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- -- HelperClass
- -- Created by: Mr Coxall
- -- Created on: Nov 2014
- -- Created for: ICS2O
- -- This is a collection of classes and a scene management system,
- -- to help in the aid of coding.
- -- Button Class
- -- This class simplifies the process of checking if a sprite button is pressed or not
- -- Then you can ask the button if it is being touched or was ended.
- -- Works best with vector sprite buttons, since it enlarges them when they are touched
- --
- -- Parameters to pass in:
- -- 1. Untouched button image name
- -- 2. A vector2 that is the location of the button
- Button = class()
- function Button:init(buttonImage, buttonPosition)
- -- accepts the button image and location to draw it
- self.buttonImage = buttonImage
- self.buttonLocation = buttonPosition
- self.buttonTouchScale = 1.15
- self.buttonImageSize = vec2(spriteSize(self.buttonImage))
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonImage
- self.buttonTouchedImage = resizeImage(self.buttonImage, (self.buttonImageSize.x*self.buttonTouchScale), (self.buttonImageSize.y*self.buttonTouchScale))
- self.selected = false
- end
- function Button:draw()
- -- Codea does not automatically call this method
- pushStyle()
- pushMatrix()
- noFill()
- noSmooth()
- noStroke()
- sprite(self.currentButtonImage, self.buttonLocation.x, self.buttonLocation.y)
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- end
- function Button:touched(touch)
- -- local varaibles
- local currentTouchPosition = vec2(touch.x, touch.y)
- -- reset touching variable to false
- self.selected = false
- if (touch.state == BEGAN) then
- if( (self.buttonLocation.x - self.buttonImageSize.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.x + self.buttonImageSize.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.y - self.buttonImageSize.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.buttonLocation.y + self.buttonImageSize.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonTouchedImage
- --print("Now touching! - began")
- else
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonImage
- --print("Not touching - began")
- end
- end
- if (touch.state == MOVING) then
- if( (self.buttonLocation.x - self.buttonImageSize.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.x + self.buttonImageSize.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.y - self.buttonImageSize.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.buttonLocation.y + self.buttonImageSize.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonTouchedImage
- --print("Now touching! - moving")
- else
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonImage
- --print("Not touching - moving")
- end
- end
- if (touch.state == ENDED) then
- if( (self.buttonLocation.x - self.buttonImageSize.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.x + self.buttonImageSize.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.buttonLocation.y - self.buttonImageSize.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.buttonLocation.y + self.buttonImageSize.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- self.selected = true
- --print("Activated button")
- end
- self.currentButtonImage = self.buttonImage
- end
- end
- function resizeImage(img, width, height)
- -- function from
- --
- local newImg = image(width,height)
- setContext(newImg)
- sprite( img, width/2, height/2, width, height )
- setContext()
- return newImg
- end
- -- Dragging Object Class
- -- This class simplifies the process of dragging and dropping objects
- -- You can have several objects interacting, but it is not mulit-touch
- --
- -- Parameters to pass in:
- -- 1. Object image name
- -- 2. A vector2 that is the location of the button
- -- 3. Optional object id
- SpriteObject = class()
- function SpriteObject:init(objectImage, objectStartPosition, objectID)
- self.objectImage = objectImage
- self.objectStartLocation = objectStartPosition
- self.ID = objectID or math.random()
- self.objectCurrentLocation = self.objectStartLocation
- self.objectImageSize = vec2(spriteSize(self.objectImage))
- self.selected = false
- self.dragOffset = vec2(0,0)
- self.draggable = true
- -- yes, the following does need to be global to the entire program
- -- this is the only way (easy way!) to move things around and no get
- -- several object "attached" to each other
- -- this way just the top object in the stack moves
- end
- function SpriteObject:draw()
- -- Codea does not automatically call this method
- pushStyle()
- pushMatrix()
- noFill()
- noSmooth()
- noStroke()
- sprite(self.objectImage, self.objectCurrentLocation.x, self.objectCurrentLocation.y)
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- end
- function SpriteObject:touched(touch)
- -- Codea does not automatically call this method
- -- local varaibles
- local currentTouchPosition = vec2(touch.x, touch.y)
- -- reset touching variable to false
- self.selected = false
- if (touch.state == BEGAN and self.draggable == true) then
- if( (self.objectCurrentLocation.x - self.objectImageSize.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.x + self.objectImageSize.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y - self.objectImageSize.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y + self.objectImageSize.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- -- if the touch has began, we need to find delta from touch to center of object
- -- since will need it to reposition the object for draw
- -- subtracting 2 vec2s here
- self.dragOffset = self.objectCurrentLocation - currentTouchPosition
- end
- end
- if (touch.state == MOVING and self.draggable == true) then
- if( (self.objectCurrentLocation.x - self.objectImageSize.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.x + self.objectImageSize.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y - self.objectImageSize.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y + self.objectImageSize.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- -- only let it move if self.draggable == true
- if (self.draggable == true) then
- -- add the offset back in for its new position
- if (self.ID == DRAGGING_OBJECT_MOVING) then
- self.objectCurrentLocation = currentTouchPosition + self.dragOffset
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if (touch.state == ENDED and self.draggable == true) then
- end
- -- this checks for if you have just touched the image
- -- you will have to release and re-touch for this to be activated again
- if (touch.state == BEGAN) then
- if( (self.objectCurrentLocation.x - self.objectCurrentLocation.x/2) < currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.x + self.objectCurrentLocation.x/2) > currentTouchPosition.x and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y - self.objectCurrentLocation.y/2) < currentTouchPosition.y and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y + self.objectCurrentLocation.y/2) > currentTouchPosition.y ) then
- self.selected = true
- --print("Activated button")
- end
- end
- end
- function SpriteObject:isTouching(otherSpriteObject)
- -- this method checks if one dragging object is touching another dragging object
- local isItTouching = false
- if( (self.objectCurrentLocation.x + self.objectImageSize.x/2) > (otherSpriteObject.objectCurrentLocation.x - otherSpriteObject.objectImageSize.x/2) and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.x - self.objectImageSize.x/2) < (otherSpriteObject.objectCurrentLocation.x + otherSpriteObject.objectImageSize.x/2) and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y - self.objectImageSize.y/2) < (otherSpriteObject.objectCurrentLocation.y + otherSpriteObject.objectImageSize.y/2) and
- (self.objectCurrentLocation.y + self.objectImageSize.y/2) > (otherSpriteObject.objectCurrentLocation.y - otherSpriteObject.objectImageSize.y/2) ) then
- -- if true, then not touching
- isItTouching = true
- end
- return isItTouching
- end
- -- SceneManager
- --
- -- This file lets you easily manage different scenes
- -- Original code from Brainfox, off the Codea forums
- Scene = {}
- local scenes = {}
- local sceneNames = {}
- local currentScene = nil
- setmetatable(Scene,{__call = function(_,name,cls)
- if (not currentScene) then
- currentScene = 1
- end
- table.insert(scenes,cls)
- sceneNames[name] = #scenes
- Scene_Select = nil
- end})
- --Change scene
- Scene.Change = function(name)
- currentScene = sceneNames[name]
- scenes[currentScene]:init()
- if (Scene_Select) then
- Scene_Select = currentScene
- end
- collectgarbage()
- end
- Scene.Draw = function()
- pushStyle()
- pushMatrix()
- scenes[currentScene]:draw()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- end
- Scene.Touched = function(t)
- if (scenes[currentScene].touched) then
- scenes[currentScene]:touched(t)
- end
- end
- Scene.Keyboard = function()
- if (scenes[currentScene].keyboard) then
- scenes[currentScene]:keyboard(key)
- end
- end
- Scene.OrientationChanged = function()
- if (scenes[currentScene].orientationChanged) then
- scenes[currentScene]:orientationChanged()
- end
- end
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