:59,463 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 5279650 Loaded: 5279650
  2686. 18:48:59,463 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_24.l2j -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  2687. 18:48:59,483 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3543774 Loaded: 3543774
  2688. 18:48:59,484 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_25.l2j -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  2689. 18:48:59,487 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 228612 Loaded: 228612
  2690. 18:48:59,487 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/18_26.l2j -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  2691. 18:48:59,490 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2692. 18:48:59,490 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_10.l2j -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  2693. 18:48:59,502 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1559514 Loaded: 1559514
  2694. 18:48:59,503 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_11.l2j -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  2695. 18:48:59,506 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2696. 18:48:59,506 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_12.l2j -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  2697. 18:48:59,510 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2698. 18:48:59,510 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_13.l2j -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  2699. 18:48:59,528 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3423392 Loaded: 3423392
  2700. 18:48:59,528 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_14.l2j -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  2701. 18:48:59,551 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 4718600 Loaded: 4718600
  2702. 18:48:59,551 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_15.l2j -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  2703. 18:48:59,577 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3949604 Loaded: 3949604
  2704. 18:48:59,578 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_16.l2j -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  2705. 18:48:59,606 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3466828 Loaded: 3466828
  2706. 18:48:59,607 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_17.l2j -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  2707. 18:48:59,623 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 1269380 Loaded: 1269380
  2708. 18:48:59,623 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_18.l2j -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  2709. 18:48:59,660 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4882918 Loaded: 4882918
  2710. 18:48:59,661 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_19.l2j -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  2711. 18:48:59,688 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 2578644 Loaded: 2578644
  2712. 18:48:59,688 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_20.l2j -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  2713. 18:48:59,710 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3724650 Loaded: 3724650
  2714. 18:48:59,711 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_21.l2j -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  2715. 18:48:59,732 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3352386 Loaded: 3352386
  2716. 18:48:59,732 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_22.l2j -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  2717. 18:48:59,755 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4676140 Loaded: 4676140
  2718. 18:48:59,755 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_23.l2j -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  2719. 18:48:59,778 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5129654 Loaded: 5129654
  2720. 18:48:59,778 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_24.l2j -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  2721. 18:48:59,796 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2870100 Loaded: 2870100
  2722. 18:48:59,796 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_25.l2j -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  2723. 18:48:59,799 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2724. 18:48:59,800 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/19_26.l2j -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  2725. 18:48:59,802 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2726. 18:48:59,803 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_10.l2j -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  2727. 18:48:59,810 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 895996 Loaded: 895996
  2728. 18:48:59,810 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_11.l2j -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  2729. 18:48:59,813 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2730. 18:48:59,813 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_12.l2j -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  2731. 18:48:59,816 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2732. 18:48:59,816 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_13.l2j -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  2733. 18:48:59,842 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4267314 Loaded: 4267314
  2734. 18:48:59,842 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_14.l2j -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  2735. 18:48:59,871 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7880804 Loaded: 7880804
  2736. 18:48:59,871 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_15.l2j -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  2737. 18:48:59,890 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3935754 Loaded: 3935754
  2738. 18:48:59,890 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_16.l2j -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  2739. 18:48:59,910 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3553506 Loaded: 3553506
  2740. 18:48:59,910 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_17.l2j -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  2741. 18:48:59,933 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5709916 Loaded: 5709916
  2742. 18:48:59,933 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_18.l2j -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  2743. 18:48:59,953 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3620360 Loaded: 3620360
  2744. 18:48:59,953 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_19.l2j -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  2745. 18:48:59,973 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 2651036 Loaded: 2651036
  2746. 18:48:59,974 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_20.l2j -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  2747. 18:48:59,996 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5135826 Loaded: 5135826
  2748. 18:48:59,996 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_21.l2j -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  2749. 18:49:00,048 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 9887908 Loaded: 9887908
  2750. 18:49:00,049 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_22.l2j -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  2751. 18:49:00,070 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4832510 Loaded: 4832510
  2752. 18:49:00,070 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_23.l2j -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  2753. 18:49:00,096 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 3431390 Loaded: 3431390
  2754. 18:49:00,096 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_24.l2j -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  2755. 18:49:00,100 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2756. 18:49:00,101 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_25.l2j -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  2757. 18:49:00,109 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 301860 Loaded: 301860
  2758. 18:49:00,109 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/20_26.l2j -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  2759. 18:49:00,113 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2760. 18:49:00,113 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_10.l2j -> region offset: 682X: 21 Y: 10
  2761. 18:49:00,116 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2762. 18:49:00,116 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_11.l2j -> region offset: 683X: 21 Y: 11
  2763. 18:49:00,119 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2764. 18:49:00,119 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_12.l2j -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  2765. 18:49:00,123 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2766. 18:49:00,123 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_13.l2j -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  2767. 18:49:00,126 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 284682 Loaded: 284682
  2768. 18:49:00,126 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_14.l2j -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  2769. 18:49:00,216 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7660720 Loaded: 7660720
  2770. 18:49:00,216 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_15.l2j -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  2771. 18:49:00,262 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6861616 Loaded: 6861616
  2772. 18:49:00,262 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_16.l2j -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  2773. 18:49:00,373 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 10 Size: 7195714 Loaded: 7195714
  2774. 18:49:00,374 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_17.l2j -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  2775. 18:49:00,402 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 1781764 Loaded: 1781764
  2776. 18:49:00,402 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_18.l2j -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  2777. 18:49:00,501 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6043604 Loaded: 6043604
  2778. 18:49:00,502 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_19.l2j -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  2779. 18:49:00,548 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 2863506 Loaded: 2863506
  2780. 18:49:00,548 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_20.l2j -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  2781. 18:49:00,609 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3780676 Loaded: 3780676
  2782. 18:49:00,610 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_21.l2j -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  2783. 18:49:00,723 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 7233862 Loaded: 7233862
  2784. 18:49:00,723 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_22.l2j -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  2785. 18:49:00,821 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5973246 Loaded: 5973246
  2786. 18:49:00,822 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_23.l2j -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  2787. 18:49:00,906 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5335506 Loaded: 5335506
  2788. 18:49:00,906 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_24.l2j -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  2789. 18:49:01,013 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6358098 Loaded: 6358098
  2790. 18:49:01,013 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/21_25.l2j -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  2791. 18:49:01,026 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 751114 Loaded: 751114
  2792. 18:49:01,026 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_13.l2j -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  2793. 18:49:01,128 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6519334 Loaded: 6519334
  2794. 18:49:01,129 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_14.l2j -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  2795. 18:49:01,258 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7990830 Loaded: 7990830
  2796. 18:49:01,259 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_15.l2j -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  2797. 18:49:01,379 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 7774266 Loaded: 7774266
  2798. 18:49:01,380 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_16.l2j -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  2799. 18:49:01,501 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7809436 Loaded: 7809436
  2800. 18:49:01,502 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_17.l2j -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  2801. 18:49:01,575 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4647190 Loaded: 4647190
  2802. 18:49:01,575 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_18.l2j -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  2803. 18:49:01,645 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 9 Size: 4226282 Loaded: 4226282
  2804. 18:49:01,645 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_19.l2j -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  2805. 18:49:01,712 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4035796 Loaded: 4035796
  2806. 18:49:01,712 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_20.l2j -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  2807. 18:49:01,770 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3394924 Loaded: 3394924
  2808. 18:49:01,770 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_21.l2j -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  2809. 18:49:01,844 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4599770 Loaded: 4599770
  2810. 18:49:01,844 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_22.l2j -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  2811. 18:49:01,933 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5563560 Loaded: 5563560
  2812. 18:49:01,933 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_23.l2j -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  2813. 18:49:02,008 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4409314 Loaded: 4409314
  2814. 18:49:02,008 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_24.l2j -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  2815. 18:49:02,070 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 3962974 Loaded: 3962974
  2816. 18:49:02,070 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_25.l2j -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  2817. 18:49:02,153 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 5374500 Loaded: 5374500
  2818. 18:49:02,153 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/22_26.l2j -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  2819. 18:49:02,157 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2820. 18:49:02,158 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_10.l2j -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  2821. 18:49:02,163 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 276870 Loaded: 276870
  2822. 18:49:02,163 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_11.l2j -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  2823. 18:49:02,219 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3265184 Loaded: 3265184
  2824. 18:49:02,220 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_12.l2j -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  2825. 18:49:02,331 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7139550 Loaded: 7139550
  2826. 18:49:02,331 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_13.l2j -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  2827. 18:49:02,433 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6485174 Loaded: 6485174
  2828. 18:49:02,434 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_14.l2j -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  2829. 18:49:02,549 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 7548792 Loaded: 7548792
  2830. 18:49:02,550 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_15.l2j -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  2831. 18:49:02,720 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 10894422 Loaded: 10894422
  2832. 18:49:02,720 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_16.l2j -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  2833. 18:49:02,819 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 6424884 Loaded: 6424884
  2834. 18:49:02,819 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_17.l2j -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  2835. 18:49:02,919 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 6472620 Loaded: 6472620
  2836. 18:49:02,920 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_18.l2j -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  2837. 18:49:03,043 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 21 Size: 8017312 Loaded: 8017312
  2838. 18:49:03,044 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_19.l2j -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  2839. 18:49:03,160 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7039468 Loaded: 7039468
  2840. 18:49:03,161 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_20.l2j -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  2841. 18:49:03,282 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7313320 Loaded: 7313320
  2842. 18:49:03,282 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_21.l2j -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  2843. 18:49:03,379 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5915114 Loaded: 5915114
  2844. 18:49:03,380 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_22.l2j -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  2845. 18:49:03,452 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4418070 Loaded: 4418070
  2846. 18:49:03,453 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_23.l2j -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  2847. 18:49:03,530 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4910322 Loaded: 4910322
  2848. 18:49:03,530 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_24.l2j -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  2849. 18:49:03,623 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4671462 Loaded: 4671462
  2850. 18:49:03,623 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_25.l2j -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  2851. 18:49:03,678 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3264202 Loaded: 3264202
  2852. 18:49:03,679 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/23_26.l2j -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  2853. 18:49:03,682 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2854. 18:49:03,682 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_10.l2j -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  2855. 18:49:03,688 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 262506 Loaded: 262506
  2856. 18:49:03,688 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_11.l2j -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  2857. 18:49:03,742 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 3 Size: 3305300 Loaded: 3305300
  2858. 18:49:03,742 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_12.l2j -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  2859. 18:49:03,917 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 11356176 Loaded: 11356176
  2860. 18:49:03,917 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_13.l2j -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  2861. 18:49:03,976 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 3702306 Loaded: 3702306
  2862. 18:49:03,976 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_14.l2j -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  2863. 18:49:04,076 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 6156546 Loaded: 6156546
  2864. 18:49:04,077 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_15.l2j -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  2865. 18:49:04,169 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5781964 Loaded: 5781964
  2866. 18:49:04,169 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_16.l2j -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  2867. 18:49:04,269 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 5839078 Loaded: 5839078
  2868. 18:49:04,269 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_17.l2j -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  2869. 18:49:04,359 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 5651342 Loaded: 5651342
  2870. 18:49:04,359 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_18.l2j -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  2871. 18:49:04,428 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 4063182 Loaded: 4063182
  2872. 18:49:04,428 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_19.l2j -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  2873. 18:49:04,480 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 3335538 Loaded: 3335538
  2874. 18:49:04,481 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_20.l2j -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  2875. 18:49:04,613 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 7885768 Loaded: 7885768
  2876. 18:49:04,614 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_21.l2j -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  2877. 18:49:04,684 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 4 Size: 4126332 Loaded: 4126332
  2878. 18:49:04,684 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_22.l2j -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  2879. 18:49:04,726 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 2541216 Loaded: 2541216
  2880. 18:49:04,727 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_23.l2j -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  2881. 18:49:04,742 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 720254 Loaded: 720254
  2882. 18:49:04,742 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_24.l2j -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  2883. 18:49:04,749 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 340626 Loaded: 340626
  2884. 18:49:04,749 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_25.l2j -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  2885. 18:49:04,759 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 586578 Loaded: 586578
  2886. 18:49:04,759 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/24_26.l2j -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  2887. 18:49:04,762 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2888. 18:49:04,763 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_10.l2j -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  2889. 18:49:04,767 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 257088 Loaded: 257088
  2890. 18:49:04,767 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_11.l2j -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  2891. 18:49:04,827 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 7 Size: 3659954 Loaded: 3659954
  2892. 18:49:04,827 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_12.l2j -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  2893. 18:49:05,048 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 8 Size: 13722452 Loaded: 13722452
  2894. 18:49:05,049 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_14.l2j -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  2895. 18:49:05,263 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 13850476 Loaded: 13850476
  2896. 18:49:05,263 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_15.l2j -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  2897. 18:49:05,451 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 12010470 Loaded: 12010470
  2898. 18:49:05,451 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_16.l2j -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  2899. 18:49:05,549 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 6498272 Loaded: 6498272
  2900. 18:49:05,550 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_17.l2j -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  2901. 18:49:05,702 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 8580214 Loaded: 8580214
  2902. 18:49:05,702 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_18.l2j -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  2903. 18:49:05,772 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 4088106 Loaded: 4088106
  2904. 18:49:05,773 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_19.l2j -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  2905. 18:49:05,923 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 9445748 Loaded: 9445748
  2906. 18:49:05,923 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_20.l2j -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  2907. 18:49:05,960 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 6 Size: 2397506 Loaded: 2397506
  2908. 18:49:05,961 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/25_21.l2j -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  2909. 18:49:05,985 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 2 Size: 1351742 Loaded: 1351742
  2910. 18:49:05,985 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_11.l2j -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  2911. 18:49:06,003 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 977682 Loaded: 977682
  2912. 18:49:06,004 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_12.l2j -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  2913. 18:49:06,027 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 1388820 Loaded: 1388820
  2914. 18:49:06,027 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_14.l2j -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  2915. 18:49:06,072 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 5 Size: 2747550 Loaded: 2747550
  2916. 18:49:06,073 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_15.l2j -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  2917. 18:49:06,076 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2918. 18:49:06,077 INFO GeoData:671 - Geo Engine: - Loading: data/geodata/26_16.l2j -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  2919. 18:49:06,080 INFO GeoData:720 - Geo Engine: - Max Layers: 0 Size: 196608 Loaded: 0
  2920. 18:49:06,083 INFO GeoPathFinding:276 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading Path Nodes...
  2921. 18:49:06,085 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 500X: 15 Y: 20
  2922. 18:49:06,103 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 501X: 15 Y: 21
  2923. 18:49:06,116 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 502X: 15 Y: 22
  2924. 18:49:06,128 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 503X: 15 Y: 23
  2925. 18:49:06,144 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 504X: 15 Y: 24
  2926. 18:49:06,157 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 505X: 15 Y: 25
  2927. 18:49:06,171 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 506X: 15 Y: 26
  2928. 18:49:06,183 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 522X: 16 Y: 10
  2929. 18:49:06,205 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 523X: 16 Y: 11
  2930. 18:49:06,248 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 524X: 16 Y: 12
  2931. 18:49:06,261 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 526X: 16 Y: 14
  2932. 18:49:06,273 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 527X: 16 Y: 15
  2933. 18:49:06,286 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 528X: 16 Y: 16
  2934. 18:49:06,297 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 529X: 16 Y: 17
  2935. 18:49:06,309 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 530X: 16 Y: 18
  2936. 18:49:06,357 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 531X: 16 Y: 19
  2937. 18:49:06,371 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 532X: 16 Y: 20
  2938. 18:49:06,384 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 533X: 16 Y: 21
  2939. 18:49:06,396 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 534X: 16 Y: 22
  2940. 18:49:06,408 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 535X: 16 Y: 23
  2941. 18:49:06,455 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 536X: 16 Y: 24
  2942. 18:49:06,467 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 537X: 16 Y: 25
  2943. 18:49:06,479 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 538X: 16 Y: 26
  2944. 18:49:06,491 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 554X: 17 Y: 10
  2945. 18:49:06,505 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 555X: 17 Y: 11
  2946. 18:49:06,518 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 556X: 17 Y: 12
  2947. 18:49:06,530 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 557X: 17 Y: 13
  2948. 18:49:06,541 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 558X: 17 Y: 14
  2949. 18:49:06,553 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 559X: 17 Y: 15
  2950. 18:49:06,564 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 560X: 17 Y: 16
  2951. 18:49:06,577 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 561X: 17 Y: 17
  2952. 18:49:06,589 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 562X: 17 Y: 18
  2953. 18:49:06,600 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 563X: 17 Y: 19
  2954. 18:49:06,612 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 564X: 17 Y: 20
  2955. 18:49:06,624 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 565X: 17 Y: 21
  2956. 18:49:06,637 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 566X: 17 Y: 22
  2957. 18:49:06,648 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 567X: 17 Y: 23
  2958. 18:49:06,661 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 568X: 17 Y: 24
  2959. 18:49:06,672 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 569X: 17 Y: 25
  2960. 18:49:06,684 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 570X: 17 Y: 26
  2961. 18:49:06,696 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 586X: 18 Y: 10
  2962. 18:49:06,711 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 587X: 18 Y: 11
  2963. 18:49:06,723 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 588X: 18 Y: 12
  2964. 18:49:06,735 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 589X: 18 Y: 13
  2965. 18:49:06,747 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 590X: 18 Y: 14
  2966. 18:49:06,760 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 591X: 18 Y: 15
  2967. 18:49:06,771 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 592X: 18 Y: 16
  2968. 18:49:06,782 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 593X: 18 Y: 17
  2969. 18:49:06,794 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 594X: 18 Y: 18
  2970. 18:49:06,807 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 595X: 18 Y: 19
  2971. 18:49:06,818 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 596X: 18 Y: 20
  2972. 18:49:06,832 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 597X: 18 Y: 21
  2973. 18:49:06,844 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 598X: 18 Y: 22
  2974. 18:49:06,855 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 599X: 18 Y: 23
  2975. 18:49:06,868 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 600X: 18 Y: 24
  2976. 18:49:06,881 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 601X: 18 Y: 25
  2977. 18:49:06,892 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 602X: 18 Y: 26
  2978. 18:49:06,904 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 618X: 19 Y: 10
  2979. 18:49:06,917 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 619X: 19 Y: 11
  2980. 18:49:06,929 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 620X: 19 Y: 12
  2981. 18:49:06,942 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 621X: 19 Y: 13
  2982. 18:49:06,954 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 622X: 19 Y: 14
  2983. 18:49:06,967 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 623X: 19 Y: 15
  2984. 18:49:06,979 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 624X: 19 Y: 16
  2985. 18:49:06,992 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 625X: 19 Y: 17
  2986. 18:49:07,005 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 626X: 19 Y: 18
  2987. 18:49:07,017 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 627X: 19 Y: 19
  2988. 18:49:07,030 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 628X: 19 Y: 20
  2989. 18:49:07,042 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 629X: 19 Y: 21
  2990. 18:49:07,055 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 630X: 19 Y: 22
  2991. 18:49:07,067 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 631X: 19 Y: 23
  2992. 18:49:07,080 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 632X: 19 Y: 24
  2993. 18:49:07,092 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 633X: 19 Y: 25
  2994. 18:49:07,103 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 634X: 19 Y: 26
  2995. 18:49:07,116 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 650X: 20 Y: 10
  2996. 18:49:07,130 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 651X: 20 Y: 11
  2997. 18:49:07,141 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 652X: 20 Y: 12
  2998. 18:49:07,154 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 653X: 20 Y: 13
  2999. 18:49:07,167 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 654X: 20 Y: 14
  3000. 18:49:07,181 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 655X: 20 Y: 15
  3001. 18:49:07,193 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 656X: 20 Y: 16
  3002. 18:49:07,205 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 657X: 20 Y: 17
  3003. 18:49:07,219 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 658X: 20 Y: 18
  3004. 18:49:07,232 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 659X: 20 Y: 19
  3005. 18:49:07,243 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 660X: 20 Y: 20
  3006. 18:49:07,255 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 661X: 20 Y: 21
  3007. 18:49:07,272 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 662X: 20 Y: 22
  3008. 18:49:07,285 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 663X: 20 Y: 23
  3009. 18:49:07,298 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 664X: 20 Y: 24
  3010. 18:49:07,310 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 665X: 20 Y: 25
  3011. 18:49:07,323 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 666X: 20 Y: 26
  3012. 18:49:07,335 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 684X: 21 Y: 12
  3013. 18:49:07,347 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 685X: 21 Y: 13
  3014. 18:49:07,357 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 686X: 21 Y: 14
  3015. 18:49:07,369 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 687X: 21 Y: 15
  3016. 18:49:07,381 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 688X: 21 Y: 16
  3017. 18:49:07,391 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 689X: 21 Y: 17
  3018. 18:49:07,404 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 690X: 21 Y: 18
  3019. 18:49:07,417 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 691X: 21 Y: 19
  3020. 18:49:07,429 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 692X: 21 Y: 20
  3021. 18:49:07,440 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 693X: 21 Y: 21
  3022. 18:49:07,453 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 694X: 21 Y: 22
  3023. 18:49:07,466 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 695X: 21 Y: 23
  3024. 18:49:07,478 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 696X: 21 Y: 24
  3025. 18:49:07,492 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 697X: 21 Y: 25
  3026. 18:49:07,505 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 717X: 22 Y: 13
  3027. 18:49:07,517 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 718X: 22 Y: 14
  3028. 18:49:07,532 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 719X: 22 Y: 15
  3029. 18:49:07,545 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 720X: 22 Y: 16
  3030. 18:49:07,556 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 721X: 22 Y: 17
  3031. 18:49:07,569 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 722X: 22 Y: 18
  3032. 18:49:07,581 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 723X: 22 Y: 19
  3033. 18:49:07,593 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 724X: 22 Y: 20
  3034. 18:49:07,604 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 725X: 22 Y: 21
  3035. 18:49:07,616 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 726X: 22 Y: 22
  3036. 18:49:07,629 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 727X: 22 Y: 23
  3037. 18:49:07,641 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 728X: 22 Y: 24
  3038. 18:49:07,654 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 729X: 22 Y: 25
  3039. 18:49:07,669 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 730X: 22 Y: 26
  3040. 18:49:07,680 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 746X: 23 Y: 10
  3041. 18:49:07,692 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 747X: 23 Y: 11
  3042. 18:49:07,703 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 748X: 23 Y: 12
  3043. 18:49:07,715 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 749X: 23 Y: 13
  3044. 18:49:07,725 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 750X: 23 Y: 14
  3045. 18:49:07,738 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 751X: 23 Y: 15
  3046. 18:49:07,755 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 752X: 23 Y: 16
  3047. 18:49:07,766 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 753X: 23 Y: 17
  3048. 18:49:07,779 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 754X: 23 Y: 18
  3049. 18:49:07,795 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 755X: 23 Y: 19
  3050. 18:49:07,807 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 756X: 23 Y: 20
  3051. 18:49:07,819 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 757X: 23 Y: 21
  3052. 18:49:07,832 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 758X: 23 Y: 22
  3053. 18:49:07,844 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 759X: 23 Y: 23
  3054. 18:49:07,856 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 760X: 23 Y: 24
  3055. 18:49:07,868 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 761X: 23 Y: 25
  3056. 18:49:07,881 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 762X: 23 Y: 26
  3057. 18:49:07,891 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 778X: 24 Y: 10
  3058. 18:49:07,904 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 779X: 24 Y: 11
  3059. 18:49:07,917 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 780X: 24 Y: 12
  3060. 18:49:07,931 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 781X: 24 Y: 13
  3061. 18:49:07,942 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 782X: 24 Y: 14
  3062. 18:49:07,955 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 783X: 24 Y: 15
  3063. 18:49:07,968 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 784X: 24 Y: 16
  3064. 18:49:07,980 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 785X: 24 Y: 17
  3065. 18:49:07,993 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 786X: 24 Y: 18
  3066. 18:49:08,006 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 787X: 24 Y: 19
  3067. 18:49:08,018 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 788X: 24 Y: 20
  3068. 18:49:08,031 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 789X: 24 Y: 21
  3069. 18:49:08,044 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 790X: 24 Y: 22
  3070. 18:49:08,056 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 791X: 24 Y: 23
  3071. 18:49:08,068 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 792X: 24 Y: 24
  3072. 18:49:08,080 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 793X: 24 Y: 25
  3073. 18:49:08,092 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 794X: 24 Y: 26
  3074. 18:49:08,102 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 810X: 25 Y: 10
  3075. 18:49:08,115 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 811X: 25 Y: 11
  3076. 18:49:08,128 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 812X: 25 Y: 12
  3077. 18:49:08,146 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 814X: 25 Y: 14
  3078. 18:49:08,163 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 815X: 25 Y: 15
  3079. 18:49:08,179 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 816X: 25 Y: 16
  3080. 18:49:08,191 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 817X: 25 Y: 17
  3081. 18:49:08,204 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 818X: 25 Y: 18
  3082. 18:49:08,218 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 819X: 25 Y: 19
  3083. 18:49:08,233 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 820X: 25 Y: 20
  3084. 18:49:08,246 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 821X: 25 Y: 21
  3085. 18:49:08,258 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 843X: 26 Y: 11
  3086. 18:49:08,270 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 844X: 26 Y: 12
  3087. 18:49:08,283 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 846X: 26 Y: 14
  3088. 18:49:08,294 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 847X: 26 Y: 15
  3089. 18:49:08,305 INFO GeoPathFinding:341 - PathFinding Engine: - Loading: C:\Server\gameserver/data/pathnode/ -> region offset: 848X: 26 Y: 16
  3090. 18:49:08,318 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
  3091. 18:49:08,511 INFO TradeController:355 - TradeController: Loaded 507 Buylists.
  3092. 18:49:08,511 INFO TradeController:356 - TradeController: Loaded 132 Limited Buylists.
  3093. 18:49:08,551 INFO TradeController:574 - TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
  3094. 18:49:09,204 INFO Loader:331 - Multisell: loaded.
  3095. 18:49:09,204 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Clan Halls ]
  3096. 18:49:09,209 INFO ClanHallManager:72 - Initializing ClanHallManager
  3097. 18:49:09,351 INFO ClanHallManager:122 - Loaded: 0 clan halls
  3098. 18:49:09,351 INFO ClanHallManager:123 - Loaded: 44 free clan halls
  3099. 18:49:09,355 INFO FortressOfResistance:151 - Fortress of Resistanse: siege will start the 4/12/19 9:00 PM
  3100. 18:49:09,358 INFO DevastatedCastle:161 - Devastated Castle: siege will start the 4/8/19 6:00 PM
  3101. 18:49:09,362 INFO BanditStrongholdSiege:78 - SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
  3102. 18:49:09,364 INFO AuctionManager:130 - Initializing AuctionManager
  3103. 18:49:09,365 INFO AuctionManager:159 - Loaded: 0 auction(s)
  3104. 18:49:09,365 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Zone ]
  3105. 18:49:09,374 INFO ZoneData:108 - Loading zones...
  3106. 18:49:09,409 INFO ArenaManager:39 - Initializing ArenaManager
  3107. 18:49:09,500 INFO TownManager:42 - Initializing TownManager
  3108. 18:49:09,763 INFO OlympiadStadiaManager:40 - Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager
  3109. 18:49:10,002 INFO CastleManager:117 - Initializing CastleManager
  3110. 18:49:10,082 INFO CastleManager:133 - Loaded: 9 castles
  3111. 18:49:10,191 INFO GrandBossManager:83 - Initializing GrandBossManager
  3112. 18:49:10,194 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  3113. 18:49:10,308 INFO FishingZoneManager:39 - Initializing FishingZoneManager
  3114. 18:49:10,990 INFO FortManager:56 - Initializing FortManager
  3115. 18:49:11,062 INFO FortManager:114 - Loaded: 21 fortress
  3116. 18:49:11,855 WARN ZoneData:362 - ZoneData: Missing cuboid vertex in sql data for zone: 19000
  3117. 18:49:11,883 INFO GrandBossManager:182 - GrandBossManager: Initialized 9 Grand Boss Zones
  3118. 18:49:11,886 INFO ZoneData:610 - Done: loaded 611 zones.
  3119. 18:49:11,886 INFO Util:141 - =================================================================-[ Spawnlist ]
  3120. 18:49:11,990 INFO CustomNpcInstanceManager:201 - CustomNpcInstanceManager: loaded 2 NPC to PC polymorphs.
  3121. 18:49:12,559 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Dion: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3122. 18:49:12,560 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Dion: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3123. 18:49:12,659 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Oren: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3124. 18:49:12,660 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Oren: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3125. 18:49:13,354 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Gludio: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3126. 18:49:13,355 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Gludio: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3127. 18:49:13,360 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Giran: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3128. 18:49:13,361 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Giran: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3129. 18:49:13,362 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Innadril: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3130. 18:49:13,366 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Innadril: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3131. 18:49:13,366 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Aden: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3132. 18:49:13,367 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Aden: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3133. 18:49:13,478 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Goddard: Sun Apr 07 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3134. 18:49:13,478 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Goddard: Sat Apr 06 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3135. 18:49:13,487 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:74 - DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised
  3136. 18:49:13,506 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Rune: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3137. 18:49:13,507 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Rune: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3138. 18:49:13,507 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Apr 13 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3139. 18:49:13,507 INFO Siege:1245 - Registration end time of Schuttgart: Fri Apr 12 19:00:00 EEST 2019
  3140. 18:49:13,848 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 66666
  3141. 18:49:13,866 WARN SpawnTable:167 - SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: {}. 53
  3142. 18:49:13,952 INFO SpawnTable:182 - SpawnTable: Loaded 36434 Npc Spawn Locations.
  3143. 18:49:13,952 INFO SpawnTable:183 - SpawnTable: Spawning completed, total number of NPCs in the world: 36434
  3144. 18:49:13,994 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:130 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 169 Instances
  3145. 18:49:13,994 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:131 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
  3146. 18:49:14,047 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 0 night creatures
  3147. 18:49:14,052 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
  3148. 18:49:14,052 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ Dimensional Rift ]
  3149. 18:49:14,059 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:172 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
  3150. 18:49:14,064 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:280 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
  3151. 18:49:14,064 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Misc ]
  3152. 18:49:14,073 INFO RecipeTable:88 - RecipeController: Loaded 871 Recipes.
  3153. 18:49:14,077 INFO AugmentationData:99 - Initializing AugmentationData.
  3154. 18:49:14,095 INFO AugmentationData:120 - AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
  3155. 18:49:14,096 INFO MercTicketManager:67 - Initializing MercTicketManager
  3156. 18:49:14,101 INFO MercTicketManager:738 - Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets
  3157. 18:49:14,103 INFO PetitionManager:87 - Initializing PetitionManager
  3158. 18:49:14,158 INFO ItemsAutoDestroy:58 - Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
  3159. 18:49:14,159 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Manor ]
  3160. 18:49:14,162 INFO L2Manor:385 - ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
  3161. 18:49:14,164 INFO CastleManorManager:79 - Initializing CastleManorManager
  3162. 18:49:14,171 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Giran: Data loaded
  3163. 18:49:14,173 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Innadril: Data loaded
  3164. 18:49:14,173 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Goddard: Data loaded
  3165. 18:49:14,174 INFO CastleManorManager:278 - Schuttgart: Data loaded
  3166. 18:49:14,175 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Castles ]
  3167. 18:49:14,179 INFO SiegeManager:214 - Initializing SiegeManager
  3168. 18:49:14,182 INFO FortSiegeManager:190 - Initializing FortSiegeManager
  3169. 18:49:14,184 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Doors ]
  3170. 18:49:14,184 INFO DoorTable:96 - Searching clan halls doors:
  3171. 18:49:14,287 INFO DoorTable:121 - DoorTable: Loaded 1001 Door Templates.
  3172. 18:49:14,287 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Four Sepulchers ]
  3173. 18:49:14,294 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
  3174. 18:49:14,389 INFO GrandBossManager:345 - FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
  3175. 18:49:14,389 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ]
  3176. 18:49:14,393 INFO SevenSigns:287 - SevenSigns: Currently in the Seal Validation period!
  3177. 18:49:14,393 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
  3178. 18:49:14,394 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
  3179. 18:49:14,394 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
  3180. 18:49:14,394 INFO SevenSigns:293 - SevenSigns: The competition ended with a tie last week.
  3181. 18:49:14,395 INFO SevenSigns:325 - SevenSigns: Next period begins in 0 days, 23 hours and 10 mins.
  3182. 18:49:14,458 INFO SevenSignsFestival:3262 - SevenSignsFestival: Initialization bypassed due to Seal Validation in effect.
  3183. 18:49:14,459 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Olympiad System ]
  3184. 18:49:14,462 INFO Olympiad:328 - Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
  3185. 18:49:14,462 INFO Olympiad:330 - Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
  3186. 18:49:14,463 INFO Olympiad:340 - Olympiad System: 5350 minutes until period ends
  3187. 18:49:14,463 INFO Olympiad:346 - Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 1750 minutes
  3188. 18:49:14,463 INFO Olympiad:350 - Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
  3189. 18:49:14,463 INFO Olympiad:758 - Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
  3190. 18:49:14,464 INFO Olympiad:760 - Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Apr 07 18:00:14 EEST 2019
  3191. 18:49:14,467 INFO Hero:216 - Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
  3192. 18:49:14,467 INFO Hero:217 - Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
  3193. 18:49:14,467 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Access Levels ]
  3194. 18:49:14,469 INFO AccessLevels:105 - AccessLevels: Access level with name {} is using reserved master access level {}. Ignoring it.. Master Access 1
  3195. 18:49:14,469 INFO AccessLevels:182 - AccessLevels: Master Access Level is 1
  3196. 18:49:14,470 INFO AccessLevels:183 - AccessLevels: User Access Level is 0
  3197. 18:49:14,471 INFO AdminCommandAccessRights:82 - Admin Access Rights: Loaded 490 Access Rigths from database.
  3198. 18:49:14,471 INFO GmListTable:92 - GmListTable: initalized.
  3199. 18:49:14,472 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ AntiBot ]
  3200. 18:49:14,475 INFO Olympiad:775 - Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
  3201. 18:49:14,479 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Balancer ]
  3202. 18:49:14,486 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Handlers ]
  3203. 18:49:14,548 INFO GameServer:157 - ItemHandler: Loaded 2048 handlers.
  3204. 18:49:14,572 INFO GameServer:129 - SkillHandler: Loaded 78 handlers.
  3205. 18:49:14,671 INFO AdminCommandHandler:202 - AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 489 handlers.
  3206. 18:49:14,679 INFO GameServer:86 - UserCommandHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.
  3207. 18:49:14,686 INFO GameServer:132 - VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 23 handlers.
  3208. 18:49:14,686 INFO Loader:438 - AutoChatHandler : Loaded 32 handlers in total.
  3209. 18:49:14,686 INFO Loader:439 - AutoSpawnHandler : Loaded 129 handlers in total.
  3210. 18:49:14,688 INFO Util:141 - ========================================================================-[ AI ]
  3211. 18:49:14,689 INFO Loader:484 - AI: disable load.
  3212. 18:49:14,689 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Scripts ]
  3213. 18:49:14,851 INFO QuestManager:51 - Initializing QuestManager
  3214. 18:49:17,476 INFO Loader:495 - Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
  3215. 18:49:17,482 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:77 - [FeanorScriptEngine] Loading Packages ...
  3216. 18:49:17,483 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:93 - [FeanorScriptEngine] No Packages Loaded ...
  3217. 18:49:17,500 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Quests ]
  3218. 18:49:17,501 INFO QuestManager:95 - Loaded: 47 quests
  3219. 18:49:17,501 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Game Server ]
  3220. 18:49:17,501 INFO Loader:535 - IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878989796
  3221. 18:49:17,504 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Custom Mods ]
  3222. 18:49:17,505 INFO PcPoint:32 - PcBang point event started.
  3223. 18:49:17,510 INFO PowerPak:67 - Buffer is Enabled.
  3224. 18:49:17,568 INFO BuffTable:116 - Loaded 112 buff templates
  3225. 18:49:17,574 INFO BufferSkillsTable:109 - BufferSkillsTable: Loaded 87 skills and 8 types.
  3226. 18:49:17,576 INFO PowerPak:142 - Raid Info is Enabled.
  3227. 18:49:17,578 INFO PowerPak:149 - Char Repair is Enabled.
  3228. 18:49:17,579 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:43 - Vote Reward System Initiated.
  3229. 18:49:20,005 INFO OfflineTradeTable:181 - Loading offline traders...
  3230. 18:49:20,568 INFO OfflineTradeTable:286 - Loaded: 2 offline trader(s)
  3231. 18:49:20,568 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Protection ]
  3232. 18:49:20,568 INFO Loader:586 - Check bad name on enter actived.
  3233. 18:49:20,568 INFO Loader:592 - Bypass Validation actived.
  3234. 18:49:20,568 INFO Loader:595 - L2Walker protection actived.
  3235. 18:49:20,569 INFO Loader:601 - Full packets flood protector actived.
  3236. 18:49:20,569 INFO Loader:604 - Client flood protection actived.
  3237. 18:49:20,569 INFO Util:141 - ==============================================================-[ Hero Checker ]
  3238. 18:49:20,570 INFO HeroChecker:18 - Hero Checker initialized.
  3239. 18:49:20,570 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ ZippyMapsManager ]
  3240. 18:49:20,571 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Info ]
  3241. 18:49:20,571 INFO Loader:620 - Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 amd64
  3242. 18:49:20,572 INFO Loader:621 - Available CPUs: 2
  3243. 18:49:20,572 INFO Loader:622 - Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 555
  3244. 18:49:20,572 INFO Loader:623 - GameServer Started, free memory 2404 Mb of 2944 Mb
  3245. 18:49:20,573 INFO Loader:624 - Used memory: 539 MB
  3246. 18:49:20,573 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Java specific ]
  3247. 18:49:20,573 INFO Loader:627 - JRE name: Oracle Corporation
  3248. 18:49:20,573 INFO Loader:628 - JRE specification version: 1.8
  3249. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:629 - JRE version: 1.8.0_191
  3250. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:630 - --- Detecting Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  3251. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:631 - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_191
  3252. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:632 - JVM Avaible Memory(RAM): 2944 MB
  3253. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:633 - JVM specification version: 1.8
  3254. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:634 - JVM specification vendor: Oracle Corporation
  3255. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:635 - JVM specification name: Java Virtual Machine Specification
  3256. 18:49:20,574 INFO Loader:636 - JVM implementation version: 25.191-b12
  3257. 18:49:20,575 INFO Loader:637 - JVM implementation vendor: Oracle Corporation
  3258. 18:49:20,575 INFO Loader:638 - JVM implementation name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  3259. 18:49:20,575 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Status ]
  3260. 18:49:21,581 INFO Loader:642 - Server Loaded in 28 seconds
  3261. 18:49:21,582 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Telnet ]
  3262. 18:49:21,583 INFO Loader:654 - Telnet server is disabled.
  3263. 18:49:21,586 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Login ]
  3264. 18:49:21,587 INFO LoginServerThread:155 - Connecting to login on
  3265. 18:49:21,655 INFO LoginServerThread:282 - Registered on login as Server 6 : Gustin
  3266. 18:49:50,301 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 90
  3267. 18:53:27,719 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 18:53. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  3268. 18:53:55,671 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3269. 18:53:55,690 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3270. 18:53:56,006 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 7 players data saved.
  3271. 18:56:05,374 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 81
  3272. 18:56:32,800 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 18:56. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  3273. 19:00:00,046 INFO Siege:695 - [SIEGE] The siege of Giran has started! 19:00.
  3274. 19:00:38,474 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3275. 19:00:38,556 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3276. 19:00:38,556 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3277. 19:00:38,556 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3278. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3279. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3280. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3281. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3282. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3283. 19:00:38,557 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3284. 19:00:38,620 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3285. 19:00:38,620 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3286. 19:00:38,620 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account vepozalujsta is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3287. 19:02:20,753 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 54
  3288. 19:02:21,133 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 90
  3289. 19:04:14,114 INFO TaskOlympiadSave:54 - [GlobalTask] Olympiad System save launched.
  3290. 19:08:36,212 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 81
  3291. 19:08:55,671 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3292. 19:08:55,691 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3293. 19:08:58,357 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 41 players data saved.
  3294. 19:14:51,500 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 55
  3295. 19:14:51,804 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 91
  3296. 19:19:14,188 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  3297. 19:19:21,583 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  3298. 19:19:21,583 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 19:19.
  3299. 19:19:21,583 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 49
  3300. 19:19:21,583 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 3
  3301. 19:19:21,584 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 14
  3302. 19:19:21,584 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2309 MB
  3303. 19:19:21,584 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 587 MB
  3304. 19:19:21,584 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  3305. 19:21:06,866 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 84
  3306. 19:23:55,671 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3307. 19:23:55,692 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3308. 19:23:59,732 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 58 players data saved.
  3309. 19:27:22,178 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 55
  3310. 19:27:22,497 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 92
  3311. 19:33:37,578 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 84
  3312. 19:34:14,114 INFO TaskOlympiadSave:54 - [GlobalTask] Olympiad System save launched.
  3313. 19:38:55,670 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3314. 19:38:55,692 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3315. 19:39:00,950 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 72 players data saved.
  3316. 19:39:52,841 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 55
  3317. 19:39:53,180 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 94
  3318. 19:46:08,302 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 86
  3319. 19:49:14,184 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  3320. 19:49:25,672 WARN AddTradeItem:58 - Character: NeurofunK requested item:268487460 add without active tradelist:1
  3321. 19:52:23,566 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 57
  3322. 19:52:23,862 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 96
  3323. 19:53:55,671 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3324. 19:53:55,693 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3325. 19:54:01,894 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 84 players data saved.
  3326. 19:57:27,136 WARN L2Character:9733 - Admin Login at 19:57. [Pigasos] logs in game with AccessLevel 1.
  3327. 19:58:38,927 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 87
  3328. 20:00:00,002 INFO CastleManorManager:548 - Manor System: Under maintenance mode started
  3329. 20:04:14,114 INFO TaskOlympiadSave:54 - [GlobalTask] Olympiad System save launched.
  3330. 20:04:28,820 WARN RequestBypassToServer:532 - Bad RequestBypassToServer:
  3331. java.lang.NullPointerException
  3332. at
  3333. at
  3334. at
  3335. at
  3336. at
  3337. at
  3338. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  3339. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  3340. at Source)
  3341. 20:04:54,717 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 59
  3342. 20:04:55,081 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 98
  3343. 20:06:00,001 INFO CastleManorManager:556 - Manor System: Next period started
  3344. 20:08:55,671 INFO AutoSaveManager:162 - [AutoSaveManager] ConnectionCheckTask, players connections checked.
  3345. 20:08:55,693 INFO AutoSaveManager:198 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoCleanDBTask, 0 entries cleaned from db.
  3346. 20:09:02,557 INFO AutoSaveManager:115 - [AutoSaveManager] AutoSaveTask, 83 players data saved.
  3347. 20:09:21,192 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account μmikelo12.
  3348. 20:09:27,547 WARN LoginServerThread:374 - Session key is not correct. Closing connection for account μmikelo12.
  3349. 20:11:10,144 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:145 - Actual TOPZONE Votes are: 89
  3350. 20:12:01,448 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3351. 20:12:01,532 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3352. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3353. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3354. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3355. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3356. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3357. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3358. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3359. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3360. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3361. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3362. 20:12:01,547 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3363. 20:12:02,121 WARN L2GamePacketHandler:176 - ATTENTION: Account baloglan3 is trying to send packet with opcode 63 without enterning in the world (online status is FALSE)..
  3364. 20:17:25,429 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:201 - [L2Network] Votes: 60
  3365. 20:17:25,781 INFO AutoVoteRewardHandler:88 - Actual HOPZONE Votes are: 98
  3366. 20:18:25,986 INFO L2Character:8026 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT, FexII and ThuGz. CLAN or ALLY.
  3367. 20:19:14,186 INFO TaskSevenSignsUpdate:57 - [GlobalTask] SevenSigns save launched.
  3368. 20:19:21,584 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  3369. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:69 - Server Time: 20:19.
  3370. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:70 - Active Players Online: 87
  3371. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:71 - Offline Players Online: 2
  3372. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:72 - Threads: 14
  3373. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:73 - Free Memory: 2401 MB
  3374. 20:19:21,584 INFO Loader:74 - Used memory: 619 MB
  3375. 20:19:21,584 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Server Status ]
  3376. 20:20:26,871 INFO L2Character:8026 - PVP POINT FARM ATTEMPT, FexII and Obrabo. CLAN or ALLY.
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