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Apr 27th, 2017
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  1. xVerinx: long story short jorey thinks i just wnet and unfriended him for no reason when i did a list opurge in december'
  2. Dibbyuk: ^^
  3. Itska: It's simple, very cozy.. and relaxing.
  4. xVerinx: it;s been a you fdid it well i thought you did it
  5. xVerinx: and he accused me of lieing about it to save face in front of momma
  6. xVerinx: ugh
  7. Itska: ._. well that's not very nice.
  8. xVerinx: i'm so siock of rehashing it
  9. Itska: You don't have to, it's ok
  10. xVerinx: and elling people
  11. xVerinx: i feel like i'm bringing you all into drama
  12. Dibbyuk: You aren't.
  13. Itska: It's good to know this, though.
  14. Dibbyuk: I just want....a peaceful family....and dammit after being gone a long time and finally TRULY being happy for once, I'm fighting for this dammit.
  15. xVerinx: it just hurt ya know
  16. Itska: I know..
  17. xVerinx: but i saw i was getting no where so yeah i didn rather shittaly say 'yeah we;re done"
  18. xVerinx: but tonight
  19. xVerinx: i didn't say a word to him
  20. xVerinx: becuase he told me not to talk to him
  21. Itska: families outright scare me. I am not scared here because Tak is my most cherished person and very rawr when protecting his people..and I am sure Dem is too. And I wasn't as the lead of Dolly's, being her father, but she's gone now and everyone scattered, save for Tae, really.
  22. Itska: that's... immature.
  23. Itska: And it makes me sad that you'd be upset whenever he's about because of that
  24. Dibbyuk: And that's why I'm taking care of it, Kitsune.
  25. Dibbyuk: Chris and I both are together.
  26. xVerinx: at least i think he did it might have been don;t whisper me
  27. Itska: ~nods and gently headbutts his arm~ I am glad
  28. xVerinx: i hnestly was just so upset i don;t even really remmeber
  29. xVerinx: i was made he did that in a room full of people we didn;t know
  30. xVerinx: then to just act the way he did when i tried to be the bigger person and rectify it
  31. xVerinx: gah i'm sorry
  32. xVerinx hushes
  33. Dibbyuk: No it's good to let it out honey.
  34. xVerinx: no
  35. xVerinx: to keep it up is making drama mand stiring the shit pot
  36. Itska: If you bottle it up without addressing it, it's toxic
  37. xVerinx: and gives the impression of oh poor me
  38. Itska: we won't think bad of you.
  39. Itska: This isa serious thing, in my book
  40. xVerinx: i'm not going to play the victim card like so many others
  41. Itska: Verin.
  42. xVerinx: i'm not shadi
  43. Itska: You're being a fucking adult trtying to fix something.
  44. Itska: And if that makes people thaty do the same victim card players, that's bs.
  45. Itska: Work it out, it's healthy. And you have people that understand
  46. Itska: So breathe, ok?
  47. Dibbyuk: ^^^^^^
  48. xVerinx: honestly i'm sick of trying
  49. xVerinx: try to get someone to see that they were in the wrong to only to have it all turned back on you
  50. Itska: Then stop.
  51. Itska: Let it get handled.
  52. xVerinx: and trent and candy
  53. Itska: it is useless to try to get someone to see that doesn't want to.
  54. Dibbyuk: Ver honey.
  55. Itska: Work on you.
  56. xVerinx: i stood up for you against trent and candy
  57. Itska: Believe me... I've done this and still do it and it's not worth it.
  58. xVerinx: the more i think about things he said the more pissed i get
  59. Itska: So stop.
  60. Itska: You're forcing yourself to circle the drain. You. It's up to you to breathe.
  61. Dibbyuk: Ugh one moment my mouth is like the fucking Sahara Desert.
  62. Itska: tyt
  63. Itska: Ver, I know you aren't seeing it, but right now you are victimizing yourself. He's probably given it very little thought about it. You are victimizing yourself while simultaneously claiming not to play the victim card. We want you to see and understand that so we can helo you and you can help yourself. Most often, the other person isn't overly concerned any more and we just blow it up and up and up until we are a mess.
  64. xVerinx: i'm so emotionally fucked up
  65. xVerinx: which is ...
  66. Itska: You need to breathe and take a step back, because you're knotting yourself up, hun.
  67. xVerinx: which is exactly what i was trying not to do and did anyway
  68. Dibbyuk has left the chat
  69. Itska: He will be back.
  70. xVerinx: i give up
  71. Itska: No.
  72. xVerinx: i literally can;t do this anymore
  73. Itska: No, you cannot, not the way you are doing it.
  74. Itska: So LISTEN.
  75. xVerinx: i'm making everyone else upset
  76. Itska: Ver.
  77. Itska: My next words may be a bit harsh, but only because I actually care. You are throwing yourself a huge pity party and you need to stop.
  78. Itska: Only YOU are making this harder on yourself.
  79. Itska: So listen.
  80. Itska: Tak and I are trying to help you, trying to get you to see that while what has happened hurts and is a bad thing, you are perpetuating.
  81. Itska: it is now up to you to stop doing that, accpt that you have done it, and work to shake it off, hun.
  82. Itska: Everyone does it.
  83. Itska: Not everyone has people willing to help them stand back up.
  84. Itska: You do.
  85. Dibbyuk has joined the chat
  86. Itska: So take our hands or Imma sling you over my shoulder and kidnap your ass until you start feeling better.
  87. xVerinx: i'm not fucking trying to that is my point
  88. Itska: I get that, but you also aren't trying not to.
  89. xVerinx: i;m sorry
  90. xVerinx: gof damnit ip;m sorry
  91. Itska: At least, that is the vast impression, so listen to us because we are trying to help, love.
  92. xVerinx: i,,. am surrting uop
  93. Dibbyuk: Sweetheart...
  94. xVerinx: i am not saying another word about this
  95. Dibbyuk: Listen okay?
  96. Itska: ~sighs~
  97. xVerinx: please
  98. Dibbyuk: Ver..
  99. xVerinx: i get it ok
  100. Itska: No, you don't.
  101. xVerinx: i get what y9u saying i undersatnad
  102. Itska: Mkay.
  103. xVerinx: yes i do
  104. xVerinx: i need to stop
  105. xVerinx: i need just stop
  106. Itska: brb
  107. Dibbyuk: Honey you have to listen...we love you and we're trying to help. We're not saying you have to 'stop' per say.
  108. Dibbyuk: How many times did I get emotional as hell and completely unload?
  109. xVerinx: he told me to breathe
  110. xVerinx: and to stop talking about it becuase esentially i am doing what i didn;t want to and that is making myself the victim
  111. xVerinx: so i;m rying to just drop it
  112. Itska: agfhoesglisw
  113. xVerinx: and let you and daddy handle it
  114. Dibbyuk: Yes, and that's what you have to do. Breathe and be gentle with yourself....not for anyone else's sake - but for yours.
  115. Itska: I didn't tell you to stop talking, ver.
  116. xVerinx: and i'm frusting ikska whic is frustrating me
  117. Itska: brb
  118. Dibbyuk: You do realize that when your father and I were together the first time...
  119. Dibbyuk: He bottled everything up.
  120. Dibbyuk: Focus on me a moment ok?
  121. Dibbyuk: And what happened to our situation then?
  122. Dibbyuk: Trust's no different.
  123. Dibbyuk: He bottled it all up....and he ended up hurting the people he cared about most.
  124. Dibbyuk: I don't want to see you make that same mistake, sweetheart.
  125. Dibbyuk: Kitsune was trying to tell you that. -smiles-
  126. Dibbyuk: He cares about you a great deal....but all of us combined can only go so far....because you have to help yourself as well. Don't hold things in.
  127. Dibbyuk: For instance, what happens if you toss a mento in a bottle of diet coke and close the lid quickly?
  128. Dibbyuk: I'll wait.
  129. xVerinx: it fisses and overflows
  130. Dibbyuk: Yes.
  131. Dibbyuk: The mento?
  132. Dibbyuk: That's the problems.
  133. xVerinx: disinegarates
  134. xVerinx: yeah and i;m a mento
  135. Dibbyuk: The soda is your mental health.
  136. Dibbyuk: You are neot Ver. Stop that.
  137. Dibbyuk: You're the bottle.
  138. xVerinx: i am i;ve been disinergating for the last year
  139. Dibbyuk: All of these issues are your mento.
  140. Dibbyuk: Not you.
  141. Dibbyuk: The llid is you blocking your own ability to breathe and take things one at a time.
  142. Dibbyuk: Because you're afraid to hurt others, just as they hurt you.
  143. xVerinx: i don;t like to hurt people
  144. xVerinx: i feel like shit when i do
  145. xVerinx: i never understood theese people who could so ruthlessly hurt someone and not care.
  146. Dibbyuk: So then sweetheart...
  147. Dibbyuk: Don't hold it in...or you will.
  148. Dibbyuk: Believe me.
  149. DibbyukDibbyuk Whisper: You see what I'm saying?
  150. xVerinx nods
  151. Dibbyuk: Let it drop off of you like layers of an onion.
  152. Dibbyuk: Tackle each thing one....
  153. Dibbyuk: Not all at once honey.
  154. Dibbyuk: That's the way to ruin yourself.
  155. Dibbyuk: He's awake.
  156. xVerinx mods
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