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Mar 26th, 2019
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  1. Phil 'Acrxze' Davies
  3. I am 18 years of age, final year at Sixth Form college, studying IT, Media and Product Design. I currently have a job meaning I work roughly two shifts a week, tends to be a Friday evening and Saturday morning.
  5. I have some strong links involved in the pro aspect of gaming, I am Personal Manager for Levino, who was the CEO for a large organisation known as 'Lucky7 Gaming'. He holds the world record for most kills in a duo game in H1, cannot go more indepth on this than already have as it is confidential. I also have a strong friendship with Shooky, the man who is management in EU Practice Cord. Boyer, W4rpfps and Sensor (lost his twitter at 8k) are all aware of me and follow me on Twitter (odd flex?!?!).
  7. I achieved 24th in Atlantis Duo Finals out of 2.5k contenders, messing up 2 of our matches mid-game due to w keyers, hindering the points I got.
  9. Was a Gauntlet Duo Grand Finalist, failed to maximise on my points due to people storm-pushing and gate-keeping.
  11. Recently myself and Kalil have been testing the waters and we both see good chemistry and we have good comms. We won in the past day and a half around 5 stacked end game lobbies in the gauntlet at 100 points meaning we were facing good players. We both have our expertise and know how to navigate endgame.
  13. I specialise in high ground in end-game and play passively throughout the game, Kalil has a nasty low-ground play but can adapt to what is best and will enable us to win.
  15. I am tempted to attend the GGCircuit LAN which is happening all over Europe, however I do not want it to disrupt my school work as that is my main priority.
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