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Aug 12th, 2010
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  1. (
  2. bubbles = false
  3. cancelable = true
  4. currentTarget = (
  5. alert = (
  6. context = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.context.impl::DefaultContext)#3
  7. configured = true
  8. destroyed = false
  9. initialized = true
  10. lifecycleManager = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.lifecycle.impl::DefaultObjectLifecycleManager)#4
  11. registry = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.registry.impl::DefaultObjectDefinitionRegistry)#5
  12. builders = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.registry.builder.impl::DefaultObjectDefinitionBuilderFactory)#6
  13. context = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.context.impl::DefaultContext)#3
  14. decoratorAssemblers = (Array)#7
  15. [0] (org.spicefactory.parsley.metadata::MetadataDecoratorAssembler)#8
  16. domain = (flash.system::ApplicationDomain)#9
  17. domainMemory = (null)
  18. parentDomain = (null)
  19. frozen = true
  20. scopeManager = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.impl::DefaultScopeManager)#10
  21. viewDefinitions = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.registry.impl::DefaultViewDefinitionRegistry)#11
  22. frozen = true
  23. scopeManager = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.scope.impl::DefaultScopeManager)#10
  24. viewManager = (org.spicefactory.parsley.core.view.impl::DefaultViewManager)#12
  25. componentAddedEvent = "configureView"
  26. componentRemovedEvent = "removedFromStage"
  27. viewRootRemovedEvent = "removedFromStage"
  28. channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#13
  29. authenticated = false
  30. channelIds = (Array)#14
  31. [0] "my-amf"
  32. channels = (Array)#15
  33. [0] (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  34. authenticated = false
  35. channelSets = (Array)#17
  36. [0] (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#13
  37. connected = true
  38. connectTimeout = -1
  39. enableSmallMessages = true
  40. endpoint = "http://localhost:8080/ecf/messagebroker/amf"
  41. failoverURIs = (Array)#18
  42. id = "my-amf"
  43. mpiEnabled = false
  44. netConnection = (
  45. client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  46. connected = false
  47. maxPeerConnections = 8
  48. objectEncoding = 3
  49. proxyType = "none"
  50. uri = "http://localhost:8080/ecf/messagebroker/amf"
  51. piggybackingEnabled = false
  52. polling = false
  53. pollingEnabled = true
  54. pollingInterval = 3000
  55. protocol = "http"
  56. reconnecting = false
  57. recordMessageSizes = false
  58. recordMessageTimes = false
  59. requestTimeout = -1
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  61. url = "http://localhost:8080/ecf/messagebroker/amf"
  62. useSmallMessages = true
  63. clustered = false
  64. connected = true
  65. currentChannel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  66. heartbeatInterval = 0
  67. initialDestinationId = (null)
  68. messageAgents = (Array)#20
  69. [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#21
  70. authenticated = false
  71. autoConnect = true
  72. channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#13
  73. clientId = "86BA34C1-4D0F-34DE-67F1-0FB0FF53391C"
  74. connected = true
  75. defaultHeaders = (null)
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  78. priority = -1
  79. reconnectAttempts = 0
  80. reconnectInterval = 0
  81. requestTimeout = -1
  82. subtopic = ""
  83. concurrency = "multiple"
  84. convertParametersHandler = (null)
  85. convertResultHandler = (null)
  86. destination = "ECFService"
  87. endpoint = (null)
  88. makeObjectsBindable = true
  89. managers = (null)
  90. operations = (Object)#22
  91. getECFParameter = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#23
  92. argumentNames = (Array)#24
  93. arguments = (Array)#25
  94. [0] (
  95. arquivoDllIF = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BemaFI32.dll"
  96. arquivoIniIF = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BemaFI32.ini"
  97. empresa = "001"
  98. id = 1
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  102. pastaSINF = "D:\Sinf"
  103. portaIF = "COM1"
  104. portaLocal = "3050"
  105. [1] "\Projetus\sinf.fdb"
  106. concurrency = "multiple"
  107. lastResult = (
  108. cfop = (
  109. codigo = "5102"
  110. descricao = "Venda de mercadoria adquirida ou recebida de terceiros"
  111. cupomAberto = (
  112. adicionarFreteFobTotalNota = false
  113. cliente = (null)
  114. codigoCliente = (null)
  115. codVenda = 78650
  116. condicaoRecebimentoPadrao = (null)
  117. condicoesRecebimento = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#30
  118. filterFunction = (null)
  119. length = 0
  120. list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#31
  121. length = 0
  122. source = (Array)#32
  123. uid = "A07EF0C4-3849-B8A3-F6D5-678473CCAA93"
  124. sort = (null)
  125. source = (Array)#32
  126. data = Thu Aug 12 00:00:00 GMT-0300 2010
  127. dataAlteracao = Thu Aug 12 00:00:00 GMT-0300 2010
  128. empresa = (
  129. cidade = (
  130. codigo = "031640"
  131. nome = "JUIZ DE FORA"
  132. uf = (
  133. sigla = "MG"
  134. numero = "001"
  135. razaoSocial = "CASCATINHA COUNTRY CLUB"
  136. gerarCreditoICMS = false
  137. horaAlteracao = Thu Jan 1 15:21:11 GMT-0300 1970
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  142. tipoDescNFProd = "3"
  143. tipoRecebimento = (null)
  144. valorImpostoManual = false
  145. vendaNF = (
  146. cfop = (
  147. data = Thu Aug 12 00:00:00 GMT-0300 2010
  148. empresa = (
  149. especie = (
  150. descricao = "Cupom Fiscal (Emitido por ECF)"
  151. id = 24
  152. sigla = "ECF"
  153. issRetido = false
  154. maquinaRegistradora = (
  155. desativada = false
  156. descricao = "bematech 6"
  157. modelo = (null)
  158. nempresa = (null)
  159. numero = 6
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  161. numeroCupom = "003816"
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  163. observacaoCupom = (null)
  164. pesoBruto = 0
  165. pesoLiquido = 0
  166. quantidadeVolume = 0
  167. referencia = "201008"
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  171. tipoDocumento = "1"
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  176. valorPagoCartaoTEF = 0
  177. valorPagoCheque = 0
  178. valorPagoChequeTecban = 0
  179. valorPagoDinheiro = 0
  180. valorTotalAcrescimos = 0
  181. valorTotalAcrescimosFmt = "0,00"
  182. valorTotalBaseCreditoICMS = 0
  183. valorTotalBaseICMS = 0.6
  184. valorTotalBaseIPI = 0
  185. valorTotalBaseISS = 0
  186. valorTotalBaseReducaoICMS = 0
  187. valorTotalBaseRepasseICMS = 0
  188. valorTotalBaseST = 0
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  195. valorTotalICMS = 0.11
  196. valorTotalIPI = 0
  197. valorTotalIRRFServicos = 0
  198. valorTotalIsentoICMS = 0
  199. valorTotalIsentoIPI = 0
  200. valorTotalISS = 0
  201. valorTotalMaterialEmpServicos = 0
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  203. valorTotalNF = 0.6
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  207. valorTotalOutrasIPI = 0
  208. valorTotalPagoTroca = 0
  209. valorTotalProdutos = 0.6
  210. valorTotalReducaoICMS = 0
  211. valorTotalRepasseICMS = 0
  212. valorTotalSeguro = 0
  213. valorTotalServicos = 0
  214. valorTotalST = 0
  215. venda = (
  216. empresa = (
  217. especie = (
  218. formasPagamento = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#39
  219. filterFunction = (null)
  220. length = 10
  221. list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#40
  222. length = 10
  223. source = (Array)#41
  224. [0] (
  225. descricao = "A Prazo"
  226. id = 7
  227. meioRecebimento = "boleto"
  228. [1] (
  229. descricao = "Cartao"
  230. id = 4
  231. meioRecebimento = "cartaoCredito"
  232. [2] (
  233. descricao = "Cheque"
  234. id = 5
  235. meioRecebimento = "cheque"
  236. [3] (
  237. descricao = "ChequeCard2"
  238. id = 11
  239. meioRecebimento = "cheque"
  240. [4] (
  241. descricao = "ChequeCard5"
  242. id = 12
  243. meioRecebimento = "cheque"
  244. [5] (
  245. descricao = "ChequeTEF"
  246. id = 6
  247. meioRecebimento = "cheque"
  248. [6] (
  249. descricao = "Dinheiro"
  250. id = 1
  251. meioRecebimento = "dinheiro"
  252. [7] (
  253. descricao = "Dinheiro Extra"
  254. id = 9
  255. meioRecebimento = "dinheiro"
  256. [8] (
  257. descricao = "Dinheiro Outros"
  258. id = 10
  259. meioRecebimento = "dinheiro"
  260. [9] (
  261. descricao = "Troca"
  262. id = 8
  263. meioRecebimento = "troca"
  264. uid = "934EF07E-0262-6292-1376-678473B60BC0"
  265. sort = (null)
  266. source = (Array)#41
  267. impressoraFiscal = (
  268. aliquotas = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#53
  269. filterFunction = (null)
  270. length = 16
  271. list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#54
  272. length = 16
  273. source = (Array)#55
  274. [0] (
  275. indice = 1
  276. valor = 7
  277. [1] (
  278. indice = 2
  279. valor = 12
  280. [2] (
  281. indice = 3
  282. valor = 18
  283. [3] (
  284. indice = 4
  285. valor = 25
  286. [4] (
  287. indice = 5
  288. valor = 30
  289. [5] (
  290. indice = 6
  291. valor = 8.4
  292. [6] (
  293. indice = 7
  294. valor = 9.2
  295. [7] (
  296. indice = 8
  297. valor = 9.2
  298. [8] (
  299. indice = 9
  300. valor = 0
  301. [9] (
  302. indice = 10
  303. valor = 0
  304. [10] (
  305. indice = 11
  306. valor = 0
  307. [11] (
  308. indice = 12
  309. valor = 0
  310. [12] (
  311. indice = 13
  312. valor = 0
  313. [13] (
  314. indice = 14
  315. valor = 0
  316. [14] (
  317. indice = 15
  318. valor = 0
  319. [15] (
  320. indice = 16
  321. valor = 0
  322. uid = "2FD0C9B0-3934-34CD-21B5-678473E050C9"
  323. sort = (null)
  324. source = (Array)#55
  325. dll = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BemaFI32.dll"
  326. formasPagamento = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#72
  327. filterFunction = (null)
  328. length = 20
  329. list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#73
  330. length = 20
  331. source = (Array)#74
  332. [0] (
  333. descricao = "Dinheiro"
  334. indice = 1
  335. [1] (
  336. descricao = "Cheque"
  337. indice = 2
  338. [2] (
  339. descricao = "C.Debito"
  340. indice = 3
  341. [3] (
  342. descricao = "C.Credito"
  343. indice = 4
  344. [4] (
  345. descricao = "ChequeTEF"
  346. indice = 5
  347. [5] (
  348. descricao = "Cartao"
  349. indice = 6
  350. [6] (
  351. descricao = "A Prazo"
  352. indice = 7
  353. [7] (
  354. descricao = "Troca"
  355. indice = 8
  356. [8] (
  357. descricao = "Outros"
  358. indice = 9
  359. [9] (
  360. descricao = "1"
  361. indice = 10
  362. [10] (
  363. descricao = "DINHEIRO"
  364. indice = 11
  365. [11] (
  366. descricao = "Debitos"
  367. indice = 12
  368. [12] (
  369. descricao = "Creditos"
  370. indice = 13
  371. [13] (
  372. descricao = "Dinheiro Extra"
  373. indice = 14
  374. [14] (
  375. descricao = "Dinheiro Outros"
  376. indice = 15
  377. [15] (
  378. descricao = "ChequeCard"
  379. indice = 16
  380. [16] (
  381. descricao = "ChequeCard2"
  382. indice = 17
  383. [17] (
  384. descricao = "ChequeCard3"
  385. indice = 18
  386. [18] (
  387. descricao = "ChequeCard4"
  388. indice = 19
  389. [19] (
  390. descricao = "ChequeCard5"
  391. indice = 20
  392. uid = "8E034298-4DA6-B912-51AB-678473DFDD88"
  393. sort = (null)
  394. source = (Array)#74
  395. mapaRetornoEstendido = (null)
  396. primeiraValidacaoRetorno = false
  397. requerArquivoIni = true
  398. maquinaRegistradora = (
  399. numeroSerie = "BE050775600704004223"
  400. orcamento = false
  401. pdvConfiguracao = (
  402. empresa = (
  403. mensagem = "Obrigado, volte sempre."
  404. tipoArredondamento = "baixo"
  405. produtosCupomAberto = (null)
  406. serie = (null)
  407. makeObjectsBindable = true
  408. name = "getECFParameter"
  409. operationManager = (null)
  410. properties = (null)
  411. resultElementType = (null)
  412. resultType = (null)
  413. service = (
  414. showBusyCursor = true
  415. venderItem = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#96
  416. argumentNames = (Array)#97
  417. arguments = (Array)#98
  418. [0] (
  419. [1] "1"
  420. [2] 2
  421. concurrency = "multiple"
  422. lastResult = (null)
  423. makeObjectsBindable = true
  424. name = "venderItem"
  425. operationManager = (null)
  426. properties = (null)
  427. resultElementType = (null)
  428. resultType = (null)
  429. service = (
  430. showBusyCursor = true
  431. requestTimeout = -1
  432. showBusyCursor = true
  433. source = (null)
  434. eventPhase = 2
  435. fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#99
  436. content = (Object)#100
  437. errorID = 0
  438. faultCode = "Channel.Call.Failed"
  439. faultDetail = "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed"
  440. faultString = "error"
  441. message = "faultCode:Channel.Call.Failed faultString:'error' faultDetail:'NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed'"
  442. name = "Error"
  443. rootCause = (
  444. bubbles = false
  445. cancelable = false
  446. channel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  447. channelId = "my-amf"
  448. connected = false
  449. currentTarget = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  450. eventPhase = 2
  451. faultCode = "Channel.Call.Failed"
  452. faultDetail = "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed"
  453. faultString = "error"
  454. reconnecting = false
  455. rejected = false
  456. rootCause = (Object)#102
  457. code = "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
  458. description = "HTTP: Failed"
  459. details = "http://localhost:8080/ecf/messagebroker/amf"
  460. level = "error"
  461. target = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#16
  462. type = "channelFault"
  463. headers = (null)
  464. message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#103
  465. body = (Object)#100
  466. clientId = (null)
  467. correlationId = "7F3EBCA9-90F4-1A40-5D84-67847F47B1CE"
  468. destination = ""
  469. extendedData = (null)
  470. faultCode = "Channel.Call.Failed"
  471. faultDetail = "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed"
  472. faultString = "error"
  473. headers = (Object)#104
  474. messageId = "E6653700-D05F-5942-8D62-6784F69B8EE6"
  475. rootCause = (
  476. timestamp = 0
  477. timeToLive = 0
  478. messageId = "E6653700-D05F-5942-8D62-6784F69B8EE6"
  479. statusCode = 0
  480. target = (
  481. token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#105
  482. message = (mx.messaging.messages::RemotingMessage)#106
  483. body = (Array)#98
  484. clientId = "86BA34C1-4D0F-34DE-67F1-0FB0FF53391C"
  485. destination = "ECFService"
  486. headers = (Object)#107
  487. DSEndpoint = "my-amf"
  488. DSId = "86BA3309-D919-3B4E-CE56-95FC629B2F35"
  489. messageId = "7F3EBCA9-90F4-1A40-5D84-67847F47B1CE"
  490. operation = "venderItem"
  491. source = (null)
  492. timestamp = 0
  493. timeToLive = 0
  494. method = "venderItem"
  495. responders = (Array)#108
  496. [0] (mx.rpc::Responder)#109
  497. result = (null)
  498. type = "fault"
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