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a guest
Aug 24th, 2019
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  1. on sign edit:
  2. if line 1 of event-block is "[Free]":
  3. if player have permission "Sign.Free":
  4. set line 1 of event-block to "&8( &6&lSkyRod &8)"
  5. set line 2 of event-block to "&7%line 2%"
  7. set {_line3} to "%line 3%"
  8. replace all ":" with "&7:&f" in {_line3}
  10. set line 3 of event-block to "&c%colored {_line3}%"
  11. if line 4 is not "":
  12. set line 4 of event-block to "&7« &b%colored line 4% &7»"
  13. else:
  14. set line 4 of event-block to ""
  16. command /nr [<offlineplayer>] [<item>]:
  17. trigger:
  18. if command sender is console or "FalconDev":
  19. set {Signs.%offlineplayer-argument%.Sign-I} to item-argument
  21. on rightclick:
  22. if line 1 of clicked block is "&8( &6&lSkyRod &8)":
  23. open chest with 1 row named "&8➥ &4&lKostenlos &6SkyRod" to player
  24. wait a tick
  25. set {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to "%uncolored line 2 of clicked block% %uncolored line 3 of clicked block%"
  26. set {Signs.%player%.Sign-N} to "%colored line 4 of clicked block%"
  27. replace all "" with "" in {Signs.%player%.Sign-N}
  28. replace all "" with "" in {Signs.%player%.Sign-N}
  29. execute server command "nr %player% %{Signs.%player%.Sign-I}%"
  30. if line 0 of clicked block is not set:
  31. format slot 0 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  32. else:
  33. format slot 0 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  34. unformat slot 0 of player
  35. wait 0.1 seconds
  36. if line 2 of clicked block is not set:
  37. format slot 0 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  38. else:
  39. format slot 0 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  40. unformat slot 0 of player
  41. wait 0.1 seconds
  42. if line 4 of clicked block is not set:
  43. format slot 2 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  44. else:
  45. format slot 2 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  46. unformat slot 2 of player
  47. wait 0.1 seconds
  48. if line 6 of clicked block is not set:
  49. format slot 4 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  50. else:
  51. format slot 4 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  52. unformat slot 4 of player
  53. wait 0.1 seconds
  54. if line 8 of clicked block is not set:
  55. format slot 6 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  56. else:
  57. format slot 6 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  58. unformat slot 6 of player
  59. wait 0.1 seconds
  60. if line 8 of clicked block is not set:
  61. format slot 8 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} to be unstealable
  62. else:
  63. format slot 8 of player with {Signs.%player%.Sign-I} named "%{Signs.%player%.Sign-N}%" to be unstealable
  64. unformat slot 8 of player
  65. command /restart:
  66. trigger:
  67. cancel event
  69. command /ess:kickall"
  70. trigger:
  71. cancel event
  74. command /op:
  75. trigger:
  76. cancel event
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