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Aug 21st, 2018
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  1. Banshee, Harbinger of the Dead.
  3. Many in history have spoken of the wailing woman, an omen of death and violence. However the origin of the banshee is quite clouded, some say she is of the fairy people; a spirit that warns the families of the living that a loved one is doomed to walk the plains of the afterlife. Others have stated that the Banshee’s were women that sung a sorrowful song at graves to lament someone’s death. These women were known as ‘keeners’ and since they accepted alcohol as payment, they were said to be sinners and punished. Upon their own death they were eternally dammed, force to continue their sorrowful song as a warning to those that ever bared the burden of hearing it.
  4. In the more modern era banshee’s are young women, their screams are still as potent as their ancestors before them but now there is a better understanding of what they are and their prowess. A curse, as it came to be known as, is passed down from mother to daughter throughout history, and has in turn become part of the supernatural world. The women born as banshee’s are quite different from the originals in terms of abilities and life itself. Banshees can hear voices in their heads. Often this leads them, subconsciously, to murder scenes. These women predict death through premonitions, which can be auditory, visual, or both, depending on the power level of the Banshee in question. When a Banshee has a premonition, the sounds and sights they perceive indicate various factors that will either lead to or directly cause the death of someone in their vicinity, which are usually people harmed by the supernatural or someone the Banshee knows. However, these premonitions are not always literal and can require a certain amount of interpretation. Additionally, since the future is always in flux, a death that a Banshee has predicted may not come to pass if the events or cause of the death can be averted using the knowledge gained from the Banshee's premonition.
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