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DiscordUtils v2.0 - lang.yml [EN]

a guest
Dec 6th, 2021
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  1. PREFIX: '&9DiscordUtils &7/&f'
  2. INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS: 'Insufficient permissions.'
  3. ACCOUNT_SUCCESSFULLY_LINKED: 'Your account has been successfully verified.'
  4. INVALID_LINK_CODE: 'Invalid code.'
  5. INVALID_TWOFACTOR_CODE: 'Invalid code.'
  6. TWOFACTOR_REJECTED: 'The account owner has rejected authorization of the account.'
  7. ACCOUNT_ALREADY_VERIFIED: 'Your account is already verified.'
  8. DISCORDUTILS_LINK_USAGE: 'Usage: &b/discordutils link [code]'
  9. SENDER_IS_NOT_A_PLAYER: 'Only players can use this command.'
  10. CONFIG_FILES_RELOADED: 'Configuration files reloaded.'
  11. ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_VERIFIED: 'Your account has to be verified in order to do this.'
  12. ENABLED: '&aenabled'
  13. DISABLED: '&cdisabled'
  15. TWOFACTOR_NEEDED: 'You have to authorize. In order to do it you have to enter the code that was sent you in Discord in the chat.'
  16. VERIFICATION_NEEDED: 'You have to verify your account. In our to do it, you have to use the ''&b!link&f'' in our Discord server.'
  17. TWOFACTOR_AUTHORIZED: 'You have successfully authorized. Have fun! :)'
  18. TWOFACTOR_CODE_MESSAGE: 'Your authorization code is: || %code% ||. Don''t show it for anybody! IP: %playerIp%.'
  19. TWOFACTOR_REACTION_MESSAGE: 'Somebody is trying to log in into your account. Choose if I should authorize him or no. IP: %playerIp%.'
  20. VERIFICATION_MESSAGE: 'Your verification code has been sent to you. Check your DMs.'
  21. VERIFICATION_CODE_MESSAGE: 'Your verification code is: || %code% ||. Don''t show it for anybody! In order to finish the verification process, use this command on the server: /discordutils link [code].'
  22. CAN_NOT_SEND_MESSAGE: 'I can''t send you a DM. Probably, your DMs are closed.'
  23. UNKNOWN_SUBCOMMAND: 'Unknown subcommand.'
  24. LINK_ALREADY_INITIATED: 'You have already requested a verification code.'
  25. DISCORDUTILS_SENDTODISCORD_USAGE: 'Usage: &b/discordutils sendtodiscord [title] [color] [text]'
  26. SENDTODISCORD_SENT_BY: 'Sent by: %sender%'
  27. COMMAND_DISABLED: 'This command is disabled by the server administration.'
  28. INVALID_COLOR_VALUE: 'Invalid color value.'
  29. ONLINE: 'Players online: **%online%**'
  30. COMMAND_EXECUTED: 'The command has been successfully executed.'
  31. DISCORD_SUDO_USAGE: 'Usage: !sudo [command]'
  32. DISCORD_EMBED_USAGE: 'Usage: !embed [title] [color] [text]'
  33. VOICE_INVITE_SENT: 'Invite has been successfully sent.'
  34. VOICE_INVITE: 'Player &b%sender%&f invites all the online players for conversation in the voice channel. &bClick&f on this message for joining the voice channel.'
  35. VOICE_INVITE_HOVER: '&bClick&f for joining the voice channel.'
  36. SENDER_IS_NOT_IN_A_VOICE_CHANNEL: 'You are not in a voice channel.'
  37. EMBED_SENT_BY: 'Sent by: %sender%'
  38. ERROR: 'Error'
  39. INFORMATION: 'Information'
  40. SUCCESSFULLY: 'Success'
  41. HELP:
  42.  - '&9DiscordUtils&f plugin help:'
  43.   - '&7-&9 /du help&f - help command'
  44.   - '&7-&9 /du link [code]&f - link your Discord account with your server account'
  45.   - '&7-&9 /du reload&f - reload the configuration files'
  46.   - '&7-&9 /du twofactor&f - enable/disable 2FA'
  47.   - '&7-&9 /du sendtodiscord [title] [color] [text]&f - send an embed message to the Discord server'
  48.   - '&7-&b /discordutils voiceinvite&f - invite all online players for conversation in the voice channel'
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