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Jul 28th, 2017
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  1. nonymousRevan - 06/21/2017
  2. 1. No unwanted boosting or coups.
  3. 2. You cannot boost AI countrys or support coups.
  4. 3. no one can justify until 1939.
  5. 4. France/Britain must accept Rhineland and Annexation of all Czech.
  6. 5. Only focus wars are allowed before 1939. Example is like Russian Finland war, or Italy and Yugoslavia.
  7. 6. You can send any kind of Volunteers to Spain once during the Spanish civil war volunteers can be sent to world war 2 but only to the faction you are joining but have to be infantry only units. no units to china.
  8. 7. NO SPACE MARINES! Only 1 artillery, anti tank or anti air to every 10 combat width, and no tanks in infantry divisions.
  9. 8. All majors must go historical factions unless France takes focuses to change their ideology with host approval
  10. 9. Danzig or War must happen before the end of 1939 but cant happen before 1939.
  11. 10. Common Wealth must go Allies, but can still achieve independence. cant take focuses to become independence.
  12. 11. Japan cant puppet China through their focuses.
  13. 12. Japan must go to war on China before july of 1938 and cant just go to war with shanxi(edited)
  14. June 22, 2017
  15. AnonymousRevan - 06/22/2017
  16. 13. Spain and the USA cant join the war for the alligned faction until 6 months after the fall of France.
  17. (With exception look at specific country rules)
  18. 14. Minors cannot create their own faction.
  19. 15. All minor have to join all politically aligned factions.
  20. 16. You can only build up to level 5 forts of any kind but can use focuses to build higher level forts.
  21. 17. You cannot join your aligned faction till 1939, you can bypass this through a possible focus or if the allies invite a country to the faction if the axis or Comintern declares war on them excluding czechs and Austria. Unless host says otherwise.
  22. 18. Once puppeted you must stay in the political aligned faction untill you achieve independence.
  23. 19. preferably put your country name by your discord name but not forced.
  24. 20. You cant justify just to raise world tension.
  25. 21. No Franco-British union
  26. 22. If you wanna do berlin - moscow alliance. you can but only japan or italy may join after ussr and germany are in it. the other country must join allies by having axis declaring on them. up to host if this can happen.
  27. 23. Cant do civil wars on purpose.
  28. 24. cant change ideology via civil war.(edited)
  29. July 8, 2017
  30. AnonymousRevan - 07/08/2017
  31. Specific country Rules!
  32. 1. USA can only join the war untill 6 months after the fall of France or intermediately if any Axis nation gets a port in home land UK or 1941. Can go to war with Venezuela but cant change economic law unless world tension is met, focuses or at war with a major.
  33. 2. Germany must honor moltov Ribben pact. If Poland cedes Danzig you still have to go to war with poland, no befriend poland.
  34. 3. Russia must accept Research treaty and must respect the Moltov Ribben Pact. Russia can bring back Trotsky. can't go to war with axis until the Molo-Ribb pact non-aggression pact spirit is gone or not until august 1941 which ever is earlier.
  35. 4. japan must take southern or northern expansion to go to war with allies or soviets. they must have a non aggression pact with the other faction untill 1942 unless attacked by the other faction.
  36. 5. China must make the United front
  37. 6. Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary must go or stay fascist and be in axis.
  38. 7. all south and north american countries who are non aligned or democratic must join the allies. countries who are commie, must go comintern and who are facsist must go axis. Your beginning government type defines who you can join. example is since Venezuela begins as fascist they must go axis.
  39. 8. Spain can join 6 months after fall of france or if declared war on (if going to axis), can join war when soviet union is attacked or if declared war on (if going commie), can join after danzig or war if with allies. must be an axis spain unless host say otherwise
  40. 9. Can be Czech is germany agrees to it and must be their puppet or in axis.
  41. 10. Can be yugo if italy allows it and must be their puppet or in axis.
  42. 11. Can be Poland but must go allies if host allows it.
  43. 12. Turkey must go democratic or commie.
  44. 13. Sweden must go fascist and Finland must go commie or Axis
  45. 14. Hungary cant do balanced budget. and romania cant do balkan dominance focus
  46. 15. Can release countries but must be puppets(edited)
  47. July 16, 2017
  48. AnonymousRevan - 07/16/2017
  49. Banned countrys!
  50. -Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania, Denmark, Albania, Ethiopia, All of the middle east EXCEPT for Turkey and Iran. All of the chinese warlord states like PRC, Dutch East indies, British Malaya, All of Caribbean, central and south America EXCEPT for Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico.
  52. These are all subject to change and some of these rules might not apply if we are playin more casual games all of these are up to the host of discord or host of game(edited)
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