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a guest
May 26th, 2018
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  1. Account Information:
  2. Server: EUNE
  3. Level: 44
  4. Riot Points: 72
  5. Blue Essence: 2446
  6. Rank: Bronze I - 0 LP
  7. Previous season rank: Unranked
  8. Champions (41):
  9. [spoiler]
  10. Ahri
  11. Alistar
  12. Amumu
  13. Anivia
  14. Annie
  15. Ashe
  16. Blitzcrank
  17. Dr. Mundo
  18. Draven
  19. Evelynn
  20. Garen
  21. Graves
  22. Heimerdinger
  23. Jax
  24. Jhin
  25. Jinx
  26. Kalista
  27. Katarina
  28. Kayle
  29. Lee Sin
  30. Leona
  31. Malphite
  32. Master Yi
  33. Morgana
  34. Nami
  35. Nunu
  36. Poppy
  37. Ryze
  38. Singed
  39. Sion
  40. Sivir
  41. Sona
  42. Soraka
  43. Tristana
  44. Tryndamere
  45. Varus
  46. Vayne
  47. Veigar
  48. Warwick
  49. Xayah
  50. Xin Zhao
  51. [/spoiler]
  52. Skins (7):
  53. [spoiler]
  54. Angler Jax
  55. Boom Boom Blitzcrank
  56. Earnest Elf Tristana
  57. Ironside Malphite
  58. Kitty Cat Katarina
  59. Sherwood Forest Ashe
  60. Traditional Lee Sin
  61. [/spoiler]
  62. Rare Skins (0):
  63. [spoiler]
  64. [/spoiler]
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