
Hayden/Ceal/Malik [Hayden's Trial - Anon's Attack] 03.18.19

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. /me Hayden dodged and rolled, shifting forms lightning fast as his Frenzy raged out of control. There wasn't much forethought to anything the Ancient Gangrel did, just action and reaction and the thought that he had to attack and feed, no matter what it was from, with the exception of Raven and the other members of the coven. His form now that of a large dark grey timber wolf, Hayden latched onto Anon's pretend form as Raven ripped him apart, holding him in place as much as she did. There wasn't much blood left, but it didn't matter now as Hayden had access to his Disciplines. His head cleared just enough for him to seek out Animalism as he growled and let go of his grip on Anon as Raven plunged a dagger into his side. His ice-blue wolf's eyes gleamed with kindred intelligence hearing Ray call out about the homunculus before passing out from spending all that energy in one burst. Hayden stayed close to Raven and Kali, standing his ground and guarding the two as Katri knelt beside Ray and attempted to get him back to his feet. ----- Ceallaigh grabbed for Raven to pull her out of the mist that was her Sire but she attacked him as he began to reform and her transformation knocked him back from actually grabbing her. His enormous war form left him towering over her as she raged, ripping Anon's body apart as she went to for the kill, digging her hands into the sides of his form, the dagger she buried into him somehow trapping his body between forms. He didn't understand it but he didn't have time to question it even though he heard Katri's words. The battle swayed in their favor as Raven attacked and Ceal felt his Grandsire's approach just in time for Him to join the battle as well, not that it was actually needed, now. ----- Malik burst into the coven hall just as He completed transforming His Zulo shape, now including enormous bat-like wings. [Vicissitude Lvl 6 - Chiropteran Marauder, used to augment Tzimisce Zulo shape with limited flight.] With Raven's transformation and Ceal's there wasn't enough room for His form within the hall as well, and He had to change trajectory very quickly so as not to collide with Raven's large form as well as having to avoid Ceal and another ancient who had shape-shifted at least twice now, meaning he was also Gangrel. The form of the other Gangrel who had fallen caught Malik's attention as the Tremere went to revive him. Malik took a step back as the one known as Anon was now trapped between forms and also trapped within Raven's grasp as she dug through his body to find his heart, something He had also done with His own mastery of Vicissitude. He leaped up to the dais using his wings to land behind Raven about to rip the body she held apart with His own elongated claws and literally shred it with them as well as using His Discipline to seek out the source that powered the thing that appeared to be Anon but was only an extension of him. Malik enacted a higher level of Celerity that enabled Him to disguise His movements with speed and accuracy as He made a mess of the torso of the thing for Raven to find the center of it. In that moment He also caught a ripple of a sensation with His heightened awareness that could be none other than the true source, Anon himself. His claws coated with blood Malik turned, His Demonic black eyes blazing with dark power that was both vampiric and demonic in nature. -Simt că prezența lui... aura lui îl trădează acum în fața Mea. Cel Antic este aici.- [I feel his presence... his aura betrays him to Me, now. The Ancient one is here.] He spoke to Ceal through their bond as He would turn using yet another Discipline Between The Ticks of one second and the next to attack with deadly precision, [Celerity LvL 9 - Between The Ticks Ability. Spend a Blood + a Willpower = Automatic success.] blasting the man with a Demonically Amplified form of Dragon's Breath that burst from Him as He took a step towards where He sensed Anon was watching them from. [Vicissitude Lvl 8 - Dragon's Breath + Demonic power boost. Essentially making it Demon Fire.]
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