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Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. TRIGGER WARNING: If you don't like facing truth, you should stop reading before this sentence ends. Too late!
  3. I looked through the profiles on this site, and I see they roughly break down into 2 categories:
  5. - Women who want a princess lifestyle (Best of luck!)
  6. - Women who need money, and are being open about it
  8. To reiterate, if you want to be a princess, I wish you the best on that. May all your friends envy your photo collection! I'll assume you have stopped reading at this point, and address the non-princess class.
  10. You want more money than you have, and have time to trade.
  12. I have more money than I use, and I don't waste a second of my life.
  14. I like dating actually, flirting and playing games can be fun, but it wastes a lot of time. Some times I allocate time to do this, but recently I am too busy for it to be worth the time. Hence, here.
  16. I have a high paying job I don't need to spend a lot of time at, because I am, let's say, "one of the best in the world", to be accurate, at what I do, and what I do is more in demand than any other job. (You can ask me more about it in person, if you care.)
  18. But a job is a job, and jobs fucking suck. So I have 2 startups with trusted friends who are also awesome in their own ways, and this is where I'm putting my time right now, and for the foreseeable future, until we all get paid out and I no longer need a job. I'm the CTO at both, which is irrelevant without us making money yet, but if you are knowledgeable enough to go "huh?" at having 2 startups, that's why I can do that, because I create the core tech (same in both instances, in this case), and set technical direction, and we will hire people to do minion shit.
  20. That's part of my time circumstance, but I also do more things than probably anyone you've ever met, because that's my personality. I actively write songs I sing and play, which takes time. I teach martial arts and train, which takes time. I have a couple books I'm cleaning up for publishing (already a published author), and more, but not worth listing everything. You probably won't care about them anyway, because they are mostly guy-stuff.
  22. As you can read, I'm honest with everyone who will let me, and I don't spend much time with people who won't let me. It's not worth it, as I get more done by cutting those people out of my life. I'm probably better at walking away from people than anyone I've ever met, because it leaves more time in my life for people and things I do care about.
  24. In terms of companionship, my friends are probably funnier and more interesting than you will ever be, so I am not looking for your witty repartee. I can help you be more interesting though, if you want to know how not to be so boring. My work and hobbies are more challenging than you can probably imagine, so I am not interested in any of your challenges or games. If you pull any of that shit with me, I'll immediately walk away, and that will be the last time you see me that isn't a coincidence. I don't have time to be wasting.
  26. Beyond being blunt and honest, I'm polite, and actually overly giving, which is why I've learned to just cut people out of my life that aren't worth it. I give to people who are worth it, and everyone else can do their own thing. You won't be able to see it here, but you'll see it if we meet, I'm also funny as fuck, because the truth is funny, and Reality Is My Religion. So I see the truth, where most people are still repeating things they've heard, like they have some kind of interesting insight. That's also why no one in my industry gets paid more than me, because they can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth, so they waste their time, and get bad results.
  28. At this point, I've killed off all the illiterates, so my vixen-to-be, we will next-level this shit:
  30. You want:
  32. - An allowance
  33. - Someone who doesn't make you feel like a prostitute
  35. Some of you seem to openly acknowledge that you want a mentor. Someone who tells you things you can't or haven't figured out for yourself. If you're young enough, there's no way you could figure this out. You simply haven't existed long enough to have the efforts.
  37. Also, people lie to you ALL THE TIME. In fact, it's possible that no one has ever been honest with you, in your entire life.
  39. "You are so beautiful!", "You are so smart", "That was mean!", blah blah blah. People lie to you, either because they are women, or because they want to sleep with you, or maybe just to keep your eyes on them for a few more seconds, because they are losers.
  41. You may be objectively beautiful, but it doesn't matter, it's not going to get you want you want in life. You probably don't even know what you want in life, and I use "probably" very generously here. I can count on two hands the people I've met in my life that actually know what they want, because most people are delusional. (These people inevitably end up being close friends of mine, because we instantly recognize each other, and once our dominance-urges have abated, we are life-long friends.)
  43. If you lie to yourself, everything else is fucked. Being honest AFTER you have lied to yourself is completely worthless, because you are already lost. Think about it.
  45. If you are interested in the "mentor" aspect of this (after the allowance, duh), then you probably have a metric ton to learn from me. If you are smart, you will get my drift at some point, and start integrating these ideas for yourself.
  47. If you are tactful, you can shape yourself up, and then do your normal thing hiding that you actually know whats up to other people. That is best for most people. I don't have to do that, because I have a pass not to do it, but no one else seems to get away with this, that I see.
  49. If you are interested in strategy, psychology and politics, I can also fill you in on how to get your way using these effectively too. I default to bull-in-china-shop, but when not appropriate I have many levels to get what I want, but I usually opt out to save time in a different direction.
  51. Whatever you have going on in your life, I will tell you if it's worth doing, from your own goals and values. If you really value something, it's not a waste of time. If you have mismatched values, then I will sort you out by telling you that you are trying to interfere with your own goals with what you are doing. Listen to me or not, that's up to you, but you'll get a dose of reality if you run it past me, and you can't rely on that with anyone who won't lay it out for you like I do.
  53. Time is the most valuable commodity that exists. Everything else is replenishable, but you will never get a millisecond back. There are no do-overs. Ever.
  55. What I want:
  57. - A booty call. You are here, you already know this. If you aren't down for this, save both our time and put "Princess Something" in your alias. Then your Prince Cuckold can properly find you in a search, since you and I know you are still going out to get laid, no matter what you say.
  59. - Someone regular to go dancing with that isn't a waste of my time to be around. I've already told you I am honest-as-fuck here in this profile, so if we meet up, you know. Meeting women on dates, I have to ease them into it, because look at how fucking long this write up is! No one has time for that shit, most of all, me.
  61. Currently I'm interested in getting good at Salsa. I've done it before, but not enough to be OK at it. I need it for my martial arts training, because I need to work in my "light body skills", and this is a good way to do it. Anything else good about it, for me, isn't as good as how it will improve my martial arts, so this is not a "romantic give-away" part of the deal. I want to get good at dancing, because it will make me a better fighter, which is something I like getting better at. If you care about this, feel free to ask, but I'm not trying to impress you, so if you don't care, ignore the reason why, but it's something I want to do with my "Sugar Baby".
  63. - I don't need you to be exclusive. I don't care what you do with your time you aren't spending with me. I do need you to use protection so I don't get STDs. I will do the same, since I'm not promising exclusivity either. Respect.
  65. - I like giving advice, because I like seeing people improve. I have brought people from $40K jobs to $180K jobs by helping them learn how to be-that-awesome, and it's great. I get a real sense of accomplishment doing this for people who are worth it.
  67. It's the same reason I teach martial arts, beyond needing fresh batches of victims to improve my skills.
  69. I am not going to listen to you complain about things: your friends, your family, your job, some guy. If you don't want to actually improve your life, tell it to your girlfriends or gayfriends. I won't sit around and listen to it, and I'll break things off if you can't stop yourself.
  71. As I said before, I give great advice, because my advice is grounded in reality. Everything I do is grounded in reality.
  73. You probably don't know anyone who is even interested in reality, as I define it, and so you are likely to be skeptical of many things.
  75. Almost everything I have said here is publicly verifiable (except my money, because people don't publish things like that), and if you want to verify to get-grounded, I will run your through the websites and stuff (not mine) that verify it, so you know I'm not full of shit, and you can actually benefit from my advice, because I'm fucking awesome.
  77. As for the allowance, you'll know if I give it to you, won't you?
  79. In terms of allowance rules, I will not tolerate any games or bullshit. This is a business deal, because it involves money, there won't be a contract, but if you break the terms of the deal it's over. First strike, you are out. No do-overs. Whatever we agree on, it's a deal, and it is make-or-break, I have zero tolerance for lies or excuses. Reality comes up, and things happen, but I expect you to double-make-up for it, or I'll assume you are playing a game.
  81. Outside of this offer, I don't buy women drinks, or offer to pay for anything. They can either have my time at an equal level, where we respect and enjoy the company, or nothing. I am not a chump who pays for companionship, I am offering to pay for saving my time. Companionship I have with my friends, with women I want the fun and booty which I don't want from my "companions".
  83. I haven't done this before, so if you have, don't expect the rules of your previous deals to be like this one. I set the rules in this situation, and I laid them out here.
  85. If I contact you, you will get a standard "I'm interested, read my profile and contact me if you are" message, verbatim. No one gets anything special. If you are special, I will help make you MORE special, but I can tell you, it's not going to impress me, so don't be disappointed going in.
  87. Don't expect compliments, ever. I quite frankly don't give a fuck if you are a perfect 10. About 10 minutes after talking to you, I won't even be able to see it, because that's how it works. I don't care about taking your picture and posting it on my social media pages to impress my friends. Beauty opens doors, and that's it.
  89. If you aren't a perfect 10, but you like the cut-of-my-jib, great. You will benefit this more than I do, but I will get what I want out of this, or I won't do it. You should do the same.
  91. Best of luck ladies! It's a rough world out there, and you are all getting lied to by people who want to take advantage of you, no matter what your situation is!
  93. I hope you find happiness, and wish you good hunting! Carpe diem.
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