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May 23rd, 2019
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  1. When you rub the balloon on your hair, tiny parts of the atoms in your hair, called ELECTRONS, collected on the balloon. These electrons have a NEGATIVE charge. Now that the balloon has a negative charge, it is attracted to things that have a POSITIVE charge.
  2. hen you bring the negatively charged balloon near the faucet it is attracted to the POSITIVE force of the water. The attraction is strong enough to actually pull the water towards the balloon as it is flowing! It is thanks to what scientist call static electricity.
  3. When you rub the balloon on your hair you’re moving around tiny little pieces of electricity called electric charges. There are two kinds of electric charges, positive charges and negative charges. By rubbing the balloon on your hair you’re taking negative charges from the hair and transferring them to the balloon. The balloon ends up negatively charged and the hair becomes positively charged. Positive and negative charges are attracted to each other so the hair tries to stick to the balloon. It’s the same with the can. The can has both positive and negative charges and its positive charges are very attracted to the negative charges on the balloon, which causes the can to roll towards the balloon.
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