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May 24th, 2018
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  1. Okay so... in all honesty, D... I don't know what Art is going to do, all I'm aware of is that he's not focusing on romance like he told you and that he's going with the flow, like he told you. He hasn't been around and I'm certain he was talking in a joking way in that conversation, because he himself told me so. Other than that, you need to understand that you're not a 'prop' or anything like that because a lot of people care DEEPLY about you (both IC and OOC), me among them. So it hurts when you say stuff like that, you know? You say the Dean thing is important to you and okay, yeah I get it... but it's not the only thing, the rp is not about that. For instance, Thea and Sam spent a year broken up, and I mean a year irl and that didn't stop me from rping, it didn't make me leave...
  2. And when you say those things? It hurts me, not only because of the fact that you're the best Cas I've read, but also because I care about you and I want you to be around, cause I'm starting to consider you my friend
  3. ☾astiel - Today at 6:48 PM
  4. Okay first of all stop trivialising it to 'focusing on romance' in case you didn't know it isn't just about that. Also I'm perfectly aware there's more to the RP than that, I've been here for months and rped with Dean ONCE, so don't try and make it like I haven't been rping without him because that's literally all I've done. Also if you knew it was important to me, then again you wouldn't trivialise it. and if Art wants to talk to me, he can, you don't need to play owl between us.
  6. And what about me being hurt? what about what I for MY character for the RP? I told you I would stay on the condition that I got to work toward Destiel, and now once again, that's being snatched away. Don't make this about you or Sam or Thea. Sam's known Thea, what? A couple of years? Dean and Cas have known each other eight years and been through more together, so don't compare it.
  8. And who are all these people that suddenly care? They made themselves very scarce when it comes to actually supporting me..
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