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Sep 7th, 2017
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  1. Umbrella Security Operations 2011-2017:
  2. Class: SS,S,A,B,C,D,E,F _ + and - beetween them:
  3. There are: Solo,Duo,3 Guys Team or Full RAID Squad Type of Operation. (Most of them Is Solo or Duo Type with NND, in rare case 3 Guys team and Full RAID Squad Type for Special SS- Class or more
  4. Members Skills Up to: (Alone), Mixed Skills is unlimited (SS+ Class) when doing Full RAID Squad Type. (SS- Class) Is achievable with 3 Guys team.
  5. Cyber-NND-Hydra S+ Class
  6. Umbrella Sec. Jank0 A- Class
  7. Umbrella Sec. Touareg B+ Class
  8. Umbrella Sec. retard1337 B Class
  9. Umbrella Sec. .lucky B- Class
  10. Umbrella Sec. Nowitkowsky1337 C+ Class
  11. UST AcA S Class
  12. Umbrella Sec. Lorenzo C- Class
  13. UST Cr4sh C Class
  14. UST Viktor A Class
  15. UST Vajdislav D Class
  16. Umbrella Sec. Nautilus S- Class
  17. UST Filip S Class
  18. Umbrella Sec. Z0r4nA A+ Class
  19. UST Big_Father A Class
  20. #OPM.I.N.A (Upgrade and development of Multifunctional Intelligent Nenad's Assistant) S+ Class
  21. #OPBeli (Namestanje glasova i reklamne kampanje u nadi da pobedi beli) A- Class
  22. #OPI.N.F (Inspect New Friend: Bibi , Dragon's Prophet Case.) D+ class
  23. #OPSRS (Srpska Radikalna Stranka , Podaci leaked and sended) B+ Class
  24. #OPH.J.W.K (Help Janko With Knifes, Sales boost and develop for Team bigger budget) A+ Class
  25. #OPR.BB (Return Bibi Back, Social eng. manipulate) C+ Class
  26. #OPNP (Nixa Pervert, stoling montage of his laptop, showing to Bibi, hentai with bibi face.) F- Class
  27. #OPDevil666 (Infiltrating in Warframe guild to inspect situation and Alex story.) A+ Class
  28. #OPParanormal (Providing advanced help and protection to IDA, hacking and blocking all communications beetween Attacker and IDA.) S- Class
  29. #OPNesNadame (Hacking legal university of bosnia: ) B Class
  30. #OPS.D (Shaka's Deal, Scamming others for old friend...) B- Class
  31. #OPN.S (New Server, Stealing money from Indian tech support scammers who scam old people, Giving 50% of money back to owners and 50% for us. :) ) SS- Class
  32. #OPZ.FB.P (Zorana's Facebook Promotion, Via live Gathering info about how small kids react to woman, and when they will "donate" dirty money to she show boobs in PM. ) A- Class
  33. #OPDDoW (Drug dealers on wild, helping dealers beginners with guide how to "trade" online on deepweb.) A+ Class
  34. #OPToF (Timeout Focus, pause him from contacting NND by "planting" other friends who will keep him busy with gaming. E+ Class
  35. #OPCCfT (Custom cheat for tournament,bypassing VAC (Valve-anti-cheat) in CSGO making undetected cheat for WH and Low Aim) S Class
  36. #OPTahadi (DDosing and taking down one of the biggest point blank arabic game server.) S- Class
  37. #OPPK (Papa's Kick, making contract with BigPapa to secure team information.) SS- Class
  38. #OPTbD (Turret building development, securing client's house with custom made turret's) SS Class
  39. #OPSBBLT (SBB lag test, Attacking streamer Supreme Nexus to test can SBB deliver "promised" upload to the user.) S- Class
  40. #OPR.L. (Rocket League, making private server and destroying steam license.) SS Class
  41. #OPHT.P.B (Help the piratebay, Making backup when TPB was down and hosting on our own servers.) SS+ Class
  42. #OPN.A (New Ally, Working together with Omega Security Team to make Mountain for cash, in GTA V Rockstar server hacking... ) SS Class
  43. #OPDtR (Djole Testing Rat, Testing new NND's Developed Undetected Trojan Remote administration tool) S- Class
  44. #OPSino (Something is not ok , Stoling VIP's USB flash for images from BF,GF betrayment. ) A+ Class
  45. #OPNG (Niggerian Girl, Try to hack and Chase away all enemy trader's customers. ) B- Class
  46. #OPLoT? (Lol or Troll? , Inspecting Riot games chat detection in league of legends) A- Class
  47. #OPIjW (I am just watching... ,Providing realtime video feed and Hacking friends house and web cameras so client can stole 4K TV...) A- Class
  48. #OPItT (Increase the Trust, Making songs for some friends... ) A Class
  49. #OPDdB (Drop The Beat, Planting MEGA LOUD Aiwa speakers to troll friend for client when he was sleeping) B+ Class
  50. #OPCoP? (Cro or Pokro? , Assisting Croatian Ticma with Law defense.) S Class
  51. #OPWthI? (Where the hell is?, Helping client to find lost password on his hosting.) A- Class
  52. #OPZoS (Zmaj od Sipova, Ometanje youtube streama i kanala happy televizije , da se spreci zaglupljivanje "Parovima") S+ Class
  53. #OPGM (Gray Market, Pomaganje Kristijanu Golubovicu sa fake sms botovskim glasovima da podedi u "Farmi".) SS Class
  54. #OPWH (WhiteHouse, Hacking and defacing website of whitehouse in washington and leaving trace with robots.txt) SS+ Class
  55. #OPWaS (We are scared... , Allowing other Hacking team to take "Responsability" of hacking Serbian Google. Pakistani 2012. We hacked and just said in contract: "U done that right?") SS+ Class
  56. #OPDamn (Dogs are missing now, Searching and finding lost dogs via GPS tracking and giving back dogs to Owners.) A- Class
  57. #OPTrap (Swating client's Enemy to jail via sending him stoled macbook and removing proofs. ) S+ Class
  58. #OPMtC (Mine that coin... , Helping client with mining rig and cryptocurrency... ) B- Class
  59. #OPBlind? (Helping client with discovering encrypted and hidden files on random HDD he found.) C- Class
  60. #OPBia (Hacking Serbian Secret Service agency "Bia", login details of VPS provided to client. ) S- Class
  61. #OPLtA (Long time ago... , Make sure to nobody know of close friends to "Nixa" died in first month.) A+ Class
  62. #OPAgE (A great Experiment... , Using "Focus" to test rage limits of person and develop mental control. ) S Class
  63. #OPS.L (Speed Limit..., Hacking Modem of client to get faster Internet Service provider speeds via MTS. ) A- Class
  64. #OPZuriosm (Kopiranje digitalnog kljuca za odkljucavanje BMW-a klijenta.) C Class
  65. #OPWnT? (Who need teachers?, Defacing own school website to give evidence why my grades are bad.) D- Class
  66. #OPTsU (Telenor Sim card unlocking for Client.) D Class
  67. #OPTob (Defacing Tourist Organization of Belgrade website) E Class
  68. #OPMjau (Backing up video "MACA - DISKRETNO (OFFICIAL VIDEO)" from youtube and posting deleted scene.) E- Class
  69. #OPGov (Hacking 100 Goverment,100 School and 100 Random Websites databases and BBC in 3 months Challenge) F Class
  70. #OPPrint (Try to use fake credit card at bank Challenge) F+ Class
  71. #OPEineTrade (Helping german client to win a trades in gold market via S- Class
  72. #OPNieTeo ( Helping Poland client to shutdown enemy scammer facebook page who offers Football matches info.) A+ Class
  73. #OPAaS (Arabs are stupid, ... Some Bosnian Client wants to i "make business call" with some Arab and make him invest in his job via Social Eng.) B- Class
  74. #OPWiT? (Who is trolling?... , Helping 1 pizzeria to solve problems who did 100 fake orders and 200 calls that week.) S Class
  75. #OPJoT (Just one time..., Client wants to "remind" guy who owes him money (1K$) that by setting message on his PC (Popup) appear every 1 minute for 30 days.) A- Class
  76. #OPCsF (Chinese Style Fighting..., Client wants to i set image of enemy's naked sister on his enemy PC as background image in fullscreen. ) A+ Class
  77. #OPDavaj (1 Russian client wants to get protection and make sure to recieve Bitcoin money safe without scams.Trade was so dangerous that we needed full RAID.) SS- Class
  78. #OPHorosho (Same russian client from OPDavaj wants to buy some "FIREPOWER" , but the problem is receiving part, hehe, secure the packets to arrive safe.) SS Class
  79. #OPIttsG (It's time to say goodbye,... Making sure to delete all connections and contacts beetween UST so nobody can contact us or prove our Operations, or to we contacted
  80. beetween eachother.) SS+ Class
  82. 60 Najboljih i zanimljivih Operacija izdvojenih za gasenje :)
  83. Ima ih 4 puta vise ali da ne smaramo... :D
  84. ____________________________________________________________________
  85. Copyright: Umbrella Security Team 2017.
  86. ____________________________________________________________________
  87. Cyber-NND-Hydra:
  88. Skype: janko.nenadovic
  89. ____________________________________________________________________
  90. U ime svih zelim da kazem da mi je bilo najlepse, svako sada ide svojim putem, bilo je lepo druzenje sa vama i poznavanje, Take care. NND
  91. Svako ima svoje ciljeve i svoja posla, vreme je da se rastanemo :) Zabava koju sam dobio je nesto najvrednije u zivotu. Hvala vam svima.
  92. Prelazim da zivim: "Normalno" i dosadno. :) Hehe i feel so old i can say "I got this phone 10 years ago..."
  93. Verovatno cu se ljudima iz social life-a svideti vise onakav kakav nisam , nego kakav jesam, pa reko ajd i to da probamo :D
  94. Hvala Filip-u koji me je povukao da se izvucem iz situacije.
  95. Citati: " boli mene kurcina, ja devojke ne bih video da me Relja nije doxovao, tako da sam mu zahvalan stvarno." Filip Lukac 2017.
  96. " Secam se svega hahah :D A i mnogo sam ti zahvalan buraz, izbacio si me iz tog sveta i konano sam postao socijalan lik, ranije se nisam uopste uklopljivao sa okolinom, ali kad sam se odvojio od kompa, mnoge stvari su se promenile, tako da hvala ti " Filip Lukac 2017.
  97. ____________________________________________________________________
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