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Slumber Sept.22.2019

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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. MalfurionXXI Harvest season meant big business for Mauger, and it also meant that distant and local distributors, businesses, and retail locations were clamoring and wanting to sell the product that the ancient clan was making. That also meant that Quarterly review and reports were due by the end of the month, so everyone was in a panic trying to appease the lord of the castle, Malik. The Tzimisce Methuselah was a bit of a legend among the kindred, successfully living in modern times and thriving. Not many clans as a large group could even achieve as much, let alone a small bloodline in one location. "Next week, " The plain-faced brunette secretary of a local business owner showed Malik around and gave a detailed tour, even, but He had long since plucked the information from her mind and went about doing what He pleased, nodding appropriately. Anytime the poor girl looked at Him she couldn't stop blushing and Malik just shrugged it off. He had palms to cross and deals to make or break as He saw fit. It wasn't much of a surprise to find Malk doing this or that while someone was talking to Him, "Ah, yes." He nodded, looking at the papers she had handed Him and then walked from one room to the next as He admired the detail of the paintings and sculpture in the place. Familiar places bored Him, sometimes greatly, but not at the moment, not with the way a few of the demons He had contracted with had decided that it would make them look better by telling the Master of Demons what things He wanted to know. "Fall Harvest will be..." Mal almost groaned out loud wanting to just walk away and send someone else to do this, but then remembered that He did have a reason to be doing His own Day job and not some doppelganger aka younger version Malik clone.
  2. KaliAife: Aife hadn't gone very far at all from the Mauger castle, her childer was there after all and she truly wanted to see him, at the very least speak with him about his ordeal and why she wasn't there to help, sure she had buisness meetings and such within the local town, this time of year was by far the most lucrative when it came to anything lineage, something about the harvest air seemingly played into those simple minds of the kine to search out their family history, it was one thing Aife could never truly understand herself, but than again, she was always at work with lineage among other things. She felt she had over stepped with a highly influencial being that shared the same passion for the work she did, and she truly wanted to make it up to him, though what could one possibly give an ancient being such as the demon lord when he could simply just go out and buy it or take it for himself, the same thing she would expect any to give her, knowledge, or at the very least the beginnings of how to reach said knowledge, she had always remembered the fact that Malik was not your typical knowledge whore, he would not take without giving something in return, her argument this time around, he had given her childer a home and aid when he needed it most, for that she would be eternally grateful, and the best way to appologize now would be the knowledge of her own bloodline, the Kiasyd. One of the more highly guarded and well protected lines in the kindred world, simply because she kept it that way, but how best to give such a vast knowledge. She found herself wondering the streets of the town, taking in the sights and sounds, the scents of the harvest, dressed to the nines in her favorite designers custom dress as she allowed her illusional blue hues to dance over the many varying items on display within the store windows and shelves, using the many shadows to see the many ongoings within the shops themselves, stopping from time to when something caught her attention.
  3. MalfurionXXI Malik glowered as per usual on a bit of a dark simmer, details, it was all in the details. Did they have to get so idiotic? He was centuries older than most other vampires or bare minimum a hundred years at least. He finished that meetin and left the building, walking to the car out front, a sleep charcoal black limozine waiting for Him. Making appearances also ment making "human" appearances. Suit, tie, vest were the sharply cut designer suit and jacket that Malik wore and gloves also. He had never liked being touched so there was a distinct lack of bare skin to the Man but what you could see was slightly dark tan and even darker facial hair that was the same silky and shiney as His hair that was currently pulled back on top and shaved underneath a bit. Definitely not a 'main stream' look but one of stunningly beautiful masculinity. Instead of getting into the vehicle He answered His phone and smiled momentarily hearing Octavian's voice on the other line. "Alright, I'll be there in a bit. I've still got a few businesses to make nice with before I get back. An hour tops and I'm starting to dominate everyone else and just get it over with." He hung up the phone and flipped through messages then.
  4. KaliAife: The sharp blue hues of her gaze flowed down the length of the street to a rather sleek vehicle outside one of the buildings, a light grin crossing her pale lips as she knew full well who or what would be transported in such a car, she often rode around in one herself, 'So he does leave the seclusion of his castle.' she teased with a soft chuckle to herself, making nice with the locals was one thing that most ancients truly hated doing, but to keep up appearances and to save face as it were, they often didn't have much of a choice, the only part of it that they honestly had any choice in when it came to it was how. Aife often chose the high class partys and fundraiser events, mostly for her own gain really, it brought a great deal of business to the pharmasudical brands, the ancestrail branch being more of a side project that took off once the lienage shows began to air. Malik it seemed stuck to a more traditional route, being as secluded as the Tzim clans desired it was understandable, the idea of the castle still producing such fluriosing crops brought back that nestalgic sense, remembering her first time coming to the lands with her own Sire, but as the Ancient being stepped out of the building and stopped by his car to answer his phone, there was something else that caught her attention, something within the darker shadows nearby, as beautiful as the man had always appeared her sight was drawn away from him as she turned to hone in on the curiosity, using to the surrounding shadows as her ears to listen to the many conversations through out the entire town, slowly sifting through them as she drew in closer.
  5. MalfurionXXI Malik went straight to the one message thread He was looking for and pulled a phone number from it and dialed it, "Let's meet now, I have a meeting delayed and canceled. Come see Me." ---silence--- "Yes. I'm in town." ---silence--- "Yeah, I'll meet you there." Malik clicked the power button on His cell and ended the conversation which was all of 0.30 milliseconds between the two speakers and then Malik pocketed the phone and got into the limo. "The Cafe, Manon. I am skipping over this next appointment, they keep delaying or turning down orders. I hate wasting My time with these pathetic mortals." Malik glowered and then His gaze turned to look out the blackened window of the Limo at something, not really focusing on anything, just sensing things. Those Koldun magics always told a far more detailed story of who and what was around Him than anything else ever did, and it never failed. The window between the beautiful, sleek black-haired beauty that was driving the limo closed as Malik telekinetically hit the button to close that black window. His current secretary, Manon, a young Mauger Revenant who had great potential with her various skills and Malik always prefered to have one of them with Him instead of another of the vampire family itself. More privacy that way, and she knew it. She blinked her silver-grey eyes and sighed mentally, never a word was spoken from her lips, just a simple nod or shake of the head. She wasn't one of the older members of the Revenants, but she was old enough to know how things were expected to go and so on and so forth. A second chance with the Lord never happened, and everyone knew that. Telepathy and Auspex abilities were always of import so best keep on your toes, she had always been told. Going on seventy years old and she still looking like she was barely even in her twenties, Manon was usually more silent than talkative anyway and used that to her advantage a lot. Malik paid no attention to her or any of the other Revenants unless He needed something. He could drive Himself, but that was not pertinent in this day and age, not with the various titles He held in both the Modern and Vampire world. The limousine pulled up to the Cafe Malik had spoken of and He got out without a word. He ignored that feeling of being watched by something or someone and walked into the building, supernatural senses leading the way as usual and always alert despite His seemingly cold and aloof air of nobility and affluence.
  6. KaliAife: Kali Aife was more than aware of the Tzim Ancient's limo pulling away from the front of the building before she moved from the street side into the alley way, her curiosity was more than pulled at this point, as she was certain she recognized the scent and voice of the one within, though she was cautious neverhteless of the other. Taking to the shadows she kept herself very well concealed, her energy, her scent everything and anything about her was kept from all prying eyes and senses, those deep inkly pools watching the ongoings of the two, it was the woman from other night at the castle. Long thick full raven black locks hung around her face to hide what features she could, fairly large sunglasses covering her eyes, heavy thick layers of black clothing and typical running shoes to finish the so called disguise, though she wasn't entirely sure who it was she thought she was trying to hide from, the woman's scent was absolutely undeniable. 'Oh dear Malik, what is your lovely little mate up to?' she thought to herself as the woman met with another, a male dressed far less incomspicios than the woman did, more casual and comfortable, not trying to hide from any one or anything, though his scent spoke highly that this face was not his own, another Tzim, curious if Malik knew there were others within his territory. She watched as the woman handed off a simple slip of paper to the man, and he tucked it into his pocket before both took their leave, she was certain she would know where the woman was going so she would follow the man, leaving the tracking to the shadows for the woman. It didn't take much to catch up to the man, using the shadows within his pocket she would slip the note from within, allowing it to fall to the ground as he continued to walk away. The long red flow of the dress fabric slipped along the ground as she stepped up to the note, her inkly pools shifting back to their usual sky blue tones as crouched down, her delicate fingers picking the paper from the ground before opening it to read the contents, "Typical, coding" she huffed before slipping her fingers into the slit like pocket to pull out her phone, quickly dialing a number, "Ma chérie, j'ai une note à décoder dès que possible" (My dear, I have a note to decode asap) her perfect french words flowed past her lips as she spoke into the phone, taking the phone from her ear to snap a [picture and sent it off to the person on the other end. "Envoyez-moi le message quand vous l'avez et envoyez-le rapidement."(Text me the sypher when you have it, and make it quick.) she ended the call and slipped the phone back into the small pocket, looking to the shadows to find the Ancient Lord of the lands before stepping through. She kept herself within the shadows nearest the alley way by the cafe where she found him, "Tu es belle petite copine semble plutôt occupée ce soir ma chérie." (You're beautiful little mate seems rather busy tonight dear)
  7. MalfurionXXI _l'isolotto_ was not actually a Cafe, it was a very expensive up-scale restaurant and nearly the most expensive in Romania to date. It had the best food, the best wine, etc. Malik preferred to visit the restaurant because of its extensive alcohol and wine selection which was one thing He did not often drink, but when He did it was always Red, extremely expensive, and thick with blood. Yes, the restaurant was Italian, but had many Romanian-Italian blended dishes that mortals could enjoy but Malik never ate in public as a rule, mainly because He would 'never have the time' as an old excuse, but He did not and could not actually stomach food any more than a glass of wine or an alcoholic beverage. A steaming hot, black, coffee-espresso blend was the only other beverage that He would drink that was not blood. The Maitre'D welcomed Him with a silent nod, recognizing the Romanian Lord from many previous visits and automatically signaled for His order to be delivered as He sat down at the table where His contact would meet with Him shortly. The waiter poured the wine expertly from a crystal cut glass decanter and Malik barely even made a move to thank the man aside from a short, curt, nod. Scenting the bouquet of the wine itself even before it had been poured into His glass Malik paused momentarily to go through the motions of doing so as a wine connoisseur would, swirling the liquid in the glass, inhaling the aroma through the nose and then exhaling to capture the full body of its origins. With the Koldun magic intensifying every sense it was as if He could smell the very earth and grapes themselves from before they were even harvested. It was a pleasant vintage, about sixty years old, not bad. They did have better in the past, but it would do. Another nod and the waiter left Malik alone at the table. He took one drink from the glass and sat back in the high-backed chair and waited. Then hearing the voice of a very familiar lady in His mind Malik smiled to Himself at the table. -"Ah, I was wondering if you would speak with Me before leaving. What have you found out?"- He asked her mentally, knowing most of what she would say pertaining to His beautiful and seemingly demure, mate, but would not let on to the fact He already knew of her secret comings and goings. And most anyone who knew Malik knew that nothing escaped the notice of the Ancient Tzimisce Lord if they were smart, and why the young Mekhet happened to think that a clever disguise would fool anyone of the Mauger Tzimisce was beyond Him.
  8. KaliAife: "Je ne partirais jamais sans un simple au revoir au moins" (I would never leave without a simple goodbye at the very least) She didn't need to be in the restruant to be able to take in all the smells of the foods and drinks that were served through out the entire building, it was honestly something she never truly did enjoy herself, she put on the good mask and joined in on rare occasion as was customary in some aspects of her kine appearance, but when it came right down to it, she would honestly and truly prefer the delicacy of the fresh blood provided by the deep bite, she didn't have a preference of blood type, nor region really, just as long as the blood was warm. She leaned back against the wall of the building, keeping her frame deep within the shadows as she conitnued to speak with Malik, "Il semblerait que votre compagnon ait rencontré un autre Tzim, dans votre pays tout de même, en passant des notes comme une jolie petite écolière. Bien qu’ils soient codés, j’attends actuellement le passage du sypher" (It would seem your mate has been meeting with another Tzim, in your toerritory nevertheless, passing notes like a cute little school girl. Though they are coded, I'm currently waiting for the sypher to come through.) The long soft red fabric of her dress hung perfectly from her tiny frame, if you were to place the two ancients side by side she would seem as though she could fit perfectly into the breast pocket of his jacket, though if you knew Lady Aife, you would know she would never be caught dead traveling in such a manner, she was far too stubborn for such a thing. "Une fois que j'ai reçu le message, je vous l'enverrai si vous le souhaitez, même si, honnêtement, je commence à sentir que quelque chose de bien plus sombre se prépare, et que votre partenaire n'est pas ce qu'elle semble être. Je vais suivre celui qu'elle a rencontré, laissez-moi savoir quand vous aurez terminé votre repas, et peut-être pourrions-nous en parler plus longuement?" (Once I have the sypher I shall send it to you if you would like, though honestly I'm beginning to sense something far darker is afoot, and your mate is not who she seems to be. I will be tracking the one she met with, let me know when you're finished your meal, and perhaps we can speak in length of the matter?) With those words spoken she slipped back into the shadows and moved back through the city to catch up to her intended target, once again keeping everything about herself from any prying senses of any kind.
  9. Lamonous: This was insane, Crazy, or many other words could he discribe this insanity. The contact that had contacted the old Vampire was nervous. Technically this could be considered double crossing, only technically, But this was a mission of peace. The man was so normal he blended in to every situation like a fly on the wall and thats what made him perfect at what he did, thats what attracted That mant o him. When he thought of the man that came to him he shivered and shook, knowing he was dead either way he had to accept this rediculou position he was in. The man wore a blazer, a button up collar shirt, and some dress pants as he came into the Beautiful restraunt with a hurried step and began rambling of f toe the man in charge about where he needed to go and whom he was looking for. HE found the table he was looking for, pamplet in hand, infront of a man that would have made the greeks envy, but he assumed he knew what he was, he was to perfect to be anything else. He shivered abit and greated him, again his voie shaking as he did but sat down looking in as many directions as he could "H-How are you tonight "He said casually and tried to relax into the atmosphere.
  10. MalfurionXXI Malik only barely moved to breathe as He sat there holding the glass of wine in His hand and casually drinking from it, it was darker in color now as He added a bit of blood to the wine from a nearby and completely unsuspecting victim. Fresh blood was always better than a glass of wine, but in public in the early hours of the evening even on an overcast day as it was He stood out but it seemed that not many ever approached the exceptionally tall, dark clothed and featured Mauger Lord. Even when people recognized who He was they only ever whispered about Him and even that was kept to very hushed tones. 'Who is he, is that...' And so forth. That was part of Malik's Presence, eerie and painfully beautiful, and so not approachable, just like a wolf among sheep. And He liked it that way. The stuttering of the human male was annoying at the least, and the expression on Malik's face only changed a little as He met the man's gaze. "Calm yourself, Alfred. No need to make a scene." He said in a very low voice that only would be heard by the man He spoke to by name. "I am not going to waste My time to be here, in public, and have people talk and spread rumors, so please, have a seat Alfred." He used his name purposefully to dominate his mind and settle a bit of calm over the poor fellow so people would stop staring at him and go back to their meal as if nothing had happened. This all happened in just a few moments and then Alfred would find himself seated across from the Ancient One as calm as could be. In His mind Malik sighed a bit and let Aife know what He knew already. -"I have already discovered her comings and goings starting with the first incident. I do not believe she is doing this on her own whatsoever, but it's poorly planned out. I believe they want Me to track her and follow her into some sort of trap which is why I'm avoiding the issue at present. I have other mundane business items to tend to, but I did see that she had passed off a missive, coded or otherwise, a few times now."- Malik's attention remained on Alfred until the man spoke to Him again, waiting with what seemed an endless scope of patience, or tolerance at least. "I am well, though time is short. Please, speak." His voice was deeply accented Romanian English and very, very proper as any Noble would be.
  11. KaliAife: She followed the man to what appeared to be a rather lavish hotel, she'd pull herself rom the shadows to take solidity once more as she kept her gaze to the shadows, using them as her eyes and ears as she continued to follow the man through the hotel, clearly this one had a plan a set path, he did not waver in the least as his steps carried him to the elevator and up to a floor near the top, the suites of nearly all hotels sat within the top 4 floors. "Il semblerait que celui auquel elle est engagée est assez riche." (It would seem the one she is contracted to is quite wealthy) she was beginning to piece it all together, she honestly didn't think she needed to see who was on the other side of the hotel room door as the reached to open it, the back of the beings head facing towards the door, but she knew that scent. No matter how many time they changed their appearance over the years, she was absolutely certain now. "Malik love, tu as des problèmes bien plus importants que ton affaire Kine Meanial" (Malik love, you have much bigger problems than you meanial kine business.) she shared the image of the face as the being turned to face the one entering the room. Aife grinning when the man got panicy at the missing note, patting himself down in an attempt to find it, she wasn't going to bother the rest of it as she watched the man's frame fall along the side of the hotel. "Pitty." she thought to herself. Just than her phone chimed notifying her off the text she had been waiting for, hopefully, pulling the small device from the small pocket to peer at the screen, "Your sweet little mate is in rather deep with your Sire deary. Best decide what is to be done. Seems Olivia darling is lookig to make her move soon." she would text the sypher to his phone before slipping the phone back into it's place. Stepping through the shadows to her own hotel on the other side of the city, she was no where near dressed for such a confrontation, slipping from her red gown she let it fall to the floor in a heap, moving through her room in nothing but her pale flesh, going to work on the first of four braids as she pulled a black top with a single sleeve, black pants and simple ankle boots, and dressing rather quickly. She'd finish the lst of the braids and grab her phone from the pile of fabric along the floor. "Will have to remember to thank Kassia for such a lovely dress." she spoke out loud before stepping back into the shadows.
  12. MalfurionXXI Malik heard every word from Lady Aife as she spoke to Him, His eyebrows raising just a touch at the revelation but not entirely surprised either. The pack had nearly finished dealing with Raven's Sire and of course She would take advantage of the group being in the middle of a small, yet invisible, war. Ready to pounce when they were down and take further advantage of a surprise attack timed at the precise moment in the future. -"Well, I did not see that coming, but She is a sly one."- He kept speaking through the connection as the man He was meeting with rambled on about something the Sabbat were doing and basically wasting His time. He stood up and left the cafe without saying another word to him. -"Manon, cancel all further meetings for My day and return to the Castle. I have other pressing matters to deal with and they are not involving kine."- He practically growled out the message to the young Revenant waiting in the limousine outside and stepped into the shadows the moment He was out of sight and right into the shadows in the hotel where the dress was about to hit the floor and caught it in His hand instead. "Indeed, Lady Kesenia will be delighted to hear from you, Lady Aife. As always." He chuckled lightly and smiled a bit admiring her form as she pulled on that black top and pants, knowing what she was going to say before she said it. Malik then set the dress down on the bed with care, lightly grazing His gloved hand over the fabric taking in the deep red color of it for a moment and stepped into the shadows along with Lady Aife. It was better for the Ancient Tzimisce not to be in the public eye if that kind of people were following Him closely as He suspected the man, Alfred, had been trying to say something of import about Viridian, His mate. Under no circumbstances would He surrender her to anyone. She had betrayed Him. -"I have other plans for My mate, and a coffin waiting for her to sleep in for the next fifty years, give or take a century or two for how angry I am."- He snarled. -"Did you see what she has been sending to Her? She had access to everything, Aife. Well, nearly everything. Not My Lab, but she had access to My private quarters for all this time."- Malik's aura was easily ten times darker than the shadows which surrounded them at that moment, seething with fury to the point that His normally black abbysal gaze was glowing red with bloodlust.
  13. KaliAife: She only glanced back at him as she felt his presence within her hotel room, smirking at him playfully before slipping into her new outfit, when opportunity arose she was not one to deny those who desired a peek to see what it was she was like in the full, touching how ever was a different story entirely, Malik wasn't entirely wrong on the whole idea of not like being touched, she was much the same, but she certainly did enjoy playing with those buttons of his regardless. "Kesenia always knows how to treat a woman to a fine dress." she giggled lightly to his comment before slipping her ankle boots on and grabbing her phone and the note from the pocket of the dress before stepping into the shadows with him. She would hand him the note for him to see for himself as she brought up the sypher she had received through text on her phone, "It helps having some of the worlds leading code breakers in dire need of some rather .... unique medications." she spoke slyfully. "It would seem your lovely little mate has been guiding Olivia through your day to day, along with the ongoings of your grandchilde and heir, and his wonderful little pack. Olivia has tangled with my own childe once before and well you know all too well how that went. She will not be prepared for what comes at her the next time she tangles with any one of those in that pack." She shifted through the darkening shadows as she follwed the tracking she left prior to follow the Mehket back towards the castle, "How ever, as for your mates fate, I do not agree, she deserves a swift end honestly, she had betrayed you, her mate and lord, an ancient, and you'll simply give her sleep?" she almost seemed annoyed at this thought, "That is not the Malik I know, has she truly softened you so much so that you have forgotten who you are? Or are you hoping she will beg for forgiveness so that you may embrace her in the thralls of everlasting love." that last part was said with such a corny, lovey dovey tone it seemed like she were reading a fairy tale to a young child. His aura might have been dark in comparison to the typical shadows, but as they moved through them, the shadows themselves would seem to alter as well, darkening at her very whim as she pulled the energies of the abyss through them, using them as more or less a conduit of sorts to feed herself, the anger that wafted from his being made her own hunger spike, having been empathic prior to her embrace all those centuries ago, her hunger reacted intensly to those emotions around her, and right now the only one that stood the strongest was his. She would step from the shadows just at the borderline of his castle, looking to him with the deep inkly pooled gaze, crossing her arms over her frame just under her breasts as she stood, "I can stand idily by while this woman threatens the well being of my own childe, or childe-in-law for that matter. But she is your mate, and it is her betrayal to you, however I truly hope you change your mind and offer her a true death rather than a coffin." her tone was harsh, cold and yet still held that stern 'do it or else' sort of tone to it.
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