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Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "result": "OK",
  3. "data": {
  4. "rules": {
  5. "3DM, html": {
  6. "alias": "3ware",
  7. "regex": "<title>3ware 3DM([\\d\\.]+)?",
  8. "type": "software"
  9. },
  10. "3ware, headers": {
  11. "alias": "3ware",
  12. "regex": "Server:\\s*3ware\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  13. "type": "software"
  14. },
  15. "AMPcms, headers": {
  16. "alias": "AMP CMS",
  17. "regex": "X-AMP-Version:\\s*([\\d.]+)",
  18. "type": "software"
  19. },
  20. "AOLserver, headers": {
  21. "alias": "cpe:/a:aol:aolserver",
  22. "regex": "Server:\\s*AOLserver/?([\\d.]+)?",
  23. "type": "cpe"
  24. },
  25. "ATEN, headers": {
  26. "alias": "ATEN",
  27. "regex": "Server:\\s*ATEN HTTP Server(?:\\(?V?([\\d\\.]+)\\)?)?",
  28. "type": "software"
  29. },
  30. "Adminer, html": {
  31. "alias": "Adminer",
  32. "regex": "Adminer</a> <span class=\"version\">([\\d.]+)</span>",
  33. "type": "software"
  34. },
  35. "Adminer, html tag": {
  36. "alias": "Adminer",
  37. "regex": "onclick=\"bodyClick\\(event\\);\" onload=\"verifyVersion\\('([\\d.]+)'\\);\">",
  38. "type": "software"
  39. },
  40. "Akka HTTP, headers": {
  41. "alias": "Akka HTTP",
  42. "regex": "Server:\\s*akka-http(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  43. "type": "software"
  44. },
  45. "Allegro RomPager, headers": {
  46. "alias": "cpe:/a:allegrosoft:rompager",
  47. "regex": "Server:\\s*Allegro-Software-RomPager(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  48. "type": "cpe"
  49. },
  50. "Angular Material, script": {
  51. "alias": "Angular Material",
  52. "regex": "/([\\d.]+(?:\\-?rc[.\\d]*)*)/angular-material(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  53. "type": "software"
  54. },
  55. "AngularJS, script": {
  56. "alias": "Angular",
  57. "regex": "/([\\d.]+(?:\\-?rc[.\\d]*)*)/angular(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  58. "type": "software"
  59. },
  60. "Apache, headers": {
  61. "alias": "httpd",
  62. "regex": "Server:\\s*(?:Apache(?:$|/([\\d.]+)|[^/-])|(?:^|\b)HTTPD)",
  63. "type": "software"
  64. },
  65. "Apache Tomcat, headers": {
  66. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:tomcat",
  67. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*\bTomcat\b(?:-([\\d.]+))?",
  68. "type": "cpe"
  69. },
  70. "Apache Traffic Server, headers": {
  71. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:traffic_server",
  72. "regex": "Server:\\s*ATS/?([\\d.]+)?",
  73. "type": "cpe"
  74. },
  75. "Artifactory, html": {
  76. "alias": "cpe:/a:jfrog:artifactory",
  77. "regex": "<span class=\"version\">Artifactory(?: Pro)?(?: Power Pack)?(?: ([\\d.]+))?",
  78. "type": "cpe"
  79. },
  80. "Artifactory Web Server, headers": {
  81. "alias": "cpe:/a:jfrog:artifactory",
  82. "regex": "Server:\\s*Artifactory(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  83. "type": "cpe"
  84. },
  85. "Atlassian Confluence, html": {
  86. "alias": "cpe:/a:atlassian:confluence",
  87. "regex": "Powered by <a href=[^>]+atlassian\\.com/software/confluence(?:[^>]+>Atlassian Confluence</a> ([\\d.]+))?",
  88. "type": "cpe"
  89. },
  90. "Atlassian FishEye, html": {
  91. "alias": "cpe:/a:atlassian:fisheye",
  92. "regex": "<title>(?:Log in to )?FishEye (?:and Crucible )?([\\d.]+)?</title>",
  93. "type": "cpe"
  94. },
  95. "Banshee, html": {
  96. "alias": "cpe:/a:banshee-project:banshee",
  97. "regex": "Built upon the <a href=\"[^>]+banshee-php\\.org/\">[a-z]+</a>(?:v([\\d.]+))?",
  98. "type": "cpe"
  99. },
  100. "BaseHTTP, headers": {
  101. "alias": "BaseHTTP",
  102. "regex": "Server:\\s*BaseHTTP\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  103. "type": "software"
  104. },
  105. "Canon HTTP Server, headers": {
  106. "alias": "Canon HTTP Server",
  107. "regex": "Server:\\s*CANON HTTP Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  108. "type": "software"
  109. },
  110. "Catwalk, headers": {
  111. "alias": "Catwalk Server",
  112. "regex": "Server:\\s*Catwalk\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  113. "type": "software"
  114. },
  115. "CenteHTTPd, headers": {
  116. "alias": "CenteHTTPd",
  117. "regex": "Server:\\s*CenteHTTPd(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  118. "type": "software"
  119. },
  120. "Chamilo, headers": {
  121. "alias": "cpe:/a:chamilo:chamilo_lms",
  122. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*Chamilo ([\\d.]+)",
  123. "type": "cpe"
  124. },
  125. "Chamilo, html": {
  126. "alias": "cpe:/a:chamilo:chamilo_lms",
  127. "regex": "\">Chamilo ([\\d.]+)</a>",
  128. "type": "cpe"
  129. },
  130. "Chart.js, script": {
  131. "alias": "Chart.js",
  132. "regex": "chartjs\\.org/dist/([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|master|latest)/Chart.*\\.js",
  133. "type": "software"
  134. },
  135. "Chart.js, cloudflare script": {
  136. "alias": "Chart.js",
  137. "regex": "cdnjs\\.cloudflare\\.com/ajax/libs/Chart\\.js/([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?)/Chart.*\\.js",
  138. "type": "software"
  139. },
  140. "Chart.js, jsdelivr script": {
  141. "alias": "Chart.js",
  142. "regex": "cdn\\.jsdelivr\\.net/npm/chart\\.js@([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|latest)/dist/Chart.*\\.js",
  143. "type": "software"
  144. },
  145. "Chart.js, jsdelivr latest script": {
  146. "alias": "Chart.js",
  147. "regex": "cdn\\.jsdelivr\\.net/gh/chartjs/Chart\\.js@([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|latest)/dist/Chart.*\\.js",
  148. "type": "software"
  149. },
  150. "Cherokee, headers": {
  151. "alias": "cpe:/a:cherokee-project:cherokee",
  152. "regex": "Server:\\s*Cherokee/([\\d.]+)",
  153. "type": "cpe"
  154. },
  155. "CherryPy, headers": {
  156. "alias": "cpe:/a:cherrypy:cherrypy",
  157. "regex": "Server:\\s*CherryPy\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  158. "type": "cpe"
  159. },
  160. "CompaqHTTPServer, headers": {
  161. "alias": "cpe:/a:compaq:compaqhttpserver",
  162. "regex": "Server:\\s*CompaqHTTPServer\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  163. "type": "cpe"
  164. },
  165. "Coppermine, html": {
  166. "alias": "cpe:/a:coppermine-gallery:coppermine_photo_gallery",
  167. "regex": "<!--Coppermine Photo Gallery ([\\d.]+)",
  168. "type": "cpe"
  169. },
  170. "CouchDB, headers": {
  171. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:couchdb",
  172. "regex": "Server:\\s*CouchDB/([\\d.]+)",
  173. "type": "cpe"
  174. },
  175. "CppCMS, headers": {
  176. "alias": "CppCMS",
  177. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*CppCMS/([\\d.]+)",
  178. "type": "software"
  179. },
  180. "Dancer, headers": {
  181. "alias": "cpe:/a:dancer:dancer",
  182. "regex": "Server:\\s*Perl Dancer ([\\d.]+)|X-Powered-By:\\s*Perl Dancer ([\\d.]+)",
  183. "type": "cpe"
  184. },
  185. "Danneo CMS, headers": {
  186. "alias": "cpe:/a:danneo:cms",
  187. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*CMS Danneo ([\\d.]+)",
  188. "type": "cpe"
  189. },
  190. "Decorum, headers": {
  191. "alias": "Decorum",
  192. "regex": "Server:\\s*DECORUM(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  193. "type": "software"
  194. },
  195. "DirectAdmin, headers": {
  196. "alias": "cpe:/a:directadmin:directadmin",
  197. "regex": "Server:\\s*DirectAdmin Daemon v([\\d.]+)",
  198. "type": "cpe"
  199. },
  200. "Django, html": {
  201. "alias": "cpe:/a:djangoproject:django",
  202. "regex": "(?:powered by <a[^>]+>Django ?([\\d.]+)?|<input[^>]*name=[\"']csrfmiddlewaretoken[\"'][^>]*>)",
  203. "type": "cpe"
  204. },
  205. "Dojo, script": {
  206. "alias": "cpe:/a:dojotoolkit:dojo",
  207. "regex": "([\\d.]+)/dojo/dojo(?:\\.xd)?\\.js",
  208. "type": "cpe"
  209. },
  210. "Doxygen, html": {
  211. "alias": "Doxygen",
  212. "regex": "(?:<!-- Generated by Doxygen ([\\d.]+)|<link[^>]+doxygen\\.css)",
  213. "type": "software"
  214. },
  215. "Drupal, headers": {
  216. "alias": "Drupal",
  217. "regex": "X-Generator:\\s*Drupal(?:\\s([\\d.]+))?",
  218. "type": "software"
  219. },
  220. "ESERV-10, headers": {
  221. "alias": "eserv",
  222. "regex": "Server:\\s*ESERV-10(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  223. "type": "software"
  224. },
  225. "EmbedThis Appweb, headers": {
  226. "alias": "cpe:/a:embedthis:appweb",
  227. "regex": "Server:\\s*Mbedthis-Appweb(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  228. "type": "cpe"
  229. },
  230. "Embedthis-http, headers": {
  231. "alias": "cpe:/a:embedthis:appweb",
  232. "regex": "Server:\\s*Embedthis-http(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  233. "type": "cpe"
  234. },
  235. "FancyBox, script": {
  236. "alias": "jQuery FancyBox",
  237. "regex": "jquery\\.fancybox(?:\\.pack|\\.min)?\\.js(?:\\?v=([\\d.]+))?$",
  238. "type": "software"
  239. },
  240. "FlashCom, headers": {
  241. "alias": "cpe:/a:macromedia:flash_communication_server",
  242. "regex": "Server:\\s*FlashCom/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  243. "type": "cpe"
  244. },
  245. "Flask, headers": {
  246. "alias": "Werkzeug",
  247. "regex": "Server:\\s*Werkzeug/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  248. "type": "software"
  249. },
  250. "FlexCMP, headers": {
  251. "alias": "FlexCMP",
  252. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*FlexCMP.+\\[v\\. ([\\d.]+)",
  253. "type": "software"
  254. },
  255. "FlexCMP, html": {
  256. "alias": "FlexCMP",
  257. "regex": "<!--[^>]+FlexCMP[^>v]+v\\. ([\\d.]+)",
  258. "type": "software"
  259. },
  260. "FreeBSD, headers": {
  261. "alias": "cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd",
  262. "regex": "Server:\\s*FreeBSD(?: ([\\d.]+))?",
  263. "type": "cpe"
  264. },
  265. "Fusion Ads, script": {
  266. "alias": "Fusion Ads",
  267. "regex": "^[^\\/]*//[ac]dn\\.fusionads\\.net/(?:api/([\\d.]+)/)?",
  268. "type": "software"
  269. },
  270. "GitPHP, html": {
  271. "alias": "GitPHP",
  272. "regex": "<!-- gitphp web interface ([\\d.]+)",
  273. "type": "software"
  274. },
  275. "GlassFish, headers": {
  276. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:glassfish_server",
  277. "regex": "Server:\\s*GlassFish(?: Server)?(?: Open Source Edition)?(?: ?/?([\\d.]+))?",
  278. "type": "cpe"
  279. },
  280. "Google Maps, script": {
  281. "alias": "Google Maps Api",
  282. "regex": "(?:maps\\.google\\.com/maps\\?file=api(?:&v=([\\d.]+))?|maps\\.google\\.com/maps/api/staticmap)",
  283. "type": "software"
  284. },
  285. "Google PageSpeed, headers": {
  286. "alias": "cpe:/a:google:mod_pagespeed",
  287. "regex": "X-Mod-Pagespeed:\\s*([\\d.]+)",
  288. "type": "cpe"
  289. },
  290. "Grandstream, headers": {
  291. "alias": "cpe:/o:grandstream:gxv_device_firmware",
  292. "regex": "Server:\\s*Grandstream\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  293. "type": "cpe"
  294. },
  295. "HERE, script": {
  296. "alias": "HERE Maps JS API",
  297. "regex": "https?://js\\.cit\\.api\\.here\\.com/se/([\\d.]+)\\/",
  298. "type": "software"
  299. },
  300. "HHVM, headers": {
  301. "alias": "cpe:/a:facebook:hhvm",
  302. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*HHVM/?([\\d.]+)?",
  303. "type": "cpe"
  304. },
  305. "HP ChaiServer, headers": {
  306. "alias": "HP ChaiServer",
  307. "regex": "Server:\\s*HP-Chai(?:Server|SOE)(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  308. "type": "software"
  309. },
  310. "HP Compact Server, headers": {
  311. "alias": "HP Compact Server",
  312. "regex": "Server:\\s*HP_Compact_Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  313. "type": "software"
  314. },
  315. "HP iLO, headers": {
  316. "alias": "cpe:/o:hp:integrated_lights-out",
  317. "regex": "Server:\\s*HP-iLO-Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  318. "type": "cpe"
  319. },
  320. "HTTP-Server, headers": {
  321. "alias": " HTTP-Server",
  322. "regex": "Server:\\s*(?:^|[^-])\bHTTP-Server(?: ?/?V?([\\d.]+))?",
  323. "type": "software"
  324. },
  325. "Handlebars, script": {
  326. "alias": "Handlebars js",
  327. "regex": "handlebars(?:\\.runtime)?(?:-v([\\d.]+?))?(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  328. "type": "software"
  329. },
  330. "Happy ICS Server, headers": {
  331. "alias": "Happy ICS",
  332. "regex": "Server:\\s*Happy ICS Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  333. "type": "software"
  334. },
  335. "Hiawatha, headers": {
  336. "alias": "Hiawatha",
  337. "regex": "Server:\\s*Hiawatha v([\\d.]+)",
  338. "type": "software"
  339. },
  340. "Highlight.js, script": {
  341. "alias": "Highlight.js",
  342. "regex": "/highlight\\.js/[\\d.]+?/highlight\\.min\\.js",
  343. "type": "software"
  344. },
  345. "Hogan.js, script": {
  346. "alias": "Hogan.js",
  347. "regex": "([\\d.]+)/hogan(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  348. "type": "software"
  349. },
  350. "IBM HTTP Server, headers": {
  351. "alias": "IBM HTTP Server",
  352. "regex": "Server:\\s*IBM_HTTP_Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  353. "type": "software"
  354. },
  355. "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, headers": {
  356. "alias": "cpe:/a:ibm:tivoli_storage_manager",
  357. "regex": "Server:\\s*TSM_HTTP(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  358. "type": "cpe"
  359. },
  360. "IIS, headers": {
  361. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:iis",
  362. "regex": "Server:\\s*IIS(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  363. "type": "cpe"
  364. },
  365. "Indico, html": {
  366. "alias": "CERN Indico",
  367. "regex": "Powered by\\s+(?:CERN )?<a href=\"http://(?:cdsware\\.cern\\.ch/indico/|indico-software\\.org|cern\\.ch/indico)\">(?:CDS )?Indico( [\\d\\.]+)?",
  368. "type": "software"
  369. },
  370. "Indy, headers": {
  371. "alias": "Indy",
  372. "regex": "Server:\\s*Indy(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  373. "type": "software"
  374. },
  375. "Intel Active Management Technology, headers": {
  376. "alias": "cpe:/o:intel:active_management_technology_firmware",
  377. "regex": "Server:\\s*Intel\\(R\\) Active Management Technology(?: ([\\d.]+))?",
  378. "type": "cpe"
  379. },
  380. "Invenio, html": {
  381. "alias": "CDS Invenio",
  382. "regex": "(?:Powered by|System)\\s+(?:CERN )?<a (?:class=\"footer\" )?href=\"http://(?:cdsware\\.cern\\.ch(?:/invenio)?|invenio-software\\.org|cern\\.ch/invenio)(?:/)?\">(?:CDS )?Invenio</a>\\s*v?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  383. "type": "software"
  384. },
  385. "JBoss Application Server, headers": {
  386. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:jboss_community_application_server",
  387. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*JBoss(?:-([\\d.]+))?",
  388. "type": "cpe"
  389. },
  390. "JBoss Web, headers": {
  391. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:jboss_enterprise_web_server",
  392. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*JBossWeb(?:-([\\d.]+))?",
  393. "type": "cpe"
  394. },
  395. "JC-HTTPD, headers": {
  396. "alias": "JC-HTTPD",
  397. "regex": "Server:\\s*JC-HTTPD(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  398. "type": "software"
  399. },
  400. "Java Servlet, headers": {
  401. "alias": "Java Servlet",
  402. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*Servlet(?:.([\\d.]+))?",
  403. "type": "software"
  404. },
  405. "JavaServer Faces, headers": {
  406. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:mojarra",
  407. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*JSF(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  408. "type": "cpe"
  409. },
  410. "JavaServer Pages, headers": {
  411. "alias": "JavaServer Pages",
  412. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*JSP(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  413. "type": "software"
  414. },
  415. "Jenkins, headers": {
  416. "alias": "cpe:/a:jenkins:jenkins",
  417. "regex": "X-Jenkins:\\s*([\\d\\.]+)",
  418. "type": "cpe"
  419. },
  420. "Joomla, headers": {
  421. "alias": "joomla",
  422. "regex": "X-Content-Encoded-By:\\s*Joomla! ([\\d.]+)",
  423. "type": "software"
  424. },
  425. "KS_HTTP, headers": {
  426. "alias": "KS HTTP",
  427. "regex": "Server:\\s*KS_HTTP\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  428. "type": "software"
  429. },
  430. "Kibana, headers": {
  431. "alias": "cpe:/a:elasticsearch:kibana",
  432. "regex": "kbn-version:\\s*^([\\d.]+)$",
  433. "type": "cpe"
  434. },
  435. "KineticJS, script": {
  436. "alias": "KineticJS",
  437. "regex": "kinetic(?:-v?([\\d.]+))?(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  438. "type": "software"
  439. },
  440. "Kohana, headers": {
  441. "alias": "Kohana",
  442. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*Kohana Framework ([\\d.]+)",
  443. "type": "software"
  444. },
  445. "Koken, script": {
  446. "alias": "Koken",
  447. "regex": "koken(?:\\.js\\?([\\d.]+)|/storage)",
  448. "type": "software"
  449. },
  450. "LabVIEW, headers": {
  451. "alias": "cpe:/a:ni:labview",
  452. "regex": "Server:\\s*LabVIEW(?:/([\\d\\.]+))?",
  453. "type": "cpe"
  454. },
  455. "Liferay, headers": {
  456. "alias": "cpe:/a:liferay:liferay_portal",
  457. "regex": "Liferay-Portal:\\s*[a-z\\s]+([\\d.]+)",
  458. "type": "cpe"
  459. },
  460. "LinkSmart, script": {
  461. "alias": "LinkSmart",
  462. "regex": "^https?://cdn\\.linksmart\\.com/linksmart_([\\d.]+?)(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  463. "type": "software"
  464. },
  465. "Logitech Media Server, headers": {
  466. "alias": "Logitech Media Server",
  467. "regex": "Server:\\s*Logitech Media Server(?: \\(([\\d\\.]+))?",
  468. "type": "software"
  469. },
  470. "Lua, headers": {
  471. "alias": "cpe:/a:lua:lua",
  472. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*\bLua(?: ([\\d.]+))?",
  473. "type": "cpe"
  474. },
  475. "MediaTomb, headers": {
  476. "alias": "MediaTomb",
  477. "regex": "Server:\\s*MediaTomb(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  478. "type": "software"
  479. },
  480. "Microsoft HTTPAPI, headers": {
  481. "alias": "Microsoft HTTPAPI",
  482. "regex": "Server:\\s*Microsoft-HTTPAPI(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  483. "type": "software"
  484. },
  485. "MiniServ, headers": {
  486. "alias": "MiniServ",
  487. "regex": "Server:\\s*MiniServ\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  488. "type": "software"
  489. },
  490. "MochiWeb, headers": {
  491. "alias": "cpe:/a:mochiweb_project:mochiweb",
  492. "regex": "Server:\\s*MochiWeb(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  493. "type": "cpe"
  494. },
  495. "Monkey HTTP Server, headers": {
  496. "alias": "cpe:/a:monkey-project:monkey_http_daemon",
  497. "regex": "Server:\\s*Monkey/?([\\d.]+)?",
  498. "type": "cpe"
  499. },
  500. "Motion-httpd, headers": {
  501. "alias": "Motion-httpd",
  502. "regex": "Server:\\s*Motion-httpd(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  503. "type": "software"
  504. },
  505. "Moxa, headers": {
  506. "alias": "cpe:/h:moxa",
  507. "regex": "Server:\\s*MoxaHttp(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  508. "type": "cpe"
  509. },
  510. "Nginx, headers": {
  511. "alias": "cpe:/a:nginx:nginx",
  512. "regex": "Server:\\s*nginx(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  513. "type": "cpe"
  514. },
  515. "OpenResty, headers": {
  516. "alias": "OpenResty",
  517. "regex": "Server:\\s*openresty(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  518. "type": "software"
  519. },
  520. "OpenSSL, headers": {
  521. "alias": "OpenSSL",
  522. "regex": "Server:\\s*OpenSSL(?:/([\\d.]+[a-z]?))?",
  523. "type": "software"
  524. },
  525. "Oracle Commerce, headers": {
  526. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:commerce_platform",
  527. "regex": "X-ATG-Version:\\s*(?:ATGPlatform/([\\d.]+))?",
  528. "type": "cpe"
  529. },
  530. "Oracle HTTP Server, headers": {
  531. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:http_server",
  532. "regex": "Server:\\s*Oracle-HTTP-Server(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  533. "type": "cpe"
  534. },
  535. "Outlook Web App, html": {
  536. "alias": "OWA",
  537. "regex": "<link\\s[^>]*href=\"[^\"]*?([\\d.]+)/themes/resources/owafont\\.css",
  538. "type": "software"
  539. },
  540. "PHP": {
  541. "regex": "PHP/([\\d.]+)",
  542. "alias": "cpe:/a:php:php",
  543. "type": "cpe"
  544. },
  545. "PHP, headers": {
  546. "alias": "cpe:/a:php:php",
  547. "regex": "Server:\\s*php/?([\\d.]+)?|X-Powered-By:\\s*php/?([\\d.]+)?",
  548. "type": "cpe"
  549. },
  550. "PerfSONAR-PS, headers": {
  551. "alias": "PerfSONAR PS",
  552. "regex": "User-agent:\\s*perfSONAR-PS/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  553. "type": "software"
  554. },
  555. "Perl, headers": {
  556. "alias": "Perl",
  557. "regex": "Server:\\s*\bPerl\b(?: ?/?v?([\\d.]+))?",
  558. "type": "software"
  559. },
  560. "Petrojs, script": {
  561. "alias": "Petrojs",
  562. "regex": "(?:/([\\d.]+)/)?petrojs(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  563. "type": "software"
  564. },
  565. "Python, headers": {
  566. "alias": "Python",
  567. "regex": "Server:\\s*(?:^|\\s)Python(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  568. "type": "software"
  569. },
  570. "RAID HTTPServer, headers": {
  571. "alias": "RAID HTTPServer",
  572. "regex": "Server:\\s*RAID HTTPServer(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  573. "type": "software"
  574. },
  575. "Rapid Logic, headers": {
  576. "alias": "Rapid Logic",
  577. "regex": "Server:\\s*Rapid Logic(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  578. "type": "software"
  579. },
  580. "React, script": {
  581. "alias": "React",
  582. "regex": "/([\\d.]+)/react(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  583. "type": "software"
  584. },
  585. "Ruby on Rails, headers": {
  586. "alias": "cpe:/a:rubyonrails:ruby_on_rails",
  587. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*(?:mod_rails|mod_rack|Phusion[\\._ ]Passenger)(?: \\(mod_rails/mod_rack\\))?(?: ?/?([\\d\\.]+))?",
  588. "type": "cpe"
  589. },
  590. "SUSE, headers": {
  591. "alias": "cpe:/o:suse:linux_enterprise_server",
  592. "regex": "Server:\\s*SUSE(?:/?\\s?-?([\\d.]+))?|X-Powered-By:\\s*SUSE(?:/?\\s?-?([\\d.]+))?",
  593. "type": "cpe"
  594. },
  595. "Schneider Web Server, headers": {
  596. "alias": "Schneider Web Server",
  597. "regex": "Server:\\s*Schneider-WEB(?:/V?([\\d.]+))?",
  598. "type": "software"
  599. },
  600. "Sentinel Keys Server, headers": {
  601. "alias": "Sentinel Keys Server",
  602. "regex": "Server:\\s*SentinelKeysServer\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  603. "type": "software"
  604. },
  605. "Sentinel Protection Server, headers": {
  606. "alias": "Sentinel Protection Server",
  607. "regex": "Server:\\s*SentinelProtectionServer\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  608. "type": "software"
  609. },
  610. "Shapecss, script": {
  611. "alias": "Shapecss",
  612. "regex": "/([\\d.]+)/shapecss(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  613. "type": "software"
  614. },
  615. "Shopware, html": {
  616. "alias": "Shopware",
  617. "regex": "<title>Shopware ([\\d\\.]+) [^<]+",
  618. "type": "software"
  619. },
  620. "SimpleHTTP, headers": {
  621. "alias": "SimpleHTTP",
  622. "regex": "Server:\\s*SimpleHTTP(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  623. "type": "software"
  624. },
  625. "SonarQubes, html": {
  626. "alias": "SonarQubes",
  627. "regex": "<link href=\"/css/sonar\\.css?v=([\\d.]+)",
  628. "type": "software"
  629. },
  630. "SonarQubes, script": {
  631. "alias": "SonarQubes",
  632. "regex": "^/js/bundles/sonar\\.js?v=([\\d.]+)$",
  633. "type": "software"
  634. },
  635. "Splunk, html": {
  636. "alias": "cpe:/a:splunk:splunk",
  637. "regex": "<p class=\"footer\">&copy; [-\\d]+ Splunk Inc\\.(?: Splunk ([\\d\\.]+(?: build [\\d\\.]*\\d)?))?[^<]*</p>",
  638. "type": "cpe"
  639. },
  640. "SunOS, headers": {
  641. "alias": "cpe:/o:sun:sunos",
  642. "regex": "Server:\\s*SunOS( [\\d\\.]+)?|Servlet-engine:\\s*SunOS( [\\d\\.]+)?",
  643. "type": "cpe"
  644. },
  645. "TeamCity, html": {
  646. "alias": "cpe:/a:jetbrains:teamcity",
  647. "regex": "<span class=\"versionTag\"><span class=\"vWord\">Version</span> ([\\d\\.]+)",
  648. "type": "cpe"
  649. },
  650. "TornadoServer, headers": {
  651. "alias": "cpe:/a:tornadoweb:tornado",
  652. "regex": "Server:\\s*TornadoServer(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  653. "type": "cpe"
  654. },
  655. "Trac, html": {
  656. "alias": "cpe:/a:edgewall_software:trac",
  657. "regex": "Powered by <a href=\"[^\"]*\"><strong>Trac(?:[ /]([\\d.]+))?",
  658. "type": "cpe"
  659. },
  660. "TwistedWeb, headers": {
  661. "alias": "cpe:/a:twistedmatrix:twistedweb",
  662. "regex": "Server:\\s*TwistedWeb(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  663. "type": "cpe"
  664. },
  665. "Vue.js, script": {
  666. "alias": "Vue.js",
  667. "regex": "/([\\d.]+)/vue(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  668. "type": "software"
  669. },
  670. "W3 Total Cache, headers": {
  671. "alias": "cpe:/a:w3edge:total_cache",
  672. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*W3 Total Cache(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  673. "type": "cpe"
  674. },
  675. "WP Rocket, headers": {
  676. "alias": "WP Rocket",
  677. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*WP Rocket(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  678. "type": "software"
  679. },
  680. "Webs, headers": {
  681. "alias": "Webs",
  682. "regex": "Server:\\s*Webs\\.com/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  683. "type": "software"
  684. },
  685. "Winstone Servlet Container, headers": {
  686. "alias": "cpe:/a:jenkins:jenkins",
  687. "regex": "Server:\\s*Winstone Servlet (?:Container|Engine) v?([\\d.]+)?|X-Powered-By:\\s*Winstone(?:.([\\d.]+))?",
  688. "type": "cpe"
  689. },
  690. "Wowza Media Server, html": {
  691. "alias": "Wowza Streaming Engine",
  692. "regex": "<title>Wowza Media Server \\d+ ((?:\\w+ Edition )?\\d+\\.[\\d\\.]+(?: build\\d+)?)?",
  693. "type": "software"
  694. },
  695. "XAMPP, html": {
  696. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache_friends:xampp",
  697. "regex": "<title>XAMPP(?: Version ([\\d\\.]+))?</title>",
  698. "type": "cpe"
  699. },
  700. "Xregex, script": {
  701. "alias": "Xregex",
  702. "regex": "/([\\d.]+)/xregex(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  703. "type": "software"
  704. },
  705. "Xitami, headers": {
  706. "alias": "cpe:/a:imatix:xitami",
  707. "regex": "Server:\\s*Xitami(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  708. "type": "cpe"
  709. },
  710. "YUI Doc, html": {
  711. "alias": "YUI Doc",
  712. "regex": "(?:<html[^>]* yuilibrary\\.com/rdf/[\\d.]+/yui\\.rdf|<body[^>]+class=\"yui3-skin-sam)",
  713. "type": "software"
  714. },
  715. "Yaws, headers": {
  716. "alias": "cpe:/a:yaws:yaws",
  717. "regex": "Server:\\s*Yaws(?: ([\\d.]+))?",
  718. "type": "cpe"
  719. },
  720. "cPanel, headers": {
  721. "alias": "cpe:/a:cpanel:cpanel",
  722. "regex": "Server:\\s*cpsrvd/([\\d.]+)",
  723. "type": "cpe"
  724. },
  725. "debut, headers": {
  726. "alias": "debut",
  727. "regex": "Server:\\s*debut\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?",
  728. "type": "software"
  729. },
  730. "eDevice SmartStack, headers": {
  731. "alias": "eDevice SmartStack",
  732. "regex": "Server:\\s*eDevice SmartStack(?: ?/?([\\d.]+))?",
  733. "type": "software"
  734. },
  735. "eHTTP, headers": {
  736. "alias": "eHTTP",
  737. "regex": "Server:\\s*\beHTTP(?: v?([\\d\\.]+))?",
  738. "type": "software"
  739. },
  740. "gitlist, html": {
  741. "alias": "gitlist",
  742. "regex": "<p>Powered by <a[^>]+>GitList ([\\d.]+)",
  743. "type": "software"
  744. },
  745. "gitweb, html": {
  746. "alias": "gitweb",
  747. "regex": "<!-- git web interface version ([\\d.]+)?",
  748. "type": "software"
  749. },
  750. "gunicorn, headers": {
  751. "alias": "gunicorn",
  752. "regex": "Server:\\s*gunicorn(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  753. "type": "software"
  754. },
  755. "jQuery, script": {
  756. "alias": "cpe:/a:jquery:jquery",
  757. "regex": "/([\\d.]+)/jquery(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  758. "type": "software"
  759. },
  760. "jQuery Mobile, script": {
  761. "alias": "jQuery Mobile",
  762. "regex": "jquery\\.mobile(?:-([\\d.]+rc\\d))?.*\\.js(?:\\?ver=([\\d.]+))??\\1:\\2",
  763. "type": "software"
  764. },
  765. "jQuery UI, script": {
  766. "alias": "cpe:/a:jqueryui:jquery_ui",
  767. "regex": "([\\d.]+)/jquery-ui(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
  768. "type": "cpe"
  769. },
  770. "libwww-perl-daemon, headers": {
  771. "alias": "libwww-perl-daemon",
  772. "regex": "Server:\\s*libwww-perl-daemon(?:/([\\d\\.]+))?",
  773. "type": "software"
  774. },
  775. "lighttpd, headers": {
  776. "alias": "cpe:/a:lighttpd:lighttpd",
  777. "regex": "Server:\\s*lighttpd(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  778. "type": "cpe"
  779. },
  780. "mini_httpd, headers": {
  781. "alias": "cpe:/a:acme:mini_httpd",
  782. "regex": "Server:\\s*mini_httpd(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  783. "type": "cpe"
  784. },
  785. "mod_auth_pam, headers": {
  786. "alias": "mod_auth_pam",
  787. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_auth_pam(?:/([\\d\\.]+))?",
  788. "type": "software"
  789. },
  790. "mod_dav, headers": {
  791. "alias": "mod_dav",
  792. "regex": "Server:\\s*\b(?:mod_)?DAV\b(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  793. "type": "software"
  794. },
  795. "mod_fastcgi, headers": {
  796. "alias": "mod_fastcgi",
  797. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_fastcgi(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  798. "type": "software"
  799. },
  800. "mod_jk, headers": {
  801. "alias": "mod_jk",
  802. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_jk(?:/([\\d\\.]+))?",
  803. "type": "software"
  804. },
  805. "mod_perl, headers": {
  806. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:mod_perl",
  807. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_perl(?:/([\\d\\.]+))?",
  808. "type": "cpe"
  809. },
  810. "mod_python, headers": {
  811. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:mod_python",
  812. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_python(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  813. "type": "cpe"
  814. },
  815. "mod_rack, headers": {
  816. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:mod_rack",
  817. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_rack(?:/([\\d.]+))?|X-Powered-By:\\s*mod_rack(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  818. "type": "cpe"
  819. },
  820. "mod_rails, headers": {
  821. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:mod_rails",
  822. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_rails(?:/([\\d.]+))?|X-Powered-By:\\s*mod_rails(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  823. "type": "cpe"
  824. },
  825. "mod_ssl, headers": {
  826. "alias": "cpe:/a:modssl:mod_ssl",
  827. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_ssl(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  828. "type": "cpe"
  829. },
  830. "mod_wsgi, headers": {
  831. "alias": "cpe:/a:modwsgi:mod_wsgi",
  832. "regex": "Server:\\s*mod_wsgi(?:/([\\d.]+))?|X-Powered-By:\\s*mod_wsgi(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  833. "type": "cpe"
  834. },
  835. "phpMyAdmin, html": {
  836. "alias": "cpe:/a:phpmyadmin:phpmyadmin",
  837. "regex": "(?: \\| phpMyAdmin ([\\d.]+)<\\/title>|PMA_sendHeaderLocation\\(|<link [^>]*href=\"[^\"]*phpmyadmin\\.css\\.php)",
  838. "type": "cpe"
  839. },
  840. "thttpd, headers": {
  841. "alias": "cpe:/a:acme_labs:thttpd",
  842. "regex": "Server:\\s*\bthttpd(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  843. "type": "cpe"
  844. },
  845. "uKnowva, headers": {
  846. "alias": "uKnowva",
  847. "regex": "X-Content-Encoded-By:\\s*uKnowva ([\\d.]+)",
  848. "type": "software"
  849. },
  850. "wpCache, headers": {
  851. "alias": "wpCache",
  852. "regex": "X-Powered-By:\\s*wpCache(?:/([\\d.]+))?",
  853. "type": "software"
  854. },
  855. "Phusion Passenger": {
  856. "regex": "Phusion Passenger(?: \\([a-zA-Z_/]+\\))? ([\\d.]+)",
  857. "alias": "cpe:/a:phusion:passenger",
  858. "type": "cpe"
  859. },
  860. "IBM WebSphere Application Server": {
  861. "regex": "WebSphere Application Server/([\\d.]+)",
  862. "alias": "WebSphere",
  863. "type": "software"
  864. },
  865. "jQuery UI Core": {
  866. "regex": "jQuery UI Core ([\\d.]+)",
  867. "alias": "jquery-ui",
  868. "type": "software"
  869. },
  870. "Undertow": {
  871. "regex": "X-Powered-By: Undertow/([\\d.]+)",
  872. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:undertow",
  873. "type": "cpe"
  874. },
  875. "Google Web Toolkit (GWT)": {
  876. "regex": "\\$gwt_version\\s?=\\s?\"([\\d.]+)\"",
  877. "alias": "cpe:/a:google:web_toolkit",
  878. "type": "cpe"
  879. },
  880. "CKEditor": {
  881. "regex": "CKEDITOR.*version:\"([\\d.]+)\"",
  882. "alias": "cpe:/a:ckeditor:ckeditor",
  883. "type": "cpe"
  884. },
  885. "IBM TeaLeaf": {
  886. "regex": "X-TeaLeaf-UIEventCapture-Version: ([\\d.]+)",
  887. "alias": "cpe:/a:ibm:tealeaf_consumer_experience",
  888. "type": "cpe"
  889. },
  890. "Oracle Java": {
  891. "regex": "Oracle Corporation ([\\d\\._])+",
  892. "alias": "Oracle Java",
  893. "type": "software"
  894. },
  895. "Handlebars.js": {
  896. "regex": "Handlebars\\.VERSION\\s*=\\s*[\"']([\\w.]+)[\"']",
  897. "alias": "Handlebars",
  898. "type": "software"
  899. },
  900. "Microsoft IIS": {
  901. "regex": "Microsoft-IIS/([\\d.]+)",
  902. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:iis",
  903. "type": "cpe"
  904. },
  905. "Apache Cocoon": {
  906. "regex": "X-Cocoon-Version: ([\\d.]+)",
  907. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:cocoon",
  908. "type": "cpe"
  909. },
  910. "ASP.Net MVC Framework": {
  911. "regex": "X-AspNetMvc-Version: ([\\d.]+)",
  912. "alias": "cpe:/",
  913. "type": "cpe"
  914. },
  915. "Microsoft .Net Framework": {
  916. "regex": "Microsoft \\.NET Framework ([\\d.]+)",
  917. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:.net_framework",
  918. "type": "cpe"
  919. },
  920. "Microsoft SharePoint": {
  921. "regex": "MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices: ([\\d.]+)",
  922. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:sharepoint",
  923. "type": "cpe"
  924. },
  925. "WildFly": {
  926. "regex": "Server: WildFly/([\\d.]+)",
  927. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:jboss_wildfly_application_server",
  928. "type": "cpe"
  929. },
  930. "JBoss Enterprise Application Platform": {
  931. "regex": "JBoss-EAP/([\\d.]+)",
  932. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:jboss_enterprise_application_platform",
  933. "type": "cpe"
  934. },
  935. "Oracle iPlanet": {
  936. "regex": "Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/([\\d.]+.*)",
  937. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:iplanet_web_server",
  938. "type": "cpe"
  939. },
  940. "Igor Sysoev nginx": {
  941. "regex": "nginx/([\\d.]+)",
  942. "alias": "cpe:/a:igor_sysoev:nginx",
  943. "type": "cpe"
  944. },
  945. "OpenCms": {
  946. "regex": "OpenCms/([\\d.]+)",
  947. "alias": "cpe:/a:alkacon:opencms",
  948. "type": "cpe"
  949. },
  950. "Ember": {
  951. "regex": "Ember\\.VERSION\\s*=\\s*[\"']([\\w.]+)[\"']",
  952. "alias": "cpe:/a:emberjs:ember.js",
  953. "type": "cpe"
  954. },
  955. "Tornado Server": {
  956. "regex": "TornadoServer/([\\d.]+)",
  957. "alias": "cpe:/a:tornadoweb:tornado",
  958. "type": "cpe"
  959. },
  960. "Nexpose": {
  961. "regex": "NSC/([\\d.]+) \\(JVM\\)",
  962. "alias": "cpe:/a:rapid7:nexpose",
  963. "type": "cpe"
  964. },
  965. "Outlook Web Access": {
  966. "regex": "X-OWA-Version: ([\\d.]+)",
  967. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:outlook_web_access",
  968. "type": "cpe"
  969. },
  970. "Java Server Faces": {
  971. "regex": "JSF/([\\d.]+)",
  972. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:mojarra",
  973. "type": "cpe"
  974. },
  975. "Ruby": {
  976. "regex": "Ruby/([\\d.]+(?:/\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})?)",
  977. "alias": "Ruby",
  978. "type": "software"
  979. },
  980. "Oracle OpenSSO": {
  981. "regex": "Oracle OpenSSO ([\\d.]+.*)",
  982. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:opensso",
  983. "type": "cpe"
  984. },
  985. "Joomla!": {
  986. "regex": "Joomla! ([\\d.]+)",
  987. "alias": "Joomla",
  988. "type": "software"
  989. },
  990. "Apache Coyote (Tomcat)": {
  991. "regex": "Apache-Coyote/([\\d.]+)",
  992. "alias": "cpe:/a:apache:tomcat",
  993. "type": "cpe"
  994. },
  995. "Jetty": {
  996. "regex": "Jetty\\([v\\d.]+\\)",
  997. "alias": "cpe:/a:mortbay:jetty",
  998. "type": "cpe"
  999. },
  1000. "Oracle-Application-Server": {
  1001. "regex": "Oracle-Application-Server-([\\d.]+.*)",
  1002. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_server",
  1003. "type": "cpe"
  1004. },
  1005. "ASP.Net": {
  1006. "regex": "X-AspNet-Version: ([\\d.]+)",
  1007. "alias": "cpe:/",
  1008. "type": "cpe"
  1009. },
  1010. "Microsoft CRM": {
  1011. "regex": "var APPLICATION_FULL_VERSION = '([\\d.]+)';",
  1012. "alias": "cpe:/a:microsoft:business_solutions_crm",
  1013. "type": "cpe"
  1014. },
  1015. "JBoss": {
  1016. "regex": "JBPAPP_([\\d_]+(?:GA)?)",
  1017. "alias": "cpe:/a:redhat:jboss",
  1018. "type": "cpe"
  1019. },
  1020. "jQuery JavaScript Library": {
  1021. "regex": "jQuery JavaScript Library v([\\d.]+)",
  1022. "alias": "jquery",
  1023. "type": "software"
  1024. },
  1025. "Wordpress": {
  1026. "regex": "name=\"generator\" content=\"WordPress ([\\d.]+)\"",
  1027. "alias": "wordpress",
  1028. "type": "software"
  1029. },
  1030. "Java": {
  1031. "regex": "java\\/([\\d\\.\\_]+)",
  1032. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:jre",
  1033. "type": "cpe"
  1034. },
  1035. "GlassFish Server": {
  1036. "regex": "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition ([\\d\\.]+)",
  1037. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:glassfish_server",
  1038. "type": "cpe"
  1039. },
  1040. "Oracle Weblogic": {
  1041. "regex": "WebLogic (:?Server )?([\\d\\.]+)",
  1042. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:weblogic_server",
  1043. "type": "cpe"
  1044. },
  1045. "Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g": {
  1046. "regex": "Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g \\(([\\d\\.]+)\\)",
  1047. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_server",
  1048. "type": "cpe"
  1049. },
  1050. "Oracle Application Server 10g": {
  1051. "regex": "Oracle.Application.Server.10g\\/([\\d\\.]+)",
  1052. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_server",
  1053. "type": "cpe"
  1054. },
  1055. "Oracle Application Server": {
  1056. "regex": "Oracle Application Server\\/([\\d\\.]+)",
  1057. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_server",
  1058. "type": "cpe"
  1059. },
  1060. "Oracle9iA": {
  1061. "regex": "Oracle9iAS\\/([\\d\\.]+)",
  1062. "alias": "cpe:/a:oracle:application_server",
  1063. "type": "cpe"
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. }
  1067. }
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