Guest User


a guest
Feb 7th, 2019
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  1. Commands:
  2. !admin : Add or remove an admin role.
  3. !allbans : Gets a list of all bans with username and ID in an Embed.
  4. !allow : Allows a command in a channel.
  5. !auto : Configuration command for the auto moderation.
  6. !autodel : Switch the bot between auto deleting commands and not.
  7. !banword : Bans a word from chat.
  8. !block : Blocks a command in a channel.
  9. !bypass : Add or remove a role to bypass the filters.
  10. !censor : Changes the censor rating.
  11. !cmdperm : Gets a list of restrictions about a command
  12. !ct : Change or remove the text censor to censor all text that does not contain an image
  13. !debug : General debug tool, will show you what the bot can and can not access or modify.
  14. !filter : The base filter command for ignoring, recognizing, viewing and setting filters.
  15. !free : Frees a command from any restrictions in a channel.
  16. !get : Gets all available data about a user.
  17. !guildinfo : Get basic information about the server you are in.
  18. !helper : Add or remove a helper role.
  19. !lock : undefined
  20. !merge : Merge a currated list with your local banned words list.
  21. !mod : Add or remove a moderator role.
  22. !modlogs : Get a list of actions done by the indicated moderator for your server
  23. !module : Enables or disables modules on the bot.
  24. !panic : Panic mode restricts all newcomers rights to send messages and view channels.
  25. !passport : Gives a 'passport' to the indicated person, allowing them to bypass the globalban for your server.
  26. !prefix : Change the recognized prefix of the bot.
  27. !rapsheet : !Placehoder! Looks up previous punishment from a member.
  28. !restrict : Restrict a command to only be used in a certain channel, by a certain member, or by a certain role
  29. !role : undefined
  30. !roletally : Gets a list of roles and the amount of members that have that role.
  31. Commands:
  32. !set : Set the channel for local serverside ideas and reports
  33. !setautopanic : undefined
  34. !setjoinage : Sets the account age limit for the server.
  35. !slowmode : Slow mode, specify how long between messages or leave it blank for default 3 seconds add channel for channel specific slowmode eg. !slowmode channel 3.
  36. !smartprune : undefined
  37. !toggle : Toggles logging for a chat, as well the types of logging done, logs to the chat you do the command in.
  38. !unbanword : Un-bans a word from chat.
  39. !unlock : undefined
  40. !unmerge : Remove any words in your local banned list that match the given currated list.
  41. !user : Gets all available data about a user in the server.
  42. !vckick : Kick users from vc.
  43. !vcmove : Move users from one vc to another vc
  44. !whitelist : Add and remove from the whitelist or list out the current whitelist
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