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Masked Rider Kick Hopper II: Marco Diaz!

a guest
Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. >"Marco Diaz to the Principal's office, Marco Diaz to the Principal's Office" Principal Skeeves' voice blared from the PA causing a diligently studying student to look up from his work.
  2. >Marco Diaz smirked as he got up from his desk "Oooooh," he said aloud "Looks like someone's in trouble" He continued, eyes darting to and fro as he checked to see if anyone was paying attention to him.
  3. >Standing up from his desk and walking to the front of his class he continued "So, I guess everyone who voted me safest kid must be feeling pretty embarrassed right about now!" He said with false smugness
  4. >After asking if he needed a hall pass he was on his way, assured that his little reverse psychology trick had worked.
  5. >For Marco Diaz was the farthest thing from a safe kid, he was a Masked Rider after all. Yes, 14 year old Marco Diaz was Echo Creek's number one hero, Masked Rider Kick Hopper!
  6. >So, to keep his family and friends safe, Marco created the perfect alibi! becoming "the Safe Kid" during the day while fighting the Forces of evil at night
  7. >"Marco!" Skeeves called happily, waving him over "This is our new Foreign exchange student, Star butterfly!" with a sweeping gesture the Principal pointed to a girl who seemed enamored with one of the school's water fountains, Slowly pressing the button before jumping away and growling at it.
  8. >"I need a responsible, never-take-chances type to keep an eye her" He said jovially, reaching out to pat Marco on the shoulder "and who better than you, the Safe Kid?" he asked
  9. >Pulling a face, Marco jerked away with a "WHAT!" before launching into a rapid fire series of no's "I am completely wrong for this, I'm a misunderstood badboy!" he said while crossing his arms and pointing them downwards.
  10. >And then the Principal pinched his cheek and said "You're adorable!" before looking at the treasure chest he'd been holding throught their conversation "Now, I'm off to the Ice-cream shop!" Skeeves said as he began walking away "Daddy's getting all 52 flavors!"
  11. >Marco sighed, before looking back at the girl as she tried to gnaw a hole into the water fountain. Today was going to be stressful.
  12. >From there Marco took the girl on a tour of the school, claiming to be a badboy while warning her about every slightly dangerous thing they came across
  13. >"Frankly, I like taking risks and would Welcome a little more Danger in my life!" Marco flat out lied, his life as a Rider was dangerous enough for him, but it was always good to let people think otherwise.
  14. >Then with a poof of blue dust a butterfly that had been hovering in front of him was transformed into a horrible monster, it roared in Marco's face before snatching up an unlucky student and flying away.
  15. >Marco, now hiding behind Star exclaimed "What in the heck was that!" that was weird, even for a guy that fought crime in bug themed armor.
  16. >"Whoops, heh" the girl tittered "I thought you wanted a little Danger!" she said while shaking her hands, one of which was holding a wand.
  17. >"Who are you?" Marco asked shying away from her, this was way above his paygrade!
  18. >"I'm a magical Princess from another dimension" She explained as she waved her wand over her head, summoning a rainbow with cute creatures hanging off of it.
  19. >Which then burst into flame, sending the creatures running off screaming
  20. >"Welp, that brings us to the end of our tour!" Marco said with a clap of his hands "I'm going home now!" but before he could beat a hasty retreat from the crazy magical girl a scream rang out.
  21. >"MONSTER!" Sabrina screamed as she attempted to run away from a humanoid giraffe only to be constricted by it's long neck. the monster looked her over before casually tossing her away.
  22. >Luckily for Sabrina Marco managed to catch her before she made a painful collision with the ground.
  23. >"Are you okay?" Marco asked her as he helped the injury prone girl get back on her feet
  24. >"Y-yeah! thanks Marco!" Sabrina said before running away from the monster only to trip on a loose tile and fall down some stairs.
  25. >"I'm Okay!" she called from her landing place as Marco scanned the area, everyone else had run away.
  26. >'Two monsters in one day, did that Star Girl make this one too?' Marco pondered as he pulled the Hopper Zecter out of his Hoodie's pocket.
  27. >"Transform!" Marco cried as he slotted it in, feeling the familiar rush of power that always followed becoming the Masked rider.
  28. >"Change: Kick Hopper!" the Zecter exclaimed, signaling the completion of his transformation.
  29. >"Hey, Freak!" Marco called out in challenge, causing the monster to look at him with a furious expression. "You want some of this!?" He roared at the beastman
  30. >with a flick of his wrist the legs of the Hopper Zecter hand been pushed forward causing it to exclaim "Rider: Jump". and Jump Marco did, Marco jumped so high in fact that he'd gone above the Monster's head. with a battle cry, his downward motion brought him down feet first directly into the Monster's face, knocking it silly.
  31. >"Grahh!" the dazed monster screamed before pulling out a pair of scissors and cutting open a portal he could escape into "I'll be back!" were the words the monster left behind.
  32. >in seconds a cheer went up as the students that had hidden from the monster emerged from their hiding place and Marco soon found his Space invaded by Star.
  33. >"THAT was so cool, Marco!" she exclaimed, causing murmurs to spread throughout the gathered crowd of students
  34. >"I have no idea what you're talking about" Marco lied, did she see him transform!?
  35. >"Oh don't be so modest! I saw everything starting with you putting THIS thingy in your belt" she said as she grabbed the Hopper Zecter and removed it from his belt, causing his transformation to revert.
  36. >Marco went pale as Star exposed him to the entire school. Dead silence reigned until Hope started screaming.
  37. >"You're the reason my Dad's in Jail!" Hope screamed as Janna held the furious girl back
  38. >In a panic as people began talking loudly amongst each other Marco grabbed the Zecter out of Star's hands and ran.
  39. >After a while Marco's legs felt like jelly and it was starting to get dark Marco headed home, unsure of whether or not his parents already knew about his double life.
  40. >"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Marco called as he walked in the front door, only to see Star Butterfly nestled in between his Parents.
  41. >'oh no' Marco though.
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