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Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1. *Serge I Developed the ability by utilizing the zanozo technique, using the principle of projecting my Ki. But instead of using a set place or land in my surrounding it's connected to another person's energy signal allowing me to teleport far distances. It seems rather simple when explained like this but the technique took years of grooling work to craft. Imagen an ability that allows you to teleport from here to there, but now imagen that ability expanding across a planet or a galaxy. Zanzo was a raindrop in an ocean of possibility but no one wanted to dive in. Though the risk of creating this ability was high I sought it my life goal to perfect it. I created this ability to expand my horizons and to unlock a budding techniques potential! Its potential seemed limitless, it allows me to bend space and time shorting long distances to next to nothing. Though the combat uses of this ability are extremely limited its ability to help others is vast! But for now, I use it to fairy people from place to place amassing strange and unique artifacts to study and preserve. *
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