
Rude Buster VS Wayward Son

Sep 28th, 2019
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  1. Part 1: Vs. Susie
  3. “I can do anything!” The demonic jester tittered through a grin composed of fangs far sharper and yellower then even Susie’s.
  5. “Can you take an ax straight to the face?” Susie snarled as she guided Rude Buster’s axes straight towards the diminutive devil’s head.
  7. “What fun.” The minuscule mischief maker retorted. The threat of grievous bodily harm only seemed to make him laugh harder. “The World Revolving!” Jevil shouted out as a barrage of projectiles in the shape of playing card iconography barreled towards Rude Buster and Susie.
  9. Susie did her best to use Rude Buster’s axes to deflect the bullet spam flying towards her and the minotaur shaped stand but a few of the projectiles managed to slip through. The clubs bludgeoned, the spades and diamonds cut, and the hearts exploded upon impact.
  11. Susie was driven to the ground by the force of the blows. Gasping for breath, she looked behind her to see how the rest of the $!$? Squad was holding up. Kris was in a similar position as she was, down but not quite out. Ralsei however, appeared to be in much rougher shape then the two combined. The goat made of shadowy stuff appeared to have totally faded from existence leaving behind only his robe, scarf, and hat.
  13. “Shit.” Susie growled as she rose to her feet. “Why’d I talk the guys into letting this creep outta his cage? Kris ain’t going to let me live this one down… if we live through it that is.” From the corner of her eye, Susie saw Kris’s stand moving to take a defensive position next to Rude Buster. Soon Kris was standing next to her, a hand on her shoulder.
  15. “On three, we go at him together.” Kris began. “Keep Rude Buster bobbing and weaving with my stand. I noticed the clown has to look where he wants his bullets to go. If we keep him cross-eyed, then we can hopefully force his attacks to miss their marks. Got it?”
  17. “Sure thing, freak” Susie agreed through a mad sneer. She wanted nothing more then to chop the little clown to dust with Rude Buster’s tomahawks.
  19. “One, two, THREE!” Kris shouted as both stand users urged their stands towards the fanged fool in front of them. Both stands shifted position and placement as they rushed towards their mark. No one step or jump aligned with the previous. Within seconds, both stands were upon their target.
  21. Utter shock and confusion exploded onto both Susie’s and Kris’s face when their blows struck true. It appeared to pair that the tiny clown had not even attempted to dodge.
  23. For a second, the Susie and Kris could not help but believe that the combined might of their stands’ blows had decapitated the jester. Both their eyes bulged as Jevil’s head sailed off his shoulders in an arc. The shock turned to disgust as the head began laughing. As quick as a whip crack, the head reversed course and began traveling back towards Jevil’s body. It was then that they both saw the clown’s head was attached to his body not by a neck, but a fleshy spring.
  25. “My my, so sorry dear guests. You see, you are not my only visitors today.” Jevil giggled as he gestured at the empty space behind him. “See, they too wish to play and who am I to deny anyone good fun?”
  27. The little mad man’s rantings coupled with the fact that his head was bobbing at such unnatural angles left the dragon and human speechless.
  29. “Oh...” Jevil sighed as he looked upon Kris’s and Susie’s stunned faces. “You don’t see... do you? No, not your fault, mine. I just need to line things up, YES! What kind of host would I be if I kept my guests separated? Terrible, terrible that is the kind of host I would be. Here, let me introduce you!”
  31. “The World Re-vol-ving!” The squat jester roared in a voice that was far deeper then anything a monster his size should have been capable of producing. As he released the last syllable, a blinding, light filled the cell and forced both Susie and Kris to close their eyes for fear of going blind. When they next opened their eyes, Jevil was gone. He had been replaced by a dragon boy, a human girl, and rabid looking stand about to hammer Kris with a fist traveling at nearly mach 10.
  35. Part 2: Vs. Sam
  37. “Kris I am NEVER listening to you again, ever!” Sam roared as a volley of deranged carousel rejects charged towards him and his female compatriot. The dragon guided his stand, Wayward Son, to pulverize any carousel horses that got close. While mostly successful, one wooden equidae bypassed the defenses of the stand, shaped like a dragon in rocker’s attire, and smashed into its chest.
  39. The dragon fell to the ground and coughed up a thick cloud of dust while gripping his near broken ribs. In response, Wayward Son’s appearance turned a degree more bestial and frenzied looking.
  41. “I am so, so sorry! How was I supposed to know that the guy would attack us the second he saw your stand?” Kris howled as she hustled toward her fallen friend. The tiny human made it to the much larger dragon just as Jevil’s attack ended.
  43. “Don’t matter now!” Sam spat as he rose to his feet. He saw that Kris’s knife had materialized in her hand and that her chest was illuminated by a bright red, heart shaped light.
  45. “Enjoying the ride?” Jevil cooed at the injured dragon and angry human. “I missed seeing your smiling faces; for you see, you are not my only guests today. But now that I have the others settled, I can devote my attention to you. So without further ado, The! World! Revolving!” Jevil screamed out the last three words and in doing so filled his cell with numerous, scythes that began to spin in place.
  47. “Shit” Sam growled as he rose to his feet. “Kris, I need you to do something really, really, fucking weird, okay?
  49. “Sam, we’re fighting a super powered jester in an alternate dimension, a storm of carousel horses just tried to trample us into mush, and now the room is filled with demonic scythes that are about to rip us apart. I really don’t think anything you could ask me to do would sound that weird.”
  51. “Cut me.” The dragon replied in an ice cold tone. “Right across my chest, nice and deep. That should do enough damage to set Wayward Son to peak damage potential. If I hit the little shit with a full blow, no way is he gonna get up from it.”
  53. “Guess I was wrong, you are nuts Sam, nuts!” As she rebuked her partner, Kris took a step away from Sam and crossed her arms across her glowing chest. It was clear she had no intention of following Sam’s plan.
  55. “Alright then, guess I am taking my chances with the scythes.” Sam replied as coolly as he could. He was used to dealing with insane situations, his mother had seen to that since shortly after the day he was born.
  57. As if on queue, Jevil’s scythes came whirling towards the pair of heroes. In the blink of an eye, Sam placed Wayward Son in front of Kris and himself. With punches, kicks, and a few headbutts the scythes where knocked aside. But despite his best efforts, Sam could not deflect every blade thrown toward him and Kris. The arms, legs, and torso of Wayward Son were crisscrossed with numerous cuts and these same injuries appeared upon Sam as soon as they appeared on his stand.
  59. With every wound received, Wayward Son’s form became more wild. Its eyes and fangs yellowed, the tight ponytail restraining its hair exploded into a wild and unkempt mane, and its skin turned from a dull purple to a brazen pink-red. The stand now looked like a blood-drunk berserker rather than a rockstar.
  61. Sam did his best to remain standing. He almost fell face first to the ground until he felt Kris place a steadying hand on his shoulder. “Hang in there big guy.” She whispered in his ear.
  63. Sam knew exactly what he had to do. He focused as intently as he could on the mad cackler hopping around in front of him. He knew the jester was quick and powerful but that he was also prone to distraction.
  65. “Next time to you talk with your ‘other’ guests, I’m gonna drop you like I dropped Berdly.” Sam repeated this line as he watched for the clown’s attention to shift.
  67. “The third-wheel in my other guests party seems down for the count hehehe. Looks like the perfect time to introduce the couples!” The devilish harlequin cried out as he spun himself into the air.
  69. “Bye asshole!” Sam shouted as he sent Wayward Son charging towards Jevil.
  71. “The World Re-vol-ving!” The squat jester roared in a voice that was far deeper then anything a monster his size should have been capable of producing. As he released the last syllable, a blinding, light filled the cell forcing both Kris and Sam to close their eyes or risk going blind.
  73. When Sam opened his eyes again, he saw Wayward Son was about to deliver the mother of all hay-makers to the chin of a human boy standing where the mad jester had been seconds ago.
  77. Part 3: Another Him/Her
  79. The noise Wayward Son’s fist made as it connected with Kris’s chin sounded like an uncooked chicken being dropped on the floor. The human boy’s limp and broken form flew across the room and collided unceremoniously against the wall. There it slid to the ground and crumpled into an inglorious heap. Just before his soul left his body, Kris tapped into his stand’s time rewinding ability and brought himself back to just before the killing blow was struck.
  81. Even with knowledge of what was about to happen, the human knew he had no chance to dodge the rampaging stand’s onslaught. So instead, he braced himself and his own stand for impact. When the blow landed directly against his stand’s crossed arms it hurt and it hurt bad. But Kris rode the hit as best he could and while he was definitely injured, he would live to fight another day. That day was not today though, the grayness rapidly filling his peripheral vision would see to that. The darkness of unconsciousness took him and Kris slumped to the ground, battered, bloodied, but still alive.
  83. “You killed him, you killed him, you killed him, you killed him you killed him!” Was all Susie could think as she glared daggers at Sam. No words left her mouth though. Her rage would not let her talk. That was okay with her though. She did not need words for what she was about to do to the dragon boy in front of her. Rude Buster’s tomahawks would handle things just fine.
  85. Sam stood stunned. “Ho-how did I hit Kris? She was right behind me...” Sam thought as he looked upon the fallen form of what appeared to be his girlfriend.
  87. “Sam, look out!” The female Kris yelled from behind him. However, her warning came to late. Rude Buster’s axes were already on the downward curve of the arc aiming for the base of Sam’s neck.
  89. With no other options left to her, Kris grunted as she threw all her wight behind a shoulder barge into Sam’s ribs. The dragon boy groaned in pain as he felt Kris hit his already stinging sides. The pair hit the ground in a sprawled heap just in time for Rude Buster’s axes to come crashing down exactly where they had both been standing seconds ago.
  91. A moment later and Kris was atop Sam. She wrapped her arms around him and rolled to the side just in time to dodge the coup de grâce Susie had set Rude Buster up to deliver. Sparks flew as the twin tomahawks bit deep into the stone floor.
  93. Sam snapped out of his stupor as he found himself looking up into Kris’s face. A good thing too as Rude Buster’s weapons were once again descending in a deadly, downward arc straight towards the prone pair.
  95. Just before impact, the axes’ stopped their downward descent. The mauve hands of Wayward Son were wrapped around Rude Buster’s wrists in a death grip. Both Sam and Kris took the brief reprieve to spring from the floor to safety; Sam went left and Kris went right. Both prepared to launch counter attacks against the grief-maddened dragoness.
  97. “Let go!” Susie bellowed as she broke Rude Buster free of Wayward Son’s hold. The second the minotaur shaped stand was free, it renewed its ax-first assault on Sam.
  99. As Susie continued her single minded assault on the dragon boy, Kris came to a critical realization. “She either didn’t see me or way more likely, doesn’t think I am a threat. Big mistake either way.” Rather then act immediately, Kris slowly moved behind Susie. The whole time watching as Sam did his best to deflect the wild blows being rained down upon him and Wayward Son.
  101. Once she was behind Susie, Kris summoned her stand, Heart and Soul. The stand manifested itself as a knife in her hand and the glowing outline of a heart on her chest. As quickly and quietly as she could, Kris raced towards Susie intending to strike the dragoness down before she knew death was upon her.
  103. Kris’s sneak attack would have worked had Wayward Son and Rude Buster not reached a deadlock just as Kris was halfway to Susie’s back. With the clamor of stand-to-stand combat reduced to strained grunting, Kris’s rapid foot falls upon the room’s stone floor sounded like crashing thunder. Susie heard her would-be assailant's footsteps just in time to prepare a counterattack.
  105. Susie had no way to pull Rude Buster free of Wayward Son’s grasp. But thanks to her draconic strength, she did not need the stand’s help to deal with the human girl rapidly advancing towards her. Susie turned and as she did so put all her weight behind a sweltering uppercut. The blow connected squarely with Kris’s jaw. The tiny human flew up into the air then fell to the ground just as both the heart-shaped glow on her chest and the knife in her hand faded from existence.
  107. Upon seeing Kris hit the ground, Sam felt his entire being energized by unrelenting fury. If the anger and hurt caused by every injustice, punishment, or callousness visited upon him by his mother were added together, it would pale in comparison to the way he felt now.
  109. Both stands broke from their stalemate and returned to their user’s side. Both stand users strode towards one another; murder in their eyes’, hatred in their souls’, and a sense of menace in the air so thick no blade could ever hope to cut it.
  113. Part 4 Imminent Deaths
  115. Two steps, both Susie and Sam each took two steps towards one another before breaking into dead sprints. Sam’s rage was still fresh, the hurt of seeing his partner fall just seconds ago spurred him to make the first move. He leaped into the air and cocked his fist back. Wayward Son did the same, the stand and its user’s movements were locked in perfect sync.
  117. Susie jumped back just in time for Wayward Son’s fist to come crashing down onto the floor where she had just been. Seeing an opportunity to end the fight before it began, Susie had Rude Buster raise both its axes high and prepare to chop off Wayward Son’s, and by extension, Sam’s arm.
  119. “Gotcha!” Sam roared just as Rude Buster’s arms reached the zenith of their upward extension. Sam’s feign had been a perfect melding of power and subterfuge. A weaker stand would have needed to put all its strength into a punch that could shatter stone. Not so with Wayward Son. Sam willed the draconic stand to swing its other arm, where all the momentum of preceding sprint had been loaded, towards Rude Buster’s undefended sides.
  121. Susie knew the majority of the ribs on her left side were broken and her left lung was punctured before she felt herself rolling across the floor; such was the force of the blow Wayward Son had manged to land against her and her stand. The momentum carrying her gave out just before she made contact with the room’s wall.
  123. Slowly, shakily Susie willed herself into a crouch. As she straightened her back, she coughed up a great cloud of dust. “Damn, he really messed me up.” Susie panted as she used her arm to wipe away the gray, spittle-dust mix clinging to her lips.
  125. Even as she struggled to rise, Susie focused intently on the dragon approaching her. He moved with a cautious gate and kept his stand close to him. It was clear to Susie that her opponent was moving in for the kill and was ready to guard against any blow or chop Rude Buster could throw at him.
  127. Sam knew he had the dragoness dead-to-rights the second she hung her head and brought her stand in front of her. The minotaur shaped stand crossed its axes in front of its chest in a defensive stance. “You killed her, you killed her, you killed her, you killed her, you killed her!” Is all that Sam could think as he advanced upon the target of his hatred. A cold smile spread across the dragon’s mouth as he cleared the halfway mark to his target. That smile quickly turned to a grimace as Susie shot her head up and pointed a claw tipped finger at him, a mad sneer plastered to her maw.
  129. “Now, Rude Buster, chop um down!” Susie screamed as her stand slashed its axes through the air. From the honed edge of each ax shot a beam of of energy. The sounds the crackling waves of force made as they sailed through the air towards Sam were like the terrible utterances made by the dread Jabberwocky.
  131. Sam had prepared himself for a close-combat based assault, not a ranged attack. He had no time to dodge nor redirect the beams screaming towards him. Sam resigned himself to his fate as he braced for impact. As Sam readied himself, he put Wayward Son into a defensive posture and brought the dragon shaped stand directly in the path of the attack. All Sam could hope was that his stand’s arms could absorb the blow and remain intact.
  133. The second the beams of cutting energy hit Wayward Son, Sam let out a howl of pure, primal pain. Deep lacerations in an X-shaped pattern appeared on the his arms. So deep and quick did the wounds appear that it took a full 3 seconds before they began to belch forth geysers of dust. Sam crumpled to the ground, doing everything he could to keep Wayward Son from fading to the ether.
  135. “I’m gonna do to you what you did to Kris.” Susie grunted as she stomped towards her fallen foe. “But 100 times worse!” As Susie closed in on Sam, Rude Buster raised its axes in preparation to deliver the killing blow.
  137. Sam looked to Wayward Son and frowned. Despite his mangled arms, the stand still looked more like a rock star than a berserker. In his weakened state, Sam knew he could not beat the dragoness in a straight fight. He would need to use Wayward Son’s riposte ability. “Even if I do beat her… chances are good I won’t be getting back up afterwards.” Sam thought as he struck a defensive pose and readied his stand to deflect only the most lethal of blows.
  139. Susie’s assault began the second Rude Buster’s axes were in range of Sam and Wayward Son. Before the attack began, Sam had thought it possible for him to pick which hits to take and which to block. That dream was crushed as hundreds of chops and slashes were unleashed upon him and his stand in seconds. Sam realized there was no longer a chance for him to win the fight. A draw was the best he could hope for. He found it odd that the threat of imminent death did not scare him. “Why should it?” He thought. “All I cared about is dead and gone. Mys well go down swinging!”
  141. Susie’s focused on nothing but ensuring she was throwing the maximum amount of blows possible. She felt every inch of her physical and spiritual being strain and begin to break as she continued her attack. Soon, clouds of dust began to smoke from one of her nostrils and then the other. Susie paid them no heed, such was her focus.
  143. All thoughts save one had been driven from Sam’s mind as Rude Busters axes continued to rip into Wayward Son and by extension himself. “Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold!” His mind screamed. The whole time Susie was attacking and Sam was holding fast, Wayward Son had been changing.
  145. To say that the dragon shaped stand looked like berserker would be tantamount to saying a waterfall looked like a tricking sink tap. Wayward Son was had become an avatar of hatred and rage. Its scales were molten brass, its eyes and fangs were burning orange flames, and its claws were long as knives and as black as the void between stars.
  147. Sam felt rather then saw the state of his stand. In that instant he knew that it was time, that it was all over. Pain both mental and physical sloughed off him in as he cocked back his fist. As he did so, so too did Wayward Son, a frothing sneer plastered to its face. Both stand and user held their fists at the ready for but a second. Sam took that last moment to think of his beloved Kris. Then he let fly his killer blow.
  149. At first Susie felt nothing, it was only when she realized that Ruder Buster’s assault had ended without her command did she realize something was amiss. The dragoness crumpled to the ground and as she did so, realized that Rude Buster had not just stopped attacking but it had faded away. Only when she was eye-to-eye with the dragon boy did she notice that his stands arm was plunged halfway through her chest.
  151. Sam felt like every part of his body was falling, tugging away from itself, scattering in a million directions. Wayward Son was gone. As he fell to the ground, he saw the other side of the room through the hole in the she dragon’s chest that Wayward Son had made just before its departure.
  153. Both dragons then turned to dust as a wind from nowhere spread their remains about the deranged jester’s holding cell.
  157. Part 5: Don’t Forget
  159. Kris had awoken from his bout with unconsciousness just as Susie began her assault on Sam. The human watched as Rude Buster tore apart the dragon boy. Unlike his partner though, Kris saw the terrible changes that Wayward Son had undergone. He tried to call out but neither dragon nor dragoness acknowledged him. Knowing nothing good would come of letting the fight continue, Kris stumbled to his feet and began running towards the combatants.
  161. As he got close to the dueling dragons, Kris saw a sight that would haunt his dreams for the rest of his days. He watched in horror as the dragon boy’s stand plunged its fist through Susie chest. He screamed out in anguish as he watched Susie crumple to the ground. He wept bitter tears as she faded to dust right in front of him. “Susie!” The heart broken human wailed out through tears.
  163. Horror induced catatonia clawed at Kris’s mind but the young man stood resolute. He brought forth his stand and pushed past every inhibitor and every limit imposed upon him. He pushed until he felt he could go no further and then pushed further still until at last his stand grasped hold of the very stands of time. He then tugged them back towards himself. He tugged and yanked with all his might until he felt time begin to slip backwards.
  165. The reversal of father time’s gears left Kris at the point just before Susie’s closed in on Sam. The human boy rushed at his draconic companion as fast as he could. He body tackled her a split second before either of Rude Buster’s axes could bite into Sam’s flesh.
  167. As she hit the ground, Susie prepared to turn Rude Buster lose on her would-be assailant. The Minotaur stopped the downward sweep of its tomahawks at the last second as Susie realized it was a very much alive Kris that lay atop her.
  169. “FREAK, you-you’re’re okay!” Susie shouted as she locked the human in a rib cracking embrace.
  171. As Susie and Kris reunited Sam rose from the ground and began to advance towards the pair. It looked like it was about to be two versus one and those were odds Sam did not like. He prepared to strike when he heard a shout from his side.
  173. “Sam stop, I don’t think they’re with the jester!”
  175. “She’s alive!” Is all Sam could think as he whipped around to see his Kris walking towards him.
  177. “In fact, I think that they probably hate the little shit as much as we do, look.” Kris spoke as she pointed first at herself, then Sam, then Kris, and finally Susie. Sam realized that Kris and the human boy being crushed by the dragoness were dressed exactly the same. The humans also shared the same height, build, everything aside from sex. The similarities were to close to be chalked up purely to a shared race. Sam then looked at the dragoness and himself. Sure enough they were in the same boat as the humans, exact duplicates barring sex.
  179. Susie released Kris from her embrace and turned to see the dragon boy and the human girl she had knocked out before, now standing together. The dragon was giving her the stink eye and the human girl still looked a bit dazed from the knuckle sandwich she ate earlier.
  181. The four lighteners faced one another. All realized that something odd was definitely at play. Before a word could be uttered between the couples, a cackle rang out from high above them. The four heroes looked towards the ceiling and saw Jevil floating high above them.
  183. The devilish jester had his head resting in one hand, in the other hand he held a bag of popcorn, and his J-shaped tailed was wrapped around a cup of cola. “My my, it seems the fun is done,” Jevil whined, “and just when things were looking won. Sir knight, your time play I must say is no delight. So with fun undone and the late growing night, I feel its time to take your sight. Not to worry though, just a temporary blight. And then we three shall be alright, to continue on our merry fight.”
  185. With the horrendous couplet uttered, Jevil raised his hands high above his head and in a voice that was still far deeper then what he appeared capable of producing shouted out “THE WORLD REVOLVING!” Another bright flash of light blinded Susie, Sam, and both Krises.
  187. Susie and Kris regained their sight only to see Jevil floating before them. The dragon boy and human girl were gone. Susie looked behind her and saw that Ralsei’s attire was still on the floor where it had been before the light had carried her and Kris off. As if nothing odd had happened, Kris summoned his stand to his side while Susie directed Rude Buster towards the frothing fool, its axes poised to strike.
  189. Sam and Kris regained their sight only to see Jevil floating before them. The dragon girl and human boy were gone. As if nothing odd had happened, Kris summoned Heart to her chest and Soul to her hand while Sam directed Wayward Son towards the killer clown, its claws ready to rend.
  191. “My my, what a bizarre adventure this turned out to be...” Jevil chuckled to himself as he readied himself to face the pairs that stood before him.
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