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May 22nd, 2016
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  1. __version__ = '1.0'
  2. from import App
  3. from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
  4. from kivy.core.window import Window
  5. from kivy.clock import Clock
  6. Window.clearcolor = (1, 1, 1, 1)
  7. from kivy.uix.listview import ListItemButton
  8. from import StringProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty
  9. from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen, SlideTransition
  10. from import Ellipse
  11. import os
  12. from functools import partial
  13. from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel
  14. from kivy.uix.image import AsyncImage
  15. # from kivy.config import config
  16. from kivy.core.text import LabelBase
  17. import pyobjus.debug
  18. from pyobjus.pyobjus import autoclass
  19. import random
  20. LabelBase.register(name="Varela",
  21. fn_regular="data/varela-round-v6-latin-regular.ttf",
  22. fn_bold="data/varela-round-v6-latin-regular.ttf",
  23. fn_italic="data/varela-round-v6-latin-regular.ttf",
  24. fn_bolditalic="data/varela-round-v6-latin-regular.ttf")
  25. KIVY_DEFAULT_FONT = 'Varela'
  27. TEXT_SIZE = 36
  28. TROLL_SIZE = 50
  29. COUNT_BY = .055
  32. secCounter = 0
  33. secCounterTtl = 0
  34. repCounter = 0
  35. repCounterRd = 0
  36. rdCounter = 1
  37. repDummy = 0
  38. frcCounter = 0
  39. frcCounterRd = 0
  40. rdGoal = False
  41. countRound = False
  42. trollEnergy = 100
  44. trollDiff = 1
  46. class Workouts(Screen):
  47. pass
  49. class TrollLevel(Screen):
  50. def set_troll_diff(self, *args):
  51. global trollDiff
  52. if self.ids.diff_slider.value == 0:
  53. trollDiff = .1
  54. else:
  55. trollDiff = self.ids.diff_slider.value / 5
  56. self.manager.current = 'troll'
  59. class Troll(Screen):
  60. def start_clock(self, widget):
  61. global secCounter
  62. secCounter+=.01
  63. ls = [i for i in range(0,7)]
  64. for i in ls:
  65. i2 = 5 - i
  66. Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.change_start_text, i2), i)
  68. def count_round(self, widget):
  69. global countRound
  70. countRound=True
  73. def change_start_text(self,index, *args):
  74. self.ids.start_button.text = str(int(index)) + '...'
  75. if index < 1:
  76. self.ids.start_button.text = 'GO!!!'
  77. if index < 0:
  78. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  79. self.ids.start_button.text = 'START'
  80. self.ids.troll_img.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  81. Clock.schedule_interval(self.ticks.update_clock, .05)
  83. def troll_hurt(self, *args):
  84. self.ids.troll_img.source = 'data/troll.png'
  86. def troll_dead(self, *args):
  87. self.ids.troll_img.source = 'data/troll.png'
  88. self.ids.troll_img.height = 40
  90. def stop_clock(self):
  91. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  92. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter
  93. self.disp_sec = secCounter = 0
  94. self.disp_rep = repCounter = 0
  95. self.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd = 0
  96. self.disp_frc = frcCounter = 0
  97. self.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd = 0
  98. self.disp_troll_energy = trollEnergy = 100
  99. self.disp_sec_ttl = str(0)
  100. secCounterTtl = 0
  102. rdCounter = 0
  103. self.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  104. self.e2_end = 180
  105. self.e1_end = 0
  106. self.ids.troll_img.height = 40
  107. Clock.unschedule(self.ticks.update_clock)
  108. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  109. self.ids.eaten_txt.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  110. self.manager.current = 'workouts'
  112. class TicksTroll(Widget):
  113. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  114. super(TicksTroll, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  115. self.bind(pos=self.update_clock)
  116. self.bind(size=self.update_clock)
  118. def update_clock(self, *args):
  119. def reset_color(*args):
  120. self.parent.flash_color = '#F7F7F7'
  121. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter, countRound
  122. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter, rdGoal
  123. global trollDiff, trollEnergy
  124. self.canvas.clear()
  125. self.parent.disp_sec = round(secCounter,1)
  126. if secCounterTtl > 60:
  127. mins = int(secCounterTtl / 60)
  128. secs = secCounterTtl % 60
  129. secs = str(round(secs,1))
  130. if len(secs)< 4:
  131. secs = '0'+secs
  132. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = str(mins) + ':' + secs
  133. else:
  134. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = str(round(secCounterTtl,1))
  135. if secCounter>0:
  136. with self.canvas:
  137. secCounter+=COUNT_BY
  138. secCounterTtl+=COUNT_BY
  139. repDummy+=COUNT_BY
  140. ran = random.random()
  141. if ran < .1:
  142. trollDiff
  143. self.parent.ids.troll_img.height = self.parent.ids.troll_img.height+(10*trollDiff)
  144. if repDummy > 3:
  145. repCounter+=1
  146. repCounterRd+=1
  147. frcCounter+=22
  148. frcCounterRd+=22
  149. trollEnergy-=22
  150. self.parent.flash_color = '#98DCB6'
  151. Clock.schedule_once(reset_color, .25)
  152. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  153. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  154. self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  155. self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  156. self.parent.disp_troll_energy = trollEnergy
  157. repDummy=0
  158. self.parent.ids.troll_img.height = self.parent.ids.troll_img.height-20
  159. self.parent.ids.troll_img.source = 'data/troll_hurt.png'
  160. Clock.schedule_interval(self.parent.troll_hurt, .5)
  161. degrees = (secCounter / 60) * 360
  162. if trollEnergy < 0:
  165. rdCounter+=1
  166. self.parent.disp_troll_energy = trollEnergy = 100
  167. self.parent.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  168. self.parent.e1_end = 0
  169. self.parent.e2_end = 180
  170. # secCounter=0.00001
  171. repCounterRd=0
  172. # self.parent.e2_start = 0
  173. # self.parent.e2_end = 0
  174. # countRound=False
  175. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  176. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  177. # self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  178. # self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  179. self.parent.ids.troll_img.source = 'data/troll_dead.png'
  180. Clock.schedule_once(self.parent.troll_dead, .25)
  182. if self.parent.ids.troll_img.height > 250:
  183. self.parent.ids.troll_img.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  184. self.parent.ids.eaten_txt.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  185. self.disp_sec = secCounter = 0
  186. self.disp_rep = repCounter = 0
  187. self.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd = 0
  188. self.disp_frc = frcCounter = 0
  189. self.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd = 0
  190. rdCounter = 0
  191. self.parent.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  192. Clock.unschedule(self.update_clock)
  193. else:
  194. self.parent.e1_end = degrees
  196. class Free(Screen):
  197. def start_clock(self, widget):
  198. global secCounter
  199. secCounter+=.01
  200. ls = [i for i in range(0,7)]
  201. for i in ls:
  202. print('i:',i)
  203. i2 = 5 - i
  204. print('i2:',i2)
  205. Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.change_start_text, i2), i)
  207. def count_round(self, widget):
  208. global countRound
  209. countRound=True
  212. def change_start_text(self,index, *args):
  213. print('index:', index)
  214. self.ids.start_button.text = str(int(index)) + '...'
  215. if index < 1:
  216. self.ids.start_button.text = 'GO!!!'
  217. if index < 0:
  218. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  219. Clock.schedule_interval(self.ticks.update_clock, .05)
  220. self.ids.start_button.text = 'START'
  221. self.ids.count_rd_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .7}
  222. self.ids.done_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .3}
  225. def stop_clock(self):
  226. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  227. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter
  228. print(self.ids.keys())
  229. self.disp_sec = secCounter = 0
  230. self.disp_rep = repCounter = 0
  231. self.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd = 0
  232. self.disp_frc = frcCounter = 0
  233. self.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd = 0
  234. rdCounter = 0
  235. self.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  236. self.e2_end = 180
  237. self.e1_end = 0
  238. Clock.unschedule(self.ticks.update_clock)
  239. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  240. self.manager.current = 'workouts'
  242. class TicksFree(Widget):
  243. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  244. super(TicksFree, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  245. self.bind(pos=self.update_clock)
  246. self.bind(size=self.update_clock)
  248. def update_clock(self, *args):
  249. def reset_color(*args):
  250. self.parent.flash_color = '#F7F7F7'
  251. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter, countRound
  252. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter, rdGoal
  253. self.canvas.clear()
  254. self.parent.disp_sec = round(secCounter,1)
  255. if secCounterTtl > 60:
  256. mins = int(secCounterTtl / 60)
  257. secs = secCounterTtl % 60
  258. secs = str(round(secs,1))
  259. if len(secs)< 4:
  260. secs = '0'+secs
  261. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = str(mins) + ':' + secs
  262. else:
  263. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = str(round(secCounterTtl,1))
  264. if secCounter>0:
  265. with self.canvas:
  266. secCounter+=COUNT_BY
  267. secCounterTtl+=COUNT_BY
  268. repDummy+=COUNT_BY
  269. if repDummy > 3:
  270. repCounter+=1
  271. repCounterRd+=1
  272. frcCounter+=53
  273. frcCounterRd+=53
  274. self.parent.flash_color = '#98DCB6'
  275. Clock.schedule_once(reset_color, .25)
  276. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  277. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  278. self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  279. self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  280. repDummy=0
  281. degrees = (secCounter / 60) * 360
  282. if countRound:
  283. rdCounter+=1
  284. self.parent.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  285. self.parent.e1_end = 0
  286. self.parent.e2_end = 180
  287. secCounter=0.00001
  288. frcCounterRd=0
  289. repCounterRd=0
  290. self.parent.e2_start = 0
  291. self.parent.e2_end = 0
  292. countRound=False
  293. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  294. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  295. self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  296. self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  297. else:
  298. self.parent.e1_end = degrees
  300. class EMOM(Screen):
  301. def start_clock(self, widget):
  302. global secCounter
  303. secCounter+=.01
  304. ls = [i for i in range(0,7)]
  305. for i in ls:
  306. print('i:',i)
  307. i2 = 5 - i
  308. print('i2:',i2)
  309. Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.change_start_text, i2), i)
  311. def change_start_text(self,index, *args):
  312. print('index:', index)
  313. self.ids.start_button.text = str(int(index)) + '...'
  314. if index < 1:
  315. self.ids.start_button.text = 'GO!!!'
  316. if index < 0:
  317. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  318. self.ids.work_flag.text = 'WORK'
  319. Clock.schedule_interval(self.ticks.update_clock, .05)
  320. self.ids.start_button.text = 'START'
  323. def stop_clock(self):
  324. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  325. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter
  326. print(self.ids.keys())
  327. self.ids.work_flag.text = ''
  328. self.disp_sec = secCounter = 0
  329. self.disp_rep = repCounter = 0
  330. self.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd = 0
  331. self.disp_frc = frcCounter = 0
  332. self.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd = 0
  333. rdCounter = 0
  334. self.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  335. self.e2_end = 180
  336. self.e1_end = 0
  337. Clock.unschedule(self.ticks.update_clock)
  338. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  339. self.manager.current = 'workouts'
  342. class TicksEMOM(Widget):
  343. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  344. super(TicksEMOM, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  345. self.bind(pos=self.update_clock)
  346. self.bind(size=self.update_clock)
  348. def update_clock(self, *args):
  349. def reset_color(*args):
  350. self.parent.flash_color = '#F7F7F7'
  351. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  352. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter, rdGoal
  353. self.canvas.clear()
  354. self.parent.disp_sec = round(secCounter,1)
  355. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = round(secCounterTtl,1)
  356. if secCounter>0:
  357. with self.canvas:
  358. secCounter+=COUNT_BY
  359. secCounterTtl+=COUNT_BY
  360. repDummy+=COUNT_BY
  361. if repDummy > 3:
  362. repCounter+=1
  363. repCounterRd+=1
  364. frcCounter+=53
  365. frcCounterRd+=53
  366. self.parent.flash_color = '#98DCB6'
  367. Clock.schedule_once(reset_color, .25)
  368. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  369. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  370. self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  371. self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  372. repDummy=0
  373. degrees = (secCounter / 60) * 360
  374. if repCounterRd == 8 and not rdGoal:
  375. rdGoal=True
  376. self.parent.e2_start = degrees
  377. self.parent.e2_end = degrees
  378. self.parent.ids.work_flag.text = 'REST'
  380. elif degrees >= (360-.05):
  381. rdCounter+=1
  382. self.parent.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  383. self.parent.e1_end = 0
  384. self.parent.e2_end = 180
  385. secCounter=0.00001
  386. frcCounterRd=0
  387. repCounterRd=0
  388. self.parent.ids.work_flag.text = 'WORK'
  389. self.parent.e2_start = 0
  390. self.parent.e2_end = 0
  391. rdGoal=False
  392. elif repCounterRd >= 8:
  393. self.parent.e2_end = degrees
  394. else:
  395. self.parent.e1_end = degrees
  397. class OnOff(Screen):
  398. def start_clock(self, widget):
  399. global secCounter
  400. secCounter+=.01
  401. ls = [i for i in range(0,7)]
  402. for i in ls:
  403. print('i:',i)
  404. i2 = 5 - i
  405. print('i2:',i2)
  406. Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.change_start_text, i2), i)
  408. def change_start_text(self,index, *args):
  409. print('index:', index)
  410. self.ids.start_button.text = str(int(index)) + '...'
  411. if index < 1:
  412. self.ids.start_button.text = 'GO!!!'
  413. if index < 0:
  414. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': 100, 'center_y': 100}
  415. self.ids.work_flag.text = 'WORK'
  416. Clock.schedule_interval(self.ticks.update_clock, .05)
  417. self.ids.start_button.text = 'START'
  420. def stop_clock(self):
  421. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  422. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter
  423. print(self.ids.keys())
  424. self.ids.work_flag.text = ''
  425. self.disp_sec = secCounter = 0
  426. self.disp_rep = repCounter = 0
  427. self.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd = 0
  428. self.disp_frc = frcCounter = 0
  429. self.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd = 0
  430. rdCounter = 0
  431. self.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  432. self.e2_end = 180
  433. self.e1_end = 0
  434. Clock.unschedule(self.ticks.update_clock)
  435. self.ids.start_button.pos_hint = {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}
  436. self.manager.current = 'workouts'
  439. class Ticks(Widget):
  440. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  441. super(Ticks, self).__init__(**kwargs)
  442. self.bind(pos=self.update_clock)
  443. self.bind(size=self.update_clock)
  445. def update_clock(self, *args):
  446. def reset_color(*args):
  447. self.parent.flash_color = '#F7F7F7'
  448. global secStart, secCounter, repCounter, repDummy, frcCounter
  449. global secCounterTtl, repCounterRd, frcCounterRd, rdCounter
  450. self.canvas.clear()
  451. self.parent.disp_sec = round(secCounter,1)
  452. self.parent.disp_sec_ttl = round(secCounterTtl,1)
  453. if secCounter>0:
  454. with self.canvas:
  455. secCounter+=COUNT_BY
  456. secCounterTtl+=COUNT_BY
  457. repDummy+=COUNT_BY
  458. if repDummy > 3:
  459. repCounter+=1
  460. repCounterRd+=1
  461. frcCounter+=53
  462. frcCounterRd+=53
  463. self.parent.flash_color = '#98DCB6'
  464. Clock.schedule_once(reset_color, .25)
  465. self.parent.disp_rep = repCounter
  466. self.parent.disp_rep_rd = repCounterRd
  467. self.parent.disp_frc = frcCounter
  468. self.parent.disp_frc_rd = frcCounterRd
  469. repDummy=0
  470. degrees = (secCounter / 60) * 360
  471. if degrees >= (360-.05):
  472. rdCounter+=1
  473. self.parent.ids.disp_rds.text = str(rdCounter)
  474. self.parent.e1_end = 0
  475. self.parent.e2_end = 180
  476. secCounter=0.00001
  477. frcCounterRd=0
  478. repCounterRd=0
  479. self.parent.ids.work_flag.text = 'WORK'
  480. elif degrees >= 180.5:
  481. self.parent.e2_end = degrees
  482. self.parent.ids.work_flag.text = 'REST'
  483. else:
  484. self.parent.e1_end = degrees
  486. class Login(Screen):
  487. def do_login(self, loginText, passwordText):
  488. app = App.get_running_app()
  490. app.username = loginText
  491. app.password = passwordText
  493. self.manager.transition = SlideTransition(direction="left")
  494. self.manager.current = 'workouts'
  497. app.config.write()
  499. def resetForm(self):
  500. self.ids['login'].text = ""
  501. self.ids['password'].text = ""
  503. class ForceApp(App):
  504. username = StringProperty(None)
  505. password = StringProperty(None)
  506. data = ListProperty(["Item #{0}".format(i) for i in range(50)])
  508. def build(self):
  509. manager = ScreenManager()
  511. manager.add_widget(Login(name='login'))
  512. manager.add_widget(Workouts(name='workouts'))
  513. manager.add_widget(OnOff(name='onoff'))
  514. manager.add_widget(EMOM(name='emom'))
  515. manager.add_widget(Free(name='free'))
  516. manager.add_widget(TrollLevel(name='troll_level'))
  517. manager.add_widget(Troll(name='troll'))
  519. return manager
  521. def get_application_config(self):
  522. if(not self.username):
  523. return super(ForceApp, self).get_application_config()
  525. conf_directory = self.user_data_dir + '/' + self.username
  527. if(not os.path.exists(conf_directory)):
  528. os.makedirs(conf_directory)
  530. return super(ForceApp, self).get_application_config(
  531. '%s/config.cfg' % (conf_directory)
  532. )
  536. if __name__ == '__main__':
  537. ForceApp().run()
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