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Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. filupmybowl: someones never played botlane before, i see
  4. filupmybowl: then you should know to go in level 2 lmao
  5. filupmybowl: we beat them easily level 2
  6. filupmybowl: glad youve never played adc
  7. filupmybowl: lol youre literally walking up and giving vayne free damage, leaving tower so they get to kill you for free, and cant last hit
  8. filupmybowl: its no worder your only positive winrate is sivir
  9. filupmybowl: press one button and the game farms for you
  10. filupmybowl: at least you can tell she actually is plat, by her terrible mental alone
  11. filupmybowl: 0/4 vs 1/4/1 and im the troll lul
  12. filupmybowl: holy shit she got a kill
  13. filupmybowl: wp\
  14. filupmybowl: shes just mad she cant play anyone but sivir
  15. filupmybowl: dont mind hr
  16. filupmybowl: get her bois
  17. filupmybowl: close, ashe
  18. filupmybowl: you can tell she was telling the truth about being plat, by her rock solid mental
  19. filupmybowl: this sej is actually having a great time
  20. filupmybowl: dc'd lul
  21. filupmybowl: imagine flaming your team when you locked in ashe support lol
  22. filupmybowl: ty
  23. filupmybowl: trolling, being bad, being toxic
  24. filupmybowl: absolutely yes
  25. filupmybowl: she somehow has a negetive winrate on ezreal
  26. filupmybowl: and lucian
  27. filupmybowl: and every adc who isnt sivir\
  28. filupmybowl: yeah, you
  29. filupmybowl: literally picked ashe support lmao
  30. filupmybowl: |uh oh
  31. filupmybowl: gg?
  32. filupmybowl: well
  33. filupmybowl: gg
  34. filupmybowl: x9 ashe?
  35. filupmybowl: yas 1v1
  36. filupmybowl: gg
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