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a guest
Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. while True:
  2. answer = input("you make your choice of....")
  3. if answer == "L" or answer == "R" or answer == "F":
  4. break
  5. else:
  6. print("Please pick either \"L\", \"R\" or \"F\" ")
  7. pass
  8. if answer =="F":
  9. print(" keep going forward....")
  10. time.sleep(3)
  11. print(random.choice(self.ArrayDeath))
  12. print("the maze consumes another....")
  13. sys.exit(0)
  14. elif answer =="R":
  15. print(" go right and see a part of the maze wall collapsed your way is blocked....")
  16. time.sleep(2)
  17. print(" turn around and must go another way....")
  18. time.sleep(2)
  19. print(" must decide to go left (L) or forward (F)....")
  20. answer = input("make another choice....")
  21. print("you choose",answer,"...what will happen?....")
  22. elif answer =="L":
  23. time.sleep(3)
  24. print("you walk left and you see a figure standing in the middle of the path....")
  25. print("you go closer the stranger, he turns to you....")
  26. print("he is saying something, buy you don't understand what it is....")
  27. print("before you the world changes it melts and twists....")
  28. time.sleep(2)
  29. print("he asks you to tell him a number....")
  30. answer = input("a number he whispers....")
  31. if answer == "7":
  32. print("the stranger looks at you....")
  33. time.sleep(3)
  34. print("you are correct....")
  35. time.sleep(3)
  36. print("before you he holds out the key....")
  37. time.sleep(3)
  38. print("he gestures for you to take it....")
  39. time.sleep(3)
  40. print("you grab a hold of it....")
  41. time.sleep(5)
  42. print("....and you see a beautiful grassy path with trees")
  43. time.sleep(3)
  44. print("at the end is a stone arch gate way, you have found the way out, you are free....")
  45. time.sleep(6)
  46. print("....for know....")
  47. sys.exit(0)
  48. else:
  49. print("the figue dissapears before your eyes.....")
  50. time.sleep(2)
  51. print("you keep going forward")
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