
Arkham Horror Rules

Nov 14th, 2019
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  1. There's tons of stuff in the game.
  2. Let me try to write some simple summaries to remember and to share with you guys.
  3. So:
  4. Each character starts with 5 cards from their deck.
  5. Decks can be modified/upgraded over time with experience.
  6. Characters advance from one scenario to the other unless it dictates that they were KILLED or driven INSANE, even if they were defeated they advance but may have permanent trauma effects.
  8. Each scenario follows a campaign that unlike Eldritch Horror where encounters are kind of random, each location and stuff follows specific Acts and stuff in order. Like this campaign about strange disapperances, starting at The Study ("You been studying the strange happenings for days now, your desk is covered in newspaper articles police reports and witness accounts"). And when Investigators start at (or assuming, reach) a location the location gets flipped ("The door to your study has vaninshed" lol).
  9. A lot of the setup is automated, I literally clicked 1 button and the Encounter Deck, the Act Deck, and all that stuff was placed and sorted automatically.
  10. The Lead Investigator in this case seems to be used to make decisions and stuff sometimes, like tie breakers.
  11. The player's primary objective is to gather clues and use them to advance through the Act Deck until a resolution is reached.
  12. The Agenda Deck is the bad guy's objectives, if that reaches its conclusion it would usually not be great for investigators.
  13. Encounter Cards can trigger resolutions (There's an icon for it); Refer to the resolution text that matches the number in the icon, in the Campaign Guide, to discover how to proceed.
  14. If all investigators are eliminated during a scenario, the "if no resolution was reached" conclusion should be used.
  15. "In Player Order" means Lead Investigator then Clockwise Players.
  16. "Per Investigator" icon is the same as eldritch horror.
  17. There are Magic mechanics lol. "Ready" and "Exhausted" cards (Right side up or Flipped sideways).
  18. Locations start unrevealed then become revealed and flipped, and dictate how many clues are to spawn in that location.
  19. Skill Checks:
  20. To perform a skill check the player reveals a random chaos token from the chaos bag, which modifies their skill value. If the modifier is equal to or exceeds the check's difficulty, they succeed automatically.
  21. Weird. Shouldn't that be a die? I feel like that should be a dice.
  22. I guess there's 16 tokens and sometimes more or less bad ones depending on difficulty, so cant be dice.
  24. RhyfelToday at 7:19 PM
  25. Before drawing chaos tokens tho an investigator may boost their skill value.
  26. 2 ways: Use cards from the hand with matching symbols as the skill check's stat, as many as they want. While investigators in the same space can also use their own cards to boost that player's skill check, but only 1 per investigator.
  27. If cards are used, they get discarded after the skill check. Some effects may happen when the skill check ends before they get discarded.
  28. Or: Activate (symbol) free trigger abilities.
  29. Chaos Tokens:
  30. Symbols = Specific modifiers found at the Scenario Card.
  31. Eldritch Start Thingy = Character's ability, found in the character sheet.
  32. Eldritch Tentacle Thingy = Auto Fail.
  33. Weakness cards suck, if one is drawn resolve "revelation" immediately.
  34. Round Sequence:
  35. Mythos (Skip on turn 1).
  36. Investigation.
  37. Bad Guys.
  38. Upkeep.
  39. Investigation Phase:
  40. Players decide which investigator goes first and 2nd and what not (This may come in handy for specific situations, otherwise doing a clockwise or something would be easier).
  41. Each player has 3 Actions, and can use any of them even multiple times.
  42. Draw 1 Card.
  43. Gain 1 Resource.
  44. Activate an (action trigger icon) ability.
  45. Engage a bad guy on the same location.
  46. Investigate the same location.
  47. Move to a new connecting location.
  48. Play an Asset or Eveent Card from their hand.
  49. Attempt to Evade a bad guy that is already engaged with them.
  50. Fight a bad guy in the same location.
  51. If an investigator is engaged with 1 or more bad guys: Performing any action OTHER than Evade or Fight or to Activate an ability with either Parley or Resign causes each of the bad guys to attack. Its an Attack of Opportunity.
  52. To Investigate for Clues: Book check against the "shroud level" of the location card.
  53. Scrolls up Man this shit is complicated, sorry for spam but one of us has to go through it and writing makes it easier to understand/remember too xD.
  54. Advancing the Act Deck can be done as a free action in an Investigator's turn, each act card requires [x] number of clues which is spent as a group.
  55. Unless the act card has an OBJECTIVE.
  56. Act Card gets flipped and read then set aside and new act comes into play. Any clues spent advancing Acts get returned to box/pool, any not spent remain in inventory.
  57. Monsters:
  58. Engaged monsters are placed in the player's character sheet threat area thingy. If a player Evades they check Agility against their engaged monster's agility, if won the monster is returned to the location flipped sideways (exhausted).
  59. To use the "Play" action:
  60. Top left of asset and evnt cards = resource amount that must be paid when using.
  61. If its an Eveent Card it gets discarted after using.
  62. If its an Asset it goes into play and becomes active until something removes it.
  63. If its Skill Cards they can only be used in Skill Checks.
  64. Cards with "Fast" do not cost an action to play, but still cost their resource to use.
  65. There's also inventory slots in the character sheet (lol) so you can only have one Hand type card per Hand slot (2). Unless the asset card has no symbols.
  66. To replace a card already occupying the slot, discard the one you want.
  68. RhyfelToday at 8:17 PM
  69. To use the "Fight" action:
  70. Check Combat against monster's combat: If win = 1 damage.
  71. If victory points gained = place card in shared victory pile.
  72. (Fuckn overcomplicating shit now)
  73. If combat fails deal no damage but if monster is engaged with ANOTHER investigator, deal 1 damage to that investigator.
  74. Bad Guys: Hunters move 1 space towards investigators. When engaged, bad guys attack investigators and deal both Damage and Horror at the same time per attack and become "Exhausted". Attacks of Opportunity can only be dealt by not-exhausted monsters and it does not "exhaust" them.
  75. UpKeep Phase:
  76. Ready all exhausted cards.
  77. Each unengaged monster at a player location, engages them.
  78. Each investigator draws 1 card and 1 resource.
  79. Each investigator with more than 8 cards has to discard to reach 8.
  80. Mythos Phase:
  81. Place 1 doom token on the current agenda.
  82. Compare the number of doom tokens (in play and agenda) to the doom threshold of the current agenda. If its equal or greater, advance agenda deck.
  83. Discarding all doom tokens from play, flipping the agenda card, reading and then discarding it.
  84. In player order, each investigator draws the top card.
  85. Treachery: Does something and discard.
  86. Bad guys: Spawn and engage the player, unless it says "Spawn at something".
  87. Engaged monsters move if the investigators move.
  88. That concludes the basic rules. Theres Deck Building mechanics and shit for advanced replaythroughs.
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