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a guest
Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. Log uploaded on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 4:01:49 AM
  2. Loaded mods:
  3. Core: (no assemblies)
  4. HugsLib[3.1.2]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
  5. JecsTools: 0Harmony(, AbilityUser(, CompActivatableEffect(, CompDeflector(, CompExtraSounds(, CompInstalledPart(, CompLumbering(, CompOversizedWeapon(, CompSlotLoadable(, CompToggleDef(, CompVehicle(
  6. Extra Widgets: ExtraWidgets(
  7. Rimsenal - Storyteller pack: (no assemblies)
  8. Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0: (no assemblies)
  9. EdB Prepare Carefully: 0Harmony(, EdBPrepareCarefully(
  10. Floored Re-Reupload A17: (no assemblies)
  11. Allow Tool: $HugsLibChecker(, AllowTool(
  12. RimFridge - A17: RimFridge(
  13. More Furniture (A17): (no assemblies)
  14. Simple sidearms[1.2.0]: $HugsLibChecker(, SimpleSidearms(
  15. [T] MoreFloors: (no assemblies)
  16. Medical Tab: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, MedicalInfo(
  17. Misc. Training: TrainingFacility(
  18. Bridgello: (no assemblies)
  19. Ceiling and Floor Lamps: (no assemblies)
  20. Blueprints: Blueprints(
  21. Stack Merger: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, StackMerger(
  22. Moody: Moody(
  23. Wildlife Tab: OmniLocator(
  24. Mod Menu Enhanced[0.1.2]: $HugsLibChecker(, 0Harmony(, ModMenuEnhanced(
  25. AllowDeadMansApparel: AllowDeadMansApparel(
  26. Defensive Positions: $HugsLibChecker(, DefensivePositions(
  27. Repair Workbench: RepairBench(
  28. Base Robots: 0Harmony(, BaseRobot(
  29. Cleaning Bot: (no assemblies)
  30. Cupro's Alloys: CuprosAlloys(
  31. Cupro's Drinks: CuprosDrinks(
  32. Cupro's Stones: 0Harmony(, CuprosStones(
  33. Cyclone Wire: (no assemblies)
  34. Efficient Light: (no assemblies)
  35. Expanded Power: ExpandedPower(
  36. Fast regen A17 : (no assemblies)
  37. Harvest Everything!: (no assemblies)
  38. Hauling Bot: (no assemblies)
  39. Heat Map: $HugsLibChecker(, HeatMap(
  40. Highway Restoration: (no assemblies)
  41. Hospitality: $HugsLibChecker(, Hospitality(
  42. Humanoid Alien Races 2.0: 0Harmony(, AlienRace(, _harmonycheck(
  43. Hunter Robot: (no assemblies)
  44. Increased Stack: (no assemblies)
  45. Legs!: (no assemblies)
  46. Mining Robot: (no assemblies)
  47. More Vanilla Turrets: (no assemblies)
  48. Powerless!: Powerless(
  49. Preset Filtered Zones: PresetFilteredZones(
  50. Quarry: Quarry(
  51. S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded: SourceAssembly(
  52. The Birds and the Bees: 0Harmony(, Fluffy_BirdsAndBees(, _harmonycheck(
  53. Windows: WindowMod(
  54. Industrialisation: Industrialisation(
  55. DDA Security and More: (no assemblies)
  56. [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17]: 0Harmony(, Smooth Stone Walls(1.0.6364.20149)
  57. A Dog Said...: (no assemblies)
  58. Spoons Hair Mod: (no assemblies)
  59. Ofuton: (no assemblies)
  60. [sd] advanced powergeneration: sd_adv_powergen(1.0.6358.26410)
  61. Construction Robot: (no assemblies)
  62. Prisoner Harvesting: (no assemblies)
  63. Weapon Tech A17: (no assemblies)
  64. WM Hydroponics with lamps[1.1.0]: WM AllInOne Ponics(
  65. Tiberium Rim: $HugsLibChecker(, Rimworld Project(
  66. Organized Research Tab: OrganizedResearch(
  67. Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race): Crystalloids(
  68. Conduit Deconstruct: RimWorldMod(
  69. I Can Fix It!: 0Harmony(, ICanFixIt(1.0.6355.1261)
  70. Path Avoid - A17: 0Harmony(, PathAvoid(
  71. Time-of-Day Switches: TimerSwitches(
  72. More Trade Ships: (no assemblies)
  73. QualityBuilder: QualityBuilder(
  75. Active Harmony patches:
  76. <GetVerbsCommands>c__Iterator258.MoveNext: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetVerbsCommandsTranspiler
  77. <MakeNewToils>c__Iterator32.<>m__92: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.JobDriver_Lovin_MakeNewToils_FinishAction.Prefix
  78. AddictionUtility.CanBingeOnNow: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.AddictionUtility_Patch+CanBingeOnNow.Prefix post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanBingeNowPostfix
  79. AgeInjuryUtility.GenerateRandomOldAgeInjuries: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateRandomOldAgeInjuriesPrefix
  80. AgeInjuryUtility.RandomHediffsToGainOnBirthday: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RandomHediffsToGainOnBirthdayPostfix
  81. AutoBuildRoofAreaSetter.TryGenerateAreaNow: PRE: TiberiumRim.AutoBuildroofAreaPatch.PrefixMethod
  82. AutoUndrafter.AutoUndraftTick: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.AutoUndrafter_AutoUndraftTick_Postfix.AutoUndraftTick
  83. Bill.PawnAllowedToStartAnew: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PawnAllowedToStartAnewPostfix
  84. Building.Destroy: PRE: ICanFixIt.Building_Patch_Destroy.Prefix post: ICanFixIt.Building_Patch_Destroy.Postfix
  85. Building_Bed.GetGizmos: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Building_Bed_Patch+GetGizmos.Postfix
  86. Building_Bed.get_AssigningCandidates: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.AssigningCandidatesPostfix
  87. Building_Bed.set_ForPrisoners: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Building_Bed_Patch+ForPrisoners.Postfix
  88. Building_CrashedShipPart.<TrySpawnMechanoids>m__4A2: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixer
  89. CaravanExitMapUtility.CanExitMapAndJoinOrCreateCaravanNow: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CanExit_PostFix
  90. CaravanUIUtility.AddPawnsSections: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.AddPawnsSections_PostFix
  91. CaravanUtility.IsOwner: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IsOwner_PostFix
  92. Command.GizmoOnGUI: TRANS: AllowTool.Patches.Command_GizmoOnGUI_Patch.DrawRightClickIcon
  93. CompDrug.PostIngested: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PostIngestedPostfix
  94. Corpse.ButcherProducts: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ButcherProductsPrefix
  95. DamageWorker_AddInjury.FinalizeAndAddInjury: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FinalizeAndAddInjury_PostFix
  96. DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditonalButtons
  97. DefGenerator.GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve: post: Fluffy.DefGenerator_GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix, Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.GenerateImpliedDefs_PreResolve.Postfix
  98. DefOfHelper.RebindAllDefOfs: post: AllowTool.Patches.DefOfHelper_RebindAll_Patch.HookBeforeImpliedDefsGeneration
  99. Designator.ProcessInput: PRE: AllowTool.Patches.Designator_ProcessInput_Patch.InterceptRightClicksOnSupportedDesignators
  100. Dialog_FormCaravan.CheckForErrors: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForErrors_PreFix
  101. Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
  102. DrugPolicy.get_Item: post: Hospitality.Harmony.DrugPolicy_Patch+Item.Postfix
  103. EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
  104. Faction.TryMakeInitialRelationsWith: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryMakeInitialRelationsWithPostfix
  105. FactionDialogMaker.OfferGiftOption: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.FactionDialogMaker_Patch+OfferGiftOption.Replacement
  106. FloatMenuMakerMap.AddHumanlikeOrders: post: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.AddHumanlikeOrders_PostFix, CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.AddHumanlikeOrders_PostFix, AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.AddHumanlikeOrdersPostfix, SimpleSidearms.intercepts.FloatMenuMakerMap_AddHumanLikeOrders_Postfix.AddHumanlikeOrders
  107. FloatMenuUtility.GetMeleeAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
  108. FloatMenuUtility.GetRangedAttackAction: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.FightActionTranspiler
  109. FoodUtility.ThoughtsFromIngesting: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ThoughtsFromIngestingPostfix
  110. ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ForbidUtility_Patch+CaresAboutForbidden.Replacement
  111. Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
  112. Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook
  113. GameCondition_ToxicFallout.DoCellSteadyEffects: PRE: TiberiumRim.ToxicFalloutPatch.PrefixMethod
  114. GameInitData.PrepForMapGen: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PrepForMapGenPrefix
  115. GameRules.DesignatorAllowed: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.DesignatorAllowedPostfix
  116. GenConstruct.CanConstruct: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanConstructPostfix
  117. GenLeaving.DoLeavingsFor: PRE: RSSW_Code.RSSW_GenLeaving.DoLeavingsForPrefix
  118. GenText.AdjustedFor: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenTextAdjustedForPostfix
  119. HealthCardUtility.DrawOverviewTab: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.DrawOverviewTab_PreFix
  120. HealthUtility.GetGeneralConditionLabel: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.GetGeneralConditionLabel_PreFix
  121. HediffGiver.TryApply: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.HediffGiver_TryApply.Prefix
  122. ITab_Pawn_Gear.DrawThingRow: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DrawThingRow_PostFix
  123. ITab_Pawn_Gear.InterfaceDrop: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.InterfaceDrop_PreFix, SimpleSidearms.intercepts.ITab_Pawn_Gear_InterfaceDrop_Prefix.InterfaceDrop, Hospitality.Harmony.ITab_Pawn_Gear_Patch+InterfaceDrop.Prefix
  124. ITab_Pawn_Gear.TryDrawAverageArmor: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryDrawAverageArmorTranspiler
  125. ITab_Pawn_Guest.get_IsVisible: post: Hospitality.Harmony.ITab_Pawn_Guest_Patch+IsVisible.Postfix
  126. IncidentWorker_RefugeeChased.TryExecute: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.IncidentWorker_RefugeeChased_Patch+TryExecute.Replacement
  127. IncidentWorker_WandererJoin.TryExecute: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.IncidentWorker_WandererJoin_Patch+TryExecute.Replacement
  128. InspectGizmoGrid.DrawInspectGizmoGridFor: TRANS: AllowTool.Patches.InspectGizmoGrid_DrawInspectGizmoGridFor_Patch.RegisterRevereseDesignatorCommandPair
  129. JobDriver.get_Posture: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PosturePostfix
  130. JobDriver_Ingest.ReserveFoodIfWillIngestWholeStack: post: Hospitality.Harmony.JobDriver_Ingest_Patch+ReserveFoodIfWillIngestWholeStack.Postfix
  131. JobDriver_Skygaze.get_Posture: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.PosturePostfix
  132. JobDriver_Wait.CheckForAutoAttack: TRANS: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CheckForAutoAttackTranspiler
  133. JobGiver_DoLovin.TryGiveJob: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.JobGiver_DoLovin_TryGiveJob.Prefix post: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.JobGiver_DoLovin_TryGiveJob.Postfix
  134. JobGiver_Mate.TryGiveJob: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.JobGiver_Mate_TryGiveJob.Prefix
  135. JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.ApparelScoreGain: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ApparelScoreGainPostFix
  136. JobGiver_SatisfyChemicalNeed.DrugValidator: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.DrugValidatorPostfix
  137. JoyGiver_Ingest.CanIngestForJoy: post: Hospitality.Harmony.JoyGiver_Ingest_Patch+CanIngestForJoy.Postfix
  138. LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
  139. ListerHaulables.Notify_DeSpawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_DeSpawned.Postfix
  140. ListerHaulables.Notify_Forbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Forbidden.Postfix
  141. ListerHaulables.Notify_SlotGroupChanged: post: StackMerger.Notify_SlotGroupChanged.Postfix
  142. ListerHaulables.Notify_Spawned: post: StackMerger.Notify_Spawned.Postfix
  143. ListerHaulables.Notify_Unforbidden: post: StackMerger.Notify_Unforbidden.Postfix
  144. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherAnimals.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.UpdateAllDutiesTwo_Prefix
  145. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherItems.UpdateAllDuties: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.UpdateAllDuties_PreFix
  146. LordToil_PrepareCaravan_GatherSlaves.LordToilTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.LordToilTick_PreFix
  147. MainTabWindow_Research.PreOpen: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ResearchPreOpenPostfix
  148. Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
  149. Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
  150. MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
  151. MapInterface.MapInterfaceUpdate: post: HeatMap.MapInterface_Detour.Postfix
  152. MemoryThoughtHandler.TryGainMemory: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGainMemoryThoughtPrefix
  153. ModContentPack.ToString: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ModContentPack_Patch+_ToString.Replacement
  154. Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.CanDoNext: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanDoNextStartPawnPostfix
  155. Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DoWindowContents: post: EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches.DoWindowContentsPostfix
  156. Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PreOpen: post: EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches.PreOpenPostfix
  157. Page_ModsConfig.PostClose: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_PostClose_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
  158. Pawn.CurrentlyUsable: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.CurrentlyUsable_PostFix
  159. Pawn.ExitMap: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.ExitMap_PreFix
  160. Pawn.GetGizmos: post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.GetGizmosPrefix, CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetGizmos_PostFix, SimpleSidearms.intercepts.Pawn_GetGizmos_Postfix.GetGizmos
  161. Pawn.PostApplyDamage: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.PostApplyDamage_PostFix
  162. Pawn.SetFaction: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetFactionPostfix
  163. Pawn.get_IsColonistPlayerControlled: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.IsColonistPlayerControlled_PostFix
  164. PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GeneratePawnName: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnNamePrefix
  165. PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameToPostfix
  166. PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix
  167. PawnBioAndNameGenerator.TryGetRandomUnusedSolidBioFor: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGetRandomUnusedSolidBioForPostfix
  168. PawnDownedWiggler.WigglerTick: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.WigglerTick_PreFix
  169. PawnGenerator.GenerateBodyType: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateBodyTypePostfix
  170. PawnGenerator.GenerateGearFor: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.PawnGenerator_GenerateGearFor_Postfix.GenerateGearFor
  171. PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnPrefix
  172. PawnGenerator.GeneratePawnRelations: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GeneratePawnRelationsPrefix
  173. PawnGenerator.GenerateRandomAge: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateRandomAgePrefix
  174. PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateTraitsPrefix TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerateTraitsTranspiler
  175. PawnGraphicSet.ResolveAllGraphics: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ResolveAllGraphicsPrefix
  176. PawnHairChooser.RandomHairDefFor: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RandomHairDefForPrefix
  177. PawnRelationDef.GetGenderSpecificLabel: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GetGenderSpecificLabelPrefix
  178. PawnRelationWorker_Child.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceChildPostfix
  179. PawnRelationWorker_ExLover.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceExLoverPostfix
  180. PawnRelationWorker_ExSpouse.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceExSpousePostfix
  181. PawnRelationWorker_Fiance.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceFiancePostfix
  182. PawnRelationWorker_Lover.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceLoverPostfix
  183. PawnRelationWorker_Parent.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceParentPostfix
  184. PawnRelationWorker_Sibling.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceSiblingPostfix
  185. PawnRelationWorker_Spouse.GenerationChance: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GenerationChanceSpousePostfix
  186. PawnRenderer.DrawEquipmentAiming: PRE: CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.DrawEquipmentAiming_PreFix, CompOversizedWeapon.HarmonyCompOversizedWeapon.DrawEquipmentAimingPreFix post: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix, CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.DrawEquipmentAimingPostFix
  187. PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.RenderPawnInternalPrefix
  188. PawnUtility.FertileMateTarget: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.PawnUtility_FertileMateTarget.Prefix
  189. PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid: post: PathAvoid.Patch_PawnUtility_GetAvoidGrid.Postfix
  190. PawnUtility.Mated: PRE: Fluffy_BirdsAndBees.PawnUtility_Mated.Prefix
  191. PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout: post: Hospitality.Harmony.PawnUtility_Patch+ShouldSendNotificationAbout.Postfix
  192. PawnWeaponGenerator.Reset: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.PawnWeaponGenerator_Reset_Postfix.Reset
  193. PawnWeaponGenerator.TryGenerateWeaponFor: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGenerateWeaponForPrefix post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryGenerateWeaponForPostfix
  194. Pawn_AgeTracker.BirthdayBiological: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.BirthdayBiologicalPrefix
  195. Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelAdded: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_ApparelAdded_PostFix
  196. Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelRemoved: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_ApparelRemoved_PostFix
  197. Pawn_DraftController.GetGizmos: post: DefensivePositions.DraftController_GetGizmos_Patch.InsertDefensivePositionGizmo
  198. Pawn_DraftController.set_Drafted: (no patches)
  199. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.AddEquipment: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.Pawn_EquipmentTracker_AddEquipment_Postfix.AddEquipment
  200. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentAdded: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_EquipmentAdded_PostFix
  201. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.Notify_EquipmentRemoved: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.Notify_EquipmentRemoved_PostFix
  202. Pawn_EquipmentTracker.TryDropEquipment: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryDropEquipment_PreFix, CompInstalledPart.HarmonyCompInstalledPart.TryDropEquipment_PreFix
  203. Pawn_GuestTracker.Notify_PawnUndowned: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_GuestTracker_Patch+Notify_PawnUndowned.Replacement
  204. Pawn_GuestTracker.SetGuestStatus: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_GuestTracker_Patch+SetGuestStatus.Prefix
  205. Pawn_HealthTracker.ShouldBeDowned: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.ShouldBeDowned_PreFix
  206. Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch+TryInteractRandomly.Replacement
  207. Pawn_NeedsTracker.ShouldHaveNeed: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_NeedsTracker_Patch+ShouldHaveNeed.Prefix post: BaseRobot.Need_Battery_Patch.Postfix
  208. Pawn_PathFollower.StartPath: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.StartPath_PreFix
  209. Pawn_PlayerSettings.get_RespectsAllowedArea: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_PlayerSettings_Patch+RespectsAllowedArea.Postfix
  210. Pawn_RelationsTracker.CompatibilityWith: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CompatibilityWith
  211. Pawn_RelationsTracker.Notify_RescuedBy: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_RelationsTracker_Patch+Notify_RescuedBy.Postfix
  212. Pawn_RelationsTracker.SecondaryRomanceChanceFactor: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SecondaryRomanceChanceFactorTranspiler
  213. Pawn_StoryTracker.get_SkinColor: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SkinColorPostfix
  214. Pawn_WorkSettings.ExposeData: post: Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_WorkSettings_Patch+ExposeData.Postfix
  215. PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
  216. PlaySettings.DoPlaySettingsGlobalControls: post: HeatMap.PlaySettings_Detour.PostFix
  217. RaceProperties.CanEverEat: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanEverEat
  218. RestUtility.CanUseBedEver: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanUseBedEverPostfix, Hospitality.Harmony.RestUtility_Patch+CanUseBedEver.Postfix
  219. ReverseDesignatorDatabase.InitDesignators: post: AllowTool.Patches.ReverseDesignatorDatabase_Init_Patch.InjectReverseDesignators
  220. RockNoises.Init: PRE: CuprosStones.RockNoises_Init.Prefix
  221. Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
  222. Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
  223. SituationalThoughtHandler.TryCreateThought: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.TryCreateSituationalThoughtPrefix
  224. SocialCardUtility.GetPawnSituationLabel: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.SocialCardUtility_Patch+GetPawnSituationLabel.Replacement
  225. Stance_Warmup.StanceTick: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.Stance_Warmup_StanceTick_Postfix.StanceTick
  226. StartingPawnUtility.NewGeneratedStartingPawn: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.NewGeneratedStartingPawnPrefix
  227. StatExtension.GetStatValue: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.GetStatValue_PostFix
  228. StatWorker.StatOffsetFromGear: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.StatOffsetFromGear_PostFix
  229. SymbolResolver_RandomMechanoidGroup.<Resolve>m__271: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.MechanoidsFixerAncient
  230. Targeter.ProcessInputEvents: PRE: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.ProcessInputEvents_PreFix
  231. Targeter.TargeterUpdate: PRE: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.TargeterUpdate_PostFix
  232. Thing.SetFactionDirect: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetFactionDirectPostfix
  233. Thing.TakeDamage: PRE: CompDeflector.HarmonyCompDeflector.TakeDamage_PreFix
  234. Thing.get_DefaultGraphic: (no patches)
  235. ThingWithComps.GetFloatMenuOptions: post: AllowTool.Patches.Thing_GetFloatMenuOptions_Patch.FinishOffWhenDrafted
  236. ThingWithComps.InitializeComps: post: AbilityUser.HarmonyPatches.InitializeComps_PostFix
  237. ThinkNode_ConditionalColonist.Satisfied: post: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.Satisfied_PostFix
  238. ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.CanGetThoughtPostfix
  239. ThoughtWorker_PrisonBarracksImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ThoughtWorker_Patch+PrisonBarracksImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal
  240. ThoughtWorker_PrisonCellImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.ThoughtWorker_Patch+PrisonCellImpressiveness.CurrentStateInternal
  241. Toils_LayDown.ApplyBedThoughts: PRE: Hospitality.Harmony.Toils_LayDown_Patch+ApplyBedThoughts.Replacement
  242. TouchPathEndModeUtility.IsCornerTouchAllowed: PRE: RSSW_Code.RSSW_TouchPathEndModeUtility.IsCornerTouchAllowedPrefix
  243. TraderCaravanUtility.GetTraderCaravanRole: TRANS: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GetTraderCaravanRoleTranspiler
  244. TraitSet.GainTrait: PRE: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.GainTraitPrefix
  245. UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
  246. Verb.TryStartCastOn: PRE: CompActivatableEffect.HarmonyCompActivatableEffect.TryStartCastOnPrefix
  247. Verb_MeleeAttack.DamageInfosToApply: post: CompSlotLoadable.HarmonyCompSlotLoadable.DamageInfosToApply_PostFix, AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.MeleeVerbDamageInfoPostfix
  248. Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundHitBuilding: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitBuildingPrefix
  249. Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundHitPawn: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundHitPawnPrefix
  250. Verb_MeleeAttack.SoundMiss: post: CompExtraSounds.HarmonyCompExtraSounds.SoundMissPrefix
  251. Verb_MeleeAttack.TryCastShot: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.Verb_MeleeAttack_TryCastShot_PostFix.TryCastShot
  252. Verb_Shoot.TryCastShot: PRE: CompVehicle.HarmonyCompVehicle.TryCastShot_PreFix
  253. Verb_ShootOneUse.SelfConsume: post: SimpleSidearms.intercepts.Verb_ShootOneUse_SelfConsume_Postfix.SelfConsume
  254. WindowStack.Add: PRE: ModMenuEnhanced.HarmonyPatches.WindowStack_Add_Patch.Prefix
  255. WorkGiver_GrowerHarvest.HasJobOnCell: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.HasJobOnCellHarvestPostfix
  256. WorkGiver_GrowerSow.ExtraRequirements: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ExtraRequirementsGrowerSowPostfix
  257. WorkGiver_Researcher.ShouldSkip: post: AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.ShouldSkipResearchPostfix
  258. World.NaturalRockTypesIn: PRE: CuprosStones.World_NaturalRockTypesIn.Prefix
  259. Harmony versions present: UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib:, HugsLib.AllowTool:, fluffy.medicaltab:, Fluffy.BirdsAndBees:, CuprosStonesOverride:, com.mandible.rimworld.icanfixit:, rimworld.jecrell.abilityuser:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.activator:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.slotloadable:, HugsLib.SimpleSidearms:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.installedpart:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.oversized:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.deflector:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.sounds:, rimworld.erdelf.alien_race.main:, HugsLib.Hospitality:, rimworld.jecrell.comps.pilotable:, EdB.PrepareCarefully:, rimworld.fluffy.stackmerger:, com.github.harmony.rimworld.baserobots:, net.rainbeau.rimworld.mod.smoothstone:, com.pathavoid.rimworld.mod:, HugsLib.ModMenuEnhanced:, HugsLib.DefensivePositions:, HugsLib.HeatMap:, HugsLib.TiberiumRim:
  261. Platform information: (hidden, hold Shift while publishing to include)
  263. Log file contents:
  264. Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
  265. GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
  266. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  267. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  268. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  269. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  270. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  271. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  272. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
  273. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  274. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  275. desktop: 1280x960 60Hz; virtual: 1280x960 at 0,0
  276. RimWorld 0.17.1557 rev1153
  278. Duplicate code-linked translation key: CancelButton in language PortugueseBrazilian
  280. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDown.label
  282. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MainTabDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  284. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MapConditionDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  286. Duplicate def-linked translation key: PegLeg.label
  288. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticArm.label
  290. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticLeg.label
  292. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.label
  294. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.description
  296. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.jobString
  298. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.label
  300. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.description
  302. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.jobString
  304. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  306. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  308. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  310. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  312. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  314. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  316. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  318. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  320. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  322. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  324. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  326. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  328. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  330. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  332. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  334. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  336. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  338. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  340. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  342. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  344. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  346. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  348. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  350. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  352. Exception loading translation data from file D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725956940\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian\DefInjected\ThingDefs\Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml: System.Xml.XmlException: 'Denture.label' is expected file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/294100/725956940/Languages/PortugueseBrazilian/DefInjected/ThingDefs/Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml Line 13, position 29.
  353. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Expect (System.String expected) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  354. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadEndTag () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  355. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  356. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  357. at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  358. at Mono.Xml.XmlFilterReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  359. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  360. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  361. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  362. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  363. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  364. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  365. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  366. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  367. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.ReadContent (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  368. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  369. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  370. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  371. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.AddDataFromFile (System.IO.FileInfo file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  373. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.label
  375. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.description
  377. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  379. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  381. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  383. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  385. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  387. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  389. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  391. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  393. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  395. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  397. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  399. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  401. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.label
  403. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.description
  405. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.jobString
  407. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.label
  409. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.description
  411. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.jobString
  413. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.label
  415. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.description
  417. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.jobString
  419. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.label
  421. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.description
  423. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.jobString
  425. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.label
  427. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.description
  429. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.jobString
  431. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.label
  433. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.description
  435. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.jobString
  437. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.label
  439. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.description
  441. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.jobString
  443. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  445. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  447. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  449. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  451. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  453. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  455. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  457. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  459. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  461. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  463. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  465. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  467. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.label
  469. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.description
  471. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.label
  473. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.description
  475. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.label
  477. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.description
  479. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.label
  481. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.description
  483. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.label
  485. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.description
  487. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.label
  489. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.description
  491. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.label
  493. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.description
  495. Duplicate code-linked translation key: QualityBuilder.Nothing in language English
  497. Bad capitalization on backstory title: Collective born Valkyrie
  499. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
  500. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  501. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  502. (Filename: Line: 375)
  504. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.label
  506. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.description
  508. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.jobString
  510. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.label
  512. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.description
  514. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.jobString
  516. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.label
  518. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.description
  520. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.jobString
  522. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.label
  524. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.description
  526. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.jobString
  528. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.label
  530. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.description
  532. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.jobString
  534. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.label
  536. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.description
  538. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.jobString
  540. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.label
  542. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.description
  544. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.jobString
  546. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.label
  548. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.description
  550. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.jobString
  552. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.label
  554. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.description
  556. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.jobString
  558. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.label
  560. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.description
  562. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.jobString
  564. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.label
  566. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.description
  568. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.jobString
  570. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.label
  572. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.description
  574. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.jobString
  576. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.label
  578. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.description
  580. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.jobString
  582. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.label
  584. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.description
  586. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named MapCondition_Planetkiller to match MapCondition_Planetkiller.label
  588. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named PermanentMapCondition to match PermanentMapCondition.label
  590. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Shooting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  591. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  593. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Melee.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  594. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  596. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Social.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  597. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  599. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Animals.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  600. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  602. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Medicine.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  603. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  605. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Cooking.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  606. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  608. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Construction.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  609. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  611. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Growing.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  612. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  614. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Mining.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  615. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  617. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Artistic.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  618. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  620. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Crafting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  621. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  623. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Intellectual.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  624. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  626. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.label
  628. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.description
  630. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.label
  632. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.description
  634. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.label
  636. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.description
  638. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.label
  640. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.description
  642. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.label
  644. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.description
  646. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint.label
  648. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install.label
  650. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Frame to match EquipmentRack_Frame.label
  652. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TemporaryRegionBarrier to match TemporaryRegionBarrier.label
  654. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.label
  656. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.Description
  658. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.label
  660. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.Description
  662. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.label
  664. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.Description
  666. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.label
  668. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.description
  670. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.label
  672. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.description
  674. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.label
  676. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.description
  678. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.label
  680. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.description
  682. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.stuffProps.stuffAdjective
  684. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.label
  686. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.description
  688. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.label
  690. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.description
  692. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.label
  694. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.description
  696. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.label
  698. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.description
  700. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.label
  702. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.description
  704. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.label
  706. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.description
  708. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.label
  710. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.description
  712. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.label
  714. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.description
  716. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.label
  718. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.description
  720. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.label
  722. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.description
  724. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.label
  726. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.description
  728. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.label
  730. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.description
  732. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.label
  734. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.description
  736. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.label
  738. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.description
  740. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.label
  742. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.description
  744. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.label
  746. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.description
  748. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.label
  750. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.description
  752. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.label
  754. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.description
  756. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier to match Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier.label
  758. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant to match Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant.label
  760. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.label
  762. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.verb
  764. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.gerund
  766. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.label
  768. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.verb
  770. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.gerund
  772. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.label
  774. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.verb
  776. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.gerund
  778. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.verb
  780. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.gerund
  782. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.verb
  784. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.gerund
  786. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.verb
  788. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.gerund
  790. Couldn't load backstory Refugee70: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Refugee70
  791. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  792. Full XML text:
  794. <Refugee70>
  795. <title>Refugiado(a)</title>
  796. <titleShort>Refugiado(a)</titleShort>
  797. <desc>A guerra estourou na casa de NAME quando HE era um bebê. Seus pais fugiram com HE, procurando segurança onde quer que pudessem encontrá-la. As primeiras lembranças de NAME são de ser ensinado(a) a se defender.
  799. A violência e a destruição que HE testemunhou lhe deixou marcado(a) para toda a vida.</desc>
  800. </Refugee70>
  802. Couldn't load backstory Mathematician46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Mathematician46
  803. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  804. Full XML text:
  806. <Mathematician46>
  807. <title>Matemático(a)</title>
  808. <titleShort>Prof. de matemática</titleShort>
  809. <desc>NAME fez pesquisa matemática em uma universidade.
  811. HECAP passou grande parte de seu tempo livre imerso(a) em simulações de tiro, embora HE foi frequentemente ridicularizado(a) por outros jogadores por sua terrível pontaria.</desc>
  812. </Mathematician46>
  814. Couldn't load backstory FireTender4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FireTender4
  815. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  816. Full XML text:
  818. <FireTender4>
  819. <title>Tenro de fogo</title>
  820. <titleShort>Fogo</titleShort>
  821. <desc>Em sua infância, NAME foi responsável por manter o fogo da tribo em andamento. HECAP tomou esta responsabilidade muito a sério.</desc>
  822. </FireTender4>
  824. Couldn't load backstory Aristocrat7: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Aristocrat7
  825. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  826. Full XML text:
  828. <Aristocrat7>
  829. <title>Aristocrata</title>
  830. <titleShort>Aristocrata</titleShort>
  831. <desc>Nascido em uma família aristocrática, NAME passou seus anos mais novos em ignorância feliz. Seus estudos eram esporádicos e nunca gostava de nada que envolvesse suas mãos.
  833. O destino, entretanto, forçaria uma mudança no hábito. Uma guerra global estourou e as armas nucleares derreteram a superfície do planeta em vidro radioativo.</desc>
  834. </Aristocrat7>
  836. Couldn't load backstory WastelandRuffian93: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier WastelandRuffian93
  837. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  838. Full XML text:
  840. <WastelandRuffian93>
  841. <title>Rufião de terreno baldio</title>
  842. <titleShort>Gastador</titleShort>
  843. <desc>A sobrevivência era uma luta do dia-a-dia. Os alimentos geralmente consistiam em animais semi-decompostos, e água tinha de ser condensada do ar. Para sobreviver, NAME se tornou engenhoso.
  845. Um agrimensor do Orde Historia aconteceu em todo o mundo de NAME e lhe resgatou.</desc>
  846. </WastelandRuffian93>
  848. Couldn't load backstory TragicTwin21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier TragicTwin21
  849. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  850. Full XML text:
  852. <TragicTwin21>
  853. <title>Gêmeo trágico</title>
  854. <titleShort>Gêmeo</titleShort>
  855. <desc>NAME foi atraído para a água desde uma idade precoce, e passou o máximo de tempo possível dentro e em torno dela. Seu gêmeo ficou preso durante um mergulho e não sobreviveu. NAME nunca mais voltou para a água novamente.</desc>
  856. </TragicTwin21>
  858. Couldn't load backstory SpaceTraveler4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier SpaceTraveler4
  859. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  860. Full XML text:
  862. <SpaceTraveler4>
  863. <title>Viajante espacial</title>
  864. <titleShort>Espacial</titleShort>
  865. <desc>NAME deixou sua casa para trás, se voltando para as estrelas. Ele trabalhou seu caminho de planeta para planeta, assumindo os trabalhos que ele poderia encontrar para ganhar passagem para a frente, raramente ficava com uma nave por muito tempo. Eventualmente ele obteve sua própria nave e gradualmente atraiu uma tripulação silenciosa mas eficaz.</desc>
  866. </SpaceTraveler4>
  868. Couldn't load backstory ShunnedGirl18: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ShunnedGirl18
  869. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  870. Full XML text:
  872. <ShunnedGirl18>
  873. <title>Menina afastada</title>
  874. <titleShort>Afastada</titleShort>
  875. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família pequena e pobre. Ela foi intimidada implacavelmente, espancada e odiada. Quando ela cresceu, ela desenvolveu um interesse em armas de fogo. Ela geralmente estudava nos livros, mas ocasionalmente conseguiu obter algum tempo de prática com a coisa real. NAME mais tarde descobriu um talento para a arte e começou a se ensinar como desenhar e pintar.</desc>
  876. </ShunnedGirl18>
  878. Couldn't load backstory ArtStudent43: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ArtStudent43
  879. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  880. Full XML text:
  882. <ArtStudent43>
  883. <title>Estudante de arte</title>
  884. <titleShort>Artista</titleShort>
  885. <desc>Depois de anos de prática, NAME foi capaz de se matricular em uma universidade de arte e levar suas habilidades ainda mais. Ela procurou trabalhar na indústria da arte depois de se formar com boas notas. Ela fez alguns progressos com as comissões privadas, conseguindo fazer uma vida digna de sua arte.</desc>
  886. </ArtStudent43>
  888. Couldn't load backstory ToxicChild46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ToxicChild46
  889. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  890. Full XML text:
  892. <ToxicChild46>
  893. <title>Criança tóxica</title>
  894. <titleShort>Tóxica</titleShort>
  895. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta industrial, NAME começou a trabalhar em uma fábrica de produtos químicos com a idade de seis anos. Anos de exposição a toxinas industriais lhe deixaram com cicatrizes físicas e mentais. HECAP eventualmente explodiu a instalação e escapou do planeta em uma nave de carga roubada.</desc>
  896. </ToxicChild46>
  898. Couldn't load backstory CriminalTinker97: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CriminalTinker97
  899. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  900. Full XML text:
  902. <CriminalTinker97>
  903. <title>Funileiro criminal</title>
  904. <titleShort>Funileiro</titleShort>
  905. <desc>NAME se juntou a uma tripulação de mercenários, ajudando a manter o reator de fusão deles e armas nucleares. HECAP rapidamente se tornou a mão direita de seu líder e assumiu quando surgiu a oportunidade, conectando o chuveiro do líder ao ácido de eliminação de resíduos da nave.</desc>
  906. </CriminalTinker97>
  908. Couldn't load backstory Dreamer99: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Dreamer99
  909. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  910. Full XML text:
  912. <Dreamer99>
  913. <title>Sonhador</title>
  914. <titleShort>Sonhador</titleShort>
  915. <desc>Desde que seu pai esteve frequentemente ausente, NAME assumiu o papel de homem da casa. Ele aprendeu o valor do trabalho duro, mas nunca teve realmente uma infância.
  917. Todos os dias, NAME sonhava em deixar sua casa e explorar novos mundos.</desc>
  918. </Dreamer99>
  920. Couldn't load backstory PirateSurveyor66: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier PirateSurveyor66
  921. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  922. Full XML text:
  924. <PirateSurveyor66>
  925. <title>Pirata agrimensor</title>
  926. <titleShort>Agrimensor</titleShort>
  927. <desc>Como um agrimensor para Geotek Corporation, o trabalho de NAME era procurar novos locais de salvamento. No entanto, seu verdadeiro desejo era encontrar um artefato antigo entre as ruínas para vender no mercado negro.
  929. Quando ele finalmente tropeçou em um, a empresa tentou recuperá-lo à força. NAME escapou com sua recompensa e começou uma vida de pirataria.</desc>
  930. </PirateSurveyor66>
  932. Couldn't load backstory StarSquire21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier StarSquire21
  933. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  934. Full XML text:
  936. <StarSquire21>
  937. <title>Escudeiro estrelar</title>
  938. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  939. <desc>Nascido em um mundo medieval, a primeira memória de NAME é olhar para o céu da noite.
  941. Desde então, HE sonhou com escoltamento para um cavaleiro entre os céus cheios de estrelas. Seu foco nesta visão lhe deixou um pouco único de espírito.</desc>
  942. </StarSquire21>
  944. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryChild34: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryChild34
  945. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  946. Full XML text:
  948. <MilitaryChild34>
  949. <title>Criança militar</title>
  950. <titleShort>Militar</titleShort>
  951. <desc>NAME cresceu em uma família com um rico fundo militar. Seus anos de adolescência foram gastos em sistema de viagem para o sistema onde seus pais foram implantados.
  953. HECAP se alistou aos 18 anos, seguindo a tradição de sua família.</desc>
  954. </MilitaryChild34>
  956. Couldn't load backstory AWOLSoldier46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier AWOLSoldier46
  957. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  958. Full XML text:
  960. <AWOLSoldier46>
  961. <title>Soldado ASLO</title>
  962. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  963. <desc>NAME era um soldado de infantaria.
  965. Quando HECAP foi informado de sua atribuição para a Guerra de Xennoa-Zartza, HECAP decidiu que não queria ser um soldado. Ele foi capaz de escapar via jato espacial militar.</desc>
  966. </AWOLSoldier46>
  968. Couldn't load backstory FallenOfficial88: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FallenOfficial88
  969. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  970. Full XML text:
  972. <FallenOfficial88>
  973. <title>Oficial caído</title>
  974. <titleShort>Oficial</titleShort>
  975. <desc>NAME era um funcionário de um governo autocrático.
  977. Quando seus superiores exigiram que HE participasse de atrocidades, NAME se demitiu e escapou de seu mundo natal com nada além das roupas em suas costas.</desc>
  978. </FallenOfficial88>
  980. Couldn't load backstory FarmMechanic40: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FarmMechanic40
  981. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  982. Full XML text:
  984. <FarmMechanic40>
  985. <title>Mecânico fazendeiro</title>
  986. <titleShort>Mecânico</titleShort>
  987. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta agrícola, NAME passou seu tempo aprendendo sobre a maquinaria automatizada que cresceu e colheu a multidão de colheitas.</desc>
  988. </FarmMechanic40>
  990. Couldn't load backstory OrbitalReservist59: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier OrbitalReservist59
  991. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  992. Full XML text:
  994. <OrbitalReservist59>
  995. <title>Reservista orbital</title>
  996. <titleShort>Reservista</titleShort>
  997. <desc>Quando o governo declarou que iria reforçar suas defesas militares, NAME foi alistado e treinado.
  999. HECAP esteve estacionado em uma base orbital, manejando os sistemas de defesa e, em situações terríveis, descendo em uma nave de envio para a superfície.</desc>
  1000. </OrbitalReservist59>
  1002. Couldn't load backstory Squire51: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Squire51
  1003. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1004. Full XML text:
  1006. <Squire51>
  1007. <title>Escudeiro</title>
  1008. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  1009. <desc>Nascido de uma família nobre em um mundo medieval, NAME se tornou um escudeiro. Seu treinamento envolveu falcoaria, esgrima e luta livre - muitas vezes feito usando armadura.
  1011. Em batalha, seu trabalho era garantir que os cavaleiros fossem atendidos e a armadura deles fosse bem polida.</desc>
  1012. </Squire51>
  1014. Couldn't load backstory Knight23: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Knight23
  1015. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1016. Full XML text:
  1018. <Knight23>
  1019. <title>Cavaleiro</title>
  1020. <titleShort>Cavaleiro</titleShort>
  1021. <desc>Quando NAME veio de idade, foi dada uma espada abençoada por um sumo sacerdote.
  1023. Sua determinação e foco na batalha lhe estabeleceu como um cavaleiro. Ao longo de seu tempo, suas histórias foram contadas em arte e folclore. Por humildade, HE nunca contou as histórias por si próprio.</desc>
  1024. </Knight23>
  1026. Couldn't load backstory JoywireAddict71: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier JoywireAddict71
  1027. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1028. Full XML text:
  1030. <JoywireAddict71>
  1031. <title>Viciado(a) ara. da alegria</title>
  1032. <titleShort>Viciado(a)</titleShort>
  1033. <desc>Os pais ricos de NAME forneceram tudo o que HE sempre quis. Depois de descobrir arames da alegria, HE ficou obcecado(a). Quando seus pais perceberam o que aconteceu, eles lhe cortaram fora.
  1035. Indiferente e muitas vezes violenta(a), HE procurou seu próximo arame da alegria fixo por qualquer meio possível.</desc>
  1036. </JoywireAddict71>
  1038. Couldn't load backstory DischargedSoldier36: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier DischargedSoldier36
  1039. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1040. Full XML text:
  1042. <DischargedSoldier36>
  1043. <title>Soldado descarregado</title>
  1044. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  1045. <desc>NAME se prostituiu para financiar seus hábitos de drogas. Como uma fuga, HE se juntou às forças armadas e aprendeu a lutar.
  1047. Muito esperto para o exército, HE questionava e muitas vezes discordava das decisões de seus superiores. Isto eventualmente levou a sua dispensa desonrosa lhe deixou com um chip em seu ombro.</desc>
  1048. </DischargedSoldier36>
  1050. Couldn't load backstory MidworldLoner78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MidworldLoner78
  1051. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1052. Full XML text:
  1054. <MidworldLoner78>
  1055. <title>Solitário do m. médio</title>
  1056. <titleShort>Solitário</titleShort>
  1057. <desc>Nascido em um mundo médio escassamente povoado, NAME tinha alguns amigos. HECAP preferiu prosseguir suas paixões na solidão, quer se trate de consertar com sua motocicleta, assistir vidcasts longos sobre a nova tecnologia, ou alinhar suas figurinhas e derrubá-las com sua arma de pelota.</desc>
  1058. </MidworldLoner78>
  1060. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryGunsmith58: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryGunsmith58
  1061. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1062. Full XML text:
  1064. <MilitaryGunsmith58>
  1065. <title>Armeiro militar</title>
  1066. <titleShort>Armeiro</titleShort>
  1067. <desc>Inspirado por um pedaço de propaganda particularmente evocativo, NAME se inscreveu para os militares na esperança de encontrar a glória. Para sua consternação, no entanto, seus testes de aptidão lhe colocaram na loja de máquinas em vez de na linha de frente.
  1069. Mais tarde, quando ele viu as filas de sacos de corpos voltando para casa, ele mais tarde percebeu o quão sortudo ele era.</desc>
  1070. </MilitaryGunsmith58>
  1072. Couldn't load backstory CaravanTraveler8: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CaravanTraveler8
  1073. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1074. Full XML text:
  1076. <CaravanTraveler8>
  1077. <title>Viajante de caravana</title>
  1078. <titleShort>Viajante</titleShort>
  1079. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família nômade de comerciantes de caravana em um mundo isolado. Seu pai, o líder da caravana, lhe ensinou o comércio de caravana. Como ele era capaz de trocar ou caçar toda a sua comida, ele nunca teve que se preocupar em fazer qualquer trabalho agrícola.
  1081. Mais tarde, seu pai se aposentou para uma fazenda e ofereceu a NAME a posição de líder da caravana.</desc>
  1082. </CaravanTraveler8>
  1084. Couldn't load backstory Caravaneer75: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Caravaneer75
  1085. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1086. Full XML text:
  1088. <Caravaneer75>
  1089. <title>Caravaneiro</title>
  1090. <titleShort>Caravaneiro</titleShort>
  1091. <desc>NAME foi o líder de uma caravana de comércio nômade. Era seu dever negociar acordos comerciais e assegurar a segurança de sua caravana de salteadores e bandidos de estrada. Ele se tornou um mestre na gestão de mercadorias, traçando rotas, e marcando bons negócios.</desc>
  1092. </Caravaneer75>
  1094. MoodyMapComponent Static Initialization
  1096. MoodyWindow Static Initialization
  1098. MoodyWindow Instance Initialization
  1100. DataCache Static Initialization
  1102. Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
  1104. Type ModInitializer probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field obj of type GameObject. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
  1106. Hospitality injected.
  1108. [HugsLib] v3.1.2 initialized AllowTool, SimpleSidearms, ModMenuEnhanced, DefensivePositions, HeatMap, Hospitality, WM_PonicsWithLamps, TiberiumRim
  1110. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.SimpleSidearms+OptionsTab
  1112. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1114. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1116. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1118. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1120. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1122. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1124. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1126. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1128. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  1130. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  1132. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1134. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1136. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  1138. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  1140. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1142. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1144. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  1146. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  1148. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1150. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  1152. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  1154. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  1156. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+DroppingModeOptionsEnum
  1158. Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  1159. Thread -> id: 850 -> priority: 1
  1160. Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
  1161. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  1162. Direct3D:
  1163. Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll]
  1164. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
  1165. Vendor: NVIDIA
  1166. VRAM: 978 MB (via DXGI)
  1167. Caps: Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 NULL=1 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0 ATOC=1
  1168. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  1169. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1170. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1171. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1172. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1173. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1174. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1175. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1176. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  1177. desktop: 1280x960 60Hz; virtual: 1280x960 at 0,0
  1178. RimWorld 0.17.1557 rev1153
  1180. Duplicate code-linked translation key: CancelButton in language PortugueseBrazilian
  1182. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDown.label
  1184. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MainTabDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  1186. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MapConditionDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  1188. Duplicate def-linked translation key: PegLeg.label
  1190. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticArm.label
  1192. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticLeg.label
  1194. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.label
  1196. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.description
  1198. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.jobString
  1200. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.label
  1202. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.description
  1204. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.jobString
  1206. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  1208. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  1210. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  1212. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  1214. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  1216. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  1218. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  1220. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  1222. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  1224. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  1226. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  1228. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  1230. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  1232. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  1234. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  1236. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  1238. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  1240. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  1242. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  1244. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  1246. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  1248. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  1250. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  1252. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  1254. Exception loading translation data from file D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725956940\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian\DefInjected\ThingDefs\Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml: System.Xml.XmlException: 'Denture.label' is expected file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/294100/725956940/Languages/PortugueseBrazilian/DefInjected/ThingDefs/Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml Line 13, position 29.
  1255. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Expect (System.String expected) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1256. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadEndTag () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1257. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1258. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1259. at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1260. at Mono.Xml.XmlFilterReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1261. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1262. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1263. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1264. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1265. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1266. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1267. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1268. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1269. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.ReadContent (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1270. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1271. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1272. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1273. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.AddDataFromFile (System.IO.FileInfo file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1275. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.label
  1277. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.description
  1279. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  1281. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  1283. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  1285. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  1287. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  1289. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  1291. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  1293. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  1295. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  1297. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  1299. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  1301. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  1303. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.label
  1305. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.description
  1307. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.jobString
  1309. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.label
  1311. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.description
  1313. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.jobString
  1315. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.label
  1317. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.description
  1319. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.jobString
  1321. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.label
  1323. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.description
  1325. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.jobString
  1327. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.label
  1329. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.description
  1331. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.jobString
  1333. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.label
  1335. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.description
  1337. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.jobString
  1339. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.label
  1341. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.description
  1343. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.jobString
  1345. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  1347. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  1349. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  1351. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  1353. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  1355. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  1357. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  1359. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  1361. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  1363. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  1365. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  1367. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  1369. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.label
  1371. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.description
  1373. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.label
  1375. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.description
  1377. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.label
  1379. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.description
  1381. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.label
  1383. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.description
  1385. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.label
  1387. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.description
  1389. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.label
  1391. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.description
  1393. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.label
  1395. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.description
  1397. Duplicate code-linked translation key: QualityBuilder.Nothing in language English
  1399. Bad capitalization on backstory title: Collective born Valkyrie
  1401. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
  1402. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  1403. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  1404. (Filename: Line: 375)
  1406. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.label
  1408. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.description
  1410. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.jobString
  1412. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.label
  1414. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.description
  1416. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.jobString
  1418. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.label
  1420. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.description
  1422. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.jobString
  1424. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.label
  1426. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.description
  1428. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.jobString
  1430. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.label
  1432. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.description
  1434. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.jobString
  1436. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.label
  1438. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.description
  1440. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.jobString
  1442. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.label
  1444. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.description
  1446. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.jobString
  1448. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.label
  1450. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.description
  1452. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.jobString
  1454. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.label
  1456. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.description
  1458. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.jobString
  1460. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.label
  1462. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.description
  1464. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.jobString
  1466. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.label
  1468. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.description
  1470. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.jobString
  1472. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.label
  1474. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.description
  1476. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.jobString
  1478. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.label
  1480. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.description
  1482. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.jobString
  1484. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.label
  1486. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.description
  1488. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named MapCondition_Planetkiller to match MapCondition_Planetkiller.label
  1490. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named PermanentMapCondition to match PermanentMapCondition.label
  1492. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Shooting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1493. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1495. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Melee.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1496. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1498. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Social.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1499. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1501. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Animals.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1502. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1504. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Medicine.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1505. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1507. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Cooking.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1508. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1510. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Construction.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1511. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1513. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Growing.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1514. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1516. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Mining.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1517. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1519. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Artistic.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1520. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1522. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Crafting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1523. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1525. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Intellectual.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  1526. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1528. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.label
  1530. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.description
  1532. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.label
  1534. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.description
  1536. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.label
  1538. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.description
  1540. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.label
  1542. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.description
  1544. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.label
  1546. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.description
  1548. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint.label
  1550. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install.label
  1552. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Frame to match EquipmentRack_Frame.label
  1554. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TemporaryRegionBarrier to match TemporaryRegionBarrier.label
  1556. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.label
  1558. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.Description
  1560. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.label
  1562. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.Description
  1564. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.label
  1566. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.Description
  1568. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.label
  1570. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.description
  1572. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.label
  1574. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.description
  1576. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.label
  1578. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.description
  1580. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.label
  1582. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.description
  1584. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.stuffProps.stuffAdjective
  1586. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.label
  1588. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.description
  1590. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.label
  1592. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.description
  1594. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.label
  1596. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.description
  1598. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.label
  1600. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.description
  1602. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.label
  1604. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.description
  1606. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.label
  1608. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.description
  1610. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.label
  1612. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.description
  1614. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.label
  1616. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.description
  1618. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.label
  1620. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.description
  1622. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.label
  1624. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.description
  1626. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.label
  1628. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.description
  1630. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.label
  1632. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.description
  1634. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.label
  1636. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.description
  1638. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.label
  1640. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.description
  1642. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.label
  1644. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.description
  1646. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.label
  1648. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.description
  1650. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.label
  1652. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.description
  1654. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.label
  1656. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.description
  1658. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier to match Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier.label
  1660. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant to match Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant.label
  1662. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.label
  1664. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.verb
  1666. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.gerund
  1668. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.label
  1670. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.verb
  1672. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.gerund
  1674. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.label
  1676. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.verb
  1678. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.gerund
  1680. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.verb
  1682. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.gerund
  1684. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.verb
  1686. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.gerund
  1688. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.verb
  1690. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.gerund
  1692. Couldn't load backstory Refugee70: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Refugee70
  1693. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1694. Full XML text:
  1696. <Refugee70>
  1697. <title>Refugiado(a)</title>
  1698. <titleShort>Refugiado(a)</titleShort>
  1699. <desc>A guerra estourou na casa de NAME quando HE era um bebê. Seus pais fugiram com HE, procurando segurança onde quer que pudessem encontrá-la. As primeiras lembranças de NAME são de ser ensinado(a) a se defender.
  1701. A violência e a destruição que HE testemunhou lhe deixou marcado(a) para toda a vida.</desc>
  1702. </Refugee70>
  1704. Couldn't load backstory Mathematician46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Mathematician46
  1705. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1706. Full XML text:
  1708. <Mathematician46>
  1709. <title>Matemático(a)</title>
  1710. <titleShort>Prof. de matemática</titleShort>
  1711. <desc>NAME fez pesquisa matemática em uma universidade.
  1713. HECAP passou grande parte de seu tempo livre imerso(a) em simulações de tiro, embora HE foi frequentemente ridicularizado(a) por outros jogadores por sua terrível pontaria.</desc>
  1714. </Mathematician46>
  1716. Couldn't load backstory FireTender4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FireTender4
  1717. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1718. Full XML text:
  1720. <FireTender4>
  1721. <title>Tenro de fogo</title>
  1722. <titleShort>Fogo</titleShort>
  1723. <desc>Em sua infância, NAME foi responsável por manter o fogo da tribo em andamento. HECAP tomou esta responsabilidade muito a sério.</desc>
  1724. </FireTender4>
  1726. Couldn't load backstory Aristocrat7: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Aristocrat7
  1727. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1728. Full XML text:
  1730. <Aristocrat7>
  1731. <title>Aristocrata</title>
  1732. <titleShort>Aristocrata</titleShort>
  1733. <desc>Nascido em uma família aristocrática, NAME passou seus anos mais novos em ignorância feliz. Seus estudos eram esporádicos e nunca gostava de nada que envolvesse suas mãos.
  1735. O destino, entretanto, forçaria uma mudança no hábito. Uma guerra global estourou e as armas nucleares derreteram a superfície do planeta em vidro radioativo.</desc>
  1736. </Aristocrat7>
  1738. Couldn't load backstory WastelandRuffian93: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier WastelandRuffian93
  1739. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1740. Full XML text:
  1742. <WastelandRuffian93>
  1743. <title>Rufião de terreno baldio</title>
  1744. <titleShort>Gastador</titleShort>
  1745. <desc>A sobrevivência era uma luta do dia-a-dia. Os alimentos geralmente consistiam em animais semi-decompostos, e água tinha de ser condensada do ar. Para sobreviver, NAME se tornou engenhoso.
  1747. Um agrimensor do Orde Historia aconteceu em todo o mundo de NAME e lhe resgatou.</desc>
  1748. </WastelandRuffian93>
  1750. Couldn't load backstory TragicTwin21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier TragicTwin21
  1751. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1752. Full XML text:
  1754. <TragicTwin21>
  1755. <title>Gêmeo trágico</title>
  1756. <titleShort>Gêmeo</titleShort>
  1757. <desc>NAME foi atraído para a água desde uma idade precoce, e passou o máximo de tempo possível dentro e em torno dela. Seu gêmeo ficou preso durante um mergulho e não sobreviveu. NAME nunca mais voltou para a água novamente.</desc>
  1758. </TragicTwin21>
  1760. Couldn't load backstory SpaceTraveler4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier SpaceTraveler4
  1761. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1762. Full XML text:
  1764. <SpaceTraveler4>
  1765. <title>Viajante espacial</title>
  1766. <titleShort>Espacial</titleShort>
  1767. <desc>NAME deixou sua casa para trás, se voltando para as estrelas. Ele trabalhou seu caminho de planeta para planeta, assumindo os trabalhos que ele poderia encontrar para ganhar passagem para a frente, raramente ficava com uma nave por muito tempo. Eventualmente ele obteve sua própria nave e gradualmente atraiu uma tripulação silenciosa mas eficaz.</desc>
  1768. </SpaceTraveler4>
  1770. Couldn't load backstory ShunnedGirl18: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ShunnedGirl18
  1771. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1772. Full XML text:
  1774. <ShunnedGirl18>
  1775. <title>Menina afastada</title>
  1776. <titleShort>Afastada</titleShort>
  1777. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família pequena e pobre. Ela foi intimidada implacavelmente, espancada e odiada. Quando ela cresceu, ela desenvolveu um interesse em armas de fogo. Ela geralmente estudava nos livros, mas ocasionalmente conseguiu obter algum tempo de prática com a coisa real. NAME mais tarde descobriu um talento para a arte e começou a se ensinar como desenhar e pintar.</desc>
  1778. </ShunnedGirl18>
  1780. Couldn't load backstory ArtStudent43: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ArtStudent43
  1781. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1782. Full XML text:
  1784. <ArtStudent43>
  1785. <title>Estudante de arte</title>
  1786. <titleShort>Artista</titleShort>
  1787. <desc>Depois de anos de prática, NAME foi capaz de se matricular em uma universidade de arte e levar suas habilidades ainda mais. Ela procurou trabalhar na indústria da arte depois de se formar com boas notas. Ela fez alguns progressos com as comissões privadas, conseguindo fazer uma vida digna de sua arte.</desc>
  1788. </ArtStudent43>
  1790. Couldn't load backstory ToxicChild46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ToxicChild46
  1791. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1792. Full XML text:
  1794. <ToxicChild46>
  1795. <title>Criança tóxica</title>
  1796. <titleShort>Tóxica</titleShort>
  1797. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta industrial, NAME começou a trabalhar em uma fábrica de produtos químicos com a idade de seis anos. Anos de exposição a toxinas industriais lhe deixaram com cicatrizes físicas e mentais. HECAP eventualmente explodiu a instalação e escapou do planeta em uma nave de carga roubada.</desc>
  1798. </ToxicChild46>
  1800. Couldn't load backstory CriminalTinker97: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CriminalTinker97
  1801. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1802. Full XML text:
  1804. <CriminalTinker97>
  1805. <title>Funileiro criminal</title>
  1806. <titleShort>Funileiro</titleShort>
  1807. <desc>NAME se juntou a uma tripulação de mercenários, ajudando a manter o reator de fusão deles e armas nucleares. HECAP rapidamente se tornou a mão direita de seu líder e assumiu quando surgiu a oportunidade, conectando o chuveiro do líder ao ácido de eliminação de resíduos da nave.</desc>
  1808. </CriminalTinker97>
  1810. Couldn't load backstory Dreamer99: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Dreamer99
  1811. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1812. Full XML text:
  1814. <Dreamer99>
  1815. <title>Sonhador</title>
  1816. <titleShort>Sonhador</titleShort>
  1817. <desc>Desde que seu pai esteve frequentemente ausente, NAME assumiu o papel de homem da casa. Ele aprendeu o valor do trabalho duro, mas nunca teve realmente uma infância.
  1819. Todos os dias, NAME sonhava em deixar sua casa e explorar novos mundos.</desc>
  1820. </Dreamer99>
  1822. Couldn't load backstory PirateSurveyor66: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier PirateSurveyor66
  1823. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1824. Full XML text:
  1826. <PirateSurveyor66>
  1827. <title>Pirata agrimensor</title>
  1828. <titleShort>Agrimensor</titleShort>
  1829. <desc>Como um agrimensor para Geotek Corporation, o trabalho de NAME era procurar novos locais de salvamento. No entanto, seu verdadeiro desejo era encontrar um artefato antigo entre as ruínas para vender no mercado negro.
  1831. Quando ele finalmente tropeçou em um, a empresa tentou recuperá-lo à força. NAME escapou com sua recompensa e começou uma vida de pirataria.</desc>
  1832. </PirateSurveyor66>
  1834. Couldn't load backstory StarSquire21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier StarSquire21
  1835. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1836. Full XML text:
  1838. <StarSquire21>
  1839. <title>Escudeiro estrelar</title>
  1840. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  1841. <desc>Nascido em um mundo medieval, a primeira memória de NAME é olhar para o céu da noite.
  1843. Desde então, HE sonhou com escoltamento para um cavaleiro entre os céus cheios de estrelas. Seu foco nesta visão lhe deixou um pouco único de espírito.</desc>
  1844. </StarSquire21>
  1846. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryChild34: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryChild34
  1847. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1848. Full XML text:
  1850. <MilitaryChild34>
  1851. <title>Criança militar</title>
  1852. <titleShort>Militar</titleShort>
  1853. <desc>NAME cresceu em uma família com um rico fundo militar. Seus anos de adolescência foram gastos em sistema de viagem para o sistema onde seus pais foram implantados.
  1855. HECAP se alistou aos 18 anos, seguindo a tradição de sua família.</desc>
  1856. </MilitaryChild34>
  1858. Couldn't load backstory AWOLSoldier46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier AWOLSoldier46
  1859. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1860. Full XML text:
  1862. <AWOLSoldier46>
  1863. <title>Soldado ASLO</title>
  1864. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  1865. <desc>NAME era um soldado de infantaria.
  1867. Quando HECAP foi informado de sua atribuição para a Guerra de Xennoa-Zartza, HECAP decidiu que não queria ser um soldado. Ele foi capaz de escapar via jato espacial militar.</desc>
  1868. </AWOLSoldier46>
  1870. Couldn't load backstory FallenOfficial88: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FallenOfficial88
  1871. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1872. Full XML text:
  1874. <FallenOfficial88>
  1875. <title>Oficial caído</title>
  1876. <titleShort>Oficial</titleShort>
  1877. <desc>NAME era um funcionário de um governo autocrático.
  1879. Quando seus superiores exigiram que HE participasse de atrocidades, NAME se demitiu e escapou de seu mundo natal com nada além das roupas em suas costas.</desc>
  1880. </FallenOfficial88>
  1882. Couldn't load backstory FarmMechanic40: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FarmMechanic40
  1883. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1884. Full XML text:
  1886. <FarmMechanic40>
  1887. <title>Mecânico fazendeiro</title>
  1888. <titleShort>Mecânico</titleShort>
  1889. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta agrícola, NAME passou seu tempo aprendendo sobre a maquinaria automatizada que cresceu e colheu a multidão de colheitas.</desc>
  1890. </FarmMechanic40>
  1892. Couldn't load backstory OrbitalReservist59: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier OrbitalReservist59
  1893. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1894. Full XML text:
  1896. <OrbitalReservist59>
  1897. <title>Reservista orbital</title>
  1898. <titleShort>Reservista</titleShort>
  1899. <desc>Quando o governo declarou que iria reforçar suas defesas militares, NAME foi alistado e treinado.
  1901. HECAP esteve estacionado em uma base orbital, manejando os sistemas de defesa e, em situações terríveis, descendo em uma nave de envio para a superfície.</desc>
  1902. </OrbitalReservist59>
  1904. Couldn't load backstory Squire51: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Squire51
  1905. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1906. Full XML text:
  1908. <Squire51>
  1909. <title>Escudeiro</title>
  1910. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  1911. <desc>Nascido de uma família nobre em um mundo medieval, NAME se tornou um escudeiro. Seu treinamento envolveu falcoaria, esgrima e luta livre - muitas vezes feito usando armadura.
  1913. Em batalha, seu trabalho era garantir que os cavaleiros fossem atendidos e a armadura deles fosse bem polida.</desc>
  1914. </Squire51>
  1916. Couldn't load backstory Knight23: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Knight23
  1917. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1918. Full XML text:
  1920. <Knight23>
  1921. <title>Cavaleiro</title>
  1922. <titleShort>Cavaleiro</titleShort>
  1923. <desc>Quando NAME veio de idade, foi dada uma espada abençoada por um sumo sacerdote.
  1925. Sua determinação e foco na batalha lhe estabeleceu como um cavaleiro. Ao longo de seu tempo, suas histórias foram contadas em arte e folclore. Por humildade, HE nunca contou as histórias por si próprio.</desc>
  1926. </Knight23>
  1928. Couldn't load backstory JoywireAddict71: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier JoywireAddict71
  1929. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1930. Full XML text:
  1932. <JoywireAddict71>
  1933. <title>Viciado(a) ara. da alegria</title>
  1934. <titleShort>Viciado(a)</titleShort>
  1935. <desc>Os pais ricos de NAME forneceram tudo o que HE sempre quis. Depois de descobrir arames da alegria, HE ficou obcecado(a). Quando seus pais perceberam o que aconteceu, eles lhe cortaram fora.
  1937. Indiferente e muitas vezes violenta(a), HE procurou seu próximo arame da alegria fixo por qualquer meio possível.</desc>
  1938. </JoywireAddict71>
  1940. Couldn't load backstory DischargedSoldier36: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier DischargedSoldier36
  1941. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1942. Full XML text:
  1944. <DischargedSoldier36>
  1945. <title>Soldado descarregado</title>
  1946. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  1947. <desc>NAME se prostituiu para financiar seus hábitos de drogas. Como uma fuga, HE se juntou às forças armadas e aprendeu a lutar.
  1949. Muito esperto para o exército, HE questionava e muitas vezes discordava das decisões de seus superiores. Isto eventualmente levou a sua dispensa desonrosa lhe deixou com um chip em seu ombro.</desc>
  1950. </DischargedSoldier36>
  1952. Couldn't load backstory MidworldLoner78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MidworldLoner78
  1953. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1954. Full XML text:
  1956. <MidworldLoner78>
  1957. <title>Solitário do m. médio</title>
  1958. <titleShort>Solitário</titleShort>
  1959. <desc>Nascido em um mundo médio escassamente povoado, NAME tinha alguns amigos. HECAP preferiu prosseguir suas paixões na solidão, quer se trate de consertar com sua motocicleta, assistir vidcasts longos sobre a nova tecnologia, ou alinhar suas figurinhas e derrubá-las com sua arma de pelota.</desc>
  1960. </MidworldLoner78>
  1962. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryGunsmith58: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryGunsmith58
  1963. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1964. Full XML text:
  1966. <MilitaryGunsmith58>
  1967. <title>Armeiro militar</title>
  1968. <titleShort>Armeiro</titleShort>
  1969. <desc>Inspirado por um pedaço de propaganda particularmente evocativo, NAME se inscreveu para os militares na esperança de encontrar a glória. Para sua consternação, no entanto, seus testes de aptidão lhe colocaram na loja de máquinas em vez de na linha de frente.
  1971. Mais tarde, quando ele viu as filas de sacos de corpos voltando para casa, ele mais tarde percebeu o quão sortudo ele era.</desc>
  1972. </MilitaryGunsmith58>
  1974. Couldn't load backstory CaravanTraveler8: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CaravanTraveler8
  1975. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1976. Full XML text:
  1978. <CaravanTraveler8>
  1979. <title>Viajante de caravana</title>
  1980. <titleShort>Viajante</titleShort>
  1981. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família nômade de comerciantes de caravana em um mundo isolado. Seu pai, o líder da caravana, lhe ensinou o comércio de caravana. Como ele era capaz de trocar ou caçar toda a sua comida, ele nunca teve que se preocupar em fazer qualquer trabalho agrícola.
  1983. Mais tarde, seu pai se aposentou para uma fazenda e ofereceu a NAME a posição de líder da caravana.</desc>
  1984. </CaravanTraveler8>
  1986. Couldn't load backstory Caravaneer75: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Caravaneer75
  1987. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  1988. Full XML text:
  1990. <Caravaneer75>
  1991. <title>Caravaneiro</title>
  1992. <titleShort>Caravaneiro</titleShort>
  1993. <desc>NAME foi o líder de uma caravana de comércio nômade. Era seu dever negociar acordos comerciais e assegurar a segurança de sua caravana de salteadores e bandidos de estrada. Ele se tornou um mestre na gestão de mercadorias, traçando rotas, e marcando bons negócios.</desc>
  1994. </Caravaneer75>
  1996. MoodyMapComponent Static Initialization
  1998. MoodyWindow Static Initialization
  2000. MoodyWindow Instance Initialization
  2002. DataCache Static Initialization
  2004. Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
  2006. Type ModInitializer probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field obj of type GameObject. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
  2008. Hospitality injected.
  2010. [HugsLib] v3.1.2 initialized AllowTool, SimpleSidearms, ModMenuEnhanced, DefensivePositions, HeatMap, Hospitality, WM_PonicsWithLamps, TiberiumRim
  2012. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.SimpleSidearms+OptionsTab
  2014. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2016. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2018. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2020. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2022. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2024. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2026. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2028. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2030. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  2032. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  2034. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2036. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2038. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  2040. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  2042. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2044. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2046. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  2048. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  2050. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2052. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  2054. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  2056. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  2058. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+DroppingModeOptionsEnum
  2060. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2062. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2064. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2066. Could not load reference to RimWorld.FactionDef named ApparelloColony
  2068. Could not find class ScenPart_PermaMapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  2070. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  2071. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2072. Subnode:
  2073. <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  2075. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named Pharmaceuticals
  2077. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named StrangeMealSimple
  2079. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named MedTimes_Melee_Pitchfork
  2081. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named Cults_OathtakerHastur2
  2083. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2085. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2087. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2089. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named BionicTacticalImplant
  2091. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1536 rev1027, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2093. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_ObiSaber
  2095. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_KyberCrystalAzure
  2097. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  2099. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1546 rev887, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2101. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_JediTrait
  2103. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_Doublesaber
  2105. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_KyloSaber
  2107. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_DookuSaber
  2109. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_AdeganCrystal
  2111. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_Jedi_Robe
  2113. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1546 rev887, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2115. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_Jedi_Robe
  2117. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_InnerRobes
  2119. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_KyberCrystalBlue
  2121. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_Ahsokasaber
  2123. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  2125. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_TroopArmor
  2127. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_STHelm
  2129. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_E11Blaster
  2131. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_DH17Blaster
  2133. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_ImpHat
  2135. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_ImpUniformISBSHELL
  2137. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2139. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResForcePowers
  2141. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResLightsaberConstruction
  2143. Could not find class ScenPart_MapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  2145. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  2146. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2147. Subnode:
  2148. <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  2150. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2152. Could not load reference to RimWorld.IncidentDef named RebellionL
  2154. Could not find class ScenPart_PermaMapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  2156. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  2157. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2158. Subnode:
  2159. <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  2161. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  2163. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2165. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResForcePowers
  2167. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResLightsaberConstruction
  2169. Could not find class ScenPart_MapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  2171. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  2172. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2173. Subnode:
  2174. <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  2176. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2178. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_M14_rt
  2180. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_M1Garand_rt
  2182. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev538, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  2184. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_AthensSPBR
  2186. Exception from asynchronous event: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  2187. Parameter name: key
  2188. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  2189. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  2190. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  2191. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  2192. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  2193. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  2194. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  2195. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  2196. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  2197. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
  2198. at RimWorld.Faction.GenerateNewLeader () <0x0022f>
  2199. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.NewGeneratedFaction (RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x002ae>
  2200. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.GenerateFactionsIntoWorld () <0x0007a>
  2201. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenStep_Factions.GenerateFresh (string) <0x0002e>
  2202. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld (single,string,RimWorld.Planet.OverallRainfall,RimWorld.Planet.OverallTemperature) <0x00164>
  2203. at RimWorld.Page_CreateWorldParams.<CanDoNext>m__615 () <0x00048>
  2204. at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action) <0x00028>
  2207. Exception in Scenario.GetFullInformationText():
  2208. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  2209. at RimWorld.GenLabel.NewThingLabel (Verse.BuildableDef entDef, Verse.ThingDef stuffDef, Int32 stackCount) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2210. at RimWorld.GenLabel.ThingLabel (Verse.BuildableDef entDef, Verse.ThingDef stuffDef, Int32 stackCount) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2211. at RimWorld.ScenPart_StartingThing_Defined+<GetSummaryListEntries>c__Iterator123.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2212. at RimWorld.ScenSummaryList.SummaryList (RimWorld.Scenario scen, System.String tag) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2213. at RimWorld.ScenSummaryList.SummaryWithList (RimWorld.Scenario scen, System.String tag, System.String intro) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2214. at RimWorld.ScenPart_StartingAnimal.Summary (RimWorld.Scenario scen) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2215. at RimWorld.Scenario.GetFullInformationText () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2217. Exception from asynchronous event: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  2218. Parameter name: key
  2219. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  2220. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  2221. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  2222. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  2223. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  2224. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  2225. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  2226. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  2227. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  2228. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
  2229. at RimWorld.Faction.GenerateNewLeader () <0x0022f>
  2230. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.NewGeneratedFaction (RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x002ae>
  2231. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.GenerateFactionsIntoWorld () <0x0007a>
  2232. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenStep_Factions.GenerateFresh (string) <0x0002e>
  2233. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld (single,string,RimWorld.Planet.OverallRainfall,RimWorld.Planet.OverallTemperature) <0x00164>
  2234. at RimWorld.Page_CreateWorldParams.<CanDoNext>m__615 () <0x00048>
  2235. at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action) <0x00028>
  2238. Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  2239. Thread -> id: be0 -> priority: 1
  2240. Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
  2241. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  2242. Direct3D:
  2243. Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll]
  2244. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
  2245. Vendor: NVIDIA
  2246. VRAM: 978 MB (via DXGI)
  2247. Caps: Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 NULL=1 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0 ATOC=1
  2248. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  2249. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2250. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2251. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2252. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2253. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2254. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2255. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2256. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  2257. desktop: 1280x960 60Hz; virtual: 1280x960 at 0,0
  2258. RimWorld 0.17.1557 rev1153
  2260. Duplicate code-linked translation key: CancelButton in language PortugueseBrazilian
  2262. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDown.label
  2264. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MainTabDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  2266. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MapConditionDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  2268. Duplicate def-linked translation key: PegLeg.label
  2270. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticArm.label
  2272. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticLeg.label
  2274. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.label
  2276. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.description
  2278. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.jobString
  2280. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.label
  2282. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.description
  2284. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.jobString
  2286. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  2288. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  2290. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  2292. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  2294. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  2296. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  2298. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  2300. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  2302. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  2304. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  2306. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  2308. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  2310. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  2312. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  2314. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  2316. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  2318. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  2320. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  2322. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  2324. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  2326. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  2328. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  2330. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  2332. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  2334. Exception loading translation data from file D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725956940\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian\DefInjected\ThingDefs\Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml: System.Xml.XmlException: 'Denture.label' is expected file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/294100/725956940/Languages/PortugueseBrazilian/DefInjected/ThingDefs/Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml Line 13, position 29.
  2335. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Expect (System.String expected) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2336. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadEndTag () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2337. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2338. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2339. at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2340. at Mono.Xml.XmlFilterReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2341. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2342. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2343. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2344. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2345. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2346. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2347. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2348. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2349. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.ReadContent (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2350. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2351. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2352. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2353. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.AddDataFromFile (System.IO.FileInfo file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2355. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.label
  2357. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.description
  2359. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  2361. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  2363. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  2365. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  2367. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  2369. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  2371. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  2373. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  2375. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  2377. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  2379. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  2381. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  2383. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.label
  2385. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.description
  2387. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.jobString
  2389. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.label
  2391. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.description
  2393. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.jobString
  2395. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.label
  2397. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.description
  2399. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.jobString
  2401. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.label
  2403. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.description
  2405. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.jobString
  2407. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.label
  2409. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.description
  2411. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.jobString
  2413. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.label
  2415. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.description
  2417. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.jobString
  2419. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.label
  2421. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.description
  2423. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.jobString
  2425. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  2427. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  2429. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  2431. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  2433. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  2435. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  2437. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  2439. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  2441. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  2443. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  2445. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  2447. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  2449. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.label
  2451. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.description
  2453. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.label
  2455. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.description
  2457. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.label
  2459. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.description
  2461. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.label
  2463. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.description
  2465. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.label
  2467. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.description
  2469. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.label
  2471. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.description
  2473. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.label
  2475. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.description
  2477. Duplicate code-linked translation key: QualityBuilder.Nothing in language English
  2479. Bad capitalization on backstory title: Collective born Valkyrie
  2481. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
  2482. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  2483. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  2484. (Filename: Line: 375)
  2486. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.label
  2488. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.description
  2490. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.jobString
  2492. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.label
  2494. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.description
  2496. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.jobString
  2498. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.label
  2500. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.description
  2502. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.jobString
  2504. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.label
  2506. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.description
  2508. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.jobString
  2510. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.label
  2512. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.description
  2514. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.jobString
  2516. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.label
  2518. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.description
  2520. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.jobString
  2522. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.label
  2524. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.description
  2526. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.jobString
  2528. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.label
  2530. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.description
  2532. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.jobString
  2534. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.label
  2536. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.description
  2538. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.jobString
  2540. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.label
  2542. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.description
  2544. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.jobString
  2546. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.label
  2548. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.description
  2550. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.jobString
  2552. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.label
  2554. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.description
  2556. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.jobString
  2558. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.label
  2560. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.description
  2562. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.jobString
  2564. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.label
  2566. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.description
  2568. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named MapCondition_Planetkiller to match MapCondition_Planetkiller.label
  2570. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named PermanentMapCondition to match PermanentMapCondition.label
  2572. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Shooting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2573. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2575. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Melee.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2576. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2578. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Social.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2579. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2581. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Animals.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2582. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2584. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Medicine.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2585. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2587. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Cooking.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2588. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2590. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Construction.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2591. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2593. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Growing.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2594. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2596. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Mining.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2597. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2599. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Artistic.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2600. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2602. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Crafting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2603. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2605. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Intellectual.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  2606. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2608. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.label
  2610. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.description
  2612. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.label
  2614. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.description
  2616. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.label
  2618. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.description
  2620. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.label
  2622. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.description
  2624. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.label
  2626. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.description
  2628. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint.label
  2630. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install.label
  2632. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Frame to match EquipmentRack_Frame.label
  2634. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TemporaryRegionBarrier to match TemporaryRegionBarrier.label
  2636. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.label
  2638. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.Description
  2640. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.label
  2642. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.Description
  2644. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.label
  2646. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.Description
  2648. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.label
  2650. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.description
  2652. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.label
  2654. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.description
  2656. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.label
  2658. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.description
  2660. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.label
  2662. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.description
  2664. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.stuffProps.stuffAdjective
  2666. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.label
  2668. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.description
  2670. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.label
  2672. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.description
  2674. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.label
  2676. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.description
  2678. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.label
  2680. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.description
  2682. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.label
  2684. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.description
  2686. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.label
  2688. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.description
  2690. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.label
  2692. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.description
  2694. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.label
  2696. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.description
  2698. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.label
  2700. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.description
  2702. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.label
  2704. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.description
  2706. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.label
  2708. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.description
  2710. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.label
  2712. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.description
  2714. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.label
  2716. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.description
  2718. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.label
  2720. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.description
  2722. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.label
  2724. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.description
  2726. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.label
  2728. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.description
  2730. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.label
  2732. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.description
  2734. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.label
  2736. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.description
  2738. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier to match Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier.label
  2740. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant to match Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant.label
  2742. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.label
  2744. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.verb
  2746. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.gerund
  2748. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.label
  2750. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.verb
  2752. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.gerund
  2754. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.label
  2756. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.verb
  2758. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.gerund
  2760. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.verb
  2762. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.gerund
  2764. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.verb
  2766. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.gerund
  2768. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.verb
  2770. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.gerund
  2772. Couldn't load backstory Refugee70: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Refugee70
  2773. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2774. Full XML text:
  2776. <Refugee70>
  2777. <title>Refugiado(a)</title>
  2778. <titleShort>Refugiado(a)</titleShort>
  2779. <desc>A guerra estourou na casa de NAME quando HE era um bebê. Seus pais fugiram com HE, procurando segurança onde quer que pudessem encontrá-la. As primeiras lembranças de NAME são de ser ensinado(a) a se defender.
  2781. A violência e a destruição que HE testemunhou lhe deixou marcado(a) para toda a vida.</desc>
  2782. </Refugee70>
  2784. Couldn't load backstory Mathematician46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Mathematician46
  2785. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2786. Full XML text:
  2788. <Mathematician46>
  2789. <title>Matemático(a)</title>
  2790. <titleShort>Prof. de matemática</titleShort>
  2791. <desc>NAME fez pesquisa matemática em uma universidade.
  2793. HECAP passou grande parte de seu tempo livre imerso(a) em simulações de tiro, embora HE foi frequentemente ridicularizado(a) por outros jogadores por sua terrível pontaria.</desc>
  2794. </Mathematician46>
  2796. Couldn't load backstory FireTender4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FireTender4
  2797. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2798. Full XML text:
  2800. <FireTender4>
  2801. <title>Tenro de fogo</title>
  2802. <titleShort>Fogo</titleShort>
  2803. <desc>Em sua infância, NAME foi responsável por manter o fogo da tribo em andamento. HECAP tomou esta responsabilidade muito a sério.</desc>
  2804. </FireTender4>
  2806. Couldn't load backstory Aristocrat7: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Aristocrat7
  2807. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2808. Full XML text:
  2810. <Aristocrat7>
  2811. <title>Aristocrata</title>
  2812. <titleShort>Aristocrata</titleShort>
  2813. <desc>Nascido em uma família aristocrática, NAME passou seus anos mais novos em ignorância feliz. Seus estudos eram esporádicos e nunca gostava de nada que envolvesse suas mãos.
  2815. O destino, entretanto, forçaria uma mudança no hábito. Uma guerra global estourou e as armas nucleares derreteram a superfície do planeta em vidro radioativo.</desc>
  2816. </Aristocrat7>
  2818. Couldn't load backstory WastelandRuffian93: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier WastelandRuffian93
  2819. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2820. Full XML text:
  2822. <WastelandRuffian93>
  2823. <title>Rufião de terreno baldio</title>
  2824. <titleShort>Gastador</titleShort>
  2825. <desc>A sobrevivência era uma luta do dia-a-dia. Os alimentos geralmente consistiam em animais semi-decompostos, e água tinha de ser condensada do ar. Para sobreviver, NAME se tornou engenhoso.
  2827. Um agrimensor do Orde Historia aconteceu em todo o mundo de NAME e lhe resgatou.</desc>
  2828. </WastelandRuffian93>
  2830. Couldn't load backstory TragicTwin21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier TragicTwin21
  2831. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2832. Full XML text:
  2834. <TragicTwin21>
  2835. <title>Gêmeo trágico</title>
  2836. <titleShort>Gêmeo</titleShort>
  2837. <desc>NAME foi atraído para a água desde uma idade precoce, e passou o máximo de tempo possível dentro e em torno dela. Seu gêmeo ficou preso durante um mergulho e não sobreviveu. NAME nunca mais voltou para a água novamente.</desc>
  2838. </TragicTwin21>
  2840. Couldn't load backstory SpaceTraveler4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier SpaceTraveler4
  2841. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2842. Full XML text:
  2844. <SpaceTraveler4>
  2845. <title>Viajante espacial</title>
  2846. <titleShort>Espacial</titleShort>
  2847. <desc>NAME deixou sua casa para trás, se voltando para as estrelas. Ele trabalhou seu caminho de planeta para planeta, assumindo os trabalhos que ele poderia encontrar para ganhar passagem para a frente, raramente ficava com uma nave por muito tempo. Eventualmente ele obteve sua própria nave e gradualmente atraiu uma tripulação silenciosa mas eficaz.</desc>
  2848. </SpaceTraveler4>
  2850. Couldn't load backstory ShunnedGirl18: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ShunnedGirl18
  2851. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2852. Full XML text:
  2854. <ShunnedGirl18>
  2855. <title>Menina afastada</title>
  2856. <titleShort>Afastada</titleShort>
  2857. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família pequena e pobre. Ela foi intimidada implacavelmente, espancada e odiada. Quando ela cresceu, ela desenvolveu um interesse em armas de fogo. Ela geralmente estudava nos livros, mas ocasionalmente conseguiu obter algum tempo de prática com a coisa real. NAME mais tarde descobriu um talento para a arte e começou a se ensinar como desenhar e pintar.</desc>
  2858. </ShunnedGirl18>
  2860. Couldn't load backstory ArtStudent43: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ArtStudent43
  2861. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2862. Full XML text:
  2864. <ArtStudent43>
  2865. <title>Estudante de arte</title>
  2866. <titleShort>Artista</titleShort>
  2867. <desc>Depois de anos de prática, NAME foi capaz de se matricular em uma universidade de arte e levar suas habilidades ainda mais. Ela procurou trabalhar na indústria da arte depois de se formar com boas notas. Ela fez alguns progressos com as comissões privadas, conseguindo fazer uma vida digna de sua arte.</desc>
  2868. </ArtStudent43>
  2870. Couldn't load backstory ToxicChild46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ToxicChild46
  2871. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2872. Full XML text:
  2874. <ToxicChild46>
  2875. <title>Criança tóxica</title>
  2876. <titleShort>Tóxica</titleShort>
  2877. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta industrial, NAME começou a trabalhar em uma fábrica de produtos químicos com a idade de seis anos. Anos de exposição a toxinas industriais lhe deixaram com cicatrizes físicas e mentais. HECAP eventualmente explodiu a instalação e escapou do planeta em uma nave de carga roubada.</desc>
  2878. </ToxicChild46>
  2880. Couldn't load backstory CriminalTinker97: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CriminalTinker97
  2881. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2882. Full XML text:
  2884. <CriminalTinker97>
  2885. <title>Funileiro criminal</title>
  2886. <titleShort>Funileiro</titleShort>
  2887. <desc>NAME se juntou a uma tripulação de mercenários, ajudando a manter o reator de fusão deles e armas nucleares. HECAP rapidamente se tornou a mão direita de seu líder e assumiu quando surgiu a oportunidade, conectando o chuveiro do líder ao ácido de eliminação de resíduos da nave.</desc>
  2888. </CriminalTinker97>
  2890. Couldn't load backstory Dreamer99: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Dreamer99
  2891. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2892. Full XML text:
  2894. <Dreamer99>
  2895. <title>Sonhador</title>
  2896. <titleShort>Sonhador</titleShort>
  2897. <desc>Desde que seu pai esteve frequentemente ausente, NAME assumiu o papel de homem da casa. Ele aprendeu o valor do trabalho duro, mas nunca teve realmente uma infância.
  2899. Todos os dias, NAME sonhava em deixar sua casa e explorar novos mundos.</desc>
  2900. </Dreamer99>
  2902. Couldn't load backstory PirateSurveyor66: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier PirateSurveyor66
  2903. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2904. Full XML text:
  2906. <PirateSurveyor66>
  2907. <title>Pirata agrimensor</title>
  2908. <titleShort>Agrimensor</titleShort>
  2909. <desc>Como um agrimensor para Geotek Corporation, o trabalho de NAME era procurar novos locais de salvamento. No entanto, seu verdadeiro desejo era encontrar um artefato antigo entre as ruínas para vender no mercado negro.
  2911. Quando ele finalmente tropeçou em um, a empresa tentou recuperá-lo à força. NAME escapou com sua recompensa e começou uma vida de pirataria.</desc>
  2912. </PirateSurveyor66>
  2914. Couldn't load backstory StarSquire21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier StarSquire21
  2915. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2916. Full XML text:
  2918. <StarSquire21>
  2919. <title>Escudeiro estrelar</title>
  2920. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  2921. <desc>Nascido em um mundo medieval, a primeira memória de NAME é olhar para o céu da noite.
  2923. Desde então, HE sonhou com escoltamento para um cavaleiro entre os céus cheios de estrelas. Seu foco nesta visão lhe deixou um pouco único de espírito.</desc>
  2924. </StarSquire21>
  2926. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryChild34: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryChild34
  2927. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2928. Full XML text:
  2930. <MilitaryChild34>
  2931. <title>Criança militar</title>
  2932. <titleShort>Militar</titleShort>
  2933. <desc>NAME cresceu em uma família com um rico fundo militar. Seus anos de adolescência foram gastos em sistema de viagem para o sistema onde seus pais foram implantados.
  2935. HECAP se alistou aos 18 anos, seguindo a tradição de sua família.</desc>
  2936. </MilitaryChild34>
  2938. Couldn't load backstory AWOLSoldier46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier AWOLSoldier46
  2939. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2940. Full XML text:
  2942. <AWOLSoldier46>
  2943. <title>Soldado ASLO</title>
  2944. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  2945. <desc>NAME era um soldado de infantaria.
  2947. Quando HECAP foi informado de sua atribuição para a Guerra de Xennoa-Zartza, HECAP decidiu que não queria ser um soldado. Ele foi capaz de escapar via jato espacial militar.</desc>
  2948. </AWOLSoldier46>
  2950. Couldn't load backstory FallenOfficial88: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FallenOfficial88
  2951. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2952. Full XML text:
  2954. <FallenOfficial88>
  2955. <title>Oficial caído</title>
  2956. <titleShort>Oficial</titleShort>
  2957. <desc>NAME era um funcionário de um governo autocrático.
  2959. Quando seus superiores exigiram que HE participasse de atrocidades, NAME se demitiu e escapou de seu mundo natal com nada além das roupas em suas costas.</desc>
  2960. </FallenOfficial88>
  2962. Couldn't load backstory FarmMechanic40: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FarmMechanic40
  2963. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2964. Full XML text:
  2966. <FarmMechanic40>
  2967. <title>Mecânico fazendeiro</title>
  2968. <titleShort>Mecânico</titleShort>
  2969. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta agrícola, NAME passou seu tempo aprendendo sobre a maquinaria automatizada que cresceu e colheu a multidão de colheitas.</desc>
  2970. </FarmMechanic40>
  2972. Couldn't load backstory OrbitalReservist59: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier OrbitalReservist59
  2973. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2974. Full XML text:
  2976. <OrbitalReservist59>
  2977. <title>Reservista orbital</title>
  2978. <titleShort>Reservista</titleShort>
  2979. <desc>Quando o governo declarou que iria reforçar suas defesas militares, NAME foi alistado e treinado.
  2981. HECAP esteve estacionado em uma base orbital, manejando os sistemas de defesa e, em situações terríveis, descendo em uma nave de envio para a superfície.</desc>
  2982. </OrbitalReservist59>
  2984. Couldn't load backstory Squire51: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Squire51
  2985. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2986. Full XML text:
  2988. <Squire51>
  2989. <title>Escudeiro</title>
  2990. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  2991. <desc>Nascido de uma família nobre em um mundo medieval, NAME se tornou um escudeiro. Seu treinamento envolveu falcoaria, esgrima e luta livre - muitas vezes feito usando armadura.
  2993. Em batalha, seu trabalho era garantir que os cavaleiros fossem atendidos e a armadura deles fosse bem polida.</desc>
  2994. </Squire51>
  2996. Couldn't load backstory Knight23: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Knight23
  2997. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2998. Full XML text:
  3000. <Knight23>
  3001. <title>Cavaleiro</title>
  3002. <titleShort>Cavaleiro</titleShort>
  3003. <desc>Quando NAME veio de idade, foi dada uma espada abençoada por um sumo sacerdote.
  3005. Sua determinação e foco na batalha lhe estabeleceu como um cavaleiro. Ao longo de seu tempo, suas histórias foram contadas em arte e folclore. Por humildade, HE nunca contou as histórias por si próprio.</desc>
  3006. </Knight23>
  3008. Couldn't load backstory JoywireAddict71: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier JoywireAddict71
  3009. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3010. Full XML text:
  3012. <JoywireAddict71>
  3013. <title>Viciado(a) ara. da alegria</title>
  3014. <titleShort>Viciado(a)</titleShort>
  3015. <desc>Os pais ricos de NAME forneceram tudo o que HE sempre quis. Depois de descobrir arames da alegria, HE ficou obcecado(a). Quando seus pais perceberam o que aconteceu, eles lhe cortaram fora.
  3017. Indiferente e muitas vezes violenta(a), HE procurou seu próximo arame da alegria fixo por qualquer meio possível.</desc>
  3018. </JoywireAddict71>
  3020. Couldn't load backstory DischargedSoldier36: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier DischargedSoldier36
  3021. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3022. Full XML text:
  3024. <DischargedSoldier36>
  3025. <title>Soldado descarregado</title>
  3026. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  3027. <desc>NAME se prostituiu para financiar seus hábitos de drogas. Como uma fuga, HE se juntou às forças armadas e aprendeu a lutar.
  3029. Muito esperto para o exército, HE questionava e muitas vezes discordava das decisões de seus superiores. Isto eventualmente levou a sua dispensa desonrosa lhe deixou com um chip em seu ombro.</desc>
  3030. </DischargedSoldier36>
  3032. Couldn't load backstory MidworldLoner78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MidworldLoner78
  3033. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3034. Full XML text:
  3036. <MidworldLoner78>
  3037. <title>Solitário do m. médio</title>
  3038. <titleShort>Solitário</titleShort>
  3039. <desc>Nascido em um mundo médio escassamente povoado, NAME tinha alguns amigos. HECAP preferiu prosseguir suas paixões na solidão, quer se trate de consertar com sua motocicleta, assistir vidcasts longos sobre a nova tecnologia, ou alinhar suas figurinhas e derrubá-las com sua arma de pelota.</desc>
  3040. </MidworldLoner78>
  3042. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryGunsmith58: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryGunsmith58
  3043. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3044. Full XML text:
  3046. <MilitaryGunsmith58>
  3047. <title>Armeiro militar</title>
  3048. <titleShort>Armeiro</titleShort>
  3049. <desc>Inspirado por um pedaço de propaganda particularmente evocativo, NAME se inscreveu para os militares na esperança de encontrar a glória. Para sua consternação, no entanto, seus testes de aptidão lhe colocaram na loja de máquinas em vez de na linha de frente.
  3051. Mais tarde, quando ele viu as filas de sacos de corpos voltando para casa, ele mais tarde percebeu o quão sortudo ele era.</desc>
  3052. </MilitaryGunsmith58>
  3054. Couldn't load backstory CaravanTraveler8: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CaravanTraveler8
  3055. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3056. Full XML text:
  3058. <CaravanTraveler8>
  3059. <title>Viajante de caravana</title>
  3060. <titleShort>Viajante</titleShort>
  3061. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família nômade de comerciantes de caravana em um mundo isolado. Seu pai, o líder da caravana, lhe ensinou o comércio de caravana. Como ele era capaz de trocar ou caçar toda a sua comida, ele nunca teve que se preocupar em fazer qualquer trabalho agrícola.
  3063. Mais tarde, seu pai se aposentou para uma fazenda e ofereceu a NAME a posição de líder da caravana.</desc>
  3064. </CaravanTraveler8>
  3066. Couldn't load backstory Caravaneer75: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Caravaneer75
  3067. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3068. Full XML text:
  3070. <Caravaneer75>
  3071. <title>Caravaneiro</title>
  3072. <titleShort>Caravaneiro</titleShort>
  3073. <desc>NAME foi o líder de uma caravana de comércio nômade. Era seu dever negociar acordos comerciais e assegurar a segurança de sua caravana de salteadores e bandidos de estrada. Ele se tornou um mestre na gestão de mercadorias, traçando rotas, e marcando bons negócios.</desc>
  3074. </Caravaneer75>
  3076. MoodyMapComponent Static Initialization
  3078. MoodyWindow Static Initialization
  3080. MoodyWindow Instance Initialization
  3082. DataCache Static Initialization
  3084. Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
  3086. Type ModInitializer probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field obj of type GameObject. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
  3088. Hospitality injected.
  3090. [HugsLib] v3.1.2 initialized AllowTool, SimpleSidearms, ModMenuEnhanced, DefensivePositions, HeatMap, Hospitality, WM_PonicsWithLamps, TiberiumRim
  3092. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.SimpleSidearms+OptionsTab
  3094. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3096. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3098. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3100. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3102. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3104. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3106. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3108. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3110. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3112. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  3114. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3116. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3118. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  3120. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  3122. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3124. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3126. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  3128. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  3130. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3132. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  3134. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  3136. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  3138. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+DroppingModeOptionsEnum
  3140. Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  3141. Thread -> id: 1788 -> priority: 1
  3142. Initialize engine version: 5.4.1f1 (649f48bbbf0f)
  3143. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  3144. Direct3D:
  3145. Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll]
  3146. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
  3147. Vendor: NVIDIA
  3148. VRAM: 978 MB (via DXGI)
  3149. Caps: Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 NULL=1 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0 ATOC=1
  3150. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  3151. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3152. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3153. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3154. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3155. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3156. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3157. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3158. Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
  3159. desktop: 1280x960 60Hz; virtual: 1280x960 at 0,0
  3160. RimWorld 0.17.1557 rev1153
  3162. Duplicate code-linked translation key: CancelButton in language PortugueseBrazilian
  3164. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDown.label
  3166. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MainTabDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  3168. Error loading language from [Rimworld_dir]\Mods\Core\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian: dir MapConditionDef doesn't correspond to any def type. Skipping...
  3170. Duplicate def-linked translation key: PegLeg.label
  3172. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticArm.label
  3174. Duplicate def-linked translation key: SimpleProstheticLeg.label
  3176. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.label
  3178. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.description
  3180. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallDenture.jobString
  3182. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.label
  3184. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.description
  3186. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallPegLeg.jobString
  3188. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  3190. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  3192. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  3194. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  3196. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  3198. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  3200. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  3202. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  3204. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  3206. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  3208. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  3210. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  3212. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  3214. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  3216. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  3218. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  3220. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  3222. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  3224. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  3226. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  3228. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  3230. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  3232. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  3234. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  3236. Exception loading translation data from file D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\725956940\Languages\PortugueseBrazilian\DefInjected\ThingDefs\Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml: System.Xml.XmlException: 'Denture.label' is expected file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/294100/725956940/Languages/PortugueseBrazilian/DefInjected/ThingDefs/Items_BodyPartsBasic.xml Line 13, position 29.
  3237. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Expect (System.String expected) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3238. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadEndTag () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3239. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3240. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3241. at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3242. at Mono.Xml.XmlFilterReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3243. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3244. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3245. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3246. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3247. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3248. at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3249. at System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReadFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader r, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3250. at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3251. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.ReadContent (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3252. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.LoadCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3253. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri, LoadOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3254. at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load (System.String uri) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3255. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.AddDataFromFile (System.IO.FileInfo file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3257. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.label
  3259. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ScytherBlade.description
  3261. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.label
  3263. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.description
  3265. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalHeart.jobString
  3267. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.label
  3269. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.description
  3271. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLiver.jobString
  3273. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.label
  3275. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.description
  3277. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalKidney.jobString
  3279. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.label
  3281. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.description
  3283. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLung.jobString
  3285. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.label
  3287. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.description
  3289. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEye.jobString
  3291. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.label
  3293. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.description
  3295. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalNose.jobString
  3297. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.label
  3299. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.description
  3301. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalEar.jobString
  3303. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.label
  3305. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.description
  3307. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalJaw.jobString
  3309. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.label
  3311. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.description
  3313. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalArm.jobString
  3315. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.label
  3317. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.description
  3319. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalLeg.jobString
  3321. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.label
  3323. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.description
  3325. Duplicate def-linked translation key: InstallNaturalStomach.jobString
  3327. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.label
  3329. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.description
  3331. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveBodyPart.jobString
  3333. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.label
  3335. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.description
  3337. Duplicate def-linked translation key: RemoveMechanoidBodyPart.jobString
  3339. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.label
  3341. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.description
  3343. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Euthanize.jobString
  3345. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.label
  3347. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.description
  3349. Duplicate def-linked translation key: ShutDownMechanoid.jobString
  3351. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.label
  3353. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Leg.description
  3355. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.label
  3357. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Arm.description
  3359. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.label
  3361. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Stomach.description
  3363. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.label
  3365. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Eye.description
  3367. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.label
  3369. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Nose.description
  3371. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.label
  3373. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Ear.description
  3375. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.label
  3377. Duplicate def-linked translation key: Jaw.description
  3379. Duplicate code-linked translation key: QualityBuilder.Nothing in language English
  3381. Bad capitalization on backstory title: Collective born Valkyrie
  3383. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
  3384. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  3385. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  3386. (Filename: Line: 375)
  3388. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.label
  3390. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.description
  3392. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named Make_Gun_HeavySMG to match Make_Gun_HeavySMG.jobString
  3394. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.label
  3396. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.description
  3398. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named HealScars to match HealScars.jobString
  3400. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.label
  3402. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.description
  3404. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticLeg to match InstallSimplesProstheticLeg.jobString
  3406. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.label
  3408. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.description
  3410. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticArm to match InstallSimplesProstheticArm.jobString
  3412. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.label
  3414. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.description
  3416. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallGlassEye to match InstallGlassEye.jobString
  3418. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.label
  3420. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.description
  3422. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallCrystalEye to match InstallCrystalEye.jobString
  3424. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.label
  3426. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.description
  3428. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticHand to match InstallSimplesProstheticHand.jobString
  3430. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.label
  3432. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.description
  3434. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSimplesProstheticFoot to match InstallSimplesProstheticFoot.jobString
  3436. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.label
  3438. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.description
  3440. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateGlassEye to match CreateGlassEye.jobString
  3442. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.label
  3444. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.description
  3446. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateCrystalEye to match CreateCrystalEye.jobString
  3448. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.label
  3450. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.description
  3452. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named InstallSurrogatEstomagoh to match InstallSurrogatEstomagoh.jobString
  3454. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.label
  3456. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.description
  3458. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named CreateVancidium to match CreateVancidium.jobString
  3460. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.label
  3462. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.description
  3464. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.RecipeDef named MakeAdvancedComponent to match MakeAdvancedComponent.jobString
  3466. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.label
  3468. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ResearchProjectDef named VancidiumRefineryTech to match VancidiumRefineryTech.description
  3470. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named MapCondition_Planetkiller to match MapCondition_Planetkiller.label
  3472. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ScenPartDef named PermanentMapCondition to match PermanentMapCondition.label
  3474. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Shooting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3475. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3477. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Melee.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3478. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3480. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Social.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3481. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3483. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Animals.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3484. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3486. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Medicine.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3487. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3489. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Cooking.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3490. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3492. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Construction.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3493. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3495. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Growing.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3496. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3498. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Mining.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3499. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3501. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Artistic.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3502. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3504. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Crafting.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3505. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3507. Def-linked translation error: Exception getting field at path Intellectual.pawnLabel in RimWorld.SkillDef: System.InvalidOperationException: Field pawnLabel does not exist in type RimWorld.SkillDef.
  3508. at Verse.DefInjectionPackage.SetDefFieldAtPath (System.Type defType, System.String path, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3510. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.label
  3512. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldEnergyMax to match PersonalShieldEnergyMax.description
  3514. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.label
  3516. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named PersonalShieldRechargeRate to match PersonalShieldRechargeRate.description
  3518. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.label
  3520. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named HarvestFailChance to match HarvestFailChance.description
  3522. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.label
  3524. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named ConstructFailChance to match ConstructFailChance.description
  3526. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.label
  3528. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.StatDef named FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance to match FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance.description
  3530. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint.label
  3532. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install to match EquipmentRack_Blueprint_Install.label
  3534. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named EquipmentRack_Frame to match EquipmentRack_Frame.label
  3536. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TemporaryRegionBarrier to match TemporaryRegionBarrier.label
  3538. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.label
  3540. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSurrogates to match TableSurrogates.Description
  3542. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.label
  3544. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named TableSynthetics to match TableSynthetics.Description
  3546. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.label
  3548. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named UpgradingStation to match UpgradingStation.Description
  3550. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.label
  3552. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named VancidiumRefinery to match VancidiumRefinery.description
  3554. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.label
  3556. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named GlassEye to match GlassEye.description
  3558. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.label
  3560. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named CrystalEye to match CrystalEye.description
  3562. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.label
  3564. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.description
  3566. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named Vancidium to match Vancidium.stuffProps.stuffAdjective
  3568. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.label
  3570. Def-linked translation error: Found no Verse.ThingDef named AdvancedComponents to match AdvancedComponents.description
  3572. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.label
  3574. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.0.description
  3576. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.label
  3578. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.3.description
  3580. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.label
  3582. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.4.description
  3584. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.label
  3586. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.5.description
  3588. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.label
  3590. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.6.description
  3592. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.label
  3594. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.7.description
  3596. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.label
  3598. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.8.description
  3600. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.label
  3602. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Bedroom to match Bedroom.stages.9.description
  3604. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.label
  3606. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.0.description
  3608. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.label
  3610. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.1.description
  3612. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.label
  3614. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.4.description
  3616. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.label
  3618. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.5.description
  3620. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.label
  3622. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.6.description
  3624. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.label
  3626. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.7.description
  3628. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.label
  3630. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.8.description
  3632. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.label
  3634. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named Barracks to match Barracks.stages.9.description
  3636. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.label
  3638. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.ThoughtDef named SharedBedroom to match SharedBedroom.stages.0.description
  3640. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier to match Caravan_Neolithic_CombatSupplier.label
  3642. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.TraderKindDef named Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant to match Orbital_Misc_PirateMerchant.label
  3644. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.label
  3646. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.verb
  3648. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreatEmergency to match DoctorTreatEmergency.gerund
  3650. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.label
  3652. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.verb
  3654. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorTreat to match DoctorTreat.gerund
  3656. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.label
  3658. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.verb
  3660. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoctorFeed to match DoctorFeed.gerund
  3662. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.verb
  3664. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSurrogates to match DoBillsTableSurrogates.gerund
  3666. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.verb
  3668. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsTableSynthetics to match DoBillsTableSynthetics.gerund
  3670. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.verb
  3672. Def-linked translation error: Found no RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named DoBillsUpgradingStation to match DoBillsUpgradingStation.gerund
  3674. Couldn't load backstory Refugee70: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Refugee70
  3675. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3676. Full XML text:
  3678. <Refugee70>
  3679. <title>Refugiado(a)</title>
  3680. <titleShort>Refugiado(a)</titleShort>
  3681. <desc>A guerra estourou na casa de NAME quando HE era um bebê. Seus pais fugiram com HE, procurando segurança onde quer que pudessem encontrá-la. As primeiras lembranças de NAME são de ser ensinado(a) a se defender.
  3683. A violência e a destruição que HE testemunhou lhe deixou marcado(a) para toda a vida.</desc>
  3684. </Refugee70>
  3686. Couldn't load backstory Mathematician46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Mathematician46
  3687. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3688. Full XML text:
  3690. <Mathematician46>
  3691. <title>Matemático(a)</title>
  3692. <titleShort>Prof. de matemática</titleShort>
  3693. <desc>NAME fez pesquisa matemática em uma universidade.
  3695. HECAP passou grande parte de seu tempo livre imerso(a) em simulações de tiro, embora HE foi frequentemente ridicularizado(a) por outros jogadores por sua terrível pontaria.</desc>
  3696. </Mathematician46>
  3698. Couldn't load backstory FireTender4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FireTender4
  3699. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3700. Full XML text:
  3702. <FireTender4>
  3703. <title>Tenro de fogo</title>
  3704. <titleShort>Fogo</titleShort>
  3705. <desc>Em sua infância, NAME foi responsável por manter o fogo da tribo em andamento. HECAP tomou esta responsabilidade muito a sério.</desc>
  3706. </FireTender4>
  3708. Couldn't load backstory Aristocrat7: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Aristocrat7
  3709. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3710. Full XML text:
  3712. <Aristocrat7>
  3713. <title>Aristocrata</title>
  3714. <titleShort>Aristocrata</titleShort>
  3715. <desc>Nascido em uma família aristocrática, NAME passou seus anos mais novos em ignorância feliz. Seus estudos eram esporádicos e nunca gostava de nada que envolvesse suas mãos.
  3717. O destino, entretanto, forçaria uma mudança no hábito. Uma guerra global estourou e as armas nucleares derreteram a superfície do planeta em vidro radioativo.</desc>
  3718. </Aristocrat7>
  3720. Couldn't load backstory WastelandRuffian93: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier WastelandRuffian93
  3721. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3722. Full XML text:
  3724. <WastelandRuffian93>
  3725. <title>Rufião de terreno baldio</title>
  3726. <titleShort>Gastador</titleShort>
  3727. <desc>A sobrevivência era uma luta do dia-a-dia. Os alimentos geralmente consistiam em animais semi-decompostos, e água tinha de ser condensada do ar. Para sobreviver, NAME se tornou engenhoso.
  3729. Um agrimensor do Orde Historia aconteceu em todo o mundo de NAME e lhe resgatou.</desc>
  3730. </WastelandRuffian93>
  3732. Couldn't load backstory TragicTwin21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier TragicTwin21
  3733. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3734. Full XML text:
  3736. <TragicTwin21>
  3737. <title>Gêmeo trágico</title>
  3738. <titleShort>Gêmeo</titleShort>
  3739. <desc>NAME foi atraído para a água desde uma idade precoce, e passou o máximo de tempo possível dentro e em torno dela. Seu gêmeo ficou preso durante um mergulho e não sobreviveu. NAME nunca mais voltou para a água novamente.</desc>
  3740. </TragicTwin21>
  3742. Couldn't load backstory SpaceTraveler4: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier SpaceTraveler4
  3743. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3744. Full XML text:
  3746. <SpaceTraveler4>
  3747. <title>Viajante espacial</title>
  3748. <titleShort>Espacial</titleShort>
  3749. <desc>NAME deixou sua casa para trás, se voltando para as estrelas. Ele trabalhou seu caminho de planeta para planeta, assumindo os trabalhos que ele poderia encontrar para ganhar passagem para a frente, raramente ficava com uma nave por muito tempo. Eventualmente ele obteve sua própria nave e gradualmente atraiu uma tripulação silenciosa mas eficaz.</desc>
  3750. </SpaceTraveler4>
  3752. Couldn't load backstory ShunnedGirl18: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ShunnedGirl18
  3753. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3754. Full XML text:
  3756. <ShunnedGirl18>
  3757. <title>Menina afastada</title>
  3758. <titleShort>Afastada</titleShort>
  3759. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família pequena e pobre. Ela foi intimidada implacavelmente, espancada e odiada. Quando ela cresceu, ela desenvolveu um interesse em armas de fogo. Ela geralmente estudava nos livros, mas ocasionalmente conseguiu obter algum tempo de prática com a coisa real. NAME mais tarde descobriu um talento para a arte e começou a se ensinar como desenhar e pintar.</desc>
  3760. </ShunnedGirl18>
  3762. Couldn't load backstory ArtStudent43: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ArtStudent43
  3763. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3764. Full XML text:
  3766. <ArtStudent43>
  3767. <title>Estudante de arte</title>
  3768. <titleShort>Artista</titleShort>
  3769. <desc>Depois de anos de prática, NAME foi capaz de se matricular em uma universidade de arte e levar suas habilidades ainda mais. Ela procurou trabalhar na indústria da arte depois de se formar com boas notas. Ela fez alguns progressos com as comissões privadas, conseguindo fazer uma vida digna de sua arte.</desc>
  3770. </ArtStudent43>
  3772. Couldn't load backstory ToxicChild46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier ToxicChild46
  3773. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3774. Full XML text:
  3776. <ToxicChild46>
  3777. <title>Criança tóxica</title>
  3778. <titleShort>Tóxica</titleShort>
  3779. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta industrial, NAME começou a trabalhar em uma fábrica de produtos químicos com a idade de seis anos. Anos de exposição a toxinas industriais lhe deixaram com cicatrizes físicas e mentais. HECAP eventualmente explodiu a instalação e escapou do planeta em uma nave de carga roubada.</desc>
  3780. </ToxicChild46>
  3782. Couldn't load backstory CriminalTinker97: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CriminalTinker97
  3783. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3784. Full XML text:
  3786. <CriminalTinker97>
  3787. <title>Funileiro criminal</title>
  3788. <titleShort>Funileiro</titleShort>
  3789. <desc>NAME se juntou a uma tripulação de mercenários, ajudando a manter o reator de fusão deles e armas nucleares. HECAP rapidamente se tornou a mão direita de seu líder e assumiu quando surgiu a oportunidade, conectando o chuveiro do líder ao ácido de eliminação de resíduos da nave.</desc>
  3790. </CriminalTinker97>
  3792. Couldn't load backstory Dreamer99: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Dreamer99
  3793. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3794. Full XML text:
  3796. <Dreamer99>
  3797. <title>Sonhador</title>
  3798. <titleShort>Sonhador</titleShort>
  3799. <desc>Desde que seu pai esteve frequentemente ausente, NAME assumiu o papel de homem da casa. Ele aprendeu o valor do trabalho duro, mas nunca teve realmente uma infância.
  3801. Todos os dias, NAME sonhava em deixar sua casa e explorar novos mundos.</desc>
  3802. </Dreamer99>
  3804. Couldn't load backstory PirateSurveyor66: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier PirateSurveyor66
  3805. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3806. Full XML text:
  3808. <PirateSurveyor66>
  3809. <title>Pirata agrimensor</title>
  3810. <titleShort>Agrimensor</titleShort>
  3811. <desc>Como um agrimensor para Geotek Corporation, o trabalho de NAME era procurar novos locais de salvamento. No entanto, seu verdadeiro desejo era encontrar um artefato antigo entre as ruínas para vender no mercado negro.
  3813. Quando ele finalmente tropeçou em um, a empresa tentou recuperá-lo à força. NAME escapou com sua recompensa e começou uma vida de pirataria.</desc>
  3814. </PirateSurveyor66>
  3816. Couldn't load backstory StarSquire21: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier StarSquire21
  3817. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3818. Full XML text:
  3820. <StarSquire21>
  3821. <title>Escudeiro estrelar</title>
  3822. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  3823. <desc>Nascido em um mundo medieval, a primeira memória de NAME é olhar para o céu da noite.
  3825. Desde então, HE sonhou com escoltamento para um cavaleiro entre os céus cheios de estrelas. Seu foco nesta visão lhe deixou um pouco único de espírito.</desc>
  3826. </StarSquire21>
  3828. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryChild34: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryChild34
  3829. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3830. Full XML text:
  3832. <MilitaryChild34>
  3833. <title>Criança militar</title>
  3834. <titleShort>Militar</titleShort>
  3835. <desc>NAME cresceu em uma família com um rico fundo militar. Seus anos de adolescência foram gastos em sistema de viagem para o sistema onde seus pais foram implantados.
  3837. HECAP se alistou aos 18 anos, seguindo a tradição de sua família.</desc>
  3838. </MilitaryChild34>
  3840. Couldn't load backstory AWOLSoldier46: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier AWOLSoldier46
  3841. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3842. Full XML text:
  3844. <AWOLSoldier46>
  3845. <title>Soldado ASLO</title>
  3846. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  3847. <desc>NAME era um soldado de infantaria.
  3849. Quando HECAP foi informado de sua atribuição para a Guerra de Xennoa-Zartza, HECAP decidiu que não queria ser um soldado. Ele foi capaz de escapar via jato espacial militar.</desc>
  3850. </AWOLSoldier46>
  3852. Couldn't load backstory FallenOfficial88: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FallenOfficial88
  3853. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3854. Full XML text:
  3856. <FallenOfficial88>
  3857. <title>Oficial caído</title>
  3858. <titleShort>Oficial</titleShort>
  3859. <desc>NAME era um funcionário de um governo autocrático.
  3861. Quando seus superiores exigiram que HE participasse de atrocidades, NAME se demitiu e escapou de seu mundo natal com nada além das roupas em suas costas.</desc>
  3862. </FallenOfficial88>
  3864. Couldn't load backstory FarmMechanic40: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier FarmMechanic40
  3865. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3866. Full XML text:
  3868. <FarmMechanic40>
  3869. <title>Mecânico fazendeiro</title>
  3870. <titleShort>Mecânico</titleShort>
  3871. <desc>Crescendo em um planeta agrícola, NAME passou seu tempo aprendendo sobre a maquinaria automatizada que cresceu e colheu a multidão de colheitas.</desc>
  3872. </FarmMechanic40>
  3874. Couldn't load backstory OrbitalReservist59: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier OrbitalReservist59
  3875. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3876. Full XML text:
  3878. <OrbitalReservist59>
  3879. <title>Reservista orbital</title>
  3880. <titleShort>Reservista</titleShort>
  3881. <desc>Quando o governo declarou que iria reforçar suas defesas militares, NAME foi alistado e treinado.
  3883. HECAP esteve estacionado em uma base orbital, manejando os sistemas de defesa e, em situações terríveis, descendo em uma nave de envio para a superfície.</desc>
  3884. </OrbitalReservist59>
  3886. Couldn't load backstory Squire51: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Squire51
  3887. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3888. Full XML text:
  3890. <Squire51>
  3891. <title>Escudeiro</title>
  3892. <titleShort>Escudeiro</titleShort>
  3893. <desc>Nascido de uma família nobre em um mundo medieval, NAME se tornou um escudeiro. Seu treinamento envolveu falcoaria, esgrima e luta livre - muitas vezes feito usando armadura.
  3895. Em batalha, seu trabalho era garantir que os cavaleiros fossem atendidos e a armadura deles fosse bem polida.</desc>
  3896. </Squire51>
  3898. Couldn't load backstory Knight23: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Knight23
  3899. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3900. Full XML text:
  3902. <Knight23>
  3903. <title>Cavaleiro</title>
  3904. <titleShort>Cavaleiro</titleShort>
  3905. <desc>Quando NAME veio de idade, foi dada uma espada abençoada por um sumo sacerdote.
  3907. Sua determinação e foco na batalha lhe estabeleceu como um cavaleiro. Ao longo de seu tempo, suas histórias foram contadas em arte e folclore. Por humildade, HE nunca contou as histórias por si próprio.</desc>
  3908. </Knight23>
  3910. Couldn't load backstory JoywireAddict71: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier JoywireAddict71
  3911. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3912. Full XML text:
  3914. <JoywireAddict71>
  3915. <title>Viciado(a) ara. da alegria</title>
  3916. <titleShort>Viciado(a)</titleShort>
  3917. <desc>Os pais ricos de NAME forneceram tudo o que HE sempre quis. Depois de descobrir arames da alegria, HE ficou obcecado(a). Quando seus pais perceberam o que aconteceu, eles lhe cortaram fora.
  3919. Indiferente e muitas vezes violenta(a), HE procurou seu próximo arame da alegria fixo por qualquer meio possível.</desc>
  3920. </JoywireAddict71>
  3922. Couldn't load backstory DischargedSoldier36: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier DischargedSoldier36
  3923. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3924. Full XML text:
  3926. <DischargedSoldier36>
  3927. <title>Soldado descarregado</title>
  3928. <titleShort>Soldado</titleShort>
  3929. <desc>NAME se prostituiu para financiar seus hábitos de drogas. Como uma fuga, HE se juntou às forças armadas e aprendeu a lutar.
  3931. Muito esperto para o exército, HE questionava e muitas vezes discordava das decisões de seus superiores. Isto eventualmente levou a sua dispensa desonrosa lhe deixou com um chip em seu ombro.</desc>
  3932. </DischargedSoldier36>
  3934. Couldn't load backstory MidworldLoner78: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MidworldLoner78
  3935. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3936. Full XML text:
  3938. <MidworldLoner78>
  3939. <title>Solitário do m. médio</title>
  3940. <titleShort>Solitário</titleShort>
  3941. <desc>Nascido em um mundo médio escassamente povoado, NAME tinha alguns amigos. HECAP preferiu prosseguir suas paixões na solidão, quer se trate de consertar com sua motocicleta, assistir vidcasts longos sobre a nova tecnologia, ou alinhar suas figurinhas e derrubá-las com sua arma de pelota.</desc>
  3942. </MidworldLoner78>
  3944. Couldn't load backstory MilitaryGunsmith58: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier MilitaryGunsmith58
  3945. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3946. Full XML text:
  3948. <MilitaryGunsmith58>
  3949. <title>Armeiro militar</title>
  3950. <titleShort>Armeiro</titleShort>
  3951. <desc>Inspirado por um pedaço de propaganda particularmente evocativo, NAME se inscreveu para os militares na esperança de encontrar a glória. Para sua consternação, no entanto, seus testes de aptidão lhe colocaram na loja de máquinas em vez de na linha de frente.
  3953. Mais tarde, quando ele viu as filas de sacos de corpos voltando para casa, ele mais tarde percebeu o quão sortudo ele era.</desc>
  3954. </MilitaryGunsmith58>
  3956. Couldn't load backstory CaravanTraveler8: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier CaravanTraveler8
  3957. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3958. Full XML text:
  3960. <CaravanTraveler8>
  3961. <title>Viajante de caravana</title>
  3962. <titleShort>Viajante</titleShort>
  3963. <desc>NAME nasceu em uma família nômade de comerciantes de caravana em um mundo isolado. Seu pai, o líder da caravana, lhe ensinou o comércio de caravana. Como ele era capaz de trocar ou caçar toda a sua comida, ele nunca teve que se preocupar em fazer qualquer trabalho agrícola.
  3965. Mais tarde, seu pai se aposentou para uma fazenda e ofereceu a NAME a posição de líder da caravana.</desc>
  3966. </CaravanTraveler8>
  3968. Couldn't load backstory Caravaneer75: System.Exception: Backstory not found matching identifier Caravaneer75
  3969. at Verse.BackstoryTranslationUtility.LoadAndInjectBackstoryData (Verse.LoadedLanguage lang) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3970. Full XML text:
  3972. <Caravaneer75>
  3973. <title>Caravaneiro</title>
  3974. <titleShort>Caravaneiro</titleShort>
  3975. <desc>NAME foi o líder de uma caravana de comércio nômade. Era seu dever negociar acordos comerciais e assegurar a segurança de sua caravana de salteadores e bandidos de estrada. Ele se tornou um mestre na gestão de mercadorias, traçando rotas, e marcando bons negócios.</desc>
  3976. </Caravaneer75>
  3978. MoodyMapComponent Static Initialization
  3980. MoodyWindow Static Initialization
  3982. MoodyWindow Instance Initialization
  3984. DataCache Static Initialization
  3986. Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
  3988. Type ModInitializer probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field obj of type GameObject. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
  3990. Hospitality injected.
  3992. [HugsLib] v3.1.2 initialized AllowTool, SimpleSidearms, ModMenuEnhanced, DefensivePositions, HeatMap, Hospitality, WM_PonicsWithLamps, TiberiumRim
  3994. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.SimpleSidearms+OptionsTab
  3996. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  3998. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4000. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4002. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4004. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4006. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4008. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4010. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4012. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+Preset
  4014. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  4016. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4018. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4020. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  4022. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  4024. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4026. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4028. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  4030. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeSingleSidearm
  4032. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4034. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.hugsLibSettings.SettingsUIs+WeaponListKind
  4036. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  4038. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+LimitModeAmountOfSidearms
  4040. [HugsLib][warn] Missing enum setting labels for enum SimpleSidearms.Globals+DroppingModeOptionsEnum
  4042. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4044. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4046. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4048. Could not load reference to RimWorld.FactionDef named ApparelloColony
  4050. Could not find class ScenPart_PermaMapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  4052. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  4053. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4054. Subnode:
  4055. <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  4057. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named Pharmaceuticals
  4059. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named StrangeMealSimple
  4061. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named MedTimes_Melee_Pitchfork
  4063. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named Cults_OathtakerHastur2
  4065. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4067. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4069. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4071. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named BionicTacticalImplant
  4073. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1536 rev1027, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4075. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_ObiSaber
  4077. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_KyberCrystalAzure
  4079. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  4081. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1546 rev887, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4083. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_JediTrait
  4085. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_Doublesaber
  4087. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_KyloSaber
  4089. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_DookuSaber
  4091. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_AdeganCrystal
  4093. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_Jedi_Robe
  4095. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.17.1546 rev887, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4097. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_Jedi_Robe
  4099. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_InnerRobes
  4101. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_KyberCrystalBlue
  4103. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named SWSaber_Ahsokasaber
  4105. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  4107. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_TroopArmor
  4109. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_STHelm
  4111. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_E11Blaster
  4113. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_DH17Blaster
  4115. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_ImpHat
  4117. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named PJ_ImpUniformISBSHELL
  4119. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4121. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResForcePowers
  4123. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResLightsaberConstruction
  4125. Could not find class ScenPart_MapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  4127. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  4128. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4129. Subnode:
  4130. <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  4132. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev536, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4134. Could not load reference to RimWorld.IncidentDef named RebellionL
  4136. Could not find class ScenPart_PermaMapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  4138. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  4139. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4140. Subnode:
  4141. <li Class="ScenPart_PermaMapCondition"><def>PermanentMapCondition</def><mapCondition>PsychicDrone</mapCondition></li>
  4143. Could not load reference to RimWorld.TraitDef named PJ_ForceSensitive
  4145. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4147. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResForcePowers
  4149. Could not load reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named ResLightsaberConstruction
  4151. Could not find class ScenPart_MapCondition while resolving node li. Trying to use RimWorld.ScenPart instead. Full node: <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  4153. SaveableFromNode exception: System.ArgumentException: Can't load abstract class RimWorld.ScenPart
  4154. at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode[ScenPart] (System.Xml.XmlNode subNode, System.Object[] ctorArgs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4155. Subnode:
  4156. <li Class="ScenPart_MapCondition"><def>MapCondition_Planetkiller</def><durationDayS>90</durationDayS></li>
  4158. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.15.1284 rev139, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4160. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_M14_rt
  4162. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_M1Garand_rt
  4164. Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 0.16.1393 rev538, we are running version 0.17.1557 rev1153.
  4166. Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Gun_AthensSPBR
  4168. Exception from asynchronous event: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  4169. Parameter name: key
  4170. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  4171. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  4172. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  4173. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  4174. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  4175. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  4176. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  4177. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  4178. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  4179. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
  4180. at RimWorld.Faction.GenerateNewLeader () <0x0022f>
  4181. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.NewGeneratedFaction (RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x002ae>
  4182. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.GenerateFactionsIntoWorld () <0x0007a>
  4183. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenStep_Factions.GenerateFresh (string) <0x0002e>
  4184. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld (single,string,RimWorld.Planet.OverallRainfall,RimWorld.Planet.OverallTemperature) <0x00164>
  4185. at RimWorld.Page_CreateWorldParams.<CanDoNext>m__615 () <0x00048>
  4186. at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action) <0x00028>
  4189. Exception from asynchronous event: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  4190. Parameter name: key
  4191. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  4192. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  4193. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  4194. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  4195. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  4196. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  4197. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  4198. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  4199. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  4200. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (Verse.PawnKindDef,RimWorld.Faction) <0x00105>
  4201. at RimWorld.Faction.GenerateNewLeader () <0x0022f>
  4202. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.NewGeneratedFaction (RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x002ae>
  4203. at RimWorld.FactionGenerator.GenerateFactionsIntoWorld () <0x0007a>
  4204. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenStep_Factions.GenerateFresh (string) <0x0002e>
  4205. at RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld (single,string,RimWorld.Planet.OverallRainfall,RimWorld.Planet.OverallTemperature) <0x00164>
  4206. at RimWorld.Page_CreateWorldParams.<CanDoNext>m__615 () <0x00048>
  4207. at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action) <0x00028>
  4210. Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  4212. Unloading 67 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 9837.
  4213. Total: 48.201962 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.425194 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.856680 ms MarkObjects: 46.806171 ms DeleteObjects: 0.113252 ms)
  4215. Loading game from file Autosave-3 with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  4217. QualityBuilder added property to '185' things
  4219. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  4220. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  4221. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  4222. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  4223. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  4224. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  4225. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  4226. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  4227. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  4228. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  4229. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  4230. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  4231. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  4232. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  4233. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  4234. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  4235. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  4236. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  4237. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  4238. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  4239. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  4240. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  4241. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  4242. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  4243. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  4244. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  4245. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  4246. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  4247. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  4248. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  4249. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  4250. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  4251. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  4252. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  4253. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  4254. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  4255. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  4256. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  4257. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  4258. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  4259. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  4260. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  4261. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  4262. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  4263. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  4264. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  4265. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  4266. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  4267. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  4268. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  4269. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  4270. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  4271. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  4272. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  4273. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  4274. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  4275. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  4276. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  4277. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  4278. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  4279. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  4280. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  4281. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  4282. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  4283. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  4284. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  4285. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  4286. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  4287. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  4288. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  4289. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  4290. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  4291. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  4292. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  4293. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  4294. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  4295. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  4296. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  4297. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  4298. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  4299. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  4300. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  4301. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  4302. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  4303. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  4304. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  4305. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  4306. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4307. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  4308. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4309. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  4310. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  4311. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  4312. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  4313. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  4314. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  4315. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  4316. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  4317. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  4318. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  4319. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  4320. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  4321. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  4322. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  4323. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  4324. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  4325. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  4326. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  4327. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  4328. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  4329. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  4330. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  4331. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  4332. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  4333. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  4334. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  4335. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  4336. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  4337. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  4338. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  4339. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  4340. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  4341. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  4342. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  4343. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  4344. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  4345. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  4346. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  4347. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  4348. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  4349. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  4350. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  4351. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  4352. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  4353. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  4354. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  4355. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  4356. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  4357. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  4358. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  4359. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  4360. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  4361. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  4362. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  4363. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  4364. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  4365. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  4366. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  4367. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  4368. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  4369. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  4370. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  4371. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  4372. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  4373. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  4374. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  4375. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  4376. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  4377. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  4378. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  4379. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  4380. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  4381. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4382. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  4383. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  4384. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  4385. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  4386. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  4387. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  4388. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  4389. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  4390. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  4391. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  4392. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  4393. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  4394. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  4395. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  4396. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  4397. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  4398. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  4399. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  4400. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  4401. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  4402. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  4403. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  4404. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  4405. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4406. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  4407. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  4408. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  4409. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  4410. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  4411. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  4412. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  4413. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  4414. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  4415. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  4416. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  4417. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  4418. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  4419. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  4420. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  4421. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  4422. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  4423. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  4424. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  4425. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  4426. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  4427. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  4428. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  4429. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  4430. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  4431. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  4432. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  4433. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  4434. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  4435. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  4436. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  4437. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  4438. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  4439. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  4440. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  4441. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  4442. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  4443. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  4444. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  4445. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  4446. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  4447. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  4448. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  4451. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  4453. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  4455. [AllowTool] Injected 6 designators
  4457. QualityBuilder added to ordens category.
  4459. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  4461. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 16441.
  4462. Total: 120.009178 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.708988 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.639515 ms MarkObjects: 117.611336 ms DeleteObjects: 0.049009 ms)
  4464. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  4465. QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
  4468. Unloading 6045 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 10890.
  4469. Total: 84.428612 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.975894 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.874300 ms MarkObjects: 68.267242 ms DeleteObjects: 13.309848 ms)
  4471. Loading game from file Tiberium Wars with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  4473. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  4474. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  4475. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  4476. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  4477. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  4478. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  4479. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  4480. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  4481. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  4482. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  4483. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  4484. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  4485. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  4486. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  4487. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  4488. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  4489. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  4490. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  4491. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  4492. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  4493. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  4494. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  4495. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  4496. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  4497. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  4498. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  4499. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  4500. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  4501. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  4502. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  4503. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  4504. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  4505. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  4506. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  4507. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  4508. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  4509. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  4510. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  4511. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  4512. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  4513. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  4514. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  4515. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  4516. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  4517. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  4518. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  4519. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  4520. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  4521. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  4522. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  4523. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  4524. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  4525. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  4526. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  4527. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  4528. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  4529. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  4530. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  4531. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  4532. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  4533. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  4534. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  4535. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  4536. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  4537. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  4538. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  4539. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  4540. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  4541. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  4542. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  4543. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  4544. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  4545. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  4546. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  4547. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  4548. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  4549. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  4550. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  4551. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  4552. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  4553. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  4554. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  4555. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  4556. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  4557. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  4558. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  4559. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  4560. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4561. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  4562. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4563. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  4564. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  4565. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  4566. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  4567. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  4568. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  4569. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  4570. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  4571. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  4572. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  4573. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  4574. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  4575. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  4576. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  4577. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  4578. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  4579. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  4580. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  4581. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  4582. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  4583. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  4584. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  4585. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  4586. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  4587. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  4588. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  4589. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  4590. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  4591. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  4592. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  4593. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  4594. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  4595. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  4596. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  4597. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  4598. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  4599. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  4600. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  4601. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  4602. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  4603. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  4604. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  4605. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  4606. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  4607. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  4608. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  4609. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  4610. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  4611. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  4612. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  4613. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  4614. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  4615. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  4616. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  4617. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  4618. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  4619. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  4620. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  4621. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  4622. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  4623. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  4624. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  4625. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  4626. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  4627. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  4628. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  4629. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  4630. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  4631. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  4632. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  4633. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  4634. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  4635. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4636. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  4637. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  4638. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  4639. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  4640. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  4641. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  4642. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  4643. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  4644. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  4645. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  4646. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  4647. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  4648. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  4649. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  4650. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  4651. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  4652. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  4653. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  4654. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  4655. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  4656. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  4657. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  4658. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  4659. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4660. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  4661. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  4662. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  4663. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  4664. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  4665. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  4666. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  4667. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  4668. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  4669. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  4670. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  4671. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  4672. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  4673. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  4674. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  4675. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  4676. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  4677. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  4678. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  4679. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  4680. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  4681. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  4682. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  4683. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  4684. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  4685. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  4686. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  4687. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  4688. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  4689. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  4690. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  4691. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  4692. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  4693. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  4694. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  4695. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  4696. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  4697. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  4698. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  4699. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  4700. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  4701. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  4702. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  4705. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  4707. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  4709. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  4711. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 16769.
  4712. Total: 145.633774 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.579577 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.753430 ms MarkObjects: 142.249756 ms DeleteObjects: 0.049672 ms)
  4714. Spawn group
  4716. Something failed when spawning visitors: Argument cannot be null.
  4717. Parameter name: key
  4718. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  4719. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  4720. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  4721. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  4722. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  4723. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  4724. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  4725. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  4726. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  4727. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  4728. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  4729. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  4730. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  4731. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  4732. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  4733. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  4734. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_NeutralGroup.SpawnPawns (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00098>
  4735. at Hospitality.IncidentWorker_VisitorGroup.SpawnGroup (RimWorld.IncidentParms,Verse.Map) <0x00064>
  4738. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  4739. (Filename: Line: 228)
  4741. Spawn group
  4743. Spawn group
  4745. Spawn group
  4747. Tried to add Apparel_BowlerHat47605 to ThingOwner but this thing is already in another container. owner=Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker, other container owner=(Map-0-PlayerHome)
  4749. 2139ms organizing Research Tab.
  4751. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  4752. Parameter name: key
  4753. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  4754. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  4755. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  4756. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  4757. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  4758. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  4759. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  4760. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  4761. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  4762. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  4763. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  4764. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  4765. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  4766. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  4767. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  4768. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  4769. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  4770. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  4771. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  4772. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  4773. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  4776. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  4777. (Filename: Line: 228)
  4779. Exception formatting string: System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
  4780. at System.String.FormatHelper (System.Text.StringBuilder result, IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4781. at System.String.Format (IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4782. at System.String.Format (System.String format, System.Object arg0) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4783. at Verse.AI.MentalState.PostEnd () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4785. Exception formatting string: System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
  4786. at System.String.FormatHelper (System.Text.StringBuilder result, IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4787. at System.String.Format (IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4788. at System.String.Format (System.String format, System.Object arg0) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4789. at Verse.AI.MentalState.PostEnd () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4791. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  4792. (Filename: Line: 228)
  4794. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  4795. QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
  4798. Unloading 7163 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 24077.
  4799. Total: 123.767708 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.573286 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.744626 ms MarkObjects: 98.340813 ms DeleteObjects: 20.107994 ms)
  4801. Loading game from file Recém Chegados2 TW with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  4803. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  4804. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  4805. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  4806. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  4807. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  4808. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  4809. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  4810. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  4811. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  4812. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  4813. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  4814. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  4815. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  4816. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  4817. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  4818. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  4819. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  4820. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  4821. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  4822. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  4823. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  4824. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  4825. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  4826. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  4827. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  4828. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  4829. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  4830. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  4831. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  4832. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  4833. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  4834. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  4835. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  4836. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  4837. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  4838. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  4839. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  4840. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  4841. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  4842. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  4843. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  4844. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  4845. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  4846. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  4847. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  4848. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  4849. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  4850. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  4851. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  4852. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  4853. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  4854. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  4855. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  4856. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  4857. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  4858. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  4859. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  4860. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  4861. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  4862. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  4863. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  4864. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  4865. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  4866. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  4867. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  4868. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  4869. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  4870. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  4871. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  4872. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  4873. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  4874. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  4875. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  4876. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  4877. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  4878. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  4879. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  4880. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  4881. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  4882. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  4883. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  4884. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  4885. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  4886. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  4887. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  4888. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  4889. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  4890. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4891. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  4892. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4893. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  4894. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  4895. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  4896. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  4897. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  4898. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  4899. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  4900. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  4901. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  4902. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  4903. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  4904. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  4905. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  4906. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  4907. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  4908. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  4909. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  4910. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  4911. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  4912. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  4913. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  4914. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  4915. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  4916. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  4917. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  4918. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  4919. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  4920. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  4921. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  4922. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  4923. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  4924. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  4925. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  4926. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  4927. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  4928. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  4929. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  4930. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  4931. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  4932. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  4933. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  4934. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  4935. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  4936. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  4937. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  4938. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  4939. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  4940. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  4941. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  4942. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  4943. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  4944. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  4945. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  4946. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  4947. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  4948. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  4949. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  4950. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  4951. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  4952. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  4953. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  4954. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  4955. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  4956. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  4957. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  4958. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  4959. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  4960. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  4961. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  4962. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  4963. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  4964. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  4965. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  4966. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  4967. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  4968. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  4969. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  4970. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  4971. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  4972. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  4973. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  4974. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  4975. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  4976. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  4977. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  4978. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  4979. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  4980. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  4981. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  4982. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  4983. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  4984. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  4985. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  4986. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  4987. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  4988. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  4989. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  4990. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  4991. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  4992. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  4993. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  4994. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  4995. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  4996. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  4997. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  4998. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  4999. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  5000. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  5001. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  5002. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  5003. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  5004. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  5005. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  5006. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  5007. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  5008. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  5009. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  5010. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  5011. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  5012. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  5013. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  5014. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  5015. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  5016. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  5017. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  5018. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  5019. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  5020. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  5021. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  5022. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  5023. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  5024. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  5025. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  5026. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  5027. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  5028. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  5029. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  5030. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  5031. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  5032. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  5035. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  5037. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  5039. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  5041. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 30312.
  5042. Total: 180.539795 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.148159 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.268434 ms MarkObjects: 175.040405 ms DeleteObjects: 0.081793 ms)
  5044. No wound graphics data available for flesh type Tiberium
  5046. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5047. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5049. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5050. Parameter name: key
  5051. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5052. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5053. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5054. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5055. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5056. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5057. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5058. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5059. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5060. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5061. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5062. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5063. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5064. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5065. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5066. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5067. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5068. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5069. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5070. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5071. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5074. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5075. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5077. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5078. Parameter name: key
  5079. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5080. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5081. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5082. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5083. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5084. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5085. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5086. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5087. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5088. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5089. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5090. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5091. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5092. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5093. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5094. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5095. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5096. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5097. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5098. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5099. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5102. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5103. Parameter name: key
  5104. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5105. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5106. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5107. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5108. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5109. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5110. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5111. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5112. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5113. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5114. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5115. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5116. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5117. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5118. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5119. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5120. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5121. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5122. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5123. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5124. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5127. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5128. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5130. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5131. Parameter name: key
  5132. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5133. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5134. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5135. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5136. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5137. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5138. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5139. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5140. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5141. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5142. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5143. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5144. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5145. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5146. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5147. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5148. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5149. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5150. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5151. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5152. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5155. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5156. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5158. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5159. Parameter name: key
  5160. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5161. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5162. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5163. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5164. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5165. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5166. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5167. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5168. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5169. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5170. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5171. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5172. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5173. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5174. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5175. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5176. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5177. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5178. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5179. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5180. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5183. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5184. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5186. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5187. Parameter name: key
  5188. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5189. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5190. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5191. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5192. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5193. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5194. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5195. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5196. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5197. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5198. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5199. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5200. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5201. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5202. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5203. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5204. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5205. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5206. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5207. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5208. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5211. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5212. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5214. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5215. Parameter name: key
  5216. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5217. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5218. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5219. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5220. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5221. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5222. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5223. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5224. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5225. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5226. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5227. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5228. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5229. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5230. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5231. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5232. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5233. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5234. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5235. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5236. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5239. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5240. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5242. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5243. Parameter name: key
  5244. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5245. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5246. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5247. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5248. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5249. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5250. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5251. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5252. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5253. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5254. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5255. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5256. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5257. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5258. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5259. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5260. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5261. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5262. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5263. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5264. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5267. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5268. Parameter name: key
  5269. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5270. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5271. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5272. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5273. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5274. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5275. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5276. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5277. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5278. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5279. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5280. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5281. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5282. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5283. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5284. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5285. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5286. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5287. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5288. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5289. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5292. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5293. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5295. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5296. Parameter name: key
  5297. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5298. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5299. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5300. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5301. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5302. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5303. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5304. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5305. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5306. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5307. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5308. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5309. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5310. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5311. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5312. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5313. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5314. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5315. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5316. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5317. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5320. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5321. Parameter name: key
  5322. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5323. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5324. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5325. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5326. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5327. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5328. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5329. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5330. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5331. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5332. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5333. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5334. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5335. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5336. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5337. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5338. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5339. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5340. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5341. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5342. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5345. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5346. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5348. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5349. Parameter name: key
  5350. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5351. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5352. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5353. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5354. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5355. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5356. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5357. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5358. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5359. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5360. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5361. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5362. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5363. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5364. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5365. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5366. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5367. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5368. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5369. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5370. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5373. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5374. Parameter name: key
  5375. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5376. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5377. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5378. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5379. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5380. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5381. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5382. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5383. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5384. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5385. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5386. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5387. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5388. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5389. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5390. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5391. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5392. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5393. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5394. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5395. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5398. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5399. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5401. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5402. Parameter name: key
  5403. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5404. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5405. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5406. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5407. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5408. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5409. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5410. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5411. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5412. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5413. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5414. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5415. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5416. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5417. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5418. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5419. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5420. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5421. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5422. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5423. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5426. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5427. Parameter name: key
  5428. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5429. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5430. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5431. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5432. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5433. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5434. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5435. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5436. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5437. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5438. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5439. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5440. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5441. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5442. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5443. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5444. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5445. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5446. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5447. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5448. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5451. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5452. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5454. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5455. Parameter name: key
  5456. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5457. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5458. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5459. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5460. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5461. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5462. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5463. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5464. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5465. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5466. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5467. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5468. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5469. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5470. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5471. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5472. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5473. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5474. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5475. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5476. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5479. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5480. Parameter name: key
  5481. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5482. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5483. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5484. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5485. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5486. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5487. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5488. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5489. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5490. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5491. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5492. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5493. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5494. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5495. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5496. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5497. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5498. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5499. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5500. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5501. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5504. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5505. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5507. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5508. Parameter name: key
  5509. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5510. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5511. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5512. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5513. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5514. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5515. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5516. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5517. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5518. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5519. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5520. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5521. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5522. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5523. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5524. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5525. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5526. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5527. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5528. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5529. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5532. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5533. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5535. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5536. Parameter name: key
  5537. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5538. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5539. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5540. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5541. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5542. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5543. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5544. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5545. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5546. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5547. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5548. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5549. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5550. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5551. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5552. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5553. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5554. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5555. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5556. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5557. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5560. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5561. Parameter name: key
  5562. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5563. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5564. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5565. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5566. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5567. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5568. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5569. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5570. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5571. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5572. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5573. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5574. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5575. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5576. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5577. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5578. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5579. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5580. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5581. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5582. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5585. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5586. Parameter name: key
  5587. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5588. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5589. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5590. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5591. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5592. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5593. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5594. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5595. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5596. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5597. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5598. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5599. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5600. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5601. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5602. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5603. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5604. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5605. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5606. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5607. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5610. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5611. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5613. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5614. Parameter name: key
  5615. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5616. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5617. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5618. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5619. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5620. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5621. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5622. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5623. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5624. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5625. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5626. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5627. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5628. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5629. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5630. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5631. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5632. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5633. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5634. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5635. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5638. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5639. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5641. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5642. Parameter name: key
  5643. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5644. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5645. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5646. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5647. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5648. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5649. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5650. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5651. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5652. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5653. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5654. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5655. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5656. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5657. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5658. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5659. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5660. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5661. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5662. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5663. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5666. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5667. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5669. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5670. Parameter name: key
  5671. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5672. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5673. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5674. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5675. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5676. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5677. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5678. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5679. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5680. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5681. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5682. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5683. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5684. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5685. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5686. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5687. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5688. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5689. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5690. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5691. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5694. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5695. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5697. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5698. Parameter name: key
  5699. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5700. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5701. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5702. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5703. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5704. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5705. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5706. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5707. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5708. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5709. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5710. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5711. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5712. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5713. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5714. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5715. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5716. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5717. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5718. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5719. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5722. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5723. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5725. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  5726. Parameter name: key
  5727. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  5728. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  5729. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  5730. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  5731. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  5732. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  5733. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  5734. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  5735. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  5736. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  5737. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  5738. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  5739. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  5740. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  5741. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  5742. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  5743. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  5744. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  5745. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  5746. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  5747. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  5750. Object with load ID Thing_Human72096 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  5752. Object with load ID Thing_Human72096 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  5754. IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
  5755. at Verse.ByteGrid.set_Item (IntVec3 c, Byte value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5756. at PathAvoid.PathAvoidGrid.SetValue (IntVec3 pos, Byte val) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5757. at PathAvoid.Designator_PathAvoid.DesignateSingleCell (IntVec3 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5758. at Verse.Designator.DesignateMultiCell (IEnumerable`1 cells) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5759. at Verse.DesignatorManager.ProcessInputEvents () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5760. at RimWorld.MapInterface.HandleMapClicks () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5761. at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5762. at Verse.Root.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5763. (Filename: Line: -1)
  5765. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  5766. (Filename: Line: 228)
  5768. Object with load ID Thing_Human72096 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  5770. Object with load ID Thing_Human72096 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  5772. Object with load ID Thing_Human72096 is referenced (xml node name: otherPawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
  5774. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  5775. QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
  5778. Unloading 7406 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 24629.
  5779. Total: 142.388519 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.600440 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.880397 ms MarkObjects: 115.433037 ms DeleteObjects: 21.473650 ms)
  5781. Loading game from file Autosave-1 with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  5783. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  5784. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  5785. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  5786. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  5787. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  5788. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  5789. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  5790. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  5791. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  5792. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  5793. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  5794. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  5795. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  5796. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  5797. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  5798. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  5799. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  5800. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  5801. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  5802. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  5803. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  5804. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  5805. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  5806. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  5807. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  5808. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  5809. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  5810. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  5811. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  5812. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  5813. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  5814. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  5815. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  5816. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  5817. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  5818. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  5819. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  5820. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  5821. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  5822. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  5823. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  5824. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  5825. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  5826. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  5827. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  5828. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  5829. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  5830. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  5831. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  5832. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  5833. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  5834. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  5835. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  5836. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  5837. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  5838. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  5839. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  5840. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  5841. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  5842. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  5843. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  5844. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  5845. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  5846. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  5847. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  5848. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  5849. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  5850. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  5851. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  5852. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  5853. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  5854. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  5855. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  5856. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  5857. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  5858. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  5859. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  5860. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  5861. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  5862. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  5863. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  5864. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  5865. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  5866. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  5867. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  5868. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  5869. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  5870. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  5871. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  5872. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  5873. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  5874. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  5875. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  5876. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  5877. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  5878. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  5879. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  5880. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  5881. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  5882. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  5883. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  5884. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  5885. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  5886. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  5887. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  5888. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  5889. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  5890. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  5891. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  5892. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  5893. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  5894. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  5895. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  5896. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  5897. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  5898. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  5899. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  5900. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  5901. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  5902. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  5903. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  5904. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  5905. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  5906. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  5907. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  5908. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  5909. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  5910. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  5911. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  5912. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  5913. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  5914. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  5915. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  5916. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  5917. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  5918. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  5919. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  5920. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  5921. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  5922. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  5923. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  5924. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  5925. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  5926. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  5927. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  5928. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  5929. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  5930. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  5931. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  5932. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  5933. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  5934. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  5935. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  5936. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  5937. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  5938. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  5939. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  5940. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  5941. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  5942. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  5943. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  5944. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  5945. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  5946. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  5947. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  5948. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  5949. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  5950. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  5951. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  5952. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  5953. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  5954. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  5955. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  5956. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  5957. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  5958. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  5959. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  5960. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  5961. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  5962. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  5963. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  5964. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  5965. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  5966. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  5967. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  5968. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  5969. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  5970. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  5971. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  5972. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  5973. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  5974. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  5975. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  5976. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  5977. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  5978. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  5979. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  5980. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  5981. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  5982. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  5983. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  5984. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  5985. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  5986. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  5987. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  5988. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  5989. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  5990. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  5991. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  5992. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  5993. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  5994. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  5995. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  5996. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  5997. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  5998. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  5999. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  6000. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  6001. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  6002. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  6003. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  6004. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  6005. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  6006. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  6007. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  6008. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  6009. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  6010. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  6011. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  6012. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  6015. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6017. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6019. Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Human72096 of type Verse.Pawn. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=RimWorld.DirectPawnRelation curPathRelToParent=
  6021. Pawn Bowman has relation "Parent" with null pawn after loading. This means that we forgot to serialize pawns somewhere (e.g. pawns from passing trade ships).
  6023. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  6025. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 31440.
  6026. Total: 202.434006 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.346780 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.637003 ms MarkObjects: 197.364456 ms DeleteObjects: 0.084773 ms)
  6028. Could not reserve Thing_TiberiumGreen87849/ for Burban doing job CutPlant(curToil=1) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Kund doing job CutPlant A=Thing_TiberiumGreen87849(curToil=4)
  6030. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6031. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6033. Spawn group
  6035. Tried to add Apparel_Tuque88241 to ThingOwner but this thing is already in another container. owner=Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker, other container owner=(Map-0-PlayerHome)
  6037. Tried to add Apparel_CowboyHat88245 to ThingOwner but this thing is already in another container. owner=Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker, other container owner=(Map-0-PlayerHome)
  6039. Tried to add Apparel_CowboyHat88251 to ThingOwner but this thing is already in another container. owner=Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker, other container owner=(Map-0-PlayerHome)
  6041. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  6043. Unloading 7026 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 27811.
  6044. Total: 162.490540 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.811381 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.178498 ms MarkObjects: 140.568527 ms DeleteObjects: 14.931482 ms)
  6046. QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
  6048. Loading game from file Autosave-5 with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  6050. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  6051. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  6052. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  6053. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  6054. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  6055. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  6056. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  6057. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  6058. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  6059. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  6060. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  6061. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  6062. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  6063. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  6064. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  6065. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  6066. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  6067. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  6068. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  6069. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  6070. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  6071. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  6072. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  6073. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  6074. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  6075. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  6076. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  6077. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  6078. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  6079. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  6080. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  6081. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  6082. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  6083. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  6084. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  6085. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  6086. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  6087. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  6088. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  6089. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  6090. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  6091. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  6092. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  6093. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  6094. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  6095. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  6096. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  6097. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  6098. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  6099. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  6100. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  6101. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  6102. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  6103. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  6104. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  6105. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  6106. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  6107. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  6108. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  6109. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  6110. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  6111. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  6112. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  6113. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  6114. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  6115. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  6116. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  6117. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  6118. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  6119. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  6120. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  6121. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  6122. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  6123. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  6124. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  6125. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  6126. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  6127. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  6128. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  6129. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  6130. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  6131. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  6132. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  6133. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  6134. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  6135. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  6136. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  6137. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  6138. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  6139. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  6140. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  6141. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  6142. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  6143. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  6144. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  6145. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  6146. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  6147. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  6148. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  6149. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  6150. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  6151. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  6152. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  6153. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  6154. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  6155. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  6156. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  6157. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  6158. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  6159. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  6160. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  6161. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  6162. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  6163. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  6164. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  6165. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  6166. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  6167. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  6168. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  6169. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  6170. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  6171. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  6172. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  6173. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  6174. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  6175. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  6176. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  6177. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  6178. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  6179. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  6180. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  6181. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  6182. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  6183. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  6184. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  6185. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  6186. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  6187. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  6188. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  6189. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  6190. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  6191. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  6192. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  6193. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  6194. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  6195. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  6196. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  6197. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  6198. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  6199. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  6200. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  6201. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  6202. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  6203. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  6204. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  6205. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  6206. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  6207. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  6208. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  6209. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  6210. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  6211. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  6212. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  6213. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  6214. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  6215. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  6216. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  6217. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  6218. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  6219. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  6220. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  6221. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  6222. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  6223. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  6224. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  6225. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  6226. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  6227. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  6228. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  6229. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  6230. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  6231. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  6232. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  6233. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  6234. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  6235. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  6236. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  6237. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  6238. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  6239. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  6240. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  6241. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  6242. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  6243. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  6244. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  6245. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  6246. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  6247. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  6248. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  6249. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  6250. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  6251. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  6252. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  6253. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  6254. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  6255. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  6256. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  6257. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  6258. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  6259. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  6260. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  6261. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  6262. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  6263. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  6264. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  6265. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  6266. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  6267. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  6268. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  6269. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  6270. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  6271. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  6272. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  6273. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  6274. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  6275. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  6276. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  6277. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  6278. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  6279. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  6282. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6284. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6286. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  6288. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 34695.
  6289. Total: 209.708344 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.477652 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.666874 ms MarkObjects: 202.470764 ms DeleteObjects: 0.092059 ms)
  6291. Jeffers started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work jobList=(CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) (CharmGuest A=Thing_Human88250) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work
  6293. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6294. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6296. QualityBuilder: No new BP available
  6298. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6299. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6301. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  6303. Unloading 7515 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 31670.
  6304. Total: 169.323471 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.856086 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.787149 ms MarkObjects: 142.645172 ms DeleteObjects: 19.034410 ms)
  6306. QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
  6308. Loading game from file Recém Chegados2 TW with mods Core, HugsLib, JecsTools, Extra Widgets, Rimsenal - Storyteller pack, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.0, EdB Prepare Carefully, Floored Re-Reupload A17, Allow Tool, RimFridge - A17, More Furniture (A17), Simple sidearms, [T] MoreFloors, Medical Tab, Misc. Training, Bridgello, Ceiling and Floor Lamps, Blueprints, Stack Merger, Moody, Wildlife Tab, Mod Menu Enhanced, AllowDeadMansApparel, Defensive Positions, Repair Workbench, Base Robots, Cleaning Bot, Cupro's Alloys, Cupro's Drinks, Cupro's Stones, Cyclone Wire, Efficient Light, Expanded Power, Fast regen A17 , Harvest Everything!, Hauling Bot, Heat Map, Highway Restoration, Hospitality, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Hunter Robot, Increased Stack, Legs!, Mining Robot, More Vanilla Turrets, Powerless!, Preset Filtered Zones, Quarry, S.A.L.: Auto-crafters 2.0: Overloaded, The Birds and the Bees, Windows, Industrialisation, DDA Security and More, [RF] Smooth Stone Walls [a17], A Dog Said..., Spoons Hair Mod, Ofuton, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Construction Robot, Prisoner Harvesting, Weapon Tech A17, WM Hydroponics with lamps, Tiberium Rim, Organized Research Tab, Crystalloid (Xenohuman Race), Conduit Deconstruct, I Can Fix It!, Path Avoid - A17, Time-of-Day Switches, More Trade Ships, e QualityBuilder
  6310. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidStandardChild -> (Collective child)
  6311. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidSeerChild -> (Wise child)
  6312. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructChild -> (Construct interested)
  6313. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidLateChild -> (Late child)
  6314. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFreeChild -> (Freeborn child)
  6315. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidListenerAdult -> (Listener)
  6316. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidConstructManager -> (Construct manager)
  6317. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidMedicalSynthesizer -> (Medical synthesizer)
  6318. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidRunner -> (Runner)
  6319. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCitizen -> (Citizen)
  6320. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCommoner -> (Renegade commoner)
  6321. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieChild -> (Wilderness child)
  6322. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieCollectiveChild -> (Collective born valkyrie)
  6323. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidValkyrieAdult -> (Valkyrian citizen)
  6324. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieArtist -> (Valkyrian artist)
  6325. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieBattler -> (Battle sister)
  6326. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieHealer -> (Battle medic)
  6327. Discovered backstory with no work types! ValkyrieMiner -> (Heavy equiptment miner)
  6328. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidFisher -> (Riverside nomad)
  6329. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidPoor -> (Second class citizen)
  6330. Discovered backstory with no work types! CrystalloidCmerchant -> (Crystal merchant)
  6331. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonySettler43 -> (Colonizad. de colônias)
  6332. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldEntrepreneur55 -> (Empresári. do m. urbano)
  6333. Discovered backstory with no work types! DeepSpaceMiner11 -> (Minei. do esp. profundo)
  6334. Discovered backstory with no work types! NavyScientist96 -> (Cientista da marinha)
  6335. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryCommissar49 -> (Comissário(a) militar)
  6336. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpacePirate69 -> (Pirata espacial)
  6337. Discovered backstory with no work types! IllegalShipwright28 -> (Carpinteir. naval ilegal)
  6338. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceMarine10 -> (Fuzileiro(a) espacial)
  6339. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalSlave75 -> (Escravo(a) medieval)
  6340. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalLordling62 -> (Peque. lorde medieval)
  6341. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldUrchin46 -> (Diabrete do m. urbano)
  6342. Discovered backstory with no work types! SicklyChild40 -> (Criança doente)
  6343. Discovered backstory with no work types! Housemate5 -> (Dono(a) de casa)
  6344. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShelterChild65 -> (Criança de abrigo)
  6345. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalDoctor6 -> (Doutor(a) medieval)
  6346. Discovered backstory with no work types! Inventor42 -> (Inventor(a))
  6347. Discovered backstory with no work types! Teacher24 -> (Professor(a))
  6348. Discovered backstory with no work types! IndustrialOrphan55 -> (Órfã(o) industrial)
  6349. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldSurgeon7 -> (Cirurgi. do m. brilhante)
  6350. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bartender47 -> (Barman)
  6351. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveworldTender5 -> (Jovem cavador(a) de túneis)
  6352. Discovered backstory with no work types! Evangelist66 -> (Evangelista)
  6353. Discovered backstory with no work types! TunnelworldIlluminator50 -> (Iluminad. do mundo-túnel)
  6354. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herbalist89 -> (Herbalista)
  6355. Discovered backstory with no work types! ComaChild18 -> (Criança em coma)
  6356. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilServant75 -> (Funcionário(a) público(a))
  6357. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipJanitor15 -> (Zelad. de nave espacial)
  6358. Discovered backstory with no work types! MusicLover26 -> (Amante da música)
  6359. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildSpy95 -> (Criança espiã(o))
  6360. Discovered backstory with no work types! Shopkeeper18 -> (Lojista)
  6361. Discovered backstory with no work types! Paramedic85 -> (Paramédico(a))
  6362. Discovered backstory with no work types! LowWageWorker94 -> (Trabalhad. baixo salário)
  6363. Discovered backstory with no work types! Geologist2 -> (Geólogo(a))
  6364. Discovered backstory with no work types! WreckageExplorer75 -> (Explorad. de destroços)
  6365. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApocalypseSurvivor86 -> (Sobrevive. de apocalipse)
  6366. Discovered backstory with no work types! StoryWriter68 -> (Escritor(a) de história)
  6367. Discovered backstory with no work types! Veterinarian19 -> (Veterinário(a))
  6368. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drifter25 -> (Andarilho(a))
  6369. Discovered backstory with no work types! MachineCollector23 -> (Coletor(a) de máquinas)
  6370. Discovered backstory with no work types! Gatherer34 -> (Coletor(a))
  6371. Discovered backstory with no work types! AbandonedChild27 -> (Criança abandonada)
  6372. Discovered backstory with no work types! Herder89 -> (Pastor(a))
  6373. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild31 -> (Criança de caverna)
  6374. Discovered backstory with no work types! FireKeeper85 -> (Fire keeper)
  6375. Discovered backstory with no work types! Healer89 -> (Curandeiro(a))
  6376. Discovered backstory with no work types! Scout93 -> (Escoteiro(a))
  6377. Discovered backstory with no work types! Digger58 -> (Escavador(a))
  6378. Discovered backstory with no work types! MuffaloShaman94 -> (Múfalo xamã)
  6379. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoreKeeper35 -> (Guardiã(o) da sabedoria)
  6380. Discovered backstory with no work types! Weaver90 -> (Tecelã(o))
  6381. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveTender26 -> (Tenro(a) de caverna)
  6382. Discovered backstory with no work types! Warrior37 -> (Guerreiro(a))
  6383. Discovered backstory with no work types! TribeChild78 -> (Criança de tribo)
  6384. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmKid40 -> (Criança de fazenda)
  6385. Discovered backstory with no work types! CivilEngineer41 -> (Engenheiro civil)
  6386. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldCriminal64 -> (Criminoso do m. urbano)
  6387. Discovered backstory with no work types! OptimisticChild43 -> (Criança otimista)
  6388. Discovered backstory with no work types! GraphicDesigner99 -> (Designer gráfico)
  6389. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanoidNerd80 -> (Nerd de mechanoide)
  6390. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryEngineer44 -> (Engenheiro militar)
  6391. Discovered backstory with no work types! BanishedSoldier4 -> (Soldado banido)
  6392. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceResearcher5 -> (Pesquisador espacial)
  6393. Discovered backstory with no work types! Reporter51 -> (Repórter)
  6394. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmBoy56 -> (Menino de fazenda)
  6395. Discovered backstory with no work types! UnstableButcher98 -> (Açougueiro instável)
  6396. Discovered backstory with no work types! EngineeredPilot99 -> (Piloto de engenharia)
  6397. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal0 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  6398. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonialGovernor77 -> (Governador colonial)
  6399. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit12 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  6400. Discovered backstory with no work types! TradersChild31 -> (Filho do comerciante)
  6401. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHumanitarian98 -> (Humanitário espacial)
  6402. Discovered backstory with no work types! StateEngineer74 -> (Engenheiro estadual)
  6403. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatNegotiator51 -> (Negociador de combate)
  6404. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalPlower12 -> (Arador medieval)
  6405. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceHunter67 -> (Caçador espacial)
  6406. Discovered backstory with no work types! AwkwardNerd12 -> (Nerd inábil)
  6407. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldGeek88 -> (Geek do mundo médio)
  6408. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArmyScientist54 -> (Cientista de exército)
  6409. Discovered backstory with no work types! FelineScientist25 -> (Cientista felino)
  6410. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary40 -> (Mercenário)
  6411. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiveWorldChild62 -> (Criança do m. colmeia)
  6412. Discovered backstory with no work types! Microbiologist37 -> (Microbiologista)
  6413. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarforceCadet91 -> (Cadete de força estrelar)
  6414. Discovered backstory with no work types! AceFighterPilot70 -> (Piloto de caça craque)
  6415. Discovered backstory with no work types! Brigand23 -> (Salteador)
  6416. Discovered backstory with no work types! DisasterSurvivor58 -> (Sobreviven. de desastre)
  6417. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParamilitaryAgent3 -> (Agente paramilitar)
  6418. Discovered backstory with no work types! HistoryStudent52 -> (Estudante de história)
  6419. Discovered backstory with no work types! InformationBroker88 -> (Corretora de informação)
  6420. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalScientist25 -> (Cientista médico)
  6421. Discovered backstory with no work types! VoidRaider31 -> (Void raider)
  6422. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldSketcher21 -> (Esboçador do m. médio)
  6423. Discovered backstory with no work types! CoreWorldJeweler59 -> (Joalheira do m. núcleo)
  6424. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarKnight78 -> (Cavaleiro estrelar)
  6425. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryChild84 -> (Military child)
  6426. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceshipSalesman6 -> (Vendedor nave espacial)
  6427. Discovered backstory with no work types! Winerunner96 -> (Corredor de vinho)
  6428. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetChild49 -> (Criança da rua)
  6429. Discovered backstory with no work types! SlaveChemist35 -> (Químico escravo)
  6430. Discovered backstory with no work types! RocketEngineer75 -> (Engenheira de foguetes)
  6431. Discovered backstory with no work types! FoundryApprentice81 -> (Aprendiz de fundição)
  6432. Discovered backstory with no work types! CombatEngineer42 -> (Engenheira de combate)
  6433. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChildProdigy22 -> (Criança prodígio)
  6434. Discovered backstory with no work types! RenegadeEngineer33 -> (Engenheiro renegado)
  6435. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoneCollector51 -> (Coletor de ossos)
  6436. Discovered backstory with no work types! GunKid57 -> (Menino armado)
  6437. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldSergeant87 -> (Sargento do m. urbano)
  6438. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceFanboy24 -> (Fanboy espacial)
  6439. Discovered backstory with no work types! Castaway19 -> (Náufrago)
  6440. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergyResearcher46 -> (Pesquisadora de energia)
  6441. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter22 -> (Caçador de recompensa)
  6442. Discovered backstory with no work types! UpperUrbworlder20 -> (Superior do m. urbano)
  6443. Discovered backstory with no work types! LoneTraveler73 -> (Viajante solitário)
  6444. Discovered backstory with no work types! Mercenary75 -> (Mercenário)
  6445. Discovered backstory with no work types! AdventuringChild56 -> (Criança aventureira)
  6446. Discovered backstory with no work types! HiredAssassin2 -> (Assassino contratado)
  6447. Discovered backstory with no work types! VideoGamer91 -> (Jogador de videogame)
  6448. Discovered backstory with no work types! DreadedBaby55 -> (Bebê temido)
  6449. Discovered backstory with no work types! Engineer9 -> (Engenheiro)
  6450. Discovered backstory with no work types! ChessMaster23 -> (Mestre do xadrez)
  6451. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoySoldier18 -> (Menino soldado)
  6452. Discovered backstory with no work types! PowerMadScholar58 -> (Erudito louco por poder)
  6453. Discovered backstory with no work types! ArtificerRampant50 -> (Artificante desenfreado)
  6454. Discovered backstory with no work types! Orphan91 -> (Órfão)
  6455. Discovered backstory with no work types! NeuroScientist84 -> (Neuro cientista)
  6456. Discovered backstory with no work types! Abductee39 -> (Abduzido)
  6457. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateCaptain0 -> (Capitão pirata)
  6458. Discovered backstory with no work types! HedgeFundManager27 -> (Gerente de fundo cobert.)
  6459. Discovered backstory with no work types! AspiringEngineer42 -> (Aspirante de engenheiro)
  6460. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExpertHandyman95 -> (Faz-tudo experiente)
  6461. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedicalStudent18 -> (Estudante de medicina)
  6462. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExiledResearcher36 -> (Pesquisadora exilada)
  6463. Discovered backstory with no work types! WorldSlider50 -> (Deslizador do mundo)
  6464. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceNavyDoctor40 -> (Doutora marinha espac.)
  6465. Discovered backstory with no work types! SelflessHunter57 -> (Caçador altruísta)
  6466. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceSmuggler10 -> (Contrabandista espacial)
  6467. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceRaider65 -> (Assaltante espacial)
  6468. Discovered backstory with no work types! Spy40 -> (Espião)
  6469. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlessedChild86 -> (Criança abençoada)
  6470. Discovered backstory with no work types! VeteranSoldier2 -> (Soldado veterano)
  6471. Discovered backstory with no work types! GlitterworldKid84 -> (Criança de m. brilhante)
  6472. Discovered backstory with no work types! FrontierMarshal75 -> (Marechal de fronteira)
  6473. Discovered backstory with no work types! TraineeAlchemist98 -> (Estagiário alquimista)
  6474. Discovered backstory with no work types! Pickpocket96 -> (Batedor(a) de carteiras)
  6475. Discovered backstory with no work types! CriminalSurgeon8 -> (Cirurgiã(o) criminoso(a))
  6476. Discovered backstory with no work types! SanitationCaptain28 -> (Capitão de saneamento)
  6477. Discovered backstory with no work types! Drudge47 -> (Burro de carga)
  6478. Discovered backstory with no work types! GalacticSightseer55 -> (Turista galáctico)
  6479. Discovered backstory with no work types! WanderingCrafter28 -> (Artesão errante)
  6480. Discovered backstory with no work types! MutinousCaptain49 -> (Capitão amotinado)
  6481. Discovered backstory with no work types! CorpResearcher37 -> (Pesquisador do corp)
  6482. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitaryTrainee74 -> (Estagiário militar)
  6483. Discovered backstory with no work types! AWOLSoldier54 -> (AWOL soldier)
  6484. Discovered backstory with no work types! Bookworm75 -> (Devorador de Livros)
  6485. Discovered backstory with no work types! Explorer36 -> (Explorador)
  6486. Discovered backstory with no work types! ColonyKid89 -> (Criança de colônia)
  6487. Discovered backstory with no work types! StarshipDoctor78 -> (Doutor de nave espacial)
  6488. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanChild53 -> (Criança de caravana)
  6489. Discovered backstory with no work types! BountyHunter28 -> (Caçadora de recompen.)
  6490. Discovered backstory with no work types! AmateurAstronomer76 -> (Astrônomo amador)
  6491. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmHand94 -> (Mão de fazenda)
  6492. Discovered backstory with no work types! EnergeticPopIdol4 -> (Ídolo pop energético)
  6493. Discovered backstory with no work types! BoyScout19 -> (Menino escoteiro)
  6494. Discovered backstory with no work types! ParticlePhysicist6 -> (Física de Partículas)
  6495. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpeederRacer68 -> (Corredor de alta velocid.)
  6496. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryRecruit61 -> (Recruta mercenário)
  6497. Discovered backstory with no work types! MarineCadet8 -> (Marine cadet)
  6498. Discovered backstory with no work types! StilettoAssassin10 -> (Assassino de estilete)
  6499. Discovered backstory with no work types! SoleSurvivor99 -> (Único sobrevivente)
  6500. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExoticChef84 -> (Chef exótico)
  6501. Discovered backstory with no work types! Dreamer11 -> (Sonhador)
  6502. Discovered backstory with no work types! MedievalThief74 -> (Ladrão medieval)
  6503. Discovered backstory with no work types! ApprenticeSmith9 -> (Aprendiz de ferreiro)
  6504. Discovered backstory with no work types! Blacksmith32 -> (Ferreiro)
  6505. Discovered backstory with no work types! CloneFarmed43 -> (Clone-cultivado)
  6506. Discovered backstory with no work types! MilitantChild30 -> (Criança militante)
  6507. Discovered backstory with no work types! PoliticalActivist61 -> (Ativista político)
  6508. Discovered backstory with no work types! Flaneur73 -> (Vadio)
  6509. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShipTechnician62 -> (Técnica de nave)
  6510. Discovered backstory with no work types! BlacksmithsSon72 -> (Filho de ferreiro)
  6511. Discovered backstory with no work types! AddictionCounsel61 -> (Conselhei. de dependên.)
  6512. Discovered backstory with no work types! BrothelGofer60 -> (Faz-tudo de bordel)
  6513. Discovered backstory with no work types! MercenaryLeader48 -> (Líder mercenário)
  6514. Discovered backstory with no work types! SentimentalChild27 -> (Criança sentimental)
  6515. Discovered backstory with no work types! BattleMechanic79 -> (Mecânico de batalha)
  6516. Discovered backstory with no work types! DischargedSoldier81 -> (Discharged soldier)
  6517. Discovered backstory with no work types! Chemist38 -> (Químico)
  6518. Discovered backstory with no work types! UrbworldArmyBrat71 -> (Pirr. do exér. m. urbano)
  6519. Discovered backstory with no work types! MechanicsEngineer7 -> (Engenheiro mecânico)
  6520. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaravanTraveler5 -> (Viajante de caravana)
  6521. Discovered backstory with no work types! Caravaneer77 -> (Caravaneiro)
  6522. Discovered backstory with no work types! FarmersSon51 -> (Farmer's son)
  6523. Discovered backstory with no work types! StreetPeddler62 -> (Street peddler)
  6524. Discovered backstory with no work types! SpaceBartender52 -> (Space bartender)
  6525. Discovered backstory with no work types! CaveChild67 -> (Cave child)
  6526. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateSympathizer24 -> (Pirate sympathizer)
  6527. Discovered backstory with no work types! PlagueSurvivor48 -> (Plague survivor)
  6528. Discovered backstory with no work types! ShockTrooper52 -> (Shock trooper)
  6529. Discovered backstory with no work types! PilotFan99 -> (Pilot fan)
  6530. Discovered backstory with no work types! RebelWriter82 -> (Rebel writer)
  6531. Discovered backstory with no work types! PirateDoctor33 -> (Pirate doctor)
  6532. Discovered backstory with no work types! BloodyDentist33 -> (Bloody dentist)
  6533. Discovered backstory with no work types! CowFarmer93 -> (Cow farmer)
  6534. Discovered backstory with no work types! MasterChef6 -> (Master chef)
  6535. Discovered backstory with no work types! ExplorerWriter37 -> (Explorer-writer)
  6536. Discovered backstory with no work types! MidworldCadet20 -> (Midworld cadet)
  6537. Discovered backstory with no work types! WarshipCaptain77 -> (Warship captain)
  6538. Discovered backstory with no work types! Punk70 -> (Punk)
  6539. Discovered backstory with no work types! GameDeveloper59 -> (Desenvolvedor de jogos)
  6542. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6544. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6546. Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
  6548. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 38697.
  6549. Total: 222.727127 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.348835 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.324204 ms MarkObjects: 214.953064 ms DeleteObjects: 0.100006 ms)
  6551. Two1
  6553. Two1
  6555. Two1
  6557. Two1
  6559. 1
  6561. 1Three
  6563. 1Three
  6565. 1Three
  6567. 1Three
  6569. 1Three
  6571. 1Three
  6573. 1Three
  6575. 1Three
  6577. 1Three
  6579. 1Three
  6581. 1Three
  6583. 1Three
  6585. 1Three
  6587. 1Three
  6589. 1Three
  6591. 1Three
  6593. 1Three
  6595. 1Three
  6597. 1Three
  6599. 1Three
  6601. 1Three
  6603. 1Three
  6605. 1Three
  6607. 1Three
  6609. 1Three
  6611. 1Three
  6613. 1Three
  6615. 1Three
  6617. 1Three
  6619. 1Three
  6621. 1Three
  6623. 1Three
  6625. 1Three
  6627. 1Three
  6629. 1Three
  6631. 1Three
  6633. 1Three
  6635. 1Three
  6637. 1Three
  6639. 1Three
  6641. 1Three
  6643. 1Three
  6645. 1Three
  6647. 1Three
  6649. 1Three
  6651. 1Three
  6653. 1Three
  6655. 1Three
  6657. 1Three
  6659. 1Three
  6661. 1Three
  6663. 1Three
  6665. 1Three
  6667. 1Three
  6669. 1Three
  6671. 1Three
  6673. 1Three
  6675. 1Three
  6677. 1Three
  6679. 1Three
  6681. 2Three
  6683. MoodyMapComponent Instance Initialization
  6685. Error while resolving symbol "pawn" with params=rect=(73,64,73,64), faction=Federação Oulhadia, custom=null, ancientTempleEntranceHeight=null, pawnGroupMakerParams=null, pawnGroupKindDef=null, roofDef=null, noRoof=null, addRoomCenterToRootsToUnfog=null, singleThingToSpawn=null, singleThingDef=null, singleThingStuff=null, singleThingStackCount=null, singlePawnToSpawn=null, singlePawnKindDef=null, disableSinglePawn=null, singlePawnLord=Verse.AI.Group.Lord, singlePawnSpawnCellExtraPredicate=null, singlePawnGenerationRequest=kindDef=GrenadierDestructive, context=NonPlayer, faction=Federação Oulhadia, tile=25356, forceGenerateNewPawn=False, newborn=False, allowDead=False, allowDowned=False, canGeneratePawnRelations=True, mustBeCapableOfViolence=True, colonistRelationChanceFactor=1, forceAddFreeWarmLayerIfNeeded=False, allowGay=True, allowFood=True, inhabitant=True, certainlyBeenInCryptosleep=False, validator=, fixedBiologicalAge=, fixedChronologicalAge=, fixedGender=, fixedMelanin=, fixedLastName=, mechanoidsCount=null, hivesCount=null, disableHives=null, thingRot=1, wallStuff=null, chanceToSkipWallBlock=null, floorDef=null, clearEdificeOnly=null, ancientCryptosleepCasketGroupID=null, podContentsType=null, itemCollectionGeneratorDef=null, itemCollectionGeneratorParams=null, stockpileConcreteContents=null, stockpileMarketValue=null, edgeDefenseWidth=4, edgeDefenseTurretsCount=4, edgeDefenseMortarsCount=1, edgeDefenseGuardsCount=1, mortarDef=null, pathwayFloorDef=null, cultivatedPlantDef=null, fillWithThingsPadding=null, factionBasePawnGroupPointsFactor=null, streetHorizontal=null, edgeThingAvoidOtherEdgeThings=null
  6687. Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  6688. Parameter name: key
  6689. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  6690. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  6691. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  6692. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  6693. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  6694. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  6695. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  6696. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  6697. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  6698. at RimWorld.BaseGen.SymbolResolver_SinglePawn.Resolve (RimWorld.BaseGen.ResolveParams) <0x00443>
  6699. at RimWorld.BaseGen.BaseGen.Resolve (Verse.Pair`2<string, RimWorld.BaseGen.ResolveParams>) <0x002f0>
  6700. at RimWorld.BaseGen.BaseGen.Generate () <0x002dc>
  6703. Error while resolving symbol "pawn" with params=rect=(48,45,76,73), faction=Federação Oulhadia, custom=null, ancientTempleEntranceHeight=null, pawnGroupMakerParams=null, pawnGroupKindDef=null, roofDef=null, noRoof=null, addRoomCenterToRootsToUnfog=null, singleThingToSpawn=null, singleThingDef=null, singleThingStuff=null, singleThingStackCount=null, singlePawnToSpawn=null, singlePawnKindDef=null, disableSinglePawn=null, singlePawnLord=Verse.AI.Group.Lord, singlePawnSpawnCellExtraPredicate=System.Predicate`1[Verse.IntVec3], singlePawnGenerationRequest=kindDef=Villager, context=NonPlayer, faction=Federação Oulhadia, tile=-1, forceGenerateNewPawn=False, newborn=False, allowDead=False, allowDowned=False, canGeneratePawnRelations=True, mustBeCapableOfViolence=True, colonistRelationChanceFactor=1, forceAddFreeWarmLayerIfNeeded=False, allowGay=True, allowFood=True, inhabitant=False, certainlyBeenInCryptosleep=False, validator=, fixedBiologicalAge=, fixedChronologicalAge=, fixedGender=, fixedMelanin=, fixedLastName=, mechanoidsCount=null, hivesCount=null, disableHives=null, thingRot=null, wallStuff=null, chanceToSkipWallBlock=null, floorDef=null, clearEdificeOnly=null, ancientCryptosleepCasketGroupID=null, podContentsType=null, itemCollectionGeneratorDef=null, itemCollectionGeneratorParams=null, stockpileConcreteContents=null, stockpileMarketValue=null, edgeDefenseWidth=4, edgeDefenseTurretsCount=4, edgeDefenseMortarsCount=1, edgeDefenseGuardsCount=1, mortarDef=null, pathwayFloorDef=null, cultivatedPlantDef=null, fillWithThingsPadding=null, factionBasePawnGroupPointsFactor=null, streetHorizontal=null, edgeThingAvoidOtherEdgeThings=null
  6705. Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  6706. Parameter name: key
  6707. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  6708. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  6709. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  6710. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  6711. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  6712. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  6713. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  6714. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  6715. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  6716. at RimWorld.BaseGen.SymbolResolver_SinglePawn.Resolve (RimWorld.BaseGen.ResolveParams) <0x00443>
  6717. at RimWorld.BaseGen.BaseGen.Resolve (Verse.Pair`2<string, RimWorld.BaseGen.ResolveParams>) <0x002f0>
  6718. at RimWorld.BaseGen.BaseGen.Generate () <0x002dc>
  6721. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6722. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6724. Exception processing alert SimpleSidearms.rimworld.alerts.Alert_MissingSidearm: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  6725. at SimpleSidearms.rimworld.alerts.Alert_MissingSidearm+<AffectedPawns>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6726. at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Pawn] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6727. at SimpleSidearms.rimworld.alerts.Alert_MissingSidearm.GetReport () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6728. at RimWorld.Alert.get_Active () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6729. at RimWorld.AlertsReadout.AlertsReadoutUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6731. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6732. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6734. System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
  6735. Parameter name: key
  6736. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, RimWorld.Backstory>.TryGetValue (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x00178>
  6737. at RimWorld.BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier (string,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0001c>
  6738. at AlienRace.HarmonyPatches.SetBackstoryInSlotPrefix (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&) <0x0007e>
  6739. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.SetBackstoryInSlot_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.BackstorySlot,RimWorld.Backstory&,RimWorld.FactionDef) <0x00027>
  6740. at RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveShuffledBioTo (Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.FactionDef,string) <0x00087>
  6741. at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioAndNameTo_Patch1 (Verse.Pawn,string) <0x0004d>
  6742. at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&,string&,bool) <0x00427>
  6743. at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewNakedPawn (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest&) <0x00174>
  6744. at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn_Patch1 (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest) <0x003ac>
  6745. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker_Normal.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,bool) <0x00399>
  6746. at RimWorld.PawnGroupKindWorker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker,bool) <0x0005f>
  6747. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMaker.GeneratePawns (RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerParms,bool) <0x0002c>
  6748. at RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility/<GeneratePawns>c__IteratorC9.MoveNext () <0x00327>
  6749. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>.AddEnumerable (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00095>
  6750. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00089>
  6751. at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList<Verse.Pawn> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Pawn>) <0x00040>
  6752. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x001c3>
  6753. at RimWorld.IncidentWorker_RaidEnemy.TryExecute (RimWorld.IncidentParms) <0x00013>
  6754. at RimWorld.Storyteller.TryFire (RimWorld.FiringIncident) <0x00063>
  6755. at RimWorld.Storyteller.StorytellerTick () <0x0009a>
  6756. at Verse.TickManager.DoSingleTick () <0x003aa>
  6759. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6760. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6762. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6763. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6765. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6766. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6767. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6768. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6769. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6770. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6772. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6773. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6774. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6775. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6776. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6777. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6779. String too long for TextMeshGenerator. Cutting off characters.
  6780. (Filename: Line: 228)
  6782. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6783. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6784. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6785. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6786. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6787. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6789. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6790. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6791. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6792. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6793. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6794. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6796. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6797. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6798. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6799. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6800. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6801. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6803. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6804. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6805. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6806. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6807. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6808. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6810. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6811. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6812. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6813. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6814. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6815. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6817. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6818. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6819. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6820. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6821. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6822. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6824. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6825. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6826. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6827. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6828. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6829. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6831. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6832. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6833. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6834. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6835. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6836. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6838. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6839. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6840. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6841. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6842. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6843. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6845. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6846. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6847. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6848. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6849. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6850. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6852. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6853. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6854. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6855. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6856. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6857. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6859. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6860. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6861. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6862. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6863. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6864. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6866. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6867. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6868. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6869. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6870. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6871. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6873. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6874. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6875. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6876. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6877. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6878. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6880. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6881. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6882. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6883. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6884. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6885. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6887. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6888. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6889. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6890. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6891. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6892. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6894. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6895. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6896. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6897. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6898. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6899. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6901. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6902. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6903. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6904. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6905. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6906. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6908. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6909. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6910. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6911. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6912. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6913. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6915. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6916. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6917. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6918. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6919. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6920. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6922. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6923. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6924. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6925. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6926. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6927. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6929. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6930. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6931. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6932. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6933. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6934. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6936. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6937. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6938. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6939. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6940. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6941. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6943. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6944. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6945. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6946. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6947. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6948. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6950. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6951. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6952. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6953. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6954. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6955. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6957. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6958. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6959. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6960. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6961. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6962. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6964. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6965. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6966. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6967. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6968. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6969. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6971. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6972. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6973. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6974. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6975. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6976. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6978. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6979. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6980. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6981. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6982. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6983. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6985. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6986. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6987. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6988. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6989. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6990. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6992. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  6993. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6994. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6995. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6996. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6997. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  6999. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7000. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7001. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7002. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7003. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7004. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7006. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7007. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7008. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7009. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7010. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7011. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7013. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7014. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7015. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7016. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7017. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7018. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7020. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7021. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7022. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7023. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7024. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7025. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7027. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7028. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7029. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7030. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7031. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7032. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7034. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7035. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7036. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7037. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7038. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7039. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7041. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7042. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7043. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7044. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7045. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7046. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7048. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7049. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7050. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7051. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7052. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7053. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7055. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7056. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7057. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7058. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7059. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7060. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7062. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7063. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7064. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7065. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7066. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7067. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7069. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7070. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7071. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7072. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7073. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7074. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7076. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7077. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7078. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7079. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7080. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7081. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7083. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7084. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7085. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7086. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7087. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7088. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7090. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7091. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7092. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7093. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7094. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7095. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7097. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7098. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7099. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7100. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7101. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7102. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7104. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7105. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7106. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7107. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7108. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7109. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7111. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7112. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7113. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7114. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7115. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7116. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7118. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7119. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7120. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7121. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7122. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7123. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7125. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7126. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7127. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7128. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7129. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7130. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7132. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7133. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7134. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7135. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7136. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7137. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7139. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7140. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7141. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7142. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7143. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7144. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7146. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7147. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7148. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7149. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7150. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7151. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7153. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7154. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7155. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7156. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7157. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7158. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7160. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7161. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7162. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7163. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7164. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7165. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7167. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7168. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7169. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7170. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7171. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7172. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7174. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7175. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7176. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7177. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7178. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7179. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7181. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7182. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7183. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7184. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7185. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7186. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7188. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7189. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7190. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7191. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7192. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7193. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7195. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7196. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7197. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7198. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7199. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7200. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7202. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7203. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7204. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7205. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7206. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7207. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7209. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7210. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7211. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7212. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7213. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7214. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7216. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7217. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7218. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7219. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7220. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7221. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7223. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7224. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7225. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7226. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7227. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7228. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7230. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7231. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7232. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7233. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7234. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7235. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7237. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7238. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7239. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7240. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7241. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7242. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7244. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7245. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7246. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7247. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7248. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7249. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7251. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7252. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7253. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7254. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7255. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7256. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7258. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7259. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7260. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7261. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7262. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7263. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7265. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7266. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7267. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7268. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7269. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7270. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7272. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7273. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7274. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7275. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7276. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7277. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7279. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7280. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7281. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7282. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7283. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7284. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7286. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7287. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7288. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7289. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7290. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7291. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7293. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7294. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7295. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7296. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7297. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7298. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7300. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7301. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7302. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7303. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7304. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7305. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7307. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7308. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7309. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7310. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7311. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7312. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7314. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128221: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7315. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7316. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7317. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7318. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7319. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7321. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126973: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7322. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7323. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7324. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7325. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7326. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7328. Exception ticking SonicFence_TBNS126974: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7329. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7330. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7331. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7332. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7333. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7335. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128293: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7336. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7337. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7338. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7339. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7340. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7342. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128046: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7343. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7344. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7345. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7346. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7347. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7349. Exception ticking SonicInhibitor128320: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  7350. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Verse.IntVec3]].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7351. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.DictionCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7352. at TiberiumRim.CompSonicEmitter.CompTickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7353. at Verse.ThingWithComps.TickRare () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7354. at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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