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Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. #--------------------------------------#
  2. # Mineplex Punishment GUI #
  3. # by TheoCqmbozMC #
  4. #(Credit to loveleez for the help <3)#
  5. #--------------------------------------#
  6. command /p [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  7. aliases: /punish
  8. permission: Rank.TRAINEE
  9. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permission Rank [&9TRAINEE&7].
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg-2 is not set:
  12. send "&9Punish> &7Commands List:"
  13. send "&6/punish &7<player> <reason> &6Mod"
  14. if arg-2 is set:
  15. if {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} is not set:
  16. set {p.%arg-1%::Client3} to "tempban %arg-1% 30d"
  17. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL3} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  18. set {p.%arg-1%::Client2} to "tempban %arg-1% 30d"
  19. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL2} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  20. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e1.0 Days"
  21. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 1d"
  22. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 4h"
  23. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Hours"
  24. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 2h"
  25. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.0 Hours"
  26. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 1d"
  27. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days"
  28. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat3} to "tempmute %arg-1% 30d"
  29. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL3} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  30. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 1:
  31. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 4h"
  32. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e4.0 Hours"
  33. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 2:
  34. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 10h"
  35. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e10.0 Hours"
  36. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 3:
  37. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 1d"
  38. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days"
  39. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 4:
  40. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 1.4d"
  41. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.4 Days"
  42. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 5:
  43. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 2.8d"
  44. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.8 Days"
  45. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 6:
  46. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 7d"
  47. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e7.0 Days"
  48. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 7:
  49. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 14d"
  50. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e14.0 Days"
  51. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 8:
  52. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "tempmute %arg-1% 30d"
  53. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  54. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 9:
  55. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "mute %arg-1%"
  56. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
  57. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 1:
  58. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 2d"
  59. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.0 Days"
  60. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 2:
  61. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 4d"
  62. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e4.0 Days"
  63. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 3:
  64. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 7d"
  65. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e7.0 Days"
  66. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 4:
  67. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 14d"
  68. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e14.0 Days"
  69. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 5:
  70. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "tempmute %arg-1% 30d"
  71. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  72. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 6:
  73. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "mute %arg-1%"
  74. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
  75. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3} is 1:
  76. set {p.%arg-1%::Chat3} to "mute %arg-1%"
  77. set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL3} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
  78. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 1:
  79. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 8h"
  80. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e8.0 Hours"
  81. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 2:
  82. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 16h"
  83. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e16.0 Hours"
  84. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 3:
  85. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 1.4d"
  86. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e1.4 Days"
  87. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 4:
  88. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 3d"
  89. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e3.0 Days"
  90. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 5:
  91. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 7d"
  92. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e7.0 Days"
  93. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 6:
  94. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 14d"
  95. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e14.0 Days"
  96. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 7:
  97. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "tempban %arg-1% 30d"
  98. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  99. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 8:
  100. set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "ban %arg-1%"
  101. set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
  103. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 1:
  104. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 2d"
  105. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e2.0 Days"
  106. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 2:
  107. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 4d"
  108. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Days"
  109. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 3:
  110. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 7d"
  111. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e7.0 Days"
  112. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 4:
  113. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 16d"
  114. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e16.0 Days"
  115. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 5:
  116. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "tempban %arg-1% 30d"
  117. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
  118. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 6:
  119. set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "ban %arg-1%"
  120. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
  121. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2} is 1:
  122. set {p.%arg-1%::Client2} to "ban %arg-1%"
  123. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL2} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
  124. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3} is 1:
  125. set {p.%arg-1%::Client3} to "ban %arg-1%"
  126. set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL3} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
  127. if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is not set:
  128. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} to 0
  129. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} to 0
  130. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3} to 0
  131. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} to 0
  132. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} to 0
  133. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2} to 0
  134. set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3} to 0
  135. if player has permission "Rank.TRAINEE" or "Rank.MODERATOR": #Access to only severity 1 punishments!
  136. delete {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::*}
  137. set {_slot} to 0
  138. loop {p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
  139. add 1 to {_slot}
  140. set {_reversedslot} to 1
  141. loop {p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
  142. set {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::%{_reversedslot}%} to "%{p.%arg-1%::history::%{_slot}%}%"
  143. remove 1 from {_slot}
  144. add 1 to {_reversedslot}
  145. open chest with 6 rows named " Punish" to player
  146. wait 3 tick
  147. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&r%arg-2%||||&aGUI by Boobah" to be unstealable
  149. format slot 10 of player with book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harrassment, Trolling, etc" to be unstealable
  150. format slot 19 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL1}%||||&7Light Spam||&f Sending the same message 2-5 times||||&7Light Advertising||&f 'anyone want to play on minecade?'||||&7Light Abuse/Harassment||&f 'you suck at this game'||||&7Hackusations||&f 'you're such a hacker!'||||&7Trolling||||&2Give Warning if 0 Past Offences and 0 Warnings." to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Chat1}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1}]
  152. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "&7Command/Map/Class/Skill exploits, etc" to be unstealable
  153. format slot 21 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General}%||%{p.%arg-1%::GeneralL}%||||&7Team Killing||&f Intentionally killing your team mates||||&7Trolling (Gameplay)||&f Using abilities to trap players in spawn||||&7Map/Bug Exploiting||&f Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::General}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fExploiting||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General}]
  155. format slot 14 of player with iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly, Inventory Hacks, etc" to be unstealable
  156. format slot 23 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL1}%||||&7Examples;||&f Damage Indicators||&f Player Radar" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Client1}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1}]
  158. format slot 25 of player with paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "||&7Example Warning Input;||&f Spam - Repeatedly writing MEOW||&f Swearing - Saying 'fuck' and 'shit'||&f Hack Accusation - Accused Tomp13 of hacking||&f Trolling - was trying to make bob angry in chat" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fWarning||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
  159. set {_slot} to 45
  160. loop {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
  161. set {punishgui.%player%::*} to "%arg 1%"
  162. add "%arg 2%" to {punishgui.%player%::*}
  163. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense":
  164. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
  165. add 1 to {_slot}
  166. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking":
  167. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "%loop-value%"
  168. add 1 to {_slot}
  169. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fExploiting":
  170. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
  171. add 1 to {_slot}
  172. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fWarning":
  173. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "%loop-value%"
  174. add 1 to {_slot}
  175. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fOther":
  176. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
  177. add 1 to {_slot}
  178. if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &rOther":
  179. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to enchanted book named "&a&lPermanent Report Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
  180. add 1 to {_slot}
  181. if {_slot} = 54:
  182. exit loop
  183. if player has permission "Rank.MODERATOR": #Access all punishments!
  184. format slot 28 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL2}%||||&7Medium Spam|| &fSending the same message 6-20 times||||&7Medium Advertising;|| &f'join' - posted once||||&7Medium Abuse/Harassment|| &f'piss off you stupid newb'|| &f'SHIT ADMINS ARE SHIT!!!'|| &f'you're terrible, learn to play'||||&7Avoiding Chat Filter|| &f'F|_|<K YOU'" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Chat2}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f2||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2}]
  185. format slot 37 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL3}%||||&7Severe Spam|| &fSending the same message 20+ times|| &fOnly really used for a spam bot||||&7Severe Abuse/Harassment|| &f'go fucking die in a fire you fucking sack of shit'" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Chat3}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f3||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3}]
  187. format slot 32 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL2}%||||&7Hacks;|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fOther Hack||||&7Hack Reports (SR & FR);|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fOther Hack|| &fFly Hack" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Client2}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f2||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2}]
  188. format slot 41 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL3}%||||&7Hacks:|| &fFly Hack||||&c&lWARNING;||&cUse Severity 2 for Forum/Staff Reports" to close then run [make player execute command "%{p.%arg-1%::Client3}% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f3||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3}]
  190. format slot 43 of player with book and quill named "&a&lPermanent Mute" with lore "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Severe Advertising;||&f 'JOIN MINECADE! THIS SUCKS!||&f 'join! FREE ADMIN!||||&2Must supply detailed reason for Mute." to close then run [make player execute command "mute %arg-1% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f4||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
  191. format slot 34 of player with redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent||||&2Must supply detailed reason for Ban." to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fOther||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
  192. format slot 26 of player with enchanted book named "&a&lPermanent Report Ban" with lore "&fReport Ban Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Abusing Report Feature|| &r/report SomeUser THE STAFF HERE SUCK|| &r/report SomeUser MINEPLEX IS A F****** PIECE OF S***" to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% %arg-2%"]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &rOther||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
  193. if player has permission "Rank.DEVELOPER": #Developer Warning
  194. format slot 0 of player with shiny dandelion named "&a&lDEV WARNING" with lore "&rDevelopers are advised against using the punish system||&runless permitted by LT" to be unstealable
  197. on inventory click:
  198. if inventory name of player's current inventory is " Punish":
  199. cancel event
  200. clicked slot >= 45
  201. set {_clickedslot.%player%} to (clicked slot - 44)
  202. if {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%} is set:
  203. if "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%}%" contains "&eRemoved by: ":
  204. send "" to console
  205. else:
  206. set {_reasonchanger.%player%} to "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%}% ||||&eRemoved by: &f%player%||&eRemove Reason: &f%{punishgui.%player%::2}%"
  207. set {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%} to "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%"
  208. close player's inventory
  209. delete {p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}
  210. set {_slot} to 0
  211. loop {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}:
  212. add 1 to {_slot}
  213. set {_reversedslot} to 1
  214. loop {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}:
  215. set {p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_reversedslot}%} to "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_slot}%}%"
  216. remove 1 from {_slot}
  217. add 1 to {_reversedslot}
  218. if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "ChatOffense":
  219. make player execute "unmute %{punishgui.%player%::1}%"
  220. if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "Hacking" or "Exploiting" or "Other":
  221. make player execute "unban %{punishgui.%player%::1}%"
  222. if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "Warning":
  223. make player execute "unwarn %{punishgui.%player%::1}%"
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