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POPO part 1

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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  4. Popo4456
  9. Search
  13. This is the beginning of your direct message history with @Popo4456.
  14. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:12 PM
  15. Dear Popo, it has come to my attention that you make hemorrhoids blush at how insanely intollerable you are. Have you though of the consequences of your requests? Nay! You have merely been thinking about how to divide 1 by zero. You simply dont make sense. I dont understand how a persons brain can have less computing power than a potato. Think for a second about your request to the server. You must not know how things work behind the scene, and neither do I, however that does not take away from the insanity of the request being made. Make a new server and give everyone their pokemon back!?! Do you even math bro? You must not know how long that will take. So simply put, think before you speak, and this is on behalf of me, myself, and I. Just stop thinking because its very annoying.
  16. Popo4456 - Today at 6:12 PM
  17. cool story bruh
  18. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:13 PM
  19. 1. Not a story
  20. 2. not your brother
  21. Im just a concerned person
  22. Popo4456 - Today at 6:14 PM
  23. I can assure you I am more concerned, and unlike anyone else talking in that chat, am speaking from experiences of the server.
  24. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:16 PM
  25. First off, you cannot measure how concerned I am. My concerns are strong enough to move mountains. Second off, I do have experience in the server. Just because you dont see me doesnt mean Im not there. Thats why they call me El Fantasma Blanco!
  26. For you only one language speaking people, that means the White Phantom.
  27. Popo4456 - Today at 6:17 PM
  28. and what would your ign be?
  29. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:18 PM
  30. Hugh_Mungus
  31. or my alt acc, El_Fantasma_Blanco
  32. Popo4456 - Today at 6:18 PM
  33. Fascinating.
  34. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:18 PM
  35. 'tis
  36. and I guess yours is Popo1234?
  37. Popo4456 - Today at 6:19 PM
  38. Would you mind telling me your actual in game name?
  39. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:19 PM
  40. Sure bud
  41. Deinno
  42. thats
  43. D
  44. E
  45. I
  46. N
  47. N
  48. O
  49. Like the pokemon, but better in every way because of the extra "n"
  50. Popo4456 - Today at 6:21 PM
  51. and when was the last time you were on the server?
  52. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:21 PM
  53. A couple weeks ago
  54. Popo4456 - Today at 6:22 PM
  55. Well thats odd, according to the server you haven't been on in a month and a half.
  56. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:22 PM
  57. Like i said, a couple of weeks ago
  58. I apologize for spending lots of money to get a degree to make lots of money
  59. Am i breaking any laws?
  60. Popo4456 - Today at 6:23 PM
  61. That's more then a couple of weeks, but that is hardly my point.
  62. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:23 PM
  63. Go on
  64. Popo4456 - Today at 6:24 PM
  65. Please explain to me why someone who hasn't been on the server in quite a long time and didn't spend that much time on before that either, would have the audacity to come here and insult my arguements that are made from actual time spent on the server and from previous experiences with Pokemc?
  66. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:25 PM
  67. Yes, because of this simple point I am about to make.
  68. Time
  69. doesnt
  70. exist
  71. time is relative
  72. Popo4456 - Today at 6:26 PM
  73. And as I am the one currently defining time, that would mean that time is relative to my definition.
  74. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:26 PM
  75. and if you wouldve paid any attention in science class, or even physics, you would know that
  76. Popo4456 - Today at 6:27 PM
  77. But this hardly has to do with the actual length of time, simply the experiences that come with it.
  78. Which still fails to answer my question, why you have the audacity to personally insult me.
  79. H34DKRU5H3R - Today at 6:31 PM
  80. Well for one my good sir, i have actually spent more time on the server than you could even fathom. Hours...Days...Years... i mean like no lifing. I stare at my picture of Ash when i get up in the morning and tell myself that i will be the very best.... the best there ever was..... Now how long have you been on the server?
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